Look at the bright side, HA libbies: Since Tuesday, climate change is no longer the greatest threat to national security. Instead, it’s the president-elect, amirite?
In Trump, U.S. Puts a Climate Denier in Its Highest Office and All Climate Change Action in Limbo
If only President Obama had achieved in consultation with Congress rather than relying so heavily on unilateral moves that can be so quickly undone.
Oh, well. Good thing I’ve already got my subsidized solar shit.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Beginning with last September I think that a football game’s winner should be the team with the most yards gained.
Beginning with last April I think that a baseball game’s winner should be the team which had the most runners safely reach base.
Meanwhile the precious snowflakes are having cry-ins.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
The baseball team with the most fans in attendance over the course of a regular season should be awarded the World Series trophy.
Congratulations again, Yankees.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 We rabbits don’t give a damn if you stupid humans suffocate yourselves. In fact, we look forward to it, because when you do, we’re going to fill your niche and run this place. If electing Trump brings that day closer, yay for us! A little heat doesn’t bother us. We just burrow down a little farther into the soil where it’s cooler, and the longer growing season means more lettuce for all of us.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump has a new transition team leader. He fired Christie and replaced him with Pence. That’s payback for not supporting Trump. The Godfather has spoken!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 6
You neglected to mention that every night you consume your own feces.
Although any of us who read what you write in the mornings already know that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Speaking of eating shit, doc, how will you live on Medicare reimbursement checks after Medicare is no more? Oh, that’s right, you’re going to retire and become a useless capitalist like me. I made five figures in the last two days. Sure beats doing honest work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Trump voters will not like what happens next.” — Garrison Keillor
“The Trumpers never expected their guy to actually win the thing, and that’s their problem now … the disasters he will bring on this country will fall more heavily on them than anyone else. The uneducated white males who elected him are the vulnerable ones, and they will not like what happens next.”
“Resentment is no excuse for bald-faced stupidity. … Whooping it up for the candidate of cruelty and ignorance does less than nothing for your kids.”
“We liberal elitists are now completely in the clear. The government is in Republican hands. Let them deal with him. Democrats can … go for a long , brisk walk and smell the roses.”
“His supporters voted for change, and boy, are they going to get it.”
We liberal elitists are now completely in the clear.
Being a liberal means never having to accept responsibility for the consequences of your actions.
In that regard Goldy is truly one of the most elite.
It’s Comey’s fault. It’s the media’s fault. It’s Bernie’s fault. It’s the fault of the BernieBros. It’s the fault of white people.
The list is long, but it doesn’t permit self-incrimination, does it, Goldy?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “Being a liberal means never having to accept responsibility for the consequences of your actions.”
Are you auditioning for Saturday Night Live? Sounds like it.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 6
Trump has a new transition team leader. He fired Christie and replaced him with Pence.
GOP: “Governor Christie, you’re facing unresolved legal issues. We need you to stand down in favor of someone without these concerns.”
Dems: “Secretary Clinton, despite your clearly apparent legal and ethical challenges we would very much like you to be our standard-bearer this year. We have ensured that your primary opponents will receive little support, incorrect information, and have stacked the superdelegate list in your favor. And if that’s not enough, the debates are rigged for you, both with scheduling and content. “
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mrs. Rabbit just informed me that she read a post in which Boob claims I lost money in the stock market this year. I don’t recall seeing that one, but it isn’t true. This has been a challenging year for stock investors, but my portfolio’s 2016 total return (annualized) is around +6% following a weak summer, and this will improve if we get the traditional Santa Claus rally. I’m overweighted in oil stocks, so I’ll do better than the market averages if crude prices rise in response to an OPEC production deal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “GOP: ‘Governor Christie, you’re facing unresolved legal issues. We need you to stand down in favor of someone without these concerns.'”
You’re delusional if you think that’s the reason Trump sacked Christie. Do you really think Trump gives a damn about unresolved legal issues, when he has plenty of his own? This was payback, pure and simple, and you’re going to see a lot more of it, because that’s the kind of person Trump is.
Ten Years After - Roger Rabbit is a liberal progressive troll. THERE! FIXED!spews:
Garrison Keillor illustrates why Clinton lost the support of many white men without college degrees. Calling them “uneducated” illustrates perfectly the elitist attitude Hillary Clinton and other Democrats have toward working people who don’t choose to vote for these arrogant bastards and their new-socialist, anti-freedom agenda.
White men who have technical and honest trades resent being looked down upon people who get college “degrees” in such ridiculous subjects as “gender studies” or “black studies.” I’d much rather have a guy who can fix my heat pump in society than some social justice warrior snowflake who hasn’t had the sufficient life experience to criticize anyone. All these cupcakes can hope for with their “degrees” is a job as a barista or waitress/waiter.
Liberal progressives, if you want to win back the White House, Senate and House, stop being the elitist snobs you’ve been throughout this entire election cycle. Snobbery doesn’t work.
On veterans day, to show our support for our new President and to promote our nation’s success through the performance of our civic duty, it is my great privilege to invite any male Trump voter born after 1960 to update your information with the Selective Service System https://www.sss.gov/
And if you have not yet reached your 26th birthday, and have not yet registered, you may still do so with no penalty whatsoever.
Maintaining a current registration with the Selective Service System is required in order to qualify for most home loans, business loans, job training, educational training, student loans, and most state drivers licensing. Falsifying an application for any of these programs or benefits could be a felony and may be prosecuted in federal court.
If you are registered in good standing I congratulate and thank you. If you are active duty, National Guard, Reserve, or a veteran I thank you wholeheartedly for your service to our great nation. Good citizenship is a key part of making America great!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 The educated elites didn’t kick the working class out of the Democratic Party. The latter left of their own free will. If they insist on voting for a party that habitually screws them over, there’s not much we can do for them. We can’t save their jobs, pensions, or health care if they keep voting for people who profit by taking those things away. The guys who work in trades won’t have jobs without college-educated engineers, scientists, and managers to design products, build factories, and run production lines. As for racists and bigots, we don’t want them in our party. We have no use for such people; they’re a blight on society. P.S., belittling education with remarks like yours is the height of snobbery.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 13
…but my portfolio’s 2016 total return (annualized) is around +6% …
Allow me to offer my congratulations on your $600 total annualized return this year, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You would have earned 8% YTD instead of 6% annualized had you invested in an index fund. You would also not have had reason to bore the hell out of all of us with your daily bloviations.
Permit me as well to offer my condolences to Ms. Dumbfuck Rabbit for having chosen such a worthlesssubpar mate.
That weak rally you hope will occur as Trump’s inauguration approaches will also increase the S&P 500’s YTD return, and you will still be behind.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Anti-Trump protesters march for 3rd night; Portland police call it a ‘riot’
You know, I think all that is left is for a HA moderator to defend Senate Democrat obstruction of Trump because Donald is Donald and Dems want him to be a one-term president, and the wholesale conversion of HA libbies from what they claimed to stand for in 2009 will be complete.
My work here is nearly done.
Ten Years After - Roger Rabbit is a liberal progressive troll. THERE! FIXED!spews:
The truth hurts doesn’t it, Roger.
I don’t belittle STEM folks at all. It’s the fuzzy studies that are the ones I’m talking about. Get an education that matters, not some bullshit degree in crapola!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
The dumb senile wabbit claimed – The educated elites didn’t kick the working class out of the Democratic Party.
WRONG again senile wabbit idiot. The libtard channels on teevee and radio said the libtard elites FORGOT the uneducated working class for the college educated millennials. Hence the ASS-kicking!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Hey, speaking of educations that matter:
Daughter Of Slain Dallas Police Officer Disinvited From Giving Honorary First Serve At SMU Volleyball Game Because Of Election Results
One would think that SMU libbies could have registered their disapproval by, say, burning down the GWB43 presidential library, which is right fucking there.
But no. SMU libbies needed to do about the most disgusting thing imaginable. “Hey, sorry your daddy died in the act of ensuring our safety, but we didn’t like how Tuesday night turned out for us, so fuck you, really.”
On the Twitter sidebar Goldy is desirous of a wave election in 2018. Keep acting like this, libbies, and there’s gonna be a wave, alright. But more like 2014 than 2006.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Q: Mommy, where do midterm election red waves come from?
A: Sally Kohn ✔ @sallykohn
Republicans are planning to repeal Obamacare just when half the country desperately needs insurance that covers trauma counseling.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Well, today the stock market finally fully realized the devastating effect that a Trump presidency will have on our nation’s economy, as the DJIA rose fewer than 40 points.
Hillary won the popular vote genius. What does that say to you?
Another troll will readily answer that: she lost. Wow how incisive!
In any other country she would have won. The electoral college is a dinosaur that has failed to do what its designers intended almost from day one. But I digress.
White men who have technical and honest trades resent being looked down upon people who get college “degrees” in such ridiculous subjects as “gender studies” or “black studies.”
Now who’s being the snob? Sounds like you’re calling people who went to college and studied things you don’t like “dishonest”. Don’t you believe in a free country? I thought you were a glibertarian. People who go to college make a choice to be educated – at whatever the fuck they please. What they do with their education is up to them. If they work waiting tables or a coffee stand or go back to school to learn an in-demand profession and they’re happy?
Sounds like the “white men” you’re talking about HAVE JOBS. What’s their beef? Oh they’re disrespected? Pooor babies that get their feefees hurt by an urban barista with a degree that’s not on your approval list.
You are tone deaf. The people who made the difference for Drumpf don’t have fucking jobs or enough work to matter. Some never voted in their lives.
NO THANKS TO REPUBLICANS. I highly doubt Drumpf working hand in glove with those SAME REPUBLICANS will do JACK SHIT for them.
Drumpf’s priorities:
1) Erase the black guy’s legacy. ACA, DACA, etc. The white man wants to be “respected”. Bring back pre-existing conditions, lifetime limits, etc. and replace with crappy “affordable” insurance that doesn’t do shit when people get sick. The good old days.
2) Cut taxes to the rich to “create jobs”. Bush tax cuts on steroids. Those tax cuts worked great in 2008. Just double, triple them, whatever
3) Repatriate overseas corporate profits and tax them at PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR to enrich big shareholders and corporate executives. And bring in some paltry income to the U.S. Treasury so HA trolls can bloviate: “half a loaf”. If freaking only.
4) Deport the “illegals”. Young refugees who escaped gang strife, drug and sex trafficking in their native countries. Round up the adults working in Republican owned agribidnesses and sweatshops. Deportation “Force”. Ship them south of the borders in cattle cars. Small government at its finest.
5) Build some shit with some of the money from 3 and the rest from the tax cuts (yeah right). This will be the lipstick on the pig of making the rich filthier rich.
6) Give the utilities full support to burn as much coal as they can get… If they’d rather use fracked gas – incentivize i.e. order them. There’s “jobs” aka coal operator campaign contributions to Republicans – at stake.
7) Get into an all-out trade war with the rest of the world – the new Smoot Hawley.
8) Once the country starts to get mired in a Drumpf Depression, start a war somewhere to distract the rubes and boost Faux Snooze Channel ratings.
Is it time yet to call Drumpf the WORST.PREZNIT.EVER?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 25
Is it time yet to call Drumpf the WORST.PREZNIT.EVER?
You know, I don’t think so. Barack Obama was president for nearly a year before he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, YLB.
I think you should at least wait until 12:01 PM on January 20th of next year before making that pronouncement. Give Trump time to earn it.
I’ve checked my files repeatedly, and I still find no record of any of the Trump adult male children ever having registered with my Selective Service System.
Probably a mere oversight. Busy people.
I just hope they haven’t falsified any loan applications, state tax filings, or other New York state applications. Any body recall what party <<<>>> Eric Schneiderman belongs to?
Barack Obama was president for nearly a year before he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, YLB.
Like Barack lobbied for that, SBD…
Oh did I get those letters wrong?
No brainer prediction that Drumpf will more than lobby, more than earn taking over’s GWB’s mantle. Looking over Politico, its got a good head of steam going already. #impeachthesonofabitch
my oh myspews:
Caution: Beware of exploding heads for next 4 years.
“im with her!” hahahaha..lolz
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 25
In any other country she would have won.
1. One of the least relevant things you could have said, YLB. And given your track record, that should tell you something.
2. Iran? Yeah, I don’t think she would have prevailed there. Probably not Yemen, Qatar, UAE either.
Gotta tell you, YLB, I’m truly enjoying your despair. You should go without sleep more often. I might be tempted to hang around.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Hey, YLB:
Here’s sort of a Venn diagram question:
– Countries with reputations of treating women horribly.
– Countries that have donated generously to The Clinton Foundation.
How large would you say the overlap between the two categories might be, YLB?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 It’s a free country. If you want to tuck away your Medicare millions in index funds, be my guest. Nothing’s stopping you. Somebody’s gotta buy stocks, too, or you won’t have an index.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Got a problem with Democrats behaving like Republicans? As I recall, less than a week ago, a lot of Trump supporters were talking about violently overthrowing our government if their candidate didn’t win. And now you’re bitching about an itsy bitsy riot and a few broken windows in Portland, Oregon? Just sayin’.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 What other people study is none of your business. Go back to your sweeping.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Well, I was certainly wrong about the election. I thought for sure Hillary Clinton would win. After all, she had Goldman Sachs and the Wall Street crowd on her side, and the Gimme Dats and the Free Stuff people were certainly on board for Clinton. I think it was the level of distrust people have for Hillary. She’s just not someone we can trust. Trump is still untrustworthy, too, but apparently the voters think Hillary Clinton is even more untrustworthy.
Hillary is about as untrustworthy as a hungry fox in the hen house.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Hey rodent, you gal lost! Hard to believe, I know, but she got beat by Donald Fucking Trump of all people!
Suck on that for a while, rodent.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Right. We forgot them when we fought for Social Security, Medicare, unemployment benefits, workplace safety regulation, pension and health care benefits, collective bargaining rights, minimum wage and overtime laws, child labor laws, etc. Hey, if they want to entrust their welfare to the tender mercies of the party of the corporate bosses and financial manipulators. that’s their business. It’s a free country. They have a constitutional right to shoot their own balls off.
@31 FUCK YOU! Even Hamilton tried to reform the EC. He failed and we’ve been stuck with its absurdities ever since.
You can go back to jerking off to some more Breitbart. Join Rudy’s crew and their circle jerk at the FBI.
I’m truly enjoying your despair.
Yep you’re the type. Stay as long as you’d like. We’ll ride this shit wagon into the pit for all its worth.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 Somebody FUBARed, but SMU made it right.
“The SMU Volleyball program extends its sincere apologies to the Smith family and is reaching out this morning to speak directly to Mrs. Smith to apologize and reinforce that the invitation stands. This incident does not reflect SMU values.
“Due to a change in staffing, there was a breakdown in communication that led to this unfortunate situation. This communication to Mrs. Smith would never have occurred if proper approval and communications procedures had been followed. The invitation was intended to help a family heal, and we very much look forward to Victoria’s first serve in the volleyball match Saturday.
“SMU values the service and sacrifices of all first responders and honored Victoria’s father, Sgt. Michael Smith, as well as Dallas police officers Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, and Patrick Zamarripa, DART Officer Brent Thompson, SMU Officer Mark McCullers and University Park Fire Department Chief Bob Poynter at the annual First Responders football game earlier this fall.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s unclear how this came about in the first place. Maybe there were concerns for the girl’s safety in case anti-Trump demonstrations erupted on campus.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 “The electoral college is a dinosaur that has failed to do what its designers intended almost from day one.”
Actually, the electoral college worked fairly well for several decades for its intended purpose, which was to preserve slavery.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 Does Worst. Candidate. Ever. work for you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s a prediction: Drumpf WON’T win a Nobel Prize. He lacks Bob Dylan’s gift for poetry. He’s also a fucking militarist.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 “Gimme Dats”
Racist much?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 You seem to forget that I was not an enthusiastic Clinton supporter, and voted for her because the only alternative was a racist, bigoted, groper who cheats everyone who does business with him, which is not someone I felt comfortable entrusting with the nuclear codes. Apparently you don’t have that problem. Sleep well.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 39
Maybe there were concerns for the girl’s safety in case anti-Trump demonstrations erupted on campus.
You know, you might have a point, there. Wouldn’t be the first time something was cancelled because of that concern:
Upon further examination of my files, I’m detecting a disturbing pattern of absences of registrations for my Selective Service System among the counties and precincts that voted overwhelmingly for President Elect Trump.
I suppose those voters must all be adult women or born before 1960. Maybe I’ll have some of my people look into it in the next few months.
Any other “decent country” use the electoral college?
Let’s see (wikipedia):
Burundi, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Myanmar, Pakistan, Trinidad and Tobago[8] and Vanuatu. Both the French Senate and the Seanad Éireann (Senate) in Ireland are chosen by electoral colleges. Within China, both Macau[9] and Hong Kong each have an Election Committee which functions as an electoral college for selecting the Chief Executive and formerly (in the case of Hong Kong) for selecting some of the seats of the Legislative Council.
Real barn burners those. Roll ’em if you got ’em.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Some voters are less picky than others.
“A New Hampshire lawmaker wanted by police for failing to show up for a court hearing was re-elected and arrested on the same day. … Republican state Rep. Dick Marple was sitting outside a polling place with his campaign signs on Election Day when an officer recognized him.”
Heh. No. Christie’s outside voices must have hurt Donilld’s feefees and bruised its thin skin during the primaries..
So the bully Chris has been put in the dunce chair.
Mark Adamsspews:
@5 In the event that there isn’t enough oxygen for humans then rabbits fare about as well as humans.
If you are a rabbit of a species west of the cascades you are not going to fare well in a warmer or dryer climate. You will be replaced by another rabbit species, perhaps one from the Spokane area. Those dumb bunnies and ones with a bit of glow from the Tri cities will replace you, and enjoy living in your digs.
Mark Adamsspews:
@16 Should that not include women? Thus brining up the one reason I did not vote for the Democratic Senator. I believe the policies she supports means that when I ask if she supports drafting women for combat that I should get an emphatic yes to the question, and she didn’t give me that answer. With women in combat roles and now able to volunteer clearly having only men apply in this manner is unconstitutional. Or we need our Senate to have a real discussion on the matter.
Mark Adamsspews:
@17 The Democratic party would benefit if it truly supported Unions. IE got on board with the Union Label concept. That would include when you go to purchase stuff you look to see Union Label is on what your buying. It means supporting the industries those laborers are in. Free trade is great, but our steel workers are great too. As far as the Democratic party having shown the door to bigots and racists that is not true. You are speaking from a parochial that the rest of America is like Washington state. Washington state is pretty mellow when it comes to race unless you are talking about Asians or Native Americans. It still took a Federal Court to insure the tribes got the fishing rights grated them by treaty. Japanese citizens sent to camps and came back didn’t get their land back, and had to start from scratch. Sons and daughters who happen to have gotten that land from their moms and dads are likely to be members of the Democratic party. The Democratic party has racists and bigots in it. It’s a big tent and they are there.
Mark Adamsspews:
@25 While you can argue Clinton got a plurality of the vote. Trump walked away having won 30 states. There have been 10 elections where the President didn’t have a plurality of the vote. In many other contrives the President must get a majority of the vote and there would be another election until a candidate gets a majority. Other countries require everyone to vote (Australia). Since no one got majority why not throw the election to the House. Oh you think they would go for Trump or even maybe even the Libertarian, and since Trump took 30 states he should win the House.
Maybe the Constitution should be changed, but it’s not likely to happen and if it did then candidates would run their campaign and concentrate on the big states with a lot of votes, and seeing how close the election was with neither major party candidate getting a majority it does become a bit of coin toss. Maybe the states doing winner take all should be changed. Perhaps Washington state should start by changing the process here. If you are in Oregon then get your state to change how it does electors. Good luck in that endeavor, but it’s likely to have more success than a Constitutional change. It would be more likely to create a situation where the US House decides the President.
Mark Adamsspews:
@22 The Democrats will pick up House seats in 2018. The only question is how big a wave it will be. Unfortunately on the Senate side the advantage goes to the Republicans, the Democrats will do well to keep the number of seats they have. The Republican’s should pick up seats in the Senate.
Mark Adamsspews:
@27 You know posing as the Director of the Selective Service is probably a Federal offense. Nor is it likely that the Director has asked for or knows if any particular individual has filed. Even his own son. It’s likely the rules prevent him from finding out. If you want to keep the charade I’ll be glad to notify the FBI you are masquerading on here as a official of the US government.
Kim Jun Dungspews:
@1 a lot of good your subsidized solar is going to when you run out of fucking water, or even before that I send my missiles over there for you little right wingers.
Kim Jun Dungspews:
Boob’s work is nearly done here. Is he thinking of killing himself. I’d start supporting Drumpf if that is the outcome.
Kim Jun Dungspews:
&49 yes. Hopefully they predicted right and the protesters start to arm and shoot when they see the white of their hoods.
Kim Jun Dungspews:
@26 with a stupid post like that you fail to realize Drumpf beat the whole fucking stupid Republican Party. HAhahaha.
I look forward to showing you my missles!
Kim Jun Dungspews:
@54 my missles will get those rascally rabbits!
Kim Jun Dungspews:
@59 just don’t tattle tale on the KKK.
Has it sunk in yet? Stocks are up!spews:
Heads still exploding!
Kim Jun Dungspews:
No loss here. You sound nervous of my missles though.
Has it sunk in yet? Stocks are up!spews:
Lol…..your dumbass pathetic socialist nation couldnt shoot a turd in a toilet….
Not worried at all….go feed your people
Question…..how come all communist/marxist countries, throughouy the entire last century as well as this one, can never seem to feed their own people.
Question two; knowing this, why do people like Sawant and their sycophants(goldy) still pimp for this failed ideology?
Ah. I see. I also find no records of your having registered with my Selective Service System.
Are you really sure you want to risk having the FBI find out about all the applications you’ve falsely sworn to? Do you want to lose your drivers license? Your mortgage? Your student loans? Small business loans?
Well, that’s none of my business, either way. I just keep the records and encourage folks to register. It’s our civic duty, you know. I find it rather odd that you’d object to that. Even to the point of making these threats. Telling.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 69
Seventeen years ago I bought 27 US postage stamps. When I opened the package there were 28. I didn’t return the extra stamp.
I need to come clean, man. What form do I use to plead for amnesty?
Look at the bright side, HA libbies: Since Tuesday, climate change is no longer the greatest threat to national security. Instead, it’s the president-elect, amirite?
In Trump, U.S. Puts a Climate Denier in Its Highest Office and All Climate Change Action in Limbo
If only President Obama had achieved in consultation with Congress rather than relying so heavily on unilateral moves that can be so quickly undone.
Oh, well. Good thing I’ve already got my subsidized solar shit.
Beginning with last September I think that a football game’s winner should be the team with the most yards gained.
Beginning with last April I think that a baseball game’s winner should be the team which had the most runners safely reach base.
Meanwhile the precious snowflakes are having cry-ins.
The baseball team with the most fans in attendance over the course of a regular season should be awarded the World Series trophy.
Congratulations again, Yankees.
@1 We rabbits don’t give a damn if you stupid humans suffocate yourselves. In fact, we look forward to it, because when you do, we’re going to fill your niche and run this place. If electing Trump brings that day closer, yay for us! A little heat doesn’t bother us. We just burrow down a little farther into the soil where it’s cooler, and the longer growing season means more lettuce for all of us.
Trump has a new transition team leader. He fired Christie and replaced him with Pence. That’s payback for not supporting Trump. The Godfather has spoken!
@ 6
You neglected to mention that every night you consume your own feces.
Although any of us who read what you write in the mornings already know that.
@7 Speaking of eating shit, doc, how will you live on Medicare reimbursement checks after Medicare is no more? Oh, that’s right, you’re going to retire and become a useless capitalist like me. I made five figures in the last two days. Sure beats doing honest work.
“Trump voters will not like what happens next.” — Garrison Keillor
“The Trumpers never expected their guy to actually win the thing, and that’s their problem now … the disasters he will bring on this country will fall more heavily on them than anyone else. The uneducated white males who elected him are the vulnerable ones, and they will not like what happens next.”
“Resentment is no excuse for bald-faced stupidity. … Whooping it up for the candidate of cruelty and ignorance does less than nothing for your kids.”
“We liberal elitists are now completely in the clear. The government is in Republican hands. Let them deal with him. Democrats can … go for a long , brisk walk and smell the roses.”
“His supporters voted for change, and boy, are they going to get it.”
@ 9
We liberal elitists are now completely in the clear.
Being a liberal means never having to accept responsibility for the consequences of your actions.
In that regard Goldy is truly one of the most elite.
It’s Comey’s fault. It’s the media’s fault. It’s Bernie’s fault. It’s the fault of the BernieBros. It’s the fault of white people.
The list is long, but it doesn’t permit self-incrimination, does it, Goldy?
@10 “Being a liberal means never having to accept responsibility for the consequences of your actions.”
Are you auditioning for Saturday Night Live? Sounds like it.
@ 6
Trump has a new transition team leader. He fired Christie and replaced him with Pence.
GOP: “Governor Christie, you’re facing unresolved legal issues. We need you to stand down in favor of someone without these concerns.”
Dems: “Secretary Clinton, despite your clearly apparent legal and ethical challenges we would very much like you to be our standard-bearer this year. We have ensured that your primary opponents will receive little support, incorrect information, and have stacked the superdelegate list in your favor. And if that’s not enough, the debates are rigged for you, both with scheduling and content. “
Mrs. Rabbit just informed me that she read a post in which Boob claims I lost money in the stock market this year. I don’t recall seeing that one, but it isn’t true. This has been a challenging year for stock investors, but my portfolio’s 2016 total return (annualized) is around +6% following a weak summer, and this will improve if we get the traditional Santa Claus rally. I’m overweighted in oil stocks, so I’ll do better than the market averages if crude prices rise in response to an OPEC production deal.
@12 “GOP: ‘Governor Christie, you’re facing unresolved legal issues. We need you to stand down in favor of someone without these concerns.'”
You’re delusional if you think that’s the reason Trump sacked Christie. Do you really think Trump gives a damn about unresolved legal issues, when he has plenty of his own? This was payback, pure and simple, and you’re going to see a lot more of it, because that’s the kind of person Trump is.
Garrison Keillor illustrates why Clinton lost the support of many white men without college degrees. Calling them “uneducated” illustrates perfectly the elitist attitude Hillary Clinton and other Democrats have toward working people who don’t choose to vote for these arrogant bastards and their new-socialist, anti-freedom agenda.
White men who have technical and honest trades resent being looked down upon people who get college “degrees” in such ridiculous subjects as “gender studies” or “black studies.” I’d much rather have a guy who can fix my heat pump in society than some social justice warrior snowflake who hasn’t had the sufficient life experience to criticize anyone. All these cupcakes can hope for with their “degrees” is a job as a barista or waitress/waiter.
Liberal progressives, if you want to win back the White House, Senate and House, stop being the elitist snobs you’ve been throughout this entire election cycle. Snobbery doesn’t work.
On veterans day, to show our support for our new President and to promote our nation’s success through the performance of our civic duty, it is my great privilege to invite any male Trump voter born after 1960 to update your information with the Selective Service System https://www.sss.gov/
And if you have not yet reached your 26th birthday, and have not yet registered, you may still do so with no penalty whatsoever.
Maintaining a current registration with the Selective Service System is required in order to qualify for most home loans, business loans, job training, educational training, student loans, and most state drivers licensing. Falsifying an application for any of these programs or benefits could be a felony and may be prosecuted in federal court.
If you are registered in good standing I congratulate and thank you. If you are active duty, National Guard, Reserve, or a veteran I thank you wholeheartedly for your service to our great nation. Good citizenship is a key part of making America great!
@15 The educated elites didn’t kick the working class out of the Democratic Party. The latter left of their own free will. If they insist on voting for a party that habitually screws them over, there’s not much we can do for them. We can’t save their jobs, pensions, or health care if they keep voting for people who profit by taking those things away. The guys who work in trades won’t have jobs without college-educated engineers, scientists, and managers to design products, build factories, and run production lines. As for racists and bigots, we don’t want them in our party. We have no use for such people; they’re a blight on society. P.S., belittling education with remarks like yours is the height of snobbery.
@ 13
…but my portfolio’s 2016 total return (annualized) is around +6% …
Allow me to offer my congratulations on your $600 total annualized return this year, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You would have earned 8% YTD instead of 6% annualized had you invested in an index fund. You would also not have had reason to bore the hell out of all of us with your daily bloviations.
Permit me as well to offer my condolences to Ms. Dumbfuck Rabbit for having chosen such a
worthlesssubpar mate.That weak rally you hope will occur as Trump’s inauguration approaches will also increase the S&P 500’s YTD return, and you will still be behind.
Anti-Trump protesters march for 3rd night; Portland police call it a ‘riot’
You know, I think all that is left is for a HA moderator to defend Senate Democrat obstruction of Trump because Donald is Donald and Dems want him to be a one-term president, and the wholesale conversion of HA libbies from what they claimed to stand for in 2009 will be complete.
My work here is nearly done.
The truth hurts doesn’t it, Roger.
I don’t belittle STEM folks at all. It’s the fuzzy studies that are the ones I’m talking about. Get an education that matters, not some bullshit degree in crapola!
The dumb senile wabbit claimed – The educated elites didn’t kick the working class out of the Democratic Party.
WRONG again senile wabbit idiot. The libtard channels on teevee and radio said the libtard elites FORGOT the uneducated working class for the college educated millennials. Hence the ASS-kicking!
Hey, speaking of educations that matter:
Daughter Of Slain Dallas Police Officer Disinvited From Giving Honorary First Serve At SMU Volleyball Game Because Of Election Results
One would think that SMU libbies could have registered their disapproval by, say, burning down the GWB43 presidential library, which is right fucking there.
But no. SMU libbies needed to do about the most disgusting thing imaginable. “Hey, sorry your daddy died in the act of ensuring our safety, but we didn’t like how Tuesday night turned out for us, so fuck you, really.”
On the Twitter sidebar Goldy is desirous of a wave election in 2018. Keep acting like this, libbies, and there’s gonna be a wave, alright. But more like 2014 than 2006.
Q: Mommy, where do midterm election red waves come from?
A: Sally Kohn ✔ @sallykohn
Republicans are planning to repeal Obamacare just when half the country desperately needs insurance that covers trauma counseling.
Well, today the stock market finally fully realized the devastating effect that a Trump presidency will have on our nation’s economy, as the DJIA rose fewer than 40 points.
18,847.66, up 39.78.
@15 As ignorant a rant as I’ve read.
Hillary won the popular vote genius. What does that say to you?
Another troll will readily answer that: she lost. Wow how incisive!
In any other country she would have won. The electoral college is a dinosaur that has failed to do what its designers intended almost from day one. But I digress.
Now who’s being the snob? Sounds like you’re calling people who went to college and studied things you don’t like “dishonest”. Don’t you believe in a free country? I thought you were a glibertarian. People who go to college make a choice to be educated – at whatever the fuck they please. What they do with their education is up to them. If they work waiting tables or a coffee stand or go back to school to learn an in-demand profession and they’re happy?
Sounds like the “white men” you’re talking about HAVE JOBS. What’s their beef? Oh they’re disrespected? Pooor babies that get their feefees hurt by an urban barista with a degree that’s not on your approval list.
You are tone deaf. The people who made the difference for Drumpf don’t have fucking jobs or enough work to matter. Some never voted in their lives.
NO THANKS TO REPUBLICANS. I highly doubt Drumpf working hand in glove with those SAME REPUBLICANS will do JACK SHIT for them.
Drumpf’s priorities:
1) Erase the black guy’s legacy. ACA, DACA, etc. The white man wants to be “respected”. Bring back pre-existing conditions, lifetime limits, etc. and replace with crappy “affordable” insurance that doesn’t do shit when people get sick. The good old days.
2) Cut taxes to the rich to “create jobs”. Bush tax cuts on steroids. Those tax cuts worked great in 2008. Just double, triple them, whatever
3) Repatriate overseas corporate profits and tax them at PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR to enrich big shareholders and corporate executives. And bring in some paltry income to the U.S. Treasury so HA trolls can bloviate: “half a loaf”. If freaking only.
4) Deport the “illegals”. Young refugees who escaped gang strife, drug and sex trafficking in their native countries. Round up the adults working in Republican owned agribidnesses and sweatshops. Deportation “Force”. Ship them south of the borders in cattle cars. Small government at its finest.
5) Build some shit with some of the money from 3 and the rest from the tax cuts (yeah right). This will be the lipstick on the pig of making the rich filthier rich.
6) Give the utilities full support to burn as much coal as they can get… If they’d rather use fracked gas – incentivize i.e. order them. There’s “jobs” aka coal operator campaign contributions to Republicans – at stake.
7) Get into an all-out trade war with the rest of the world – the new Smoot Hawley.
8) Once the country starts to get mired in a Drumpf Depression, start a war somewhere to distract the rubes and boost Faux Snooze Channel ratings.
Is it time yet to call Drumpf the WORST.PREZNIT.EVER?
@ 25
Is it time yet to call Drumpf the WORST.PREZNIT.EVER?
You know, I don’t think so. Barack Obama was president for nearly a year before he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, YLB.
I think you should at least wait until 12:01 PM on January 20th of next year before making that pronouncement. Give Trump time to earn it.
I’ve checked my files repeatedly, and I still find no record of any of the Trump adult male children ever having registered with my Selective Service System.
Probably a mere oversight. Busy people.
I just hope they haven’t falsified any loan applications, state tax filings, or other New York state applications. Any body recall what party <<<>>> Eric Schneiderman belongs to?
Like Barack lobbied for that, SBD…
Oh did I get those letters wrong?
No brainer prediction that Drumpf will more than lobby, more than earn taking over’s GWB’s mantle. Looking over Politico, its got a good head of steam going already. #impeachthesonofabitch
Caution: Beware of exploding heads for next 4 years.
“im with her!” hahahaha..lolz
@ 25
In any other country she would have won.
1. One of the least relevant things you could have said, YLB. And given your track record, that should tell you something.
2. Iran? Yeah, I don’t think she would have prevailed there. Probably not Yemen, Qatar, UAE either.
Gotta tell you, YLB, I’m truly enjoying your despair. You should go without sleep more often. I might be tempted to hang around.
Hey, YLB:
Here’s sort of a Venn diagram question:
– Countries with reputations of treating women horribly.
– Countries that have donated generously to The Clinton Foundation.
How large would you say the overlap between the two categories might be, YLB?
@18 It’s a free country. If you want to tuck away your Medicare millions in index funds, be my guest. Nothing’s stopping you. Somebody’s gotta buy stocks, too, or you won’t have an index.
@19 Got a problem with Democrats behaving like Republicans? As I recall, less than a week ago, a lot of Trump supporters were talking about violently overthrowing our government if their candidate didn’t win. And now you’re bitching about an itsy bitsy riot and a few broken windows in Portland, Oregon? Just sayin’.
@20 What other people study is none of your business. Go back to your sweeping.
Well, I was certainly wrong about the election. I thought for sure Hillary Clinton would win. After all, she had Goldman Sachs and the Wall Street crowd on her side, and the Gimme Dats and the Free Stuff people were certainly on board for Clinton. I think it was the level of distrust people have for Hillary. She’s just not someone we can trust. Trump is still untrustworthy, too, but apparently the voters think Hillary Clinton is even more untrustworthy.
Hillary is about as untrustworthy as a hungry fox in the hen house.
Hey rodent, you gal lost! Hard to believe, I know, but she got beat by Donald Fucking Trump of all people!
Suck on that for a while, rodent.
@21 Right. We forgot them when we fought for Social Security, Medicare, unemployment benefits, workplace safety regulation, pension and health care benefits, collective bargaining rights, minimum wage and overtime laws, child labor laws, etc. Hey, if they want to entrust their welfare to the tender mercies of the party of the corporate bosses and financial manipulators. that’s their business. It’s a free country. They have a constitutional right to shoot their own balls off.
@30 Ok asshole. OECD country. My fucking bad.
@31 FUCK YOU! Even Hamilton tried to reform the EC. He failed and we’ve been stuck with its absurdities ever since.
You can go back to jerking off to some more Breitbart. Join Rudy’s crew and their circle jerk at the FBI.
Yep you’re the type. Stay as long as you’d like. We’ll ride this shit wagon into the pit for all its worth.
@22 Somebody FUBARed, but SMU made it right.
“The SMU Volleyball program extends its sincere apologies to the Smith family and is reaching out this morning to speak directly to Mrs. Smith to apologize and reinforce that the invitation stands. This incident does not reflect SMU values.
“Due to a change in staffing, there was a breakdown in communication that led to this unfortunate situation. This communication to Mrs. Smith would never have occurred if proper approval and communications procedures had been followed. The invitation was intended to help a family heal, and we very much look forward to Victoria’s first serve in the volleyball match Saturday.
“SMU values the service and sacrifices of all first responders and honored Victoria’s father, Sgt. Michael Smith, as well as Dallas police officers Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, and Patrick Zamarripa, DART Officer Brent Thompson, SMU Officer Mark McCullers and University Park Fire Department Chief Bob Poynter at the annual First Responders football game earlier this fall.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s unclear how this came about in the first place. Maybe there were concerns for the girl’s safety in case anti-Trump demonstrations erupted on campus.
@25 “The electoral college is a dinosaur that has failed to do what its designers intended almost from day one.”
Actually, the electoral college worked fairly well for several decades for its intended purpose, which was to preserve slavery.
@26 Does Worst. Candidate. Ever. work for you?
Here’s a prediction: Drumpf WON’T win a Nobel Prize. He lacks Bob Dylan’s gift for poetry. He’s also a fucking militarist.
@35 “Gimme Dats”
Racist much?
@36 You seem to forget that I was not an enthusiastic Clinton supporter, and voted for her because the only alternative was a racist, bigoted, groper who cheats everyone who does business with him, which is not someone I felt comfortable entrusting with the nuclear codes. Apparently you don’t have that problem. Sleep well.
@ 39
Maybe there were concerns for the girl’s safety in case anti-Trump demonstrations erupted on campus.
You know, you might have a point, there. Wouldn’t be the first time something was cancelled because of that concern:
David Burge
DePaul: sorry, Ben Shapiro might bring a risk of violence to campus
Me: violence by whom?
DePaul: us
Upon further examination of my files, I’m detecting a disturbing pattern of absences of registrations for my Selective Service System among the counties and precincts that voted overwhelmingly for President Elect Trump.
I suppose those voters must all be adult women or born before 1960. Maybe I’ll have some of my people look into it in the next few months.
Any other “decent country” use the electoral college?
Let’s see (wikipedia):
Real barn burners those. Roll ’em if you got ’em.
Some voters are less picky than others.
“A New Hampshire lawmaker wanted by police for failing to show up for a court hearing was re-elected and arrested on the same day. … Republican state Rep. Dick Marple was sitting outside a polling place with his campaign signs on Election Day when an officer recognized him.”
@45 Wasn’t it Republicans who promised us gunfire in the streets if their candidate lost?
So Drumpf got his tweeter back and whined about the protesters..
And the thin-skinned a-hole deleted his tweets where he called for protests of Barack winning his 2nd term.
Just a quality guy!
Oh wow. Just heard that Drumpf is listing its company’s various bidness properties on a .gov address..
Not even sworn in and it’s using the government to enrich itself.
Conflict of interest..
I may be a little late, but want to say Thank you to all veterans.
Chris Christie was too corrupt for even Drumpf?
Heh. No. Christie’s outside voices must have hurt Donilld’s feefees and bruised its thin skin during the primaries..
So the bully Chris has been put in the dunce chair.
@5 In the event that there isn’t enough oxygen for humans then rabbits fare about as well as humans.
If you are a rabbit of a species west of the cascades you are not going to fare well in a warmer or dryer climate. You will be replaced by another rabbit species, perhaps one from the Spokane area. Those dumb bunnies and ones with a bit of glow from the Tri cities will replace you, and enjoy living in your digs.
@16 Should that not include women? Thus brining up the one reason I did not vote for the Democratic Senator. I believe the policies she supports means that when I ask if she supports drafting women for combat that I should get an emphatic yes to the question, and she didn’t give me that answer. With women in combat roles and now able to volunteer clearly having only men apply in this manner is unconstitutional. Or we need our Senate to have a real discussion on the matter.
@17 The Democratic party would benefit if it truly supported Unions. IE got on board with the Union Label concept. That would include when you go to purchase stuff you look to see Union Label is on what your buying. It means supporting the industries those laborers are in. Free trade is great, but our steel workers are great too. As far as the Democratic party having shown the door to bigots and racists that is not true. You are speaking from a parochial that the rest of America is like Washington state. Washington state is pretty mellow when it comes to race unless you are talking about Asians or Native Americans. It still took a Federal Court to insure the tribes got the fishing rights grated them by treaty. Japanese citizens sent to camps and came back didn’t get their land back, and had to start from scratch. Sons and daughters who happen to have gotten that land from their moms and dads are likely to be members of the Democratic party. The Democratic party has racists and bigots in it. It’s a big tent and they are there.
@25 While you can argue Clinton got a plurality of the vote. Trump walked away having won 30 states. There have been 10 elections where the President didn’t have a plurality of the vote. In many other contrives the President must get a majority of the vote and there would be another election until a candidate gets a majority. Other countries require everyone to vote (Australia). Since no one got majority why not throw the election to the House. Oh you think they would go for Trump or even maybe even the Libertarian, and since Trump took 30 states he should win the House.
Maybe the Constitution should be changed, but it’s not likely to happen and if it did then candidates would run their campaign and concentrate on the big states with a lot of votes, and seeing how close the election was with neither major party candidate getting a majority it does become a bit of coin toss. Maybe the states doing winner take all should be changed. Perhaps Washington state should start by changing the process here. If you are in Oregon then get your state to change how it does electors. Good luck in that endeavor, but it’s likely to have more success than a Constitutional change. It would be more likely to create a situation where the US House decides the President.
@22 The Democrats will pick up House seats in 2018. The only question is how big a wave it will be. Unfortunately on the Senate side the advantage goes to the Republicans, the Democrats will do well to keep the number of seats they have. The Republican’s should pick up seats in the Senate.
@27 You know posing as the Director of the Selective Service is probably a Federal offense. Nor is it likely that the Director has asked for or knows if any particular individual has filed. Even his own son. It’s likely the rules prevent him from finding out. If you want to keep the charade I’ll be glad to notify the FBI you are masquerading on here as a official of the US government.
@1 a lot of good your subsidized solar is going to when you run out of fucking water, or even before that I send my missiles over there for you little right wingers.
Boob’s work is nearly done here. Is he thinking of killing himself. I’d start supporting Drumpf if that is the outcome.
&49 yes. Hopefully they predicted right and the protesters start to arm and shoot when they see the white of their hoods.
@26 with a stupid post like that you fail to realize Drumpf beat the whole fucking stupid Republican Party. HAhahaha.
I look forward to showing you my missles!
@54 my missles will get those rascally rabbits!
@59 just don’t tattle tale on the KKK.
Heads still exploding!
No loss here. You sound nervous of my missles though.
Lol…..your dumbass pathetic socialist nation couldnt shoot a turd in a toilet….
Not worried at all….go feed your people
Question…..how come all communist/marxist countries, throughouy the entire last century as well as this one, can never seem to feed their own people.
Question two; knowing this, why do people like Sawant and their sycophants(goldy) still pimp for this failed ideology?
Hmm….marxists should be an extinct species
Ah. I see. I also find no records of your having registered with my Selective Service System.
Are you really sure you want to risk having the FBI find out about all the applications you’ve falsely sworn to? Do you want to lose your drivers license? Your mortgage? Your student loans? Small business loans?
Well, that’s none of my business, either way. I just keep the records and encourage folks to register. It’s our civic duty, you know. I find it rather odd that you’d object to that. Even to the point of making these threats. Telling.
@ 69
Seventeen years ago I bought 27 US postage stamps. When I opened the package there were 28. I didn’t return the extra stamp.
I need to come clean, man. What form do I use to plead for amnesty?