Eric Earling of (un)Sound Politics has given up blogging for a paying gig on the other side of the media relations divide. Eric was a relative voice of reason on (u)SP (even when, as usual, he was dead wrong), and I genuinely wish him the best of luck.
But I’m not nearly as sanguine toward the blog he leaves behind.
After our friend Stefan burnt out or lost interest or went into rehab or whatever has distracted him from blogging, Eric quickly became (u)SP’s most prolific writer, and his departure will surely leave a big hole. How big? (u)SP recently went nearly two days without an update (three if don’t count Pudge’s contributions as actual posts), and one of the first rules of blogging is that you don’t keep your audience if you don’t keep up the frequency.
I know how much I’ve come to rely on my HA co-bloggers to keep the content fresh; it will be interesting to see how Stefan copes with losing his top contributor.
GBS spews:
**BAAARRRFFFF** all over (u)SP. Just like the Family Guy episode.
Who gives a rat’s ass about that conservative blog? It’s a microcosm of the conservative political movement: irrelevant.
Mark1 spews:
Goldy is just jealous that Eric found a real, paying job, and is able to “keep” a woman. SoundPolitics will continue to thrive despite it’s loss, much to the dismay of Goldy and the other regular five posters here.
YLB spews:
Earling? Good riddance. The guy wrote so much ignorant garbage to tow the right wing talking points line it wasn’t funny.
He bored me to tears. At least the Minnow was a bit more entertaining in the crazy department. Oh and Jim Miller? Both crazy and totally boring.
I won’t even start with pudge.
Mr. Cynical spews:
Eric was reasonable…but not nearly as reasonable as I am.
Hey, how about a little levity around here!
Milo spews:
That was good.
ByeByeGOP spews:
Yeah the right wing turds have lost all their courage. They’ve been beaten like step-children and they’re doing exactly what I predicted they’d do once their chance at faux outrage (i.e. the bullshit about Rossi being robbed) was played out.
Publicans are cowards – we all know it. Steffy is a bitch who no doubt spends his time sucking his wife’s dick. He hasn’t got the courage of his convictions. He doesn’t really believe in anything. He’s just another old, angry, irrelevant, WASP with nothing but anger, fear and bullshit to sell. Good riddance to that asswipe.
Mr. Cynical spews:
6. ByeByeGOP spews:
Sadly, this is one of ByeBye’s more understandable posts.
How about this vulgar diatribe for han ds-down Golden Goat.
ByeBye has already been enshrined in the Rusty Pinhead Hall of Shame…and received a lifetime achievement award for his vulgarity, stupidity and zero content efforts.
The Golden Goat would give him the Grand Slam.
He’s the Tiger Woods of nasty-ass stupidity.
proud leftist spews:
Cynical @ 7
As a proud winner of the Goat, you certainly are entitled to a vote. Thank you for your participation in the process.
Mr. Cynical spews:
The pleasure is all mine!
ByeByeGOP spews:
ANOTHER horrible, terrible, debilitating, devastating, horrifying, agonizing day for the right wing traitors like CynCyn and his fellow pervert Puffybutt. AMERICA had a great day at the market. 2.25% increase in the DOW thanks to the incredible, insightful, brilliant, wise positions of our leader PRESIDENT OBAMA! As the market rises and we work our way out of the Bush depression, the right wingers cry and moan and wonder how they will be able to win back votes since the fear they hoped would follow the failure they prayed for hasn’t happen. Right wing Publican turds hope America fails. Patriots in the Democratic party hope America wins. Day after day we bitch-slap these idiots and there’s not ONE MOTHERFUCKING THING the cunts can do about it! LOL!
pudge spews:
Goldy, say what you like about me, but you are a proven liar. What’s really funny is how angry you get when I point out this fact, and how you disappear when I provide facts backing it up.
YLB spews:
11 – You’re not worth the time of day.
Luigi Giovanni spews:
pudge at Sound Politics is the equivalent of Will Kelley-Kamp at
I don’t count pudge’s contributions.
Stefan isn’t a WASP.
Broadway Joe spews:
Perhaps they’re all ‘going Galt’……
Either way, good riddance to bad rubbish.
ByeByeGOP spews:
Pudge prove that Goldy is a liar. From what I’ve seen of your posts you’re the one who lies. Of course being a Publican you probably can’t help it. You folk get raised that way and raise your kids that way right? It’s okay to lie in service of your TRUE God which is the Publican party. All ANYONE has to do to get you on their side is call themselves a Publican. You’re a simpleton. Go waive your Confederate flag at someone else. Nobody here cares.
Mr. Cynical spews:
13. Luigi Giovanni spews:
It was your goon, ByeBye, who said Stefan was a WASP. Nice useful idiot in your kamp.
Unkl Witz spews:
It truly does seem like the end for these poor schmucks. Their world view has been turned on its head by facts on the ground and their ideology has been soundly repudiated by the electorate.
They spent years attempting to convince us and themselves that spending hundreds of billions destroying Iraq was a good investment of taxpayer dollars, and are now howling about the wastefulness of spending it rebuilding our own infrastructure.
They spent those same years trying to convince us and themselves that Dino was going clean up in the Governor’s race this time, and now must face the fact that, once again, it wasn’t even close.
Their national party leader has been humiliated at the hands of their own national spokesperson. And their brightest star is a vitriolic former Speaker of the House who left office in disgrace over 10 years ago.
Now they find themselves reduced to feigning outrage over crap like Obama’s “Special Olympics” comment and passing out copies of Atlas Shrugged.
It is their winter of discontent.
Oh, And Pudge calls everyone a liar if he disagrees with their point of view. He seems to think that is an effective way to settle any arguement; just call the other guy a liar. I believe it’s because his psychological development was somehow arrested in the sixth grade.
Daddy Love spews:
Earling? Not the worst of the asshats. Hey, that’s the first time I’ve used that term. Hmmm…not bad.
Anyway, how is it surprising that the GOP is actually doing the exact opposite of its publicly stated goal of getting “with it” and getting jiggy with all of the new social and communications technologies? They ALWAYS do the opposite of what they say.
Third, or ‘C’ as I sometimes put it, how weird was it that CNN felt compelled to put a real-time DJA ticker in the corner of the scren as Barack Obama did his Internet town hall? WTF, do they really think that it rises as falls on a minute-to-minute basis depending on how the president answers a question from East Buttfuck? We deserve better press.
And iv, isn’t it cool that Barack is plowing all of this new ground in presidential communication? Every president from this ddy forward will do all of the things that he is doing now for the first time.
Daddy Love spews:
GOP budget announcement today. The “plan?” Undo the stimulus, and tax cuts for the rich.
Wow. Fucking wow.
Roger Rabbit spews:
It won’t surprise me if Stefan’s pathetic little blog goes under. Some things don’t catch on simply because they lack intrinsic merit.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@2 Isn’t it just like a wingnut to think men’s role is to “keep” women, and to think that women want to be “kept.” Mark’s social training is appropriate for, say, 1880.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@4 “Eric was reasonable…but not nearly as reasonable as I am. Hey, how about a little levity around here!”
If you keep posting comments like this, we’ll have plenty of levity around here.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@10 I made $2300 today without working for it. Plus I get a nifty 66% discount on my taxes for not working! Why anyone works under capitalism and Republican taxes is a fucking mystery.
Luigi Giovanni spews:
Yes, my bad. I should have referenced 6. I’m not associated with ByeBye.
Manny spews:
Not just the top contributor. Earling was the only sane guy over there.
Mr. Cynical spews:
23. Roger Rabbit spews:
You sold nothing.
You made nothing.
You only get Long-Term Capital Gains rates if you hold the stock over 1 year.
Just thought I’d clarify things for you Rog.
You’re welcome.
pudge spews:
Eh. I’ll just show a couple whoppers to prove the point.
* “Sarah Palin’s documented desire to ban books from the Wasilla public library” (no such documentation exists, including no one with firsthand knowledge even claiming it)
* “Darcy Burner does indeed have a degree from Harvard in computer science and economics” (lie by omission, because Burner said she had a degree “in economics,” full stop, and SHE DOES NOT HAVE A DEGREE IN ECONOMICS, as we all know)
I’ve plenty more examples. Meanwhile, no one here has ever shown an example of me lying. Unkl Witz is also a known liar, and he tells another lie here: “Pudge calls everyone a liar if he disagrees with their point of view.” Obviously false. There are many people I disagree with that I don’t call a liar (demo kid being an obvious and present example). I only call people liars when they persistently tell lies. And I *always* back up my claim when I make it.
What’s sad is that people like Witz try to make it seem like calling someone a liar is a crime, while actually BEING a liar is just a part of public discourse.
manoftruth spews:
well you know pudge, even if palin did ban books, i dont think libtards should complain. do u think libtards wouls want to ban a book that denies the holocaust, or do u think they’ed say, oh thats just wonderful.
Unkl Witz spews:
That’s pretty sketchy evidence of lying Pudgie. Not too sure you’re going to get him convicted of perjury on those two issues.
But that’s beside the point. You just aren’t going to win a lot of arguments by simply closing with “he’s a liar”, much less “he’s a proven liar.” You’ll understand this later in life when you reach a little higher level of maturity. Right now we’re willing to forgive because you’re young and obviously still experimenting with your ideology.
Unkl Witz spews:
By the way, it turns out lying is very much a part of the public discourse. The R’s perfected it in the 90’s and used it via radio talk shows to completely poison any bi-partisan efforts hence.
In Pudgie’s defense though, we simply cannot accuse him of lying. He really believes the crap he writes. He no doubt sincerely feels it is reality. It’s hard, having to simply ignore so much of the objective information he receives each day just to keep his ideology intact.
We really do feel bad for you Pudgie
What'sittoya spews:
SP will live on.
Btw, here’s a tidbit for you all here at HA: a family friend spent last year in England and tells of her friend there who had a dental emergency. The Brits have socialized dental care, which means there is no incentive to work any more/harder than you must if you are a dentist there. SHE WAS TOLD THERE WAS A SIX-MONTH WAIT TO GET HER DENTAL PROBLEM FIXED.
HA-ers, are you really that desperate to have that crappy level of care for yourselves? Surely you can’t be. six-month waits for dental care??? have you ever heard of such a thing here? Me neither.
ByeByeGOP spews:
Pudge is a PROVEN liar.
That took five seconds to find bitch. That shows that Palin has a documented desire to ban books. Goldy – relying on DOCUMENTATION told the truth and you Pudge – with a big dick in your ass LIED. What else is new. Do you even know what the truth is?
This is too easy and this is exactly why we beat you punks in Nov 4. You got nothing.
Real American spews:
@ 27 pudgie, @ 28 is one of yours.
Read it, and weep for your ideology.
Real American spews:
@ 31, yeah, I keep seeing those countries with universal health care constantly complaining and protesting, demanding for insurance company middlemen and their premiums!
What an intellectual zygote.
Mr. Cynical spews:
Unkl spews-
Perjury is lying under oath.
Lying is….lying!
Good work pudge
Real American spews:
@ 33
Trust an expert.
Don Joe spews:
@ 30
In Pudgie’s defense though, we simply cannot accuse him of lying.
Actually, we can, and I have. Pudge has a habit of omitting material facts from time to time.
ObamaNerd spews:
Weird, SoundPolitics miraculously has three new posts pre-dated and pre-timed before this article went up. How unusual.
Richard Pope spews:
Crappy content or not, isn’t Sound Politics still drawing nearly twice the daily traffic as Horse’s Ass? Pretty sad, considering that HA has several interesting posts every day, and SP tends to only have a couple new things in a given day, assuming they even add anything at all.
K spews:
And here’s another one about Palin and books
Real American spews:
@ 36 unemployed hillbilly wingnuts with nothin’ else to do?
ByeByeGOP spews:
Now Pudge will demonstrate the typical cut and run trait of all Publican ass-wiping cowards and will pretend we didn’t just out his lying ass – so accordingly, I suggest all future references to Pudge be – PUDGE THE PROVEN LIAR & CUNT.
manoftruth spews:
so i take u yentels have no problems with books that deny the holocaust
Highlander spews:
So what is a free society supposed to do with books that deny the holocaust- burn them?
Rick D. spews:
Near as I can tell, most, if not all of the contributors on SP are gainfully employed and blogging when they have time on their hands. Unlike the juveniles both contributing and posting here at Goldy’s goat farm, they have lives and families and probably hobbies more interesting than banging away on a keyboard like someone without a life like many of the regulars here.
Alternately, Goldy’s goatflock here post 24/7, seemingly the same reprobates appear hour after hour, day after day (YLB, ByeBye,Roger Roadkill, et al) because they’re the most unproductive members of society. They’re most likely jobless, without spouses or children, and their most enjoyable hobby appears to be hanging out at Goldy’s goatfarm posting the same meaningless drivel post after post, thread after thread. As I’ve said before, this isn’t a political debate site, it’s a waste treatment center for juveniles with scatalogical obsessions.
While their messiah is calling the nation to donate their time, contribute, and whatever other insincere babbling that dribbles off of the teleprompter for him to read, they sit idly by waiting for the next thread from Goldy,Will, Jon, etc to appear. Frankly, I think the lot of you are a bunch of sad sacks, but hey, that’s just one mans opinion.
..and Goldy, for a pathetic malingerer, you certainly have worked hard at avoiding work.
YLB spews:
41 – LMAO!!! Lots of original content there…
Little Rickie Dumbass.
Rick D. spews:
@42~ right on cue…..proving my point above. Nice job.
YLB spews:
44 – proved not a thing except you’re a loser. Remember Larry Sinclair?
Little Rickie Dumbass.
Mr. Cynical spews:
Rick D spews:
What a nice and eloquent way of calling these KLOWNS Looooooooooooooosers!
Be careful though Rick…you don’t want to take 6 minutes to not answer a direct question like the Messiah!
Rick D. spews:
Wow, for once I agree with YLB even if it is about himself. I’ll leave that contradiction above to you and your court appointed therapist to figure out, YLB.
Mr. Cynical: I only wade into Goldy’s sewer for brief stints these days. The level of hate here at HA is palpable and as we all know, misery loves company. The jubilation of political victory is short lived when you have a miserable existence outside of politics. Exhibit A is this blog.
YLB spews:
46 – Oh excuse me little Ricky Dumbass!
Oh those fond memories of Little Ricky Dumbass waiting to gloat over a McSame victory. How’d that work out for you?
Hate? You’ve showed nothing but since you first came here and lied about leaving.. Lately you’ve actually been following through on that. Your loserosity must have gotten the better of you. Until now at least.
Come here more often so I can call you as I see you:
little Rickie Dumbass.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@27 She does so have a degree “in economics,” numbnuts!
Roger Rabbit spews:
@31 This argument is as popular with troglodytes as reverting to the gold standard. If it were true, no one in any European country would ever get any medical or dental care.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@33 So, if we can get you trolls under oath, does that mean we can put all of you in jail? Just wondering.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@36 That’s because the average SP reader has to click on it 7 times to read it once.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Rickie Dickhead @41: You’re confused about who the goat farmer is.
proud leftist spews:
Ah, we’re seeing some 4th quarter competition for the Goat. I was getting worried. Little Ricky Dipshit has entered the competition, Pudge has thrown his hat into the ring, manoftruth spews the racism that the other trolls want to spew. Ramp it up, boys. Grab that Goat!
Liberals are Scumbags spews:
I read Proud Leftist gave out a Golden Goat last week. He must be the goat farmer.
Rick D. spews:
Considering the level of intelligence you get from the average poster at HA, it’s not that surprising Richard- some of the more intellectual commenters said:
…and yet, Goldy can’t figure out why the traffic to his waste treatment facility is so low. A real head-scratcher for the liberals here.
ByeByeGOP spews:
Don’t forget that Rick D. walks around with a big black dick in his ass and his wife pulls trains on the high school football team.
Liberals are Scumbags spews:
Are you always this vile?
czechsaaz spews:
Anecdotal evidence. Niiiiice!
Try this one.
I have a friend who just moved back to Seattle from Washington D.C. She told me her roommate did Jaeger shots with Rick Santorum at Old Ebbert’s Grill and they both ended up wasted and making out in a limo while snorting coke off a $3,000 an hour hooker’s backside.
I can’t prove my story is true any more than your dental myth is true. But then, you can’t prove my story is false either…
Anecdotal evidence makes a VERY weak-ass argument.
proud leftist spews:
Dear Liberals are Scumbags:
I apologize for leaving you out of my post above concerning trolls fervently competing for this week’s Goat. You, indeed, are in the scrum. Throw some elbows, man, catch your second wind, and try to tackle that Goat. I have to say, though, that your style reminds me of another troll. Are you sock puppeting?
With all due respect,
proud leftist
sparky spews:
All we need now is Duhfman to assure all these SPr’s that they are “spot on” and how they have “wiped the floor” with those here. lol
manoftruth spews:
roger, did u say jail?
yeah lets put the jew sandy berger, he of the putting classified documents down his pants, in jail. roger tell me, how is it that berger did not do time for that. ya think because he’s a jew with connections all the way to tel aviv, the real seat of power
proud leftist spews:
Your anecdote was quite believable until you said the hooker off whom Santorum snorted was $3,000 an hour. Goodness, he was a fiscal conservative. There is simply no way I can believe he would hire a hooker charging more per hour than Elliott Spitzer paid. $1,000 per hour maybe, but not $3,000.
czechsaaz spews:
I’m pretty sure you’re one of the losers who think I’m Lucy and accuse me of being a racist.
What exactly does Sandy Berger’s religious beliefs have to do with any actions he may have taken. (And no, look at actual investigation testimony, he did not stuff anything in his socks, pants, bunghole or whatever you righties are hung up on.) But he did pay a $50,000 dollar fine which is about right for a first time offender.
Should we bring up Neil Bush’s 3-time offender offspring who has served only 10-days jail time for possession in a state mandated rehab as long as we’re jumping to, “I’ll take totally irrelevent jurisprudence for $400, Alex?”
Nah, I’ll just stick to the the fact that you just demonstrated an irrational distrust/hatred of Jews. That would be racist, no?
@ 62, If we meet, I’ll buy you a beer. Nice joke! The extra cash is cause he needed to find one willing to do man-on-dog…
Dick Cheney spews:
@ 61 Sandy Berger? I shit more crimes during my sleep than that layabout has done his whole life!
Hell, I had a mercenary squad at my command to “off” world leaders!
Iraq War? My idea. I made the case for it out of whole cloth. Cost Trillions of dollars, and hundreds of thousands of lives!
Wiretapping American citizens phones? I know how to reach out and touch someone.
Torture? I did that for fun.
I pissed on the constitution for grins and giggles, and destroyed energy economies for mild amusement!
And you bring up Sandy Berger? I tried to destroy the whole fucking planet! And I almost succeded!
So don’t give me any Sandy bush-league Berger (pardon the pun.. or die).
Highlander spews:
Well, having been there (SW England, Ireland, and Wales), I know the truth to be somewhat different: dental “emergencies” are treated like any other emergency- in the ED or clinic, and ASAP, usually in under an hour. You are given a starter pack of antibiotics if necessary after your exam, and sent home, essentially the same thing you will get in this country after hours. Most of the bullshit that the right likes to spew forth about universal healthcare is just that. If things were so bad in all those other countries that have it, why is it they won’t give it up? They have longer average life-expectancies, lower infant mortality rates, shorter recovery times, and each citizen pays less (about half on average), in total annual costs for their healthcare than we do, because we think it’s OK to pay the pharmaceutical companies, insurance carriers, and hospital corporations 30-40% more (pure profit), and get sub-standard care in return. Hell, the guy in Canada’s Parliment who started the whole idea of a single-payer system for their people is considered their most admired citizen, years after his death. (Canada’s system, BTW, is probably a more effecient system than the one in England, but both are much more popular than anything found in the U.S.)
czechsaaz spews:
You also have to wonder what the “Emergency” is. Is it like the mother who drives their kid to the Emergency Room with a quarter inch 1st degree burn and then berates every nurse/doctor she can find that her “baby” is too hurt to wait for the real emergency patients to be seen?
I currently have a small enamel chip in one of my teeth. (Accident involving a pen in the mouth and a head-butt under the chin by a 2 year-old who I still thing is pretty damn cute.) I called my dentist and he asked if I was in pain. I said no. He told me we might as well wait for my six month appointment unless it starts to cause me discomfort. He told me if I came in under emergency my insurance would probably dick me around and may or may not pay the emergency visit if it wasn’t serious. I’m so totally and utterly O.K. with waiting.
proud leftist spews:
My son had a medical emergency in rural British Columbia a few years back. We got him to the ER, where he had excellent care. The nurses and doctor gave a damn, and there was no waiting. The problem was correctly diagnosed and treated. Even as foreigners, our bill came to a grand total of about $50. I’ll take universal healthcare over what we have any day. Governing by anecdote is, of course, nonsense. But, if you do want anecdotes, shall we open up the field to those who have not received good care from American healthcare providers?
Liberals are Scumbags spews:
Throw some elbows, man, catch your second wind, and try to tackle that Goat. I have to say, though, that your style reminds me of another troll.
Throw some elbows? I’m in the mix because of my style? Try to tackle the Goat? Throw some elbows?
You wrote you practiced civil law. Courtroom banter? Throwing elbows happens in the UFC or Pride Style Fighting. Is there a Octagon Ring somewhere? Tackle the goat? Farm goat or Mountain Goat? Smelly animals. I like Cocker or Springer Spaniels. A stout Bulldog is good too.
Liberals are Scumbags spews:
Throw some elbows, man, catch your second wind, and try to tackle that Goat. I have to say, though, that your style reminds me of another troll. Are you sock puppeting?
Throw some elbows? I’m in the mix because of my style? Try to tackle the Goat? Throw some elbows?
You wrote you practiced civil law. Courtroom banter? Throwing elbows happens in the UFC or Pride Style Fighting. Is there a Octagon Ring somewhere? Tackle the goat? Farm goat or Mountain Goat? Smelly animals. I like Cocker or Springer Spaniels. A stout Bulldog is good too.
Sock Puppeting? Sock Puppets. I have to look that up.
Highlander spews:
It’s my understanding that most people in the UK do not have dental that is part of the NHS, so dental is a common kick-around for the right over here to point out the short comings of the NHS to people who are not familiar with it anyway.
But if you take a common medical emergency, like an asthma attack, or chest pain, the truth is, you are likely going to get seen and treated in about the same amount of time. The stark difference is who will be paying for it, and how much. When you compare the Brits, where the costs per patient are about $3300 annually (for all care received) to the typical American, whose costs are roughly double that. Americans are still left to deal with co-pays, deductables, meds, and various uncovered procedures. My friends over there are paying approximately 3% more in total taxes compared to us. None of them, not one, wants to sack their NHS for our “system”, and the Brits normally complain about everything!
When was the last time anyone here paid $15 for a kid’s antibiotics?
What'sittoya spews:
Funny how people here are in such denial about the sorry state of dentistry in UK. British dentistry is not known for its innovation, and it’s more than a stereotype that brits are known for having bad teeth. This crappy dental care isn’t helping. The patient in question was told to go to the drugstore and buy some OTC filling material and stuff it in her teeth. Needless to say, she wouldn’t be treated like that here. You guys should move there if that level of care impresses you. Because it sure doesn’t impress many of us over here.
czechsaaz spews:
Hey Proud Leftist
Someone told me a similar story about their child at a conference table at the Olympic Hotel about a year ago. Is there a chance we’ve met? If you are who I currently suspect you are I have no interest in revealing what I know. I had a major scare with my son and have the greatest respect for the same institution that was at the heart of the story told to me that afternoon.
Highlander spews:
Proud Leftist:
I’m glad things turned out well while you were up in BC. Had to be pretty unnerving as a parent to experience that. As far as opening up the forum for “Scary Tales from the ER Parking Lot”, I dunno- I know there’s a lot of those. There’s a lot of them in nationalized programs as well. But contrary to what Faux News and Humana/HCA has been trying to tell us, there is no vast majority of citizens in either Canada or Britain that would trade their healthcare for ours. The true definition of that group would be “tiny minority”, bordering just above “non-existant”.
proud leftist spews:
I’d say it’s been at least 4 or 5 years since I’ve been to the Olympic for any conference, but, hell, years fly by, maybe it was just last week. The emergency room was in Merritt. Does that help?
Highlander spews:
Try to keep up here…dentistry is not covered by the NHS in most areas. Dental care, like plastic surgery and some elective care, can be covered by purchasing private insurance (for those of you who still believe it’s ok for someone to make a huge profit from your illnesses). If you are privately insured, you will get moved to the “front of the line” for non-urgent needs. And in this country, unless you break off a tooth, you are not going to be seen after hours by a dentist. And when it happens during regular hours in the UK, you will be seen quicker if you have private insurance (gee, what country does THAT sound like?)
Do you have any fact-based stories, particularly ones having to do with medical emergencies?
proud leftist spews:
Maybe I’m wrong (I often am), and you are actually new here. That would be a breath of fresh air. A sense of humor among our trolls has been sorely missing lately. That would make me think that you might be sock puppeting the last troll that had a sense of humor here, but, nah, it couldn’t be him . . . He got a job. He’s supposed to be serious now.
czechsaaz spews:
Probably not. The person I’m thinking of would probably need to keep anonymity as he is a recognizable local public figure. It just seemed like a suddenly “small world” situation.
proud leftist spews:
Americans have such wonderful and affordable access to top-notch dental care, don’t they? Where do you live, my friend, Medina? Quit bruising your gums, just stop talking.
pudge spews:
Witz@29: I proved he lied. As usual, you just spout red herrings and don’t address the points being made. I also proved YOU lied, by the way. And no one here would look to you as a judge of maturity, FWIW.
ByeBye@32: You obviously didn’t actually read the link you gave. There was never any attempt at banning any book, let alone documentation of any “desire” to do it. Palin was curious what the librarian’s views were, and so she asked. That was all that happened. The only thing documented here is that she asked a question about policy. (And K@37: that’s the same story, not another one.) This is a fact.
Don Joe@34: back it up.
Roger Rabbit@49: No. DARCY BURNER DOESN’T HAVE A DEGREE IN ECONOMICS. You know how I know? Because, as Goldy quoted, Harvard Dean Harry Lewis said, “She doesn’t have a degree in economics.”
Goldy’s lie here was in pretending that the issue was whether she had “economics” in the name of her degree, when it was actually whether her degree was IN ECONOMICS. And it wasn’t.
Roger Rabbit spews:
How Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics Creates Depressions
Falling wages + rising prices = less demand
Roger Rabbit spews:
What it boils down to is that cheap labor conservatives are unpatriotic.
czechsaaz spews:
Pudge, why you don’t get it….
I can say, with all honesty, that I have a degree in post-modern American Literature. (Yes, I have a liberal arts degree, don’t teach, own my own business…it can happen.) But my diploma and my University if you asked for my transcript would tell you I have a B.A. in English. And they would also be correct. But don’t let the fact that I spent 100% of my upper-level courses focusing in my specialty get in the way of claiming that I don’t have the degree I say I have.
The current dean of my University, who was not the dean when I attended, would also say I don’t have a degree in post-modern American Literature. Such a thing does not technically exist. But my professors who knew my area of concentration might offer a more nuanced answer. (“I love John Barth’s writing so much, I got a degree in it.”)
Oh I forgot, nuance isn’t something most righties can deal with. (Saddam, bad. 5,000 American soldiers dead to deal with bad, Good! Taxes Bad. Billions of dollars spent to deal with Saddam and no taxes, GOOD! Immigrants, BAD. Inexpensive food as a result of sub-minimum wage illegal labor, GOOD! Abortion, BAD! Rape victims bringing unwanted pregnancies to term, GOOD!) Just throwing out a few non-sequiters for fun. It’s late and I’m a bit T&E.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@78 Yes she does. Furthermore, you didn’t even read the comment by Goldy that you linked to, because Dean Lewis isn’t the person who said, “She doesn’t have a degree in economics.” That would be one Emily Heffter. Here is what Dean Lewis said: “The way Darcy is describing herself is accurate.”
Goldy made it clear that the unscrupulous Heffter had put words in Lewis’ mouth:
“Talked to her and told her you had a degree in CS with a specialization in Ec. She said you were claiming to have a degree in Ec and I just repeated myself. She asked me what that consisted of and I said a block of Ec courses. She started to ask me if that would make you qualified … and I cut her off, saying I couldn’t judge economics qualifications. She thanked me and said that was helpful.”
And here is what Goldy said in the comment you linked to:
“Darcy Burner does indeed have a degree from Harvard in computer science and economics, and it is utterly outrageous that the Times would choose to turn the NRCC’s parsing of the word ‘and’ into a front page gotcha story defaming Darcy’s character.”
There are many liars in this story — Heffter, the Seattle Times, Reichert’s ad writers, and you, among them — but Darcy isn’t one of them. And she hugs rabbits!
Roger Rabbit spews:
The phony-baloney “degree in economics” smear had little or no effect on the election. Eight District voters clearly didn’t buy this ridiculous and patently false personal attack. This is demonstrated by the fact Burner got nearly identical percentages of the vote in 2006 and 2008 (48% vs. 47%). Voters know bullshit when they see it. She lost because the 8th C.D. is a Republican District and always has been; no Democrat has ever won there. We’ll fix that in the next redistricting.
Roger Rabbit spews:
I guarantee no one could have graduated from any of the colleges I attended by turning in research as sloppy as pudge’s. You’re out of your league, son.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Don Joe @34: “Pudge has a habit of omitting material facts from time to time.”
Pudge @78: “Don Joe@34: back it up.”
I just did: See #82.
Mr. Cynical spews:
Looks like all of Obama’s flim-flam press conferences and other BS are having ZERO positive impact on his waning popularity.
He has alienated nearly as many people as love the guy. From today’s Rasmussen:
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Friday, March 27, 2009
Don Joe spews:
@ 85
Be careful. Pudge’s next step will be to flat out claim, with no justification whatsoever, that none of the facts he has omitted were actually material.
Mr. Cynical spews:
48. Roger Rabbit spews:
I really think you should probably give this a rest Rog. It’s not true….and it has passed it’s half-life.
Mr. Cynical spews:
53. proud leftist spews:
Don’t forget your pal ByeByeGOP pl.
I nominated him. He is truly worthy.
Unless of course you are blinded by your ideology.
Mr. Cynical spews:
Proud Leftist–
Yet another of dozens of vulgar, off-topic nonsense by Goat of the Millenium, ByeByeGoober! The KLOWN cannot help himself!
56. ByeByeGOP spews:
Don Joe spews:
By the way, I think it’s fascinating to note that, in Pudge’s mind, asking your city librarian, on four different occasions, how said librarian would respond to a request to ban books and then firing that librarian after the librarian took umbrage at those questions does not constitute evidence of a desire to ban books.
Don Joe spews:
@ 90
BBG is sophomoric, not idiotic. There is a difference.
Czechsaaz spews:
Man, Cyn, it’s barely 7am and I get to bitch slap you already. Going to be a good day I guess.
Rassmussen, March 1, Strongly disapprove = 30%
Rasmussend March 27th, Strongly disapprove = 30%
For the full month, the net change in disapproval is ZERO. So by cherry picking MY data-set (or cherry picking my polling organization) I can prove that Republican opposisition to President Obama’s policies have had no effect whatsoever on his popularity. (I could teach you a course on manipulating statistics for fun and profit if you like.)
You can toss out phrases like “waning popularity” all you want. I have a bale of hay, would you like me to send you some straw at which to grasp?
Mr. Cynical spews:
92. Don Joe spews:
Wow…so posts like:
6. ByeByeGOP spews:
10. ByeByeGOP spews:
32. ByeByeGOP spews:
38. ByeByeGOP spews:
56. ByeByeGOP spews:
So let me get this straight Don Joe…
In your alleged mind, quotes like this are not idiotic??? Mind you, this is just from this one thread. All the others are the same.
I know you KLOWNS are tolerant, but man, c’mon.
This is way beyond sophomoric.
Care to reconsider?
Mr. Cynical spews:
Don Joe–
Mind you, I don’t mind the vulgar, gutter language spewed by ByeBye, YLB and Rog Rabbit as they drive people far away from this Blog…Libs especially.
Who wants to read comments laced with stuff like this.
Look, some of these KLOWNS post regularly under multiple identities. It’s pretty obvious.
So my guess is you have at most 10 regular posters from the Left. 10. In a State with 6 million people. How impressive.
Don Joe spews:
@ 94
Care to reconsider?
Nope. “Sophomoric” is still the correct word. Though slightly more vulgar, BBG’s comments are not, in any significant way, different from your repeated use of the capitalized “KLOWNS”.
In order to pass into the realm of idiotic, BBG would have to do things like suggest that still more tax cuts for the rich would be the correct way to extricate ourselves from the current recession/near depression.
YLB spews:
Wow it really works on goat farmers like Mr. Klynical!
Fuck you!
YLB spews:
Awwww. Poor Mr. Klynical is so offended by the vulgarity. Let’s take a little break right now.
Let’s talk about the Obama market rally!!
Why are all these investors cheering “socialism”? Awwww. Is Mr. Klynical crying now?
Daddy Love spews:
95 Cyn
let’s see if we have all of the required wingnut elements here:
Desired results in mind. Check.
Unwarranted, unsupported assumption. Check.
Insane conclusion that matches desired results reached based on unsupported assumption. Check.
Well, I guess you’re good to go. Now go get those commies. WOLVERINES!!!!
Steve spews:
We all know that Cynical is unapologetic in regards to his own vulgarity. It’s also OK when he calls everybody here who doesn’t agree with him a Godless heathen. He is, after all, nearer to God than thee or me. Cynical’s also cool with Puddy’s need to write about “white sticky man juice” as well as Puddy’s incessant namecalling – we’ve all had a nice break from that this week. Cynical obviously has no issues with manoftruth spewing his Jew-hate. But, by God, Cynical has issues with that stinkin’ leftist BBG! Of course, there’s nothing situational about this at all.
YLB spews:
100 – It really has been kind of nice getting a break from the Stupes’ namecalling and his stupid insane paranoid arguments. Of course, Mr. Klynical, Mark1 the misogynist and Little Rickie Dumbass have made up for it in part.
Unkl Witz spews:
Pudge is sort of SP’s version of Joe the Plumber:
Not particularly bright,
Not very well educated,
Not very articulate,
And socially maladroit,
But willing to parrot right wing talking points when anyone chooses to listen.
The righties say “right on Pudge” and the leftie just laugh.
The Truth spews:
Huffingtonpost? Leftwing ,liberal,hack
Name-calling is HA teams expertise. You can’t even come close defending yourselves on this site. You call someone a name, run in the corner have a climax pin a rose on your shirt.
If it was not for your name calling 98% of you lefties wouldn’t have anything to post about.
Especially your DSHS lawyer.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
Leftist fools,
Puddy is still around. Puddy been reading all your crotch dribble on the blog. BTW some ex-visitors say hello. Since Goldy and his minions don’t have a clue how to unblock my original email address Puddy taking a vacation from HA for a while. I have to use other means to post. Don’t worry proud loony Puddy sees you are still stroking your golden “goat”.
Since Puddy was a past winner Puddy “proudly” nominates stillbentoverproudlylooned! He’s the best an HA moron can get.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
Truth, useless masses of protoplasm sucks as clueless wonder lives for the “juice”, so he proudly trolls sites that feed him his “juice”.
Ever seen an addict in withdrawal? Imagine clueless wonder using other sites. He could go sane!
Mr. Cynical spews:
96. Don Joe spews:
Big black dick in the ass==KLOWNS.
Keep talking Don Joe.
I’ll let others judge for themselves.
czechsaaz spews:
Truth, you’re so cute sometimes.
Not everything you read on a left wing site is untrue. Not everything I read on Little Green Footballs is untrue. The difference is, I can smell a load of shit when it’s presented to me steaming on a plate and not take a bite.
Most righties just listen to what their told and don’t question veracity. (See Clinton, Mena Arkansas Airport Cocaine, Vince Foster, Born in Kenya, etc…)
See @28…Banning books is pretty much the exclusive providence of the Right. We on the left have no problem at all with books that, say, deny the holocaust. Read them if you want. I’ve read a few and can tear apart the bullshit “proofs” therein. In much the same way, I can read a non-peer reviewed study that claims there is no Global warming. But reading it won’t make me believe it. It goes hand in hand with critical thinking, which “Truth/Manoftruth” clearly lack.
Can you read and come to conclusions on the factual evidence of items you personally dislike, or are you thick?
YLB spews:
Speak of the freaking devil.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
czechsaaz@107 is so full of shit he don’t need to eat another plate.
Another of his worthless rants KABLAMMMMMMO pretty much what fool?
June 9th 2006 – New Jersey Assemblywomen Joan Quigley and Linda Stender say they want New Jersey retailers to “ban the sale of [Coulter’s] book throughout the state.”
““No one in New Jersey should buy this book and allow Ann Coulter to profit from her hate-mongering. We are asking New Jersey retailers statewide to stand with us and express their outrage by refusing to carry or sell copies of Coulter’s book. Her hate-filled attacks on our 9-11 widows has no place on New Jersey bookshelves.”
Read about these Democratic Fools on WikiPedia moron!
And to add the other way libtards do it is to hide the books in the back of the store. This happened to Bill O’Reilly and Michael Savage until they went national and named the stores doing it.
YLB spews:
107 – “The Fool” as I call him is as thick as they come. His posts are a resentment-filled stream of un-consciousness, a kind of right wing talking points on auto-pilot.
Right wing propaganda consumers like the “The Fool” are the dream of the mind-shapers that run the right wing propaganda industry.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
There he is again talking about himself@110. Can anyone post something clueless wonder has said which is his own thought?
Or as his HA peers aptly named him “monomaniacal”?
You are blessed clueless wonder. Truly disliked by both sides of the spectrum. Just like stillbentoverwithaloonyinside.
YLB spews:
111 – And everybody knows you can’t read worth a damn.
Or is it that you just give up all pretense and lie your ugly ass off here?
ByeByeGOP spews:
Child rapist CynCyn is so infatuated with me that all he can do is repeat what I said here. Thanks for helping me to spread the truth about you and your ilk you idiot. And stop asking me to come over and fuck your ugly wife – I’m too busy with that Oreo Puffybutt’s wife.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
Moronic wonder@111
Remember Puddy didn’t call you that. Your peers did. They know a leftist fool when they read one!
YLB spews:
Right wing idiot @ 114
Sorry fool, you’re the one who’s been jerking yourself silly with some stupid fantasy about “peers”.
A week off and you’re still at it!
czechsaaz spews:
Puddybud, nice of you to drop by. Thinking critically?
See I don’t speak in absolutes for a reason. I fully agree that there will be instances of the Left attacking books. There’s an old axiom, “To every generality, there are exceptions. But the exception does not overide the generality.” (See, “pretty much exclusive”)
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
Wow, the truth puts the monomaniacal one@115 to sleep. Let Puddy keep working at it and maybe we’ll have another Rip Van Winkle.
clueless wonder you can’t deal with the fact even your own peers show you no respect. You are the Rodney Dangerfield of the HA leftists.
You and stillbentovergettingaloonyprobe are the two peas in a pod. Puddy still waiting for someone to provide the proof Puddy asked in #111.
czechsaaz spews:
Damn, I misused a possessive adjective in this thread. I hate it when I make stupid mistakes…
Steve spews:
I have a lot of respect for BBG and YLB. They are capable of critical thinking. They put country before party. They’re funny. Obviously, they’re not Republicans, who are all sadly lacking in those qualities.
YLB spews:
The “truth” is that your ideology failed fool.
Your kind has had it mostly their way since even before Raygun.
Your kind fucked things up so bad that the markets are voting confidence for Obama’s plans as flawed as they are from the lefty perspective.
You’re such a silly sucker for right when bullshit that when it fails you project your self-loathing on to others.
That’s the truth. You’re too sad.
The Truth spews:
@107. Czechsaaz
You proved you have no ability comprehend what you read.
My post was about naming calling remember?
Huffington has always been a loser. I have no respect for her and never would use her site as a reference LOL!
You take off on that because you can’t defend 98% lefties name calling so you change the subject to global warming then go off into the 1990’s for some dumb reason.
Your pl,myleftfoot,notright now czechsaaz
The Truth spews:
Who are you addressing?
YLB spews:
119 – I appreciate that Steve. Your comments have been very thoughtful and humorous as well. You’re one of the stars of the threads here.
See Stupes – another of your fantasies gone to crap like so many others too numerous to name.
Such a fool!
YLB spews:
122 – Not you. You are addressed in 110.
Arggh! 120s/when/wing/
czechsaaz spews:
Starts with dismissiveness of HuffPo? Can’t understand where I might have misunderstood.
“I have no respect for her and never would use her site as a reference LOL!”
Proves my point. Just cause it’s on a site you don’t like, doesn’t automatically make anything untrue.
I don’t call you names. You called me four in one post. Hoooraaayyy for Yooouuuuuu!!!
pudge spews:
Don Joe@91: in Pudge’s mind, asking your city librarian, on four different occasions, how said librarian would respond to a request to ban books and then firing that librarian after the librarian took umbrage at those questions does not constitute evidence of a desire to ban books
Where “after” just means “some time in the future” and there is NO evidence OF ANY KIND linking the firing to that “umbrage” and there was no actual attempt to ban any books before or after the firing … yes, this is no evidence of any desire to ban books. There’s not even evidence of an ATTEMPT to ban books. Even if you want to consider it circumstantial evidence, which is necessarily interpretive, Goldy lied when he said there was DOCUMENTED evidence.
Witz: I am far smarter than you are. This has been proven time and again. You have never won an argument with me: you only — as you are now — resort to personal attacks when you lose the argument, which is every time.
YLB spews:
“The Fool” @ 122
You just fling names at HuffPo.
The fact is that your favorite right wing websites like Little Green Footballs blamed Obama when the stock market plunged but were utterly silent when it staged rallies the likes of which haven’t been seen for 20 years.
That’s unassailable fact.
Fact that contradicts your right wing fantasies.
pudge spews:
czechsaaz@81 and Roger Rabbit@82: argue with Harvard’s Dean. She said she has a degree in economics; he said she does not. And she knows she does not, because she refuses to repeat her claim that she “got a degree in [economics].” (And no, RR, again, learn to read: that was not the reporter who said she doesn’t have a degree in economics, it was the Dean.)
And czechsaaz, your comparison to yourself is inapplicable: Literature is a subset of English, and your degree came from the English department. Economics is not a subset of Computer Science. Further, she spent more time on computers than economics, while you spent more time on literature than general English.
I’m in a similar boat as you. I was a Journalism major in the Communication department. All my upper level courses (for my liberal arts degree) were in Journalism. I was a Journalism major, and the department called me that, just as other people in the department were Radio/TV/Film majors. But my degree says “Communication.” (I think … can’t actually remember for sure. We lobbied to get it changed to “Journalism,” and I just don’t remember if we were successful, and I have no idea where my diploma is.)
Meanwhile, my wife is in a boat similar to Burner: she got a degree in Sociology with a special emphasis in Medicine. She would never say she got a degree in medicine! She says “Sociology” or “Sociology with an emphasis in Medicine” or “Medical Sociology.” All are acceptable. “Medicine” is not.
Again, Journalism is a subset of Communication, and Literature a subset of English; Medicine is NOT a subset of Sociology, and Economics is NOT a subset of Computer Science. She did not have a degree in economics.
Roger Rabbit, further, the Dean’s quote that “the way Darcy is describing herself” was not referring to the claim at issue, which is “I got a degree in [economics].” The Dean was referring to a SEPARATE CLAIM, on her web site, that she “earned a degree in computer science and economics.” This does not have anything to do with the separate claim that she made that she “got a degree in economics.”
Goldy lied by conflating the two statements, by ignoring the fact that Burner said she got a degree in economics.
And no, Don Joe, you’re wrong, as usual. I always back up what I say, and the justification is perfectly obvious: Lewis’ statement — that the way she described herself was accurate — is not material because he was talking about her web site statement, and I was talking about a different statement. Conflating these two statements is why Goldy is guilty of lying.
Mr. Cynical spews:
100. Steve spews:
Actually steve, I call ’em Atheist Progressives. Check this out…
They admit they are Atheists and they admit they are Progressives….hence, Atheist Progressive. Why is that offensive and how does that compare with “big black dick in the ass”??
Get spewin’ steve…it’s a losing cause.
And BTW, I have repeatedly spoken out against the anti-Jew rhetoric. It’s wrong.
Mr. Cynical spews:
BTW steve–
Did you ever get ahold of Puddy??
Mr. Cynical spews:
119. Steve spews:
The 3 Blind Goat Fornicating obsessed fools…
ByeBye, YLB & Steve.
Birds of a feather.
The Truth spews:
Your a funny guy YLB with all the free time you have It’s not surprising when you bring these names like little green footballs to light.
I never seen the site or heard the name until today thanks to you. What you said as FACT was a LIE.
What I said about you guys and naming calling was opinion.
YLB spews:
132 – Nope you’re lying. I said that Little Green Footballs and other right wing websites being silent during the recent market rally was a fact.
I was merely speculating that LGF is a favorite website of yours. I can’t imagine it wouldn’t be. It repeats all the standard right wing nonsense that you’ve parroted here.
It’s your egotistical investment in desiring to see Obama fail and then wanting to gloat about it here that’s a joke and a sad joke at that.
YLB spews:
131 – So are you disappointed as well that I’m not all that isolated in my opinions here Mr. Klynical?
Markets are down a bit today. I guess it’s Obama’s fault right?
In the old days it was always Bill Clinton’s fault now it’s Obama when the market is down and Bush’s when the market is up.
Different day same old right wing tripe.
YLB spews:
And you’re confusing evidence and proof.
Documented evidence abounds that Sarah Palin is a lousy executive and a vindictive politician that can’t be trusted with significant decision making authority.
Proof however is completely lost on her supporters.
Mr. Cynical spews:
Have you ever had a real job?
I know you are struggling financially…and I think most of us have a pretty clear understanding as to why.
Perhaps some LEFTIST Do-gooder psycho-cologist will cut you a deal and help you mend.
I’m just sayin’-
The Truth spews:
NO this you called fact your Favorite rightwing websites like little green footballs.
THIS ISN”T A FACT As you have No idea what I watch or listen to. When ever you say FACT we know it not and it’s ylb far out left wing opinion.
“The fact is that your favorite right wing websites like Little Green Footballs blamed Obama
Don Joe spews:
Pudge @ 126
Even if you want to consider it circumstantial evidence, which is necessarily interpretive, Goldy lied when he said there was DOCUMENTED evidence.
Pudge, you are a complete ignoramus–complete enough to fail to recognize that your concession about “circumstantial evidence” completely undermines your conclusion.
Yes, the evidence is, in fact, circumstantial, and yes, we are reaching an interpretive conclusion based on those facts. You have not offered a more reasonable interpretation of the facts; indeed you seem reluctant to offer any alternative interpretation whatsoever. Therefore, our interpretive conclusion remains the most reasonable explanation for the facts at hand.
So long as that is true, indeed so long as our interpretation of the facts remains simply one reasonable explanation among many, your claim that Goldy lied falls flat on its face.
The only way you can claim that Goldy lied is to show that our interpretation is completely unreasonable. You’ve only managed to show that our interpretation is not compelling to sycophants like you.
Don Joe spews:
@ 133
She said she has a degree in economics; he said she does not.
Those two statements can only contradict each other if, and only if, there can be only one meaning for the word “degree” in the two separate contexts in which the word was used.
There is, in fact, a wide range with varying shades of meaning for the word “degree” in those two contexts, indeed a sufficient variance as to render those two statements quite reconcilable.
The varied shades of meaning for the word “degree” is a material fact in this discussion, yet you omit any mention of this fact. Therefore, it is not Goldy who has lied. Rather, you are the one who has lied.
And I have, in fact, backed up my claim that you will, from time to time, omit material facts. Do you need further examples?
The Truth spews:
Another Obama appointee on leave of absence
Steve spews:
@141 “psycho-cologist”
So says our resident pathological narcissist, Mr. Klynical.
Politically Incorrect spews:
Did you notice that the word “psychotherapist” can be broken down into three words:
Psycho the Rapist
Pretty cool, huh?
correctnotright spews:
Pudge says:
Hahahaha, Pudgie baby is soooo funny!
Pudge is a true psychopath – of course he has never lost an argument (he is a legend in his own mind). How could Pudge lose an argument when facts are meaningless and Pudge wins simply by calling someone a liar.
Oh, and Pudge resorts to calling someone a liar as soon as we prove wittle Pudgie to be wrong – so Pudge is a hypocrite AND a psychopath.
Pudge – you are a mental midget who is stuck in third grade – please fly away moron.
Go worship your idol Sarah Palin (truly an idiot at your level) and tell us how wonderful Bush was – you are a complete fool who has yet to present a cogent argument on virtually anything.
My favorite Pudgism was how he explained the republican caucus – you see, it wasn’t really a vote and it did not have to be representational.
I guess representative government is too difficult for the republicans to grasp.
YLB spews:
141 – zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzz….
Take your fishing elsewhere Mr. Klynical..
The topic of conversation here at this comment board is right wing bullshit and REPUBLICANS SUCK…
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
Wow clueless moron, Steve ventures into cluelessville many times his commentary is discounted. While he did “cum to yer aid”, he is the inventor of Steve’s Stupid Solution. Methinks he had a weeeee bit too much before he typed in that comment. So in this case, a sample of one is still a sample of none.
Steve, Puddy is truly surprised that your would venture into the bowels of cluelessness.
Can you provide some critical thinking either have provided on HA? Puddy’ll wait…
But now Puddy also notes you agree with stillbentover’s racist critical thought.
Great job Steve. EPIC FAIL dude. You stepped in it again.
Steve spews:
I’ve already reconsidered that one, Puddy. I should have said, “They’re witty and funny”.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
here’s one of cluelesswonders “insightful comments”:
From whom, the leftwing kook-aid-o-sphere, your favrit sites?
Studies showed the leftwing attacked Sarah mercilessly because she was a threat. Jack Cafferty and Chris Matthews, two stalwarts of cable news ratings attacked Sarah Wednesday night. She’s not running for anything and the leftwing kook-aid-o-sphere is still nutso. They have PDS and you suck it up from the pulsing source fool.
Puddy’s been monitoring your latest linkages. You haven’t placed a normal site on HA in almost three weeks. You used KOS-TV for a video. You got the Christian Science Monitor site from a Kos-roundup fool.
What a loser fooltarded monomaniacal moron!
I rescind my nomination for the golden goat stroke and place clueless wonder in nomination. The fool is the lowest common denominator here.
YLB spews:
This fool is too obsessed with semen. I don’t know what to think. One might conclude the idiot has a secret life but that’d be just too banal.
So just face it. Your bullshit was refuted – again…
Now go on and continue to diminish yourself.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
So Steve, stillbentover’s Oreo attacks are
Sorry dude, meeting for breaking bread is off!
GBS, it’ll be you me PacMan and Cynical in May!
BTW fool, did headless lucy ever answer to his racism?
Steve spews:
“Documented evidence abounds that Sarah Palin is a lousy executive and a vindictive politician that can’t be trusted with significant decision making authority.”
A sound assessment, as well as short and to the point. Hard to find fault.
“Sorry dude, meeting for breaking bread is off!”
My, you are soooo fickle.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
No you fool clueless wonder, you place republican sex offenders and fox porn videos up here at least once a week like the good Pavlov’s dog. Puddy is drawing a cumparison dummy!
If you can’t understand sarcastic metaphors, you are the lowest of life forms.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
Steve show Puddy the “documented” evidence.
Yeah Puddy is fickle when fools such as yourself align yourself with idiots such as stillbentover.
And Puddy remembers you attacking me over mot.
YLB spews:
How about the New York Times?
YLB spews:
Look at you go!
Here’s another from the Times.
Need another one fool?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
Idiot@158: Skipped by Serge but in the real report.
“Governor Palin’s firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.”
Found so quickly fool!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
So did Chuck Schumer. Except when he was caught with Michael Steele’s credit report he jettisoned the two ladies.
YLB spews:
and you left this out:
Sorry O pitiful fool. This is the mark of a competent Governor say you?
You’re too idiotic.
YLB spews:
Gotta go. Shredding this moron has been too easy. I’ll leave him to his further self-diminishing.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
Based his findings is the best you could do?
This is the operative finding fool: “Governor Palin’s firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.”
Mr. Cynical spews:
154. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
10-4 Puddy.
Kountry Klubber steve is usually drunk before noon. Don’t want to invite him to dinner when it is certain he will be driving drunk!
Glad you are back Puddy.
How’s the Mrs.??
My wife is in Chicago and she left me this massive to-do list. I was outside on & off for 5 hours today….had 3 former Marines out cutting down our Pine Trees that were killed by Pine Beetles. These guys are awesome…2 guys each did 2 deployments in Iraq and the other did 3. All got out as soon as they could after Obama was elected. The rank-and-file military have little or no respect for our goofy commander in chief. These guys worked so hard. They had 3 chains saws and a log splitter. This hydraulic log-splitter is amazing. We have 4-1/2 more cords of fireword and a bunch of cleanup to do tomorrow. I’m hurtin’ man.
Steve spews:
@157 “Yeah Puddy is fickle when fools such as yourself align yourself with idiots such as stillbentover.
And Puddy remembers you attacking me over mot.”
BBG and YLB are Dems, so of course I am politically aligned with them. Besides that, they’re both witty, funny and all that. All the same, I’ve criticized the use of the term “oreo”. Do you expect me to do so every time someone pops up using the word? If so, I’m sure you would agree that I should be greatly disappointed in you for how few and mild are your denunciations of the despicable MOT who, by the way, you are aligned with.
Mr. Cynical spews:
155. Steve spews:
Actually steve, Puddy seriously gave you the benefit of the doubt. I know you are a drunken, guilt-ridden Kountry Klub PINHEAD…but even so, Puddy convinced me to give you the benefit of the doubt.
You screwed up and revealed your true demeanor.
Shame on you steve.
Steve spews:
By the way, my Golden Goat vote for this week goes to Pudge. The guy really strutted his stuff.
Mr. Cynical spews:
My Golden Goat vote goes to ByeByeGoober…you know, they 40 IQ Dimwit you believe is capable of critical thinking after you down 4 martini’s at your KOUNTRY KLUB!
Mr. Cynical spews:
Hey Steve–
Do you also object to the YLB/ByeByeGoober constant refences to “a big black dick up his ass”??
You are really a racist who hiddes behind a little neighborhood jive talk.
Steve’s “jive talkin” is mighty hollow down at the KOUNTRY KLUB.
Steve spews:
@165 “Kountry Klubber steve is usually drunk before noon.” “is certain he will be driving drunk!”
@167 “I know you are a drunken”
Sorry to disappoint you but I haven’t been intoxicated for over 20 years. But keep making shit up to your little heart’s content. After all, it’s all you’ve got left.
Steve spews:
@170 “You are really a racist who hiddes behind a little neighborhood jive talk.
Steve’s “jive talkin” is mighty hollow down at the KOUNTRY KLUB.”
Yo mama.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
Steve, Puddy is not aligned with mot. Puddy recognizes head up ass disease because Puddy deals with clueless monomaniacal wonder every day and he exhibits head up ass disease. If fact {uddy named it ASSFacia. ASSFacia, a disease where clueless wonder’s head is so far up his ass his bowels are confused and don’t know which way to blow. Another definition is his head looks like his ASS and his bowels are confused and don’t know which way to blow.
Puddy gave you the benefit of the doubt with Steve’s Stupid Solution, but the symptoms are the same. Puddy is sad you think they are “witty and funny” because they are democratics.
Puddy stated “When the majority of HA leftists denounce stillbentover and headless, Puddy will denounce mot”.
End of story. More EPIC FAIL!
Steve spews:
@170 “a big black dick up his ass”??
That’s just what I meant about my Dem friends, Mr. KKKlynical. They have both wit and humor in abundance.
proud leftist spews:
Hey, HA aficionados, the time has come—indeed, it has arrived. It is time to announce the winner of this week’s HA Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat). As always, giving out this award provides me with immense pleasure, though the pleasure does fall somewhat short of orgasm. In some regards, it was a quiet week. Some have speculated that Puddy’s absence deprived the rest of our trolls someone else’s nonsense to feed off. (Puddy, in fact, was so ungracious about winning last week’s Goat that he refused to give an acceptance speech).
In reviewing the efforts of this week’s contestants, it struck me that I, like many adults, probably fail to recognize how difficult being a dedicated troll actually is. We really should give them more credit for their hard work. We think it’s easy—just turn the dial to Rush or the television to Hannity, get the day’s talking points, then go forth and spew. Ignore the yin and yang of reality and just break everything down into black and white. Pay no attention to the rules of grammar or punctuation or the finer points of expressing oneself. Don’t bother, certainly, with pondering nuance. And, judging people is a snap—Republicans good and going to heaven, Democrats bad and going to hell. But, maybe trollism isn’t that easy. Maybe it’s hard to be a troll. Think about how stressful it must be to ignore science 24/7. Imagine having to close your ears and start humming anytime someone speaks with the voice of reason. Picture the constant struggle to avoid any exposure to ideas that might conflict with wingnut ideology. Consider the Herculean efforts required to constantly make up facts or spin evidence when none supports a batshit position. Indeed, I have come to the conclusion that being a troll is much more difficult than it would appear at first glance.
Enough with the philosophy. Let’s get to where we’re going. Our winner this week has been a regular poster for several months now. One of his more endearing attributes is his complete inability to say anything of substance. He has an incoherent way of expressing himself that provides us a free mind puzzle should we try to figure out what he’s actually trying to stay. His inability to stay on-topic is legendary. Every post, without exception, is irritating—irritating in a nice sort of way, of course. He is pathologically ideological, but that trait hardly distinguishes him from a number of our trolls. That is a trait, though, that we depend on from our trolls. Our winner this week seems to cling to the quaint, almost charming, notion that anyone gives a damn what his opinion is. Humor is entirely alien to him, but that absence gives him a kind of child-like glow. Perhaps his most winning feature, however, is the moniker he chose for himself. At first, I thought he had chosen his moniker as a tip of the hat to irony in the relativistic world of politics, but history has disclosed that he believes his moniker is eponymous. His moniker, in the context of all his other compelling attributes, is one for the archives.
And, the Goat goes to . . .
The Truth. Way to go, old dog. Wag that tail. Go hump the chair. Celebrate. You’ve done it. Say it slowly to yourself, “I am a Golden Goat winner.” Man, that must feel good. Let me caution you though—just because you’ve won doesn’t mean your spewing should slow down. No, rather, you should ramp it up; try to be the first repeat Goat winner. Go for it, dude.
Steve spews:
“Butt, Puddy is sad you think they are “witty and funny” because they are democratics.”
No, they are simply funny. If a right-wing troll was funny I say so. However, humor somehow escapes you folks.
“Puddy stated “When the majority of HA leftists denounce stillbentover and headless, Puddy will denounce mot”.”
I’ve noticed that Puddy will not stand up to MOT’s bigotry. I conclude it is because Headless called Puddy names four years ago. Way to take the high road there, Puddy.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
Every time mot posted you and the clueless wonder expected Puddy to castigate mot. Why don’t you replay the HA tapes yourself since each time you didn’t believe Puddy Puddy threw the evidence in yo face!
You didn’t believe Puddy over my Foley Vitter and Craig posts.
You didn’t believe Puddy over headless postings.
So Steve why should Puddy believe your “sincerity” over stillbentover Oreo posts?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
Steve, I hang with GBS because he’s sincere in his denunciations of headless etc. I hang with SeattleJew for the same reason.
Your spinning, dancing, shucking and jiving ain’t cutting it dude!
Can you say see ya?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
proud loony,
Puddy wasn’t ungracious. My email address is still in Goldy’s SPAM filter you ingrate. Notice my little black headed gravitar doesn’t show up? Man you are a clueless fool. You are in the Elite 8 proud loony.
If you paid attention you’d know this. Puddy had to create another email address to post today because the bull level was so high.
This sounds like clueless wonder…
And he gets it direct from the kook-aid sites.
Steve spews:
@175 Oh, and I was pulling for Pudge to take this week’s Goat.
Hats off to the Truth. One of life’s biggest loser’s finally gets a taste of what it’s like to win something.
proud leftist spews:
You could at least be gracious enough to welcome The Truth into the proud pantheon of Goat winners.
Mr. Cynical spews:
I think we can easily assemble our Elite 8 starting with the #1 Seed…
#5—Rog Rabbit aka Pelletizer
#6—Don joe
#7—Blue John (he is soooooo pathetic)
#8–John DeVore
Please feel free to critique and correct my PRELIMINARY Rankings Puddy. The Elite 8 is yet another Puddy-inspired, timely jolt of excellence by those of us who are always right (and even correct periodically)
pudge spews:
And you’re confusing evidence and proof.
No, I am not. I am saying the evidence AT BEST is circumstantial and NOT documentary as Goldy falsely claimed.
Don Joe@143:
Pudge, you are a complete ignoramus
Don Joe, you’re an ignorant slut.
complete enough to fail to recognize that your concession about “circumstantial evidence” completely undermines your conclusion.
OK. So you do not know what “documented” means.
Those two statements can only contradict each other if …
… they are in English. Seriously, who do you think you are fooling here? SHE DOES NOT HAVE A DEGREE IN ECONOMICS. Period.
pudge spews:
of course he has never lost an argument
I never said I have never lost an argument. I said I have never lost an argument to Unkl Witz, which even you must admit is not a stretch to believe.
My favorite Pudgism was how he explained the republican caucus – you see, it wasn’t really a vote and it did not have to be representational.
I love how you are trying to prove I am stupid by referencing me saying something factually and unassailably true. It was not a vote. No one voted for any presidential candidate at the Washington State GOP caucus. It didn’t happen. This is a fact.
Also, I never said that the caucus was not representational; in fact, it was. They did not necessarily represent the presidential preferences of cacusgoers, but they did represent the will of the caucusgoers, whatever that will happened to be. If the caucusgoers wanted to vote for delegate based on issues or personalities instead of presidential preference, then they were free to do that. (And in my experience, it was usually personalities that got people elected delegate most often: you know someone or you listen to them and think they would make a good delegate.)
Now, you may dislike how the GOP did it, but my description of it was, and is, accurate. So it seems a silly thing for you to attack me for.
Mr. Cynical spews:
The Truth–
Welcome to the Brotherhood!
Wear it like the Badge of Honor it represents.
It means these Atheist Progressive Pinheaded KLOWNS cannot stand you.
Welcome to the Brotherhood.
proud leftist spews:
Cynical @ 182
But, but, but, what about me? Did you forget about me? My feelings are really hurt. I may have to go to a yoga session or consult my spiritual crystals to get over this slight.
Steve spews:
@182 You seeded me higher than Roger, Jon and Don Joe?? What’s up with that?
pudge spews:
I’d have to agree that Steve should definitely be lower than Don Joe and Roger and DeVore and Blue John. Not that that’s saying much.
proud leftist spews:
By the way, you were damned close to grabbing the Goat this week. A little more effort next week and that baby’s yours. Best of luck to you.
Steve spews:
@189 He had my vote.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
Cynical, Don Joe didn’t make the Elite 8. proud loony did though as he loves his golden goat! Don Joe provided links Puddy uses. How else would Puddy know Barry Ritholtz blames Democratics for the financial fiasco 40%?
Also no comment from the HA loons over Obama’s FAA not wanting to tell the public the number of bird strikes by aircraft?
The Truth spews:
Thanks, what’s so neat is seeing the foam and spit from their mouths. I never thought it was possible until 3 months ago LOL!!!
Hearing any angry liberal is worth it.
Don Joe spews:
Pudge @ 183
Don Joe, you’re an ignorant slut.
Oh, come on. I’m not that ignorant.
OK. So you do not know what “documented” means.
Good grief, Pudge, this is such a simple case of transitive logic that even you can understand it. The facts are documented. If the conclusion based on those facts is a reasonable interpretation of those facts, then the conclusion is also documented. QED.
…they are in English.
English being a language fraught with ambiguity and colloquialisms. In this case, the word “degree” can be used in both a colloquial sense and a formal sense such that “has a degree” and “does not have a degree” can both be true.
‘Course you don’t want to argue this, or even acknowledge that such ambiguity exists. And, there’s little need for any of us to wonder why, either.
Don Joe spews:
@ 191
Don Joe provided links Puddy uses.
Well, I had hoped that Puddy would use those links to educate himself. Instead, the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry marches inexorably forward. Puddy, for example, fails to note that Barry Ritholz blames conservative philosophy 100% for the current Economic crisis.
Puddy manages to prove that, regardless of the quality of the oats that are fed to the horse, shit still comes out the other end.
Marvin Stamn spews:
Damn. What a bitchslapping.
The question should be why does Goldy have to lie?
Mr. Cynical spews:
186. proud leftist spews:
Relax…it only shows you how absolutely pathetic your Atheist Progressive cohorts are.
However, breaking news…
PUDDY has used his veto and replaced Don Joe (a worthy candidate) with YOU!
I don’t give you much of a chance to take it all however….not because you ever show anything…just that you are slightly less offensive.
Mr. Cynical spews:
187. Steve spews:
Your born a poor white child now a Kountry Klubber schtick has propelled you above the others.
Besides, I get a kick outta Rog.
Don Joe has now been replaced by Puddy with Proud Leftist.
Jon is only in there for yucks. Jon tries as hard as he can…which is pretty pathetic, ain’t it? Hence, he earned his spot.
Mr. Cynical spews:
194. Don Joe spews: .
Wow Don Joe…spoken by a guy who is often confused with the back-end of a horse.
Marvin Stamn spews:
I don’t know if YLB has any marketable skills, but assuming he does… Why would any employer of either political party want to hire a bitter jealous person like YLB. He would be a cancer to his employer.
Who would want to sit in an office with him, or sit in a truck with him. Hell, who would even want him walking up to their doorstep with a pizza in his hands.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
BULLSHITTIUM Alert Star Trek Klaxon horn sounds
Don Joe The moron farted:
In the same NY Times article Barry admits Robert Rubin and Phil Gramm wanted the same bill. But as always Don Joe “mysteriously forgets this fact” and calls it my “Partial Punditry”.
What a fool.
End of BULLSHITTIUM Alert Star Trek Klaxon horn sound ends
Steve spews:
Geez, Marvin, did they release you already?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
CJS and Jane eviscerate Don Joe every time Don Joe ventures into the fold.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
As a person who has his own bidness, clueless wonder wouldn’t get my hiring vote!
Steve spews:
@202 “CJS and Jane eviscerates Don Joe”
proud leftist spews:
Puddy, Cynical:
Thank you so much for getting me back into the game. Coach, I can play, trust me.
proud leftist spews:
Damn, it’s good to see Marvie back. He’s going to compete hard for next week’s Goat, I am confident. Go for it, Marvie. Shit, I sure missed you.
Marvin Stamn spews:
Sitemeter confirms that Sound Politics gets more traffic.
What’s wrong with goldy’s website, besides the content and the left-wing nuts?
Marvin Stamn spews:
What are you talking about?
Making more shit up like you always do?
Say, did you know I work with black people? For a white ass kountry klubber liberal like you I wouldn’t expect you to know what that’s like. Oops, you already admitted you don’t work with black people.
Do you hate black people or just like to keep your distance?
Marvin Stamn spews:
And remember, their teleprompter won the election.
Just imagine the foam and spit if mcsame would have won.
It does go to prove that they are hate filled jealous bitter liberals. Oops, that was a tad redundant.
proud leftist spews:
Damn, you got your game going, man. It’s hard to come by such commitment to idiocy any more. I truly respect how you can ignore any fact or reasoned idea if it conflicts with your ideology. Kudos, man.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
proud loony, do you really absolve yourself from your own drivel? Come on man, really!
proud leftist spews:
The Truth @ 192
Hey, man, you won the Goat. Don’t you want to gloat, just a little?
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
Cynical, I noticed my beeeeeeeeeyotch rulax shut up after finding out he was close to being the first of the Elite 8. He just disappeared. I would replace Blew John (pun intended) with rulax. I guess the goat got his tongue. Now that’s a picture.
YLB spews:
The wingnut shit gets teh crazy after the awarding of the Goat.
It even brings out the ghoulish Stamn from his uh coffin, uhhh.. cocoon, errr.. crypt…..
PL – as usual, a superb writeup!
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
proud leftist spews:
Thank you. They do start spewing when they see one of them win, don’t they? Ain’t it great to see Marvie back?
Mr. Cynical spews:
205. proud leftist spews:
You are a benchwarmer compared to the other all-stars in your camp. Get used to sittin’ on the bench and gettin’ slivers in your ass.
BBG, YLB, Steve…you’ll never even touch the ball.
Go get Goober a bottle of water and a new jockstrap…EXTRA SMALL!
Mr. Cynical spews:
213. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
I think we need to get Blew John. He’s so consistent when it comes to naive, dreaming, wishful thinking.
Remember, BJ wants a $200,000 house in Seattle..when the cost of permits & delays add $200,000 to the cost of a house because of the unbelievable bureaucracy.
How can you beat that naivite??
Bj is a solid, consistent loser in my book.
Rarely turns his balls over!
Mr. Cynical spews:
Hey Marvin….welcome back.
Who will be the 1st of us to get their goat again?
Marvin Stamn spews:
Who ever can tell the truth.
There is nothing worse to a liberal than hearing the truth.
Speaking of the truth, has the teleprompter president read any speeches today? The difference between him reading and speaking off the top of his head is staggering.
Marvin Stamn spews:
The fact you can’t dispute is that obama is a very good reader of the teleprompter. Too bad without his telepromter he sounds like a high-schooler giving a speech. Um,ah, um, ah, um, um.
Marvin Stamn spews:
At least there is only another 3 years and 10 months until we can put the TOTUS to rest.
Marvin Stamn spews:
Nope, it’s true. SoundPolitics does get more hits than horsesass.
Obviously that’s a reflection on Goldy, his fellow bloggers and the left-wingnut regulars.
gop in exile spews:
It should be called Shit Politics
Don Joe spews:
@ 198
Wow Don Joe…spoken by a guy who is often confused with the back-end of a horse.
Yes–by people who manage to convince themselves that it’s possible to “eviscerate” an argument without ever actually addressing the substance of that argument; by people who haven’t the slightest clue as to the difference between “sophomoric” and “idiotic”; by people who couldn’t construct a compelling argument on a policy position if the lives of their children depended on it.
The “confusion” of these people has nothing to do with whether or not I actually resemble the south end of a northbound horse.
proud leftist spews:
Do you believe that George Bush is smarter than Barack Obama? That is a simple question, best answered by a yes or no.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year... spews:
Marvin, don’t answer the loony.
When Puddy asked the loony was he part of the 10% on 9/12 the goat had his tongue. It was a simple question best answered by a yes or no. EPIC FAIL!
When Puddy asked the loony to explain rational expectations he lost his brass marbuls. It was a more complex question best answered by rational thought processes. EPIC FAIL AGAIN!
The loony feels only he can ask the questions so he can whip out his goat.
Marvin Stamn spews:
The day you answer my questions I’ll answer yours. It’s onl;y fair, you believe in being fair don’t you?
Transparency… something the teleprompter you voted for promised during the election and then once in office turned out to be anything but transparent.
Just like how the transparent teleprompter is blocking FOIA requests about Freddie/Fannie to protect his boy rahm. I remember in the old days when stuff like that pissed you off, strange you don’t care anymore.
Seems like obama is taking up where bush left off… Say, how many more troops are being sent to afghanstan? What about that troop withdrawal from Iraq?
It would be nice if the teleptompter president wouldn’t do his bush impersonation and not show up to the ND/MN flood. In the old days stuff like that would have pissed you off, now, you don’t care the president isn’t showing up to disasters.
YLB spews:
The most racist people I know are republicans.
The Truth spews:
Did we miss one?
Steve spews:
Damn, it’s like these trolls all have a fever. I’d bet that it comes from hating America, Mom and apple pie so much. It’s like all this hate has driven them insane. Yeah, experiencing so much hate has no doubt fucked up their minds. Every one of their posts – nothing but hatred for everything good and decent in this world. Yup, combine their hatred with America’s utter rejection of their failed ideology and we have some really ugly shit being spewed here.
The Truth spews:
Steve, glad you can see through these lefties it’s not a hard task to do. Sometimes they will throw you an open ended question. Needless to say I find a lot of humor in there postings.. We do have another Steve onboard not to worry though. He is a GREAT SINNER and sticks out like a broken thumb.
Welcome on board to the looney ship.
P.S. Most of these liberals do not buy into Obama any longer….
The Truth spews:
To be fair, the most racist people I know are liberals.
Steve spews:
@231, 232 Speaking of the insane…
Rick D. spews:
Steve just summed up the David Goldstain HA blog in a nutshell…Goldy and his hate site here have nothing relevent to say and are largely marginalized in society as a whole. Life is too short to carry around so much hate.
…oh, and Goldy: 3 years without being gainfully employed is a pretty sad example to set for your offspring. Time to grow up,son.
pudge spews:
proud leftist@189: Shrug. I made salient points and adequately defended them. If you want to award that, be my guest.
Don Joe@193: The facts are documented.
Yes, but none of those documented facts is “she had a desire to ban books,” which is what Goldy said. Therefore, Goldy lied. QED.
And no, there is NO SENSE WHATSOEVER in English that Darcy has a degree in economics. There is no ambiguity. Saying you have a degree “in economics,” with no qualification either explicit or implicit, ALWAYS implies that the focus of the degree was economics. And she has no such degree.
Mr. Cynical spews:
Hey pudge..
The Golden Goat is the highest award for sanity on a completely insane Atheist Progressive Leftist Pinhead Blog.
It don’t get no better than that.
It is the Conservative Badge of Honor.
Accept it joyfully.
Don Joe spews:
Yes, but none of those documented facts is “she had a desire to ban books,” which is what Goldy said.
Haven’t we both already agreed that Goldy’s statement is a conclusion based on circumstantial evidence? Regardless of whether or not one regards that conclusion as reasonable, it’s still a conclusion based on the facts.
Therefore, Goldy lied.
If it’s a conclusion based on the facts, then it’s an opinion, and, therefore, can’t possibly be a lie. QED.
And no, there is NO SENSE WHATSOEVER in English that Darcy has a degree in economics.
She completed a proscribed program of study in Economics at an accredited institution of higher learning, and has received recognition of the fact that she has completed that program of study from that institution of higher learning. Colloquially, that’s known as a degree in Economics.
At that point, whether or not it would be correct for someone to say that Ms. Burner has a degree in Economics would be a matter of opinion, and, therefore, also cannot possibly be a lie. QED
ATJ is quite correct. We really do need better trolls.
correctnotright spews:
@184 Pudgie says:
Ain’t gotta prove something that is obviously true by simply examining what you write.
Republicans don’t actually vote, according to Pudge. They prostrate themselves before candidates instead of using the ballot box.
I think Pudge deserves the goat – His ego alone is worth a goat – especially since he has squat to back it up.
I miss little Pudgie explaining how global warming doesn’t exist and how he is an expert in atmospheric science. I miss little Pudgie trying to blame the banking crisis on democrats and the red-lining law when he doesn’t know squat about it. I miss little pudgie ignoring the evidence that red-lining was not the problem and that Phil Gramm wrote (with banking lobbyistrs help) the law (that allowed credit default swaps and the mess we are in) that was attached to a budget bill in 1999. Little Pudgie can’t explain facts – so he calls them lies.
For that alone, little Pudgie deserves a goat or maybe two.
I miss little Pudgie telling us how smart he is. Gee, I am in such awe of the Pudgie intellect – if I could only find it somewhere.