I was laughing out loud listening to this NPR interview with Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN).
Sen. Corker is oh so concerned about the fact that the Obama Administration is undertaking covert actions in “foreign policy” and, specifically, Syria, Pakistan, and Yemen. Sen. Corker whines that the Senate has been marginalized in foreign policy (really, security) issues.
The Obama Administration is, of course, using the exact same powers granted to the Bush Administration by the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force.
Shorter Sen. Corker (in Southern drawl): “When we eagerly granted the President unprecedented powers to undertake covert foreign actions without oversight, we didn’t realize the scary Black guy with a Muslim-ey sounding name would get to use it, too!”
Off to Martha’s vineyard. Where the Detroit population moved to i am sure. Must be nice to be rich as that B on the guvment dole. Maybe get a motel in downtown Detroit next time.
Yeah. Don’t those uppity Obama’s know that real Americans have estates in Kennebunkport?
The proper place to be when an American city dies is the million dollar ranch bought from the proceeds of a failed energy corporation, the sale of a baseball teams after seizing stadium ground under eminent domain and a large inheritance.
Those haughty Obama’s should be vacationing in their home state of Hawaii…er…wait…too nice.
Ahhh.. And he wasn’t even born here to boot!
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Soon enough…
While you can see the mindless dribble of an HA fool above
Can you say non sequitor?
Yes your honor… NON SEQUITOR!
N O N S E Q U I T O R,
And nobody, I mean NOBODY, knows more about non sequiturs than the puddster.
Well, except how it’s spelled.
He never spells it correctly.