…and occasionally other content. Really. Twelve fucking years ago, Goldy wrote his first HA post.
And in his first post ever, he was already offering media criticism:
So to those upstanding members of the political and media establishment who insist I cannot possibly expect to maintain my credibility as an activist while producing an irreverent and outrageous blog, the Goldy half of me respectfully says: “fuck you.”
And the first use of the word “fuck” on this blog. (These are the small things that mean so much to us…)
Yes, I am writing this blog to amuse myself; if I entertain, educate or motivate others… great! But if some people occasionally find me rude or offensive, well… that’s okay too.
Judging by the number of comments we get to our endless series of open threads, there is, at the very least, some entertainment happening.
Little known fact…a blog-year is equal to about seven human years. That makes HA a “senior netizen” among blogs. And judging by the endless open threads of late, I guess you can say we are feeling it in our muscles and joints. We expect to feel more energetic any day now.
In the mean time, thanks, Goldy, for creating this blog. Thank you, dear reader, for stopping by our geriatric blog. And thank you, dear commenter, for playing in our cesspool.
Ah, blogiversaries.
Hey trolls! That recurring bad dream you’ve been having for months where you wake up and The Donald is your 2016 GOP nominee….. That’s your reality. YOU built that!
Don’t worry in 5 or so months the racist misogynist know-nothing will have lost and you can get busy for 2020 by denying it ever happened like you did for the presidency of MiserableFailure (C+ Augustus) GWB. See how that works?
Say it with us “President Hillary Rodham-Clinton, champion for transgender equality”
See, you’re feeling better already.
O’Reilly lost custody of his kids after domestic abuse. Why is he still on the air? What kind of role model is that?
On the upside, Zombie (u)SP still walks with the dead. Only one post in the last six months with only three comments before the thread was closed, and not a single “fuck you”.
On the downside – you tolerate the loon’s incessant hate-speech and cut & paste head explosion spam. Even a cesspool should be better than that.
Whoooo’s that? Tee hee.
We don’t even count the comments on Stefan’s sucky little blog anymore, because there aren’t any. Stefan’s sucky little blog has ceased to even exist. It’s been defunct for several years now.
In the meantime, a black liberal from Kenya with a forged long-form Hawaiian birth certificate who pals around with terrorists was elected to TWO TERMS in the White House.
Once Stefan collected $225,000 from King County taxpayers from a spurious public records claim incubated by an election his faction lost, his loyal fans saw only his heels. He was like a tick leaving its host after drinking its fill of blood.
Goldy, unlike Stefan, didn’t raid the public till and wasn’t in it for money. Yet here HA is, a dozen years later, still saving the world from toxic conservatism.
There used to be more trolls, but they’re either banned, dead, or hiding out in the hills. As for me, I long ago lost count of how many evil, unpatriotic, America-hating trolls I’ve kicked, thumped, insulted, and spat on.
And I’m still here! I do it for God and country. And the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit. Onward and upward, Excelsior!
By the way, today is Roger Rabbit’s 70th human birthday, and as much as you hateful, venom-spewing, troll traitors might wish otherwise, I’m still not dead. You fuckers weren’t born that lucky, and what’s more, I intend to be here for many more years dishing out righteous justice to rightwing scum like you.
Hey Republicans, want to know what’s waiting for you in Hell? An eternal HA and a Roger Rabbit who never dies, that’s what! It’s called “justice,” and it will afflict you until the end of time.
I don’t have many heroes, but Goldy is one of the people I most admire. He’s a tireless warrior for truth and justice. A regular mensch. I wish we could get him to run for office. He’d make a great mayor.
@ 6
I don’t have many heroes, but Goldy is one of the people I most admire.
That’s nothing. Wait for the boot-licking we’ll be treated to when YLB finally gets out of bed.
Haven’t slept well since residency, eh?
It’s your conscience, asshole.
Oh, and Happy Birthday RR!
do you ever wonder how many more regular commenters you would have, if you banned just one or two of the worst trolls?
“if you banned just one or two of the worst trolls?”
I’m asking the blog’s proprietors to declare the batshit crazy loon to be mentally incompetent and unfit for commenting. If not for the loon’s sake, then for Bob’s. That our resident racist doctor has a batshit insane black guy as his only friend seems to be driving him a bit wacko.
@ #’s 9 and 10
I don’t think banning people just for being ignorant, lying, racist neocorporate Fascist assholes is a good solution. This blog needs people like that to have someone to show the world what ignorant, lying, racist neocorporate Fascist assholes look like when they have the permission of their anonymity to speak their minds.
They come in here to demand a pseudo-religious Oligarchy rooted in nationalism that is fueled by pure invective and hyperbole. Thus, they should be allowed to speak freely.
Especially in the context of a local Blog such as this one.
After all, without them, we’d have nobody to tell to Fuck Off.
Happy Birthday Roger!
Go Mariners! One game over .500 at the Safe.
And Happy B-day Roger! May there be many more indeed.
Yes yours truly appreciates this blog. It was absolutely the best place to land after the disastrous theft of a second term for George Dumbya Bush. The klownservatics in this state gloated for a bit and then a funny thing happened.
Chris Gregoire didn’t cave to the ugly Dino Lossi.
Oh did that stick in their raw backsides! This blog was absolutely the best place to witness that defeat.
No Chris Gregoire wasn’t any great improvement over Gary Locke before her. Nothing much will change in this state until the Republicans are beat into the dust just like they were in California and even then Democrats will be too spineless out of habit. A new generation of leadership is badly needed in this State.
This blog has displayed the most excellent ability of bringing the WORST out of klownservatics – lunatic klown servant/psycho-phants of the ‘murkan greed class. It’s too funny to watch the trolls pull their hair out, scream, taunt and spew hate. It shows “the world” what klownservatics are all about.
May this blog soldier on for another 12 years.
@12 I worked hard to elect Gregoire, and she was a disappointment. She lacked the spine to fight for either a fairer tax code or to preserve public services when the Great Recession hit. But she wasn’t useless. Her non-negligible service to our state was keeping Dino Loser out of the governor’s mansion. Twice.
@7 Yes, Goldy promised me my weight in knishes for saying that!
I too have enjoyed and been pissed off by this blog,long may it glow in the dark of modern times! Hail to you Big Bunny!( and
many more). Thanks Goldy,Darryl,Lee and the behind the scenes
gang! This “banning topic” is such bullshit,trolls love the attention.
Please give it up!
@2 There is probably a clause in his contract Fox could use if they wanted to fire the man. Still they would likely get sued for breach of contract if they did it for the reason you are stating. You can go to any family court at your local courthouse and observe the warring spouses. Some maybe worse or not as bad as Mr.Orielly.
Although one or the other parent maybe an unreasonable person or may have committed spousal abuse it’s probably not good public policy that we demand or expect employers to fire people in these circumstances.
You may also come to realize if you observe enough of these cases that people lie.People tell stories. People burnish their stories.
Divorces can be nasty. Playing politics over someones divorce and family issues because you disagree with them politically is a whole new level of nastiness. You don’t need to out nasty the nasty man. Win by being nice that really pissed Bill off. How are the kids doing Bill. Gotta keep your job here for when the kids go off to Harvard right Bill. Keep up the good work at Fox Bill as it would have been cheaper to be nice and keep her Bill.
Goldy when do the rest of us get some knishes. Isn’t 12 years an excuse to celebrate? Knishes or pieorgi’s, some beer, playing music that the artists object to a politician playing at their campaign rallies. Maybe we will hear a fuck you from Goldy.
A carrot cake for the birthday bunny.
Go Vikings! Go Air Force!