In my earlier post, I referred to a study done by WS-DOT that showed the Hybrid tunnel to be feasible. That study, done January 8th through 12th, was incorrectly described as being just fifty (50) pages long. This is not correct. The study WS-DOT ignored is in fact…
Eight hundred and fifty pages long.
If you had a binder of that size sitting on your desk that told you the Hybrid Tunnel was workable and safe, how could you forget it existed?
Da governess wants to be reassured that there will be no loss of traffic North and South. OK. I suggest tear down the damaged viaduct and use the concrete waste in the new sea wall.
lets lid 405 through Bellevue! If the sauce is good for the gander it should be even better for Sburban goose AND could be done withiut taking ANY land.
Regional planning!
@1 I like it! Plant grass on top — more green space for RABBITS! And don’t worry about where the rabbits will come from. My pals and I are capable of filling every ecological niche with MORE RABBITS!!!
I don’t get how this “revelation” amounts to much. I knew that WSDOT had said that the hybrid tunnel would cut-the-mustard last month. It was pretty clear that Nickels had out flanked the Gov with tunnel lite, so she, basically, completely tsunamied the shakily anchored special election that she had demanded.
Lifting her fig leaf after such a blatant, and public, loss of the round to the Mayor in the Viaduct match doesn’t make her loss any worse, or better.
In future rounds though, why not bring back godzilla tunnel with provisions for transit tracks down the center?
West Seattle 34th District Democrats recommended a no-no vote in their meeting Tuesday.
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Last Updated: 11:31pm GMT 18/02/2007
“Within five years, solar power will be cheap enough to compete with carbon-generated electricity, even in Britain, Scandinavia or upper Siberia. In a decade, the cost may have fallen so dramatically that solar cells could undercut oil, gas, coal and nuclear power by up to half. Technology is leaping ahead of a stale political debate about fossil fuels.”
read entire article:
re 5: I wonder how the oil companies will try to suppress this technology?
Sounds as if you could have a portable power outlet. If a house could be powered by covering half the roof, you should be able to get enough to run a 15 amp circuit from the roof of your car.
West Seattle 34th District Democrats recommended a no-no vote in their meeting Tuesday.
wow. really. i think “cutting off your nose to spite your face” just got a new definition. the west seattle bridge just isn’t crowded enough, dammit. we’ll fix that!
To all my friends on the Left—
Keep up the good work!
Got my pamphlet yesterday – – It didn’t change any of my thinking, but FUN reading. THANK HEAVENS Licata and David Della were standing up for the regular people of this town. I really appreciated the cut & dried common sense of their arguments in the pamphlet. The pro-tunnel folks sounded like leftover “Commons” advertisers beating the same old drums.
Remember the Commons, that was also supposed to make the developers more money on the taxpayers’ dime? That S. Lake Union pricey project which Vulcan and the Mayor are now piece mealing back into the process via the silly trolley (as Seattle can’t keep a waterfront trolley running) and City Light substation.
Got my ballot today – – Already colored in the ovals, signed, sealed, stamped and ready to mail out tomorrow. Interestingly, all my friends and neighbors (both working or retirees) are voting the same as me – and I DIDN’T even have to convince anyone either! Bring on that ELEVATED VIADUCT, ain’t got no more money for beautification projects!!!! If we want to see beauty, we’ll check out the scenery while we make the drive. Who is dumb enough to believe the developers would leave some view for anyone else, once they’re done overbuilding the waterfront? Just look at Alki Drive.
We’re all feeling inundated already with the property taxes on 17 supplemental levies and bond issues – IN ADDITION to our regular State/County/City/Port of Seattle property taxes.
I’ve got a great idea! How about we start another petition for a levy or bond issue? Instead of Mayor Nickels, the rest of the City Council, the Deputy Mayor endless bleating that this city isn’t nice enough to meet their World Class tastes, isn’t pretty enough, isn’t rich enough to pay for their Champagne appetites – – let’s have a new levy pay for their moving costs? Instead of requiring the regular hardworking folks to pack up and move when they can’t afford this group’s expectations, wouldn’t it cost less to pay moving costs for a few people to some world class place like San Francisco? Bet we could even get volunteers to drive the UHauls.
The bridge isn’t as crowded now as it will be, once construction starts on the replacement.
I’ll take the current structure unil something better is proposed. It can be fixed, and, even if it isn’t, the risk has been highly over-hyped.
If it could wait this long to make a decision, I want to wait a bit longer to come up with the correct solution.
Good for the City of Seattle for outing the truth and shining a light on what has got to be among the most stupendous betrayals of the public trust in the history of the state DOT.
We need less transportation warfare by politicians and more transportation action and common ground. All Olympia is serving up this year is warfare.
And the amazing solution promoted by a few leading businesses, the AAA, Norm Rice and a very few powerful state Senators in Olympia today was “more politicians.”
I’m shocked; the WSDOT being incompetent? NO WAY!!