Oh man… the Jim West thing just gets weirder and weirder. It’s no surprise considering all the publicity, that new allegations have emerged against the Spokane mayor… but it’s a little odd that one of the latest details was offered by West himself. According to Spokane City Councilwoman Cherie Rodgers, West confessed to wanking off in his City Hall office while visiting gay chat rooms online.
Rodgers said West acknowledged using a city computer to engage in Internet sex in his mayoral office.
“He said, we masturbated,” Rodgers said. “He called it “mutual masturbation’ … a term I hadn’t really heard before,” she said.
“I told him, your private life is your private life. I just have a hard time with your using city computers. He said, I know, I know,” she said.
Um… that’s a little too much information.
I can’t imagine this guy can continue to resist calls for his resignation, and I’m guessing the new mayor’s first official act will be to order a new keyboard.
Online Chat with Spokesman-Review Editor:
And I’m guessing it’s the non-gay-sex kind. Anyway, what with all the attention surrounding the Jim West story, and the controversial way they caught him online with his pants down (apparently, quite literally,) you might have a question or two for Spokesman-Review Editor Steven A. Smith. The online chat begins today at 3 p.m., but you can submit your questions ahead of time here.
controversy surrounds Mayor for using city computer on city time. Where is the outrage?
maybe mr. c should take out his frustrations on one of his own
Excuse me, I think the article says…JERKING OFF with a city computer on city time.
Tell me, bitter grape, what would happen to YOU if YOU were wanking at work.
“He called it ‘mutual masturbation’ … a term I hadn’t really heard before,” she said.
Echoes of the circlej at (u)SP.
“He called it ‘mutual masturbation’ … a term I hadn’t really heard before,” she said.
Evidently she doesn’t listen to the Barenaked Ladies. Someone send Ms. Rodgers a copy of “Rock Spectacle,” stat!
I’m sure Jim West heard this joke (I heard it from a gay friend)
A gay male couple decided they wanted to have a baby.
They found a surrogate mother.
Then they had their sperm mixed together and she was inseminated.
To their joy, it worked.
The pregnancy went great and at long last the baby was born.
The gay couple ran to the window and saw 25 babies….only one of which wasn’t screaming his head off.
They were delighted to see that the only baby not cryig was theirs!!!!!
A nurse saw them jumping for joy and calmly came over and told the gay couple not to get overly excited about this because
chardonnay @ 1
“controversy surrounds Mayor for using city computer on city time. Where is the outrage?”
Use on city time? The Mayor does not have a 9-5 job. In some sense, a Mayor has a round-the-clock job. This issue probably isn’t about the fact that the Mayor took some personal time while in his office–this probably happens all the time for Mayors. The real question is whether the city policy allows personal use of a city-owned computer.
I couldn’t find a copy of Spokane’s use policy. My guess, however, is that making limited personal use of the city-owned computer is probably not against the use policy. Downloading pornographic material may well be against the policy.
I am familiar with such policies from state Universities in several states including WA. These policies tend to treat use of the internet much like use of the phone. You can call your kids or your friend Goldy on your own time, so long as it is on your own time and does not interfere with your work, and doesn’t mess up the regular business.
Some state universities explicitly ban pronographic material unless it is for bona fide research. They all ban the use of state computing resources for (1) conducting a private business (or advertising), (2) campaigning for or against someone (or initiative) and (3) lobbying the state legislature.
The outrage here is probably less about the use of the computer and more about a Mayor wacking off in the Mayor’s office. There may be no policy against it, but a politician should know better and, in any case, have the political sense to keep such information about past incidences private.
Goldy says a new mayor will have to order a new keyboard. how true. like Bush having to order new carpet in the Oral Office.
Didn’t we learn from Bill Clinton and his suck ups that “It’s just about sex” and that is private?
Excuse me for asking a silly question but is this issue good press or bad press for the gay community?
Great for the gay community, not so good for bullying asshole closet cases – and they aren’t exactly doing the gay community any favors already, are they?
West is very typical of Republican closet cases. Look at the Vanity Fair article on “Jeff Gannon” and you’ll see lots of similarities.
I think this West guy is spinning out of control. That “confession” is just bizarre. I think the guy is about a week away from a rubber room.
Jim West should resign or become a Democrat, whichever is more appealing to him.
Cynical@5: That’s a joke? It isn’t funny. Get some counseling.
Jim West should resign or become a Democrat, whichever is more appealing to him.
He’s better resign, because we Democrats don’t want him. The Republican Party is the natural home of twisted, lying closet cases.
It was told to me by a gay guy.
You BOBO’s (Bourgeois Bohemians) aka Seattle Pinheaded LEFTIST Elite have zero sense of humor. You are all too bound up in your political correctness. Since you hated that one so much Marilyn, I’ve got a LESBIAN joke you might find offensive (told to me by a Lesbian!!)
A Co-ed goes in for her physical.
She gets under-dressed and the Doctor cannot help but notice a huge “M” imprinted on her stomach.
The doc asks, what’s that “M” all about.
“Well”, replies the girl, “my boyfriend goes to the University of Michigan and he loves his school so much that he always makes love to me with his Letterman’s jacket on.”
The very next day, the same Doctor is giving another girl a physical. She disrobes and there is an “M” again.
The doctor says, “let me guess, your boyfriend goes to Michigan”?
The girl replies, “No…but my girlfriend goes to Wisconsin!!”
Now that there is funny stuff…I don’t care who ya are!
Cynical@14: Oh, and now we get the blonde jokes. You may not believe it, but we blondes know the difference between an M and a W. I certainly wouldn’t go out with a guy who wore his letter jacket upside down, I can tell you that. Got to draw the line somewhere.
That joke @14, now that’s a good one. Seriously though, I don’t like jokes, especially sexual jokes, that include children or babies. I also don’t like violent jokes, or jokes that are mean. With jokes like the one at 14 in your bag of tricks, you don’t need jokes like the one at 5.
thanks for lighthearted and funny response. Marilyn
I think cynical’s joke @ 14 was good too. There’s nothing blonde about it. Think of it as a topographical visualization excercise, and smile.
Regarding 5, like most bad humor, it comes from ignorance.
Cynical. Ask Mrs. Cynical to get a butt plug and lube from Toys in Babeland. If used as directed, it might get you off of HA and enjoying life a bit more. While Leviticus says that men can’t lie with men, it is silent on the subject of sex toys. Get one or two and enjoy yourself a bit.
hey-i’m outraged and creeped out. Last week when all this came down, i realized in retrospective that my recent run in with hiz’onor, was not honorable. I was reading the new issue of the Skeptical Inquirer at the local downtown magazine stand, when i noticed Mr. West standing across the aisle at the other rack talking to an Air Force officer. They were making snide comments about liberals, so i would look up occassionally baffled at their apparent lack of intellect. The Mayor was staring at me, more than was making me comfortable, but since i am clearly a radical commie leftest type in dress and style, i thought for sure he was merely acknowledging the enemy.
BUT NOOO!. It seems now the dude was checking me out. I am offended retroactively. Not that a guy was checking me out; i was the section supervisor ocean lifeguard for ten years of the area where most of the hollywood gay and lesbian community hung out in the late 60’s and through the 70’s(still in the closet for the most part). But West is a slimy slick short chubby dude. No way am i flattered or feeling honored. Strike him down, make him resign.
Thanks, Goldy, for providing the link to the Spokesman-Review chat session…it has been a good “peek” at the internal goings-on at the SR in relation to this story, and chat sessions are something I wish more editors (in all media) would be more willing to do more often. Thanks again.
You gotta love all the Bible-thumpin, confederate flag waving, knuckledragging right wingers jumpin on board to try to support this child rapist West. There’s nothing more fun to watch than a GOP train wreck in progress.
Well, I figured the Democrats wanted him since they stick up for such people always parroting “it was only about sex”. Never bothered your party when it was Niel Goldschmidt, Bill Clinton or that sleazy NJ governor.
He ought to fit right in with you “progressives”.
Ok, I’m still testing your sense of humor.
Why did God give blondes one more brain cell than horses?
So they don’t crap during the parade!
that does it! Now you’re insulting my multi-taksking skills. I’ll have you know I can so walk and fart at the same time. I learned that technique when I was a majorette. that’s why I have such a sprightly step at my age.
All dumbs are not blonde. Some are libertarians. Any more of these blonde jokes, and I’ll have to go out and buy some hair dye.
marilyn, and some blonds just might be Mr.C when he dresses up in his Jane Mansfield outfit and goes to ‘TOWN’
YOU were mighty surprised that night you tried to cop a feel!
A blonde visits the local Police station looking for a job.
“What’s two plus two”?, asks the interviewing sargeant.
“Four”, says the blonde.
“What’s the square root of 100”?
“Ten” she replies.
“Who killed Abraham Lincoln”?
“Oh, I dunno”, says the blonde.
“Go home and come back when you know the answer” says the cop.
The blonde goes home and calls a friend who asks if she got the job.
“Not only did I get it,” says the blonde…”but I’m already working on a murder case!”
Russian blonde joke: Blonde females are not intelligent and are inarticulate! Ha….Ha…..Ha…..
Sorry. That was the Republican blonde joke. All apologies…..to Russians.
I expect someone to take my comments apart but I will say them anyway. It’s plain and simple. The Spokane mayor should resign, apologize for using the city computer for trolling for some potential new friends and ask for forgiveness. No jokes, no innuendo, just an opinion.
Sorry folks I just can’t pass this up. Headless, being headless, you wouldn’t know if you are blonde would you? Or maybe blonde = headless. Does your employer know you use their computers to blog? Mine does and approves.
Abuse of office: When the stupid Spokane Mayor went on a gay chat room and offered a city position to an under age boy useing City and City property to accomplish that sexual connection he should have know better. Stings and internet cop’s stories have been running on TV over and over again.. Question being why would the Mayor set himself up? Obviously the Mayor’s intent was bent on suiting up his own sexual pleasures and overruled his common sense. You know the old stiff prick has no concience thing. If the sting had not came about he would have sooner or later got his jollies by direct contact instead of only getting sticky keys. Next thing he will attempt will be to cry discrimination if they recall the sucker! Head shrinkers say, “the only cured pediphile is a dead one.”
Cynical@27: Good one!
Pudster@29: I agree. The allegations of child abuse are very, serious. At least some of his acknowledged past behaviour, (his penchant for young males), suggest that he is vulnerable to those charges and he needs to deal with it – for his own sake. It would have helped if he had expressed some compassion for victims of child abuse in his denial of those charges. But he didn’t, and his denial sounded defensive. It would save a lot of pain for his supporters, and it would exhibit some compassion for victims of such abuse,if he resigned and dealt with those allegations.
mr. c @ 27, what do you mean tried? LOL, good one C.
My wife is pretty sick of me dressing up in that Jayne Mansfield costume. You want it?
I tell you what….I’ll tried you my Jayne Mansfield costume for your Jim West blow-up doll….straight-up!
I meant “trade” you.
I’m such a funny SOB that sometimes my humor glands work faster than my keyboarding skills.
My boy lollipop
Awwww, the link won’t work consistently:
New York Post
Page Six
Richard Johnson
May 10, 2005 — OPENLY gay U.S. Rep.Barney Frank got caught blatantly fondling an up-and-coming politician’s buttocks at a public event. According to gay weekly the Washington Blade, the frisky Frank was escorting rising gay politico Mike Evans into the VIP section at Philadelphia’s Equality Forum when he boldly seized the opportunity to cop a feel from the younger man. The tush-grabbery was caught by alert photogs covering the event, and the pictures soon surfaced on the Internet. A rep for Frank, who is in a relationship with his domestic partner, Sergio Pombo, declined PAGE SIX’s request for comment.
I went and looked up the photo. I have to give Frank credit for his taste in rising young gay politicos. I mean, if you’re going to do a PDA, better that than Your President holding hands with a fat Arab just because the guy controls U.S. oil prices. I wonder what Bush did for him behind closed doors.
Ya’ll must be in a pickle w/ West. You love the man but hate his politics, plus he tars you by not just being gay but also pedophilia. I’m not too troubled; toss him from office for philandering..
“as for his on the job crime”, wasn’t that what Clinton did?
True Confessions