At least 33 people were killed and 30 injured in the tragic shooting rampage this morning at Virginia Polytechnic and State University, but don’t you worry, the White House made very clear today that “the president believes that there is a right for people to bear arms.”
- 04/15/07 Reuters: 19 bodies found in Baghdad on Saturday
- 04/15/07 Reuters: 20 Iraqi troops and policemen abducted
- 04/15/07 Reuters: 4 killed by suicide bombers in Mosul
- 04/15/07 AP: Suicide bomber kills 5, wounds 11 in northwest Baghdad
- 04/15/07 AP: 37 die as car bomb hits near Iraq shrine
I’m just sayin’.
Unsurprisingly, Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit blames the victims:
These things do seem to take place in locations where it’s not legal for people with carry permits to carry guns, though, and I believe that’s the case where the Virginia Tech campus is concerned. I certainly wish that someone had been in a position to shoot this guy at the outset.
That’s right, if only the victims themselves had been armed, none of this would have happened. Ah well, in that case, I guess they got what they deserved.
Humans are truly horrifying creatures at times.
This tragedy at Virginia Tech is just a microcosm of what Bush has created in Iraq. Imagine something as tragic as this or worse happening every day. Is it any wonder they hate us now? Bush as led America to a stalemate at best in Iraq. There is no military solution, no military victory possible under Bush’s failed leadership.
Why do conservatives say they support the troop and yet vote for people who only support the troops in rhetoric but not with their votes to properly fund their needs?
Why are conservatives such troop haters? I guess they only hate America’s troops, but love the mujahideen.
What’s with Goldy’s web site? I can’t post.
I’ve made 30 attempts to post a comment and it won’t post.
I’m being sabotaged!
Good point. What happened at Virginia Tech today happens everyday in Iraq. How does Bush sleep at night? How does he look in the mirror?
Well, that link is the best I can do. Goldy’s software keeps rejecting my text.
“Escaping Rabbits Block Hungarian Highway
“BUDAPEST (April 16) – Hungary’s busiest highway / was closed early on Monday after a truck carrying rabbits crashed, letting 5,000 of the animals loose on the road, police said.
“The / motorway / could remain closed for hours while police try to capture the escaped animals, highway police spokeswoman Viktoria Galik said.
“‘There are thousands of them on the road /; they’re just sitting around, eating grass and enjoying the sun,’ Galik told Reuters.”
For some strange reason Goldy’s software wouldn’t accept ellipses ( … ).
No ellipses . . . Really? I wonder why?
hmmmmm . . . seems to be working for me, Roger Rabbit?
Roger, looks like the work of . . . of . . . Homeland Security! Quick . . . run for your life!!!
The Republicans and Bush are also to blame for the crummy performance of my 403b retirement plan.
@ 15:
These guys screwed up everything they’ve touched. Is it any wonder when Bush went to spend his “political capital” on privatizing Social Security he had “insufficent funds” stamped on his returned check?
@14 Run for my surface-to-air self-defense equipment, you mean.*
*Just kidding! Liberal humor.
Just what I wanted to do when attending college. Strap on a piece and be prepared to have a gun battle at school.
Yessir, these righties know how to have fun — and get educated at the same time, time and blood supply permitting.
Don’t they all have them now?
I’m pretty sure most Iraqi families have an AK or two in the household already.
We should just hit the road: Iraq is going to have to disintegrate before it’s all over. Maybe in 10 or 15 years something of a “country” might develop. My guess is that there’ll be three countries made out of what used to be Iraq.
Speaking of the idiots in the Bush administration, check out Bill Maher’s takedown of the hundreds of graduates of “tier 4” Regent (PatRobertsonCo) University Law School working in the gub’mint.
Oh, yeah, they all have AK’s and a whole lot of other shit that wasn’t guarded at the weapons depots because our FAILED Commander-in-Chief failed to send enough troops to properly secure all military bases and weapons depots.
Kind of strange he didn’t opt to send enough troops to guard the military bases given the fact that’s where they would have been storing WMD’s. Had they actually had WMD’s.
Conservatives are troop haters.
Actually, Iraqis have always tended to be well-armed, as I recall from those heady days of my youth in 2002 before the Great War.
Well, one small smoking gun for mankind…
Emphasis mine. “At odds,” eh? Another way of saying “pants on fire?”
Astonishingly sour note, even for Dubya. Why o why can’t he just pretend to be distraught at the horrible incident, without gratuitously throwing in the reminder about (half of) the 2nd Amendment?
One wonders whether Glenn Reynolds encourages (requires?) the students in his law school courses to pack heat in the classroom.
The population-adjusted comparison with Iraq might be more like 350 people killed today in Blacksburg. And 275 tomorrow in Richmond, 400 the next day in Charlottesville, then 300 in Roanoke, then …, then …, and then …
This Guy Had To Be A Republican (Case #270475834-6)
The worst school killing in U.S. history occurred on May 18, 1927, in Bath Township, Michigan, when a farmer upset by property taxes blew up the school. The final death toll was 45, mostly children.
The farmer, Andrew Kehoe, had been elected to the school board because of his reputation for thrift. As a board member, he ceaselessly agitated for lower taxes, and constantly flung accusations of financial mismanagement at the superintendent.
Known as a handyman, Kehoe was invited to do maintenance work for the school, which gave him unrestricted access to the building. He apparently spent over a year planning the attack, stockpiling more than a ton of explosives in the basement.
On the fatal day, Kehoe killed his wife and set the farm buildings ablaze; then, while firefighters were diverted to the farm, he detonated the explosives in the school. Half an hour later, he returned to the scene, called the superintendent over to his car, then exploded dynamite in the car, which he had filled with shrapnel.
Kehoe left a sign attached to the farm’s fence inscribed, “Criminals are made, not born.” The Ku Klux Klan took advantage of the tragedy to fulminate against “godless schools.”
Sounds a lot like 2007, doesn’t it?
Daddy Love @ 22
Amazing. Graduates of Tier 4 law schools, like Regent U., would never be considered for hire, other than possibly in temporary positions, at most respectable law firms. Federal agencies, particularly the DOJ, used to be–and could afford to be–quite selective in hiring. This development starkly shows how ideology trumps merit and qualifications in the Bush government.
Actually, Roger, it sounds like a normal weekend in Spanaway.
@21 There’s zero chance that “Iraq,” which has never been a country, will ever be a country. “Iraq” was nothing but a British line on a map denoting Britain’s claimed sphere of influence in the Middle East following World War I. Without Saddam to hold it together, “Iraq” will become Kurdistan, Sunniland, and the Caliphate of Shia. And a pox on them all; let’s just buy their oil and let ’em kill each other.
If they get tired of killing each other over religion, oil, or wife-stealing, they’ll think of some other reason.
@22 Someone should look into their accreditation, if they have one.
@30 – I don’t know, Rog: the Kurds may pull off something out of the Iraqi mess. That is, if the Turks will leave them the hell alone!
Roger Rabbit @ 27
Back in the 1920’s, the Ku Klux Klan used to be in favor of public schools, and against private schools. They managed to gain control over Oregon government and passed a law requiring all children to attend public school — as opposed to private school. They wanted especially to get rid of the Catholic schools, since they didn’t like the Catholic Church at all back then. The U.S. Supreme Court ended up declaring the law unconstitutional. Also, the Oregon Constitution used to have a provision prohibiting any blacks from living in the state. It was repealed in a referendum a few years ago, by a somewhat less than overwhelming margin. And back then, the KKK used to have a lot of influence in both the Democrat and Republican Parties, depending upon which party was more popular in a given state and which party was easier to infiltrate and take over. They actually had several million members nationwide — about the same number of members that the Nazi Party had before they took total control of German politics.
Goldy — the fellow at InstaPundit that you quoted does have a bit of a point. The gunman obviously wanted to kill as many people as possible and was very calculating in how he did it. Presumably, he chose his venue with the objective of maximizing the carnage. Apparently, Virginia has a law absolutely forbidding firearms at any educational institution. (I lived in Tennessee for two years 20 years ago while attending college, and there was a similar state law there — in fact it was a felony punishable by five years in prison to have a firearm on any campus, including higher education.) The killer may have figured that the chances of being interrupted by defensive gunfire from his victims was considerably less on the college campus, than it would have been in the general community. Also, if Virginia law makes it a felony to have a firearm at an educational institution, it simply shows that gun control laws don’t work very well. They didn’t stop the killer from shooting up a dormitory earlier, or from committing mass murder on a much larger scale in the classroom building.
33 The Turks have enough of their own problems to deal with right now. Seems they have some guy in line for the presidency who’d like to make the whole place into an Islamic Republic. That’ll be quite a switch for a country with nude beaches.
35 Richard, some of those “good ol’ boys” view some rules as something to be ignored. I used to work for a large corporation with headquarters in Alabama, where there was a strictly-worded prohibition in the company code of conduct against firearms on company property. In reality, it was commonplace for people to be packing, including the CEO.
Gonzales Testimony Postponed
MSNBC reports that Gonzo’s testimony before Congress has been postponed because of the tragedy. Well, this will take the U.S. Attorney scandal off the front pages, won’t it? Seems almost heaven-sent for the Republicans. Wonder if Rove is thinking divine intervention.
Somehow I have a feeling that there was more going on here than that the gunman knew no one on campus had a gun. I strongly suspect that whatever caused this guy to snap would not have been deterred by concealed carry laws at VPI.
And why is Steven Segal never around to stop these atrocities anyway?
35 For someone to be in such a frame of mind as to set out to kill dozens of people, the prospect of five years in the jug was probably not a major consideration.
Gonzales is being true to form for that entire crew. Lie, lie some more, and when caught at it, tell more lies about the lies.
Pope @ 35
Plainly, all college students should be provided an armament when they commence their matriculation at an institution of higher learning. When the cost of a year at a private college now is approaching $50,000, surely parents will not blanch at tacking on a few hundred bucks for a handgun. Man, I wish I’d had a handgun back in school. Those off-campus kegs that inevitably produced disputes of some sort could have been even more entertaining. Shootouts would have provided clear resolution to those disputes, rather than just simple lingering bad feelings. Yeah, the more I think about it, I’m with you, man. Armaments on campus sound like the way to go.
College boys, keggars and firearms. Oh yeah, that’d work….
Okay all you NRA supporters. Time to start contacting the parents of these dead kids and let them know that if only their kids had been red-blooded, gun-toatin, bible-thumpin, rednecks, they’d still be alive today.
The WH press secretary made the comment about the 2nd amendment only AFTER getting hounded by the jackals of the press corp.
The sad fact that the Virginia Legislature did not pass a bill in their last session allowing people to carry weapons on campus for self defense, is just that, sad. And actions, or inactions, have consequences.
Locally, Rebecca Griego was defenseless and ending up a victim of domestic violence. She was disarmed by both statute (UW rules) and by the soft headed group think that ‘guns are bad’. The Jewish Federation of Seattle was similarly situated.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range.
The WH press secretary made the comment about the 2nd amendment only AFTER getting hounded by the jackals of the press corp.
We should make guns illegal because people can’t be trusted, which everyone will abide by because they can be trusted.
I thank God this happened in a “gun free” zone. Can you imagine how may people would have been killed if this happened somewhere that wasn’t “gun free”.
We’ll probably have to call back some of the Democrapic representatives from their 5 star Tax payer paid Easter Trips now..Oh No!
I hope the kids who got killed have parents who have been advocating for easy access to guns. That way, they can rest assured that the right wing whacko who killed these kids had his right to bear arms protected long enough to murder their children.
Wow, a couple of questions is hounded? Didn’t realize the White House was so wussified.
Ugly spin on the V Tech shooting. It’s not always about hating guns and Bush. Well, at least not for the rest of us.
@33 Thing is, Lib, the Turks have never left the Kurds alone and never will. The Turks are scared shitless of the Kurds.
You know if the shooter would have known that he was in a “gun free” zone maybe this tragedy could have been averted. How many signs were there? We should pass a law requiring that a sign be posted every 100 feet. Also a warning that killing someone is against the law.
@34 The KKK demonstrated how easily a popular movement may end up on the ash heap of history if its principles are wrong. Today, the KKK has fallen from an organization of millions-strong to a handful of emaciated chapters made up of a few guys with potbellies who don’t do much more than burn a token cross every several years.
Let that be a warning to the GOP.
handful of emaciated chapters made up of a few guys with potbellies who don’t do much more than burn a token cross every several years.
Hey dont forget some are democrat senators. Geeeesh.
@35 Of all the mass murderers that have come and gone over the years, I don’t recall a single one being stopped by “defensive gunfire” as you put it. Regardless of what the local gun laws were.
Washington has one of the most liberal carry laws in the nation, but it’s absurd to believe that everyone in this state who has a permit packs heat everywhere they go, or every time they go out in public.
@40 Art, I think Richard was trying to say this guy went to the campus because he knew no one would be armed there. Richard’s thesis seems to be this guy wouldn’t have tried it at the Greyhound bus stop because he didn’t want to run into someone packing heat. No wonder he can’t get elected to anything.
@45 Did the press corps make him open his mouth? Aren’t these guys paid to know when to say “no comment?”
So wingnutty — if you can’t blame Clinton, then blame the press. But if the Chimp says something idiotic, under no circumstances is he to blame.
Frankly, I think the timing of Bush’s pro-gun message was a little off.
@48 Why the fuck should the Pukes get all the fancy taxpayer-paid junkets? You guys had your fun; now it’s our turn. If you don’t like it, kiss your armadillo!
@50 They sure seem suggestible these days, don’t they?
@56 Considering most KKK members are rightwing Republicans, shouldn’t they have a couple Democrats for balance?
I personally think that regardless of the legal or constitutional implications, attempting to ban guns in this country would be rather silly–there are already so many in circulation that it would be like shutting the doors on an empty barn.
On the other hand, I don’t know that advocating even further proliferation of firearms is going to solve anything either. Most likely it will just lead to more innocent people getting shot.
The perpetrator in today’s tragedy had to have been off his rocker. He probably knew full well that he’d end up getting killed himself. Perhaps that was part of his motivation, in which case the prospect of a roomful of other people shooting back at him might have been even more of a turn-on.
As to the idea that the victims should have made like the hijacked flight over Pennsylvania on 9/11…who knows, maybe they did. Remember, though–these weren’t combat-trained soldiers, but a roomful of college kids. Maybe a couple guys in the front row tried to rush the gunman, and he blew them away and screamed “WHO WANTS TO BE NEXT, MOTHERFUCKERS?”
The folks in the airplane were more than a little lucky (in a manner of speaking–they died heroes, but they still died) in that they managed to whisper among themselves and co-ordinate their counterattack.
@56 Considering most KKK members are rightwing Republicans, shouldn’t they have a couple Democrats for balance?
Well I guess you liberals think so. Your the racists that voted for me. heehehehe
As to the constitutional considerations, I find it a bit of a stretch that the framers had something like what happened today in mind when they penned the Second Amendment. Remember, the state of the art in weaponry at the time was the musket, a single-shot weapon that took about a minute and a half to reload, and so inaccurate that you could almost shoot yourself in the back with it.
RightEqualStupid @ 49
Apparently the killer was a 24 year old foreign male college student from Communist China here on a student visa:,,2007170635,00.html
I wonder if he was a veteran of the People’s Liberation Army?
69 Or someone who managed to wangle four years here so he could spend more time playing World of Warcraft.
The latest I have been able to find states that they have a tentative ID, but have not publicly released the name of the gunman, so I’m waiting on the ID before I go with anything the Sun writes.
This poor, misunderstood Chinese coolie was simply grabbing his opportunity to become famous in his homeland by spilling a lot of Yankee blood. He chose a school with an overabundance of twinkies, knowing the little marshmallow cups would eagerly line up for him to shoot down, because they had nothing better to live for. His last words were, “All praise to Billy and Hilly, the wonderful sellers of America to the grand Chinese! My daddy slept in their Lincoln bedroom and tonight these sissy fools will sleep in Hell.” His apparently shot his girlfriend, John Teddy Libdem first, because John Teddy couldn’t suck dick as fast as other faggot libs he’d met. Looks as if he should have checked this board. He’d have found more than enough wide open mouth-asses waiting for him.
#70 glocker blocker. dis happin coz Don Imus callt a bunch of nappy-headed ho’s “nappy-headed ho’s!” now dat be some kind bad shit an yuo knos it! yuo nead stop them raceiest takien afore we git mad at yuo an start collectin munie to fite all de raceiest talk lak yuo do. an yuo callen libs faggot is rong! rong! jus coz dey coksuckers don’t mek dem no faggot! i’se a faggot, an i won’t hev yuo talken dat way! rise up ammerica! get yuorsef a gun an shoot all them luny repuglicains dat think it ok to kerry guns. we shoot dem all an dat will show dem how rong it be four white repuglicains to hav guns!
Reverend Al, go suck a cucumber! There are already enough flaming faggots here, you’re not needed.
Of course gun control laws are an absolute failure.
That’s why Vancouver, with Triads, heroin smuggling, biker gangs, snakeheads, and all the other fun of a nasty old port city has a homicide rate slightly higher than Salt Lake City but isn’t quite as rough-and-tumble as San Jose.
It can’t be lack of access to guns. It must be that all the hydro here mellows everyone out. Yeah. That’s the ticket.
As ArtFart already mentioned, this barn door has been left open, the livestock are all gone, and we all get to live with it.
So once again, we get evidence as to why the voters rightly rejected Dickie The Pope so many fucking times. The shooter is from Korea Dickie – not China. I am guessing you’re about as good at law as you are geography.
In any event, Korean nationals as a block vote heavily GOP and tend to be very conservative so that probably explains why this nutjob killed all these kids. All I can say is I hope they were Publicans.
Restrictive gun laws didn’t stop the school massacre in Germany 5 years ago.
Nutjobs will be nutjobs.
We can list all the laws that were broken here. Are more going to make a difference?
I never in my role as a mother thought I would be having to tell my sons, one at college and one in high school, what they should do if some LOSER comes to their class with a gun. I am bitterly angry that I should have to but that’s the MF*******country we live in. No mom or dad should be in this position. Now I have to call my son’s university and make sure they know that when they have a shooting, they better TELL the students ASAP. They don’t have to have the crime scene throughly investigated to do this. Virginia Tech had a shooting earlier this year on the edge of campus and shut the campus down. I wonder if that had any effect on them not shutting it down yesterday.
Anytime you have an angry male with a gun, you need to find him and shut him DOWN. And sorry guys, you almost NEVER see women doing this shit.
78-Anytime you have an angry male with a gun, you need to find him and shut him DOWN.
A bit difficult when all of the targets are unarmed. Better tell your kids to peacefully negotiate their safe release, and then kiss their ass goodbye if this ever happens at their school.
Here is to pride in keeping the campus free of pesky weapons..
Someone please put a muzzle on this kid….
57-I don’t recall a single one being stopped by “defensive gunfire” as you put it.
Wake up dipshit. /04/va_tech_official_praised_ defea.php
· January 9, 2002, Appalachian School of Law in Grundy, Va. – 43 year old Peter Odighizuwa, who had flunked out of the small law school earlier in the week killed three people and wounded three others. Two law students – Tracy Bridges and Ted Besen – retreived a handgun from Bridges’ vehicle and held Odighizuwa at gun point for several minutes before police arrived. (Bridges was a reserve deputy sheriff, but was not on duty at the time of the incident.)
· October 1, 1997, Pearl High School, Pearl, Ms. – 16 year old Luke Woodham carried a rifle onto the school campus, killed his ex-girlfriend and one of her friends and wounded seven other people. Assisstant Principal Joel Myrick retreived a handgun from his truck and held Woodham for police. It was later learned that the teeneager had beaten and stabbed his own mother to death before the attack at the school.
It turns out that the guy who did the killing was the leader of the Young Republicans on campus and got caught raping a 9-year old boy so he went off. Sounds like most the Publicans I know.
#57, Wabbit
“Washington has one of the most liberal carry laws in the nation, but it’s absurd to believe that everyone in this state who has a permit packs heat everywhere they go, or every time they go out in public.”
You would be surprised at how many people are packing out there. They do not brag, they do not have NRA stickers on their car, are quite unassuming, and don’t have to be packing a Dirty Harry hand cannon. Not all CPL holders/gun owners are noisy wingnuts. That is the same way that left leaning folk get dumped in with the anarchist goons from the WTO protests.
That long hair bicycle riding guy without a beer belly just might be packing….and it just might be me!!
We need more guns everywhere, just think of the American jobs and boost to the economy it would produce. If we require at age 5 (younger if we keep pre school education programs) we issue a Handgun to every school child (This doesn’t have to be a Guvment program, we can privatize this, so don’t worry too much) Along with Pencils, Crayons and a ruler we make them bring in a .22 (until 5th grade when they’re big enough to handle a .38) Then we can count on there never being a shooting incident again. Because reason dictates ‘If everyone has a gun, then there will be no shootings’ Really who is going to enter a room full of fully armed 1st graders after nap time?
You are a dumbshit, did you attend Pat Robertson U ?
85-If we require at age 5
The common sense goal is to allow teachers and other law-abiding adults to be able to defend themselves. If others end up getting additional life days as a result that is a bonus.
did you attend Pat Robertson U ?
No, I was one of the millions who were/are cheated by government schools. And I live now near poverty so that all of my children and grandchildren can escape the mind-numbing sheep herding. I still pay taxes to support the system for you and your kin, however, as it is an investment in future success for my own. The world needs a continued supply of losers to make winning so much easier.
Mr. Pope was reporting what the Sun in the U.K. was reporting at the time, that it was a Chinese National that had just arrived in the U.S.
At the time they were reporting this, the police had not released the identity of the shooter to the U.S. press.
So in other words, Pope was handing out bad information – so what else is new?
Just to give some context the White House statements, these weren’t a talking-point thrust forward without request (in the opening remarks).
Dana Perino was asked this by a reporter, and this was her response.
Q Dana, going back to Virginia Tech, what more does this White House think needs to be done as it relates to gun issues? The President says current laws need to be strengthened, anything beyond that — you had a conference on school violence with guns — what more needs to be done?
MS. PERINO: I would point you back to the fact that President, along with Secretary Spellings, hosted last October — October 10, 2006 — a conference on school gun violence after the Amish school shooting and the other shootings that had happened, because the tragedies are the ones that just collectively break America’s heart and are ones that we deeply feel, because all of us can imagine what it would be like to have been at your own school, your own college, and to have something happen. And those of us who are parents, or brothers or sisters of people at the schools have to take that into consideration.
As far as policy, the President believes that there is a right for people to bear arms, but that all laws must be followed. And certainly bringing a gun into a school dormitory and shooting — I don’t want to say numbers because I know that they’re still trying to figure out many people were wounded and possibly killed, but obviously that would be against the law and something that someone should be held accountable for.
While I totally disagree with this policy – It totally negates any idea of bearing arms being provisionary to support “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State” – It still was not a knee-jerked unsolicited WH statement (as portrayed)
How can ANY of you belittle the truth that an armed madman will kill unarmed innocents AT WILL until stopped. By his own hand or otherwise. If you are insane and wish to do maximumharm, why would you try to accomplish massacre at a gun range? Exactly…you’d be killed too soon.
Guns can’t be uninvented. Why don’t we repeal the 4th amendment and just search everyone now? It makes as much sense.
I stated in an earlier post that guns don’t kill, people do!
How about blaming the murderer who was mentally sick who had premeditated this with a similar profile to that of Harris & Clebold (Columbine 1999) instead of blaming a poor communicating President ? Just a thought…
The tragic part of all of this is that it unfolded the way it did.
Of all the major presidential contenders, Mitt Romney is the only one who doesn’t mention the tragedy on his campaign site:
It might surprise all you hand wringers to know how many people die because of medical/medicinal malpractice by trained care givers. Do you know who your pharmacist has killed today?
“..they got what they deserved”???
C’mon Goldy, you’re smarter than that!
The gun control movement in this country should never be taken seriously until the they tell us just how they plan to get the guns out of the hands of the criminals. Gun control advocates only have a plan for getting the guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens…
A few years ago, at Virginia Tech a student with a permit was caught with a gun on campus. The controversy moved to the Virginia legislature where a bill to extend permit privileges to college campuses was rejected. So ..bottom line? A law-abiding student with a concealed carry permit could not bring a gun on campus. A student not caring about the law, but intent on mayhem, could.
Va. Tech Killer Ruled Mentally Ill by Court; Let Go After Hospital Visit
Cho Had Harassed Two Female Students; Officials Concerned He Was Suicidal
April 18, 2007 — – A Virginia court found that Virginia Tech killer Seung-Hui Cho was “mentally ill” and potentially dangerous. Then the state let him go.
In 2005, after a district court in Montgomery County, Va., ruled that Cho was either a danger to himself or to others — the necessary criteria for a detention order — he was evaluated by a state doctor and ordered to undergo outpatient care.
According to the “Temporary Detention Order” obtained by ABC News, psychologist Roy Crouse found Cho’s “affect is flat and mood is depressed.
“He denies suicidal ideation. He does not acknowledge symptoms of a thought disorder,” Dr. Crouse wrote. “His insight and judgment are normal.”
That information came to light two days after Cho, a Virginia Tech senior, killed 32 people and then himself in a shooting rampage on the university’s campus.
‘Imminent Danger to Himself’
The evaluation came from a psychiatric hospital near Virginia Tech, where Cho was taken by police in December 2005, after two female schoolmates said they received threatening messages from him, and police and school officials became concerned that he might be suicidal.
After Dr. Crouse’s psychological evaluation of Cho, Special Justice Paul M. Barnett certified the finding, ordering followup treatment on an outpatient basis.
On the form, a box is checked, showing that the person “presents an imminent danger to himself as a result of mental illness.”
Immediately below it was another box that is not checked: “Presents an imminent danger to others as a result of mental illness.”
Authorities said they had no contact with Cho between then and Monday’s mass killings.
That means the authorities had infomatin that would have made it illegal for him to purchase a gun. There is a question to that effect on form 4473.
You don’t suppose he LIED on that form , do you?
“gun free zones” signs really didn’t get the job done either, did it?