Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10:30am, UW (Seattle) students will meet by the Statute of George Washington and protest in solidarity with UW–Madison students.
The United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) and members of the UW American Association of University Professors (AAUP) will demonstrate in support of
Wisconsin unions and workers. The rally is part of a USAS national day of action called by students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who are currently fighting draconian cuts proposed by governor Scott Walker (R-WI).
The full press release is posted at The Ave.
Part of me would like to see the unions in the state put together a march in Seattle down 5th Ave. at lunchtime to show solidarity with their brethern in Wisconsin.
But that wouldn’t have much of an effect in Wisconsin, Walker would just reference it as evidence that “outsiders” from the left are the only ones demonstrating.
By the way, did anyone else notice the similarity of Walker’s claim that the demonstrators were mainly “outsiders from other states” with Gaddafi’s claim that “my people love me” and that the rebels were all “Al Quadia?
Anyway, I’m still looking for an effective way to get back at the pocketbooks of the Wisconsin Republican politicians by targeting their business interests. They may not care about other people’s jobs or incomes, but I’m sure they care about their own.
I just hope Moammar Walker doesn’t unleash his tanks on the unarmed Wisconsin students.
Is that what Walker claimed? You put it in quotation marks. Did he claim that most of the demonstrators were from outside Wisconsin?
Or did he state that he wouldn’t be swayed by those from outside Wisconsin? The Trumka, Obama, Solis types.
There’s a difference. What you allege makes him inaccurate and dishonest. What is more likely is that he was spot-on.
There’s no similarity. He’s not Hitler, He’s not Mubarak, he’s not Gaddafi. Your claim is silly.
There’s an election in 2012. That’s your opportunity to ‘get back’ at the GOP in WI. Until then, elections have consequences. The gubernatorial election in WI wasn’t close. He’s doing what he was elected to do. Live with it.