To the assholes who keep dumping trash in my yard waste and recycling bins… I mean… what the fuck? Do you come from some socialist dystopia where there is no such thing as private trash, and all bins are property of the people? And can you read? These bins are clearly marked “Yard Waste” and “Recycling” — you gotta know that when you dump a dirty diaper or a water-logged scrap of carpet remnant or the remains of your taco truck lunch in my yard waste bin, that I’m going to have to clean it out and put it in my trash can. If you’re gonna be such an incredibly inconsiderate fuck, why not just go all the way to inconsiderate fuckdom, and just dump your trash straight on my goddamn sidewalk?
To the assholes who keep dumping bags of trash on my goddamn sidewalk… well Jesus Fucking Christ! You’re neat enough to actually bag your trash, but then you just dump the bag on my sidewalk? I repeat… what the fuck? Who the hell just pulls up their car and says to themselves, “Gee, this sidewalk here, in front of this house… this looks like the right place to leave my neatly bagged garbage”…? And why the goddamn sidewalk? After all, there’s both a recycling and a yard waste bin just paces away, not to mention my actual trash can, which, for some reason, it never occurs to any of you assholes to commandeer. Sure, it’s incredibly fucking rude to dump your trash in somebody else’s trash can, but at least then I wouldn’t have to pick it up and put it in there myself, since the only trash the city hauls away is the stuff that’s actually in a proper can, and pulled up to the curb.
To the assholes who keep parking in front of my bins on trash day… goddamnit! Trash cans and recycling (or yard waste) bins are lining the streets for miles around, because, you know, it’s trash day, and the haulers only empty those cans that are placed by the curb. And you have to choose my cans to park your fucking truck in front of? Are you fucking oblivious, or do you simply just not care? So occasionally, after my trash hasn’t been picked up for weeks, I get desperate and put my bins in the street, and what do you do…? You put them back on the goddamn sidewalk so that you can park in front of them in that goddamn spot! Fuck you! And to the particular asshole with the beater van who when I specifically asked you not to park in front of my bins so that my trash might actually be picked up that day, you haughtily informed me that I’m supposed to put my bins at the end of my driveway… look around Peabody: I don’t have a fucking driveway! I don’t have a fucking garage! That’s why my bins are always in reach of goddamn fucking inconsiderate assholes like you, who obviously can’t be bothered to give a shit about anybody but yourselves.
I’m just sayin’.
To the skanky Rainier Ave. whores who have chosen my corner as the perfect place to park with their Johns… it’s good to see you being so conscientious in your use of condoms. Thank you for being so responsible. But could you please toss your jizz filled love socks and smegma smeared wads of paper towel out the window into the middle of the street instead of onto my goddamn sidewalk?!
Maybe Goldy there is a message being delivered.
Unfortunately, we’ll never run out of stupid people.
Or trolls.
And tell your kids to stay the hell off my lawn!
@ 1 “Maybe Goldy there is a message being delivered.”
Leave it to a dimwitted troll to equate dumping trash to delivering a message.
Buddypud explains it all.
I’m certain this profanity laced diatribe will help your broadcasting future…..NOT!!
“PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator” can be rearranged to become “PuddyPfact, The Prick Finding Gnostic Orator”.
Richard. Now that is FUNNY!
Mr. Cynical @ 6
Goldy will get remarried, once he finds himself a woman who will take out the trash, and he won’t have to worry himself to death over these problems anymore.
I feel mighty sorry for the poor guy who marries Goldy.
Why are you wound so tight tonite??
Sheesh…it would take a John Deere tractor to pull a pin outta yer ass.
What a great rant! I’m there with you. What the fuck?
To be pals with Goldy, you must believe:
1. You have to be against capital punishment, but support abortion on demand.
2. You have to believe that businesses create oppression and
governments create prosperity.
3. You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding
Americans are more of a threat than U.S. Nuclear weapons technology in the hands of Chinese and North Korean communists.
4. You have to believe that there was no art before Federal funding.
5. You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical documented changes in the earth’s climate and more affected by soccer moms driving SUV’s.
6. You have to believe that gender roles are artificial but being homosexual is natural.
7. You have to believe that the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding.
8. You have to believe that the same teacher who can’t teach
fourth graders how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about sex.
9. You have to believe that hunters don’t care about nature, but loony activists who have never been outside of San Francisco do.
10. You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.
11. You have to believe that Mel Gibson spent $25 million of his own money to make “The Passion of the Christ” for financial gain only.
12. You have to believe the NRA is bad because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good because it supports certain parts of the Constitution.
13. You have to believe that taxes are too low, but ATM fees are too high.
14. You have to believe that Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem are more important t o American history than Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, and A.G. Bell.
15. You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set-asides are not.
16. You have to believe that Hillary Clinton is normal and is a very nice person.
17. You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn’t worked anywhere it’s been tried is because the right people haven’t been in charge.
18. You have to believe conservatives telling the truth belong in jail, but a liar and a sex offender belonged in the White House.
19. You have to believe that homosexual parades displaying drag, transvestites, and bestiality should be constitutionally protected, and manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal.
20. You have to believe that illegal Democrat Party funding by the Chinese Government is somehow in the best interest to the United States.
21. You have to believe that this message is a part of a vast, right wing conspiracy.
22. You have to believe that it’s okay to give Federal workers the day off on Christmas Day but it’s not okay to say “Merry Christmas.
In order to believe that anything in Mr. Irrelevant’s post @ 13 is in any way factual, you need to be a kool-aid drunk mindless wingnut.
@1 By your friends?
“To the assholes who keep dumping trash in my yard waste and recycling bins…”
Got any Republicans in your neighborhood? This sounds like something Republican freeloaders would do.
“To the assholes who keep dumping bags of trash on my goddamn sidewalk…”
Get a pair of rubber gloves and go through it. If they’re lazy enough to dump it on the sidewalk, they’re also too lazy to make sure there’s no personal mail in it. Your chances of finding an address are good. Then you call the police.
I know of a charity organization that found a whole load of trash dumped in their parking lot. So that’s what they did — they went through it looking for mail with an address on it. Guess what, a Boy Scout troop did it, and boy were they embarrassed. The next day 20 kids were out in the parking lot tossing stuff back into a truck while a red-faced scoutmaster supervised.
“To the assholes who keep parking in front of my bins on trash day…”
I’m not saying let the air out of his tires, all I’m sayin’ is he won’t know who did it …
@4 Try putting out milk jugs with water in them. Works on dogs. Trust me, rabbits know about this stuff.
@6 It doesn’t seem to hurt it. But I agree with you, Goldy. I think he should hold his tongue, and pent it up inside until smoke is pouring out of his ears, then just fucking EXPLODE and …
But I agree with you, Cynical.
@7 That’s good. I like it! More factually accurate than his version, too.
@13 Keep your e-mail spam in your e-mail.
@14 I have no idea what’s in #13. I scrolled past it.
I’ll bet Cynical didn’t buy NOV when it was at 29 (adjusted for split) like I told him. Go ahead, look it up and see what it’s at now, C. You should’ve listened to the rabbit.
Goldy, it definitely sounds like you have a garbage problem. If you can find something to ID the perp, feel free to dump it on his front porch with a note attached telling him to put it in his own fucking trash can — that’s what they gave him one for. As for the guy parking his beater van in front of your curb, here’s what you do. Kick over the can and spread the garbage all over the parking strip. Throw some eggs onto the doors. When he comes back, step out on your porch and say loudly, “Oh shit, those damn raccoons knocked over the trash again!!!”
If one of these assholes is stupid enough to block your garbage can with a pickup truck, empty the can into you-know-where. It’s best to take an out-of-town vacation immediately after you do this.
Thanks for the reminder as to why I like to live in the sticks and not in town.
Any empty “cheese” wrappers? I’d suspect Roger “Where’s the free handouts?” Rodent at that point.
Richard: You are right.
PFact – just like Price PFister Faucets, the good stuff comes out.
Gnostic – Yes I possess intellectual and spiritual knowledge
Orator – I’m a person telling many oral truths
Prick Finding – Yes, I came here and found many leftist pricks. Some even visit the hershey highway at night.
Richard you are prescient.
Speaking of Assholes, there was a massacre in Jerusalem last night and the UN Assholes didn’t even condemn it. If you equate 8 deaths in American terms that would be approximately 800 deaths in a massacre in the US when comparing populations.
Lee, where is the blog entry. Make your relatives proud. Oh wait… liberals care? Oh my bad… on us neo-cons care…
PuddyPfact, The Prick Finding Gnostic Orator @ 31
You’re into PFisting as well? OMG! And the hershey highway? You should focus your attentions on Hannah instead! I think she might even be real!
I laughed, I cried. Here we can have a sensible discussion of policy and John McCain’s t-rex arms, and now this. What’s great about blogs.
Last year I lived across and kitty-corner from construction sites and this kind of thing happened now and then, especially the parking issue. McMansions be damned!
Speaking of assholes – GW Bush – Chief Asshole – has done it. The figures are out. Employers slash most jobs in five years – more than 1 million homes in foreclosure – first time since WWII Americans own less than half the equity in their homes – gas prices up – highest trade deficit in US history – highest US budget deficit in history – and I could go on.
After the Bush regime has spent most of the last two terms doing everything possible to destroy our economy – you have to wonder just how fucking big an asshole somebody would have to be to vote for more of this shit under wannabe Chief Asshole Johnny McCain?
I hope that the Dems put up lots of photos of McCain and Bush together so people can be reminded of McCain’s ties to the Bush recession.
Last summer I was doing home repairs in an upstairs bedroom on a Saturday afternoon. Looking out the window, I noticed two teenage boys walking down the sidewalk, on the other side of the street. I could see them approaching from quite some distance, they were laughing and cutting up, the way teenage boys do.
Then right in front of my house, one of them takes the glass bottle from which he was drinking, lifts it up, and smashes it onto the street. For good measure, he picks up a large piece which survived, and smashes it again. They both start laughing loudly, apparantly it’s a very funny thing to them. The one who broke the bottle raises his arms in victory, like Stalone in Rocky. He has accomplished some great feat, apparantly.
Through the open upstairs bedroom window, I speak out: “Don’t you guys want to clean that up, before it causes somebody to have a flat tire?”
They are both startled. They can’t seem me. They are looking all around. Whispers: “who was that?” “I don’t know”. “Where is he?”. One of them even looks up towards the sky!
They sheepishly pick up as much glass as they can from the street, and mutter “Sorry!” to the world at large, before slinking off down the street, much quiter than before.
I enjoy my first victory as the crotchity old man of the neighborhood.
Outsourcing Space Exploration:
After decades of underfunding NASA, America has essentially surrendered the exploration of space, and the technology which flows from those efforts, to other nations. Lately the Chinese have placed men in space, the Japanese are seriously considering a program, and while the Europeans aren’t interested in manned space programs, they are certainly willing to make money launching payloads into space.
Meanwhile NASA is planning to retire the remaining space shuttles within 30 months. They are already long past their projected useful life, and the susceptability of the heat tiles to damage has already taken the lives of one crew. A new U.S. built spacecraft won’t be available until at least 2015,and delays of up to five years are not only possible, but probable. In addition, the 2015 projection assumes continued NASA funding at it’s current levels, which may prove difficult considering the record-breaking federal budget deficit which will be the Bush legacy to future Presidents and the Congress.
Yet until the U.S. has a replacement spacecraft which can deliver humans and cargo to the Space Station, we will be dependent almost entirely upon the Russians to get us there, at whatever price they care to charge. In fact, much of NASA’s budget for two years will be going to the Russians to pay for a taxi service to the space station.
In the meantime, “starving” the public sector seems to be working out well for the handful of private companies offering to come up with an interim solution, hopefully (for them) a solution which they hope will become permanant. SpaceX is offering to build it’s own rocket and hire out it’s services to NASA, trying to get a large share of NASA’s budget to do so – even though it hasn’t yet built, tested, or flown a manned spacecraft of any sort. Yet the Secty of Defense and the head of NASA are pushing forward, arguing that our U.S. security needs require us to fund “private ventures” in the intervening time.
Meanwhile, the Bush administration has opposed any additional funding for NASA other than what has already been on the books for quite some time. It actively opposed (and killed) a proposed an additional 1 billion appropriation which would have speeded up development of the new NASA spacecraft by a year or two. Although Bush publically called for an American mission to Mars several years ago, the White House has failed to include any funding for such a program in any budget. That’s not too surprising, in that Bush has shown a remarked disinterest in the subject. During the six years he was governor of Texas and the seven years he was President of the U.S., Bush visited the Johnson Space Center only once: for a memorial to the Columbia astronauts.
So once again we see the Republican economic strategy at work: starve the public program until it experiences unavoidable problems, then focus on the problems as a “crisis” where requires turning the entire program over to the private sector.
Richard Pope:
No and No. But good try.
And no on Hannah. While she has qualities many gents may like, I’ve been with the same woman for almost 30 years. I’m not changing. I love the woman I married with all my heart.
Hey Bush sucks, why don’t you tell the other part of the story or like most liberals, only tell the part that makes your side look good?
Unemployment rate dips too like the dip between your ears.
Yo Stupes,
Here’s a little quote from a rich right-wing asshole you worship, Limpblows:
See why we don’t care much for your crowd?
@ 36 – HAHAHAHAHAHA Thanks for a good Friday morning laugh!
Unemployment rate dips
Leave it to Stupes to put a shine on crap.
There’s a dip Prickface – the dip is in wages – largest in 20 years – so while your asshole leader’s regime has managed ONE – that’s right ONE positive number – even it, (like you) is full of shit. Replacing jobs that paid $35 an hour with jobs that pay $8 an hour doesn’t mean we have FULL employment. It just means that there were lots of unemployed manufacturing workers who lost their jobs and took new lower paying jobs to get by. Only a republican dick sucker would think that’s good news. Now prickface, I responded to your alleged good news – respond to all the shit your side fucked up! Man you little GOP pricks really need an ass kicking. In November you’ll get one and I predict we won’t hear much from the likes of you after that.
I predict we won’t hear much from the likes of you after that.
I predict Stupes will be here 20 years from now. The heavenly choir inside his empty skull won’t let him leave it alone.
Have you tried talking to your neighbors about the truck?
He’s addicted to this place. He can’t not be here.
..and to think one of the commenters here recently was trying to say that this blog isn’t a cesspool of profanity. (some really bad profanity, in fact).
YLB @ 42: Yep, apparantly wingnuts don’t know how to read unemployment figures, or how unemployment is measured or actually works in the economy.
A short education:
Unemployment figures can come from several sources. The most widely reported figures reflect (a) new claims for unemployment, or (b) numbers of people collecting unemployment benefits. Both of these figures can be used improperly, to wrongly support a given assertation.
For example, “new claims for unemployment” reflect workers who are eligible for unemployment benefits and file new claims, meaning that they were recently laid off. But those numbers are usually preceeded by a larger number of people who are looking for work, but are essentially (and usually) uncounted. These include people who would be entering the workforce, either for the first time (young people just out of school, for example) or returning to work after a gap in employment (former workers who went to school to advance skills, mothers re-entering the workforce after the kids enter school, former self-employed workers who can’t make it on their own). It is these generally uncounted would-be workers who create a “bump” of unemployment which preceeds the official “new claims” figures by several months, sometimes as much as a year in advance. It is the self-employed workers who are usually the first to feel the pinch of an economic slowdown, leaving many to abandon their business and seek other work. The general drag on the economy of unemployed would-be workers who are cutting back from purchases which exascerbate the economic slowdown, before it is even reflected in official figures.
As for “(b) numbers of people collecting unemployment benefits”, these reflect only people who are actually drawing unemployment while looking for work. Again, this figure doesn’t do anything to reflect people who aren’t eligible for unemployment benefits. But more importantly, it may drop for reasons which have nothing to do with whether the economy is improving or not. First of all, since unemployment benefits are restricted in time, they eventually run out. If you have a long economic downturn, you might see that number drop, even though more people are still unemployed – it’s just that now they have no money to live on while they continue to look for work (a fact which, in itself, tends to prolong an economic downturn). But in addition to that, you have people who just give up on looking for work, dropping out before their unemployment benefits expire. This may include people who decide that it is unlikly they will ever find a job until the business climate improves so they go back to school. Or a mother may decide that it’s not worth paying for day care while she looks for a job, and instead just decide to stay home with her kids until the economy improves. Lots of factors in play here – which may, or may not, have anything to do with the underlying performance of the economy.
Goldy, you need a big sign on your lawn that says “BEWARE OF BLOG”
@37 rhp, I absolutely agree. What a goddamned disgrace. People are worried about the economy? Or declining energy resources, or whatever? Well hell, every one of those problems could be solved by getting into space in a big way.
Like one of my all time favorite authors used to say “It’s raining soup in space, we should be building buckets”.
Ah, city life!
My own complaints have to do with the kids who like to party in the church parking lot behind my house. I do remember what it was like, and honestly, I don’t have too much of a problem with kids who just want a little privacy for a short amount of time, but 1) throwing your trash in the lot is not acceptable 2) don’t fucking throw your still-lit butts into the brush, you morons! 3) if I see you vandalizing stuff in said church parking lot, I will be telling y’all to move on out or calling the police 4) just remember that it is a parking lot, and while they did host Tent City for awhile, it is not a fucking campground, so stay in your cars please 5) no pissing! If I catch you pissing on my fence, I am going to point and laugh, and them I am going to call the police and have you arrested as a sex offender!
….Obviously, it’s Goldy’s time of the month.
Some Midol will help ease the pain, lad.
To the assholes in my comment threads… I am consistently surprised by how incredibly humorless some of the trolls here are, and how hard it is for some people to understand the joy of cathartic venting. If you don’t like the occasional profane tirade, don’t read HA. It’s part of my shtick, and I don’t plan to stop.
Does your daughter know what a foul mouthed father she has? How old was she when she first uttered the word “fuck”? Does the word “fuck” now roll off her tongue as easily as any other word? Does she use the word “fuck” as an interchangeable noun, verb, or adjective, much like her father does?
@54 does your daughter know that your wife takes it in the ass while blowing johns on the local corner?
To Goldy @ 53–
Goldy, I thought you were “Progressive”??
I thought “Progressives” were into “change” and “a better way”??
So here you go Goldy “Mr. Progressive” saying you will continue to be a potty-mouth just because you’ve always been a potty-mouth.
Seems like you aren’t “progressing” Goldy…you are stuck at 15 years old.
Cynical @56,
I’m stuck at 13, and I make no apologies for it. One should never lose the child inside oneself.
#54 makes a good point, Goldy. You want to make your kid proud of you, not horrified. C’mon dude, you’re somebody’s DAD. You couldn’t possibly want your kid to grow up talking this way. Kids usually say what they hear their parents saying.
..and besides, would you want her to think all males talk this way, and choose one that does?
On a personal note–
Did your mommy ever wash your mouth out with soap??
My sweet mother did it to me once when I was around 10.
I still remember the word… was “shit”
If I had dropped the “F” bomb, she would have pummelled the “poop” outta me.
Being stuck at 13 sucks Goldy.
Zits, puberty et al.
Does the child inside oneself have to include excessive profanity??
You must have been an angry child.
Probably from the little girls bitch-slappin’ you until you handed over your lunch money….and the athletes finger-flickin’ you on the forehead 50 times per day.
But you are really showin’ ’em now Goldy!
“Look at me, I’m Goldy the Celebrity, famous for overusing the “F”-word!!”
Your really showin’ ’em Goldy.
Good lord, people! You’re getting the vapors over Goldy swearing a little? And you think this somehow makes him a poor parent? Really, you need to go read Dan Savage’s postings over at SLOG. They’re usually titled something like ‘Every child needs a mother and a father…’ Get a fucking grip or I’ll have to pull out the smelling salts for you idiots.
My nephew can tell you something about bad fathers, he had one. If only the douchebag mamma’s boy had even been around for my nephew to hear him drop an occasional F-bomb! At least he would have been a figure (other than a fucking loser convict stalker) in the boy’s life.
You all must think his daughter is a complete congenital idiot! You know what they say, trolls:
Focus on your own damn family!
Do you need a hug friend?
I’ll bet Goldy doesn’t make a habit of dropping the F-Word around his daughter as a way of helping her grow up.
There are plenty of kids who have bad fathers…that doesn’t justify excessive use of profanity by Goldy.
There are plenty of women who are bad mothers too.
It’s called life.
Too many woman act like victims after making a bad choice on whom they allow to impregnate them.
I’ll bet your nephews father was a loser before your nephew was conceived T-man.
Are you trying to be a positive male role model in his life now?? Good to try…best of luck. It’s never too late.
We are free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last from the usual run of The Runs that usually passes for a Goldy post. Grrrrrrreat stuff, Bwana.
Typically excellent, especially the part about douchebags and Dan Savage.
@29 “Thanks for the reminder as to why I like to live in the sticks and not in town.”
Being a rabbit and all, I travel the sticks quite a bit, as I have relatives in the jackrabbit counties (duh); and ya know what you stupid humans in the sticks do with trash? You throw it out the back door, that’s what! That’s right, anyone who travels in the sticks has seen it — rusting car bodies in fields, trailers full of rotting trash bags, pieces of paper strewn over the landscape and blowing in the wind … on every rural property a lifetime of trash accumulates in the fields and just stays there.
You being from the sticks and all, I don’t have to guess what you do with YOUR trash. And you LIKE living in a pigsty? No thanks.
@30 Rabbits eat lettuce and carrots, not cheese, numbskull!!! YUMMY — I LOOOOOVE CARROTS!!!! As for you, you’re an idiot. Always have been, always will be.
Has anyone besides me noticed that the more fastidious certain people are about other people’s language, the less value they put on other people’s lives?
Quite a slice of life here: whores, johns, wingnuts and hateful name-morphing trolls.
@42 YLB:
Yep, and you’re still unemployed.
@67 Roger “Where’s the free handouts?” Rodent:
If that was intended to hurt me, then nice try but no cigar. You my delusional non-contributor member of society, amount to something similar to ear-wax on the end of a Q-tip.
70 – You really think your empty words have any kind of effect on me?
LMAO!!! To and beyond November!
@63: You are a sexist asshole, my friend.
@65: That goes double for you!
@63: Women who act like victims? Please. Plenty of men act like victims after they make women pregnant, because they couldn’t be bothered to take responsibility for whether or not to father children. If in doubt, wear the rubber! (Or keep it in your pants!)
And yeah, her ex was a loser before they got married, but my sister was too young to be able to hear my advice to her at the time, which was that she should have some fun and date different guys before she settled down. She really wanted that ‘Mrs.’ degree at the time, so she settled. Just like all the anti-feminists tell women to do. And see what happened? Another screwed-up kid. Honestly, my sister has done a good job with him, and yes he now has a positive male role model in his life, but my nephew HATES his father. Now is that a good thing?
Though, I don’t know, under the circumstances, the guy is just such a loser that maybe it’s the healthiest reaction….
Didn’t know clap was sexed, 72. Merely observed that Pope Richard Pope cited the curious convergence of tlazolteotl and social disease. No sexist disrespect intended by me, so back off.
If, however, you were Cruella Grendel Clinton (D. NY) I’d have already called you a monster, as the Obama machine has done, and you’d have a serious beef.
Mrs. Degree? I am so, like, confused. Is that equivalent to the degree that Betty Friedan called the Ph.T?
“Has anyone besides me noticed that the more fastidious certain people are about other people’s language, the less value they put on other people’s lives?”
Whachoo talkin’ ’bout, fastidious white boy?
Tlazolteotl says:
@63: You are a sexist asshole, my friend.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm…what was sexist about this?
63. I’ll bet Goldy doesn’t make a habit of dropping the F-Word around his daughter as a way of helping her grow up.
There are plenty of kids who have bad fathers…that doesn’t justify excessive use of profanity by Goldy.
There are plenty of women who are bad mothers too.
It’s called life.
Too many woman act like victims after making a bad choice on whom they allow to impregnate them.
I’ll bet your nephews father was a loser before your nephew was conceived T-man.
Are you trying to be a positive male role model in his life now?? Good to try…best of luck. It’s never too late.
People make bad choices T-man.
There are bad people in this world.
That makes me sexist??
Grow-up KLOWN.
That ticking sound … is it tlazolteotl’s biological clock? Or a croc?
Actually, it’s the sound of Kasey’s Kountdown. Still waiting for the answer to this week’s quiz.
A neocon economist said, “The Achilles heel of socialism was the inability to link the socialist goal with the provision of incentives for efficient labor and the encouragement of initiative on the part of individuals. It became clear in practice that a market provides such incentives best of all.” Who was the neocon economist?
[] A. Uncle Milton Friedman
[] B. Ludwig von Mises
[] C. Friedrich Hayek
[] D. Ronald Reagan (Eureka College economist)
[] E. Arthur Laffer, who drew his curve on Cheney’s clean and sanitary napkin
[] F. Sarah Jeglum (Dub Daily editor, whose paper has twice identified ‘Freakonomics’ as a novel)
“Good question,” said poor dear Rabbit. “I’m curious to know which neocon idiot dreamed up the idea of providing ‘incentives for efficient labor and the encouragement of initiative on the part of individuals’ by paying labor as little as possible and preferably nothing?”
(Puddy wrote in ‘Perfesser Darryl.’ Good guess, since Darryl’s many things, most of them bad. But wrong. Puddy demands a recount of the write-ins and over-votes.)
Clue: It’s not the commie. With the Mannlicher-Carcano. In the Depository.
It’s a slacker lawyer vamping as an economist.
And the liberal progressive social reformer who preferred rightists to lying leftists, because rightists tell the truth and leftists lie? Mao.
(John Lewis Gaddis said so in his New History of the Cold War.)
And why did left-liberal progressive social reformer Mao prefer rightists to lying leftists? Because leftists lie.
Tlazolteotl @ 73
I am glad your sister met a good man finally. At least that is what I interpret your saying that nephew now has a positive male role model in his life to mean.
Mao: the Hope! Future! Change! agent of his generation, replete with enough pubescent red guards to fill an Obama rally.
@71 YLB:
Wasn’t referring to you, that was directed to your pal Rodent. But I will say: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, and YLB is still unemployed….”
@82: Yes, finally. And I think it has been good for my nephew, he has really let go of a lot of the anger he had when he was younger, and is a nice mellow kid now.
@77: The fact that you presumed I was male is sexist, you clueless testicle!
I-Burn @ 50:
That would be from Robert Heinlein’s “Friday”, right? One of my all-time favorite SF novels.
You are wound waaaaaaaaaay too tight.
I cannot imagine you have helped your nephew with anger management.
Everybody you disagree with is a sexist.
Grow up KLOWN.
Tlazolteotl, you really need to know Mr. Cynical to respect and understand him.
And absolutely no one knows Mr. Cynical.
@ 88:
All you really need to know about Mr. Cynical, is that he doesn’t support the troops and he shits on Gold Star mothers.
Jennie Tlaz: Do you hate men? Or just us whom think right?
Even Mary Matilin married one of the weirdest leftists in the world James Scorched Earth Carville and she let him leave a load or two and had his child.
@86 Yeah, it’s Heinlein alright. I thought the quote came out of “Expanded Universe” though.
Clueless Idiot: I see the FBI is on to you:
Correctnotright: Months ago PuddyFacts brought you this tidbit from the rush for biofuels. Now I’m glad to see at least the British are interested.
But some starving 3rd world person is expendable right correctnotright so Gore can propagate his carbon credits?
@93 – With the price of oil at record highs due to speculation and the collapse of other investments due to the deregulation of the banks….people are going to be starving everywhere with the economic collapse that is on the way.
Personally – I am in favor of new technology for energy – infrared activated nanoantennas:
So you stole material off the internet that wasn’t particularly clever to begin with and presented it as your own?
I’m embarassed for you.
I have to chuckle at those folks who get their knickers in a twist over profanity on an adult political site.
Personally, I’m much more offended by an obscene war than I am by a blog post with a few naughty words.
Good for you, Goldy, to get your frustrations out in a pretty benign fashion.
Wasn’t referring to you,
Yeah sure. That’s why you put in @42.
I see a lot of talk about sexism in this thread. That’s your department loser.
I bet you voted for the mama beater.
The fact that you presumed I was male is sexist, you clueless testicle!
Tlaz: Cynical/Irrelevant is a nut all right. Good call.
Sorry Goldy I though that was Ron Sims yard. Maybe if you give me his address I deposit that TRASH in his yard.
I-Burn @ 91:
Could have been there as well, wouldn’t know for sure. I’m more of a William Gibson guy myself. It really isn’t a crime to plagiarize yourself. Unless you’re John Fogerty, that is……
– Heinlein
@87 YLB,
Yet STILL unemployed. What do you tell yourself to convince yourself you count?
Sorry Your Liberal Bullshit…make that number 97….my bad
I love the sound of imploding rightwing assholes here.
The closer it gets, the more they shriek.
Bring it ON!
Speaking of assholes – do any of these inbred, ass-sucking right wing republican pieces of shit ever show up at the DL? I’ve never been to one but would pay money for a chance to stand toe-to-toe with a few of the right wing traitors. My guess is that they’re like their asshole hero GW Bush – ran away when it was his turn to fight. If any of them show up – someone post who attends. I’m betting the more aggressive ones are no where to be found. Typical GOP cowards.
Hey Goldy, why don’t you just grow a pair and tell the hookers and Johns to vamoose? Hell, take a camera with you if you want to make then drive off even more quickly. It’s not like the guy is going to be able get out and kick your ass with his pants around his knees.
DL? WTF is that?
And, a point – an awful lot of GOP/libertarian/conservative types (no, it’s not a monolith you silly person you)have lives and aren’t up for screwing them up with assault charges and/or lawfully carry and as a result, enthusiastically refrain from avoidable physical confrontation because:
1) It’s dumb/childish.
2) Even a simple assault charge is a pain in the ass.
3) You never know what kinda nasty the other guy brought to the party.
4) If it all gets grim and you have to shoot someone, even if Gawd Himself comes down and rules it a “justifiable shoot”, you’re still screwed outta @ least 10k and take a permanent hit to “peace of mind”.
5) Getting hauled off to jail makes getting to work in the morning a real bitch, and that then makes paying the bills a bitch.
Btw…that shooting in Jerusalem was stopped by a student lawfully carrying a revolver.
Drinking Liberally = DL don’t you even read the posts here Cynic? And if you’re a person who’s gonna talk the shit some of your fellow asshole republicans have done here – you’d think that fear of a little assault charge would be no problem.
Again – the real problem is simple – GOP assholes = no nutsack whatsoever. Just like their pretend president GW.
Great points about Goldy’s potty mouth and his daughter. What kind of Dad sets such an example? Doesn’t he realize that all this stuff is permanent record and that at some point his daughter is going to read his words? No wonder he’s divorced. This is good example of the difference between conservatives and liberals. I’m constantly amazed at how blithely liberals bandy about sex, profanity, etc. Stuff that forces their kids to grow up too quickly.
I know one baby boomer lefty who didn’t know what to say when his kid wanted to smoke weed to get through his day. Duh, the answer is no, and then make sure he doesn’t read Goldy’s blog either! The kid eventually ended up so bad off, they had to send him to a ranch style boarding school.
Gee, I wonder if “Progressive” parenting had anything to do with the kid’s decline.
Blame politics for parenting? This from a troll who represents the party that is wrecking what used to be the finest educational system in the world in order to make parents send their kids to Xtian Indoctrination camps to get any sort of education, one that still leaves them woefully unprepared for the real world.
Not to mention with pretty much the same rate of unplanned pregnancies. So much for ‘conservative’ parenting (let Jesus Camp take care of them) and education (ditto).
Gratuitous violence or gratuitous threats thereof are simply dumb, and I frankly can’t imagine any verbiage directed towards me or those I care for short of such threats that would justify initiating the aggressive use of force.
Directing actual violence in those same directions is likely to be deeply counterproductive for those doing so.
It is a pity when folks descend to name calling and ad hominem attacks – in my experience, it usually means that rather than facts and logic they have only emotional tantrums and name-calling to offer. Pitiful, really.
Anywhere in the world where people live close together
end up killing each other, having homo relations,
pissing on each others property, and generally living
in filth. Just like rats in a cage. Democrats. That
where the name comes from.
@109. Actually my kids went to public schools. There is a happy medium between sending your kid to a Christian indoctrination camp, and the bad liberal parenting of spewing profanity as part of an intellectual schtick on a blog, that Goldy’s daughter will eventually read. Goldy has already allowed his daughter to appear in ads as a political tool. So yeah, apparently politics do get in to parenting.
That is the ambience of the urban oasis.