It seems the traditional media in the NW has some freaks in their midst:
Alan has never denied owning multiple Web sites catering to people interested in the sexual practices known as BDSM (for bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism). It’s long-term research, he says, adding that the true focus and scope is, for the time being, a secret.
It almost certainly has nothing to do with his work for the Cascade Policy Institute, a conservative political think tank. That’s a campaign to root out Oregonians who might cast fraudulent votes by assuming the identities, and ballots, of people who are dead.
“Fraudulent voters.” Um, yeah, okay.
I’m sure it’s just me, but every time I hear that phrase I get a little voice intoning “Republican crazy douche.” Just another MSM bad apple, nothing to worry about, or so we thought.
The BDSM media were wrong about invading Iraq and also wrong about how property values would go up forever. But you should go ahead and trust anyhow.
Please keep in mind left wing bloggers are shrill and don’t understand foreign policy or bidness. This has been proven by their opposition to foreign policy blunders and bidness bailouts.
Left wing bloggers will surely never survive in the age of virtually free internet service. Someone in the traditional BDSM media will point out the shrillness of left wing bloggers, and handcuff them to newsprint.
That would be a crime.
I don’t really give a crap what this guy does. But calling it “long-term research” is pretty laughable.
This is a really interesting story. So far I’ve noticed that nothing this guy has ever done has been his fault, but rather everyone has been purposefully against him and he has just been a poor victim.
Hmmm, maybe this guy is a friend of that Jerry Falwell disicple in Alabama who hung himself a few years back. Y’know the one they found with a dildo in a condom up his ass while wearing two wetsuits.
Not that there’s anything wrong with kinks, even severe ones like that, as long as its among consenting adults. It’s just reconciling the kink with the hypocrisy that is life near the top of the food-chain in Xtian Fundieland that makes things like this happen.
The voting and dead people thing always struck me as somewhat fetishistic especially head-scratching when the documented cases per election cycle can be counted on one or two hands.
Hmmm, the Cascade Institute (a conservative “think” tank – ain’t that an oxymoron) hires Jeff Alan (not his real name) to investigate Oregonians with false identities (Alan has had over 15 Social security numbers?). Also, the conservative think tank member is into BDSM, abandoned his wife (she thought he was dead), is in trouble for bilking his elderly Mom out of her money and what else???
I gues this is what they call conservative values….
@4 They whine about voter fraud while gaming to suppress the votes of those who don’t vote for Republicans. When they lose anyway, they call for revolution and secession. Treasonous asswipes. All of them.
5,6 – You hit it right on the nail.
“BDSM Media”? That moniker seems pretty apt to me. “Blood-lust media” might be even closer.
Why not, when Limbaugh and some of the other right-wing talking heads have latched onto hanging the label “drive-by media” on just about everything but Fox “News” and the Moonie-er, I mean the Washington Times. No explanation for what it’s supposed to mean, but it seems to get the rubes’ nipples all hard whenever they say it.