Geov Parrish has a piece in the current issue of the Seattle Weekly on Green Party senate candidate Aaron Dixon, and while I disagree with Geov’s broad condemnation of Sen. Maria Cantwell’s voting record, I know from our conversations that we share a lot of common ground… like our mutual criticism of the Greens’ failure to do the hard work necessary to build itself into a real party.
For example, if I were advising Dixon, I think maybe my first recommendation would be to, gee… I dunno… register to vote?
Yeah, that’s right… apparently the man so disgusted with Cantwell and the Dems that he’s willing to pour his energies into giving voters a third choice, isn’t even an active voter himself!
Go look it up in our good friend Stefan’s voter registration database, and you’ll find an Aaron L. Dixon, born Jan. 2, 1949, who registered to vote in 1998 at an address on the 500 block of 29th AVE S. But he’s listed as “inactive,” and there’s no record that he’s ever been credited with voting.
I suppose Stefan’s data could be wrong (it’s been known to happen) so I’ve made repeated inquiries with Dixon’s media contact (his wife Farah), and so far she has been unable to confirm or deny his voter registration status. She said she thought he voted in the last election, but King County’s voter database clearly doesn’t credit him with casting a ballot. And to further cloud his registration status is the fact that while he claims to live in the Beacon Hill neighborhood, the address on his inactive registration is smack dab in the Central District.
Perhaps there’s a reasonable explanation, and if so, I’ll print a retraction. (And if there is an explanation, then they need to get their media shit together, because I gave them every opportunity to refute this.) But it sure doesn’t look like during the past few years, Dixon has been much of an active voter.
So why the hell is he running for the US Senate?
Now I don’t want to get all high and mighty on him, but in my book, you don’t have much right to criticize the electoral process if you don’t participate. And if anybody should understand the importance of minority communities exercising their voting rights, it’s a longtime activist and former Black Panther Party leader like Aaron Dixon.
I mean, really… who the hell is Dixon to talk about “all the people fed up with the current political system” if he doesn’t vote?
One couldn’t help but wonder if the Greens’ recruitment of Dixon was demographically cynical considering his prior lack of history with the party, but an active voter registration is a technical prerequisite of candidacy, so you’d think they would have at least inquired about that one, basic qualification for office, huh? And it doesn’t say much about their GOTV potential when they can’t even get the top of their ticket to reliably turn out at the polls.
I personally sympathize with the Green agenda, but am endlessly disappointed by their half-assed and counterproductive strategy and execution. And as Geov points out, I’m not the only one giving a hostile welcome to Dixon’s largely fictional candidacy:
So far, the reaction to Dixon’s campaign among many progressive Democratic activists has been negative. In Seattle, Dixon’s home base, progressive bloggers mostly ignored or excoriated his campaign. Not one speaker on a panel of six of the most prominent local progressive bloggers, including myself, at last week’s “Podcasting Liberally” ( defended Dixon’s campaign. Most, while professing sympathy for green ideals, savaged it and the Greens. What’s wrong?
“Aaron Dixon started out the campaign with two lies,” says David Goldstein of, Seattle’s best-known progressive blogger and a fierce critic of Dixon. “The first one being, ‘I can win’; the second one being, ‘There’s no difference between Republicans and Democrats.'”
Though in all fairness, I suppose when it comes to the vote you don’t cast, there really is no difference between which party doesn’t get it.
The other day I pleaded with my fellow progressives to get real and accept the fact that our choice this November is between Cantwell and McGavick, and that sometimes, life forces us to compromise. I don’t expect the race to be nearly as close as it was in 2000, but if it is, even a pathetic showing by Dixon could be enough to give President Bush another rubber stamp in the Senate. And the political ramifications could be much broader.
Goldstein also points not only to the infamous “spoiler” factor but to the impact of Dixon’s presence on the ballot if the race between Cantwell and Republican challenger Mike McGavick changes from a comfortable Democratic win to a closer race of, say, 5 percent.
The loser, Goldstein says, will be Darcy Burner, whose challenge of U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert in the 8th Congressional District east of Lake Washington is the state’s second-biggest race this year. If Cantwell’s race is close, the theory goes, it costs Burner both campaign money and media exposure that will flow to the Senate race instead. That, Goldstein says, would hurt the chance to elect a progressive to Congress in a winnable race, all for Dixon’s quixotic bid.
Of course, Dixon disagrees… but then, what does he know about electoral politics? He doesn’t even vote.
Well, in all fairness, I didn’t vote much either prior to 1917. Not that I could have in any event, the Tsars tended to take a dim view of the whole procedure–much like today’s republican party.
The Greens need to build a local organization and win local races. Have they ever heard of water districts? Smaller city council races? School boards? You build from the bottom, not the top.
Well, agree with your post Goldy except I do not see any great potential that Cantwell will poll more than 5% more than McSafeco. In fact 5% is high. And its not cuz she has taken “bad” votes. I think many of those “bad” votes will help her #’s.
I can see the headlines now……
Liberal whinny punk David Goldstein tries to play political hardball with former Black Panther and is beaten within an inch of his life….
Keep it up Goldy. Let’s see, you called the man’s house, have given out his home address and brought his wife into your little game.
Additionally, calling your blog part of the media is a bit of a stretch, don’y you think.
Somehow, I don’t think you should try the same antics with this candidate as you did with David Irons….
But he does shoot at firefighters!
Momus, given the opinions expresed on this blog, I’d say that this blog is an adjunct part of MSM. Both are liberal. I wouldn’t consider Goldy and his blog journalism in the strict sense: too much profanity to be “straight” jouirnalsim and always an agenda-driven commentary.
Goldy’s saving grace is that he does not object to dissent here. I think Stefan will block those from his blog with whom he has extreme disagreement.
Yos, you’re a frigging genius. But MSM? That’s so two months ago. The term is now ‘traditional media’. After all, isn’t the WSJ, Wa Times and such in the MSM?
I remember well the day when I lost all respect for Ralph Nader. He was running for the Democratic nomination for President that year, and was running a distant third or fourth in the process. A network correspondent interviewing him asked if it wasn’t time for him to bow out of the race, since he clearly didn’t have a chance at winning.
Nader’s response? He said something to the effect that over half the eligible voters didn’t vote in the last primary, and that was because they were disenchanted with the choices offered by the the political parties, and since THEY were the people he really represented, every person who didn’t vote was in effect voting for him!!!!!! Of course, Nader later on went to be the candidate of the Green Party in the 2000 election, ensuring Bush’s election by taking up a few thousand votes in Florida that Gore sorely needed.
I expect a similar argument from any candidate in the Green Party – that the actual votes don’t accurately reflect their real strength, since most Green Party members don’t vote!
Once again I repeat, who cares about this guy running? Let him run! Senator Cantwell has a fucking 40 point lead – I repeat a 40 point lead. To assume that a green, a republican or a fucking Man From The Moon could beat that lead is stupid. Maria will win by a BUNCH!
I am sorry for you dismayed that you think your life may be in danger. Notice I didn’t say I feel sorry for you. Libruls live in feelings conservatives are understanding of your pain! If you read most ASSHeads here, they think the cretins are only conservatives. It’s good to see there are cretins who are libruls. If he a real cretin, he won’t have the brain power to figure this out! Most librul cretins are of the low life order.
May I present Rujax, Tree Frog Farmer, LiberalRedneck, Headless Lucy, etc. as Exhibit A of cretins!
Another librul myth destroyed!
Cretin Racist BellTowner: For the Clueless does not think WA Times is anything other than a right wing rag. It good to see you write something different. A librul contradicting another librul. Twice in two days!
Its a sad commentary on Dixon and the Greens but they can’t win elections without doing grassroots work. If they can’t even get Dixon to vote how do they expect others to be motivated to vote?
momus @4,
Well, that’s your fascist fantasy isn’t it? That people you disagree with politically be beaten within an inch their life… you’d like that wouldn’t you? Too bad you’re too much of a chickenshit coward to do anything more than just anonymously post your angry fantasies. Makes you feel especially powerless, huh?
And by the way, I DIDN’T post the man’s current address, and if he didn’t want me to call his wife, he wouldn’t have put her name and phone number on his website as the media contact. I did the responsible journalistic thing and gave them the opportunity to respond.
Why is it a requirement all of a sudden to be a legal voter? You fucking moonbats went to great lengths in the guv contest to make the case that voting should be a very open process with few if any restrictions; least of all being legally registered. Hell, you guys don’t even require voters to be citizens or to even live here.
Shit, be consistent at least.
#9 Who did Laura Bush Kill? Also, did you know that Jeb Bush was the reporter who broke the story about Gary Hart and Donna Rice?
Commentby rhp6033@8
Did you have the same lack of respect for Ross Perot? Naah, didn’t think so!
Haw! Haw! Haw! There goes YO with the right-wing crapola that MSM is “liberal.” I guess it depends on what your definition of “liberal” is. If you mean slightly left of monarchists, then you may be right.
“isn’t the WSJ, Wa Times and such in the MSM?”
Not really.
@ 11
I was talking to Yossarian, not Clueless.
“#9 Who did Laura Bush Kill?”
Michael Dutton Douglas, age 17.
My point to Yos was about how there really are a lot of conservatives voices in the MSM. Goldy isn’t MSM. He’s persona non grata at the Times, a bit better at the P-I. That’s because they feel a bit of heat on them from non traditional news sources.
Goldy needs to get paid by SOMEBODY before he’s considered “in the club”.
Belltowner – good points. You may be right about “MSM” versus “traditional” media. With the growth over at at Fox News, “tradtional” media might be a better descriptioin fof CNN, MSNBC and the others.
And Roger, Najib Haradi says, “Please to go be f*cking yourself in the ass with a pointy stick, many times!”
momus, momus, where for art thou, momus? Mommy drag you back inside for being naughty? Goldy put the monster bitch slap on you (@13).
How does it feel to be publically shown to be a fucking idiot?
@ 22
What bugs we is the idea that the MSM or trad media is LIBERAL. Fox News, WSJ Washington Times, NY Post… all to the right. “Meet The Press”, to the right now. You conservatives are not shut out of the MSM. You guys own it for crying out loud!
Where am I?
I’ve been at work and not monitoring this board all day.
I would recommned Goldy do the same thing.
You gave them the Journaistic opportuntiy to respond
Hey Fucknut, you are an embarrassment to your kid and a pathetic excuse as both a man and a father. The only person in this town who refers to you as a journailist is yourself.
It’s no wonder you wife finally fuigured out what a waste of space you are.
By the way Davey…
I am going back to work now and then I’m going home to my wife and kids, like all the other cowards.
Have fun with you little blog, you fucking worthless punk.
No go pay your child support
Particle Man @ 2: A bad Bush drags down all boats. Safeco scum McGavick could add his votes to Aaron’s, and he still will not beat Maria Cantwell in November’s election.
If he had any honesty, humility, or a scintilla of a grasp on reality, he would quit the race, but these are not character traits found in CEO’s these days.
ho, ho, ha……
I envision him now; trembling with rage; unable or unwilling to correct his spelling and\or typing errors….what a pathetic loser.
I’ve always know that Parrish was lazy with his broad-brush / shoot yourself in the foot characterizations of “un-pure” Democrats and progressives – but where did he come up with this one?
“and especially her unwavering cheerleading for Bush’s Iraq invasion.”
These Greens and left wing nuts sure have gone off the deep end again. As usual, the only role they continue to play is “useful idiot tools” of the far right.
Stalin @27
I have seen no basis to think that after Mcsafeco spends the millions he will have to make his case, that this state will generate a run away win for Cantwell even with Bush in the shitter. So, based on a look at the past 8 years, the race should end up close and factoring in Bush and Abramof, the race will still be close. Close enough that it is foolish to take the race for granted. In the end winning by a 5% margin would be huge. McSafeco is more like Rossi (w/out the big scar) than he is like Craswell.
Mr. Bunny
Who the hell is Michael Dutton Douglas, age 17.
particle man
“ I do not see any great potential that Cantwell will poll more than 5% more than McSafeco”
Really? The March Rasmussen shows Cantwell 49% and McGavick 36% ( Polls/March 2006/Washington Senate March.htm ), and McGavick’s numbers haven’t budged a millimeter in months.
Note that in 2000, the Greens ran a good candidate in a race that did NOT risk throwing something to an R: Joe Szwaja. Got 20% of the vote, too.
As for the argument that Washington would be thrilled to have progressives in statewide office: gee, I must have forgotten Deborah Senn kicking the crap out of Rob McKenna. She got elected Attorney General back in 2004 and got more votes than milquetoast Chris Gregoire, right? And who can forget Senator Ron Sims dramatically defeating Slade Gorton in 1994, as well as Mike Lowry defeating Skeletor in 1988?
Somebody needs to tell the Greenies and hyperliberals in Seattle to quit mainlining patchouli. Washington State isn’t Berkeley. Yes, Democrats can win statewide regularly, but anyone who’s spent any time doing political work outside of the city limits of Seattle knows (except people who think the trust fund hippies at Evergreen or Fairhaven represent a solid chunk of the State of Washington), a lot of the state in Tacoma, Everett, Spokane and outer Puget Sound suburbs, as well as the Olympic Peninsula or SW Washington is pretty moderate/swing Democratic (think “Reagan Democrat”), and they aren’t going to be locks if you toss raging liberals at them.
You can make libertarian/lunchbucket arguments to them (note that initiatives to index the minimum wage and ban nuclear waste shipments got statewide votes that would make Tim Eyman sport a woody), but you CANNOT come in with somebody from the fringe in a statewide race in this state and expect to do anything but flop miserably. Even Mike Lowry had to “find religion” to get elected governor, and he got to run against part of the long string of Republican wingnut candidates before Rossi showed up and smooth talked his way to a virtual tie. McGavick’s smooth enough to try and lay claim to Rossi’s mantle- and Dixon’s not going to help things by doing vote-splitting and making false claims about his valibility. The Greens would be better off trying to influence policy via initiative and putting in work at the ground level- if Licata wanted to run for Congress someday as a Green/Democrat, for instance, I think he could win in the 7th (and God knows I’m getting tired of Congressman-for-Life Jim McDermott- time for a new face).
Goldy doesn’t want competition in the primary.
He doesn’t want a Green candidate in the general.
It would be nice if his favored candidate wanted my vote.
-Its a sad commentary on Dixon and the Greens but they can’t win elections without doing grassroots work. –
Steve – that’s because they are flat-out lazy, flaky, and are too busy cooking up their latest kooky strategy to “end capitalism as we know it.” When you take a look at who is active with the Seattle Greens these days, it is a completely different bunch (aside from one guy) then the heady Nader days. These clowns are too busy being ideologically pure to get anything done outside their ridiculous echo chamber.
Daddy Love @32
Gosh you are right.
I expect McSafeco will be dropping out any day now.
And we can all give to other campaigns cuz this one is in the bag
And Maria should plan a 3 month vacation this summer.
Yup its all over but the after party.
Polls in March are no reflection of how things will look in Nov unless both candidates are very well known.
I am not being negative. I think the race is Maria’s to lose but it would be a real real shame if voters were to think “oh she will be fine so I’m going to send her a message by voting for Dixon” and then if she were to lose.
It may feel good to say “look at us we are kicking their butts, 15% ahead…” But in the end this poll means nothing other than that she can win re=election.
1)If Maria Cantwell loses it is Maria Cantwell’s fault, not Aaron Dixon’s.
2)Aaron Dixon owes Maria Cantwell ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, least of all a job.
3)If you don’t like Mike McGavick, tell the Republicans, not the Greens.
Aaron Dixon is a candidate, and apparently a bad one, from the Green Party which is a separate party with every right to run its own candidates. Aaron Dixon is not a Democrat and he has no political obligation whatsoever to anyone but his party and himself.
Maria Cantwell CHOSE – CHOSE HERSELF – to piss off her base in order to appear more “credible”. Now her base is pissed off, as she intended, but for some reason her supporters are still whining about it. Too Fucking Bad. Tell Your Candidate, Morons.
Now, after the Governor ignored the black community in her run and the junior Senator has done her best to alienate her base, Democrat Apologists are shocked – shocked! – that the left wing is running candidates.
Let me ask you this: when Washington Democrats protested the war and supported anti-war Presidential candidates, and overwhelmingly disapproved of the war in every poll DID CANTWELL THINK THEY WERE **KIDDING**?????
The Republican trolls on this blog obviously think Progressive values are a fucking joke, but here’s a tip: the Progressives don’t. Progressives want the candidates they vote for to be vocal opponents of a brutal, stupid and exremely unpopular war. Progressives want the candidates they vote for to use EVERY VOTE to defend Roe V. Wade (60% approval nationally, higher in Washington State). Progressives hope the candidates they vote for might do things like introduce guranteed health insurance legislation. And Progressives don’t want to vote for people who have nice things to say about radical, anti-environmentalist Idaho Nazis.
These are what is called Core Values for Progressives. Voting for a 20% increase in the Who The Fuck Even Knows Program will not make up for failing to support core values, neither will “ratings” from the Who The Fuck Cares Institute.
She rolls over for radical judiciary nominations, she held hands with the Repugs on the bankruptcy bill, the Patriot Act, and regressive global trade policies… in short, she’s a DLC corporate tool. The Cantwell Problem is like all the triangulated elephants-in-donkey-clothing candidates out there professionally compromising genuinely decent candidates — they really are Republicans. And being pro-choice and pro-environment doesn’t grant her any latitude, the sum of all her other votes assures the failure of the pro-choice and pro-environment issues she weakly trots out as a dimension on her difference split.
Now all the blog geniuses are pratling that Cantwell is our only choice.
That’s a lie.
You all read Particle Shrum @ 37, right?
“I think the race is Maria’s to lose”
that was
“I think the race is Maria’s to lose”
That’s Maria’s race and Maria’s responsibility. Maria’s Race. Maria’s Responsibilty. She works for the voters, they don’t work for her. Now if we could only get the Particle Shrums of the world to remember that we wouldn’t have a lot of arrogant pricks and like Kerry fucking up the Party.
-Note that in 2000, the Greens ran a good candidate in a race that did NOT risk throwing something to an R: Joe Szwaja. Got 20% of the vote, too.-
Yeah – that was against Green darling (now) Jim McDermott. And it was because Szwaja had some obscure beef with McDermott over some obscure Africa policy of his. Typical useless Green campaign – fritter your $5k away on fruitless races nobody pays attention to. What is that Gentry Lange idiot up to these days? Does anybody even care? (Nope)
Szwaja got 19.6% of the vote in 2000. A Republican nutjob – with no campaign whatsoever – got 22% against McDermott in 2002.
Not a strong argument for you there, eponymous.
-in short, she’s a DLC corporate tool-
The DLC? Aren’t those the people who delivered the only Democratic President we’ve had in the last two decades?
I’ll take a DLC tool over a Republican tool like you and Dixon any day of the week, Voter Advocate.
The only thing you anti-capitalist clowns are good for is political suicide (which isn’t a good thing, especially in an era of GOP homocide)
BTW, Particle Shrum, constantly calling McGavick “McSafeco” is not that effective, I think. It’s a popular company that has it’s name on an even more popular ball field.
I admit that nothing better comes immediately to mind, but I think you’re helping, rather than hurting his name rec. He’s not exactly going to run from having been the CEO of Safeco.
How about “McLobbyist”? Everybody hates lobbyists. “McAmateur”?
“McCheney”? “McWannabe”? “McBush”? Now NOBODY likes Bush. How about all of them?
Librul pinheads:
1.) Jim McDimwitt has upset people in his district. He is 100% jerk, who claimed he did hard time in Vietnam. When proven a liar he went defensive. Real people react to lies in the donks. Get over it. Going to Baghdad and getting $5000 from Saddam’s nut job guy didn’t help his case either.
2.) All of you eat shit and bark at the moon nut-jobs will vote for any one who has a (D) next to their name. You all know it and you all are liars when you say anything otherwise!
3.) Clinton campaigned as a centrist. He won in 92 because of Perot. Get over it. No librul ASSHead will admit Perot gave you the election.
4.) Clinton won in 1996 because Dole was the anointed one and he had nothing to offer. Perot also stole some votes but much less. Clinton still didn’t reach 50%!
take your meds dlaw. You sick little troll
The DLC? Aren’t those the people who delivered the only Democratic President we’ve had in the last two decades?
And since then, they’ve lost all three branches of the government.
Winning is good, but if politics is just another sports book, I’d rather sip martinis in Vegas. The out of pocket is comparable, and the pit boss doesn’t insist I bet on particular teams.
-Jim McDimwitt has upset people in his district. He is 100% jerk, –
Really, Puddybud? Each election year you kkklowns say that, McDermott keeps winning by a higher percentage of the vote. He got 74% in 2002, and 80% in 2004, after the right wing claimed he was a traitor.
You gotta be able to get something right one of these times, Puddy.
-Winning is good, but if politics is just another sports book, I’d rather sip martinis in Vegas. –
Oh really, Voter Advocate. Politics for the sake of ideology and “making a statement.” No wonder you are so dang good at losing (and dragging the rest of us down with you)
Could your position be any more pathetic? It’s as if you’re actually proud of the constant ability to fail.
4.) Clinton won in 1996 because Dole was the anointed one and he had nothing to offer. Perot also stole some votes but much less. Clinton still didn’t reach 50%!
Commentby Puddybud— 3/23/06@ 5:50 pm
The sadest thing is that if Perot didnt run in 96 the election would have been extremely close with Dole possibly winning. That is with a RINO who was a bore of a candidate. Bill Clinton is the president who nobody wanted in the first place.
it’s really a shame that the green party does NOT have it’s act together at all. i was hoping…and i don’t think i was alone in this…that they would be a real force in politics that i could get behind and support. but all you have to do is look at some of the areas where they have control…granted ,they are few and far between….but all you see is the same senseless grab for power as you see in the other political parties. check out the arcata,ca. city council. they are all greens and they are the biggest bunch of idiots to ever hold political office. they spend money and time arguing and tilting at windmills so much that even the uber liberals in that city are sick of them.
i was really hoping that the green party would be just that…GREEN. but it isn’t. it’s just another party only concerned with what they want …not what is actually right for the environment or citizens. and nuts? they have so many they should be using mr.peanut as their logo. dems have the donkey, gop has the elephant and the greens really should talk to mr.peanut….he might be interested…no one else is.
i think cantwell has done a pretty good job [for a democrat] and she is definitely the superior choice over an ex [is there really such a thing?] black panther.
Goldy has some excellent political points about Aaron Dixon apparently not being registered to vote. He should have also added that this situation is due to GOP vote suppression efforts directed against African-Americans …
Seriously —
Regardless of what state law says, it is not constitutional for states to impose additional requirements to run for U.S. House or U.S. Senate, beyond those stated in the U.S. Constitution — namely being a resident of the state from which one is running, being 25 for House or 30 for Senate, and being a U.S. citizen for the specified number of years.
States cannot require federal candidates to be registered voters, or be residents of the state for a minimum length of time. They cannot impose term limits or other laws designed to make it harder for incumbents to get ballot access. They cannot disqualify convicted felons. They cannot require U.S. House candidates to live in the district from which they are seeking election.
So regardless of what state law says, it would be unconstitutional for Sam Reed to reject Dixon’s candidacy papers simply because he doesn’t happen to be a registered voter.
momus @ 4
“Somehow, I don’t think you should try the same antics with this candidate as you did with David Irons….”
What the fuck are you talking about, you idiot. Irons has a black belt in judo, and a well-known penchant for beating up people who anger him.
“The sadest thing is that if Perot didnt run in 96 the election would have been extremely close with Dole possibly winning. That is with a RINO who was a bore of a candidate. Bill Clinton is the president who nobody wanted in the first place.” Commentby RUFUS— 3/23/06@ 7:39 pm
Hey Doofus you fucking idiot, here’s the 1996 election results:
Clinton, 47,402,357 (49%), 379 electoral votes
Dole, 39,198,755 (41%), 159 electoral votes
Perot, 8,085,402 (8%), 0 electoral votes
The popular vote would have been “extremely close” if Dole got 100% of Perot’s votes. That’s a HUGE assumption, since Perot’s support was pretty close to evenly split between Republicans and Democrats.
This is the final nail in Dixon’s coffin. The Greens have completely embarrassed themselves. If they were smart they’d pull the plug on Dixon and shift their resources into more productive races.
green thumb… point exactly. the greens, alas, are NOT smart and so will continue on down the same [rut] path that they have been on since the beginning. nadar was just the tip of the iceberg with these guys……..
If Dole had gotten 100% of the Perot votes in 1996, the following states would have flipped from Clinton to Dole: Arizona, Florida, Kentucky, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylanial Tennessee, and Wisconsin. Dole would have won, 277 electoral votes to 260 for Clinton.
HOWEVER … if Clinton got only 398 of Perot’s 227,339 votes in Wisconsin, Clinton would have won, 272 electoral votes to 268.
Clinton needed less than 4% of Perot’s 430,984 votes in Pennsylvania to take that state’s 23 electoral votes.
Clinton needed less than 10% of Perot’s 121,221 votes in Oregon to add that state’s 7 electoral votes to his column.
In most of the other potential “flipper” states, Clinton needed far less than half of Perot’s votes to win those states.
It is also likely that if Perot had not run in 1996, some of his voters would not have voted for either Clinton or Dole.
The popular vote would have been “extremely close” if Dole got 100% of Perot’s votes. That’s a HUGE assumption, since Perot’s support was pretty close to evenly split between Republicans and Democrats.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/23/06@ 7:59 pm
100% no….. 90 – 95% probably. Saying donks supported Perot is like saying conservatives supported Nader.
By contrast, we can say this about Bush’s 537-vote victory in Florida in 2000:
The voter registration rolls were controlled by Republicans, namely Bush’s brother Jeb and Katherine Harris.
Harris purged over 57,000 black voters from the registration rolls on the grounds they were ex-felons. Not a single one of those voters was later shown to be an ex-felon.
To win legitimately in Florida, over 99% of those black voters would have had to vote for Bush. The odds of that are zero.
Bush did NOT win Florida legitimately. The 2000 presidential election was stolen by Katherine Harris’s racist purging of black voters from registration rolls.
And before any of you trollfucks chime in about military votes, Florida’s military votes were counted, assholes. Including some that shouldn’t have been, but election officials and the Gore campaign looked the other way because they were military votes.
“90 – 95% probably. Saying donks supported Perot is like saying conservatives supported Nader.” Commentby RUFUS— 3/23/06@ 8:27 pm
Bullshit; but even if we buy your phony assumption that Bush would have gotten 95% of Perot’s votes — it wouldn’t have been enough.
And yes, some Republicans did vote for Nader — and Nader got a LOT of money from Republicans.
Not to worry, Redneck. Maria doesn’t need my vote. She’s determined that I am irrelevant.
I’ll vote for McDermott, leave Senate empty, and bat 1.000.
That’s a win.
As I said above, even if Dole had gotten every single Perot vote in every other state, if Clinton had gotten only 398 of Perot’s 227-thousand-plus votes in Wisconsin, that would have been enough for Clinton to win.
Suppose McGavick wins by 1 vote, and his victory gives the Republicans control of the Senate by 1 vote, how will you feel then?
Gregoire had a 12-point lead only 2 weeks before the election, but ended up winning by only 133 votes. Excluding 4 votes subtracted from Rossi’s total by Judge Bridges, and excluding disputed ballots that were counted by the King County canvassing board, Gregoire won the hand recount by only 8 votes.
You can’t make any assumptions about politics. It’s too early for polls to mean anything. This is probably going to be a closer race than current polls suggest.
Except you can assume the Republicans are going to pull some kind of dirty shit.
Republican dirty tricks are a given.
Suppose McGavick wins by 1 vote, and his victory gives the Republicans control of the Senate by 1 vote, how will you feel then?
I’ll think Maria Cantwell was a perfect ass to pander to people who would vote for McGavick.
By contrast, we can say this about Bush’s 537-vote victory in Florida in 2000:
The voter registration rolls were controlled by Republicans, namely Bush’s brother Jeb and Katherine Harris.
Harris purged over 57,000 black voters from the registration rolls on the grounds they were ex-felons. Not a single one of those voters was later shown to be an ex-felon.
To win legitimately in Florida, over 99% of those black voters would have had to vote for Bush. The odds of that are zero.
Actually Florida being called early by the MSM had a lot to do with it too. If that wouldn’t have happened Bush would have won Florida by as much or more than 2004. The fact that Florida went for Bush in 2004 after all the bullshit spread about the 2000 election speaks volumes.
The voter registration rolls were controlled by Republicans, namely Bush’s brother Jeb and Katherine Harris.
Thank God. It prevented the donks from pulling what they did in KC. You didnt get to dip into the donk “bag-o-ballots” in that state.
Harris purged over 57,000 black voters from the registration rolls on the grounds they were ex-felons. Not a single one of those voters was later shown to be an ex-felon.
To win legitimately in Florida, over 99% of those black voters would have had to vote for Bush. The odds of that are zero.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/23/06@ 8:29 pm
Actually, since Bush otherwise won Florida by 537 votes, he would have only had to win 49.53% of those 57,000 disenfrachised black voters, assuming your numbers are correct. So long as Gore beat him by 536 votes or less among this group, Bush would have won by at least 1 vote over Gore.
50.47% x 57,000 = 28,768 for Gore
49.53% x 57,000 = 28,232 for Bush
Net Advantage = 536 for Gore
Actually, Bush would have only needed to win
Wabbits aren’t that good at multiplying after all!
Florida is not Chicago or King County.
Florida is not East St Louis or Philidelphia.
Florida in not Wisconcin or Cleveland.
Florida counts them right the first time.
Voter fraud is a tradition with the democrats. They would be demcrats if they didn’t cheat.
Of course, I’ll feel that way if she wins by one vote, too.
I guess the “radical left” really will “eat their own”, wont they…..
I love the smell of fear just before an election…….
Richard @51,
If my interest was trying to invalidate Dixon’s candidacy based on a technicality, I would have kept quiet until after filing day.
The larger issue is the Green Party’s incompetence (I mean, did they even attempt to vet this guy?)… and Dixon’s qualifications to run for an office he apparently hasn’t bothered to vote for. How can he complain about a political system he doesn’t participate in?
Dixon’s a bad candidate. That’s good for Cantwell. What the fuck?
Don’t be a Chicken Little Democrat. The only way you legitimate Dixon is bby saying he has no right to run or he owes Cantwell a job. He’s a bad candidate from a badly-run party so if you’re a Cantwell supporter have fun taking many, many shots at him.
All this whining about the “disloyalty” of the Left just pisses people off and gives more meaning to a vote for Wilson or Dixon – neither of whom are worth voting for on the merits, as far as I can see. They’re protest candidates and you don’t diminish protest by telling people they’re not allowed to protest.
I heard that on Eschaton you can contribute money to a candidate who looks like he can defeat Lieberman in the Primary.
Look,Goldy, we told all these dumb Democrats who bootlick the Republicans that we weren’t going to support them in their time of need if they didn’t show some gumption and oppose Bush.
Now you’re all discovering we’re for real!
Ask Al Gore if he would have done things differently if he knew we’d rather go down in flames than be gradually sold out by these fake Democrats. YOU WANT REALITY. THAT’S IT!
Aaron Dixon is a candidate for JUSTICE. Why is this? Because Aaron Dixon has a lot of experience with the JUSTICE system. Details to follow.
Aaron Dixon don’t have no insurance and don’t have no valid driver’s license either.
Aaron Dixon is a FINE candidate. He owes a lot of FINES.
Goldy should call Aaron Dixon and say he is from AllianceOne Receivables and wants to know when he is going to pay for his traffic tickets.
Wife FARAH my ass. Aaron Dixon ain’t legally married to no Farah. Aaron be’s married to Verlenia Murphy, also known as Verlenia Dixon. Aaron done file a dissolution action against Verlenia in King County Superior Court No. 05-3-08358-5 SEA on December 6, 2005. Aaron wuz plannin’ to waltz on into court just yesterday and gets himself divorced from Verlenia. But Verlenia done gots herself an attorney — Rebecca Kenison — and she musta be fightin’ Aaron over this whole process. So maybe they will have to go to trial on November 13, 2006, the Monday after the general election. So much fo’ Aaron plannin’ to marry this Farah anytime soon.
“Aaron is the father of six and a father figure for many. He recently married Farah Nousheen, a media activist and founder/director of Tasveer, a grassroots organization committed to independent South Asian film. They live in Beacon Hill with their combined large family.”
Whoops — I forgot! Muslims can have more than one wife! How could be I so STUPID to forget that?
Roger and Gang do you believe the ladies can pull it off for the Socialist Democrats, what say you.
Women Wage Key Campaigns for Democrats
Published: March 24, 2006
NARBERTH, Pa. � If the Democrats have their way, the 2006 Congressional elections will be the revenge of the mommy party.
Douglas Healey for The New York Times
Diane Farrell of Connecticut is one of about a dozen Democratic women running this year in closely watched House races.
Democratic women are running major campaigns in nearly half of the two dozen most competitive House races where their party hopes to pick up enough Republican seats to regain control of the House. Democratic strategists are betting that the voters’ unrest and hunger for change � reflected consistently in public opinion polls � create the perfect conditions for their party’s female candidates this year.
“In an environment where people are disgusted with politics in general, who represents clean and change?” asks Representative Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “Women.”
Republicans, who have prospered in recent elections by running as the guardians of national security and
Aaron Dixon has failed to pay the following traffic fines (which do not include interest at 12% per annum and collection costs of about 35% imposed on unpaid fines sent out to collection):
King County District Court No. IS0133390 KCP, Operating Motor Vehicle Without Insurance on January 20, 2005. Failed to respond to ticket. Total fine of $590.00 imposed on March 11, 2005. Sent to AllianceOne Receivables for collection on June 22, 2005.
King County District Court No. IS0140956 KCP, Operating Motor Vehicle Without Insurance and Defective Tail Lamps on April 12, 2005. Failed to respond to ticket. Total fine of $691.00 imposed on June 6, 2005. Sent to AllianceOne Receivables for collection on August 3, 2005.
King County District Court No. I03925758 WSP (East Division – Shoreline), Failure to Wear Safety Belt on May 20, 2004. Requested mitigation hearing to reduce amount of fine. Judge reduced the fine from $101.00 to $75.00 on July 12, 2004 and gave him time to pay the fine. Failed to pay anything on the fine. Fine increased to $127.00 on December 27, 2004 for failure to pay. Sent to AllianceOne Receivables for collection on July 27, 2005.
Aaron Dixon probably owes LOTS and LOTS of traffic fines in Seattle Municipal Court. Unfortunately, the system that I subscribe to does not provide much information on Seattle Municipal Court. I only get a listing of criminal cases from that court, and not traffic infraction ticket cases. And the criminal cases only show the case number and date of violation, with no court docket and not even what the charge was. To get Seattle Municipal Court detailed information, you have to go down to that court and use their computer system.
In any event, Aaron Dixon owes $1,408.00 — plus interest and collection costs — just for his King County District Court unpaid tickets. I wonder if the Green Party is going to help him pay off his traffic fines?
Aaron Dixon has lots of criminal experience as well — 18 cases in the last 17 years. The following is a list of the case numbers and dates of alleged criminal violations.
_ SDC 4878687 SPD CT CL DEF 01 05/27/1991
_ SDC 5153061 SPD CT CL DEF 01 09/25/1992
_ SDC 5160887 SPD CT DEF 01 08/26/1992
_ SDC 6183435 WSP CT CL DEF 01 04/06/1990
_ SDC 6183436 WSP CT CL DEF 01 04/06/1990
_ SMC 33697 SPD CN CL DEF 01 09/12/1990
_ SMC 45865 SPD CT CL DEF 01 12/07/1990
_ SMC 67223 SPD CT DEF 01 05/27/1991
_ SMC 125754 SPD CT CL DEF 01 08/26/1992
_ SMC 127462 SPD CT DEF 01 09/15/1992
_ SMC 128932 SPD CT CL DEF 01 09/25/1992
_ SMC 224364 SPD CT CL DEF 01 01/10/1995
_ SMC 244011 SPD CT DEF 01 06/27/1995
_ SMC 291768 SPD CT DEF 01 09/04/1996
_ SMC 376411 SPD CT DEF 01 02/23/2000
_ SMC 380183 SPD CT DEF 01 04/18/2000
_ SMC 892510411 SPD CT DEF 01 09/07/1989
_ SOD 6034663 WSP CT CL DEF 01 04/16/1990
Key to table:
SDC — King County District Court, Seattle Division
SMC — Seattle Municipal Court
SOD — Snohomish County District Court, South Division
CT — Criminal Traffic
CN — Criminal Non-Traffic
Looks like the Green Party has recruited their own version of Will Baker! Too bad he won’t get anywhere near as many votes as Will Baker got.
Neither Michael McGavick nor Maria Cantwell show up at all in the computer database I subscribe to. Not so much as a single traffic ticket for either of them.
Math aside, my point is valid — Bush could not have won in 2000 without the GOP’s premeditated suppression of black voters in Florida. His victory is forever be tainted by this echo of southern racism. The Supreme Court’s blatantly partisan decision diminished that institution, and weakened our democracy. Bush got the office and power, but a stench hangs over his presidency.
Despite the shenanigans that put Bush in the Oval Office, Democrats accepted the result in order to avoid a constitutional crisis. They did so believing they were doing the right thing for the country. We’ve had second thoughts.
Given the close election, it was reasonable to expect Bush to would govern reasonably. No one knew he had already secretly decided to invade Iraq. No one thought he would lead the nation into a war with lies. No one expected him and the GOP Congress to uncompromisingly impose a rigid hard-right agenda on the country, or to disregard the political rights of half the nation’s people. No one foresaw the incompetence and corruption of this administration. And no one dreamed that Republican audiences would cheer Ann Coulter when she said liberals should be killed.
Now that we’ve seen all this, our perspective has changed. We see that the historical Republican Party has been destroyed, no longer exists, and has been replaced by something evil. Our differences with Republicans are not merely over ideology or policies. We think Republicans are acting in bad faith, and mean us harm. We have come to distrust any election run by Republicans. For now, we continue to abide by election results, but if we conclude the election process is rigged and the majority’s right to choose our leaders and govern our country has been confiscated, we will withdraw our consent to be governed.
I don’t wish for America to become an Ireland or Balkans, but it’s not up to me. If evil people who don’t believe in democracy and intend us harm take over America against the will of the people, then it can’t be resolved peacefully, and won’t be. If that happens, we’ll either have to fight, or let them lead us away one by one into the night.
The Bush administrative is installing radiation detecting equipment in the Bahamas to scan U.S.-bound cargo, but it won’t be run by U.S. Customs agents, American contractors, or U.S. citizens. The Bushies hired a Hong Kong company to run the equipment. Hong Kong, of course, is controlled by China. If the commies in Peking want to help their pals in North Korea sneak a nuclear bomb into an east coast U.S. port, why hell, their employees in the Bahamas will intercept it! Well, maybe not, but why would China want to blow up a U.S. city? We owe them too much money.
Anyway, China doesn’t need a nuclear sneak attack to take over the U.S. All they have to do is buy us out.
Here’s the link:;cid=2194
The copyright is theirs; the commentary is mine.
I do have to thank Goldy, though, his efforts have revealed to me that the only appropriate vote I can make for Senate will be none at all. That doesn’t mean that I won’t vote, though.
In the parlance of the elections office, this is called an undervote. Unervotes are counted, and if political operatives are on-the-ball they will pay attention to them. They represent voters who found their choices for an issue or candidate were not sufficient.
Unlike a write-in, which requires manual handling, an undervote allows one’s ballot to be recorded by the automated equipment with no intervention.
As San Francisco columnist Art Hoppe imagined the cheer from the campaign staff at Nobody for Senate, “Who can be your voice in Washington D. C.? Nobody can!!
To make the picture clear to the Democratic Party, I will be voting for Mark Wilson in the primary.
SEATTLE, March 20-Progressive Democrat Mark Wilson, the former Marine and ex-Teamster whose anti-war candidacy challenges U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell in the September primary election, has won the endorsement of the Progressive Caucus of Snohomish County Democrats (PCSCD).
Wilson’s platform includes ending the occupation of Iraq, negotiating new trade policies that end corporate welfare and restore jobs to America, a back-to-work program to create alternative energy sources, repeal of the USA PATRIOT Act, protecting a woman’s right to choose, and Medicare for all.
Even though he is not pure enough for Goldy, in that he didn’t get a Democratic Membership card from a Mohel at the Bris, he’s good enough for this me.
I call it the ” Conrad Burns effect ” . Conrad Burns being the disgraced Republican Senator from Montana who is running for re-election and is suffering in the polls due to his connections to the lobbyists Jack Abramoff . Good Republicans , say , ” A BAD REPUBLICAN IS BETTER THAN ANY DEMOCRATIC SENATOR ” even though they well know the scope of his corruption .
In Washington State , we have the same scene , One MARIA CANTWELL ,traitor to Democratic values , pro-war , pro-domestic spying , pro Republican Patriot Act , is by definition a bad Democrat and does not hold with the values of her Washington State Party . Here we are told that a bad Democrat is better than anyone else , no matter what she votes for that you may disagree with . It is as if to doubt the Senator is grounds for being a bad Democrat , It is up to MARIA CANTWELL to come to her constituency , not the other way around . Senator stop the war .
And for you Die Hard NeoCONS, I don’t want to spoil your Friday but……..GWB has a positive approval rating in a total of……7 states! (Alabama, Idaho, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Utah and Wyoming). It’s about time the entire nation starts waking up to the current illegal, arrogant and condescending administration that is hijacking the American way of life.
The President says he has the authority to wiretap American citizens “suspected” of talking to terrorists — dialing or receiving international calls to or from certain countries, that is — without a warrant, and does it. He also asserts that he order physical searches of an American citizen without a warrant, if the person is suspected of terrorist activities/ties, like attending meetings at the Thomas Merton Center for Peace and Justice in Pittsburgh.
Lately, Bush has become more brazen about it, basically saying he wouldn’t abide by the recently passed anti-torture law.
Most recently, he says the FBI doesn’t have to comply with the oversight requirements of the new Patriot Act.
How does it feel to live in a dictatorship, trolls?
Why hasn’t Bush 43 vetoed any bills?
What for? He just autographs them, then breaks them.
The typical Criminal Traffic offense is a DUI … though the category also includes offenses ranging from no valid license to vehicular assault.
Richard Pope is Goldy’s secret weapon for convincing Dems. not to vote for Dixon. Keep up the good work, Richard!
Headless Lucy will continue to support Dixon. This I know!
Richard Pope: Here’s a website to help you with your studies in soul:
Actually, Aaron Dixon is the perfect candidate to stand up against insurance industry kingpin Mike McGavick. Dixon has his own way to destroy the power of the insurance industry — simply don’t buy any! This will be the Green Party apology for Dixon’s criminal record and unpaid traffic fines — that he protests against government requirements to buy automobile insurance! Dixon will be advocating government funded automobile insurance, in addition to government funded health insurance.
Is he like a really bad guy, Richard? Did he get arrested for drunk driving, use drugs, be a drunk, and desert the military?
Anyway, Richard, you need to Google Johnny Watson so you can see that Dixon is not a Gangsta.
He’s a Gangster of Love!!
-Bill Clinton is the president who nobody wanted in the first place. –
Right, RUFUS. Which is why Clinton’s approval ratings were about double where Bush is at right now when he left office. And Bush has nowhere to go but down – that icing was put on the cake the other day when Bush basically admitted “failure is the only option” in Iraq.
And Clinton never had a 9-11 to save his political career.
-Dixon has his own way to destroy the power of the insurance industry – simply don’t buy any! –
Anybody who owns and operates a car has a responsibility to purchase insurance, and operate that car in a safe manner.
There is no Constitutionally protected “right to drive” – and clearly Dixon posed a threat to every other driver on the road by failing to abide by some basic laws.
LiberalRedneck, I’m pretty sure the 20% a Green draws in the 7th and 20% an R draws in the 7th are largely NOT the same groups of voters. There may be some crossover, but it ain’t huge, and the fact is there are exactly three places in the state of Washington a Green would have any chance right now winning a race of major import:
– the 43rd Legislative District (Capitol Hill/Montlake/Central District)
– Seattle City Council (see: Nick Licata)
– the 7th Congressional District (see: Jim McDermott)
Note that all three of them pretty much overlap constituencies. There really isn’t anywhere else in this state where you’d have any prayer of winning- and even in the 43rd or 7th you’d need breaks (like an R on the ballot to draw down right wing votes).
My feeling is if the Greens were REALLY serious about wanting someone in a legislative capacity, they’d target the 7th CD or 43rd LD with someone who got onto the City Council first (where you can likely be a Green and it won’t kill you) and built up some name recognition/political traction. A Green has exactly zero chance of winning statewide. This isn’t West Germany or Israel where tiny splinter parties get seats with 5-10% of the vote.
Aaron Dixon is a bad candidate, but not everything that pops up on the state computer is a separate criminal charge (it could be a probable cause, etc.)
But, again, the Greens should run a candidate in every race they can. They owe Cantwell nothing. It’s her race to win or lose. No tears.
Actually, if the Greens were REALLY serious, they could sponsor a statewide initiative to change how we allocate US House representatives to make them all at-large and selected via Australian ballot/proportional represntation (with 1st/2nd 3rd choice, etc.). They’d get a Green for sure from Seattle, and they’d get help from the Libertarians too (who MIGHT have an outside shot at their own House rep- I think a Libertarian who wasn’t a total wingnut could get 10-15% of statewide vote if they ran a perfect campaign).
Get that passed in a few select states and you could actually get 5-10 Greens in Congress…
I think these allegations should be posted with evidence to a site like the memory hole for us to go over at our leisure. I just don’t want to abandon a guy on the say-so of some conservative wealthy landowner.
This is the kind of thing the Green Party was founded to combat!
Visit We really DO have an anti-war Democrat on the ticket — and a good one, too.
Maria Cantwell has NO REGRETS about voting for war! She voted for the Patriot Act TWICE! She voted against filibustering Alito! Now who’s fit for public office?
You “progressives” should spend less time supporting pro-war Democrats and more time actually fighting for your principles (unless war for oil and empire one of your principles).
no se pierda el interesante caso movistar
antes de nada siempre hay algo
no se pierda el interesante caso movistar
antes de nada siempre hay algo
Carta abierta de Alejandro López Fernández con dni número: 32654324-M a
Telefónica Móviles España S.A. (telefonica moviles españa es mas
conocida por todo el mundo como movistar)
Queridos hijos de puta:
Acabo de recibir vuestra asquerosa carta de mierda dónde me amenazáis
para que os pague una factura de 1834,56 euros que sabéis que yo nunca
he consumido y que es totalmente injusta, sin embargo a pesar de obrar
las pruebas de lo que digo en vuestro poder, es decir en vuestros
servidores de datos, insistÃs en que pague, resumen:
Mira que simpática es esta carta:
Muy Sr./a mÃo/a:
El saldo pendiente en su cuenta con TELEFONICA MOVILES ESPAÑA, S.A.,
correspondiente al número/s de teléfono cuyo detalle se adjunta, asciende
a la cantidad de 1834.56 euros.
Con el fin de evitar el traspaso de su expediente a nuestro
Departamento de AsesorÃa y de vernos obligados a comunicar su nueva situación al
Servicio de Información Crédito ASNEF/EQUIFAX [esto es una lista de
morosos], del cual somos miembros asociados, le agradeceré que el citado
importe lo haga efectivo en el plazo de quince dÃas a contar desde el
recibo de la presente, de alguna de las siguientes formas:
• Cheque nominativo a Telefonica Moviles España, S.A. enviado por
correo a la dirección: C/ Llodio, nº 4 – 3ª Planta. 28034 – Madrid [Este
cheque se lo pides a tu puta madre y si ella no te lo quiere dar metete
los dos puños por el culo después de arrancarte los dientes hijo de puta]
• Transferencia a los siguientes datos bancarios del banco Santander
Central Hispano (SCH): Entidad 0049, Sucursal 1500, DC 02 y Número de
cuenta 2910384121. [Por supuesto que te voy a hacer una transferencia pero
de todas las hostias que pueda darte como un dÃa te coja por la calle]
En ambos casos es imprescindible comunique el número de abono y
titularidad del mismo.
Para cualquier aclaración, tiene a su disposición nuestro Centro de
Atención al Cliente las 24 horas del dÃa [por los cojones], en los
siguientes teléfonos: 1485 (609 desde su teléfono móvil); en el caso de
empresas, el 1486 (109 desde su teléfono móvil).
Atentamente le saluda.
[Métete tu saludo por el culo pero saca los puños primero]
Miguel Angel GarcÃa
Gerente de Cobros [o sea el hijo de puta mayor del reino, igual que el
resto de casa de hijos de puta que es movistar]
Bueno bueno bueno
Decir que telefónica es una mierda (o que telefonica es una mierda) no
es algo nuevo, es algo que todos sabÃamos, pero se os ha ido la mano y
habéis logrado hincharme las pelotas, más de diez veces he llamado a
vuestros putos números de mierda para intentar arreglar esto por las
buenas y no me habéis hecho puto caso.
como dirÃa Palpatine…
queréis guerra?
pues la vais a tener vais a lamentar el dÃa en el que me conocisteis
tengo mucha paciencia y mucho tiempo (o eso creo) para joderos, hasta
el último puto gato en españa se va a enterar de lo ladrones hijos de
puta que son en movistar, y por cierto ¿que me quereis meter en una lista
de morosos por un puto telefono movil o teléfono móvil? pues me metéis
me suda mucho la polla mi poder no es tan banal como creéis y si no al
bueno queridos hijos de puta de movistar empieza el juego nos
encontraremos por el camino, no tendré piedad si algún dÃa me cruzo con vosotros
en la calle os voy a meter una bombona de butano por el culo asà que
mejor no os crucéis conmigo
y por cierto, una nota aclaratoria para el presidente de movistar, ¿no
te da vergüenza dirigir una compañÃa de MIERDA? yo te respondo, claro
que no te la da PORQUE ERES MIERDA
PostData: querido presi de la compañÃa de mierda, el azar te libre de
que te eche el guante porque te mato a hostias, después de todo lo que
te voy a hacer vas a pedirme llorando que te mate
¿Pero de que va todo esto? (Por Traksler) (¿caso movistar? no, no creo)
Bueno yo soy un coleguilla de Alejandro y me ha tocado la ardua tarea
de explicaros a quien le pueda interesar de que coño va todo este
marrón. Me vais a perdonar que firme con pseudónimo pero es que aquà va a
haber tiros y esto a mi ni me va ni me viene. Yo sólo soy el mensajero.
Bien la cosa va de lo siguiente.
Cómo todos o casi todos sabéis Telefónica de España como su propio
nombre indica es una compañÃa que se dedica a prestar servicios de
telefonÃa en España. Uno de sus “satélites†es movistar que se dedica a la
telefonÃa móvil
Pues bien, Alejandro hace un tiempo contrató con movistar un servicio
de conexión a internet a través de teleléfono móvil, es decir lo que
conocemos como “conexión wireless umtsâ€.
Es decir, tu tienes un teléfono móvil normal y corriente (o una tarjeta
modem móvil) y con ese teléfono móvil en vez de hablar lo que haces es
conectarlo a tu ordenador portátil y ya puedes conectarte a internet.
Es una experiencia muy gratificante irte a la playa o a lo alto de un
monte, con tu ordenador portátil y tu teléfono móvil y poder chatear,
mirar tu correo o buscar algo en el google.
Hasta aquà todo correcto pero que pasó?
Lo que pasó es que este tipo de conexiones a internet a través de
teléfonica tienen un riesgo grande, y es que te cobran por la cantidad de
datos que recibes y envÃas a internet (y no por el tiempo de conexión
como en una ADSL normal).
Es decir, tienes una tarifa plana en la que pagas 59 euros por
transferir a la red hasta un giga de información y a partir de ahà empieza a
cobrarte por kilobyte (y a cobrar mucho por cierto).
Lo que le pasó a Alejandro es que un virus (un gusano, del tipo
SYN_SENT al puerto 445) se coló en su ordenador durante 3 dÃas, y el virus se
puso a enviar información, e información y mucha más información, hasta
que el giga fue rebasado muy ampliamente y duplicado varias veces. De
ahà la monstruosa factura.
Esa factura es indebida. Alejandro no consumió ese ancho de banda. Lo
consumió un virus maligno y no él.
Afortunadamente Alejandro es un doctorando en informática y se dio
cuenta a tiempo y pudo eliminar al agente maligno, pero el daño ya habÃa
sido hecho.
Por otro lado, si Alejandro no fuese informático profesional la factura
podrÃa haber sido de 12.000 euros o más…
Movistar con toda seguridad debió ver en la monitorización de sus
servidores que algo raro estaba ocurriendo porque de gastar 59 euros todos
los meses, el consumo se disparó sin justificación un 3000 por ciento,
pero Movistar se quedó calladita como las putas dejando que la factura
siguiese engordando.
Alejandro no fue informado en ningún momento de que LA LEY OBLIGA a que
exista la posibilidad de que si tu factura en euros pasa de cierta
cantidad se pare el servicio para que no siga aumentando el gasto (lo que
se conoce como LIMITE DE CONSUMO). AparecÃa por la parte de atrás del
contrato en letra microscópica de esa que no se puede leer sin un buen
par de gafas graduadas. Ni Movistar ni sus esbirros informaron
explÃcitamente y con transparencia de esto a Alejandro, Movistar se quedó callada
como las putas.
Alejandro se prestó a entregar los logs (archivos dónde se guardan
datos de lo que ha pasado dentro de un ordenador) donde se probaba
fehacientemente la actividad de un virus (corroborable mediante prueba cruzada
con los distintos servidores) en las horas indicadas de “supuesto
consumo†pero nadie lo quiso ver, simplemente no le hicieron caso. Sólo le
dijeron que pagase: como las putas. Eso es lo que te dice una puta:
“paga y no me cuentes tu vidaâ€.
Que sÃ, que yo también estoy de acuerdo, movistar sois una casa de
PostData: Vodafone no es mejor, también son unos chapuceros, ellos y
sus telefonistas “sudamericanos†(por qué será?); pero dentro de lo
chapuzas que son no son tan odiosos como estos otros y en algunas cosas
funcionan cien mil veces mejor.
caso movistar
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