There’s a lot of speculation going on as to why Mariner’s manager Mike Hargrove would quit the team in the midst of a promising season and an eight-game winning streak. Well I’ve got my own theory: al-Qaeda.
And in the face of such an imminent threat there’s only one thing the Mariner’s can do if they want to save their season. We must bomb Iran. And Pakistan. Preferably with nuclear weapons.
Destroy “America’s pastime” and you destroy America. It is time for an preemptive strike.
And KIRO lets you broadcast a radio show? If they want to drive advertising revenue into the ground that’s their perogative I suppose.
jacob @1,
What… it’s okay to nuke Iran, but not Pakistan?
Focken’ A!!!!!!
Goldy you are Goofy
If Joe Torre quit this week, Giuliani would blame the terrorists. And he’d insist that he was the only candidate qualified to protect Major League Baseball.
You hit the nail on the head on that one Goldy.
GOP links to vote-fraud push
Two nonprofits had a major role in Republican electoral strategy that included lobbying U.S. attorneys over alleged fraud in voter rolls.
Don’t be silly.
The obvious thing to do is to invade Vancouver. The advatages are clear:
1. Vancouver is American territory occupies by a foreign power, ON OUR BORDERS. The people of Vancouver would welcome us as liberators.
2. The artificial inflation of the Canadian currency threatens our economy. If we control their west coast, we get to decide what they ship to China!
3. They have copious amounts of clean energy … HydroPower … and salmon. Both of these are meant by God to be shared!
4. BC BUD has been treatening our youth. By growing and exporting evil weed, they are undermining the US.
5. The Canadian flag is obviously meant to be provocative … it is red and that does not mean Publican! The “Maple Leaf” is clearly a map for Canadian Hegemony … stem with 5 parts, each representing red rule over one continent.
6. They obviously have many WMDs? They have so many WMDs, they even put them out in public! Last time I was there, I used a public WMD in gastown that was clearly several stages more developed.
AND, imagine if we put spring camp for the Mariners in Westminster!
by BarbinMD
Mon Jul 02, 2007 at 01:06:47 AM PDT
Today marks the fourth anniversary of a phrase that will go down in infamy. On July 2, 2003, George W. Bush was asked about the rising casualty rates in Iraq. His response?
…anybody who wants to harm American troops will be found and brought to justice. There are some who feel like that if they attack us that we may decide to leave prematurely. They don’t understand what they’re talking about, if that’s the case.
Let me finish. There are some who feel like — that the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is, bring them on.
And since that swaggering schoolboy taunt, 3,372 U.S. troops have been killed in Iraq. Mission accomplished, Mr. President.
re #9
The White House would get mixed up and attack the wrong Vancouver.
Seems only fair. After all, a terrorist attack deprived the Mariners of the World Series in 2001 by forcing them to cool off for three weeks.