I don’t have anything to read over the weekend! I have several books on hold at the library, so I don’t want to start something that will take me a long time to read. The Grant biography that everyone says is great will have to wait. Anyone reading something light breezy that would be available at the Central Library or Elliott Bay Books?
According to the DOJ memos leaked by Roypublicans in Congress, President PornHub never actually denied that Russian ladies made pee pee in a Moscow hotel room for him. He only denies that they were paid to do it.
“There were no prostitutes. They were never prostitutes.”
Directions on Foregin Policy.
This guy is under a pending plea agreement to testify at future trials. And he’s out stumping. I guess as long as he sticks to knock-knock jokes and his take on the latest from Janelle Monáe he’ll keep his agreement intact.
But don’t forget, this is a guy who, according to his biggest fan, has “serious judgement issues”.
Stoopid is as stoopid does, I guess.
Joe Biden, when he thought he was speaking off the record:
‘You guys don’t understand these people. The Clintons will try to destroy me.’
So maybe it wasn’t his lingering pain over Beau’s death that kept him from running.
As the events of the day unfold and the DNC files suit for a non-do-over do-over, always remember how y’all HA libbies found yourselves in this mess to begin with:
They Always Wanted Trump
Hillary Clinton hand-picked her opponent, then lost to him.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, finally explained.
The diverging performance of July and February bar takers largely boils down to repeat test takers, according to Judith Gundersen, president of the national conference. Fully 70 percent of those who sat for the bar in February had already taken the test at least once, and repeat takers on average perform worse than those in their first sitting.
Proof that failed attorneys become even more stupid over time.
James Comey: Extremely careless.
Justice Department Watchdog Probes Comey Memos Over Classified Information
At least two of the memos that former FBI Director James Comey gave to a friend outside of the government contained information that officials now consider classified, according to people familiar with the matter, prompting a review by the Justice Department’s internal watchdog.
Shouldn’t the DNC, instead, be suing the DOJ because the attempted collusion between the two ended up blowing up in the faces of each?
I think they left out Sydney Leathers.
The named defendants in the lawsuit include Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr., his son-in-law Jared Kushner, former campaign chief Paul Manafort and campaign official Richard Gates, and Trump ally Roger Stone.
Also named is the Russian Federation, the general staff of the Russian armed force, a Russian intelligence services hacker known as Guccifer 2.0., Wikileaks and its leader Julian Assange, and 10 unidentified people.
And Huma Abedin, for making the ‘extremely careless’ decision to reproduce with Anthony Weiner.
@5 Hate to break this to ya, but I passed the bar with flying colors on my first try while you were cribbing for your fourth run at the medical boards.
@7 No, I think they have the right defendants. You weren’t overlooked; you’re just too small a fish to bother with.
@8 You peep into bedroom windows, too?
Keep in mind, when you read about incidents like this, that Trump wants discrimination to be legal.
Evangelicals’ unflagging support for the most immoral president in American history is bound to erode their credibility. The very best argument they can make is that expediency supersedes values. That doesn’t say much for them or their movement.
“Bound to”?
And done.
He and his supporters are quite proud of his consistent record of fucking porn stars whenever he gets one of his wives pregnant. Equally proud of the abortions.
Their opposition to reproductive health care has never been about morality. It’s always been about slut shaming, oppressing terrifying vaginas, and breeding poverty.
Except Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, who should just eat shit and die.
David Axelrod
All of these sideshows—Comey’s flamboyant roll out; this @DNC lawsuit—seem spectacularly ill-timed and abet @POTUS strategy of portraying a sober and essential probe as a partisan vendetta.
Everyone should chill out and let Mueller do his job.https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/democratic-party-files-lawsuit-alleging-russia-the-trump-campaign-and-wikileaks-conspired-to-disrupt-the-2016-campaign/2018/04/20/befe8364-4418-11e8-8569-26fda6b404c7_story.html …
11:27 AM – Apr 20, 2018
A federal appeals court has struck down Mike Pence’s anti-abortion law.
@15 “Except Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, who should just eat shit and die.”
Getting on your nerves, am I? Good. You deserve me.
@17 The tighter the noose gets, the easier it is to get on Doctor Dumbfuck’s nerves. It serves as an excellent gauge for how the investigations are going.
As determined as he appears to be to defend and excuse it all, it ought to be a very busy and stressful summer for the Dumbfuck.
It’s hard to imagine why anyone would bother. But they say that’s the effect that Trump has on these people.
He made Reince Preibus chase flies around the Oval Office, and famously treated Mr. Safety School, Esq. “like a piece of garbage” for years. I suppose Dumbfuck is getting off easy if all he has to endure is a summer of humiliation.
The latest slugger to join Trump’s legal team has declared to Dana Bash that he can get Mueller to wrap things up in “a couple of weeks”.
Oy. It’s like watching that moment in a Leave it to Beaver episode, when you know he’s gonna stick his dick into the fan on Ward’s Pontiac.
@19 I foresee countless irrelevant comments about Hillary being posted.
“The latest slugger to join Trump’s legal team”
Slugger’s ego won’t survive this. It’ll be like Mad Max, Thunderdome. Two egos enter, one ego leaves.
For some guys the one “big win” is enough for the rest of their lives. For some like Doctor Dumbfuck it’s all they can realistically expect.
@19 “I suppose Dumbfuck is getting off easy if all he has to endure is a summer of humiliation.”
I’m not stalking him. (Why bother?) Hillary needs a bodyguard, though.
@20 Trump desperately needs someone with less self-respect than Sessions. Giuliani will have to do, but he won’t be around very long, either, if Mueller doesn’t wrap things up in “a couple weeks.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What probably happens, if Mueller doesn’t wrap things up in “a couple weeks,” is Giuliani becomes AG and Sessions, Rosenstein, and Mueller are gone.
@24 Time to pile on, GE beat 1Q2018 earnings, posted good numbers: http://markets.businessinsider.....1021679732
@26 Yeah, that prolly sticks in his craw sumpin’ fierce.
Wherein Joe Scarborough, who knows way more about what’s going on in the other Washington than any of our trolls, predicts that Trump won’t run for reelection.
Choice quotes from this op-ed:
“… GOP leaders stand silent as President Trump trashes the rule of law, attacks federal judges and declares America’s free press the ‘enemy of the people.’ These lap dogs even remain muzzled as younger Americans are chained to a future of crippling debt.”
“This past week, White House office pools reportedly set up in anticipation of the next staff firing are shifting their focus to predicting which Trump family member will be the first to land behind bars.”
“Now, even Trump’s most steadfast allies are quietly admitting that the Southern District of New York’s investigation poses an existential threat to his future, both politically and legally.”
Roger Rabbit Op-Ed: Just sprinkle salt on this slug and get it over with.
He’s already in full campaign mode with operations in most states and outraising every potential Roypublican opponent.
He might want to use the money for other purposes. But that will probably be limited to legitimate campaign purposes now that he’s got a few hundred FBI agents pouring over the filings. Either way it’s good business. It’s like adding a new division to the grift. Not only does he get to dump money into his private businesses through taxpayer funded operations, but now he can add to that by pouring in donor money. Campaign surrogates and campaign staff flying around in the Trump brand jets staying in Trump brand hotels eating Trump steaks drinking Trump brand wine impregnating Trump brand hookers (he should look into some Trump brand abortion clinics), and occupying a few floors of Trump brand office towers. Rake profits off the top and use it to pay the lawyers to defend Team Taint.
These things tend to take on a life of their own. Especially when it’s the incumbent. It won’t be like 2016 when many Roypublican local and national lawmakers and party bosses kept him at arms length. They are already fighting each other to get on board the train. Shy Trumpers like Joey-Joe-Joe are going to be faced with a stark choice this time around.