Seahawks beat the 49ers edition.
* The wingnut welfare squad sure are upset that their publishers cheated them to the New York Times best seller list.
* The scene in The Godfather II where Michael beats up Kate after she tells him she had an abortion is apparently inspirational to crazy people.
* Hillary Clinton is a terrible debater who simultaneously shows too much and not enough emotion. And who was a good debater in real time.
* Those of us who say torture doesn’t work? Alan Dershowitz has the answer for us.
* You need 60 votes to pass anything in the Senate, except when you only need 50.
* I for one don’t miss the old old days of blogs.
* Bush is still our president. Sigh.
* Lets not run back to reinstate the I-747 limits quite yet.
* Is there anything about Doc Hastings that isn’t bullshit?
* I think it’s been discussed on this blog once or twice before, but the political class sure knows the meaning of the Prop. 1 failure.
This is an open thread.
Maybe the New York Times should start a separate “Most Heavily Prestocked Piles of Right Wing Crap Between Two Covers” list.
Isn’t it rather odd that many members of today’s Republican Party believe their own party started the “war of northern aggression” in 1861?
Hey, Piper. Since this is an open thread, I would appreciate it if you could explain your wierd claim that John Carlson is trying to “suck up to the left”.
I mean, what’s in it for him to do so?
KIRO AM, Seattle has still not posted Goldy’s podcasts from this last week-end. There is a empty spot in my life.
John Carlson likes to be liked. And there’s just enough taint of Dan Evans in him to, at times, wish to appear “above it all,” which made Evans popular in the mid to late-60’s and early 70’s.
So, on a buggywhip issue suce as media consolidation and cross-ownership (The Blethen family business protectionism and Rupert Murdoch hysteria effort), he can find common cause with libs instead of having faith that the marketplace, enterprising people, and emerging technologies and new methods of disseminating news and information will do a far better job of regulating the issue than a bunch of FCC commissioners.
Certainly, John’s a nice guy, and most of the time I agree with him, but on this one…he’s wrong, and it stems, in part, from looking in Dan’s mirror.
He tried a little too hard to make nice with anti-market, anti-freedom, pro-protectionism, pro-status quo establishment forces. But at least, unlike Dan Evans, he didn’t endorse the sucky Prop 1, so I’ll give him that.
BTW…where did you get the cockamamie notion that Republicans and conservatives claim the Union was the aggressor in 1861? Given the fact that it was the election of the greatest Republiconvict of them all, Abraham Lincoln, that so pissed Democrats in the South that they seceded…
And I’m certain my great-grandfather, Pvt. Albert C. Roberts (later Major Roberts, Master of Horse for the North Dakota National Guard) who served in the 20th Maine Corps of Volunteers with Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, who fought crouched behind a low stone wall at Little Round Top in July, 1863, and who later got shot in the jaw toward the end of he war at the Battle of Cold Harbor in late 1864…why, Old Albert would take issue with that statement.
Curious, though…and it begs the question…if the HA Happy Hooligans had been around between 1861 -1865, what would you have done?
Protested vehemently against Lincoln’s war fought only for cotton…”No blood for cloth!”
Contended that the issue of Southern slavery was their business to resolve, and the North had no business interfering.
Reconstruction is just another form of “nation building,” and it always fails (we’ll leave post-WW II Germany and Japan out of this since we’re flashing back to the 19th-Century).
Lincoln lied about his real resons for going to war…He initially said it was to preseve the Union, but secretly he had this plan to free black slaves, so the war is being fought under false pretenses!
Lincoln lied, soldiers died!
Lincoln is shredding the Constitution; thousands of Southern sympathizers and Copperheads are being imprisoned without trial, and Habeas Corpus has been suspended…
Antietem wasn’t worth it! Too many lives lost…bring the troops back north of the Mason-Dixon line now!
General Grant = General Can’t!
Sherman’s March to the Sea was a genocidal war crime, and he should be indicted by a Hague-based (must change the name first, however, to Pope) international tribunal and imprisoned for life.
Northern lust for clothing forced the South to use slaves…
Lincoln’s just a stupid simian, too dumb to actually be in charge…The evil Seward and the devious Chase, criminally in pursuit of their desires to imperialistially steal Alaska and give control of the U.S. to New York banking interests, respectively, are pulling the strings.
Lincoln flouts world opinion…His “Civil War” is opposed by British and other European interests…He’s single-handidly destroying American prestige abroad…
Lincoln is a bumpkin who does nothing but tell home-spun stories while wearing muddy boots. He never attended the right or better schools, so who is he to tell anyone anything?
All the media opposes Lincoln and his foolish, vain war! His speeches, especially that silly Gettysburg Address, are vapid, blood-thirsty attempts to appeal to false patriotism…
True patriotism wears gray, owns slaves, and seeks to understand those who seek to destroy the United States…
Lincoln is a dictator and a tyrant! He won’t listen to his cabinet, many of whom want him to sue for peace and let the South go…
Southern slaves were better off in bondage than in the destruction Lincoln has wrought in the South…
The mind boggles at the thought…Next: HA Happy Hooligans confront the real Nazi: FDR…
The Piper
Must be a wingnut conspiracy…
The Piper
Re GOP circa 1860’s: Why go to such great lengths to miss the point entirely? I would explain, but it appears to be beyond your comprehension, so why try?
Re John Carlson: Yes, it is a question of free and competitive markets. Why are you against them in this instance? Because, frankly, you are. Inexplicably, Carlson woke up on the correct side of this issue, but “sucking up to the left”? Hardly.
“The wingnut welfare squad sure are upset that their publishers cheated them to the New York Times best seller list.”
This is precious! Rightwing authors of rightwing books are getting ripped off by their rightwing publisher!! So what do these disgruntled shills do? THEY HIRE A FUCKING LAWYER AND SUE THE PUBLISHER!!!!!!!!!!! Can you say, “fucking hypocrites”?!!!
I can’t think of a more deserving bunch of mugging victims.
I wonder why they thought a Republican publisher who specializes in publishing books glorifying Republican theft wouldn’t steal from them, too?
“You need 60 votes to pass anything in the Senate, except when you only need 50.”
Yes, I’ve noticed that … so WHY is Bush still getting one fucking dime for his fucked-up military misadventure in Iraq?
“Bush is still our president. Sigh.”
In name only. He exceeded his legal authority beginning on day one, and squandered whatever moral authority he might have claimed long ago.
Sigh…you utter some completely obtuse and incomprehensible drivel about the GOP and northern aggression, then you take your ball and run away. What gives with that?
If you have a point to make (besides taking off your hat to reveal the one hidden thereunder), what is it?
As for competition? Artificially prolonging the life of that which should die of its own hubris, backward thinking, and stuck-in-the-mud nature (think Seattle P-I) isn’t in the interest of anyone save Hearst and he half-dozen or so who still read that red rag.
Let whoever wants own whatever…then let the market sort it out, new technologies and modalities emerge and grow, and quit mucking in things that are none of your business (because you don’t own the business) and quit trying to stamp out that which you don’t like simply to avoid facing future realities.
Sink your teeth into that, take two aspirin, and then go wait for hours at a Hillary Care Clinic before being told to go home, because the unionized doc works only 10:00 to 2:00 with a three-hour lunch.
The Piper
“Lets not run back to reinstate the I-747 limits quite yet.”
Yes, let’s, unless you want to elect Dino Rossi and a Republican legislature. You don’t want to do that, do you?
“Is there anything about Doc Hastings that isn’t bullshit?”
Not that I can think of.
Perhaps we should research that further, though. Hastings might have actually opposed Bush’s attempts to cut funds for Hanford cleanup. I’m not sure.
“I think it’s been discussed on this blog once or twice before, but the political class sure knows the meaning of the Prop. 1 failure.”
From the linked blog:
“So, this is where the public can step in and provide some leadership. Now is the time to tell the political class the message they should receive from RTIDs failure – light rail now, no money for expanding roads. They’re soft, they don’t know what to think and they need direction. If mass transit supporters don’t step up to the plate and tell politicians what to think, the Eyman’s of the world will.”
Roger Rabbit Sez: Prop. 1 was different things to different voters, and there was no one reason why people voted against it, just as there was no single reason why people voted for it. Given the relative closeness of the vote, you can point to numerous tipping factors. However, if I had to identify one issue that, more than any other, motivated the “no” voters then I think it was the money and taxes.
re 12: I guess, Piper, your belief is that the market should sort out all things —- except which companies get no-bid war contracts.
What’s up with that?
You do suffer from leaf curl, black fungus, and mildew, don’t you?
Your point is what? Name another company that could contend for what Halliburton does…
I’m increasingly convinced that your current nom de geurre is but one of many aliases you use here.
Tell you what…happy to give you a lucrative no-bid war contract…then you’ll have steady work.
In the meantime, you’re not even as funny as that Writers’ Guild strike scab, Ellen “I’ve got to cross that picket line” De Generes.
Since roses thrive when covered in dung, it’s nice to see you self-fertilize.
The Piper
re 18 — So, you are stumped for an answer. Yes, why is it good for 14 year-old children of crack whores to submit to the rigors of the ‘free market’, but not war profitteers? They get a free pass in ‘Pipertopia’.
Haliburton just subcontracts all that crap out, they don’t actually ‘do’ anything.
It’s just government welfare for Bush’s cronies. The Carlyle Group is no better.
As I look over my dues deduction for the Labor Organization that I belong to and participate in, a thought occurs to me. Since Goldy has claimed to be against Cheap Labor Liberals like Frank Chopp, and since he claims to be a friend of the working union paying middle class, why not join the Hollywood strike?
In fact, why not take horsesass down, in a show of solidarity until the writers contract is settled? Goldy, this is what Dues Paying Union Members do (What Unions have you paid dues to?). They support the other unions. How about it?
re 20: And why don’t you sit firmly on your thumb and spin?
The Carlyle Group (Grownup Bush’s business) has received billions for supposedly cleaning up the Hansford site.
Well, they got the taking $ billions part down OK, but not the cleaning up part.
I’d think you’d be outraged, Piper. But I guessThe Carlyle Group is beyond all that free market crap. After all, who’s as qualified as they are to NOT do the job they were paid for?
More free market solutions, huh, Piper?
You conservative jerkoffs really DON’T understand Bush style Crony Capitalism. Get your fuzzy little noggins out of those old Ayn Rand novels and Milton Freidman nostrums and take a look at the real world.
Pinochet’s Chile was the laboratory for the Chicago School economists. How well did that work?
Is that your vision for America:Pinochet’s Chile?
@19, etc. Kwik Kwiz: Which president awarded no-bid contracts to Halliburton for his pre-emptive, elective, undecleared wars against the Balkans?
[] Bill Clinton
[] Bill Clinton
Extra credit if you answered ‘Bill Clinton.’
@25, etc. Kwik Kwiz: Which president lost not a single American soldier in the U.N.’s police action in the Balkans?
Which president did I NOT ask you a question about?
[] Bill Clinton
[] Bill Clinton
Extra credit if you answered ‘Bill Clinton’ to both queations.
Now go back to your sandbox and play with your poison Chinese toys.
That’s the Bush Legacy: Poison Toys.
re 25: Whattsamatta?!?! Tryin’ to find a way to blame Bush’s poison toys on Clinton?
#17 white rose says:
How’s URS corp doing these days? What’s up with that?
Please explain why clinton used no bid contracts with halliburton in kosovo/bosnia?
#28 — It is irrelevant that Clinton gave no-bid contracts to Haliburton.
The question is not: “Who gave no-bid contracts to Halliburton.”
The question is: “Why does an administration (the Bush administration,so as to avoid befuddling you)that touts the free market as a solution to all problems not use free market solutions when awarding war contrats?”
If you really believe the free market offers the BEST solution to everything from toothpaste to brain surgery, why the failure to employ it in awarding war contracts?
If it’s not a free market solution, according to your philosophy, then it is not the best solution.
Don’t our soldiers deserve the best. Why won’t you support our troops? They need a free market solution.
Are you saying that Clinton had better solutions than Bush?
Marvin is a troop hater. He would rather award no-bid contracts to Halliburton than let the free market arrive at the best and cheapest solution.
Could the real answer, Marvin, be that you are just a hateful, spite-filled individual who really doesn’t give a flying farthing for the free market?
@20…IAFF Fireman…
Gives me an idea…Goldy employs/abuses people…Will, Lee, Darryl, Carl, Geov, and now poor, unsuspecting Paul…Since Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act gives them the right to form, join, or assist a labor organization or refrain from doing so, wouldn’t it be a good idea for them to:
(1) Form the International Eunuchood of HA Happy Hooligans;
(2) Petition the NLRB for an election, though a card count should be sufficient to demonstrate majority representation status for the Eunuchood;
(3) Negotiate a collective bargaining agreement that sets wages, hour, and conditions that are fair and equitable for the hitherto abused members of the Eunuchood;
(4) Strike, when Boss Goldy flicks his cigar ash on the Eunuchood’s reasonable proposals;
(5) Have Boss Goldy and his anti-labor HA placed on the KC Central Labor Council’s “Unfair – Do Not Patronize” list;
(6) Picket KIRO Newsradio 710 on Sunday evenings protesting Goldy’s Unfair Labor Practices (picketing KIRO when Goldy is not there would be an unlawful secondary boycott, and there’s one thing the Eunuchood will be known for and that’s lawfulness);
(7) Advise all who either appear on or call into Goldy’s radio program or who post on HA that they’re as much scabbing a picket line as Ellen DeGeneres is doing right now, and that in such a strong union town as Seattle, that stuff is greatly noted and long remembered;
(8) No settlement without appropriate professional wages and benefits, including:
door to door car service for all talent,
one-year notice of termination or salary in lieu thereof,
first and full dollar coverage medical/dental/vision/holistic healing insurance,
six-weeks paid vacation to include four (4) first class, round trip tickets anywhere in the world every 12-months,
salary ranges to approximate 110% of the mean of drive time media talent employed by the three highest rated radio stations in the Seattle area market with compensation differentials for education of 8% above base for each degree earned above the baccalaureate level from an accredited institution,
Full reimbursement for continuing/advanced educational tuition and expenses,
one membership each in an athletic/fitness and country club,
$1,000/month transportation allowance,
$2,000/month wardrobe allowance (new Birks are expensive!),
$200/day meal allowance,
Open-ended expense accounts for talent,
talent retains copyright to all talent-produced work,
Union shop and dues checkoff – HA to display Union Label prominently at the top of each website page,
One 60-day paid sabbatical every other calendar year exclusive of paid vacations,
15 paid holidays/year to be taken at the discretion of talent,
On-site talent rest and preparation areas with a minimum 1,200 sqf for each talent to be furnished in a manner to be mutually agreed upon between each individual talent and management,
Other proposals to be submitted as necessary.
“Look for the Union Label, when you’re buying a coat, hat, or blog…” (If you’re old enough, you remember the jingle)
The Piper
Marvin/Piper: No reply? Other than jibber jabber…
#28 — It is irrelevant that Clinton gave no-bid contracts to Haliburton.
The question is not: “Who gave no-bid contracts to Halliburton.”
The question is: “Why does an administration (the Bush administration,so as to avoid befuddling you)that touts the free market as a solution to all problems not use free market solutions when awarding war contrats?”
If you really believe the free market offers the BEST solution to everything from toothpaste to brain surgery, why the failure to employ it in awarding war contracts?
If it’s not a free market solution, according to your philosophy, then it is not the best solution.
Don’t our soldiers deserve the best. Why won’t you support our troops? They need a free market solution.
Are you saying that Clinton had better solutions than Bush?
You two are fools.
#30 white rose says:
Hey, I know, why don’t you tell me about LOGCAP and that bidding process.
Damn, you are just so insightful it’s amazing. John Edwards (the psychic) has nothing on you.
#32 white rose says:
You sound like a broken record. You ignore URS corp because that doesn’t fit into your short-sighted extreme-left agenda. What about the role of MILCON? You are willing to overlook the fact that clinton used halliburton and what you call no-bid contracts because your goal is to bash bush. Come one white rose, get real, with at least yourself. You are not trying to learn anything, just take cheap shots at someone you hate, bush. Hhmm, guess that makes you a hate filled person.
#32 white rose says:
You sound like a broken record. You ignore URS corp because that doesn’t fit into your short-sighted extreme-left agenda. What about the role of MILCON? You are willing to overlook the fact that clinton used halliburton and what you call no-bid contracts because your goal is to bash bush. Come one white rose, get real, with at least yourself. You are not trying to learn anything, just take cheap shots at someone you hate, bush. Hhmm, guess that makes you a hate filled person.
Marvin: You won’t answer my question because it will display that you understand that you are full of crap.
YOUR side is the side that says free market solutions are always best. Yet, what you are really saying (via no bid contracts to Halliburton) is that there are times when the free market is NOT the best way to go.
Actions speak louder than words. You don’t trust the free market. You are full of crap.
I know. I know. Bill Clinton was full of crap first, so that makes it OK for you and your ilk.
Daddy Bush and Reagan did no bid contracts before Clinton.
#37 white rose says:
How many times can I ask you to google LOGCAP and MILCON. Can’t you do your own research? You can learn the answer yourself. Don’t live your life expecting others to do the work you should do yourself.
Wilted Rose:
You must mean the Shaw Group, a big democratic donor! They got no-bid contracts too. Or Maybe Perini Group – you know the company headed by Madame Dianne Feinstein’s husband Richard C. Blum?
Oops… you never heard of the Shaw Group or the Perini Group? Ol Puddy introduced them some time ago when the ASSWipe (TM) hysteria over Halliburton occurred here. You should expand your reading horizons.