Attacking kids edition.
*It’s sad whenever anybody dies. But holy shit, what kind of a lie was Jerry Falwell’s compatriot living? I can’t decide if on top of being tragic, it’s funny or creepy.
* But I do know that smearing a 12 year old boy’s family, is definitely on the creepy side. So knock it off, crazies. And while I wouldn’t call Michelle Malkin a terrorist, it is certainly true that her tactics are probably more about putting the fear of speaking out to other people than it is about having a sane reasonable debate. The next time someone who was helped by a program thinks they might want to speak out, they’ll be a bit more reluctant because she might send her flying monkeys after them.
* But at least conservatives are still compassionate toward injured Iraq war vets. Oh.
* The media do like to de-bunk some people.
* And John Gibson can tell the color of your skin by how your murderous rampage ends.
* Jane Hague has a funny way of taking responsibility. I think maybe she feels responsible for getting caught?
* Jesus will ungay Washington and America if only conservative crazies let Him.
I’m glad we have Republicans like Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, and Mark Gardner helping dispel all the myths created about the GOP over the years.
“while I wouldn’t call Michelle Malkin a terrorist, it is certainly true that her tactics are probably more about putting the fear of speaking out to other people than it is about having a sane reasonable debate.”
Sound like terrorism to me.
General Ricardo Sanchez criticized the Bush administration for the mis-management of the Iraqi mess. The press ate it up. Couldn’t wait to report the story. The General also made some very damaging comments about the agenda-driven media and how the behavior of the media has been reprehensible, but those weren’t reported by any of the press, except Fox News, that reported the full story – the condemantion of the press along with the General’s anti-Bush comments.
Yep, all the news that fits – with their idealogical agenda, that is.
So much for responsible journalism…
Why can liberals says whetever they want on the alphabet channels but they get tied up in knots over Ann Coulter? Ah, that’s right they are pussies. Nevermind. rooof roof.
Hey doggie. Ann Coulter just tells people that want to hate something or someone who to hate. Hate, bile, hate, bile. The Wingnuts eat it up!!!!
When the truth is on your side, you don’t need hate. That is the difference between the right, and the left.
All Facts Support My Positions.
And I am a proud liberal.
Put me on opposite that witch, and all she will be able to do is call me names. It’s all she’s got. Four of five one liners will make her squeal like a pig.
As long as the wingnuts have someone to hate, they can ignore their retardation, and their pitiful, useless, greed centered, fear filled, sickening, pathetic lives.
If any of them tried to change the world, it would be for the worse. Creating corpses is the only thing they do well.
I like Ann. She serves a undeserved group of people.
The highly coveted “too crazy to be valued members of society, but not quite unhinged enough to draw disability” demographic.
Ann doesn’t exist in my world except when I see her books at Costco, so I don’t know much about her other than she seems pretty wacky when she writes. When you’re attacking Walter “government censorship during WWII was good for journalists” Cronkite as an ultra-liberal and socialist in your books, you’re way off the deep end.
The people who know her people best are those who advertise with her.
Maybe someone with cable TV at their house could tell me who advertises with her. Are they selling Lexuses or payday loans? It tells you a lot about who’s watching.
OH I FORGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roger is the Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda for the Socialist Democrats Party today just like Paul Joseph Goebbels was in Hitler Germany. His Nazi friends taught him the trade when he visited them in jail.
jsa on commercial drive says:
I like Ann. She serves a undeserved group of people.
The highly coveted “too crazy to be valued members of society, but not quite unhinged enough to draw disability” demographic.
Ann doesn’t exist in my world except when I see her books at Costco, so I don’t know much about her other than she seems pretty wacky when she writes. When you’re attacking Walter “government censorship during WWII was good for journalists” Cronkite as an ultra-liberal and socialist in your books, you’re way off the deep end.
The people who know her people best are those who advertise with her.
jsa get them while they last 2008 bumper stickers, Ann is running for president. Roger Rabbit is Endorsing her.
I think she is funny. The greatest thing about Ann is that she drive you moonbats nuts. Conservatives have been dealing with actors like Sean Penn and Glover for years but you dont hear us whine. Most Hollywood thespians are idiots, but that is besides the point. The bottom line is that you libs can dish it out but can’t take. Of course she maybe hitting too close to home for most of you moonbats. hehehehehe….. I mean roof roof.
Jane Balogh’s dog says:
I think she is funny. The greatest thing about Ann is that she drive you moonbats nuts. Conservatives have been dealing with actors like Sean Penn and Glover for years but you dont hear us whine. Most Hollywood thespians are idiots, but that is besides the point. The bottom line is that you libs can dish it out but can’t take. Of course she maybe hitting too close to home for most of you moonbats. hehehehehe….. I mean roof roof.
Think thats funny check out the link above.
I think she is funny.
* shrugs *
There’s no accounting for taste.
The greatest thing about Ann is that she drive you moonbats nuts.
She doesn’t drive me nuts. Like I said, she doesn’t exist in my world. I’m sure she drives someone nuts. People who are driven nuts by people they don’t know, won’t meet, and who can easily be ignored need to get a life.
You admire someone because they drive other people nuts. When did you graduate from high school again?
Some damnned dog wrote: “Most Hollywood thespians are idiots, but that is besides the point.”
Then why’d you bring it up? Project much?
“Conservatives have been dealing with [liberal] actors…for years but you dont hear us whine.”
Hmmm. I could cite nonstop wingnut whining about Hollywood liberals going all the way back to your hero Spiro Agnew. That’s all wingnuts do, whine.
Hmmm. I could cite nonstop wingnut whining about Hollywood liberals going all the way back to your hero Spiro Agnew. That’s all wingnuts do, whine.
10/15/2007 at 9:21 pm
No that’s not whining. Whenever you hear liberals say that they are tolerant and the right is mean spirited (you know a lie) we bring that up. That is called “calling a spade a spade”.Get your facts straight. … roof roof
JB’s dog @ 9 “The greatest thing about Ann is that she drive [sic] you moonbats nuts. Conservatives have been dealing with actors like Sean Penn and Glover for years[ever heard of a comma, dumbfuck?] but you don[an apostrophe is too much to ask for, right?]t hear us whine.”
Hey, you illiterate fuck, how often do you see Sean Penn or Danny Glover on talk shows compared to Ann Coulter? They, of course, have lives. She does not, outside her whoring for wankers like you. By the way, do you lube up when you grab the old monkey?
Doggie, people as sick as Coulter doesn’t affect anyone I know. From what I understand, she is not a right wing nutcase in real life. It is just an act to get the inbreeders to buy her books. They eat it up. They need someone to tell them who to hate. Lemmings.
I would rather a leech doesn’t latch onto me at the swimming hole, but they don’t “drive me nuts” as you would say.
Some damnned dog wrote: “Most Hollywood thespians are idiots, but that is besides the point.”
Then why’d you bring it up? Project much?
Because most are liberal. Prjection????? Isnt that common sense…. wait Iam dealing with a liberal(idiot) here.
What does Annie Foul Mouth have to say about her buddies in the blogosphere (and Mitch McConnell’s office) attacking a 12 year old cripple, and his family?
Yeah right.
Graeme Frost is French right Annie Foul Mouth?
If the wingnuts aren’t denying our soldiers the treatment they deserve, or medical treatment for all children, they are attacking 12 year olds.
Attacking cripples. Just like a good Republiconvict.
The sooner these animals, and their supporters are put in cages, the better off America will be.
Nov. ’08.
The end of the GOP Reign of Terror.
So dogbreath. Why aren’t you in Iraq?
They eat it up. They need someone to tell them who to hate. Lemmings.
No no no. A great number of people hates liberalism, it comes natural. It is nothing personal. Kinda like hating the sin but not the sinner. You libs can talk all you want on how speech from the right doesn’t bother you but it does. The left is for the (un)fairness doctrine. You are guilty by association. Nuff said.
Did anyone watch Trump on Larry King tonight? He ripped Bush a new asshole the size of his Trump Tower. So he is a hollywood liberal right dog turd? Man he lit into Bush almost as bad as the General last Friday. You know. The top General in Iraq a couple years ago. Dereliction of Duty I think is what he called Bush’s leadership……
Why aint you in Canada? Didn’t a lot of your party say they were going to move there if Bush got in as President?
Did anyone watch Trump on Larry King tonight?
hell no. I am not some over the hill looser. roof roof.
You are correct Doggie. Rush, Annie, and their buddies tell their listeners to “hate” liberals all the time.
Liberals like George Washington. “As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality. ”
Yeah, but who was he right?
We are a country of liberals. The head in the sanders don’t really count. All they can do is whine like little babies, and call people names. Wahhhhhhh….. Entitlements…… Wahhhhhhh….. Treehuggers….. Wahhhhhhh……
I ask again. Why aren’t you in Iraq, looking for fictional WMD’s? Put your yellow streak where your mouth is.
We need to pay for therapy for Jane Balogh’s dog. The dog hasn’t the slightest grasp of reality. As a guy who grew up rural, my tendency is to want to kick the dog in the head, and thereby knock some sense into the canine noggin. I understand, however, that such would not be appropriate behavior, given contemporary standards. So, shan’t we throw some dough at the dog’s way (care of Goldy)?
Canada? No, I think I will stick around, and rid my country of the Cancer called the Republicon Party.
Almost done. One or two more election cycles, and they will have gone the way of the Federalists, and the Whigs.
Good riddance.
America is worth fighting for.
Canada? No, I think I will stick around, and rid my country of the Cancer called the Republicon Party.
Cool, I love watching liberals cry after presidential elections. Hehehehe.
Just like we cried in ’06 right? I remember being the one that told Patty Murray the moment we took the Senate.
So this is the culmination of Ronald Reagan’s shining city on the hill…. We got gay Republican Senators and Congressmen flitting like pretty little fireflies all over the political landscape and Senator Vitter crying about family values as he sits in his $300 whores apartment in his offal filled diapers.
They should all go garfle with razor blades!
Who else on this blog remembers Joe Pine? I do.
@4 “they get tied up in knots over Ann Coulter?”
Because she advocates violence against liberals, jackass! How would you like it if I promoted euthanizing dogs? Come to think of it … that’s a damned GOOD IDEA !!!
@14 “That is called “calling a spade a spade”.”
It’s bad enough you’re a dog, but you’re a racist too.
Hey dog? How do you explain the fact Coulter is screwing a Democrat? Her kids will grow up to be liberals.
P.S., I feel sorry for the Democrat.
@22 Why ain’t YOU in the pound?
24 “The head in the sanders don’t really count.”
Sure they do…until they run out of fingers.
Money talks, and bullshit walks…
ASSey Minions: Who said – “For some of you, just like some of our politicians, the truth is of little to no value if it does not fit your own pre-conceived notions, biases and agendas.”?
Smash-mouthed, very conservative TV talk show host during the 60’s who frequently encouraged those with whom he disagreed to “gargle with razorblades.”
Brings up a point…the pseudo-JP who posts here: typical of your specie…an absolute inability to engage in orginal thinking or have an identity of your own so you steal that of a conservative (complete with his trademark phrase) then go on a rampage worthy of a seven-year old spoiled brat. Sucks to be you.
The Piper
Pud @ 37:
That would be Gen. Ricardo Sanchez.
If you read his speech, he also went on to give some shouts to Journalists he felt were doing excellent work and were a credit to their profession. They were:
Joe Galloway — McClatchy/Knight-Ridder newspapers.
Thom Shanker — New York Times.
Sig Christensen — San Antonio Express-News (Hearst).
John Burns — New York Times/PBS.
Bill O’Reilly didn’t get a shout out. Maybe next time.
Joe Pine was a 60’s era right-wing TV talk show host. There’s a tape floating around of Frank Zappa on his show. Zappa puts that moron in his place – and Zappa in his later years considered himself a conservative!
People like Pine was proof that the conservatism practices by most people like him and his followers was really “The Big Con” – total bullshit.
Today it’s same crap, different day – clowns like Coulter, Limbaugh, Insanity of Hannity, the whole Faux News operation – all bullshit!
And fools like Puddystupid lap it up.
#38 — Piper: Put your false teeth in backwards and bite yourself in the neck! O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Olbermann, Stern, ad infinitum …. They are all doing my schtick.
Go gargle with razor blades. Got a beef about that? Tell us about it in the beef box.
Piper, my thing is that I am original, provocative and funny. And you are a Southside WFB Jr. wannabe who comes off like Thurston Howell III.
I’d like to make you look stupid by getting you to say something, but I don’t want to take credit for it. GET OFF THE LINE!!!!!!!!!!!
Way to go Whitehouse: torpedo a private corporation that had actually figured out how to hack into Al Qaeda’s computers. Somebody leaked the latest Bin Laden video to the press and outed the corporation in the process.
Good going, there, boys and girls! Way to “fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here!”
Special mention to Faux Noise for broadcasting screenshots of the website in question. Brilliant!
JSA: Exactly on both points. The journalists who are telling the truth are never or seldom ever featured on the liberal news shows, or printed in the Time or Newsweek articles.
Sanchez told it correctly. Yet the liberal MSM on your side depicts something much differently.
Bill O’Reilly at times can be a blowhard but, he tends to be more even keeled than Eleanor Clift or Margaret Carlson.
Wow OneMan, you are timely… Yes, it was a dumb move by all orgs.
Your side covered this two weeks ago!
JSA: Sanchez also said the media has its “unwillingness to accurately and prominently correct your mistakes and your agenda-driven biases sometimes contribute to this corrosive environment.”
But you know the liberal media is never introspective, it never apologizes, and it never looks at the consequences of it’s actions. Just think about the railroad job on the 3 Duke Lacrosse boys.
Now here’s some BULLSHITTIUM:
Why would a conservative want to attack her? She has almost no audience, her democraphic is anemic, and she’s a foul mouthed moron!
Well at least she wasn’t tasered.
Don’t Taze Me bro bumper stickers at Bill O’Reilly
the liberal media is never introspective, it never apologizes, and it never looks at the consequences of it’s actions.
Complete bullshit! One time you called the WSJ Editorial page – the MSM – what a laugh, it’s always been a right wing propaganda page.
You and a lot of other NEO-CON men just loved Judy Miller’s reporting on the evil swarthy mustache-man’s WMD. Lapped it up – look even the MSM agrees – bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
The Lacrosse boys? Bullshit again. The papers just reported what the prosecutor said – EXACTLY what you want them to do with your beloved idiot Preznit in the White House, just shut up with the awkward questions and print what he says. You want them to apologize for Iraq?
Just think, if Randi Rhodes had a gun… Wait a minute liberals don’t like guns… and that’s no BULLSHITTIUM!
Why would a conservative want to attack her?
Because she’s always attacking your right wing bullshit. Some right wingers (like you) don’t like that.
From the same page:
Also, according to a blogger on Democratic Underground, Thom Hartmann said on his Friday show that his auto repairman, after replacing his windshield, pointed out to him that he had three bullet holes in his car.
Apparently, some right-wing critics of lib talk aren’t happy that conservative talk only accounts for 90% of the programming on talk radio. These whack jobs appear determined to whatever it takes to silence the opposing point of view.
Not surprisingly, the only talk radio host killed for his political views was a liberal. In 1984, two right wing extremists gunned down Denver talk show host Alan Berg. Berg’s tragic murder was memorialized in a chilling movie Talk Radio
Need I say more?
if Randi Rhodes had a gun…
We agree on something PStupes! Nothing would please me more than a liberal who speaks out against right wing bullshit, in self-defense, shoots a wingnut intent on politically motivated violence.
Nice shot!
Uhhh YLB – The Clueless One, I don’t recall ever reading Jusy Miller. Good try Clueless.
So one editorial page out of 1437 is conservative YLB – The Clueless One. Thats a 6.95894e-4 value YLB – The Clueless One.
Regarding the Duke Lacrosse boys: Google “Duke Lacrosse Editorials” YLB – The Clueless One.
Oops…Wait a minute… you recentluy pixel-shitted “I don’t take orders from the likes of you”. Well since you can’t Google this because you’d perform my bidding, I suppose YLB – The Clueless One, you’ll be ignorant on this subject the rest of your life.
Waaaaa haa haa haaaaa haaaaahaaaaa haa haa haaaaa haa haa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaahaaaaa!
YLB – The Clueless One – If it turns out it was a Moonbat! mugger mugging a Moonbat! muggee… it could have been donkoadultricide!
@39…JSA on CD…
Same Joe Galloway of “We Were Soldiers Once…and Young?”
On the cover of the paperback edition is the famous photo of Rick Rescorla, an immigrant to the U.S. who enlisted in the army in the early 60’s to fight communism and who fought in the Ia Drang Battle under Col. Hal Moore.
He died on 9/11, but his work as the head of security for Morgan Stanley resulted in the orderly evacuation of most MS employees. He understood the threat of terrorism, acted on his beliefs, which proved to be 100% accurate, and died serving and saving others.
Rescorla was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Without even knowing what all Joe Galloway has written on Iraq, based upon what I know of him, I know it was honest reporting.
The Piper
Hey Stupid YLB – The Clueless One – Where does Thom Hartmann live? It could have been a turf battle and his car may have been in the line of fire moe-ron.
“People like Pine was proof that the conservatism practices by most people like him and his followers was really ‘The Big Con'”
Ain’ts you gots you no book smarts? Or is you just a typical example of public school learning?
The Piper
Check those ratings…see who’s on top…and who’s on the bottom!
The Piper
You’re wigging out PStupes! NY Post? Moonie Times? Scaife’s Pittsburgh Paper? Utah Papers? Chicago Sun-Times (a Murdoch paper)? WAPO Editorial Page?
Oh look, thinks PStupes, the MSM agrees with Newshacks and Wingnut Daily!
Golly YLB – The Clueless One: You must be clueless on many topics since you can’t Google my suggested search narratives!
Remember, you pixel-shitted “I don’t take orders from the likes of you”. So, to be true to yourself, you can never use a search suggestion from Puddy. And that means you can only visit left-wing whack-job nutcake sites, like you do now.
Shit YLB – The Clueless One, you didn’t know about that site until you saw it. So for you YLB – The Clueless One, I’ll always suggest you visit a site I post. That way you’ll continue to be as ignorant as a 10 penny nail.
Still stupid after these three years!
Here is a copy of Sanchez’ speech in full.
He seems to be slamming CNN in particular (watch for it).
Here is where you are making a fallacy.
CNN is widely perceived to be a liberal network. CNN is also full of shit.
(I have known this for years. Remember back in 1996 when China was doing missile tests off of the island of Taiwan? I was on the island, and we were watching CNN’s news coverage at the same time. If you believed what you watched on their network, WWIII was about to break out, and Taipei was paralyzed with fear. In reality, Taipei was doing pretty much what everyone did on a regular basis anyhow, namely work, make money, eat, drink, and cuss mightily at traffic. The news coverage and what was happening on the ground had nothing to do with each other).
Your inference from this is that liberalism is full of shit because CNN is.
Perhaps it’s just that CNN is full of shit and happens to be liberal.
What you haven’t learned yet is that Fox is also full of shit, and happens to be conservative.
Now, there’s a bigger question, and that is, why were Sanchez’s remarks on the media not better covered?
I can think of a number of answers to that. I’d do a Letterman-style top 10 list, but I have stuff to do today, and am not feeling particularly funny this morning.
1) Plain, mean self-interest.
2) Sanchez’s remarks were very difficult to summarize into a paragraph.
3) Stupidity. When Sanchez was slagging the media, all the reporters said “Well, he didn’t mean me!”
4) False authority syndrome. When Sanchez is talking about military matters, take what he says to the bank. When he is talking about political matters, this is a mud puddle he’s been swimming in for years, so he probably knows it pretty well. When he’s talking about journalism and the press, he’s one of 300 million Americans with an opinion, and his opinion isn’t worth much more than others.
5) Not to put to fine a point on it, the military has guns. Although I think Sanchez meant his remarks as constructive criticism, it’s very hard for a military man to comment on the press without it coming across with the whiff of a banana republic generalissimo. Better to protect a decent man’s image and leave the remarks on the press unpublished.
PiperFool – s/practices/practiced/.
If you don’t follow just ask your buddy PStupes, he ought to be up on Unixisms – if his right wing alzheimers hasn’t make swiss cheese of his pea-brain!
Okay Clueless 7/1437 = 0.00487.
Still a ridiculously low number.
Original? Only in your wet dreams!
You’re a stuck record…and a stuck record that wasn’t very good to begin with…Like a 45 rpm of The Monkees.
And if I’m TH III, then you’re Gilligan’s bowel movement.
That’s as crass as I’ll get, but I think from that you can garner my meaning.
The Piper
Remember, you pixel-shitted “I don’t take orders from the likes of you”.
That’s twice in one day we agree PStupes! We’re practically having a love-in here!
I’ll do any effing thing I please, thank you very much! And if it’s on this comment board, you can be sure it’s making fun of your RIGHT WING BULLSHIT!
Piper @ 55:
Yep, same Joe Galloway. Had to look it up.
JSA: IF your analyses have any merit, then why not give LT Gen Sanchez a 30 second to a minute news spot and move on. Noooooooooooooooo, the liberal MSM has talked about this ad nauseum now.
Regarding CNN, it’s the Saddam Hussein station. Remember Eason Jordan. Puddy doesn’t forget.
Where did I infer: ” liberalism is full of shit because CNN is.” I have always said growing up in a liberal home in Philly where liberal shit floated and it never stunk until I left and got out into the real world and found out liberalism does indeed stink and it sinks to the bottom. I don’t need CNN to prove that to me. They prove my hypothesis every day!
I bet Bill Mahar on Friday night will cover it during his HBO show.
They ain’t trying to sell Lexus’ on the Limbaugh show. ‘Tux’ buttwipes, though.
YLB – The Clueless One – If you Google or visit a web site I suggest to you THEN YOU LIVE A LIE.
Wait a minute… we’ve already proved that! You couldn’t refrain/restrain yourself from a visit to the left-wing whack-job sits for one day. Puddy stayed away from Free Republic for 92 days!
It’s hard when you were breast fed by a crack addict, isn’t it? I hope you can find a recovery program that meets your obvious need.
The Piper
Typical wingnut. Always projecting.
Pud @ 67:
And I grew up in conservative Bellevue where conservative shit never stunk and the presence of your black ass would drive the property values down and make the neighbors talk (very polite, Northwest) trash behind your back about the neighborhood going downhill. (and yes, I also grew up hearing just such talk when black professionals moved into the neighborhood).
I could keep going with this, but I don’t feel as strongly about conservatives as you do about liberals. Work hard, make money, live frugally, and you’ll probably do fine regardless of whatever whackjob politics you hold. Likewise, if you don’t do these things, your political beliefs won’t save you.
Where does Thom Hartmann live? It could have been a turf battle and his car may have been in the line of fire moe-ron.
I give up PStupes, where does he live? (Actually I know but I want to hear what YOU know).
Puddy stayed away from Free Republic for 92 days!
I’m still waiting for proof that I accepted some bullshit challenge from you. Where is it?
I’m not going to see it because right wing bullshit doesn’t ever seem to need facts to back it up.
Still stupid after these three years!
You must be talking about yourself here? What’s your record?
Election contest: lost
I-912: lost, lost a bet, flubbed the payoff, took over year to settle up
Nov 2006 – lost BIG TIME
Oh and MWS? Outed. What a loser he was!
Hey PStupes – you once purveyed that ACVR bullshit alongside your bro DOOFUS. The ACVR’s day in the sun was testifying in front of a certain Congressman’s committee.
Who was it PStupes?
BOB NEY!!! wa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!!
Losing, losing, losing!
Ya know, I’d ask Puddy and Piper each a question just to make them look stupid, but I don’t want them to hold me responsible for their stupidity.
Blame the schools, blame Bill Clinton, blame LBJ, blame JFK, blame Ted Kennedy’s lackluster driving skills. But don’t blame me!
Got a beef? Get in the beef-box and tell us about it.
If you can’t do that, go gargle with razor blades!!!!!
If you hate Pine, you’ll really get ticked off at me.
“That’s as crass as I’ll get….”!!!??? Piper, Piper!!! You mean you can get more crass thean comparing me to Bob Denver’s doo-doo?
Ya know, I’d ask Puddy and Piper each a question just to make them look stupid, but I don’t want them to hold me responsible for their stupidity.
They’re always going to hold others responsible for their stupidity. Just looks at how Piper deals with Iraq. The invasion wasn’t a mistake, it was those silly liberals who didn’t support the troops enough who are making it such a disaster. They’re terrified of any form of accountability.
Lee: Puddy and Piper live in a dichotomous world where they are always right and good, and anyone who disagrees is bad and wrong or even evil.
To arrive at a concensus with such beasts is impossible. The one piece of advice that my father gave me that you can take to the bank is: ‘Never try to argue with an idiot.’
So, I don’t. I invite them to gargle with razor blades.
BOTH sides use the same name calling vitriolic tactics.
It’s always “We’re right and the the other side is wrong.”
Now convince me that EITHER side is really about the stuff they spew… talk about and not about the attainment of power.
YLB – The Clueless One@75:
MWS was outed by ASSIE Voice. I guess he was ticked I could figger out ASSWipers out but you had no clue.
YLB – The Clueless One, you tacitly approved the contest when you said you hadn’t visit a left wing whackjob site for a few days. You made a commitment to play and then the temptation became too great because you needed to drink the white sticky liberal kool-aid.
You haven’t studied my posts carefully, have you?
A fundamental premise of mine is that liberals view conservatives as lesser beings: lacking intelligence, mentally deranged, morally supine, etc. Conservatives, on the other hand, simply view liberals as wrong.
I’ve never claimed to have truth by the tail on a downhill grade. And, I’m willing to come on to your turf to debate the issues, so who represents Danial, and who personifies the lions’ den?
The Piper
Sam Adams: PacMan was a nice soul. He was attacked and ridiculed, called nasty names all by a progressive new democrat.
Joe Swine@80: You complain about my world when you had no clue about Dr. Bill The Hurricane Man? You are the bloody idiot here.
Both liberals and conservatives start from a place that is rooted in morality. However, political parties that loosely represent the two viewpoints can grow detached from reality as they aim to maintain power. I vote with the Democrats today because they are dealing with reality on certain issues in ways that Republicans are not. They are not perfect, but they are much better than the Republicans. This is especially true on foreign policy and basic civil liberties, even though Democrats in Congress sometimes don’t quite trust themselves as much as they should.
Lee, he just stupid!
So Lee, when did you vote “Republican”?
Which are you? The patriot or the beer guy?
Your question about the attainment of power is well posed. Witness the Satterberg/Sherman contest for Prosecuting Attorney.
I come here willing to put my beliefs and POV on the line and take on all comers…and come they do! The debate style gets rough at times, but since the gang at HA makes the rules, I’m not in a position to argue. Interesting, though, that when they try to smash-mouth over at, say,, they get waxed by Chuck Taylor.
When I post at Crosscut, I observe the rules. Only been waxed once, for good cause, I might add.
Yet if you nose around some of the threads, you can find good, albeit spirited to heated, debated on issues.
Goldy should note how I’m looking out for his baby…
The Piper
YLB – The Clueless One, you deflect like the best of them. I asked if you had Googled my links or my search strings and you can’t answer that because it would prove you are a l i a r!
A fundamental premise of mine is that liberals view conservatives as lesser beings: lacking intelligence, mentally deranged, morally supine, etc. Conservatives, on the other hand, simply view liberals as wrong.
And your fundamental premise is silly. How many bestselling novels has Ann Coulter had where she’s characterized liberals as immoral, stupid, and deranged?
You’re wearing gigantic blinders, Crackpiper, and you continue to embarrass yourself here because of your inability to recognize that.
So Lee, when did you vote “Republican”?
The last Republican I voted for was Dino Rossi, and after the 2004 recount mess, I decided that the Republican Party would have to start rejecting their radicals before I’d vote for them again. How they acted after the recount was a complete disgrace. I’ve thought about voting for Satterberg because people in the medical marijuana community have a tremendous amount of respect for him but I haven’t totally made up my mind.
Goldy should note how I’m looking out for his baby…
Sorry, Crackpiper, but I’m probably the oldest regular commenter here at HorsesAss, and I don’t hesitate to say that you’ve lowered the level of intellect around here. You’re not the stupidest commenter we’ve had (and we’ve certainly had left-leaning commenters dumber than you), but you’re definitely below average on what you bring to this place.
SA @ 81:
I’ll vouch for Piper. He’s wrong most of the time, but he’s worth debating with. He takes the time to write his own material, which is worth a lot in my book.
I’ll even vouch for Puddy. When he’s not carpet-bombing the threads with idiotic opinion links from right-wing blogs, he sometimes has something useful to say. That and he knows enough about networks to make me believe he has a proper job when he’s not online here. Demonstrably knowing something other than how to run your mouth (or keyboard) is also worth a lot.
We have a few other intermittent visitors from the other side of the aisle who are worth talking with, but I can count them on one hand and still have fingers left over.
YLB – The Clueless One: Is Bob Ney my congressman? What did I say about Bob Ney? Do you remember? No you’ll need to use Google.
I try to be precise in my words: “A fundamental premise of MINE…” I speak not for Ann Coulter.
The Piper
This coming from someone wanting to move to Kent??? Man, you should talk to John Keister!
The Piper
Also @93…Lee…
The name of the game is ratings, or, in this case, hits. Controversy raises awareness, and awareness resuls in hits. Since ad rates are based upon hits (sometimes revenue is Xcents/hit), I’ll bet my presence here makes Goldy money.
You get a cut?
The Piper
JSA: Thanks for the kind words.
Hey I help anyone with networking issues. I even made SQL search suggestions to ASSIE Voice and was ridiculed by other ASSWipers. So I selectively help those who ask first. I won’t make suggestions to peeps unless they ask Puddy first, just like you did. Mind you, my consulting fees are steep for my knowledge and for idiot savants such as YLB – The Clueless One, I’d need to think long and hard even if he asked.
But being the “genius” he is, I won’t be viewing cogent networking questions “from the likes of him” at all.
JSA: Do you notice I disappear for large chunks of the day? That’s because when I am working on client issues, I am totally dedicated to their issues. How else can you be honest in your billings if you ARE NOT being true to their cause? Hmmm…?
This is why I wonder how so many ASSWipers (besides Pelletmaker) can post during their work day. Are they being true to their employer? I bet not. Wasted productivity from many ASSWipers here!
I try to be precise in my words: “A fundamental premise of MINE…” I speak not for Ann Coulter.
But your premise dealt with conservatives in general (go read it again if you’re not sure). And looking at the popularity of books which do exactly what your premise seems to think conservatives don’t do, your premise appears to be as ridiculous as everything else you write.
The name of the game is ratings, or, in this case, hits. Controversy raises awareness, and awareness resuls in hits. Since ad rates are based upon hits (sometimes revenue is Xcents/hit), I’ll bet my presence here makes Goldy money.
Every troll claims this, but there’s not much of a basis for it. Goldy has looked and found that only a small fraction of his overall readers actually comment, so what happens down here in the sewer doesn’t have much of an affect on who’s coming to this site. Goldy doesn’t really need you to generate controversy. He’s damn good at that on his own. I hang out in the comment threads because I truly enjoy making fun of stupid people.
This coming from someone wanting to move to Kent??? Man, you should talk to John Keister!
Kent has changed quite a bit since the days of Almost Live. :)
RE81: Simple Sam—- Count the number of times Democrats used the filibuster before 2006. Count the number of times Republicans have used it since 2006.
The truth is clear. But you are a Republican, so the truth doesn’t matter.
Bad faith, Sam. Bad faith on your part.
Hang your head in shame and go gargle with razor blades!!!!
# 81 — Actions speak louder than words. The Republican filibusters are to serve no other purpose than to obstruct Democrats. Our motives could be as pure as the Virgin Mary’s ( although I’m not as trusting as that Joseph), our programs as well thought out as the plot to a John le Carre novel — and they often are.
Yet, time and again, Republicans obstruct the bills for no other purpose than to point their fingers at us and say: “Look how ineffectual you are.”
If Republican intentions are to build a brick wall of opposition to them and their party, their actions since 2006 have done just that.
I will not rest until your party is GONE.
Oh, and …..Go gargle with razor blades!!!!!!
I’ve figured you out…you’re just a pimp for Gillette looking to revive the quite dead razor blade market. Tell you what…you go first.
The Piper
“Thomas Sowell says what I’ve been trying to avoid: That the timing of the Armenian ‘genocide’ resolution expresses at least a subconscious impulse by the Congressional Democrats to make sure the Iraq war ends in a deserved humiliation for Bush. Even my staunch anti-Bush friends ask why Speaker Pelosi is doing this now. It’s on her head.” – via Mickey Kaus,
Subconscious, hell. This has Dan Schorr’s good friend and Hillary’s advisor, Sandy “Nut” Berger, smeared all over it. Or is it Sandy “Hot Pants” Berger.
PS @ 64, re 45 rpm of The Monkees: Randy Scouse Git sounds mighty fine to me, but then I’m still trying to learn to forget The Doors.
One of the funniest things I ever heard…
In 1999, I was doing jury duty at the Regional Justice Center in Kent. Really ugly rape trial with its roots in the meth culture in Auburn. No kidding…serioulsy gross facts of a gang rape in retaliation for a stolen truck…The victim and the scummy perps all came out of the drug culture.
The trial went for two rainier-than-Hell December weeks, during which time I slogged from my very near the Snohomish County line home down 405, then 167, then into Kent. Toward the end of the jury deliberations (I was foreman), I came home one dark and lonely night and flipped on the TV looking for solace. There was a John Keister, “Almost Live” rerun with him doing commentary on the then-recently announced decision to build a new jail in Kent.
His words (an admitted paraphrase), “What a boon for Kent residents! Now they’ll be able to shop, dine, and visit all their relatives…without ever leaving the city limits of…Kent!”
Laughed my head off…
The Piper
My wife is a Kent native, so she doesn’t like those jokes too much, but I think they’re hilarious. :)
Piper: Your filagreed and pompous verbosity (using ten words where one will do) brings to mind a critique that Mark Twain wrote of the prose style of James Fenimore Cooper.
You have the knack, much like Everett Dirksen, of saying nothing extremely well.
Yeah, I know Twain didn’t like Cooper…Something about stepping on a twig…
Nice to see you read something with a little class over at Crosscut. But if you try your pseudo-Joe Pine schtick over there, Chuck Taylor will smack you down!
And I know envy when I see it, and you, bupkis, are an abyss of envy! Dim bulbs generally are.
The Piper
Pud @ 100:
Fair enough on the billings.
I am detoxing from working in BC now, and have 0 billable hours this week, so I can post as I please.
A lot of it depends on how you’re paid. My last position was paid weekly. Given that I was in the office 60+ hours a week, generally skipped going out for lunch, and was on call one weekend out of 3, I guess I just didn’t feel too guilty taking a few minutes to type out messages.
If you’re billing clients by the minute, no. You should not be screwing around at all when you’re on the clock.
And I know envy when I see it, and you, bupkis, are an abyss of envy!
I think you’re confusing envy with pity again.
I reserve my pity for those consigned to live in…guess where?
The Piper
Fair enough JSA. But how about the other leftists here? If they are blogging on company time…
BTW JSA: I bill by the hour. I usually do flat running time, with no overtime rate unless they screwed the pooch and I had to sing” Here he comes to save the day” in low tones under my breath!
One time I had to rebuild a network infrastructure where they took all the extra network cables and coiled them into two different planes on top of overhead cable trays with really bad splices. Then the end connectors were sloppily put on. Servers and racks in wrong locations. Scattered network wires in floor plenum area. The A/C was incorrectly balanced due to open sections. Ever had to deal with dead zones in racks due to incorrect air flow characteristics? Yeeeeeeeeah Baby!
It was like road kill. Made some bucks where I took pictures, went to the union shop steward and said doesn’t meet spec, so I made the repairs and they said nothing. You do know the nick for the floor suction cups…?
JSA: What’s your recommended cable bend radius?
Piper = Lugubrious
you tacitly approved the contest when you said you hadn’t visit a left wing whackjob site for a few days. You made a commitment to play
Oh fuck! Cite? I’m still waiting Stupes! Where’s the link?
Why do I bother?
I could figger out ASSWipers out but you had no clue.
Bullshit. We all knew.
What did I say about Bob Ney?
Doesn’t matter. If ACVR bullshit was good enough for Bob Ney then he was good enough for you because you purveyed that bullshit here.
Ask for the cite.. Go ahead ask…
If anything with a D next to it sucks then you must suck because you voted for Brian Sonntag and by extension anything with an R next to it symbolizes goodness, sweetness and light so that goes for Haggard, Ney, Abramoff, Libby, Tobin, DeLay and all the rest of the mutts you worshiped until it was a little, uh, inconvenient to do so.
Don’t complain about the thinking above – it’s your thinking or its implications.
Joe Pine =
The Piper
I could figger out ASSWipers out but you had no clue.
And furthermore, whenever we called you on it, you and MWS would circle jerk!!!!
Ask for the cite.. Go ahead ask!
YLB – The Clueless One – I asked you where I supported Bob Ney. Still waiting for the URL.
YLB – The Clueless One – When ASSIE Voice exposed MWS – Do you remember your response? It wasn’t that of one that knew.
You try to cover yourself in a shroud of knowledge when all you are is full of BULLSHITTIUM.
In a debate you’d be a L O S E R!
If you only could think of original content!
YLB – The Clueless One – Why do you blog during working hours? Are you giving your boss and your company your full attention or, as I suspect, you aren’t worth the money being paid to your simpleton ASS?
YLB – The Clueless One: Just returned from working out. There is a thin line between living a lie and being a liar. You vacillate across that line every minute of every hour of every day. So here is the URL that proves my point in #126
L O S E R!
Notice the Thank You GOLDY at the bottom of your comment. It proves comment #120 is BULLSHITTIUM like 80% of the tripe you post!
L O S E R!
ASSIE Voice and your minions, you filter your own thread comments.
YLB – The Clueless One – Pay attention to post #128 when ASSIE Voice clears it. Your fingers to pixels blogged:
It is part of my response to your lying crap in #120.
YLB – The Clueless One – You drank the liberal sticky white kool-aid on Randi Rhodes mysterious “right-wing” attack which now we know was a lie.
You need to stop visiting those left-wing whack-job kook sites and drinking the sticky white kool-aid!!!
I visit them to debunk their lies like I did when I posted that comment from the other Scare America host.
This is funny and it looks like it ain’t BULLSHIT either:
Interesting how life goes!
I asked you where I supported Bob Ney.
Just like MWS – your reading comprehension sucks. You supported Ney when you supported ACVR bullshit. Sigh… Patience.. One must repeat when dealing with the simple..
And ask for the cite.. go ahead ask…
And Randi Rhodes – right wing whackjobs you circle jerk with fantasize about assaulting those speak out against r/w bullshit all the time – just go to any freeper, lgf or (un)sp thread there is. It’s a fact. Three bullet holes in Hartmann’s car? Alan Berg?
Still waiting for the link where I accepted a bullshit challenge from you…. waiting….
Piper = Unctuous
Unctuous = “Characterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness.”
Piper = Thurston Howell III (“Oh, Lovie!!!)
YLB – The Clueless One: One more time. Where did I write I support Bob Ney? You won’t find it so you make some obscure association to cover your weak debating skills.
Now that I proved for all that post #120 was a flat out lie, how much of YLB – The Clueless One’s other posts are just standard lies in encrypted wording. I will venture much of it.
137 – Let’s see 120 was about how we all knew you were MWS – are you asking for the cite? Simple question – yes or no?
136 – How many times do I have to say it – you supported Ney when you supported ACVR – ACVR promulgated their bullshit before his committee. Are you asking for the cite? Simple question, yes or no?
I will venture much of it.
Oh and still waiting for a link to where I accepted a bullshit challenge from you.
Still waiting…
You won’t provide it because you’re full of bullshit.
# 139 — ‘Bullshitium’ in the words of the PuddlyMonster.
128 – PuddyStupes – Thank you! That’s a great quote. I’ll paste it here for everyone’s enjoyment:
Puddy/Mike Webb…
Perhaps if you used a real email address Akismet wouldn’t conclude your comments are spam.
YLB Comment: Sounds like I was having a little fun there. No sweeter moment than when a compulsive liar and fraud is exposed so clearly that even HE can’t deny it.
Now the question: why didn’t Puddybud just do another circle jerk with MWS and deny it to Goldy like he did to everyone else?
Here is something not BULLSHITTIUM:
I guess Morgan Stanley finally figured out biased reporting and editorials don’t sell well anymore.
YLB – The Clueless One. I don’t care it you use it. By you posting it here above, you prove you are a LIAR!!! So I’ll repost this one every time:
YLB – The Clueless One: Just returned from working out. There is a thin line between living a lie and being a liar. You vacillate across that line every minute of every hour of every day. So here is the URL that proves my point in #126
L O S E R! 83%23comment-634072#comment-63 4231
Notice the Thank You GOLDY at the bottom of your comment. It proves comment #120 is BULLSHITTIUM like 80% of the tripe you post!
Post #120 –
L O S E R!
YLB – The Clueless One – Still waiting for Bob Ney Support Quote.
Here is YLB – The Clueless One logic. You didn’t chastise headless loocie for his racist comments. Therefore you too are a racist. See how easy that is?
Call me when you find it.
Puddystupes: two can play at that game.
Now what did I lie about? Are you saying I was MWS?
You didn’t chastise headless loocie for his racist comments. Therefore you too are a racist. See how easy that is?
Fuck you PStupes! That’s your crappy logic. You called everybody who didn’t play along with you a “racist enabler”. Doesn’t feel good when your opponents use your bullshit thinking against you does it?
And you’re a hypocrite. You say you love Jewish people but you are silent when Mark the Redneck bet welsher called Seattle Jew a “kyke” and a “hymie”.
That’s not “consistent”. Mark of a bullshitter…
Oh and don’t forget – you commended Cheesie Chuck’s quote of white supremacist Jared Taylor.
What a fucking losing move that was!!!
Want the cite?
And show me where HL nodded his head at Jared Taylor’s racist crap unlike you, Cheesie Chuck and your buddy PacMan.
YLB – The Clueless One – When did I lie I wasn’t MWS? If ASSIE Voice Man didn’t break his own rule, you would still be in the dark. You are stooooooooooooooooopid. I was never asked the question M O E – R O N!
Still waiting for the proof I accepted a bullshit challenge from you… Sigh…
Are you lying about that?
When did I lie I wasn’t MWS?
Oh fuck! I gotta go right now but I’m going to let you have it with both barrels in the next open thread.
There is a thin line between living a lie and being a liar. You vacillate across that line every minute of every hour of every day.
Sigh… There you go talking about yourself again.. Well that’s a narcissist for you..
YLB – The Clueless One – I want to see where I said “I am NOT MWS” or MWS Said ” I am not Puddy”
YLB – The Clueless One – Why are you posting during your working hours? Can’t give the man a honest day’s work?
YLB – The Clueless One – You said you don’t take orders from me yet you visit my links. Isn’t this living a lie?
YLB – The Clueless One:
Interesting Comment on Free Republic vs. Daily Kos/Think Progress
More to cum!
YLB – The Clueless One – I want to see where I said “I am NOT MWS” or MWS Said ” I am not Puddy”
10/17/2007 at 2:20 pm
How confident are you? If I can produce just such a comment, will you never post here again?
What’s the matter? Cat got your keyboard?
ATJ: I was out entertaining a client this evening.
Interesting proposition. If you can’t find one will you go away?
Interesting proposition. If you can’t find one will you go away?
Yes. I’ll never post here again. Do we have a deal?