I haven’t got a chance to read it yet, but I just picked up Who Hates Whom. Looks great. Yay for blogger books. On that random note, here’s your bullshit:
* So, last week there was a march in Washington. Peace is neato. Anyway, the take away from that is that peace groups support murder. Obviously it couldn’t be that conservatives don’t understand that pictures can be manipulated. But remember, the conservatives were there, so they saw banners with their own eyes. And then they beat up a Gold Star father and go to the White House. But don’t worry, because Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week is coming up, and that will present right wingers with a whole new appreciation of make believe pictures.
* Tim Russert thinks that John Edwards’ hair, asking Hillary Clinton about things that will never happen, things that happened in Cleveland in 1978, and all of the candidates’ favorite Bible quotes are more important than the environment. But at least we aren’t racists like the Republican frontrunners.
* David Brooks is actually making me miss Safire. How is that possible?
* Who could have guessed that Fox News were a bunch of hypocrites?
* Lee Bollinger treats dictators differently based on their relationship with the United States. Quite the man of courage.
* The Boner finds it despicable to hide behind children.
* Michael Medved doesn’t think slavery is such a big deal. He has 6 reasons and they’re all crazy.
* Littering in the bus tunnel is bullshit, although, I used it on Friday rush hour and didn’t notice anything.
* The Washington Policy Center is upset at the existence of S-Chip and the state minimum wage.
This is an open thread
I think you should include an entry for all the bullshit that is coming into play around Prop 1. There are so many unrelated agendas in play it is truly hard to figure out what the hell people are really saying. Taxes are bad and we must not have any more of them, compromise is bad, consensus from more than a single perspective is suspect, financing costs too much, it won’t help anything except for beady-eyed employment, yada yada yada. Amazing!
Add another piece of local BULLSHIT:
Judge let’s Jane Hague off the hook…delays release of breathalyzer results until AFTER the election!
your toplink is FUBAR, dude
Piper, any comments on how your Republican compatriots ripped the photo of soldier that died in Iraq from the hands of his father and then proceeded to beat him? Or how about how that same group bore false witness?
Then there is the bit about Fox News accusing Wartime Generals of betraying the troops that serve them but then Its OK If You Are A Republican, eh Piper.
Not a BS at all … but neat link for anyone who is interested in why are not apes. The answer, it turns our is that we tie knots and sing like finches.
Carl – you are a total idiot using a blog reference to call all Republican runners as racists. That reminds me of the same idiocy that Media Matters has been trying to use to unsuccessfully call anyone who is not a leftist pig anything under the sun besides a human being. Pulease get a brain!
Here is today’s inspirational saying by Puddy, scourge of lesser minds, bane of liberals, adviser to world leaders, &c.,&c.
“Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa”
Citations and links to original available on request.
Include stamped, self-addressed envelope, please.
I bullshit you not:
I’m just looking over Megavote for this week and I see that Reichert voted with the majority in favor of CHIP reauthorization and also in favor of H.R. 2693, the Popcorn Workers Lung Disease Prevention Act, “to direct the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to issue a standard regulating worker exposure to diacetyl.” Popcorn workers of the world, unite!
8 Lemme see if I’ve got this straight: There’s a big deal about how some “flavoring” in nuke popcorn is fucking up the lungs of the people who make it, but we’re still supposed to be eating the shit?????
Michael Medved is another winger nutbag who once had his cute little gimmick of having gone to college with Hillary Clinton. He’s pretty well used that up, he’s exhausted whatever credibility he once had as a movie critic by pronouncing everything from Hollywood to be the work of Beelzebub, and is so enamored of listening to his own voice that he’s come to believe his own bullshit. Hopefully he’ll drift off into obscurity with his pals Danny and Jack.
My beloved master managed to get a pro-tem judge whose criminal and disciplinary record makes her look like a saint by comparison. Bellevue Republican “attorney” Richard Llewelyn Jones — check out his record.
Carl – you are a total idiot using a blog reference to call all Republican runners as racists. That reminds me of the same idiocy that Media Matters has been trying to use to unsuccessfully call anyone who is not a leftist pig anything under the sun besides a human being. Pulease get a brain!
Could we get this translated into English?
Here, this is more your speed: http://www.dannemann.org.uk/images/morans.jpg
Here is some BULLSHIT:
How cum Hilary gets a pass from the press?
“For Hillary, There’s No Such Thing as Dirty Money”
To YLB – The Clueless One – The Nation, is that a Scaife or Murdoch publication? No it’s a lib as you can get!
Oh… wait a minute… Puddy why are you reading the Nation? It’s from Moonbat! Press International! Because every now and then they tell the truth, even though the Donk MSM will continually ignore it.
YLB – The Clueless One – One whiny fourth grade jackASS moe-ron!
Here is more BULLSHIT: On Letterman last night the loony left winger Sean Penn rejected David Letterman calling Hugo Chavez a nut.
YLB – The Clueless One – I present Exhibit #9 of the Hollyweird Crowd – Sean Penn. Another in your “Shrine of Heroes“!
This is no BULLSHIT. Yesterday on CNN Headline News they asked this question “Do conservative thinkers face a bias on college campuses?
Well, DUH. Just ask Darryl the academic!
Or better yet visit: http://www.indoctrinate-u.com/pages/welcome.html
I’m gonna buy T-shirts for my sons and their buddies. This is a worthwhile investment. Can you say “pithy Christmas gifts”?
Gosh I missed this one but it’s right up there with BULLSHIT! More on Jesse MacBeth – from Google Search:
ABC’s Brian Ross reported on Monday, September 24 on Charlie Gibson and ABC News where he said:
CHARLES GIBSON, HOST: (Voiceover) ‘A Closer Look” tonight at phony heroes. A famous recruiting slogan once touted the Army as a place to be all you can be. But increasingly, scam artists are posing as the war heroes they never were, claiming credit for acts of courage in Iraq and Afghanistan. Federal officials have launched a crackdown. Operation Stolen Valor they call it. Tonight, our Brian Ross investigates.
(Voiceover) At the Washington State Capitol in Olympia this year, a Marine Corps Color Guard included a Marine chaplain to deliver the opening prayer. But authorities later discovered that the Marine chaplain, Captain Reggie Buddle, was not a chaplain.
I think he went to seminary school and flunked out.
(Voiceover) Nor was a Buddle a captain, nor had he earned all the medals he wore. In fact, Buddle had never been in the Marines, even though he had officiated at numerous Marine weddings, baptisms and funerals.
It was devastating to the people who had relied on him.
(Voiceover) At a time when tens of thousands of US soldiers have put their lives on the line in Iraq and been honored for their sacrifice and courage, federal prosecutors have had to launch a crackdown on phony heroes.
They want something that they didn’t earn. They didn’t have the guts to go and do it themselves.
(Voiceover) Authorities say many of the phony heroes make up their stories, so they can get free treatment at veterans’ hospitals.
They’re taking money away that should be used for the deserving veterans.
(Voiceover) Most of the phonies are spotted by people who really earned their medals. In St Louis, this supposed Marine with a chest full of honors was turned in because he seemed too fat to be a real Marine. It turns out he never served a day in the Marines.
Once I was in Baghdad…
(Voiceover) But authorities say the most disturbing case involves this man, 23-year-old Jesse Macbeth. In a YouTube video seen around the world, Macbeth became a rallying point for anti-war groups, as he talked of the Purple Heart he received in Iraq and described how he and other US Army rangers killed innocent civilians at a Baghdad mosque.
Women and men, you know – while in their prayer, we started slaughtering them.
(Voiceover) It was a complete fabrication.
He was in for approximately six weeks and then he was discharged. I don’t think he even completed basic training.
(Off-camera) Last week in federal court in Seattle, Macbeth offered an apology for defaming the real American heroes as he admitted to lying about his service record and his supposed atrocities, Charlie.
(Off-camera) Operation Stolen Valor. Brian Ross investigating, thanks.
Isn’t that the Jesse MacBeth Story BEFORE RUSH said it?
Yet ASSIE Voice again didn’t do his homework and printed BULLSHIT! Media Morons, MSNBC and CNN still getting it wrong. Notice how ABC has not delved into this? Cuz they know what they researched. I guess the other sites know no one watches the nightly news as they are watching Fox!
So are the House Taskmasters under Nancy Stretch Pelosi going to create a resolution condemning ABC News on Jesse MacBeth or Reggie Buddle?
If not then that’s BULLSHIT.
YLB – The Clueless Oone ABC News Funded by Scaife or Murdoch?
Ya stupid whiny fourth grade jackASS!
Here is some BULLSHIT missed by the Seattle P-I:
Wanted: Husband with Canadian health care
Cancer bills alter Seattle woman’s hunt for love
“It’s not your typical posting of someone looking for a date. Granted, Jeanne Sather is looking for love and a best friend, according to this posting on her blog, assertivepatient.com. But what she was suggesting on the post was that she would like to marry a Canadian man so she could gain access to that country’s publicly funded health care system.”
“OTTAWA–Belinda Stronach, the MP for Newmarket-Aurora and former cabinet minister, travelled outside Canada’s health-care system to California for some of her breast cancer treatment earlier this year.
Stronach, diagnosed in the spring with a type of breast cancer that required a mastectomy and breast reconstruction, went to California in June at her Toronto doctor’s suggestion, a spokesperson confirmed.”
Fair use clause. Stuff it libbies. I can find BULLSHIT any where any time!
What a Canadian coming to the US? Wait a minute… the Moonbat!s on ASSWipes said our health care sucks!
YLB – The Clueless One – Research The Star of Canada and determine if Scaife or Murdoch own it.
If you don’t it’s BULLSHIT!
I know PacMan still reads the ASSWipes Chronicles. He turned me on to this publication Army Times
Lookie here: Phony Soldiers:
Now that’s BULLSHIT!
Wow more on Phony Soldiers:
The whole list! No Bullshit as I say!
But wait this isn’t Congressional BULLSHIT!
It’s a law passed last year to weed out phony soldiers.
And this is no BULLSHIT either:
Thanks Carl!
YLB – The Clueless One Is the Seattle P-I Funded by Scaife or Murdoch?
No? Well it can’t be BULLSHIT then right?
Ya stupid whiny fourth grade jackASS!
YLB – The Clueless One – More names for your “Action Heroes Shrine“:
Lawrence Hammer, Preston Garris, Michael Heit, Glenn Marshall, Tim DeBusk, Michael O’Brien, Jesse MacBeth, Gilbert Velasquez, Larry Porter, Merrick Hersey, Carlos Valle Rios (a registered sex offender), and Reggie Buddle.
It’s so easy to find left wing BULLSHIT. But now it’s off to work I go!
I expect one or more of the Three Stooges to appear shortly. See you this afternoon!
Re 13-26:
9: Popcorn lung, dude.
The SCHIP vote, I guess, is one that Reichert must have realized Bush was going to lose, and he didn’t want to get bludgeoned for the next year on the campaign trail with a vote against it. Or maybe, in the end, his spiky Republican armor has a chink in it for disadvantaged sick children. (Bullshit)
Puddybud –
Those fake soldiers fit a right wing profile. In fact you’ve acted just like them in this very thread.
Especially that Chaplain character.
Sorry PWhacko you OOZE phony in this thread. Not buying it for a second.
Puddybud – You should follow Carl’s link about the fake pictures on Horowitz’s right wing bullshit website.
That’s the kind of “Islamo-Fascist” torture porn you love.
I’m routinely amazed by how the left wing stands UP for murderous dictators. Anything to be anti-America.
BTW, I’ll free to say that anything a left-winger says is utter bullshit. Turnabout is a bitch aint it?
I like these “bullshit” threads – it brings out the worst in the right wing.
I’m routinely amazed by how the left wing stands UP for murderous dictators.
Hmmmm. Like Rios Mont in Guatemala. Oh excuse me that was Reagan.
Hmmm. Like Pinochet in Chile. Oh excuse me that was Nixon/Kissinger.
Go back to your LGF torture porn.
Sorry…but I’m not buying it…
The confrontation at issue stemmed from a rally sponsored by the completely anti-American outfit ANSWER (more on them in a bit), which resulted in the arrest of a good number of the protesters but none of the Gathering of Eagles counter-protesters.
Gathering of Eagles is comprised of a lot of aging Viet Nam-era vets and family members.
Since the D.C. police were, according both to the NY Times report and the information you cite, right on top of the situation yet made no arrests in the alleged “beating,” I’m inclined to doubt the veracity of those who decry it as akin to the Lindbergh kidnapping.
Now, as you all by now know, I have sons in the military, including a Marine lance corporal, so I both respect the service of the young man who was killed and the grief of his father. But that doesn’t prove he was beaten, it only proves he has strong feelings and opinions, which, as an American, he’s absolutely entitled to.
Did a scuffle occur? Probably…was Carlos Arredondo, the putative victim, “beaten up?” That’s not been proven, no arrests were made stemming from the incident, and, so far as I can find out, no criminal complaint filed. Does the term, “tempest in a teapot” mean anything to you?
You ASSUME (when you assume you make an ass out of u and me) the GoE folks are Republicans, and you uncritically take the word of Arredondo’s WIFE that the GoE people involved were lying.
Amazing to me that in that huge crowd not a single solitary witness came forward and talked with the police to support Arredondo’s story, which would have then led to an assault charge. The bucket of this story ain’t holdin’ no water!
It’s not as though the D.C. police weren’t in an arresting mood, per the NY Times story I cite, above. It’s just that the scofflaws and malefactors weren’t GoE people, but ANSWER supporters.
Speaking of which…ANSWER has to be about the most virulently anti-American coalition of hotheads, neo-Stalinist Marxist-Leninist types, pro-terrorist, and anti-Semitic low lifes assembled since von Ribbentrop and Molotov shook hands over the 1939 German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact.
Anti-Semitic? Ask Tikkun founder and noted leftist, Michael Lerner, who had the temerity to say a few nice things about Israel only to find himself on an ANSWER blacklist because of it…and because he’s Jewish.
ANSWER supporters and affiliated organizations read like a who’s who of those who hunger for the defeat and humiliation of the U.S. not only in Iraq, but everywhere.
Opposed to the invasion of Afghanistan (many HA regulars have complained that Iraq distracts from where the U.S. should concentrate its anti-terrorism efforts: Afghanistan) and supportive of every enemy the U.S. has, ANSWER is a complete fraud.
I’ll cover your second false accusation in a separate post…
The Piper
ArtFart says:
8 Lemme see if I’ve got this straight: There’s a big deal about how some “flavoring” in nuke popcorn is fucking up the lungs of the people who make it, but we’re still supposed to be eating the shit?????
Well, uhm, we drink water, but don’t inhale it….
Rupert Murdoch Buys A Supreme Court Justice
Here’s my own “Bullshit” item for this week. This is, as Paul Harvey would say, the “rest of the story.” But what I’m wondering is, why now? What’s behind the timing of Clarence Thomas’ book — and the play it’s getting in the wingnut media?
The book is published by HarperCollins.
HarperCollins is owned by News Corp.
News Corp. is owned by Rupert Murdoch.
Thomas received a $1.5 million advance for the book.
This is by far the largest literary royalty ever paid to any Supreme Court justice.
Murdoch has financial and political interests in a variety of issues that might come before SCOTUS: First Amendment speech and press issues, copyright and libel law, antitrust law, and other issues in media or communications law. Will Thomas now recuse himself from hearing cases that might affect Murdoch’s interests? Don’t count on it.
Historical footnote: Thomas was confirmed by the Senate in a 52-48 vote. Since then, four of the senators who voted to confirm him have publicly recanted their votes.
And, “Even some of Thomas’s most avid defenders [have] stopped saying he told the truth about Anita Hill; Orrin Hatch [said] even if Anita Hill told the truth, what she said about Thomas sexually harassing her wasn’t really all that bad.”
The rightwing-controlled MSM are, of course, treating this slime-sucking neo-con lackey with kid gloves. A Sept. 30 broadcast of “60 Minutes” featured an interview with Thomas, in which Thomas relentlessly attacked Anita Hill — with no rebuttal from Hill. The publisher embargoed pre-Oct. 1 releases of the book — to everyone except Rush Limbaugh. And, on Amazon.com, you can read the predictable programmed comments of rightwing reviews viciously trashing Hill’s moderately-worded rebuttal published in the New York Times.
The Rightwing Bullshit Machine is cranked up to Full Blast.
I wonder if the fact the next president may appoint successors to as many as three of the Supreme Court’s liberal justices has anything to do with it?
GOP Pundit Dick Morris Predicts Stock Market Crash
“During the October 1 edition of Fox News’ Hannity & Colmes, Fox News contributor and nationally syndicated columnist Dick Morris said of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY): ‘You know, one of the things that I think needs to be said about Hillary Clinton … is that if she is elected president, one of the first things she’s going to do is either double the capital gains tax, so it’s 30 percent, not 15, or repeal it entirely so it’s ordinary income taxed at 40, because that will be the new rate.’ Morris continued: ‘As her election gets closer, as it becomes more likely she’s going to win, there’s going to be a stock market crash. And when she wins, it’s going to be Black Wednesday, because what’s going to happen is that Americans will want to sell their stocks so they can get 15 percent tax, not 30 percent tax.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The first thing to note here is that Morris apparently doesn’t have much confidence in the TBA GOP nominee’s ability to defeat Hillary. I’m inclined to agree with him. Dubya has fucked up the GOP brand name so bad even Jesus Christ couldn’t win on a GOP ticket in ’08. (Frankly, I wouldn’t vote for Him if He ran as a Republican; but then, I think that scenario is purely one of those academic hypotheticals used by business schools and law schools for pedagogical purposes, as I can’t imagine J.C. running as a Republican, any more than I can imagine a Republican getting into Heaven.)
Secondly, I would like Mr. Morris to explain why investors will flee stocks if capital gains and dividends are taxed the same as wages. If preferential tax treatment for people who get their income from owning things instead of working is repealed or scaled back, where will they put their money to get a better tax deal? Swiss banks? You know, those bespectacled German-speaking guys in fine suits who charge you for keeping your money in their bank, and for telling no tales to tax collectors and international tribunals? I would submit to Mr. Morris that if his apocalyptic vision of stock market speculators and coupon clippers like George Soros and Roger Rabbit being taxed the same as people who actually work and produce something comes true, the stock market will still offer investors the best long-term returns of any investment vehicle, and living off capital gains and dividends will still beat the hell out of working for a living.
However, when — not if — Hillary is sworn in as president and signs legislation passed by a Democratic Congress to make rich rightwing freeloaders pay the same taxes as working stiffs, Mr. Morris is more than welcome to put whatever assets he has into the tender keeping of his Swiss banker pals. He’ll have plenty of company — a few surviving Nazis occupy the neighboring vault, and assorted deposed dictators — his kind of folks.
Lee Iacocca Says Bush’s Brain Is Defective
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I would go farther and say all Republicans’ brains are defective. And Iacocca — one of the most respected names in American business — is being polite; their ethical and sexual functions are defective, too.
What a GOD-DAMNED MORON you are Pudster.
Give it the fuck up…you make my fucking head hurt you are so unbelievably stupid.
You make fucking klake look like a rocket scientist.
Get a clue…
You side LOST. Your dumbass philosphy DOES NOT WORK.
The American People are TIRED you and your stupid tricks and your sleazy elitist sex-crazed leaders.
It’s over.
Can anyone name ONE REDEEMING QUALITY Puddypussy Has?
It doesn’t matter; he’s so fucking delusional he thinks he has credibility: If HE posts it, we need to drop to our knees in awe.
A quality he shares with Piper. He just can’t compete with the Poopster in quantity. Poopster has the all-time record (in my experience) with sheer mass of tripe here.
“Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa”
The Morris prediction is moot: when Bush starts the war with Iran, and gas goes to $8.00/gal, what the hell do you think will happen to the market?
Look at the shit we’re going to have to clean up when the Bush Family juvenile delinquent is finished playing with his toy country.
The ONLY upside to this is that the Republicans will have to go into hiding. Permanently.
And, of course, the Pudfucker will be one of the louder of the chorus of imploding assholes.
What sound is made by an imploding bagpipe? A great, sucking whine?
Pretty well describes Pooper scooper, I guess….
At least we can’t accuse Puddy of being a dick sucker: he lacks the minimum qualifications (hygienic, intellectual, moral, &c.) even if he has the desire.
He will, as usual, disappear from this thread now,not acknowledging that he has read these mild criticisms, requiring that we all repost these when he next appears in a different location.
@41 He’s not immortal.
@43 You’re perfectly idiotic. I can’t speak for the rest of you.
@44 “The Morris prediction is moot: when Bush starts the war with Iran, and gas goes to $8.00/gal, what the hell do you think will happen to the market?”
My oil stocks will go up some more.
@51 When it comes to making or losing money, I’m always willing to bet that Bush will do the stupidest and most destructive thing possible in any given situation.
@47 He can suck my dick! For a good time, call 1-900-SUCK-ROG.* (* This is a toll call. All proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.)
Pelletmaker@50 – The poster was chadt. I am surprised you couldn’t figger it out. Wait a minute… No I am not surprised!
chadt: It already a fact I am not a proponent of the hershey highway or any acts that can be attributed to that behavior.
Since you claim to be an cock sucking expert: (hygienic, intellectual, moral, &c.) – your words…
do tell us!
RudejackASS: Glad you appeared.
Now tell me what truthful post blew your small cranial orifice apart?
Did I post one lie here?
Did I use a Scaife or Murdoch web site?
Did I misquote the Seattle Pee-In-Your-Eye?
Shove it ASSWiper!
YLB – The Clueless One – I love posting truths and none come from Scaife or Murdoch.
Glad to make your day!
Couldn’t tell anynone about YOU Puddy, you’d have to have a dick, and maybe, well…balls.
Maybe you can answer this, Puddy, but I doubt it:
Since everybody here loathes your postings and nobody takes ANYTHING you say seriously, why are you here?
Since all your rantings are demonstrably futile, and the only thing you can accomplish is to annoy people, is that the real reason?
Repeating the same things over and over again with no different result is……what?
Fixed, thanks
44 Nope. No doubt the Bernanke Printing Machine will just run faster and faster–hell, they might even lower the Fed’s lending rate below zero and pay people to haul greenbacks away. Of course, the stock market will respond by continuing to rise, almost but not quite keeping pace with the 1500% inflation rate.
chadt: I post as the antidote to people (used loosely in your case) like you.
I could care if you read it or not. Most of the time you prove reading is NOT a fundamental skill you possess anyway!
My postings are futile.? Waaaa haaa haaaa haaaaaaaa haaahaaaaa, I grab the best the liberal MSM has to offer.
Maybe chadt, people can’t answer that which comes from the liberal press.
YLB – The Clueless One, you stooge brother needs ASSistance.
@31 Roger Rabbit Quiz
Who armed the murderous dictator of Iraq?
[ ] 1. Humpty Dumpty
[ ] 2. The Muppets
[ ] 3. Alfred E. Neuman
[ ] 4. Ronald Reagan
[ ] 5. Bozo the Clown
(Note: Answers 4 & 5 are interchangeable)
@54 Yes, but he did such a fine impression of you that I replied to him as if he were you.
@57 Anytime a winger bandies around the word “truth” — look out!!!!
You didn’t even comprehend the question, much less provide an answer.
@62 Puddy, I just want you to know that I’m very comfortable with liberal philosophy, but I have the same problems with the wingnut-controlled MSM that you do.
Puddybud – you lap up right wing bullshit like it’s going out of style. You stopped posting wingnut links when we called your stupid ass on it but once in a while you weaken when there’s a juicy bit of bullshit that gets you going. You can’t help yourself.
So most of the time you read the right wing bullshit and when they link to MSM, you just post those links. You still are motivated, controlled and directed by the writers of that bullshit. They pull your strings. If you claim they don’t, you’re lying.
You lie, lie, lie. You lied about MWS and even circle jerked with him, in reality with yourself which was a total metaphor for your behavior here – stroking yourself. Hilarious!!!
Give me a break – you worship Murdoch and Scaife and any other rich right-wing asshole that gives you the right wing bullshit you crave with every ounce of your being.
You’re a right wing bullshit junkie and like a dope fiend you can’t stop, you just can’t stop.
chadt: Ever heard of The Nation? It’s liberal and sometimes really loony. Other times it’s funny. Maybe you should read it sometime!
I realize you ain’t too well read. Al Jazeera needs more readers chadt. Go for it.
YLB – The Clueless One – I post from whatever catches my fancy. When the liberal MSM carries the story I use them. When they don’t I can fall back on other sites.
Chadt@66: Yes I did, you can’t FATHOM the answer.
YLB – The Clueless One – You couldn’t figure out a map unless the AAA used a highlighter for the path.
Remember who I am YLB- The Clueless One
I figured out masqueraders
YLB – Clueless YOU
TreeFrogFarmer – Killatroll
Left Turn – RightEqualsStupid
Headless Lucy – Col Biff and four other names
Roger Rabbit (Pelletizer, Pelletmaker) – Truth Teller
Who told you I was MWS – ASSIE Voice did. Darryl still does the dirty work for you and others for us whom think right who post doppelgangers (my term first here on ASSWipes).
If you had a brain you could argue something pithy.
No one figgered it out Stoopid Stooge.
YLB – Clueless I went 92 days without a right-wing site. You couldn’t stay away from a left-wing site for ONE DAY!
So who is beholden to the trough of wing-nuttiness?
[]YLB – The Clueless One
[]YLB – The Clueless One
[]YLB – The Clueless One
[]All the above
Awwww. Poor Puddy. Projecting again. The stooge who doesn’t know he’s a stooge.
I love posting truths too. They come from my hard earned experience not some right wing bullshit.
Here’s one of them: you’re a loser.
And oh my over the next year we’re going to into that in exquisite detail.
Pud’s reading of the news is somewhat curious.
(Translation if you don’t speak WASP dialect: it’s fucking twisted)
Let me see here:
“OTTAWA–Belinda Stronach, the MP for Newmarket-Aurora and former cabinet minister, travelled outside Canada’s health-care system to California for some of her breast cancer treatment earlier this year.
And then goes on to say:
What a Canadian coming to the US? Wait a minute… the Moonbat!s on ASSWipes said our health care sucks!
Now, he forgot to mention two little pieces of information.
Belinda Stronach, in addition to being the MP for Newmarket-Aurora, is also the once and future CEO of Magna International (Detroit’s “back office” for the manufacture of car parts), and one of two heirs to the fortune generated by this company. She is certainly a millionaire many times over, and is probably a billionaire.
Health care in the US for billionaires is wonderful. 9 out of 10 billionaires surveyed recommend US health care for their needs.
The problem with US health care is for the other 290,000,000 of us who do NOT have bottomless bank accounts.
This is the problem with your spew Pud. You don’t learn a damn thing by reading. You start with some half-baked notions of how the world works, and then grab whatever shred of evidence you can to go “See! See! I’m totally right!”, the surrounding facts of the matter be damned.
I could do this with your stuff all day, but it’s a lot faster for you to post it than it is for me to retort. See, I have to do this thing called analysis, followed by what we call composition. You on the other hand just have to cut, paste, and post hit-and-run one-liners.
There’s a reason why you get yelled at here and don’t get very much respect. It’s not because you’re conservative. It’s because:
a) You’re insulting (and yes, even when you posted as Reckless, you were insulting. If you spoke that way in my house, you would be living on a steady diet of soap sandwiches).
b) You rarely engage. You do these dumb-ass drive by postings and then say “STOOOOPID MOONBAT!S”.
Now I know you were raised as a poor colored kid on the bad side of Philly and didn’t have much when you were coming up. Did your mother teach you that if you want respect, you must be respectful, or was she so poor that she couldn’t even give you a proper set of manners?
JSA: Respect on this board? R U CRAZY?
No I don’t expect it from this bunch except from GBS. We met we broke bread we commiserated and we disagreed.
Yes, Belinda is filthy rich. But YOU MISSED THE POINT, which I’m surprised you did, since you “analyzed” the situation.
She came to America.
She didn’t go to:
Great Britain
She came to America JSA. Do you comprehend? All the Moonbat!s here love to trumpet every country, everyone else’s health care system. She still came to America.
But my main point was I was comparing the lady who wants to treat her cancer in Canada by marrying a Canadian citizen to the lady who gets hers treated in America. Again in your “analysis” U MISSED THE POINT!
That’s okay JSA. I know working long hours away from your family in another country can be stressful and difficult.
I still like you.
‘Nuff Said!
YLB – The Clueless One: Post #73 was what? A Putdown? Man you are funny.
Posting truths from Media Morons? Kurse? MoveOn.Pork?
They can’t even get what Rush says correctly.
YLB – The Clueless One:
Why do you hijack my lines?
I called you Karma Klueless. You tried to explain my karma.
I called you a dull knife. You came back with dull wit.
I call you a stooge. You said back at you.
Can you come up with something original and funny?
Well said, jsa. In particular, this hits the nail on the head:
You don’t learn a damn thing by reading.
I’ve done a substantial amount of teaching, and the inability to comprehend what one reads is a trait I see in a small number of my students. The vast majority of these people know they lack this ability and try to overcome it. But I’ve never had a student like the Pudster, who combines a stunning lack of reading comprehension with an unearned arrogance. As you point out, it’s an ugly combination.
I appreciate you articulating this point, but I’m afraid he’s immune to these arguments, as they require that he read and actually understand them.
Thank you ATJ: Coming from a well rounded mind such as yours I appreciate that complement.
Now to the argument at hand:
Why did Belinda come to America for treatment when you among others posted the other great medical capitals of the world such as Cuba?
You see ATJ the problem is I don’t agree with your world view. So when I put forth counter arguments you all get frothy around the mouth cuz it’s tough when someone shoots holes in your “theories”.
And the other point easily made was the one lady wanted a Canadian husband to have her cancer treated vs coming to America to have her cancer treated.
See? No comprehension. No ability to self-reflect. Sad, really.
Why did Belinda come to America for treatment when you among others posted the other great medical capitals of the world such as Cuba?
Prove it. Where did I post such a thing?
ATJ: I teach adults. I’m very very good at it. My average approval rating is 88%. Some like me some don’t. I create network architectures. I am excellent at it. My recall rate for continuing work is over 99%. God blesses me.
Why is that ATJ? I talk politics to them too. Maybe people accept me for the argument put forth? Maybe these people don’t have such a narrow world view such as you and other ASSWipers here. Maybe that’s why I hang in circles where the avg salary is more that a few of you put together! Do you know what that means ATJ. We are paid up in the SS Tax way in advance!
Critical self-examination can be a painful thing for people like you, Pudster. I don’t blame you for avoiding it like the plague. I don’t respect you in the slightest, but I don’t hate you like you hate me. I don’t even care about you. You are what you are, a moral and intellectual coward. I suspect this is why you have such a hard time reading for meaning; you’re afraid of what you might have to face if you were honest with yourself. For these reasons, I pity you.
I truly hope you get some help and have a nice life. Until then, you’re dismissed… with prejudice.
Oh BTW ATJ, there are many intelligent wealthy liberals who I work with and create architectures for. They have some of the funniest personalities. I enjoy working late with them I have shown them this blog. They will never post here.
One commenter said: “I don’t think that way”. Another said “Wow”. I couldn’t have said it better.
So maybe when you make more money your thoughts will improve? I guess the $125-150K line is where one’s world view improves.
Who said I hate you ATJ? Please prove it. Your so called moral and intellectual cowardice attack is EMPTY rhetoric. I’ll meet you downtown for lunch. I’ll face you just like I faced GBS. We’ll have lunch and talk over issues. Can you dig it?
You see you skipped over what I responded back. And I HAVE READING COMPREHENSION ISSUES? I put forth the arugment Belinda came to the US for treatment. She’s rich she could have gone anywhere. You seem to continually miss this point just like JSA.
Since you “dismiss me with prejudice” Don’t write to me then!
Why do I have a sudden urge to create a sockpuppet to agree with me and have a conversation with myself, praising me?
Funny? There’s nothing funny about your moronic views and their cost to this country.
If you’re looking for funny, look in the mirror. It’s a joke. You’re a clown.
Wealthy liberals? You prove my point again. You worship money. You even go as far to say, that the more you make the better you are.
Iraq is full of people like yourself, contractors consultants and whatnot, pulling down scads of cash building overpriced barely functional crap with borrowed money from China. My kids are going to work their entire lives paying off that corruption. You of course are counseling your kids to work themselves into that corruption game. You’re telling them to play and only the suckers will have to pay.
I’m bored to tears with you.
You may be very skilled at what you do, Puddy.
You may be very well-off.
You ARE NOT rational.
You are not introspective enough to even begin to see this.
You are not respected here because of your behavior. You are truly and intentionally offensive. It’s what you try successfully to be.
Don’t complain about being loathed, it’s what YOU tried to accomplish.
Whether you are happy is an entirely different question, but you seem to be what you want to be, so that’s nobody’s concern but yours.
YLB says:”I’m bored to tears with you.”
I am, too. Puddy’s simply not worth the effort. He just comes here to blow out a lot of crap. When we respond, he shows no comprehension. He doesn’t bother. All he wants to do is make a quick, effortless insult.
The only thing important to Puddy is what he can scream in here. As insultingly as possible.
It’s just not worth the effort to respond anymore.
He will take this as some kind of imagined “victory” over the objects of his hate.
The ultimate irony is that he proclaims himself a Christian in the midst of spewing all this hate, and believes that God rewards him for his behaviors.
How can you top that? Ever? He is impervious to anything any of us could ever say.
I didn’t miss a thing, Pud.
She came to America JSA. Do you comprehend? All the Moonbat!s here love to trumpet every country, everyone else’s health care system. She still came to America.
But my main point was I was comparing the lady who wants to treat her cancer in Canada by marrying a Canadian citizen to the lady who gets hers treated in America. Again in your “analysis” U MISSED THE POINT!
You are making a false assumption about the American medical system sucking. It seems to be this “on/off” thing that either it sucks or it’s wonderful.
The technology and treatment that the American medical system provides is some of the world’s best. Everyone knows this. How it gets paid for is wacky.
I understand the lady who married a Canadian to get cancer treatment. I understand why Belinda Stronach went to the USA as well.
Here is what I don’t understand. We have a country where a handful of people are rich beyond avarice. A somewhat larger (but still pretty small) group are well taken care of and have few financial worries. A much larger block are getting by, and an uncomfortably large block are not really getting by.
Your philosophy seems to be that the 10% or so with the fully stuffed bank accounts are entitled to everything they get, and the rest can go hang.
(and I say this as a 10 percenter with a well-stuffed bank account).
Did I miss anything there?
Puddyfool in a nutshell:
money talks, right-wing bullshit walks.
Well, there’s a bit of false authority syndrome at work here.
Pud is successful (I will assume he is, and is not feeding us a line of hooey), therefore, his arguments should be listened to because of that.
Mao Zedong was Emperor of China from 1949-1976. His writings on guerrilla warfare are good, and worth a read. His opinions on economics, class struggle, politics, and most other subjects were anywhere between unschooled to dangerously twisted. Mao’s read of history was that his predecessors who had done the most to change China were violent, unsympathetic bastards who were unafraid to spill a little blood. Mao felt that China needed this sort of changing. Therefore, we got the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and somewhere around 40,000,000 deaths.
Henry Ford revolutionized manufacturing. Henry Ford was a brilliant businessman. Henry Ford thankfully didn’t kill anyone. Henry Ford’s public pronouncements on a great many things were anywhere between harmlessly eccentric (“If you look at the members of any prison population, the vast majority of them are smokers. There’s a connection there.”) to dangerously bizarre (“I believe that the sinking of the Lusitania was deliberately planned to get this country into war. It was planned by the financiers of war.”).
So don’t make too much hay about being successful. People far more successful than you have had really weird opinions about the state of the world.
Henry Ford thankfully didn’t kill anyone.
How can you be so naive? Henry Ford was a rampaging killing machine! The man had Eskimos brought in to hunt them for sport. He poisoned random plant workers, just to keep them guessing. He garotted kittens at morning board meetings. Didn’t kill anyone? For the love of Pete…
Yes, Yes, of course, but he was pro-life!
JSA: You wrote:
“You are making a false assumption about the American medical system sucking. It seems to be this “on/off” thing that either it sucks or it’s wonderful.
The technology and treatment that the American medical system provides is some of the world’s best. Everyone knows this. How it gets paid for is wacky.
I didn’t make the false claims or assumptions. It’s your friends on ASSWIpes who think like you who made those false claims and assumptions.
Go back and review the health care debate ASSIE Voice posted a few times. Review the wonderful posts of Pelletmaker tells us how Cuba is so great. I posted pictures taken directly from those same hospitals and the answer was: “They were doctored”.
I asked why Fidel used Venezuela doctors for treatment? – Crickets chirped.
We were told here the Canada system is great. I presented info from the Toronto newspapers contrary to that position.
We were told here the French system is great. No one mentioned the copays one has to pay EXCEPT ME.
So don’t try and tell me I am the one who says the US system sucks. I asked why do people come here for treatment?
Still like you JSA. We need to comisserate more on jazz. Bebop vs Free Jazz.
YLB – The Clueless One – You are an anachronism. You should have been alive in Hitler’s time. You would have fit right in with the thinking of the third reich. No one can disagree with you YLB – The Clueless One.
Same arguments used by Hitler and his people in the 30s. With YLB – The Clueless One, history repeats itself.
I don’t hate you YLB – The Clueless One. Not at all. It’s sad to see how you think YLB – The Clueless One.
YLB – The Clueless One: I am the one truly and intentionally offensive? Give me a break.
Aren’t you the one who called Piper Scott – Pooper? Has he called you names?
Aren’t you the one who called Marvin Stamn all sorts of names?
Yes, the intellect of YLB – The Clueless One; something best flushed down the toilet!
Oops I mixed up chadt and YLB – The Clueless One.
No worries chadt calls him pooper too.
I can see why I mixed the two up.
Same lousy intellect, same name calling!
YLB – The Clueless One – Where did I say the more you make the better you are?
I said the more you make the better your world view of life is!
You can even get what I wrote correct. No wonder too. You read Media Morons and they can’t get it right either.
You bore me to tears, Mr. Money Talks, Right Wing Bullshit walks.
You’ve lost so many arguments here it’s pathetic. You just declare victory, call names and change the subject.
The U.S. medical system is the best – yeah sure for people with money. If they don’t have money – they can go to the emergency room just like the chimp you voted for twice said.
I’m not bothering with you anymore.
One last thing I couldn’t let go. So you call me a Nazi for calling you names. Why do I call you names? You deserve it. You’ve been calling people names here since you started. You called a lot of people here idiots for their legal analysis of the election contest – it turned out they were right and your suck-up crowd at (UN)SP was totally FREAKING WRONG. That’s your track record here: wrong, wrong, wrong.
Why do I call Scott St. Clair Pooper? He’s just another salesman hawking neo-con talking points. I have NOT ONE FREAKING microgram of respect for that bullshit.
Why did I call Stamn names? He was another freaking idiot peddling bullshit fossil fuel lobby talking points – that “Mars Warming” bullshit was a dead giveaway. He earned everybody’s ridicule. Lee dedicated whole posts to his idiocy. At least Stamn had the sense to high tail it.
Then there’s you. You call me a Nazi? The Nazis called the Jews a lot of names in their day. You’re no different with people on the other side of the political fence from you. You and that loser you circle jerked with MWS called everyone here a lot of ugly names. Then Nov 2006 rolled around and hit you up side the head with the cluebat. Not that it did any good. 2006 was good year. The year all the corruption of the losers you worshiped was exposed: Abramoff, Cunningham, Ney, Safavian, Foley, Libby – on and on and on. You haven’t a learned a GD thing from all that.
Well fine, stew in your own delusions. I’m not going to bother mocking any of that crap anymore. Of course I’m going to be around Nov 2008 and if you’re still here I’m going to enjoy every minute of your right wing bullshit reaping what it has sown.
YLB – The Clueless One – We lost in 2006 because conservatism became liberalism with spending money in congress. These conservative voters stayed home. Plain and simple.
You prove what you are. Called on it you now admit you use name calling to make your flimsy points. Touche! About time you admit what you new progressive liberal types really are!
The Nazi name is regarding the mindset of removing guns from the populace like the Nazis did in the 30s. I identify the use of laws to silence the opposition with the Fairness Doctrine. I identify history repeating itself. It’s the positions you support YLB – The Clueless One. Scary huh?
Remember I support donkoinfanticide. I say let liberals abort!
Sockpuppets sure have flexible ethics.