A note to the people person sending me bullshit. First, thanks, you rule! Second, I didn’t use it, because I link to the people calling bullshit, not the actual bullshit itself, but I still love ya. Anyway, on with the post:
* You know what proves the war in Iraq is going swimmingly? Glenn Reynolds says it’s the fact that the media hates America and refuses to report all that good news. You would think they would have new shit, but I guess someone told them the old stuff didn’t stink.
* The good Glenn continues to call bullshit on the foreign policy establishment. This time he goes straight to our militarism and the fact that if you don’t think it’s totally awesome, you aren’t allowed to talk about it.
* And the last national bullshit is an extended look at Rich Lowry. Calling bullshit not only on his career and his political leanings, but frankly on his whole life and on his humanity. It’s really quite a read, but don’t start on it unless you’ve got some free time.
* Dave Reichert is taking some flack for taking some scratch from crooks. And what I want to know is why he couldn’t find any Eastside crooks. I mean Baltimore, and Alaska aren’t the only places with crooks who would be happy to bribe a Congressman, surely.
* And finally, one of my favorite local loons thinks that because the temperature in the continental U.S. was slightly warmer during the dust bowl than it was in 2005, it totally proves that the planet isn’t getting warmer.
This is an open thread.
A-bleeping-men on the relative wingnuttery status of Lowry. I would describe him more as a worthless little shitass. Something a dung beetle would roll up the hill.
Sometimes they have him on Fridays on Lehrer’s program on PBS at 6 and I think it’s deliberate to show how vacuous the right is. Kind of like when they used to have Novak on Crossfire.
I guess it’s simply a libral meedya plot.
I actually respect “honest” conservatives like Wm F. Buckley and others, but Lowry is a worthless little turd.
Gee … Dave Reichert took money from a guy who’s been indicted on 23 counts of bankruptcy and mail fraud, money laundering, obstruction of justice and perjury.
Gee … Mitt Romney made the same guy co-chair of his national finance committee.
For the last year, wingies have milked the William Jefferson scandal for all it’s worth. Jefferson, a Democrat, put $100,000 of bribe money on ice.
To put things in perspective, Reichert’s donor and Romney’s finance co-chair STOLE 320 TIMES that much.
That’s the monetary and moral equivalent of 320 crooked congressmen.
It takes 320 Democratic crooks to steal as much as 1 Republican crook.
“And finally, one of my favorite local loons thinks that because the temperature in the continental U.S. was slightly warmer during the dust bowl than it was in 2005, it totally proves that the planet isn’t getting warmer.”
The thing about 1934 is that was a mild year for hurricanes — nothing over Category 1. Nothing remotely approaching the Cat 5, 165-mph whopper that hit Mexico this weekend. Why? Because the Gulf of Mexico is a hell of a lot warmer now than it was then.
You must really love reading your own posts RR. Get a life already!!
Here’s something worthy of a whole post of its own: National Review interviews David Klinghoffer on why Seattle is a godless slum desperately in need of the Ten Commandments.