…and what’s the current “Pay Josh Feit” tally really at? I gave a bit and it didn’t change.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans are soooo 1920s.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Haugen isn’t a commie….
But McDimwit & O-blah-blah sure as hell are!
Karl Marx:
“In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life’s prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly–only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Marx sounds just like McDimwit & O-blah-blah….or rather vice-versa.
We need an O-blah-blah BIG Government Program to spread the wealth around.
No thanks.
cynical is such a fucking moron
Broadway Joespews:
Cyn, we already have a big government program spreading the wealth around. Your president started it, remember? And he’s done good with it, too. All his friends, donors and cronies have profited from his schemes.
Remember? Spreading the wealth, y’know…..
he really believes that shit…that’s what’s scary…
…typical biaw delusional bullshit.
cynical and his fellow cell members benefit from EVERY SINGLE PENNY all of us pay to support our infrastructure. our roads, our utilities, our court system…all the services a civilised society provides…but somehow…
Fucking freeloading bastards.
then the bastard crows about gaming the system…
…the despicable son-of-a-bitch.
The best example of socialism in America is the military industrial complex.
Those of us who want to gut the MIC are the true capitalists.
The Minnow reminds me of a wingnut stuck in the eighties.
He may have been a Democrat then but I’m sure he looks back on those Raygun years with deep nostalgia.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rujax! spews:
“cynical and his fellow cell members benefit from EVERY SINGLE PENNY all of us pay.”
I pay over $25,000/yr. in property taxes.
How about you?
You KLOWNS get soooooo upset when I pull the covers off Emperor O-blah-blah.
He’s a Marxist! Thanks for admitting it. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
—Karl Marx
Joe, we need to spread your wealth
—Barrack Hussein O-blah-blah
You want praise for doin’ what you’re sposed to do?
W. Klingon Skousenspews:
George Bush socialized our financial system. The Devil must have made him do it.
God is a free trader.
It seems they just took $700 billion dollars and spread the wealth to AIG. Did you know that the CEO of AIG just used tax payer dollars to go to England for a $90,000 quail hunt?
W. Klingon Skousenspews:
re 7: You know, there was more to Marx and Engels than ideology. They also have a sytematical, mathematical proof that communism will prevail because that is the only system that will afford us an opportunity to survive.
In other words, the economic MECHANISM of communism works as inevitably as you think the free market does.
I think the events of the past few months bear that out.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rujax! spews:
“You want praise for doin’ what you’re sposed to do?”
The point Senor KLOWN is that I pay waaaaaay more in taxes than you do…and you want me to pay more.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
W. Klingon Skousen spews:
“re 7: You know, there was more to Marx and Engels than ideology. They also have a sytematical, mathematical proof that communism will prevail because that is the only system that will afford us an opportunity to survive.
In other words, the economic MECHANISM of communism works as inevitably as you think the free market does.”
I wish O-blah-blah would be as upfront with those beliefs as you are!!
Too bad Cynical’s wealth is a delusion. If only it was real, then we would soon take it from him and give it to all those poor brown people he hates so much.
And they throw in Jim McDermott completely gratuitously. It even says “1989” above his photo.
In 1982, Jim was elected to his third term in the Washington State Senate.
This sort of thing that doesn’t survive well in sunlight. Getting up on HA will hopefully get it greater circulation in the local media.
Well, she HAS advocated governance reform and takeover of Sound Transit
What’s all this shit abour communists all of a sudden? I don’t get it.
I almost thought this was Goldy on the front page of the Spokesman-Review this morning:
…and what’s the current “Pay Josh Feit” tally really at? I gave a bit and it didn’t change.
Republicans are soooo 1920s.
Haugen isn’t a commie….
But McDimwit & O-blah-blah sure as hell are!
Karl Marx:
“In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life’s prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly–only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Marx sounds just like McDimwit & O-blah-blah….or rather vice-versa.
We need an O-blah-blah BIG Government Program to spread the wealth around.
No thanks.
cynical is such a fucking moron
Cyn, we already have a big government program spreading the wealth around. Your president started it, remember? And he’s done good with it, too. All his friends, donors and cronies have profited from his schemes.
Remember? Spreading the wealth, y’know…..
he really believes that shit…that’s what’s scary…
…typical biaw delusional bullshit.
cynical and his fellow cell members benefit from EVERY SINGLE PENNY all of us pay to support our infrastructure. our roads, our utilities, our court system…all the services a civilised society provides…but somehow…
Fucking freeloading bastards.
then the bastard crows about gaming the system…
…the despicable son-of-a-bitch.
The best example of socialism in America is the military industrial complex.
Those of us who want to gut the MIC are the true capitalists.
The Minnow reminds me of a wingnut stuck in the eighties.
He may have been a Democrat then but I’m sure he looks back on those Raygun years with deep nostalgia.
Rujax! spews:
“cynical and his fellow cell members benefit from EVERY SINGLE PENNY all of us pay.”
I pay over $25,000/yr. in property taxes.
How about you?
You KLOWNS get soooooo upset when I pull the covers off Emperor O-blah-blah.
He’s a Marxist! Thanks for admitting it.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
—Karl Marx
Joe, we need to spread your wealth
—Barrack Hussein O-blah-blah
You want praise for doin’ what you’re sposed to do?
George Bush socialized our financial system. The Devil must have made him do it.
God is a free trader.
It seems they just took $700 billion dollars and spread the wealth to AIG. Did you know that the CEO of AIG just used tax payer dollars to go to England for a $90,000 quail hunt?
re 7: You know, there was more to Marx and Engels than ideology. They also have a sytematical, mathematical proof that communism will prevail because that is the only system that will afford us an opportunity to survive.
In other words, the economic MECHANISM of communism works as inevitably as you think the free market does.
I think the events of the past few months bear that out.
Rujax! spews:
“You want praise for doin’ what you’re sposed to do?”
The point Senor KLOWN is that I pay waaaaaay more in taxes than you do…and you want me to pay more.
W. Klingon Skousen spews:
“re 7: You know, there was more to Marx and Engels than ideology. They also have a sytematical, mathematical proof that communism will prevail because that is the only system that will afford us an opportunity to survive.
In other words, the economic MECHANISM of communism works as inevitably as you think the free market does.”
I wish O-blah-blah would be as upfront with those beliefs as you are!!
Too bad Cynical’s wealth is a delusion. If only it was real, then we would soon take it from him and give it to all those poor brown people he hates so much.