It is sick enough to exploit the victims of child sexual abuse for political gain, but to do so based on a lie is doubly unforgivable.
The conscienceless, grandstanding bastards at the state GOP have mailed out postcards like the one above in several districts across the state, targeting Democratic legislators. This is part of a well-funded, coordinated campaign from The Speaker’s Roundtable, that includes robo-calls and TV ads. And it is both offensively exploitive and incredibly dishonest.
As I previously reported, on the first day of session the Republicans set up a procedural motion to call for a vote on a 116-page legislative package that absolutely no one had read — not prosecutors, not police officers, not victim’s advocates, not the legislators themselves — knowing full well that the Democrats would reject such an irresponsible move.
But that’s what the GOP wanted; they had their mean-spirited advertising campaign in the can, just waiting for the Dems to give them an excuse to launch it.
If the Republicans really wanted to pass some legislation on this issue they would have sat down with the Democratic leadership — which supports much of their proposal in principle — and crafted a bipartisan package. But apparently, they couldn’t give a flying fuck about the victims of sexual predation beyond how they can cynically use them for political gain.
Yeah, politics is a tough game and all. But this is really disgusting.
It’s Rovian. Now that they’ve sunk this low, there’s no turning back for them. Utter irrelevancy for another generation – or more.
The Dems should introduce a bill calling for the indefinite imprisonment of all Republicans without charges or trial, and call for an immediate floor vote before anyone has a chance to read it. Then, after the Republicans vote against it, the Democrats should launch a mail and phone campaign telling voters that Republicans are against jailing criminals!
Republican = criminal
BTW is that guy in the photo GOP Mayor Jim West?
This type of disordered thinking is becoming emblematic of the Neo-Convict Right.
“Republican” is becoming a synonym for sleazy, slimy, deceitful, and dishonest.
We should be grateful the GOP lost in our state and Olympia doesn’t reek with the corruption stinking up D.C.
Outrageous. It is little wonder the voters in this wise state repeatedly give the GOP the purple finger of shame and loss on election day.
I’m curious as to which GOP legislator posed for the photo. Any ideas?
What about it isnt true jackasses? Why wont the donks in Olympia put away predators for life? Why is there a difference in stranger rape or familial in the D legislation? That is essentially an incest allowance provision. They are weak on crime and the public has a right to know.
It does look a bit like Jim West but I can’t tell if the guy is on his knees or not, a dead giveaway it’s West if he is.
Aside from the fact that Klake is pounding his “meat” (if that’s not too grandiose a term for what he has) over getting to see the word “sexual” in print, and maybe Pathetic Republican Retard is happy the focus in his neighborhood will be on something other than the postcard the police sent out about him, is there anyone dumb enough to be anything other than amused and disgusted at how pathetic the Republicans are?
What isnt true about it? Where is the lie?
The D proposal is an incest allowance provision. Put these monsters away for life.
The reason why Rove and Co. keep on using these “swift-boating” tactics is because they tend to be pretty effective — particularly in close elections in swing and conservative-leaning districts.
The fact that these tactics are sleazy doesn’t seem to phase the Republicans. They know that voters’ memories tend to be short, and many will easily accept the meme that “everybody does it.”
This is why Goldy’s exposure of these tactics is important. The better voters (and the MSM) understand the Republicans’ MO, the more likely that they will pay for their sins electorally.
It’s extremely misleading. It’s like if the Dems introduced a bill calling for life imprisonment of terrorists and Republicans. Then after the GOP opposed it, the Dems sent out cards saying the same thing as the ones the GOP sent out.
Looks like “Mark the Redneck” to me.
Looks like some pretty fucked up shit. The Dems should just fight back, and say the GOP is for gassing the retarded. If they’re playing dirty…
I think we can just tell the truth and win. We can talk about the illegal wiretapping. We can talk about torture. We can talk about illegal search and seizure. We can talk about illegal imprisonment. We can talk about 2200 dead Americans. We can talk about 30000 dead Iraqis. We can about UBL on the loose. We can talk about the DOW. We can talk about Halliburton, and the new Medicaid plan, and Social Security, and the price of oil and the price of prescription drugs. We can talk about Katrina and New Orleans and Brownie. WE can tell the TRUTH and win. THEY will have to LIE to win.
Seems a little early in the campaigm season.
Goldy, your Drinking Liberally photos got mixed into this post….
I just listened to 1090 and one of your commie twits saying Rove released obl stuff …
you guys are equally “political” in outrageious stuff
Angry voter-
Prosecutors oppose life for offences within a family because when faced with the choice of putting a relative away forever or sweeping the offence under the rug, family members often choose the latter. Without victum testimony, you have a tough sounding law which is ineffective.
Sorry if the real would doesn’t match up with the sound bites.
angryvoter04 I am sure you are angry over the way the RepubliCONS stole the presidential election in Ohio, right?
do you have credible link for this urban legend of gop election stealing?
not KOS, but some reputable source? or
This looks like one of the “Vanilla” members of your Drink Liberally Club!
Too bad Wabbit doesn’t show up! You could have some nuts on your Vanilla Shake!
Righton @ 22
> do you have credible link for this urban legend of gop election stealing?
Would it help if I told you about my 14 hours on the ground in multiple precints in Columbus, OH that day and about the irregularities that I experienced personally? Would it help if I told you about the hearings that we sponsored or the stunning evidence that citizens from around the state uncovered? Perhaps you would like to see the actual precinct logs or the paper records from Blackwell’s office where they planned to shift voting machines out of poor districts? Maybe you would like to interview the county prosecutor who, when presented with direct evidence of broken Federal elections laws, proclaimed that “Around here, Blackwell’s word is law.”
Sadly, though, I don’t have a link for you. And my personal experience was probably biased by seeing insanely long lines in multiple precincts of poor black folks waiting to vote outside for hours in the freezing rain, while the rich suburban conservatives had five-minute waits.
But since you’re probably one of those people who is incensed about the so-called fraud in King County, why don’t you consider getting behind a real, bi-partisan (or better yet, non-partisan) voting reform act with a focus on building reliable, open-source, transparent electoral systems, rather than more of the same closed systems that allow any uneducated jerk off the street to imagine fraud where it doesn’t exist and to ignore it where it does. That’s what happens when you confuse ideology with logical thought and some decent research.
Almost anything is better than what is happening here in Washington State. Rape your daughter for 4 years, plead guilty and you will get 6 months and treatment, and then you get to go home to your daughter! No wonder it’s swept under the rug by family members, they know you’re coming back with a vengeance!
Let the punishment fit the crime, not the criminal!
By the way, there are victim’s advocates, police officers and prosecutor’s on the GOP’s side too!
Maybe Ben you would like to hear of my personal experience in this state of working at a polling place in King County. Na I didn’t think you would be interested in the number of people who walked in and did not want to vote absentee, because they wanted their vote to actually be counted this time. Na I didn’t think you would be interested in the number of people who walked in wondering where they could vote that their vote would actually be counted the way they voted it. Na I didn’t think you would be interested in the number of people who lost over 50% of their land due to Ron Sims’s land theft, with no (ZERO) property tax relief resulting, but I am telling you anyway!
Goldy, you are accusing the GOP of lying in the postcard sent out to Deb Wallace’s legislative district.
Do you know for sure that the violent sex predator portrayed on the postcard DOES NOT LIVE in Deb Wallace’s legislative district? (The GOP claim is that “This violent predator lives in your community”)
You need to verify whether or not this is true before accusing the GOP of lying. Maybe the violent sex predator actually doesn’t live in Deb Wallace’s community, and maybe the GOP has used the same violent sex predator in mailings to numerous legislative districts.
If you could verify the truth or falsity of this, and provide some evidence and proof that you have done so, your accusations might actually have some credibility.
Gs @ 26
No, please do share. I am very curious.
“What about it isnt true jackasses?”
You’re the jackass! It was a stage act. Votes are never taken on bills the first day of a legislative session. They go through committee before getting a floor vote. This was nothing but scripted grandstanding designed to set up a sleazy political hit piece. Democrats are against crime, dolt! What our state need is serious efforts to address the problem of sex predators, not people playing games for political gain. It’s yet another demonstration of how totally irresponsible Republicans are.
By the way, angryvoter04, you have nothing to be angry about. You fuckers lost. Whiner. Sore loser. Crybaby. Here’s a bird for you! (front paw extended, middle toe pointing up)
“Klake is pounding his ‘meat’ (if that’s not too grandiose a term for what he has)”
Hey, I have an idea, how about if Flaky Klaky and Mark the Redneck line up side by side, drop their drawers, and an official measurer uses a calipers to see which one has the smallest dick! We could set up a betting pool on HA.
“do you have credible link for this urban legend of gop election stealing?”
Glad to oblige.
“We have found numerous, serious election irregularities in the Ohio presidential election, which resulted in a significant disenfranchisement of voters. Cumulatively, these irregularities, which affected hundreds of thousand of votes and voters in Ohio, raise grave doubts regarding whether it can be said the Ohio electors selected on December 13, 2004, were chosen in a manner that conforms to Ohio law, let alone federal requirements and constitutional standards.”
And before you diss the Conyers report, Wrongagain, read it. We’re all tired of your ignorance.
“Too bad Wabbit doesn’t show up! You could have some nuts on your Vanilla Shake!”
I only have two nuts, but that’s two more than you have.
Republicans are ball-less, especially prr (“I’ll be there”).
Oh, and before I forget — prr is a nazi.
Roger Rabbit rarely appears at DL due to traffic problems etc.
It’s tough being a celebrity! Clamoring crowds and Homeland Security trucks follow me everywhere I go.
Ben @24
Righton is only against imaginary election fraud by Democrats. He’s in favor of real election fraud by Republicans.
Richard, you are usually much more restrained than this. You are obviously grasping. This is unforgivable behavior on the part of the GOP. Pure. Unadulterated. Bullshit.
I don’t particularly care where the miscreant portrayed lived. That is not the point, and you know it.
But in the spirit of your question, I reply–prove that you are not a child molester, Richard. The reply to a request to prove a negative is aptly another.
You shame the obvious intelligence you have demonstrated elsewhere on this board, sir.
“Almost anything is better than what is happening here in Washington State. Rape your daughter for 4 years, plead guilty and you will get 6 months and treatment, and then you get to go home to your daughter!”
Where’s the mother in this? If papa comes home, it’s because she lets him. Want to know why, Mac? Because papa is the meal ticket. If he goes away, mama and the kids can’t eat, because Republicans don’t believe in food stamps or welfare, so she has no place to turn, and no option except to let the bastard come back. Republicans are facilitating these crimes by making it impossible for mothers to pack up their kids and leave or turn the scumbag in to the law.
If you want to lock up people who rape their own kids, then be prepared to support their families.
Well, GS, I worked in the primary and general elections last fall, and of several hundred people who came to our polling place, not one expressed concerns about his or her vote being counted. But then, I wasn’t assigned to a wingnut precinct.
I suspect the real reason Stefan walked off the job at his assigned polling place is because he couldn’t stand being in the same room with all those Democratic voters!
Why are you calling that circle-jerker “sir?” Richard Pope is nothing but a shill for rightwing talking points.
He must have had a brain to get through law school, but then he got in an accident, and we now see him in his post-organ-donor condition.
It’s a riot watching the rightys trying to justify this piece of GOP political skulduggery. Says a lot about their character (i.e., lack of), doesn’t it?
In Pennsylvania polls, GOP Senator Rick Santorum continues to trail the Democratic candidate by 14 to 20 points, depending on the poll. Santorum, who has consistently polled at around 38% since last summer, appears headed for a drubbing like the ones received by George Nethercutt and David Mother Beater Irons. The bright side (for Senator Rick) is that he’s 34 points ahead of Low Tax Looper:
Write-In Candidate (Dem): 96%
Low Tax Looper (Rep): 4%
In case any of you are wondering who Low Tax Looper is, he was a Republican county assessor who ran for Tennessee state senator while under indictment for bribery and corruption. Badly trailing in the race, Looper opted for a drastic political strategy: He murdered his opponent.
Low Tax Looper is now doing life without parole in the Tennessee state pen.
Good place for that Ku Klux Klan scumbag.
I’m curious as to which GOP legislator posed for the photo. Any ideas?
Comment by Proud to be an Ass— 1/21/06 @ 2:44 pm
Knowing the left he probably is a former Seattle public school teacher. Someone has to protect them when they are out of the teachers union.
Nice try, Doofus, but lately all the criminal activity seems to be on the GOP side. The police blotter is overflowing with Republican names.
44 – That’s DOOFUS’ kind of Republican!
Proud Ass @ 39
Actually, I think I made a good point.
It is quite possible that the GOP group used the SAME violent sex predator in their mailings to ALL of the legislative districts in question.
If this is the case, Goldy could post several of these together, and point this out to everyone. And with a little more detective work, actually identify the violent sex predator in question (or show that the person wasn’t a real person).
@20 Yes, we all know that a 9 year old rape victim will testify if they are only sending him away for 15 years, but will balk if they are sending him away for 30. As if a 9 year old has any idea of the difference between 15 years and 30.
@20 Yes, we all know that a 9 year old ra_pe victim will testify if they are only sending him away for 15 years, but will balk if they are sending him away for 30. As if a 9 year old has any idea of the difference between 15 years and 30.
Everyone misses the point in the coverage of this issue and there is no in depth reporting. Hell, there isn’t even any shallow reporting.
The legislature passed 6151 in 2003 which established life as the maximum for nearly all sex offenses and put sex offenders under the jurisdiction of the Indeterminate Sentencing Review Board. So far about 800 of these folks have come into the prison system with only about 50 of those not having the potential of being in prison for the rest of their lives. 6151 came about as a result of legislators learning that civil commitment was not going to be affordable in the out years. It pretty much fixed the problem folks are thinking they need to fix today. There is no need for any new legislation on top of 6151. It is all just idiotic hysteria.
There is tons more detail to the real story of sex offender sentencing (including the low recidivism rates for sex offenders in general compared to other classes of offenders. Plus, treatment works for most of this population and is way more cost effective than locking people up longer than they need to be) but the travesty of this moment is that both parties have been sucked into this vicious vortex created by the R’s and no one can see straight.
Richard Pope @ 50
I broke this story on Vanlbog by Vanguard, ( which is the blog for the alternative newspaper I have been writing for. My publisher decided that exposing this blatant GOP sleaze tactic is more important than holding onto it until we publish this week.
Just for everyone’s information, I think people should know that the mailing only arrived in mailboxes here YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. For anyone to demand that we compare this with other mailings, when people are still gathering them is not reasonable. Through a combination of calling lots of people and some luck, I got ahold of one within hours.
I did have someone sit down and go through ALL of the Clark County Level II and Level III sex offenders (the ones there are pictures for) on the state web site. ( He found NOBODY that even remotely resembles the person in the mailer in Clark County.
I personally went through every photo of someone listed for “rape of a child” in Clark County myself today, with no matches.
Unfortunately the state doesn’t set up their search parameters on the basis of cheap-ass Republican political tricks. If you can find someone who matches the photo, post it here. I’ll gladly include it in my article, if it can be verified.
The argument over whether the person is real or not is a distraction anyway. The mailing face, which Goldy did not post, says “Sex Offender Notification.” You can see the image on flickr here;size=l or at VanBlog. Very uncool.
I’m already heard from a couple of victims of sexual assault who are furious that the Republicans would send such a mailing. They point to the emotional pain that will cause people, not to mention the confusion that ensues when ordinary folks get a mailing with an Olympia bulk mail imprint. Legislators were getting calls Friday from citizens worried that Mr. Republican Sex Offender Guy was moving in next door.
So if you want to insist on changing the subject, trying to “prove” that this guy exists, go ahead. Of course sex offenders exist. If you’ve ever been within 50 yards of a campaign you know that most images in mailings are clip art.
The public policy issue is what legislation will deal most effectively with prosecuting them.
The political issue is whether this will backfire on the GOP, and if so, how badly. There’s no nuance involved in this one. It’s a creepy, horrid thing to do.
I’m still doing work on this story, and I intend to tell as much of this sordid, sorry story as I can.
Maybe the alleged violent sex predator on the post card was fictional after all. Deb Wallace is from the 17th district, all of which is in Clark County. I searched for Level III sex offenders in Clark County:
None of the 62 Level III sex offenders in Clark County appeared to resemble the postcard fellow at all. Not only that, but the format for describing sex offenders on the official website was quite different in a number of ways from what was on the postcard.
It was disturbing, however, to see that only 34 of the 62 Level III sex offenders in Clark County had valid addresses. The other 28 folks were either “Homeless”, “Transient”, or had moved without updating their addresses.
If nearly half of the worst Level III sex offenders are homeless, the least we could do is to offer folks like them a longer period of free room and board from the state in the future …
Michael @ 51-
Cut the BS. It’s not the nine year old who makes the decision. It’s their parent who struggles with sending their brother away for life.
If you can’t think, don’t post.
the republican’s election game-plan hasn’t changed since FDR. the democrats have a slight edge and the republicans always will need more than dirty tricks to win.
they need ( and use ) election fraud. the rigged voting machines and illegal squelching of the vote will not be enough. they’re dragging out the dirty smear tactics early. it’s all about creating fear in voters.
If anyone’s likely to know about sex offending child molesters, it’s the republicans.
If anyone’s likely to know about sex offending child molesters, it’s the republicans.
Comment by LeftTurn— 1/21/06 @ 9:25 pm
How so? The teachers union and NAMBLA are left wing if anything. You couple that with the criminal coddling nature of lefties makes the democrats the proud party of the molester.
Prosecutors in this state are almost all republicans, and almost all of them oppose the republican bill. Life sentences reduce successful prosecutions. It’s all about grandstanding and lying. Pure and simple.
“@20 Yes, we all know that a 9 year old ra_pe victim will testify ….”
Michael apparently is unaware that, while children over 10 are presumed competent to testify, the judge has discretion to determine the competency of a child under 10 to be a witness; and also, that prosecutors and judges do not commonly put child rape victims on the witness stand, as a matter of protecting the child’s welfare.
But then, Michael often shoots from the hip, without knowing a damn thing about what he’s talking about.
Michael is one of those know-nothing people who likes to hear himself talk.
“If nearly half of the worst Level III sex offenders are homeless, the least we could do is to offer folks like them a longer period of free room and board from the state in the future … ”
I’m in favor of anything that will keep these people out of society for as long as possible.
Put them away for life, no chance for them to reoffend.
re 27: so ,according to your logic, republicans can lie all they want and the burden of proof is on us to prove they are lies? those days are over for republicans. i’m afraid those days went by with the winbds and rain of a certain hurricane called katrina. the president and his entire administration were exposed for the liars that all republicans are.
for instance: if protecting children is so important to republican legislators in the state of wa., why was their first salvo in this electoral year an attempt to do away with inheritance taxes for multi-millionaires?
re 57: we don’t coddle criminals. we tried to put all the criminals in reagan’s administration in jail, but pappy ( soft on criminals ) bush pardoned them all.
“In Pennsylvania polls, GOP Senator Rick Santorum continues to trail the Democratic candidate by 14 to 20 points, depending on the poll. ”
Maybe some Pennsylvanians finally googled Santorum?
I seem to remember some troll this past summer saying how great a “Santorum and Rice” ticket would be in ’08.
R. Pope @ 58 your post should have read as
“Sorry, I was completely full of shit. I was trolling for the WaGOP, and I was almost as out of line as they were in sending this horrificly misleading piece of shit mail.
I am convinced now that the Republicans of Washington state, and the USA as a whole, are complete criminal monsters, and should not only never be voted for, but should, one and all, be investigated for igh crimes. Lacking a conviction for a crime the republican should be forced to wear an “R” stamped on their forehead as a warning to the community.”
That is what you should have said @ 58
You could have a point there, I won’t argue that there are too many women stuck in that situation.
I am divorced for a reason!
Jon Devore @ 57
Wow — we posted within three minutes of each other, and obviously were writing our posts at the same time — 8:47 p.m. and 8:50 p.m.
Looks like the GOP mailing will backfire and generate a bunch of negative publicity. I can’t believe they were so stupid as to make up an alleged offender out of whole cloth. I wonder whether any of the 62 REAL Level III sex offenders listed for Clark County are quite as bad of character as the fictional fellow’s history portrays him to be.
That said, there would have been a lot of LEGITIMATE criticisms available for the Democrats, that could have been properly presented.
First, the Democrats want to have a “Friends and Family” discount for sex offenders, similar to the MCI “Friends and Family” discount for telephone services. You get a seven year sentence (out in about six years) if you know the victim, or even just six months if you have sex offender therapy, while you get 30 years (out in about 25 years) if your victim was a stranger.
Second, the GOP could have ACCURATELY pointed out that Clark County has 28 dangerous Level III sex offenders, who either don’t have an actual address (i.e. homeless, transient) or moving without providing an updated address. These 28 REAL offenders have to be much scarier than the FAKE GOP offenders, and something could be made of Deb Wallace refusing to put folks like that behind bars for longer sentences.
The morning paper says McGavick is calling for a new era of civility.
Is this it?
I’m surprised it hasn’t been pointed out that this is almost exactly like the KC voter registration challenges. Not interested in fixing problems, just in PR campaigns.
Are these guys interested in governing the state, or just getting jobs and gravy trains? Damn it.
The GOP needs to tear itself apart and start again from the ground floor. Their corruption is endemic.
re 74: if republicans are going to insist on mandatory hard-time jail sentences for such harmless things as drug possession, i guess there won’t be much room for the likes of child molesters.
Dear Richard @ 74:
Looks like the GOP mailing will backfire and generate a bunch of negative publicity. I can’t believe they were so stupid as to make up an alleged offender out of whole cloth.
Why you find this stupidity incomprehensible is startling.
Looks like the GOP mailing will backfire and generate a bunch of negative publicity.
I certainly hope so. That should end it. The rest of your post is factually incorrect and a smear. What’s new?
Hey Richard — you’re a lawyer, right? Just out of curiousity, how many cases have you prosecuted? How many sex crimes? If the answer is zero, why don’t you just shut the hell up?
re 78: it is not a prerequisite in the reality based community to posses a law degree in order to have a reasonable and informed opinion that is respected by all. the law degree is necessary in the non-reality based republican community, because then you can spout unrealistic swill and remind people that the swill is the opinion of a licensed attorney and therefore deserves respect.
Can’t put anything past the GOP. I plan to bring this up at the next neighborhood meeting, as this sleazy mailer affects everyone. Email the Clark County repug committee and the state repug’s committee expressing your distaste about this. Do not use profane words when doing this, as profanity will give them another weapon to try and use.
I don’t think emailing the sheriffs office will do any good, they are understaffed and over worked they way it is, although it might help. Attend your neighborhood meeting and discuss this, because people need to know that it is a sleazy scare tatic to scare people into not voting for Rep. Wallace (in Clark County).
With the DNA testing done today, any person convicted (by DNA)should not have to spend time in jail at the taxpayers expense. They should be taken out and excuted after the jury says “guilty”. A .22 round cost about $0.025 and prison cost’s around $40,000 per year. What a tax savings this would be.
Richard, I can think of several reasons why a stranger might be considered a greater threat to the community than a family member:
1. Whereas a relative usually preys only on one or two specific family members, a stranger is more likely to search for random victims,
2. Whereas a relative usually commits a crime of opportunity, a stranger is more likely to be a methodical criminal,
3. A stranger is more likely to commit crimes of violence, incuding kidnapping and murder, against his victims.
In other words, Richard, there is a difference between someone who molests someone he knows, and someone who abducts random victims.
“The morning paper says McGavick is calling for a new era of civility.”
He needs to run as a Democrat if he wants to do that, because civility is not part of the GOP playbook.
“Deb Wallace refusing to put folks like that behind bars”
Richard, I second Proud’s comment @77 that this is a load of crap! The GOP ploy was a cheap stunt that undermines real legislative action. It demonstrates that Republicans are not serious about dealing with sex predators.
“re 78: it is not a prerequisite in the reality based community to posses a law degree in order to have a reasonable and informed opinion that is respected by all. the law degree is necessary in the non-reality based republican community, because then you can spout unrealistic swill and remind people that the swill is the opinion of a licensed attorney and therefore deserves respect.”
I wanted to be a lawyer since I was a little bunny, because I thought lawyers were very smart! My family has been here for millennia, and I was the first in my family to become a lawyer, and also the first rabbit admitted to the Washington bar! There were doubters … some people said, “rabbits can’t be lawyers; they’re not smart enough to be lawyers.” Well, let me tell you, if that’s so then humans aren’t smart enough to be lawyers either! Richard is proof that you don’t have to be very smart to be a lawyer! In fact, some human lawyers are so dumb, I’m convinced the bar must have affirmative action for humans. Any idiot can be a human lawyer — right, Richard?
WOW — Democrats are such obtuse assholes. I point out that the GOP used a FAKE sex offender for its political mailings, and it is the DEMOCRATS who want to rip me a new asshole (and not the Republicans).
Rabbit, et al, ben?
I honestly asked for a link about GOP stealing Ohio. All i got was some left wing link from Roger (go read their stuff, it ain’t independent) and Ben’s anecdotal talking points…
anything in say time, newsweek, nytimes, la times. Of course best would be something from the WSJournal :)
5 black Republicans in Ohio were convicted of slashing Democrat tires on election day!!! [Oh, they were black Democrats in WIS……Never mind!]
Good place for that Ku Klux Klan scumbag.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 1/21/06 @ 7:54 pm [RR, Are you talking disrespectful about Robert Byrd???]
“I honestly asked for a link about GOP stealing Ohio. All i got was some left wing link from Roger (go read their stuff, it ain’t independent) and Ben’s anecdotal talking points…”
Your ploy’s not gonna work, dude. The Conyers report contains FACTS, and you can’t rationalize those FACTS away. By your logic, we shouldn’t believe a fucking thing any Republican says, just because a Republican said it.
Come to think of it …
ah, some more intellectual comments from the Juvenile Castrated Heathen.
roger et al
So you have zip on Ohio; surely the NY Times must have some damning expose.
Or do you live in Daily KOS land…?
re 57: we don’t coddle criminals. we tried to put all the criminals in reagan’s administration in jail, but pappy ( soft on criminals ) bush pardoned them all.
Comment by clay shaw— 1/21/06 @ 11:11 pm
You must be on crack. Tell all those people how well the liberal Seattle police force protected them during the Mardi Gras fiasco a couple years back. Why do we have to fucking go over recent history with you donks like a broken record.
RUFUS, the only thing broken around here are your talking points. The same barage of garbage day in and day out from YOUR side of the tracks
Can we see the flip side of this postcard? I want to see the part where it says paid for by GOP. If it does they’ve really put their foot in it this time.
we tried to put all the criminals in reagan’s administration in jail,
Yeah you fucking did, this must be one of the all time dumbest thing I have ever heard. Liberals tough on crime
The Clinton adminstration and Janet Reno not only let crime happen they participated in it. Liberals tough on crime
I agree; we liberals have gone too easy on you Republicans.
Yeah, your lies dont work anymore. It is harder than ever to falsly accuse a republican now since there is a new media. Learn to live with it cuz were not going away!
Really RUFUS, we do not have to accuse any RepubliCONS anymore. Your recent history is as bad as it can get. All of your heroes will fall to the wayside as each one of them ‘cops’ a plea and ‘squeals like a pig’
By the way RUFUS, looks like your ‘IDOL, GWB’ has a habit of giving himself ‘blackeyes’. Yesterday the Whitehouse spokesman said that GWB had never met Abramoff. Today we see 5 photos of the two inimate ‘felon’s to be’ together.
“Reports have said the White House was hunting for photos of Bush and Abramoff to keep a damaging image from surfacing in a scandal that’s already tainted ex-Majority Leader Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) and Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio).
Sources told the Washingtonian Abramoff knew Bush well enough that the President knew the names of Abramoff’s kids and the pair chatted about both being parents of twins.”
Hey, that photo might just me Michael. Does anyone have a current photo of that troll?