Once upon a July day, Washington Republican leaders were haunted by thoughts of lady parts making baby parts with capitalist intent.
“We will investigate this outrage of endometrial entrepreneurship!”, they cried from the belfry.
The scrivener issued a clarifying scroll, “Yes, we believe in free markets, unless a uterus is involved. And then we demand Big Government Regulations”
So they hatched a bold plan to use Collective Action to get the job done:
Thirty-four Republican state representatives have asked state Attorney General Bob Ferguson to investigate whether Planned Parenthood affiliates in the state have illegally profited from the sale of fetal body parts.
The leaders waited as General Ferguson’s investigation underwent a months-long gestation. They would take the fruits borne of this disquisition, parade the findings before the masses, take them apart and serially disseminate them in pursuit of political contributions.
But the fruits were bitter and cruel to the union of uterine-overseers. There was no nourishment to be had for their War on Women™.
In a 48-page report, Attorney General Bob Ferguson rejected claims that Planned Parenthood has performed partial-birth abortions or that any of its clinics sell fetal tissue for profit “rather than simply recovering costs.”
“We found no indication that procedures performed by Planned Parenthood are anything other than performance of a legally authorized medical procedure,” Ferguson wrote in his report.
Ferguson’s findings are particularly important because Washington is one of only two states where a Planned Parenthood clinic allows women to donate fetal tissue to medical research. The report is a result of a four-month investigation, which was requested by state Republican leaders.
There was no endometrial entrepreneurship to be found in the lands. The report was barren and lifeless. Their plans to sew the seeds of discontent and grow their coffers would have to be aborted.
“Surely, the investigation has overlooked something.”
“We’ll keep looking and root out endometrial entrepreneurship yon.”
More than a dozen other states have also ended investigations of Planned Parenthood without finding any illegal or suspicious activity.
“Inconceivable”, some bellowed.
“Unbearable findings”, others howled.
“More investigation!,” one cried.
“Yes…More investigation!”, another.
And they satisfied themselves by repeating the chant in rhythm, until their distant leaders took their cause.
Congressional leaders have announced their own probe into the organization, which consists of about a dozen members from both parties.
They were, once again, filled with great hope of finding endometrial entrepreneurship, but only so that they could properly abhor it. And plant the seeds of fundraising.
And so it goes.
Nicely done!
Republicans don’t let facts get in the way of fundraising and votes
The GOP can’t exist without scapegoats and demons.
It’s TRUE! Obummer IS giving the country to the ChiComs!
They are going to overrun the other Washington. Jade Helm FEMA, YAAAAARRRRGH!
Have the Republicans proposed throwing women who are pregnant into prison if they test positive for drugs to protect the baby. It’s their way to combat the heroin epidemic. Which has nothing to do with our successful policies in Afghanistan.