The most disturbing tidbit from yesterday’s airplane terror attempt:
Although transportation officials had not announced new security measures yet, Air Canada said the Transportation Security Agency would make significant changes to the way passengers are able to move about on aircraft. During the final hour of flight, customers will have to remain seated, will not be allowed access to carry-on baggage and cannot have personal belongings or other items on their laps, according to a notice on Air Canada’s Web site.
In effect, that means passengers on flights of about 90 minutes or less will not be able to get out of their seats, since they are not allowed to move about while an airplane is climbing to its cruising altitude.
Air Canada also told its United States bound customers that they would be limited to a single carry-on item and that they would be subjected to personal and baggage searches at security check points and in the gate area. It said this would result in significant delays, canceled flights and missed connections.
As if passengers aren’t already terrorized enough by the airlines as it is.
Of course, the most effective air travel security measure is to discourage people from traveling by air, so I guess at least in that sense, such an over-reaction would be effective.
Boy, you said it! Ain’t this the trooooth:
Of course, the most effective air travel security measure is to discourage people from traveling by air, so I guess at least in that sense, such an over-reaction would be effective.
If this occurs it will be a huge over reaction.
At times it will not be enforceable. My father was a pilot for several years for a small commuter airline. Their airplanes had no toilets. Every so often passengers would walk off the plane handing air sickness bags filled with urine to the flight attendants. One time, one of my dad’s fellow pilots had to wash crap off the side of the airplane walls.
If the TSA does this, this will happen all the time.
Prepare for the guy next to you to piss his pants.
The purchase of a Stadium Pal would help with those long waits.
Stadium Pal
Thank God for the heroic passenger who wrestled that attempted MURDERER into submission.
I’m sure glad we have Barry Obam-mao as our Kommander-in-Chief…fully in command of talking down these terrorists.
You KLOWNS would be the first ones screeching if something happened, wouldn’t you?
Oh yeah, probably not…that would mean criticizing Barry Obam-Mao, the junior messiah.
BTW, here is what one of your own just said..House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss.
Is this caused by Obam-Mao’s systematic breakdown of our intelligence and security systems??
From 2001-2008, you KLOWNS were quick to point out that in these matters, the buck stops with the President.
Are you blaming this on Bush too??
Every month, Obama owns more & more of the Economy & Defensie issues….
He is now the owner by a majority.
Why has Obam-Mao failed America again??
Conservatives love to gripe about a presumed love for nanny government on the part of liberals; but it’s the conservatives who wet their pants every time some nitwit tries to set their shoe or their lap on fire. In a sane world people would be laughing at idiots like Richard Reid and now this latest moron, not terrorized by them. And, for the love of Pete, they wouldn’t be making stupid new rules like the ones the post mentions.
At this point, the terrorists don’t even have to blow up anything to win.
@6 – Could you possibly be any stupider? Obama hasn’t “broken down” anything; but that doesn’t stop you from calling him juvenile names and spewing nonsense.
@2 Looks like astronauts aren’t the only people who will fly with Depends!
@5 – @7 Maybe it’s time to remind people of what a bang-up (pun definitely intentional) job the GOP’s organ grinder monkey did:
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject [i.e., terrorism] for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So what was high on their priority list? Why, tax cuts for millionaires, of course!
Where? Believe me, I’ve asked myself this same question. But there just are no conservative trolls who aren’t certifiably stupid. It’s a snipe hunt.
I suppose we’ll need to wait on further details, but when did setting yourself on fire become a scary attack?
As if we don’t already have enough security theater.
Too bad the heroic guy who saved the plane is from Amsterdam and is in the film business.
If only instead he were a Joe Six-pack, the Republicans could have hired him in 2012 to write candidate Palin/Beck’s foreign policy and tour with them on the hate-in circuit:
too funny
Air travel, as currently done, is over once $80 is the floor for a barrel of oil. I hope they don’t plug a bunch more G’mnt money into the airlines.
While we are enjoying the benefits of more security theater as a result of this a__hole’s attempt at self emulation, you may want to read this
@16 You and I have known that all along. It was always intended only to make wingnut fools feel safer when they boarded with the free tickets they got from their credit card rewards after spending themselves into bankruptcy at Circuit City.
@16 that would be “immolation” if as I assume you meant setting one’s self ablaze.
What’s really scary: an incredibly small % of cargo (air and otherwise) is scanned, cuz it’s bad for business, doncha know.
It’s all a show, grew to hate it in my previous life (on travel 26+ weeks a year after 2001) and will do most anything not to fly now.
Fucking chimpster and shooter need to be butt fucked to death.
Cyn, the flight didn’t originate in the US…
The Obama admin. has caught and is putting on trial quite a few terrorists. Please note that, most of the people doing the actual catching and putting on trial are the same folks that were doing this in the Bush Admin.
The wingnuts are already trying to twist the truth and make political hay.
@14–A Plus!
What’s strange to me is that, from what I understand, these new measures would not have prevented this guy, who had the device strapped to his leg.
If they started making everyone take their pants off, at least it would be logically connected.
Can someone explain the ‘last hour’ rule? I just don’t get it. Couldn’t the baddies just do their evil deed a little earlier?
Is this because the last guy did it in the last hour? Why don’t we find out what color shirt he wore, and ban that color too.
I don’t see how disallowing people from standing up is going to do anything. Wouldn’t the presumed terrorist just blow up the plane at some other time?
The problem with most terrorists, the ones we catch at least, is that they thing ideologically, not tactically.
The highly trained badasses that we see in the movies and that the DHS would like us to believe they are after don’t really exist. Or at least they don’t care about jihad or blowing up civilian jetliners.
Worse yet, those 90 minute flights will only show the movie The Pelican Brief.
Chances are WE WILL overreact just like Air Canada. Almost all of the TSA garbage is crap and wouldn’t prevent anyone from hiding or transporting items onto a plane to do their terrorist deeds. All these things ever do is make the traveler’s travel even more miserable than it would be otherwise.
I suppose that is the real goal of terrorists, to make our stupid airlines and TSA do the terrorizing for them.
@7, he will never “own” 9/11/2001.
While you leftists pooh-pooh terrorists with pithy sayings, they are still trying to kill you anyway they can. Witness your Pro-Palestinian commentary while they use terrorism against Israel. While the war on terrorism is over per YOUR president, it’s an Overseas Contingency Operation, they are still trying to kill you anyway they can. While you laugh at Al Qaeda, they still want to kill you and it seems YOUR president hasn’t brought peace to the world after all.
Explosive smelling dogs could have run up and down the aisles and probably sniffed out the Nigerian. Or Kofi could have been used. Place him at a point in the line in a box and watch his movements. Animals have a much better sense of smell. Of course this excludes HA Dumb Bunny, Roger Dumb Bunny. See his pellet explode below…
Roger Dumb Bunny is trying his Blumenthal commentary again. Puddy will use Roger Cressey again…
First Richard Clarke himself.RICHARD CLARKE: Actually, I’ve got about seven points, let me just go through them quickly. Um, the first point, I think the overall point is, there was no plan on Al Qaeda that was passed from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration…
So, point five, that process which was initiated in the first week in February, uh, decided in principle, uh in the spring to add to the existing Clinton strategy and to increase CIA resources, for example, for covert action, five-fold, to go after Al Qaeda.
Roger Cressey told the NY Times something totally different Roger Dumb Bunny…
Puddy already exploded Sidney Blumenthal out of the water.
Butt Puddy already told the world all about Blumenthal from HuffPo. Roger Dumb Bunny forgets this…
Butt there’s more about Blumenthal which Roger Dumb Bunny forgets direct from Salon…
All links provided before by Puddy… Ask ylb arschloch for the posts. He provides a free backup server to Goldy.
Keep using Blumenthal Roger Dumb Bunny and Puddy will remind the world time after time of how useless he is starting with Roger Cressey. Remember Richard Clarke was a terrorism adviser while Roger Cressey was Director for Transnational Threats.
From ABC News…
Well Mr Abdulmutallab, there are no terrorists anymore. The war on terrorism ended when a “special anointing occurred” 1/20/2009. It became an Overseas Contingency Operation.
Um… Obama’s pointed out that there are terrorists and they are trying to kill us on more than one occasion, including while accepting the Nobel Peace Prize.
The Obama Admin. gave Yemen info and help for its air-strike last week. And then there’s that matter of putting the detainees in GITMO on trial and the folks our special forces killed in Somalia and David Coleman Headley.;pos=8
My list could go on and on Puddy, give it up.
The fact-O-the-matter is that 99% of the people doing anti-terrorism work are the same folks that were doing it in the Bush admin and that their jobs probably haven’t changed much, just like our jobs don’t change much when we get a new boss. It’s like The Who said: meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
‘….the most effective air travel security measure is to discourage people from traveling by air….’
But Goldy, that would mean you won’t fly home to Philly next time Mommy buys you a plane ticket!
And kudos to the brave soul that wrestled this asshole down. Certainly would not have happened with most of the pansy assed libtardos I know. Goldy would have shrieked in that pre-pubescent voice of his and hid behind a seat. Good grief!
After getting his ASS handed to him with his Overseas Contingency Operation commentary. Ever read Stratfor? Get some intelligence!
See #14
The thing had already gone off and had given the terrorist severe burns before the guy tackled him anyway. It doesn’t sound like he prevented anything worse from occurring. But, that’s all after the fact armchair quarterbacking, so yeah, big ups to the Dutch documentary film maker who tackled the guy.
Obama’s message and actions have been consistent from his is campaign until now.
I have a job and a half, elderly parents that I help out, a niece I’m helping raise, and a bicycle I like to ride. I don’t have time to read stratford or to sit in front of a computer all day typing nonsense in third person, most of which probably never gets read.
And like I said before, most government employees that are actually doing the work carry on at their jobs regardless of who’s in the White House.
Really Puddy, you should get a life.
Could you imagine how sick in the head one would have to be to be defending Bush, and complaining about Obama. We need a better class of trolls here I say. Hear hear!
@31, so I take it Piddly that Obama received a memo saying someone was determined to attack America, and neglected to even have a meeting to discuss maybe some day attempting to possibly think about defending our country? You know, just like the last president, Mr. Mushroom Cloud, The Lying Chimp.
I bet the thought of invading another country that is no threat to America, and borrowing another 3 trillion from China to pay for it is what you dream of right. Keepin’ Merica Safe! (spit) (fart) (drool)
Better to fight them over there (where they are not at) than here right Piddly?
Piddly, go stick your head back into the sand. Some oxygen is getting close to your pea brain.
Hey Factless…
Let’s go over the facts above. RICHARD CLARKE said:
Damn Factless, you are stupid…
The rest of your post is worthless and factless as always.
Really Mike?
“OMB says: ‘This Administration prefers to avoid using the term “Long War” or “Global War on Terror” [GWOT]. Please use “Overseas Contingency Operation.'”
NUFF Said Sucka!
Or is this dull tool more your liking Piddly?
Senator John McCain in 2003 says we can just “muddle through in Afghanistan.”
So, how is that muddling through coming along? 2 3 4 5 trillion more in Afghanistan? Were loaded right? Calling China!
I give Obama 8 years to START to clean up 8 years of the Bush Crime Family’s carnage, wars, and messes, much less 30 years of Reagan’s Trickle Down fantasy based economic policy based on greed de-regulation, and helping the top 1% rape and pillage.
Really Mike?
“As Obama smoothed his message for a national audience, some commentators began to accuse him of blindly accepting the Bush ‘narrative’ of a war on terrorism. Robert Scheer argued that:”
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Factless AKA Feckless,
Puddy supplied Richard Clarke’s 2002 comments. When the Dummocrapts got to him he “changed his tune”. Sorry Feckless, you can’t use RC anymore. Good try though!
The rest of your post is irrelevant feckless psychobabble as always.
#36, I watched Clinton, and Gore both say the number one thing the Bush gang would have to concentrate on was protecting America from Al Qaeda. And Bush listened right? And what was Clarke’s other 6 points? Oh, that’s right. Ignored too.
#37 It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize you can’t go to war against a tactic.
I guess your plan would be to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people, spend trillions of borrowed from China dollars making the world hate America to keep us safe right?
And Piddly calls me stupid….
“no plan on Al Qaeda that was passed from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration” Of course Piddly nothing was passed along. Bush ignored everything he was told. Clarke was right. Duh.
Apparently you can’t read…
And previously posted…
Too bad this fool Feckless can’t read…
@39 Really, Puddy?
From the article you linked to:
Last I checked, those were still high on Obama’s list.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to help my niece with her homework.
Michael, instead of accepting the facts he picks on the site. All the links are provided Michael.
See ya!
@#7 – Obama-Mao hasn’t failed anyone, you have seemed to fail yourself. If you ever succeeded in life you wouldn’t be so bitterly angry and an ass.
@33 Obama’s message and actions have been consistent from his is campaign until now.
What planet are you living on? Progressives IN PARTICULAR are livid, having come to the SLOW realization that they’ve been duped:
Obama Double-Crossed Progressives on Health Care
Obama’s Biggest Broken Promise: The One On Special Interests
New Ad Shows President Obama’s Broken Health Care Promises, In His Own Words
Obama’s progressive supporters unhappy over broken promises, rightward turn
In fact, these days Obama is just as likely to catch it from the left as the right.
Of course, some people are STILL in denial – just like they were when they first bought the smooth campaign rhetoric, hook, line, and sinker.
Obam-Mao ignored the warning of the terrorists father!!
Obam-Mao was too busy making worthless speeches and appearing on Letterman and Leno…enthralled with his own FLEETING fame
Cyn, you need help.
That said, yet another reason why I prefer to drive rather than fly. Nobody searches you on the road unless you do something really, really stupid in front of a cop. All you have to do is budget your time accordingly.
@23 If they had any brains they wouldn’t be terrorists in the first place. I suspect some of them are just in it for notoriety.
@27 “While you leftists pooh-pooh terrorists with pithy sayings, they are still trying to kill you anyway they can.”
We’ll take solace from the fact they’re trying to kill you, too.*
* Just kidding! Don’t take it personally, pudnutz — it’s just business. Funny business, that is, as in ‘wingnut joke.’ Har har har har har har har!
@27 “he just alerted Iran and Syria and Hezbollah to the fact their activities are being monitored”
… and up until now they thought their activities weren’t be monitored.
[hysterical bunny laughter in background]
@27 (continued) You linked to FOX NOISE trying to discredit Blumethal??!! Snort!! That’s rich!!!
@36 You’re right, there was no plan passed from the Clinton administration to the Busheviks. You can’t pass on a plan, or a strategy, or anything else, to people who aren’t interested in anything you have to say and refuse to give you the time of day. That, dearest piddlywinks, was Blumenthal’s point. But you’re too stupid to understand it.
Factoid: When the popular Christmas movie ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ came out in 1947, someone in Hollywood reported it to the FBI as “communist propaganda” because it allegedly portrayed bankers in a bad light.
Yep Roger Dumb Bunny and they dissed Blumenthal BIG TIME. So did Huff Po, and Salon and the NY Times. Puddy referred you to these sites before. You, being the moronic memory addled dumb bunny forget these facts so you whip out Blumenthal and Puddy whips out the facts destroying Blumenthal.
See ya Dumb Bunny. Sucks to be you. Stay stupid!
Really Roger Dumb Bunny? Roger Cressey and Richard Clarke said otherwise! Where is the corroborating documentation to Blumenthal’s claim? You keep whipping this shit out all the time while the terrorism people say the opposite.
See ya Dumb Bunny. Sucks to be you. Stay stupid!
Cynical: They’ve been watching this guy for TWO years.
I guess it’s all George Bush’s fault.
Form where I sit, and it’s many time zomes away where a foreign tongue is spoken, it seems that the system worked to the point where a disturbed person was able to mount an ineffective effort after boarding at a foreign airport.
And our trolls see that as evidence of massive failure?
” During the final hour of flight, customers will have to remain seated, will not be allowed access to carry-on baggage and cannot have personal belongings or other items on their laps”
Oh thank GOD they are doing this…I mean…We really will have a better lock down on those terrorists. We have them figured out so well that we know that they’ll only act in the final hour of a flight…
++scratches head++ “Now if we could only do something about those pesky watches”
“NAPOLITANO: Right now, that is part of the criminal justice investigation that is ongoing, and I think it would be inappropriate to speculate as to whether or not he has such ties.
What we are focused on is making sure that the air environment remains safe, that people are confident when they travel. And one thing I’d like to point out is that the system worked.”
Uh OH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a major mis-statement, which will likely NOT come back to bite her or the administration. The media will give the administration a pass…..again…..
I doubt that, that kind of info would make it to any president. It was probably lost in the shuffle by people who’ve worked for both Bush and Obama.
Actually Puddy, what I did was use facts from the site you provided a link to, to show that you were wrong.
And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get ready to go to work.
Wrong again Michael. YOUR president tried to triangulate last October and the far leftist progressive pinheads complained. Link there in
Looks like Puddy@27 was right again about PETN and using bomb sniffing dogs.
“Crippin and law enforcement officials said modern airport screening machines could have detected the chemical. Airport “puffer” machines – the devices that blow air onto a passenger to collect and analyze residues – would probably have detected the powder, as would bomb-sniffing dogs or a hands-on search using a swab.”
Um, no. What I said was that Obama has been consistent. What I showed was that Obama has been consistent when it come to small arms proliferation and nuclear weapons.
PS. We’re not laughing with you, we’re laughing at you.
PPS. You really should find something better to do with your life than sit in front of a computer all day typing comments that are read by 10 people max, all of which think you’re an idiot.