I’m not prepared to argue with the main thesis of Alicia Mundy’s piece in the Seattle Times today, which posits that the US Senate Republican caucus is moving even further to the right in the wake of Sen. Trent Lott’s retirement.
This year, when Senate Republicans dropped into the minority, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Lott and their caucus began losing control to four conservative members with clout among several large and vocal interest groups — John Kyl of Arizona, Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Jim DeMint of South Carolina and John Cornyn of Texas.
[…] Coburn, for instance, has held up many bills that involve earmarks and new spending. One, worth about $7 million over the next few years, would increase regulations on pool makers because of accidental deaths of children attributed to pool drains.
Kyl and his allies also strongly oppose issues related to birth control and stem-cell research, infuriating Murray.
On Thursday, Kyl was elected to take Lott’s place in January, as the new No. 2, the enforcer. He told Roll Call that he “can’t be a patsy.”
Are Kyl, Coburn, DeMint and Cornyn really further to the right of Lott, who infamously claimed that “we wouldn’t have had all these problems over all these years,” had Strom Thurmond been elected president in 1948, running on a segregationist platform? Well, maybe, and Mundy certainly deserves credit for raising the question. But her closer… oy:
That leads to the question: How does a legislative caucus function with an ideologically driven group in the driver’s seat?
Democrats have grappled with that themselves.
Really? The Democratic caucus has grappled with an ideologically driven group in the driver’s seat? And when exactly was that? Surely Mundy’s not implying that Sen. Harry Reid operates as a liberal ideologue, or that the House Democratic caucus under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and Rahm Emmanuel has in any way pandered to the liberal extreme of the party?
Of course, I guess centrism can be as much an ideology as the radical neo/theo conservatism that drives the likes of Kyl and Coburn, but it is this kind of media obsession with equivalency that ends up distorting the political debate, and driving our policies ever further toward the right. If “Democrats have grappled with” the same sort of “ideologically driven group,” readers might logically conclude then that Democrats must be as ideologically extreme. It is in this way that Mundy’s lazy attempt at balance achieves the opposite, branding by inference Reid and Pelosi’s relatively centrist agenda as equally “ideological”.
The fact is, Kyl and Coburn are extremists who don’t represent the mainstream of American political thought, whereas polls show that the majority of voters consistently align with Democrats on the majority of issues. To imply equivalency only serves to enable this right-wing fringe.
extremists only to koolaid drinkers like you— which is why the democrap candidates are running from you assholes and attempting to quote the Bible every chance they get. We are all still anxiously, hopefully waiting for the day they quote the Bible then spontaneously combust… kinda like your
blue waveoily puddle of uselesspoliticianspower hungry thugs.2:
Idiot. Whiner. Wanker. Useless. Impotent. Republican.
Which of those words is not like the other?
NONE! They all describe you perfectly, and they all mean the exact same thing.
Abraham Lincoln is spinning in his grave at what you’ve done to his party.
Ms. Mundy is utterly clueless. As is most of our MSM.
If we’d had today’s MSM 70 years ago, they’d have “balanced” their coverage of FDR’s New Deal with fawning praise of Hitler’s Third Reich.
The reason the whole notion of “balance” is a fraud is because ideas are not equal.
WingNut (TM) Psychoanalyzes Roger Rabbit
Here’s a fun little item I stumbled onto a couple days ago … one of our thin-skinned transient trolls got more than he bargained for when he stumbled into HA’s comment threads. http://donsobservs.blogspot.co.....chive.html
It wasn’t the democrats who let Osama escape Tora Bora. It wasn’t Bill in the White House on 9/11. It wasn’t the democrats who declared “mission accomplished” four years ago. It wasn’t the Democrats who burned the interogation tapes of Zubayduh snitching out Saudi Arabia. It wasn’t a Democratic President who kissed the Saudi King on the cheek after Zubayduh confessed.
The Republicans succeeded in winning the White House the last two elections. Unfortunately, for some on this blog, that is all that matters, like it is some spectator sport for them.
As the troops die in Iraq, as the dollar burns worldwide, as our Constitution is looked upon as an incovenience at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, dumbass trolls act as the electronic fiddle that gets played by our Nero as America melts down.
Fuck you, Assholes!!
Right. This is exactly the kind of fear-based, clueless writing that’s made media complicit in the assault on democracy and our physical & economic security that now has us in such a mess. This kind of sly, nearly invisible obfuscation that happens everywhere in the so-called liberal media is even worse than the crazed right-wing garbage because it sounds so reasonable. It’s poison.
Come on, folks. Congressional oversight is so 20th Century…
Crushing the conservative political monster will take time and constant effort.
George W. Bush is not our elected president. He is the figurehead of a fascist cabal.
When someone tells me that ‘trickle down’ is good economic policy, I ask them for all their money.
They explain that it’s only effective if it’s given to those already wealthy.
Proud To Be An Ass says: “As is most of our MSM.”
Was this a brain fart or an accidental truth?
Thanks for truth PTBAA
Hey Leadlice Loocie (TM) keep thinking that 24/7. Keep swimming upstream 24/7 even when the mainstream MSM said otherwise.
Goldy: When Pelletizer (TM) placed this article up I suggested the following: “The left has ideologues all over Congress from the Moonbat! wing, to the Nancy Pelosi Freakazoids, to the Blue Dog Conservatives to the Charlie Rangel build me my monument.”
I would like to amend this to say: The left has ideologues all over Congress from the Moonbat! Markos Moulitas wing, to the Nancy Pelosi Freakazoids of San Francisco, to the Blue Dog Conservatives to the Charlie Rangel build me my monument.
But the ideologues of the Left are nowhere near as hateful as those of the Right. Blatant homophobia, misogyny, and racism. And let’s see, oh yes, all those Xtian fundies who’d rather kill you than listen to an opposing point of view. You can raise Byrd all you want, but he did see the error of his ways, oddly enough at about the same time the GOP made the concerted effort to curry the favor of Byrd’s former colleagues in hoods, robes and granny dresses.
The Left sees the real world for what it is, that life admits errors, allows for growth and change, and accepts differences.
The Right demands blind obedience. Simple as that.
Puds, I no longer question your views. Instead, I question whether or not you are human anymore. I see your posts, and I’m reminded of Bruce Willis telling the cops in ‘The Fifth Element’, “I am a meat popsicle”.
Blind obedience has its price. That price is your soul, and the bill becomes due on Nov. 4, 2008.
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BJ@16: Please place a URL where “all those Xtian fundies who’d rather kill you than listen to an opposing point of view.”
Where did I raise Robert 3 Sheets to the Wind KKK I got my $$$Billion in Earmarks Byrd?
The Left sees the real world for what it is, that life admits errors, allows for growth and change, and accepts differences.
What a crock. If you disagree with GLA or GLADD or their friends you are attacked. Apparently their gay gene blinds them to differences. Yeah, Mike Moore, Kos, and others celebrate the differences!
The Right demands blind obedience. Simple as that.
More crock. We have Arnold, Rudy, Mitt, Mike and others. You have to jackboot goosestep to the pro-life crowd for instance or you can’t speak at the democrat convention.
Puds, I no longer question your views. Instead, I question whether or not you are human anymore. I see your posts, and I’m reminded of Bruce Willis telling the cops in ‘The Fifth Element’, “I am a meat popsicle”.
Yes you are that meat popsicle. Double entendre intended. Did you see the pictures from the latest San Francisco Gay Pride parade? These are Nancy Pelosi’s Freakazoids. You call that human? Anal sex in front of young kids on public streets? Public Whippings. Women wearing bridles like horses? Women being led in chains? Other public orgy events? Do a search on it BJ. Those are your side.
You see I knew this about Planned Parenthood. I know you didn’t read the article I posted so here read this and tell me who isn’t human:
“The decimation of the black community through abortion has come at the hands of abortion providers like Planned Parenthood, and the destruction is in part the consequence of the vision of Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger. Through campaigns like the “Negro Project” Sanger and her compatriots in the birth control movement of the 1920s and ’30s convinced leaders in the black community that limiting black families through birth control would enable them to pull themselves out of poverty. Explained Denise, “Back in the 1930s, as it is today, the pulpit was the base of influence in the black community. The Negro Project was designed to use black clergy to sell the idea of birth control to the rest of the African-American community. Sanger convinced black pastors that the way for the black community, which was poor and largely uneducated, to get ahead was to limit their numbers.”
So when I complain of 547,000 black babies obliterated each year because of white liberal man brainwashing I am inhuman? What a crock!
Blind obedience has its price. That price is your soul, and the bill becomes due on Nov. 4, 2008.
More crock! And what happens if Hilary loses?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Hey PussBud
Why doesn’t YOUR inquiring mind ask why Bush kisses the hand of the King who financed 9/11, and the ass of the dictator who lets Osama live in his country?
Too abstract for you?
17 How original….Puddy’s channelling Allen Keyes.
@ 19
If only we can get him to channel Alicia Keys…
#19: Oh really?
I’ll wait FartyArt
Trickle-down Economics is “the doctrine that if sufficient oats are fed to the horse, a few grains will pass through to the road for the sparrows.” (John Kenneth Galbraith)
I guess ArtFart likes gay men having sex in front of little kids or having whipping displays up front and personal. Maybe you can find a biatch in a bridle?
Good for you ArtFart. I disagree!
Sockpuppet@18: I said we needed to deal much differently with the House of Saud, but I guess you missed the memo! Or maybe the idiot gene percolated up and you forgot what I said?
Personally I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and blame it on your idiot gene.
@24 Aren’t you the guy who promised us that he’d never post on HA again?
Puds (or maybe we should call him Anton, in honor of Eddie Griffin’s character in ‘Undercover Brother’) is afflicted with the stupidity that’s characteristic in Pandemic Republicanism. Maybe we should see if George Romero would write and direct one more flick about it, let’s call it ‘Land of the Republicans’. Yeah! Puds can star.
Anton, freedom is messy, fraught with the perils inherent with those most central of classical Conservative principles, personal freedom and responsibility. Y’know, those things that get beaten out of today’s Republicans in Jesus Camp. So show me some proof of some dudes banging each other out on a float during a Pride parade (where you can clearly see children in the background) that doesn’t look like a Photoshop you just made, and I’ll say…..
“Don’t like it, Anton? Then don’t look at it. But since it seems like all you Recraplicans are closet gays these days, maybe you’re just trying to tell us something.”
Hell, even if it’s true, then we’re only beginning to catch up with the Japanese. They’ve been banging on the streets for years now. That’s standard late-night premium-cable programming over there.
And y’know what else? You can regurgitate Sanger’s more outrageous beliefs all you want. Let me guess, that’s all they had on her at Moron……er, Conservapedia? And that was how many years ago? She died before I was even born. Civilization moves on, Anton. Sanger’s views in certain areas were repugnant, that is for certain. The fact that Sanger lit the fuse on the concept that women coud be more than mere breeding machines is what most Americans remember her for. Yup, she was a white-supremacist, which is indefensible, and in no way acceptable in modern times. But Anton, unless you have access to a time machine, You just can’t change that, as much as you may want to. Or would you rather force all women in America back into domesticity, 12 children at a time?
You hate us for our freedom, don’t you Anton? That’s why you’re a meat popsicle, a coppertop, a once-normal human who traded his soul, his freedom, for what he thought was security. The Matrix has you, and yes, Karl Rove is The Architect. Now go back to your survival bunker in Idaho and stay there. Your time is almost over anyway.
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#7 Roger Rabbit says:
This is the exact same thing Lee does. He gets spanked down on sound politics and then writes on his own blog he won the argument. Must be something in the washington water.
@25 Pelletizer (TM) I know you are old and decrepit so I’ll say it for the fifth time because I know you have memory issues. I sure am until PacMan persuaded me otherwise. He said I needed to balance out the crap you lefties post so changing my mind on a lefty doesn’t count.
You write about Freedon let’s set the record straight. Let’s set the record straight on which side are the freedom hating NAZIs.
“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. — Adolph Hitler.
Now it’s easy reading the commentary of those here hon the left, want to be the conquerors and those of us whom think right they want us to be the subjected races. Shucks, you liberals have been keeping my people as a subjected race since the start of Planned Parenthood. Just ask Leadlice Loocie (TM) because he knows what its like to be around blacks 24/7.
1) Adolf Hitler knew the Jews had guns. So he banned guns in the early 1930s. His last gun ban of 1938 allowed Kristallnacht (the Night of the Broken Glass) which totally disarmed Jews.
Read this book – Vanguard of Nazism The Free Corps Movement in Postwar Germany, 1918-1923 Robert G. L. Waite http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/WAIVAN.html
— Liberals know consrvatives have guns today. Which party is the party of banning guns?
2) Hitler and his group were the PETAs of the 1930s. They instituted hunting bans.
— Liberals are the PETAs of today. Me I am a person eating tasty animals.
3) At least Hitler didn’t ban Christmas.
–Liberals don’t like Christmas and we see it in schools, public displays and newspaper ads. Liberals, which other holiday has a tree? So why do liberals call them “holiday trees”?
4) Hitler called his political opponents communists.
— So do the lefties on HorsesASS
We are in danger of forgetting that the Bill of Rights reflects experience with police excesses. It is not only under Nazi rule that police excesses are inimical to freedom. It is easy to make light of insistence on scrupulous regard for the safeguards of civil liberties when invoked on behalf of the unworthy. It is too easy. History bears testimony that by such disregard are the rights of liberty extinguished, heedlessly at first, then stealthily, and brazenly in the end. — Justice Felix Frankfurter
That sounds like the NEW Progressive Liberal Mantra to me!
BJ: Here’s what your proposed Nazi Gun laws did to the real Crocodile Dundee in Australia. But you never read about this in the liberal MSM did you BJ:
BJ@26: You are such an idiot. Now I see the stupid gene came to the forefront with this comment:”You can regurgitate Sanger’s more outrageous beliefs all you want. Let me guess, that’s all they had on her at Moron……er, Conservapedia?
If you read the link you’d see where the comment came from. Go back and look at the link.
But since you asked I found it in the LIBERAL Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Sanger
Even the Planned Parenthood Federation of America notes: http://search.plannedparenthoo.....Image1.y=0
“In 1930, Sanger opened a family planning clinic in Harlem that sought to enlist support for contraceptive use and to bring the benefits of family planning to women who were denied access to their city’s health and social services. Staffed by a black physician and black social worker, the clinic was endorsed by The Amsterdam News (the powerful local newspaper), the Abyssinian Baptist Church, the Urban League, and the black community’s elder statesman, W.E.B. DuBois.”
Such an idiot – You are fast becoming a member of the HorsesASS Liberal Dull Knives Corps!
So BJ@26 claims civilization moves on. Well I can’t seem to find many on the left who publicly repudiated her beliefs. But if you look at their 1985 annual report, Planned Parenthood wrote: “Proud of our past, and planning for our future.”
So BJ@26: Are you one of those “human weeds” Sanger and Planned Parenthood wanted to eradicate?
You must be a graduate of: http://www.indoctrinate-u.com/pages/welcome.html
Yeah, that’s the ticket to your lunacy.
BJ@26: Read Margaret Sanger: A Biography of the Champion of Birth Control. New York: R. Marek, 1979. You can buy it from Amazon or just drive down the road and drop in to their offices and order it there.
You’ll find something really interesting about the heroine of the lefties:
“Her 16 yr old granddaughter was taught that kissing, petting and sexual intercourse were all right as long as she was “sincere” and that having sex “three times a day” was “just about right.”” Page 88.
And that means what? I’m supposed to care, Anton? Sounds like what every other 16-year-old girl was doing back in Port Angeles when I was that age (albeit without me :( ). But the smart ones used (wait for it) birth control, and thusly were able to finish school and actually be able to have a decent life for themselves when they chose to have children!
It’s over, coppertop. You’ve been drained, and are about to be flushed away. You can regurgitate that rather disturbing racism of Sanger’s all you want. It is disturbing, I’ll give you that. But the only person in this conversation who considers her a ‘hero of the Left’ (rather Soviet-sounding if you ask me – speaking of which, didja know they gave medals to women that gave birth to ten or more children?) isn’t the person whose politics are left-of-center.
Perhaps I should start making allusions that the Marquis de Sade is a ‘Hero of the Right’…..no, wait a minute, he already is. Just listening to you mental midgets talk is an act of sadism.
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BJ: What you say above has been used on me over and over. Give it up it doesn’t compute.
Who said I was talking about mothers who give birth to many children. That’s your canard BJ. I am writing about how PP was conceived and how many of my people are aborted each year.
And BJ you are a possessor of the idiot gene. I use the words of those on the left to deliver Margaret Sanger arguments. I make no allusions on this or Planned Parenthood. These are not my arguments, dummy.
It want from just over 400,000 in 2005 to 547,500 in 2007. That’s approximately 13,000,000 aborted black children since RvW in 1973. And… since 90% of them vote DONK, no wonder why you side needs illegal aliens to replace those aborted by your side.
Oh… BTW BJ, tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock tock
#34 Puddybud says:
Let’s not forget the page (311 I believe) where she talks about giving speeches at KKK rallies. Almost brings a tear to headless lucy’s eyes thinking about the good old days.
Marvin: I wasn’t going to discuss that issue, but I understand someone “special” looking at 24/7.
Broadway Joe is already having issues with the liberal left loving Planned Parenthood and their proud boast of their heritage. At 1.3-1.4 million aborted each year It will be 49 million abortions to date with over 13 million black babies donkoinfanticided.
All I am doing is crying over my people losing political clout. It doesn’t matter is you swing left or right. It’s the total number in the US. We are killing ourselves and it’s sad to see this.
Just more dupeybud bullshit. Here is the wikipedia infor on Crocodile Dundee:
“He was killed in a shootout with police, just south of Darwin. Ansell was fired upon after killing Sgt. Glen Huitson; his motives are unknown.[2] He was found barefoot, with two high-powered rifles.[3] Authorities had been searching for 12 hours to find an attacker of a nearby house.[4] Police claimed that Ansell was likely responsible for the attacks.”
Yes, I’m sure it is all a coverup, since we all know that Australia is currently renowned as a police state.
And by the way, I don’t call Republicans communists, I call them fascists. The higher level Republicans are nothing more than criminals and traitors, and should be tried and punished appropriately.
Centrist Democrats? Really? I thought the last one was spotted in 1974 and was officially declared extinct in ’82.
BroadwayJoe is talking out of his ass. His mouth knows better.
The man who’ll never visit Ann Coulter’s vagina says: nuthin much.
You used Wikipedia? The liberal based encyclopedia?
Use http://wikiscanner.virgil.gr/ on some of the lefty entries and view who edits what.