Thousands filled Westlake Park in support of health care reform, at a Sept. 2009 rally the Seattle Times didn't bother to cover.
Back in September, when two to three thousand people swarmed Westlake Park in support of health care reform — specifically, a greatly expanded federal government role in the health care market — the Seattle Times didn’t think the event merited even a mention in the following day’s paper. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Yet when maybe a couple hundred teabaggers show up to celebrate the anniversary of their faux movement, the Times apparently feels the need to devote a political reporter, a photographer and twenty column inches:
An anniversary “tea party” rally drew about 250 people to a rainy corner in Northgate on Saturday afternoon. Not bad for Seattle, or as one participant called it, “Lib-Ville.”
Really? This is news, and the ten-times-bigger pro-HCR/pro-government rally was not? You gotta be fucking kidding.

Frank Blethen pays a professional photographer precious dollars to snap photos of a handful of soggy sign-wavers.
This is the type of shit that drives media critics like me absolutely nuts. It’s “false equivalency” taken to the Nth degree, with the Times not only covering the teabaggers totally out of proportion to their actual numbers, but entirely ignoring the much larger and more energized pro-reform movement on the other side. And more coherent as well, especially compared to the “keep government out of my Medicare” logic of your typical teabagger:
They oppose abortion because of their religious beliefs, and they attended their first tea-party event last year after paying their taxes, they said. But they’re perhaps most passionate about the tea-party movement’s common ground: the size of government.
“Government is too big and it’s too intrusive,” said Doug Larsen.
That’s right… government is too big and too intrusive… which is why they want it to tell women what they should or should not do with their bodies.
But, you know, the Blethens have been in the newspaper business for four generations, so if they tell me that this idiot babbling in the rain is newsworthy, while several thousand people rallying in support of health care reform is not, I suppose I’ll just have to bow to their superior journalistic expertise.
you make me laugh my balls off goldstein. how many right wing gatherings were either ignored or downplayed by the msm?
as they say when flabbergasted…..puleeeze
And the article was above the fold on the front page of the local news section.
The difference is similar to the difference between astroturf and real grass.
@1 You gotta be lying because everybody knows you don’t have any balls.
Frnak Blethen’s Republican Times is a WSRP propaganda sheet — this is news??
“Critics Say Glenn Beck Incites Violence”
Hey … I didn’t write that headline, I swiped it from here:
(Under “fair use,” of course.)
“(March 1) — Some liberal commentators worry that Glenn Beck’s increasingly strident verbal attacks on all things ‘progressive’ could lead to physical attacks. …
“AlterNet’s David Sirota accused Beck of ‘deliberately employing coded and menacing language’ in his speech at last month’s Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington. … Beck’s CPAC appearance showed that ‘a once-principled conservative movement of reasoned activists has turned into a mob … cheering a demagogue’s demand for the physical annihilation of those with whom he disagrees,’ Sirota wrote. …
“Sirota dismissed the argument that Beck is targeting progressive ideology, not progressives themselves. That’s like saying, ‘The Nazis’ beef was with Judaism but not Jews,’ Sirota said.
“‘Eliminationism’ is how Crooks and Liars’ David Neiwert described Beck’s message. …
‘Beck is taking us down a certain path with this kind of rhetoric …,’ Neiwert observed.
“A … New York Times column by Frank Rich … suggested … Beck, along with Sarah Palin and Ron Paul, … share an ideology that ‘plays to the lock-and-load nutcases out there ….'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here we have no fewer than three respected journalists indicting Beck for inciting violence against progressives. Does this guy have to go around pinning bullseye targets to us before we realize what’s going on? Liberals must arm!
Nice catch. But the Times is a dying medium. Keep pounding the stake, but the TV has it’s own horrors.
Yesterday, turning on the frozen olys, I turned on King TV a bit early and discovered the local version of MTP, Up Front, and it was a program that would make Frank Blethen proud and happy. 4 guests. The first two were a pair of wingnut welfare types from the Evergreen Freedom Foundation (friends of Glenn Beck!) complaining about the legislature balancing the budget by raising taxes (not the sensible fashion advocated by Goldie, but that’s a different matter). There was no one on the liberal or Democratic side to offer counterpoint.
The middle guest, was Erica C of Pubicola and Stranger fame, and she spoke, in a professional fashion as a professional journalist about how our new mayor is running something of a loose ship in his early days.
The final guest was Sen. Benton (R) of Vancouver WA, who spoke against the tax increase and described the 51.24% win as “a pretty sizable majority” without invoking numbers, nor for that matter was the host, Susannah Frame, who also made no comment on what constitutes a “sizable majority”.
I don’t know what kind of reach this show has, but it’s yet another example of the not-liberal media, and it bears keeping an eye on. Have I missed that someone in Left Blogostan is doing so? As the papers move to the web, local TV may increasingly effect local politics.
I will bite that one? Can YOU name any?
OK. Take this, teabaggers. Government too intrusive? OK, I’ll take your complaints seriously when you:
1) Publicly vow to never accept Medicare or Medicaid (or refuse to accept it any more if you’re on it) as well as any VA benefits (if you’re eligible)
2) Publicly endorse Gay marriage, since a government has no business telling people who they should or should not marry.
OK, I’m waiting….
After trying to ignore Glen Beck for a while, I finally got around to checking into his “credentials” as a social and political commentator. It seems that he once attended one class in college, but dropped out soon thereafter (not completing even one class).
He, and his supporters, argue that he is self-educated, having read books in the library, and some even argue that not attending college is a point in his favor.
Now, I’ve never argued that someone who attends college is somehow superior to someone who doesn’t. Lot’s of people can be self-educated, if they make a real effort of it.
But one of the problems with such self-education is that it takes an extraordinarily self-disciplined person to do it right. A real student is willing to learn first, and then form opinions – not just seek out references to justify their preconceived notions.
The value of a college education is that the professor requires them to read, understand, and discuss writings with which they might not agree (or might not immediately be interested in), to discuss the concepts in a respectful manner in class with the professer and fellow students, and to participate in such readings and discussions as part of study groups, jont projects, etc.
The end result is a student with a much broader background upon which they can analyize any particular topic.
So when I see someone who drops out without completing a single class, who argues that Democrats are both socialists and fascists (betrying a complete absence of knowledge of the philosophies and histories behind both political/economic philosophies), I see someone who was so set in his preconceived ideas that he wasn’t willing to take the time or energy to learn anything more, or to subject his ideas to scrutiny by anyone not already predisposed to agree with him.
6. Roger Rabbit spews:
Do you think his free speech has “incited violence”?
Which examples do you think support that contention?
Why wasn’t Beck arrested??
I went to the Seattle Home Show on Saturday. The Seattle Times had two booths there. They offered to give me a free subscription for three months, I could cancel at any time, along with some interesting gifts (umbrellas, Entertainment books, etc.). I declined because I just didn’t want to deal with the excess paper waste. As we walked away, they were practically PLEADING with me to subscribe.
So, if the Times is giving away a free three-months subscription AND giving away $20.00 gifts to entice you to take something for free – how much value can a subscription have? And since advertising rates are set by the number of paid subscribers, shouldn’t someone who is being PAID to be a subscriber be SUBTRACTED from the count of actual paid subscribers (i.e, be counted as a negative number, thereby offsetting an actual paid subscriber?).
The Fringe Lunatic Has overused the race card in attacking Obam-Mao’s critics.
Now the tactic du jour is to accuse those who question “the l’il messiah” of inciting violence!
Now that is pure desperation.
Take this, teabaggers. Government too intrusive? OK, I’ll take your complaints seriously when you:
1) Publicly vow to never accept Medicare or Medicaid (or refuse to accept it any more if you’re on it) as well as any VA benefits (if you’re eligible)
ok, as soon as they stop deducting for it from my paycheck.
2) Publicly endorse Gay marriage, since a government has no business telling people who they should or should not marry.
ok, as soon as the msm stops hounding mormons and other groups who beilieve in multiple wives
@13 Damn boy, you sure are scary (in the completely out of it way).
@9 I’ll take their complaints seriously when…
Oh yeah, don’t give a f***.
Back in 2001 when hundreds of citizens united for a United We Stand America rally at the Federal Building, how did Blethen’s Bugle portray the patriotism of the event? With a thousand-word picture showing in the background a Real American with a God Bless America sign.
And in the foreground? Almost larger than life? An untite Seattleite with a sign (I’M WITH STUPID) and an arrow pointing to the patriot.
Scarey?? In what way?
Obam-Mao and his henchmen have used the race card several times to deflect from issues.
And why else are Lefty’s who claim to believe in free speech attacking Glen Beck’s free speech?
Seems like the screaming from the left is baseless and only there for one reason..to try and minimize Beck.
If what they claim is true, shouldn’t Beck be arrested??
@13: That’s becoming a knee-jerk reaction of the jerks. If any partyer, bagger, conservative, libertarian, Republican says a discouraging word about the president, cries of racism! ensue.
That’s why I wondered last week if Ted Rall’s wild and crazy contempt for Barack Hussein Obama is proof that Ted Rall is a right-wing racist.
(Hertzberg at The New Yorker does a variation on the theme. He writes that Biden’s condescending and typically-white put-down of Obama as clean and articulate was benign. But when Rush Limbaugh repeated Biden’s words back at him, Rush was racist.)
(Hussein the sequel: Remember when conservative Bill Cunningham got in trouble for using Obama’s middle name at a McCain rally? Remember when Obama used Obama’s own middle name at Obama’s inauguration? Well, the whiplash left is doing another Linda Blair head spin because Tom Tancredo at the bagger convention mentioned … Obama’s middle name.)
Is it just me or are they about 240 people short on that crowd estimate?
@18 because I think you might actually believe what you type, and it’s pretty much childish rants.
Obam-Mao wow, I just don’t know what to say. That’s the best you could come up with?
to try and minimize Beck. Thought he did that every time he spoke.
And why else are Lefty’s who claim to believe in free speech attacking Glen Beck’s free speech? Why? Ever heard of free speech? It applies to all, not just those you agree with.
@12 A few years ago, I sicced the state attorney general’s consumer protection office on the Seattle Times because they were using what I call “harassment marketing,” i.e., I received several telemarketing calls a week (even though I had an unlisted phone), this went on for months, and when I asked them to stop calling they ramped up the harassment. The state finally shut those calls down.
“Harassment marketing” consists of hounding a potential customer so much, and so frequently, that they will eventually cave in and buy the product or service just to get the salesmen off his back. Such purchases are in no way voluntary on the part of the customer; they are a result of coercion. This tactic not only should be illegal, it should be prosecuted as felony extortion, because that’s exactly what it is.
Another prominent practitioner of “harassment marketing” is Comcast. Over the last 10 years, I’ve thrown away over 1,000 pieces of junk mail from Comcast. Lately, they’ve started sending salesmen to my hole. The “No Solicitors” sign has gone up, so these pests are now breaking the law if they knock or ring my bell, and I will call the police and prosecute them.
I just want to remind everyone that 1.1 million unemployed Americans will lose their unemployment benefits and be forced to go to food banks and soup kitchens (or go hungry) this weekend because GOP Senator Jim Bunning blocked the Democrats’ unemployment extension bill.
How can one senator do this to over a million American citizens? I mean, don’t we have 100 senators, and doesn’t the principle of “majority rule” say it takes 51 senators’ votes to defeat a bill? So how can ONE Republican senator wield such power in a nation of 300 million people? Something’s wrong here.
America was founded on the principles of democracy. Amend the Constitution, if necessary, to end the Tyranny of the Minority we have in this country.
What kind of mean bastard who made millions of dollars a year as a professional baseball player would block unemployment benefits for 1.1 million unemployed Americans who now face going hungry this weekend? A Republican mean bastard, that’s who. Why would anyone vote Republican? It’s a mystery.
@9 They didn’t think government was “too intrusive” when Nixon was burglarizing private offices to silence his critics, or George W. Bush was wiretapping tens of millions of Americans in violation of federal laws and their constitutional rights; so, frankly, I think we should take that argument and shove it up their wingnut asses.
@14 “ok, as soon as they stop deducting for it from my paycheck.”
Are you one of those idiots who thinks paying taxes is voluntary?
@18 Nobody’s saying the government should shut up Glenn Beck, knucklehead. They’re not even saying Beck should shut himself up. All they’re doing is criticizing what he’s saying. Do you have a problem with their free speech?
As for me, if some rightwing incendiary manages to talk the unstable elements in their movement into trying to actually eliminate liberals, I’ll do my talking with … well, you know what I’m gonna do my talking with.
Reminds Puddy of the Tea Party coverage by the slobbering libtardo MSM.
Wrong headline
It should say “Leftist Kook-aid Purveyors Glenn Beck Incites Violence”
Yes, Roger. We know.
Corrected again.
@24 Roger says
Bunning surely is a Republican mean bastard, but I bet he never made millions of dollars a year. His pitching days were over in 1971 and free agency didn’t begin until 1975. This is probably one of the things that Bunning is so mad about–all those other guys are making 20X more dough than he did. Waaaaaah.
If you ever should meet Bunning be sure to ask him about his role in the 1964 Phillies and their pennant race. That’ll get him going, I bet.
If what they claim is true, shouldn’t Beck be arrested??
maybe we should place a call to the good folks of vermont, you know, the ones who wanted to issue arrest warrants for george bush and dick cheney. i assume they would also arrest beck.
Good Lord, how many times do I have to say this:
glenn beck – keith olbermann – rush – rachel madcow….
what the fuck is the difference? NONE.
@33…once again, Geobbels Rabbit doesnt have a clue about what he is talking about.
perhaps thats why he cant practice law anymore..
35: Oh, I should point out, that nobody at the Home Show was arguing that I should buy the Seattle Times because of it’s news coverage or it’s editorial content. They were arguing that the value of the advertising circulors and coupons inside the Sunday editions made it a worthwhile purchase.
Of course, I get all the advertising circulars and coupons I need in the mail anyway, so that argument doesn’t bear much weight with me.
@38…the times ceased being usefull once the enviro-nazi’s outlawed bonfires on Alki and golden gardens…
21. uptown spews:
#1 Purpose of Free Speech==
To be able to hold those in Power accountable…and that would be Obam-Mao!
Emily… Apparently you just accept the Pellets from the Dumb Bunny without knowing the facts. Shame on you for eating those smelly Dumb Bunny Pellets! That’s why he’s Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny, stupid is as stupid does.
Your DUMMOCRAPTIC leaders claimed they passed so-called pay-go legislation which is supposed to require that they find offsets or other savings if they are going to spend money. Senator Bunning asked if the 30-day expense of $10 Billion could be paid from $400 Billion of unspent Stimulus monies and NOT ADDED TO THE EXISTING DEBT. Senators Turban Dick Durbin and Bernie I’m a Socialist Sanders said NO! So Bunning said sorry live up to your previous commitments.
So once again you need to dig into the real issue and slobbering DUMMOCRAPTIC loving MSM will not tell you the truth!
24. Roger Rabbit spews:
FYI..When Bunning played in the 60’s, players made less than $100k.
Odormann and MadCow are real haters like ylb arschloch. Rush and Glenn actually provide facts.
35. GBS spews:
How many times do I have to say this:
In person GBS is an alright guy. PacMan actually liked GBS. When he’s behind the terminal on a keyboard he loses his mind!
Yeah…I can see how that is likely.
GBS seems to have terminal terminalitis. A deadly inflamation of the lucid thought producing portion of the brain.
The wrong local newspaper died. The Times is a waste of paper and nothing more than a mouthpiece for the owners, management, and fiscal shareholders. It’s a poor man’s Fox News.
Actually Joe…
The Seattle P-I committed suicide…by pandering to nutjobs like you.
The gift that keeps giving…
You’d think the P-I would have flourished in a progressive city such as Seattle. Puddy guesses even to most level-headed liberals (read not progressive libtardos) the P-I swill was too over the top!
Puddy should try thinking first. The numbers aren’t there. The PI made a go of it on the basis of being the exclusive morning paper as that became more and more the prime marketspot. When the Times moved in on that position, together with the Times owning the advertising and and advertising staff, the internet age which is going to destroy all newspapers sooner or later is killing the weak ones first. Especially as the younger internet friendly buyers were the first to stop buying newsprint, and are also a more progressive crowd.
A reporter friend of mine at the PI tells me that they’re about to turn a profit on their dot com operation, which I would bet can’t be said of the Seattle Times at this point. Which is worth exactly the same as Puddy’s (and it is sad about his friend) insights, which is to say worthless without the data. What’s the over/under line for the Times? Will they fold by the end of 2011, or before?
If you have a bird or a small puppy, buy the S. Times.
If you want daily news you can use, read PubliCola.
Mark Centz is a laugh a minute.
Puddy stands by his earlier comment… A progressive town should have supported the moonbat! swill. They didn’t.
Nuff SAID sucka!
Puddy, you certainly brought a smile to my face. Wherever I see or read “nuff said” and I conclude idiot. C’mon, you’re better than that. That’s Sifl talk.
Content doesn’t matter all that much. Ad dollars do, and the ad prices at the PI were set and collected by the Times, at a level that my company home office in LA thought onerous, as they were buying ads in both papers. Had the PI been a free player, they might have been able to compete with better ad prices. But the JOA, which was the only reason they were in existence, precluded that option. And the JOA came into being in an era when the PI was the even more reactionary paper in Seattle, when the Hearsts ran the editorial and news content with a firm hand, and the Hearsts are not liberals. The PI’s more progressive stance was a last gasp attempt by the Hearsts to make money in liberal Seattle, and while it did help out somewhat, the damage was already too extensive.
The Stranger may yet literally be Seattle’s Only Newspaper. Progressive content at a very competitive price. Progressives also value shop, Puddy.
Washingtonians Love To Elect Their Appointed Judges
Washington has 218 judges serving on the state supreme court, court of appeals, and superior courts. All of these are elective positions, although the governor gets to fill vacancies.
Of the 218 judges, only 87 were originally elected to the bench; the other 131 were appointed by the govenor.
In other words, under our current system of open judicial elections, 60% of our judges were chosen by the governor, not the voters.
Source: Washington State Bar News, March 2010
It has long been assumed, by editorial writers and others, that Washington voters would never give up their cherised right to elect our state’s appointed judges. However, a survey conducted by the Washington State Bar Association shows substantial voter support for a “merit selection” system.
Under this system, a “bipartisan, broad-based commission (made up equally of lawyers and non-lawyers from across the state)” would evaluate candidates and recommend “the most highly qualified” to the governor, who would be required to appoint a candidate from the list submitted by the commission. The judges thus chosen would “face periodic retention elections in which voters decide” whether the judges remain in office.
According to the survey, on a scale of 1 to 7, with “1” least favorable and “7” most favorable, 58% of the respondents rated this system “5” or higher, while only 11% rated it “1” or “2”.
This indicates strong support exists for a system of appointing judges with voters having the option to vote them out of office after they’ve served on the bench for a while.
In other words, much like the system we have now with respect to 60% of our judges.
I speak only for myself, but whatever the Seattle Times chooses to publish is of no consequence to me — I no longer read it.
So whose balls is Frank Blethen sucking? If you doused them with vodka I’m sure he’d like em even better.
Hmmm.. Okanogan County voted for Rossi in 2004/2008. Surely supporting Cathy McMorris-Rodgers in her vote against the stimulus while not being shy about taking 14 million dollars of it.
As braindead Stupes style thnking goes, that boy with all the guns must have been influenced by the right wing attitudes there.
Great call…
I bet Goldy’s daughter is a teabagger.
Mark Centz made Puddy’s case and as such proved he’s a moron! Nuthin new there.
The Hearst family recognized Seattle for what it was… Unfortunately for the P-I many Seattle peeps said no sale!
Nuff SAID is an inner city term. So by default above you are calling inner city peeps idiots. Puddy is sure all the inner city blacks will be glad a moron such as yourself knows all about us from the inner city.
The vicarious fool AKA ylb arschloch@59 is as always a vicarious fool!
BTW vicarious fool did you figger out karen is not kaitlyn or DanielS or xuxa?
Such a schmuck!
Puddy notices the progressives have nuthin to say about Senator Bunning when the truth comes out about the Senate conversation with Turban Dick Durbin.
This is why Puddy always scrutinizes the Dumb Bunny rants. He seldom fact checks.
61 – I bet someone you know for sure!
As long as she makes an appearance with other “hit sqaud” members, she’s suspect.
Poor lonely Stupes. Needs his followers…
What a miserable loon..
Puddy, you dishonor your late friend when attach his memory to such foul comments. If you’re going to attack me on spurious grounds, have at it, but leave your friend out of it.
Next, can’t say that I’ve given the derivation of the term ’nuff said’ any thought. I’ve run across it online far more than in spoken word, and in circumstances such as these where race is not any factor whatsoever. You want to call out a racist, find a mirror, and pray, because if you throw such hateful language on such a slender excuse you haven’t found spiritual peace yet. I wish you well on that path.
Finally, on the PI you’ve called me a name and avoided my points. That’s a concession.
re 13: If someone stated that they would like to hang Mitch McConnell, you’d be tripping over your feet to call the authorities.
You are such a fuckwad. I’m quite sure that Jesus does NOT love you.
Fudbucket @ 62….The TRUTH you say? Here’s the truth. Bunning voted against paygo. Bunning voted for all the Bush tax cuts and NEVER asked for offsets. He supported putting two unjustified wars on the credit card. He voted for the Medicare Drug Prescription bill that blew a trillion dollar hole in future budgets. He is a bitter old political has-been who was embarrassed by his inability to raise money for 2010 reelection and shows his courage by punishing the unemployed.
He’s so weird, even his fellow gop senators shy away from him.
Your swinging Craftsman is weak today. Unmitigated fail.
re 64: ‘Nuff said!’ is something that was frequently stated by Mammy Yokum and Snuffy Smith when they’d delivered the gospel on one thing or another.
I think PuddWaxx is imitating Mammy Yokum, as Snuffy has two more balls than the Waxxster possesses.
It’s an envy thing.
’nuff said!!!!
PtbaA, right you are on that broken-down old hurler. Kentucky was the home of Henry Clay, one of the greatest legislators ever to sit in Congress and Bunning represents them now. Sad.
Puddy: Durbin/Bunning chat? Details? Link? You’re falling down on the job, hand waving doesn’t get the job done. Or are you reffering to “Tough Shit“? I hope you can better than that.
Freddy, thanks, but my powers of Google have failed me, can’t find any examples of Snuffy or Ma using that phrase online.
Yo Stupes,
Darryl pointed out long ago the troll behind the “hit squad”..
All the same freak.. karen fits the MO..
Acquaintances of yours perhaps??
In any case makes your MWS/Kingbud shit look weak.
Oh man. I am in the picture but it is just my hands. I am between the women in the blue and red shirts. You can see my hands. I am holding a flag. Just a few more steps and I would have been the picture completly. Just my luck.
“Freddy, thanks, but my powers of Google have failed me, can’t find any examples of Snuffy or Ma using that phrase online.”
Try also “’nuff said + Stan Lee”. But I’d wager it’s a variant of “so ’nuff”….Amos’n’Andy? So Phutwing may be on to something instead of merely huffing it.
Freddy aka headless lucy doppelganger #51,
Nuff SAID Sucka was used in Philly growing up. Sure it could be from cartoons… but who stole the high five, low five back five etc… y’all whiteys did.
Puddy remembers an old cartoon daddy had in the upstairs music library by Jules Feiffer from around 1966…
I dug the blues, whitey took it.
I dug hip, whitey took it.
I dug cool, whitey took it.
I dug jazz, whitey took it too.
I dug freedom, and finally lost whitey.
Soooooooooooooooooo NUFF SAID Suckas!
Got your information from Daily Kos Puddy sees. So what? Hairy Reid and the Senate DUMMOCRAPTS decided to make it their rule. It passed so Bunning said if y’all want it them live by what you passed, use the Porkulus Funds. Since the DUMMOCRAPTS decided this is how they want budget going forward, start with this $10 Billion. Turban Dick Durbin and Bernie I’m a Socialist said no… we won’t live by the rules we just passed a month ago.
Man ASSProud, another of your stupid worthless and mornonic comments!
For ASSProud, he cheered when Clinton shutdown government in 1995 when Gingrich offered a balanced budget which cut yearly government increases from 8% to 5%. Remember the screams Gingrich cut the school lunch programs. An abject lie you jockstrapped ASSProud! So Clinton pouted and had a temper tantrum. ASSProud had no problem with that. Then when Clinton signed balanced budgets throughout the rest of Republican congresses it was a “good” thing. So you know where you can park your pay-go comment.
DUMMOCRAPTS, don’t do as we say, because we don’t believe in any rules.
See how stupid you are ASSProud?
Now to Mark Centz,
Still screaming about the P-I? You made my day with your Hearst family comments about liberal Seattle. Puddy answered every one of your “rants” here. It’s progressives who claim this is a libtardo town. The P-I was whack-job progressive and peeps didn’t read it. Their editorials were staple here on HA Libtardos for years. If that doesn’t answer about their commentary, what does mark.
Hence, why should companies advertise in a dying paper? If the readership jockstrapped the paper, advertising revenue would have increased. Companies follow the money. If the P-I was doing well peeps would have sent their revenue to the P-I. Plain and simple.
ya know if ylb arschloch had an original thought on this blog, he’d be “almost worthy”.
Instead he’s the continual dumb brick…
Useless as always, associating two fine ladies who question his manhood with others and then using Darryl as his reason.
Oh and another thing ylb arschloch…
GBS knew KingBud was me so that was nuthin new. Remember fool, we break bread together. Another moronic comment from the dumb brick.
We have a group out here called the Big Sky Pachyderm’s that meet monthly.
Our speaker this month will be John Baden, founder and chairman of the Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment(FREE). He will be presenting “The Misplaced Arrogance of Today’s Progressives”.
We get up to 300 Progressive-haters…getting educated and ready for the battle ahead.
Mark Centz spews:
The P-I has a dot.com operation?
I forgot about that…and will continue to avoid it.
A profit??? Those greedy corporate bastards~
They need to share that profit with corporate-hating leftist groups like ACORN & HorsesAss.org!
Mark Centz says–
Yeah Mark, they value shop for someone else to pay their share!
Hey Puddy–
Mark Centz decided NOT TO READ your actual P-I comments and use the old Obam-Mao trick of then accusing you of not answering. It’s what Obam-Mao & his ilk continue to do about Health Care. The Republicans lay out a Plan as requested, Obam-Mao accuses them of having no plan. Silly. That trick has worn thin with most THINKING Americans.
C’mon Mark—you can agree to disagree with freedom-fighting Americans here at HA…but knock of the idiotic accusations of not responding when the response is clear.
Excellent catch on the Bunning-Turban controversy.
Here is how thin the thinking portion of Libtardo brain matter is….they read the DailyKos and regurgatate what they absorb WITHOUT THINKING OR QUESTIONING.
Notice how we are up early starting our PRODUCTIVE days…while the LIBTARDO’s continue their excessive slumber?
Perhaps it’s Depression that makes them sleep so much? More likely too much pot.
Conservatives are ENERGIZED and love every day God has created…even if it involves challenges or disappointments.
Libtardo’s–get depressed, take Prozac, smoke pot and sleep…trying to fantasize that Progressivism is still alive when it ain’t!
BTW..did you know that combining cheap pot with Prozac has been medically proven to cause early Alzheimer’s????
I think that explains the Leftist mentality at HA. Too late to reverse it with Ginko I suspect Puddy.
Hey Puddy–
Todays Rasmussen shows Obam-Mao at -13 Strong Approval and this–
Seems like the Democrats are chasing away Moderates at an alarming rate. Why? Progressivism is so far left they wanna puke!
Watch this number drop a few more points pre-election. And Republicans are dominating the unaffiliateds! I wish it were November today.
Puddy @41:
Did you actually read what I said? I argued against Roger’s claim that Bunning was paid millions of dollars to pitch. And Cynical even agrees with me. (see @43) Who’d a thunk it?
@43: I love how Puddy is carrying water for the racist Rush Limpbaugh.
Thanks Puddy, for showing your true colors once again. it ain’t about “your peeps”, it is about your warped ideology and consent to racism.
You and your republican bedfellows are the racist, anti-aliens, anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-government, idea-less party that only wants to criticize but cannot lead …since you guys have no agenda except to tear down our democracy.
Still waiting on the any coherent republican heatlh care plan…oh, yeah…what did that idiot Cantor say….prevent states from outlawing the rip-off plans in other states so that people can by fraudulent health care (I think he said open the competition – but the republican morons can’t understand the consequences of that action).
some plan…only fools and gullible idiots are allowed in the republican party. How is that Sarah Palin doin’ so well in the party of stop government health care but keep my medicare.
Wow, how can people that myopic and shallow actually survive?
@83: Still waiting for an idiot like Klynical to actually post something that addresses any of the real problems in this country…instead the fool keeps quoting a bogus Rasmussen poll that was debunked years ago.
Funny how stupid Klynical can be…I sure miss how he blamed the stock market collapse on Obama but has not mentioned the recovery in the stock market…..what a total tool you are Klynical.
Did you even graduate third grade? How did you get to be so damn stupid? Why is it you are incapable of independent thought?
Thanks for being the poster child for right wingnut ignorance.
Oh my, so much wingnut sullying such a nice morning.
Blocked by the friends of the Caucus of Trolls, so “passed” is misused in this instance, which is to say misleading at best. Reactionaries want the Democrats to live by rules, let them set the rules as rules. Otherwise, your votes have consequences.
I pointed out that the PI adopted that liberal tone late in the game, as you noticed in an earlier handwave, There’s not much substance to this argument, papers right and left are going away, not-liberal Hearst wasn’t going to bankroll a liberal paper losing some money unlike Rev. Moon bankrolling a wingnut rag losing money by the bushel. And the not-liberal Times is going to go under while being the only game in town.
Texas #1 In Wrongful Convictions
Voters go to the polls in Texas today, among other things, to decide whether GOP Gov. Rick Perry will win or lose his party’s primary.
In 2004, Texas executed Cameron Todd Willingham for a crime that nationally-recognized arson experts say didn’t happen.
Willingham’s children died in a house fire in 1991 that a local investigator and prosecutor claimed was intentionally set. A jury convicted Willingham and sentenced him to death on the strength of an investigator’s opinion testimony, despite a complete absence of “hard” evidence. Experts now say the investigation was incompetent and based on little more than voodoo.
A report challenging the prosecution’s case was placed on GOP Gov. Rick Perry’s desk a few hours before Willingham’s execution. GOP Gov. Rick Perry refused to read it.
Yesterday, Perry announced that he was pleased to issue a pardon in the case of Tim Cole, who died in prison at age 39 while serving a 25-year sentence for a rape he didn’t commit. Cole was cleared by DNA evidence.
Maybe some day GOP Gov. Rick Perry will pardon Willingham, too — but not if he can help it. Last year, he replaced members of a Texas commission investigating Willingham’s execution with cronies in an effort to head off findings that would be politically and personally embarrassing to Perry — that he refused to read the plea of a man about to go on the gurney who probably was innocent of the crime for which Perry allowed him be put to death.
If that pardon comes, it will extend GOP Gov. Perry’s track record of pardoning wrongly convicted people after they’re dead. That’s laudable, as far as it goes, but GOP Gov. Rick Perry has done nothing to prevent wrongful convictions or executions in the first place.
And that’s bothersome, because according to the Innocence Project of Texas, his state “has more verified wrongful convictions than any other state.” The project’s website lists the names of 40 people who were convicted in Texas and subsequently exonerated.
GOP Gov. Rick Perry is expected to win today’s primary and another term as Texas governor. Therefore, my suggestion is avoid travel to Texas, because you might end up on the gurney because of a red light camera, if the processing clerk confuses you with some robber of the same name who shot a $105,000-a-year liquor store clerk, and if that happens, your relatives will have to wait until you’re dead to get your pardon from GOP Gov. Rick Perry because he doesn’t read clemency applications until after the execution.
@73 Bunning also blocked extended unemployment benefits for 1.1 million unemployed American workers whose benefits ran out this weekend. What an asshole! But the larger question here is, why can ONE multimillionaire ex-baseball player senator from a rathole state overrule the majority of 100 senators? That’s not democracy, or even tyranny of the minority, it’s tyranny of the one. The system needs to be changed.
If the government regulated how much salt corporations put in our food, we could prevent 513,000 strokes and 480,000 heart attacks, and save $32.1 billion of health care costs.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So why don’t we? Because Republicans have run this country for the last 30 years, and they’re against “government interference with free markets,” and are willing to let a million Americans die and waste billions of dollars in the name of ideological purity. In short, it’s another fucking GOP-mandated market failure.
Puddy is just cute as a button when he associates himself with pink and yellow marshmallow chicks.
ACORN? Still on that trope? No criminal charges leveled on the basis of the doctored evidence. Now we both know that lack of charges doesn’t mean wrongdoing wasn’t done, otherwise Bush, Cheney, and a lot of their underlings would be thinking about their appeals to their war crime convictions, but one thing about ACORN has left me puzzled. Even if the charges are true, so what? Lawyers making very comfortable livings are advising firms listed on the NYSE every damn day on how to avoid legal consequences for acts that would otherwise result in fines or criminal prosecution, and that’s why these firms are paying for those lawyers. Is the outrage because the ACORN guys were not a part of the union, so this is anti-scab outrage? You a union guy, Cynical?
And then this-
The Stranger makes a good living from giving away newsprint filled with ads freely paid for by capitalist firms who understand the value in the transaction. Same model as TV, except the TV networks rely on the socialist regulation of the airwaves so they don’t have to share frequencies with anyone else in a given area. The Stranger shares the same space with other vendors of newsprint, sometimes even the conservative Times.
That’s off, but Centz mispells often enough that it would be a bad idea to mention it.
Controversy? Again, the handwaving. You’re going to call me uninformed anyway, so how about a link or summation, it’s mildly possible you’re not lying about something. I know, I know, but I do enjoy a good laugh. Of course you lie because that’s what you do, but every so often I have conceded a point. But first, the point has to be made.
SPLC: Racism Behind Surge In Rightwing Hate Groups
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors rightwing hate groups, reports that “anti-government militia and ‘patriot’ groups … mushroomed at an ‘astonishing’ rate last year,” and says the rising popularity of these groups raises “grave concern” about the potential for domestic terrorism.
The SPLC report says it counted 512 militias and “related groups” in 2009, up from 149 the year before. And the movement now has “a layer of racism” that was “largely absent” a decade ago. SPLC sees the election of a black president as one of the main drivers of growth in rightwing hate groups.
SPLC also noted, “The ‘tea parties’ and similar groups that have sprung up in recent months … are shot through with … radical ideas, conspiracy theories and racism,” and said media influences like Fox News and Glenn Beck are helping to mainstream these ideas.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yesterday the Two Stooges (Cynical and Puddy) defended the “free speech” of rightwing hate groups by asking who has been hurt. Well, the IRS worker who was killed in Joe Stack’s airborne attack against the Texas IRS building, for one. The SPLC points out others: killings of law enforcement officers, assassination plots against the president, a shooting rampage by a white supremacist in Brockton, Mass., and arrests in “a series of bomb cases.”
It’s a silly argument because no one suggests curtailing the speech of rightwing haters. In fact, that uber-liberal group, the ACLU, regularly defends the speech and assembly rights of Nazis, Klanners, and other rightwing haters.
All we’re saying is the American public should reject the racist, xenophobic, and incendiary ideology of these rightwing hate groups. Our citizens should simply turn their backs on them, that’s all.
Now watch the Two Stooges call this comment an “attack on free speech” …
@93 I see Cynical has joined the long and growing list of wingnuts who can’t spell three-letter words like “off.”
Emily, reading comprehension is not one of their strengths. It wouldn’t be polite to dwell on that, so please do.
Now Roger, just because they send nitwits to Congress, that’s no reason to smear the entire state, which is beautiful and is the home of some very lovely people. We have Doc Hastings and Cathy McMorris Rodgers to live down, after all. But yes, one Senator vetos are an abuse of the system. But maybe the majority leadership should actually use parliamentary procedures right back at them. Or maybe not give the minority the benefit of earmarked funds they vote against all across the board. Bunning knows about the inside fastball high and tight, he was an NL guy before the AL adopted the DH. No Federal funds for Kentucky if he wants it that way, and apparently he does.
@96 I’m sorry, but any state that elects someone like Bunning is a rathole.
If we’ve gotta have one-senator rule, then let’s veto the Republicans’ wars. We should be able to find one vote for that, even among the spineless Senate Democrats.
Fat chance. The Republicans, unlike the Democrats, are disciplined and unified. They’re positively Leninist in their zeal and application of party line and party purity. That’s both their strength and weakness. They’d never let the a single senator get away with this. Howl away trolls, we know more about the deficiencies of our delegation than you ever will.
LMAO!!! One of which is a proven “he/she”.. and the other? Again, the MO speaks for itself.
Well I got nothing against those of ambiguous gender but I thought all you right wing freaks had a problem with that – it was “unnatural” or “sinful” or some such crap.
Not for you fiend.. As long it talks the right wing bullshit line (shit, fuhgetabout action)
YOU glomm onto it..
What a fool!
Darryl has access to all the ip addresses. He can spot a freak in a few seconds if he cares to.
He outed Sue!
A documented “he/she” troll. That’s your “fine lady”..
First time to dissmember ylb arschloch…
What would you do without Darryl’s help dumb brick? Puddy doesn’t get Darryl’s help yet Puddy spots dopplegangers all the time.
So what does that say dumb brick? Uhhhhh… ylb arschloch is still a dumb brick….
Oh my… Odumba jockstapped pay as you go AKA pay-go Feb 13, 2010. Now when called on it the DUMMOCRAPTS and Odumba don’t wanna implement pay-go after all. And the slobbering libtardo MSM forgets this YouTube, just a few weeks ago.
Damn AMAZING! Another rake meet face eh HA Libtardos?
correctnotright still calling Rush a racist, when Puddy already proved what his comments were and those he never made were promulgated by the libtardo MSM. Notice correctnotright doesn’t comment on the issues, he goes into ad hominem attack mode. That’s all he has left.
So correctnotright… which comment are you screaming about now?
Emily… From the Dumb Bunny…
Yes Puddy read what you said. Puddy didn’t comment on Bunning’s baseball career. Great deflection. YOU DIDN’T COMMENT ON THE REST OF THE DUMB BUNNY’S COMMENT. (airplanes zoom over her head at supersonic speeds). The Dumb Bunny was screaming at Bunning being a “mean bastard” for making Senate DUMMOCRAPTS live by their own pay-go rules approved by Odumba.
Live long Emily. HA needs more leftist idiots like you. Maybe you can learn to be a female dumb brick then you and ylb arschloch could be a matched set.
And of course Mark NoCentz once again didn’t comprehend anything at anytime anywhere on HA.
Mark Centz,
You are uninformed. You didn’t remember Feb 13, 2010. You didn’t remember Turban Dick Durbin and Bernie I’m a Socialist Sanders comments.
Nuff SAID Sucka!!!!!
@104: You proved squat as usual…Rush made how many racist comments and you still carry his water…..
all these and other quotes have been documented by media matters:
Nice playin’ with you Puddy (the guy who supports racist Limbaugh).
Once again you play the fool…are you too stupid to know Rush is a racist or do you just ignore it?
Can you not read? Have you no ability to figure out that all of these statements (and many more) are racist?
Or maybe these recent statements?
Yeah, Rush Limbaugh is an out and out racist and you carry his water….it shows a lot about your character.
Notice that Puddy spouts the same old lies….and keeps trying to carry water for racists.
Any more excuses Puddyfool?
Golly correct-and-not-right, Media Morons. The same peeps who said up and down Tiggg Palin was Bristol’s child. You want Puddy to comment on their crap? Where does Puddy start?
Well Odumba being angry… We all saw that last week at the health care summit. One angry individual attacking everyone who wasn’t DUMMOCRAPT.
On Donovan McNabb.. Steven A Smith (personally met him on the ESPN set four years ago) said similar things about McNabb and he got a pass cuz he’s black. Also Steven called out fools like you over the St Louis Rams issue.
Regarding the Jackson/Sharpton issue and the Duke accused but innocent lacrosse players… Rush was right… Shaprton apologized while Jackson to this date has not.
Regarding the
You forgot when Odumba was asked by Charlie Gibson in the 2008 preznit debates how it’s shown lowering capital gains taxes increases federal tax revenue, Odumba said he wanted to redistribute wealth instead. That’s an angry comment correct-and-not-right.
So much more but why explain to someone so closed minded you use Media Morons?
Same old lies correct-and-not-right? So pay-go wasn’t passed and approved by Odumba on 2/13/2010?
Do tell us all about it?
Yes, it’s true I am unfamiliar with these alleged comments, which is why I have asked you to amplify your handwaving with a link or at least a hint, twice now. Since you’re pointedly ignoring that request, I’ll assume it’s a lie. I thought your were made of better stuff than Sifl, but I make many mistakes.
Calling right wing bullshit for what it is moron! In whatever shape or form it takes…
Mark Full of NoCentz,
See the link in #103. Too bad facts are like the wind to you… You can seem to see them.
hahhaa puddy …good try..once again you are caught in an out and out lie, and try to weasel out of it.
All those are DOCUMENTED racist statements by Rush Limbaugh.
You have not refuted one of them.
Oh, and you are confused…Media matters never said “up and down” that Trigg was Palin’s baby…..in fact, if you could actually think and read then you would have found this:
Wow, you are not only dimwitted but you also “invent” facts. Thanks for showing your true colors on racism…it is only racism when democrats do it….otherwise you have a double standard and give a free pass.
Once again the arschloch@113 steps to the plate and strikes out.
Such a dumb brick.
WTF correct-and-not-right? Caught in what lie fool? Documented by Media Morons? The ones who continued the Trigg/Bristol lie? Oh yeah such a great libtardo source. Why haven’t the slobbering libtardo MSM run with them correct-and-not-right? Oh maybe it’s all a bunch of “hot air” like 98% of your HA Libtardo commentary. Oh… wait globull warming…
Why hasn’t correct-and-not-right blamed the earthquake on globull warming? Al Gorebasm said the molten core is millions of degrees hot!
Poor Puddy: Keep telling us how your racist heroes like Rush Limbaugh are really “good people”, and how Dick Cheney is a “good” person too. I love that….
In the meantime, we all laugh at how ignorant you are and how you argue like a third grader with nothing to back up what you say.
Facts….you have none. Wind, you have plenty.
Poor Puddy….still have not come up with anything to refute all of those racist quotes…..so you attack the source with false information?
How sad that you are reduced to such grade-school level tactics and can’t recognize how foolish you look. Grow up. Admit when you are wrong. Be and adult instead of a juvenile clown.
You claimed all the quotes were fabricated….snopes documents these quotes and quotes…media matters for the documentation.
ooops, Puddy loses again.
I saw that link, and on the other thread I acknowledged that Bunning likely has a point on the paygo issue. However, the link or summary I have asked about was about Bunning/Durbin, so it would seems that facts are like the breaking wind to you.
From Snopes… since you brought it up. Many of the comments there are not reprehensible.
Puddy was referring to the following statements put forth by the media which then had to retract them.
“You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray. We miss you, James. Godspeed.” Rush never said that one. Already debunked.
“I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.” Rush never said that one. Already debunked.
“They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?” Rush never said that one. Already debunked.
Nelson Mandela — who was bankrolled by communists for a time Read Nelson’s autobiography. Want to borrow Puddy’s copy?
“The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.” Rush never said that one. Already debunked.
BTW correctnotright… Puddy would say the same thing? Would that make Puddy a racist?
Your peeps claim we all look alike and that’s how many innocent black men have been placed on death row only to be exonerated by DNA evidence. What say you correctnotright?
Hey Mark Centz…
Do your own damn due diligence on Bunning/Durbin… It’s all out there for your viewing pleasure. Use Google.
Check the Congressional Record. Or Roll Call. Or NY Times. OR MSNBC (OM). Or Fox News.
Hint Durbin said the Porkulus moneys are already “earmarked”…
Butt being as stupid as they come Centz needs ASSistance.
BTW did you notice how correctnottobright moved the conversation from Bunning and paygo to Rush Limbaugh? Puddy guesses correctnotright loves his Odormann and the odor from Odormann is sticking to correctnotright.
@123 Puddybud is a handwaving liar
Tried the power of the Google the first time you brought up the subject, there’s a lot of noise with the objections going on, so…. I asked a specific question, citing my lack of familiarity with the whatever it is you were waving your hands about. Which, you ignored, and then after the second request you talked around. Now you can go on at length about The Google and the various places where I might even find said conversation, and even a rather vague hint. No, sorry, you want me to respond to something that you think is worth commenting on and refuse to answer directly when civilly asked? Then you tell me that it’s up to me to discover the subject of whatever it is that you’re waving your hands about. Why should I waste time looking for a needle in a haystack when I have no reason to believe there is a needle? You’ve wasted enough of my time as it is.
Mark Centz, no hand waving at all. Remember when Puddy gave you the link on Jewish girls you immediatly claimed Jewish boys.
You need to look it up or ask ylb arschloch. He can find anything on leftist blogs. Puddy gave you many hints.
You don’t like it too bad!
Oh certainly, and I acknowledged my error immediately upon the learning of it- I could look it up and discover for myself that you had not lied.
You know, if you really are telling the truth, that is, if whatever it is about a Durbin/Bunning conversation you refer to is embarrassing to Durbin, then the more you speak of it in detail, the more more we lefties have to be bear as our shame. But since you’re lying, that isn’t possible in this instance. No, Puddy is more interested in spreading vitriol about liberals and other Democrats than promoting the truth. Even if it’s just telling lies or innuendo, you do not seek to persuade but to promote anger and hated. This from a man seeking spiritual growth? Disappointing. Unless you’re lying about that as well.
Ah, and Bunning stands down.
Yeah right moron! That’s why you called Sue the “he/she” a “fine lady”..
Some skillz…
I call moronic bullshit..
ylb arschloch… Sue is a fine lady just like you are an arschloch!
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Mark Centz is a horsesASS. Puddy isn’t your personal slave. Puddy doesn’t do your bidding. It seems you are the only one here who is having a cow. Look for it yourself. You can find all of Durbin’s comments on the ‘Nets, and you can’t find it?
Puddy suggested the arschloch as your personal gofer. Gofer it!
Here are two hints Centzless!
Senator DURBIN:
Whenever you say, “Nuff SAID Sucka!” we know you are bailing out of an argument you have lost.
Neither hypocrisy nor idiocy are family values.
I told you, Puddy, I stopped looking for it. I don’t care anymore, link it if you think I or anyone else should care about how Durbin said something shameful, but as far as I’m concerned you’re just telling lies unless you back it up. Which you haven’t, we all see. You’ve got nothing.
And your Senators looked at the optics of opposing a small expenditure extending the unemployment bennies (possibly breaking the paygo rule, pending further detailed examination), realized that looking like the heartless bastards they are was bad news politically, and back down. Amazing, they’re learning how to act like Democrats. Another year or two maybe they’ll be housebroken. We’ll see about that too.
Puddy already explained Nuff SAID Sucka above @72. You forgot already? 24 Hour Libtardo Memory disease?
Mark Centz,
Durbin said No. That’s all Puddy wrote.
@122 Poor Puddy
You call that a counter-argument? hahaha
You disputed exactly ZERO of the racist quotes I posted from media matters. Media matters is the source for the factual Rush quotes from Snopes. Media matters is where the quotes that you cannot dispute come from. Those quotes are numerous and racist. You support Rush and his racism.
So you then must either admit that Rush is a racist and that you are defending him and wrong about what he has said….or otherwise, you can admit that you are a total hypocrite and defend racists.
Which is it?
You do the same with Bush and with Cheney … when caught in a lie you change the topic, weasel, make points about other things (non-relevant points) but refuse to admit the obvious … either you are lying, wrong or you are a stupid dupe of the right wing repeating their incorrect fabrications.
Which is it?
You disputed Zero of the multitude of racist quotes towards Puddy by your leftist brethren here at HA–
Headless lucy, steve & of course, YLB.
Oh and what about Roger Rabbit calling Puddy a “FLYING MONKEY”??
Where were you on that?
Seems like you ought to have enough sense to clean up the racist BS in your own cesspool before you conveniently go outside…that is, if racism is really, truly an issue for you.
I’d say you are more about trying to discredit folks you disagree with…than being truly concerned abour racism BY YOUR LACK OF ACTION!
Klynical fool:
Umm, you are wrong and a liar – every racist diatribe I have seen I have disputed…take your moronic crap elsewhere. If I did not see it, then I am not responsible for calling it out. Period.
You are a fool and an idiot – just trying to stir trouble.
Poor Puddy is having trouble defending himself…and you jump in withg lies.
Go away fool.
LMAO!! A troll who calls herself “jon” one moment and “sue” the next is a “fine lady”..
I could not care less about that “he/she” troll but it’s pretty obvious that you’re an idiot..
Oh and didn’t you claim once that “sue” was progressive??? You’re a laugh a minute fool…