Apparently, anything made by McDonald’s tastes better:
Even carrots, milk and apple juice tasted better to the kids when they were wrapped in the familiar packaging of the Golden Arches.
The study had youngsters sample identical McDonald’s foods in name-brand and unmarked wrappers. The unmarked foods always lost the taste test. […] Study author Dr. Tom Robinson said the kids’ perception of taste was “physically altered by the branding.”
Hmm. I guess that must explain this…
The Halliburglar is in his secret bunker.
If I walked into Mickey D’s and saw that face behind the counter, I would immediately head over to Jack In The Box.
Yeah, thanks for helping with my diet. My appetite’s gone now
This is why the degradation of the Republican brand over the last dacade or so (I begin my counting with the trumped-up impeachment that backfired on them) is vitally important. They have been shown to be big spenders and not small-government conservatives, incompetent bunglers and not bold square-jawed leaders, and panderers to financial, religious, and racist extremists and not regular old hometown folks. Add to that their disastrous lemming-like devotion to the Bush Occupation of Iraq and we’ve seen four decades of groundwork destroyed.
From here on out, things won’t “taste better” when branded Republican. Nope. Worse.
Chris Wedes could sue for defamation.
I did not know Cheneys ass was baboon red, and heart shaped.
Weren’t you in a position to look?
In contrast to Goldy’s pic, foks here might like to look at my recent post at /2007/08/optimism.html on Michelle Obama. I love this lady. She eschews make-up, What an idea!
Dude, please do not link to posts where you’ve written the following…
I love mt wife and I love her face. Any fantsies we engage in belong in our bedroom.
Thankfully I wasn’t eating.
Name the congressman with these earmarks
$8 million for the marketing of wild American shrimp
$2.3 million for shrimp fishing research
$3 million to test imported shrimp for antibiotics.
I wonder if his/her supporters know about this.
I have no idea, but considering that we spend $13.3 million every 15 minutes or so in Iraq, while that money is towards something that could both boost American industry and keep our food supply safer, I think the appropriate response is a shrug…
Gosh Lee I did not know you were that sensitive,
Seriously, if you were over at the typing impaired SJ site, I would be curious to know what you thought of two posts there. One is the link to Mr. Emmert’s editorial on the UW and affirmative action. It seems to me that this is something that can be accomplished but I fear that any real progress is ebing hidden in bureaucracy. The other post that I thought might interest you was my comments on the Arab Festival. Given our other discussions I wondered if there would be a lot of fear and loathing on the Muslim or the majority side. Nope. The party was fun, the people open, The Muslim haters did not show up. As a Jew, however, I did feel semitic brotherhood in response to the almost complete encirclement of Arabfest by a festering mass of god-selling fundies.
One of the things I have done as a civil rights activist is use my camera to intrude on rightist rallies. I wonder if I should retaliate and bring my kippah and cameras to Church next Sunday? Do ya think these good folks would mind an atheistic, camera toting Jew offering them surcease from their disturbed beleif in a vengeful Christ?
That’s the proper response to MStamn, at least…
Wait, …MS…that’s a loathsome disease, isn’t it?
I’m supposing this is a open thread. Stamn’s going to love this.
State GOP forms loyalty committee
Associated Press
TOPEKA – The state Republican Party is forming a loyalty committee so that it can punish officers who endorse or contribute to Democrats.
The GOP’s conservative-dominated state committee also is accusing a prominent moderate of trying to undermine the party’s fundraising. It has adopted a resolution criticizing Steve Cloud, a Lenexa businessman and former legislator who represents Kansas on the Republican National Committee.
The state committee’s anti-Cloud resolution and its decision to form the loyalty committee came as Republicans continue to feel the sting of election losses last year. Democratic Gov. Kathleen Sebelius easily won a second term; Paul Morrison switched parties to win the attorney general’s office as a Democrat; and Democrat Nancy Boyda ousted five-term Republican Rep. Jim Ryun in the 2nd Congressional District….
YLB comment: A loyalty committee! These R’s in Kansas are WAY AHEAD (in the crazy department) of even the the BIAW-controlled R party in this state.
So Stamn. Which “committee” assigned you to work for Nader in order to split the Dem vote in CA? Is your next assignment here in Seattle?
12 SJ,
I “disturbed beleif” is a Danish affliction, isn’t it?
Try Firefox as your browser. The built-in spell checker is great, red lines are dubious typing, and it is in every way superior (imh0:) to Internet Exploder.
Except for the above dubious typing. are=all, it’s not good for my syntactical indiscretions.
Oh my Gawdd! Anyone see that loser MTR the bet welsher lately? His favorite horse, Newtie the hoot, just called the War on Terra “phony”:
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 08/03/07
Washington — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Thursday the Bush administration is waging a “phony war” on terrorism, warning that the country is losing ground against the kind of Islamic radicals who attacked the country on Sept. 11, 2001.
A more effective approach, said Gingrich, would begin with a national energy strategy aimed at weaning the country from its reliance on imported oil and some of the regimes that petro-dollars support.
YLB comment: It just got colder in hell. A wingnut, just one, has abandoned the fantasy-land, braindead thinking of the neo-cons. Not only did he say that Shrubya’s War on Terra is “phony, he said we should find a substitute for imported oil and take away the terrorist nutjob’s money. Wonders never cease!
I haven’t read your posts. I’ve been to the Arab festival in years past and enjoyed it. Didn’t go this year.
If I feel like it, I’ll take a look at the UW / Affirmative Action post. It’s one issue where I find myself in agreement with conservatives.
As for your grossing me out, you know I’m just kidding, right?
Newt is definitely going to jump into the race as long as he doesn’t get whiplash from continually trying to follow the way the wind’s blowing.
If he had not been born into a rich, white, well-connected family, and actually had had to rely on his own skills and devices to support himself, I think middle management at a McDonald’s would have been about as high a position as GW could have attained. The world would have been a better place if he had pursued some good, honest work like that.
Georgie McDumbshit.
#11 Lee says:
Ron Paul. I knew that publicans and democrats steal taxpayer money for their pet projects, I didn’t think ron paul was one of them.
Stamn! You’ve been dinged again. Ron Paul has been a thorn in the side of your true party lately.
THEY are fighting because WE are OVER THERE? That’s the most unforgivable blasphemy to a wingnut. WE are supposed to be “spreading democracy” or some such fantasy.
re 10: You said ‘earmarks’!
Mr. Stamm
Perhaps I misread your post. You object to Rep Paul’s earmark to protect the nation’s food supply and keep his constituents (not to mention the rest of us) from being poisoned?
Remembering that most of Rep. Paul’s objections to most government spending is that the Constitution limits Congress to some rather specific powers, and that the regulation of interstate trade is one of those specific powers, I fail to understand your objection.
Personally, I object to secret earmarks, where we cannot determine who is behind them. Open, honest proposals that fall withing Constitutional limits seem perfectly reasonable, and are part of Rep. Paul’s job description.
I realize that in wingnutland, if someone is generally opposed to excessive taxes or government spending, he is supposed to be against all taxes and all government spending, but even Rep. Paul is not that far right.
25 – One of the moderators should delete this propaganda. It’s total bullshit.
It’d help if we could just screen the schizophrenics…
Mr. nope none at all:
Please correct me if I’ve taken the wrong message from your post. It appears that you are saying that anyone criticizing the President or his policies is “abetting America’s enemies”.
As this certainly would be considered “aid and comfort”, I must take from your post that you believe that anyone criticizing the President is, by definition, guilty of Treason.
Just trying to make sure I understand what you’re saying. Anyone that disagrees with President Bush is, by your definition, a traitor.
The next step is equally obvious. Treason is punishable by death. So, you are supporting the execution of anyone that disagrees with the President, or at least saying that critics of the President or his policies should remain silent under threat of execution.
Ok, I think I’ve understood you.
25 You think this is bad, wait until the WSJ paychecks have Rupert Murdoch’s autograph in the lower right corner.
They sure as hell won’t be in the LEFT corner….
Just a note, I deleted a bunch of comments near the end of this thread, and a few comments on these comments. I have no intention of tolerating hateful, intentionally offensive, off-topic, out-of-state trolling.
Thank you Goldy!