The Republican Party used to have a reputation as “the Party of Fiscal Responsibility.” At the national level, however, Republicans gave that up when they heard the Siren song of Reaganomics
It explains all the crooked politicians out there too…as well as the greedy Fortune CEOs..
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Detroit mayor house repairs cost $200K
DETROIT — Some $200,000 of a $22 million bond issue for capital improvements is being spent to fix the swimming pool and make other repairs at the mayor’s mansion.
The money will be used to repair damaged pool tiles, cracked pavement walkways, a front porch and outside lighting, and to replace dead plants at the Manoogian Mansion, The Detroit News reported Monday. Construction is expected to begin soon.
The repairs are necessary to prevent accidents, said Matt Allen, a spokesman for
“It is a public building and the city of Detroit owns that and we need to do repairs to that property,” Allen told WJBK-TV on Monday.
Voters approved the $22 million bond issue, which also helped fund improvements at several city parks, including installing a remote-control car race track, climbing wall and disc golf course. The bond costs $8.22 a year in taxes for a person with a home worth $100,000. [……Detroit: The Harare of The MidWest, and Democrat Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, The Robert Mugabe of Detroit. “Gatta gets da MoFo swimmin poooooooool ready for as Bar-BBBBBB————-QQQQQQQQQsssssss!”
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Carl Grossman, I don’t think “Anonymous” likes you. BTW, Is Mrs. Grossman back from “shopping” with “Jerome” at the Embassy Suites??
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“Everyone sit down! The terrorists have assured me that they will land the plane safely at JFK! We must chant ‘BUSH NO GOOD! BUSH NO GOOD!’” [Carl Grossman]
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Now we know Mrs Grossman is a lawyer. A moonbat lawyer to boot!Puddy, You got to Mrs Grossman. Good job. You give her an assist and what does she do Attack you! “She can’t take on JCH.”
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS
“She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She c”She can’t take on JCH.” an’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” ……………………………..hehe, JCH
I wonder if JCH is an automated bot. Wouldn’t be that hard to write, actually.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
This woman has never has an original thought. She threatens and runs. Beware. A real “twisted sister.”
Commentby My Left Foot [“We’re Not Going To Take It!!!” Dee Snyder, TWISTED SISTER]
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Goldie, you revisionist history buff.
When Reagan cut $1 in his budget, FortWorthless Jim the Author Wright spent $2. Then Congress said make our day and reject the budget. If the moonbats have problems with facts, pop two Left Turds and call Goldie in the morning.
The republicans have never balanced a budget. They only claim to be in favor of balanced budgets when they are not in power. No set of lies can change this fact. The GOP has created the largest budget deficit in history. The GOP has created the largest government agency in history. The GOP’s fearless (yeah right) leader has NEVER vetoed a single budget bill.
Fiscal conservatives my ass!
Who is the only President to actually pay down the national debt?
Was it W?
Noooooooo. Not by a fucking long shot.
Was it Bush 41?
Nope, wrong again.
Did Mr. Fiscal Responsibility do it with his “tax cuts?” No!
Carter? Nixon? Johnson? Kennedy? Ike?
NO! NO! NO! NO! and NO!
It must’ve been President Clinton.
Yeah, that bastard! Getting a blow job by an ugly intern and not wanting to admit it to a grand jury.
Yeaaaahhhhh, that’s an impeachable offense.
Republicans are traitors.
You’re still the “King of the Jerk-Offs.”
headless lucyspews:
Would you care to hear from a Black Republican Conservative on fiscal sanity?
Puddybud( Bre’r Rabbit )
Republians hate America.
That’s why they’re borrowing so much from China. As the old adage goes “The borrower is the slave of the lender.”
Why do Republicans want to make America slaves to the Red Chinese?
Why is Colin Powell coming out against the Commander-in-Chief?
Isn’t it about time for you America-hating conservatives to Swift Boat Powell?
Why do you hate America?
Is it because you failed flight school?
Is it because you’re really not retired living the dream life in Hawaii, but instead you’re some RNC hack getting paid two cents a post from your dingy, little, hole-in-the-wall-of-a-shack in Western PA?
Is that why you hate America?
Why are so many criminals in the Republican party, like Rep. Ney?
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
Goldy – How far up your ass is your head? I thought we settled this. Shit, even Roger Rabbit finally got it after I beat it through his thick fucking skull:
Deficits are caused by SPENDING. It’s caused by do-gooders with their big socialist programs. It’s caused by hopelessly fucked up bureaucracies run by people who don’t give a shit. It’s caused by career politicians buying votes with Producer money.
So get off this bullshit that tax RATE cuts cause federal revenue to go down. It just ain’t so…
My Left Footspews:
Mark the Red Nekkid Asshole:
1. ‘Splain the record national debt.
1B. ‘Splain Clinton balancing the budget.
2. Pay your debt, welcher!
3. Have your wife, proudofherfatlyingass post the proof of her children being threatened. And the information regarding Teresa from the WSBA. Roflmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 JCH probably isn’t a bot. It’s too difficult to write software to simulate his level of stupidity.
Particle Manspews:
No need to tell me how bankrupt the GOP is.
26 etc…Mark claims to be a civil engineer or something like that. Considering the command of arithmetic he’s shown on this board, I wouldn’t be particularly eager to stand underneath a bridge he designed.
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
Grossman The Kook 28
1) Spending more than you make.
1B) Newt
2) Since you can’t win debating me on the facts, you resort to baseless character assasination.
3) NFI WTF you’re talking about. Take another hit…
My Left Footspews:
Mark the Red Nekkid Asshole:
You did not explain the deficit. Who spent more? The Repubican controlled Congress and present administration? Let me help you. Hell FUCKING YES!!!!
Newt? If the president is the leader, he gets the credit. I see to remember battles over the budget with the president demanding that it balanced.
Your president has run up record debt. Should we really trust the folks who made this mess to fix it? Let me help you again. HELL THE FUCK NO!!!
As for facts, mine are clear. Yours are, to be nice, fuzzy. Like your math.
MTR, stuck in his imaginary world where the GOP is honest and his chi square analysis actually works. Your inbred world is colapsing in on itself. Only the hardcore wingnuts still believe the imposter in chief’s idiotic ramblings. (Rufus, Puddy, amerikkk1st, janet, seaman recruit JCH, MWS and proudofherinbredASS are still praying to their pagan idols for help)
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
The deficits reductions of the 90s were 100% a result of Newt’s contract and GOP control of Congress. Clinton was just standing there with his dick in his hand watching. Clearly the current crop has lost sight of true conservatism.
The facts of course are on my side. Tax rate reductions increase federal revenue. They do NOT cause deficits no matter how many times you lie about it. Deficts are caused by spending. Period..
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
Mt Rainier – Dumass…. explain chi squared to me. And don’t just google it cause I’ll bust you on that. Just tell me in your own words.
Didn’t thinks so…
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
Moonbat Poll: Who is a bigger threat:
1) The president of Iran developing a nuke and calling for the death of the pope.
Maybe, and whiney liberals want to tax the shit out of everything for unecessary bullshit not to mention illegitimate gov’t cheese recipients like the world famous Roger Rodent. Hypocritical? I think so. So, by that same token, try not to snicker all all you morons. Talk about calling the kettle black. Douche bags.
Puddybud Mo Money Ray Naginspews:
Would you care to hear from a Black Republican Conservative on fiscal sanity? Puddybud( Bre’r Rabbit ) Commentby headless lucy— 9/18/06@ 5:04 pm
I will never answer to anything you write EVER; you racist commie!
GBS How are you?
Here is some really bad news for Mark the Thieving Redneck….
Janet Sspews:
Instead of taking 35% of your money, I now want 50%. Do you have more or less money left to spend on yourself?
The dems have promised to raise spending and increase taxes if the get control of Congress. Ask yourself – will you be better off after that?
Final question – is Left Foot capable of putting a thought together without swearing? Does this make him appear smarter?
darcys my galspews:
“Al-Qaida in Iraq and its allies said Muslims would be victorious and addressed the pope as “the worshipper of the cross,” saying “you and the West are doomed as you can see from the defeat in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and elsewhere. … We will break up the cross, spill the liquor and impose the ‘jizya’ tax, then the only thing acceptable is a conversion (to Islam) or (being killed by) the sword.”
Islam forbids drinking alcohol and requires non-Muslims to pay the “jizya” tax, though those who convert are exempt. The tax, sometimes called a head tax, has not been imposed in Muslim nations in about 100 years, though Islamic militant groups have tried to force non-Muslims to pay it on a local level in some countries.”
Words from the enemy…. We should all convert now (BTW no more Drinking Liberally). Get those troops home now, we are gonna need them here to protect our own ass here.
Janet Sspews:
Goldy will be first in line to convert, followed by Roger, GBS and Cluesless. I never heard a peep from any of you about the journalists being forced at gun point to “convert” to Islam, so you must not think it is a big thing.
The Pope needs to just shut up. Same with anyone who thinks Muslims are violent. That’s the only way to avoid being killed by the peace lovers.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“We will break up the cross, spill the liquor and impose the ‘jizya’ tax” [……….”Jizya Tax”? Like Democrats, the Muuuuuuuuuuuuslims want to tax, and tax, and tax. Gee, what a fucking surprise!]
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“If we all convert to Islam, the terrorists have assured me they will land the plane safely at JFK.” [Carl Grossman]
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Final question – is Left Foot capable of putting a thought together without swearing? Does this make him appear smarter?
Commentby Janet S [….Janet, if you were married to Mrs. Grossman, you would understand why Carl is a mess.]
Puddybud Mo Money Ray Naginspews:
1. ‘Splain the record national debt.
1B. ‘Splain Clinton balancing the budget.
2. Pay your debt, welcher!
3. Have your wife, proudofherfatlyingass post the proof of her children being threatened. And the information regarding Teresa from the WSBA. Roflmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Commentby My Left Foot— 9/18/06@ 5:19 pm
First let’s look at Wikipedia. Moonbats trust Wikipedia.
The Republican takeover of Congress in 1994 led to a push for a balanced budget, President Clinton and congress reduced the deficit. Major economic growth and spending controls such as welfare reform, favored by both the President and republican congress allowed for a balanced budget (when the Social Security surplus was counted as revenue) by early in Clinton’s second term – considerably earlier than what Clinton’s own projections for this had indicated and, afterwards, a surplus which actually allowed the retirement of some government debt.
Momentarily, the deficit issue faded from view. Despite the nominal surplus, the national debt grew each year of the Clinton presidency since the surplus is not applied against spending in this calculation. [1]
Out of office, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called for continued payments toward the debt with a view to paying it off entirely. Perot’s less effective 1996 presidential bid was in part evidence of the declining significance of the deficit, and hence the Balanced Budget Amendment, as an issue. In his final State of the Union President Clinton said the USA should continue to balance its books and pay off the debt entirely, however the technology downturn which began impacting the economy in mid-2000 combined with the cost to the country from the 9/11 attack as well as increased military spending required by the War on Terror have seen the debt grow to the largest in US history.
Explain the national debt & Clinton balancing the budget. This is too cotton picking easy.
Hmmm…? Let’s remember Margaret Medvinszky. Do you moonbats remember her? She was the last moonbat (took orders from Dick Gephardt) to vote for the 1993 tax increase. What happened? Clinton lost the Senate and the House! She lost her seat in Maryland. Then he pouted in 1995.
What happened in 1996 moonbats? Welfare reform and tax cuts. Clinton takes credit for being president during a boom. Did Clinton blink?,00.html
“Credit for a balanced budget agreement, should one be reached, would be divided about equally between Clinton and Republican Congressional leaders, with Republicans enjoying a slight edge (39% vs. 33% for Clinton). If a budget deal had been achieved a year ago, the Republicans would have received much more of the credit. At that time, 47% of the public said GOP leaders would deserve the credit if an agreement was reached, vs. 31% for Clinton.”
There is much more, so the revisionists here can’t refute the facts. Oh no facts hurt the librul mind!!!
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“Is it because you’re really not retired living the dream life in Hawaii?”
Commentby GBS [………”808″ area code, E-3 GBS! Now report for mess cranking!!]
Ignorant Harlot @ — 9/18/06@ 6:18 pm,
decent, God-fearing folk would conclude that, yes indeed, they would be better off if Democrats gain control of Congress.
You see, decent God-fearing folk recognize shifting the costs of their government services onto the backs of their children for the greivous sin that it is. Decent, God-fearing folk, who respect the moral imperetives set forth in holy scripture long for an end to the Godless corruption of Republican lawmakers. Whose endless whoring, bribery, murder, and limitless evil prompts them to cut their own taxes today, heedless of the enormous costs they leave to be born by future generations of decent Americans.
Repent now, thou filthy harlot! Repent now, or face eternal Damnation for your sins! Place your hands upon holy scripture and pray for the evil spirit of Republican corruption to depart from you now!
Janet S @ 38
What do you propose that our nation does? Leave everything as the current mis-administration has it and let your grandchildren pay 85% federal taxes? The biggest apparent diference between Republicans and Democrats seems to be that Gopers are right brain dominant and Dem’s thouht processes are dominated by the Left hemisphere of the brain. Google it MTR as you have NO CLUE!
Puddybud Mo Money Ray Naginspews:
Remember I told moonbats the question from Little Daddy was too cotton picking easy:
The Clinton administration has shown itself hostile to even the modest corporate welfare cutbacks proposed by Congress. For the 35 corporate welfare programs examined in this study, the administration’s 1996 budget actually requested a slight increase in spending. Moreover, the president’s vetoes of the GOP budgets specifically targeted corporate welfare cuts as being too deep. The White House has resisted even small cutbacks in such areas as high-technology industry grants, agriculture price supports, and energy research programs. It also has rejected the shutdown of the Department of Commerce–the nerve center of the corporate welfare state. For all those reasons, the corporate safety net has been left substantially intact.
Read the rest moonbats. It’s enlightening
Puddybud Mo Money Ray Naginspews:
Google it MTR as you have NO CLUE! Commentby MtRainier— 9/18/06@ 6:56 pm
Mt Rainier: Still sucking those cum laden condoms?
Clinton’s 5th Unbalanced Budget Shows Why America Needs the BBCA
“I would present a five-year plan to balance the budget.”
(Bill Clinton, Larry King Live, June 4, 1992)
Puddybud Mo Money Ray Naginspews:
And this proves Clinton loved the military:
*Please Note: Archive articles do not include photos, charts or graphics. More information. February 25, 1999, Thursday
By ERIC SCHMITT (NYT); National Desk
Late Edition – Final, Section A, Page 1, Column 6, 931 words
DISPLAYING ABSTRACT – Senate, 91-8, approves sweeping military pay and pension increase bigger than Pres Clinton sought; bill authorizes 4.8 percent raise next year, allots bonuses of up to 10.3 percent and provides for slightly better pensions; Congressional Budget Office estimates plan would cost $55 billion over 10 years, $18 billion more than Clinton’s plan.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Didn’t the Washington state Democrats get socked with a big fine for the same thing? Late filing? Why are the GOPers getting special treatment? They should be $274,000 in the hole, not $24,000 in the hole!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Detroit spent 200K to repair the mayor’s residence, BFD! It’s city property, so why SHOULDN’T the city be responsible for maintaining it? BTW, how much taxpayer money did Laura spent on White House rugs and drapes when she and her hubby moved in?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“if you cut taxes, tax revenue will increase”
That’s what Mark the Lying Bet Welsher claims, but let’s do a reality check:
Yep, just as I suspected — Welsher is lying through his teeth!!! Note that 2005 revenues are still below 2000 revenues. It certainly appears that Bush’s tax cuts DECREASED revenues!!!
Janet Sspews:
Mt Rainier – if I have this right, it was the Republicans who pushed through the Earmark legislation, in an effort to stop pork spending. And if I am also not mistaken, the Democrat leadership actively opposed it. At least the Republicans are policing themselves. The Democrats don’t believe in any restraint, and don’t care if they turn us into a European-like basket case of high govt spending, high taxes, high unemployment, and no growth economies.
The Democrat leadership told McDermott, Inslee, Baird and Larsen to vote against transparency of government, and to turn down the chance to shine the light of day on the secretive earmark process. Our Washington dem delelgation obeyed their masters rather than vote for a bipartisan effort to reform government.
Tell that to your grandchildren.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Goldie, you revisionist history buff. …” Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/18/06@ 4:52 pm
If you try reading the thread, you fucking idiot, you might realize that Darryl (not Goldy) wrote it:
“The Poor King County GOP
by Darryl, 09/18/2006, 3:38 PM”
Janet @ 38
Can I put a thought together without swearing? Sure!
The question is can Janet put a thought together, period?
Hell NO! Cut paste, talking point talking head. Still asks her husband to approve her posts. Can’t Understan Normal Thinking!
GWB the missing linkspews:
Puddy, better keep a shorter leash on your horny sons. MTR just picked up both of them at 1st & Pike. Guess he wants to try dark chicken tonight.
darcys my galspews:
“You infidels and despots, we will continue our jihad (holy war) and never stop until God avails us to chop your necks and raise the fluttering banner of monotheism, when God’s rule is established governing all people and nations,” said the statement by the Mujahedeen Shura Council, an umbrella organization of Sunni Arab extremist groups in Iraq.”
My Left Footspews:
58 is from me too
Janet @ 40 says:
Goldy will be first in line to convert, followed by Roger, GBS and Cluesless. I never heard a peep from any of you about the journalists being forced at gun point to “convert†to Islam, so you must not think it is a big thing.
The Pope needs to just shut up. Same with anyone who thinks Muslims are violent. That’s the only way to avoid being killed by the peace lovers.
Comment by Janet S — 9/18/06 @ 6:30 pm
I am not sure this makes any sense. But Janet is not concerned about making sense, just seeing her posts. Journalists are being forced to convert to Islam? Here in the United States? That is an outrage. Where are our leaders? This practice needs to be stopped before Republicans are forced to convert too. What an outrage!
Janet, please try to stay relevant. Journalists understand the risks.
eponymous cowardspews:
I just got a robo-call from Richard Pope. Hmm, I wonder where he got the money for that?
Janet @ 56, are you completely delusional or just 100% brainwashed? If you connect with reality you would realize that it has been YOUR party that has pushed us to fiscal and moral bankruptcy. You can’t always hide from FAC TS no matter hnw much koolaid you guzzle.
My Left Footspews:
Tim Eyman? Mike?? RNC? ROFLMAO!!!!!
My Left Footspews:
Bush no good! Bush no good! Bush no good!
Janet Sspews:
mtrainier – what facts am I not admitting? The one that Nancy Pelosi worked to defeat transparency of govt spending? And forced 2/3 of the dem reps to follow her? The same one that was passed unanimously by the Senate?
Makes you wonder what the democrats in the House are hiding. Pelosi is a huge receiver of pork, so we know her motivation. What is Inslee’s excuse? I thought he was an independent thinker. Looks like he is just another lap dog of the corrupt democrat leadership.
Just out of curiosity, got any insight on why so many democrats voted against earmark reform? I can’t imagine why they don’t want us to know who their friends are, and who is getting all the taxpayer goodies. I know Cantwell isn’t happy these days that her little tricks with her campaign manager-turned lobbyist were exposed
Hell NO! Cut paste, talking point talking head. Still asks her husband to approve her posts. Can’t Understand Normal Thinking!
Comment by Anonymous— 9/18/06@ 7:25 pm
What a sanctimonious piece of shit you are you are afraid to post by your own name. Let see daddy called you squatting dog shit? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You have real fears that the boogie man will get you in your sleep? Don’t cry most Socialist Democrats have that problem, it came from the 60’s when LBJ started the draft. Roger the Rabbit is a by product from that era, must have been from watching Soylent Green movie to many times. That is why Roger likes Charlton Heston over Al Gore. Unlike Gore’s movie that movie was listed as a riveting science-fiction about ecological disaster. The question is can you the unknown person put a thought together?
Give anonymous a pass klake… cookie blocking from internet terrorists and predators defaults to ‘anonymous’ if you don’t specifically type a name each time.
Since there is at least pathetic cowardly old fart here that finds amusement in threatening the children of those with whom he disagrees I don’t blame anyone from using a cookie block. This pervert is dangerous, but luckily, if anything happens to our children, he was stupid enough to boast his name…. repeatedly.
My Left Footspews:
Uh Kkklake @ 68
Might want to read post 61. I wrote 58, you sanctimonious, pompous, arrogant, inbred, cocksucking, motherfucking asshole. Pay ATTENTION.
Read thoroughly, Comprehend. You have proudofherfatlyingass disease.
What a fucking moron. My name is known. My REAL FUCKING NAME. CARL GROSSMAN.
Kiss my white Jewish ass you are the second dumbest, ignoranus (means stupid and an asshole) posting from the WingNut view.
My Left Footspews:
proudofherdumbfatass is at it again in post 68.
post what you have.
Direct us to the threat of your “children”.
Such a sad woman. No life. Makes up kids, her family “business”. I suspect that is turning tricks in the backseat of cars parked on Aurora Ave.
You threatened me. You were called on your bluff, you folded. You are as useless as a used condom.
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedyspews:
Dont you love it. As gas prices go down the approval ratings keep going up. Will gas be under $2.00 by mid October? I thinks so. Go Bush. hehehe
Kiss my white Jewish ass you are the second dumbest, ignoranus (means stupid and an asshole) posting from the WingNut view.
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/18/06@ 8:41 pm
I love you tooooooooooo left fooooooooooooot when are you joining the Army? You can’t be Jewish they have a back bone and use their real name not Left Foooooooooot.
Puddybud Mo Money Ray Naginspews:
Puddy, better keep a shorter leash on your horny sons. MTR just picked up both of them at 1st & Pike. Guess he wants to try dark chicken tonight. Commentby GWB the missing link— 9/18/06@ 7:26 pm
Dribble is that you masquerading as a fruitcake AGAIN?
Janet Sspews:
So tell me Left Foot –
Do you think that legislation should be filled with pork at the last minute, and then passed before anyone has a chance to read it? Nancy Pelosi, the wanna-be Speaker of the House does not want you to know what is in there. That’s because a lot of it goes to her friends. And she has real power, so Inslee, McDermott, Baird and Larsen do whatever she wants.
Do you think the Pope should apologize to the violent fanatics because he made a historical reference to Muslims being violent? Or do you think he should die for his remarks?
Just trying to string a thought together here . . .
Jim Kingspews:
@11 through 16- GBS- Clinton never paid down the national debt.
Not once in his eight years did the national debt decline.
Here’s your numbers, from the Department of the Treasury- the National Debt at the end of each fiscal year:
Actually, Ike paid down the debt in both 1956 and 1957, Truman paid it down in 1947, 1948, and 1951, and it had steadily declined from July 1, 1919 through July 1, 1930.
But Clinton never paid down the debt. Clinton didn’t ever really balance the budget- you have to look at all accounts, and all budgets, to follow the shell games.
So, GBS- don’t ever try and win at a shell game- your eye isn’t sharp enough to follow the action…
My Left Footspews:
If you had kids, which you don’t, one would have to feel sorry for them being raised by a trailer dwelling, alcoholic, drug addicted, whore whose big night is posting here at HA and trying to bolster what is left of her non-existent self-esteem by putting everyone else down. It makes her feel better for a while, but it wears off like the crack she smokes and soon she needs another hit. It is a never ending circle.
Puddybud Mo Money Ray Naginspews:
KLake his name is Carl, Carl Grossman. Retired. Of what, jury is out. Married to Teresa X. XXXXXXXX – barrister of Fortune 500 Company ABCDEFG; able to practice in four; what did I say; four states.
Remember Puddy self-employed. Puddy make good money in this “lousy” economy, for moonbats and leeches that is.
JSA in Vancouver, BC. Economy sucks right?
My Left Footspews:
KKKlake at 72:
You need to back and read the post again. I gave my real name you moronic infidel.
I love you tooooooooooo left fooooooooooooot when are you joining the Army? You can’t be Jewish they have a back bone and use their real name not Left Foooooooooot.
Comment by klake — 9/18/06 @ 8:48 pm
Fuck you, kkklake!
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and wonder when Wingnuts will actually read before they post and expose their asses here?
Puddybud Mo Money Ray Naginspews:
HowCan: Just bury his ass! Please! Tell it all! I am interested.
Or you can send it to the puddybud address. I’d like to see the 10-4 on Teresa.
Puddybud Mo Money Ray Naginspews:
Wow Rabbit. You really dissected MWS’ argument. He was talking about Reagonomics and you pick on the title. Yes, speciousness is your forte!
Puddybud Mo Money Ray Naginspews:
Jim King: I went the obscure way, you went for the jugular. I was showing how the Clinton budgets were a result of Republican congressional control.
GBS misses that nuance. I also noticed this nuance. GBS no longer posts from home for a long time now. Maybe Mrs GBS got hold of dem cojones!
Puddybud Mo Money Ray Naginspews:
Notice how Carl wants to have sex with many on the right. Where I come from Carl, I wouldn’t touch you with Rabbit’s pecker after putting playtex yellow latex gloves.
darcys my galspews:
CAIRO, Egypt (Sept. 18) – Al-Qaida in Iraq warned Pope Benedict XVI on Monday that its war against Christianity and the West will go on until Islam takes over the world, and Iran’s supreme leader called for more protests over the pontiff’s remarks on Islam.”
My Left Footspews:
So tell me Left Foot –
Do you think that legislation should be filled with pork at the last minute, and then passed before anyone has a chance to read it? Nancy Pelosi, the wanna-be Speaker of the House does not want you to know what is in there. That’s because a lot of it goes to her friends. And she has real power, so Inslee, McDermott, Baird and Larsen do whatever she wants.
Do you think the Pope should apologize to the violent fanatics because he made a historical reference to Muslims being violent? Or do you think he should die for his remarks?
Just trying to string a thought together here . . .
Comment by Janet S — 9/18/06 @ 8:51 pm
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“You threatened me.”
Commentby My Left Foot []……….You seem to get “threatened” often. I guess a lot of posters don’t like you, Carl.]
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“I gave my real name you moronic infidel.”
Carl Grossman […………………”Infidel”????? I think Carl has gone over to the Muuuuuuuuuuslim side. Gee, what a fucking surprise. Maybe if we torture Carl, we might get some “intel”.]
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Carl, Is your son a fag? Just “axing”………….
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“She can’t take on JCH.”
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………“She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She c”She can’t take on JCH.” an’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” ……………………………..hehe, JCH
My Left Footspews:
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Carl, If the Muuuuuuuslims attacked you, would you push Mrs. Grossman in the way so they could “have at her” while you ran away?
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
CARL GROSSMAN [……………………………………………………….Another empty threat from “Infidel” Carl. Carl, come out from behind your wife’s shirt and tell us about YOU!!!!! Be half a man!!!]
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Run away, Carl! Run away!!
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
As Mahmoud Ahmadinejad enjoys a nice dinner somewhere in New York the night before his speech at the UN, back home in Iran the head mullah, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, calls for worldwide protests and attacks against the United States.
Because of one completely misinterpreted paragraph in a papal speech asking for dialog with the Islamic world.
(Cue Twilight Zone theme.)
In Iran, supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei used the comments to call for protests against the United States. He argued that while the pope may have been deceived into making his remarks, the words give the West an “excuse for suppressing Muslims” by depicting them as terrorists.
“Those who benefit from the pope’s comments and drive their own arrogant policies should be targeted with attacks and protests,” he said, referring to the United States. [………………………………………………………………………………..What to stop Muuuuuuuslim terrorism? Nuke Iran. If the ragheads fuck with us, nuke another raghead country. It is that simple.]
Just trying to string a thought together here . . .
Comment by Janet S — 9/18/06 @ 8:51 pm
Comment by My Left Foot— 9/18/06@ 9:08 pm
Hey Squatting Dog Shit you appear to be a little hot under the collar your caps lock seems to be stuck. I have a real soft spot for the Jewish people and you do not measure up to their standards. They have no problem ID themselves for they are proud people and will defend themselves no matter who confronts them. You are like a Socialist Democrat and love to cut and run when the fighting gets rough. You don’t even qualify as a French lover boy and kiss the enemy on both cheeks. Life is tough Left Foooooooooooooooooot.
the young rabbitspews:
Janet Sspews:
Left foot – You didn’t answer the question – why do you support a bunch of democrats that vote against pork reform? Why are all the repubs corrupt, but the dems pure? The republicans are the ones that decided to police themselves, something the democrats have never done when in power.
You owe me an apology – I have never called for the elimination of anyone. Why are you such a hateful human being? Either prove what you say, or publicly apologize here.
Now I have to defend myself against your slander, lest someone think you speak anything but lies. I have merely asked that moderate Islam take back control of their religion from the fanatics. If the Pope said something offensive, civilized people bring a reasoned case to him, explaining why they find it offensive. They don’t murder nuns and burn down churches.
Is your argument that we all need to submit to the fanatics, in order to save our lives? That the Jews should just move so that Iran doesn’t have to look at them anymore? That seems to be the point of your rantings. Otherwise, I have no idea what you point you are trying to make.
My Left Footspews:
My name is right there. You want to know more. November 9 thru 14. The only cowards here are hiding behind fake names, advocating death for Jews, Blacks, Muslims and Mexicans. I wonder what cowardice feels like. I imagine that is when confronted in person, you freeze up. Shit your pants and begin cry, culminating in wishing you could just die. Tell us, cowards, is that what it is like?
Jim Kingspews:
But let’s get back to Goldie’s posting-
Goldie- the King County Democrats don’t seem to have an exempt account. And their non-exempt account has a whole $863.64 in the bank. They’ve only raised $65,700.07 this year. Of the $64,836.83 they’ve spent- well, Larry Phillips was the only “candidate” to get anything, but the county D’s chair has been paid well. And a chunk of that $65,700.07 was actually just passing through- like when the 34th District D’s ran $3,707.00 through the King County D books on August 31st.
So the King County D’s haven’t bothered with exempt money to cover operational expenses, so all of their non-exempt money- what little their is of it- is going to the organization and particularly its chair- not to candidates.
Now the King County GOP has established both exempt and non-exempt accounts, and have raised $74,365.86 in their non-exempt account and spent $68,558.81- leaving a balance of $5,807.05.
Unlike the King County D’s, the King County GOP has actually been putting money into candidates.
They have used their exempt account for organizational costs.
And Goldie- if you had done your research, you might have noticed that a software gliotch in the electronic reporting had screwed up the numbers for the King County GOP exempt account.
Just compare the ending numbers on the C4 for the period ending June 30, and the starting numbers on the C4 for the period beginning July 1. The corrected reports show that the King County GOP exempt account is in the black by $12,291.23…
And they’ve raised $143,434.15 in their exempt account. The King County D’s have raised NO exempt money.
So- will you rewrite the posting and admit you screwed up again?
So if I understand the lies of the right wingers, it goes something like this.
1) When Ronald Reagan was President deficits were good. When Bill Clinton was president, deficits were bad. And now that a republican is President again, deficits are good.
2) Bill Clinton balanced the budget but the right wants to give credit to Newt The Hoot. Okay, so what’s the excuse for not being able to do it in six years with a republican House, Senate, Supreme Court and White House? Oh, now that Bill Clinton is out of office, it’s probably his fault that Bush created the largest federal government in history.
You have to hand it to the GOP. They can lie through their teeth, look you in the eye and not miss a beat. I say again, America deserves to be wiped off the face of the planet if it’s stooooopid enough to believe the GOP liars.
the young rabbitspews:
the truth be known id rather go hunting with dick chaney than driving with ted kennedy.
For the Cluelessspews:
Uhhh – Jim – Darryl wrote the post..
My hats off to Grossmans for having fun with the wingnuts – at the wingnut’s expense. Great job!!
My Left Footspews:
Hey Klake, I posted in caps so you morons could read it. Just like first grade readers it is printed in upper case for your reading ease.
Now as for you having respect for the Jewish people. ROFLMAO. You respect no one, not even yourself. Cut and run. Lets meet kkklake. You pick the place. We can have a beer. I’ll buy. Micro-brew even. Can’t wait for you beg off that offer. Have a good evening. Here is a clue: go read the Ranger Creed. And know that I can recite it in my sleep. I believe it. I live it.
My Left Footspews:
Janet @ 96:
You post a lot questions that are phrased so that you get the answers you want.
Left foot – You didn’t answer the question – why do you support a bunch of democrats that vote against pork reform? Why are all the repubs corrupt, but the dems pure? The republicans are the ones that decided to police themselves, something the democrats have never done when in power.
You owe me an apology – I have never called for the elimination of anyone. Why are you such a hateful human being? Either prove what you say, or publicly apologize here.
Now I have to defend myself against your slander, lest someone think you speak anything but lies. I have merely asked that moderate Islam take back control of their religion from the fanatics. If the Pope said something offensive, civilized people bring a reasoned case to him, explaining why they find it offensive. They don’t murder nuns and burn down churches.
Is your argument that we all need to submit to the fanatics, in order to save our lives? That the Jews should just move so that Iran doesn’t have to look at them anymore? That seems to be the point of your rantings. Otherwise, I have no idea what you point you are trying to make.
Comment by Janet S — 9/18/06 @ 9:46 pm
Roger Rabbitspews:
“the truth be known id rather go hunting with dick chaney than driving with ted kennedy.” Commentby the young rabbit— 9/18/06@ 9:57 pm
I’m sure the world won’t miss one young bunny — there’s lots more where you came from.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh man I hope so! My lawyer buddies need the work (and fat contingency fees — what do you call 40% of $750,000? sweet)!!!
Harassing innocent people is second nature to these nazi fucks. They’ve been doing it in Iraq for three years now.
1. My name is right there. You want to know more. November 9 thru 14. The only cowards here are hiding behind fake names, advocating death for Jews, Blacks, Muslims and Mexicans. I wonder what cowardice feels like. I imagine that is when confronted in person, you freeze up. Shit your pants and begin cry, culminating in wishing you could just die. Tell us, cowards, is that what it is like?
Comment by My Left Foot— 9/18/06@ 9:52 pm
Squatting Dog Shit did your mommy live with a hippie and when you were born gave you this wired name My Left Foot? Nawwwwwwwwwwwwww I bet they wouldn’t cal you that because the best part didn’t run down your mommy leg? But I have been wrong before; they were not HIPPIES were they? Cowards???????????? That is not a word a good Jewish Gentleman would use when communicating with their enemies would they Mr. Unknown. Tell me Squatting Dog Shit what is your real fears? You know only a Socialist Democrat would have many to talk about; you know those who cut and run when confronted about life treating subjects. That is why they enacted the political correctness thing and the KINDER and gentler way of expressing themselves. Wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings would they. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Squatting Dog Shit don’t forget that program they taught you in prison I’m ok and you are ok. You know the same plan that the French implements when dealing with their lovers, and their enemies to save their sorry asses.
Janet Sspews:
Left Foot – I see no proof of your accusations towards me, or an apology. Just what ethic is it that you live by?
Par for the course.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“TAX RATE CUTS INCREASE FEDERAL REVENUE ! ! ! ! … So get off this bullshit that tax RATE cuts cause federal revenue to go down. It just ain’t so…” Commentby Mark The Redneck KENNEDY— 9/18/06@ 5:09 pm
Whooops!!! Mark is lying through his teeth again!!! But what do you expect from a bet welsher.
BTW welsher, spending has nothing to do with revenues.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s a close one, but I’ll go with (2).
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
”Whoever insults the message of Muhammad is going to be subject to capital punishment.” [Carl Grossman] [………………………………………………………………………………………………..It’s time to start killing them by the millions. Enough of this shit.]
Harassing innocent people is second nature to these nazi fucks. They’ve been doing it in Iraq for three years now.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/18/06@ 10:07 pm
New math Roger or have you develop a new type of autism?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The dems have promised to raise spending and increase taxes if the get control of Congress.” Commentby Janet S— 9/18/06@ 6:18 pm
How on earth could the Democrats possibly spend more than the GOP? Start another war? Try to top the GOP’s corruption and thievery? It’s impossible. If the Dems are elected, spending will go down — even after allowing for a couple billion dollars of investigation expenses and a couple billion more for the new federal prisons it will take to hold all the criminals in the GOP.
110 Hey, I’ve got a better idea, Jimmy…let’s go find Osama (might take some folks a little more competent than your heeeeeeeeero King George to do that, mind you), lock the two of you in a bunker somewhere…then throw away the key and forget about you both. As to which of you would “win”, who gives a shit?
My Left Footspews:
Janet @ 96:
You post a lot of questions designed to get the answers you want. Here are my answers again.
Left foot – You didn’t answer the question – why do you support a bunch of democrats that vote against pork reform? Why are all the repubs corrupt, but the dems pure? The republicans are the ones that decided to police themselves, something the democrats have never done when in power.
What Pelosi supported made no difference. Republicans pork barrel too. I support the Democratic platform because I have conscience. I support my party when it is right, and speak up when it is wrong. Why do you support a party that is interested only in retaining power, that 60 percent of America is fed up with, that believes corruption is the way to do business.
You owe me an apology – I have never called for the elimination of anyone. Why are you such a hateful human being? Either prove what you say, or publicly apologize here.
You have advocated for the war. You have advocated violence. I am a military man. I spent the majority of my career in an elite unit. I am aware of the need for military power. I am also aware that this war was not fought to “save” America. So are you. You just won’t admit it. Why do you advocate the killing of innocents? Why do you support a war that has no end in sight? Why do you back a party that lied about WMD, the Saddam-Terrorist connection? Why, Janet, Why?
Now I have to defend myself against your slander, lest someone think you speak anything but lies. I have merely asked that moderate Islam take back control of their religion from the fanatics. If the Pope said something offensive, civilized people bring a reasoned case to him, explaining why they find it offensive. They don’t murder nuns and burn down churches.
Is your argument that we all need to submit to the fanatics, in order to save our lives? That the Jews should just move so that Iran doesn’t have to look at them anymore? That seems to be the point of your rantings. Otherwise, I have no idea what you point you are trying to make.
I will submit to no man. I will willingly lay down my life defending this country. I would lay down my life to protect your right to speak as you please. I will also stand and say what I believe to be right. My father taught me this. Even if there are 200 people in a room, who believe otherwise, a man will stand and speak his mind. He must only know that in his heart of hearts that he is right and he speaks only the truth.
I know that I can be very abrasive here, it is for entertainment purposes. I am trained in pysche, and I use it to irritate the extremists on the right. The truth be told, I am firmly planted in the middle of the road politically, with a slight lean left.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat
Richard Popespews:
Jim King @ 98
Darryl was correct at the time he posted this topic at 3:38 p.m. today. The King County GOP has subsequently filed amended C4 returns for its Exempt account. It now looks like the Exempt account is in the black, instead of being hideously overdrawn for a protracted period of time.
Somehow I doubt this is merely a “software glitch”. Sounds more like a PDC reporting and compliance problem to me. A lot of their C4 reports were late earlier in the year. And it looks like a lot of monetary items (especially contributions) were omitted from the two recent C4 forms on 09/12/2006 and 08/28/2006 that Darryl has referenced — which have just now been amended.
Yes, the King County GOP raises a lot more money that the King County Democrats. But you overlook the Democrat district organizations, which are fully autonomous, and usually have healthy five figure incomes in any given election year. The GOP district organizations are mere appendages of the county organization, and pretty much subject to the county chair’s control — and rarely get more than a couple thousand in a given year. Add up the county organization and all the districts for each party, and you will probably find roughly equal amounts in any given year.
There is no reason for Darryl to correct the current article. You can probably bet that he will look at the amended returns, figure out what was missing, and write a follow-up piece in the next few days.
Moonbat poll; Which current issue is more important to write about today?
1. A HARDLINE cleric linked to Somalia’s powerful Islamist movement has called for Muslims to “hunt down” and kill Pope Benedict XVI for his controversial comments about Islam.
2. Gunmen killed an elderly Italian nun outside a children’s hospital in Mogadishu, Somalia Sunday, police said.
The attack raised immediate speculation it was tied to Pope Benedict XVI’s recent remarks about Islam, which drew strong criticism in Somalia from a radical Muslim cleric, the BBC reported.
3.How much money the King County GOP has in the bank.
And the answer is—
The Poor King County GOP
by Darryl, 09/18/2006, 3:38 PM
You sure know how to spot the really important issues, Darryl;Catholics are no more important than Jews, and you don’t give a shit if Moslem savages kill Jews.
BTW, are you going to write a post saying that the Nun-killer was really a Christian, just like you did with the Jew-killer Haq? Better make excuses for those nice Moslems.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Associated Press reported tonight that health officials told California farmers to improve produce safety over a year ago, and this is the 20th case of spinach and lettuce poisoning.
But Republicans want a “free market” — a euphemism for unregulating, freebooting, laissez faire, piratical capitalism — coupled with immunity from tort lawsuits for peddling dangerous or defective products.
Do you really want to elect these guys, and entrust your family’s health and safety to their greed? Before you vote Republican, imagine your child on life support, or hooked up to a dialysis machine for the rest of her life.
I know that I can be very abrasive here, it is for entertainment purposes. I am trained in pysche, and I use it to irritate the extremists on the right. The truth be told, I am firmly planted in the middle of the road politically, with a slight lean left.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/18/06@ 10:17 pm
Correction Mr Lefty Foooot it is leaning really far to the left. No one in their right mind would claim to be a LIBERAL. The last question what is you real name? No one will hurt you in that room of 200 hundred people. Come come clean you are not Jewish and your real daddy was a real HIPPIE and smoke pot.
Thank you. I wonder what this board will be like when they are to opposition?
SPECIAL NOTE TO KKKLAKE: MY N A M E I S C A R L G R O S S M A N. I am not hiding you ignorant, life sucking, parasitic piece of shit.
Special note to Janet: I apologize for generalizing and lumping you in with the warmongers of the RightWingNuts.
The fact they’re working illegally doesn’t excuse them from paying taxes, dickhead. And if they pay taxes, they should get the benefits they paid taxes for. This is so simple anybody but a wingnut can figure it out.
Commentby Roger Rabbit—— 9/17/06@ 9:33 pm
You fucking moron, illegal aliens pay sales tax too. Since they pay taxes for welfare, you think they should also get welfare, moonbat?
Commentby americafirst—— 9/17/06@ 9:41 pm
Don’t run away, moonbat, do you think illegal aliens should get welfare also?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Not me! I’m not abrasive at all, I’m just telling it like it is. I don’t do anything for entertainment, I’m dead serious! I do it to kick these rightwing sewer rats back into the gutter they crawled out of, and that’s no joke. As for my political leanings, I’m best described as a “patriotic American.”
Janet Sspews:
Left Foot – thanks for the apology! Of course, you still are accusing me of commets for which you have no proof. But the fact that you started speaking like a real human being and not a crazed poster gives me hope that reason and logic will win out!
I apologize for suggesting you might submit to another’s will. If you are to be believed, which I have no reason not to, you have served honorably in the military, and deserve respect. That anyone be asked to submit to another is antithetical to American freedom.
May the Israelis live long in their homeland in the middle east, and may Jerusalem stay in their hands, and out of the hands of fanatics, for eternity.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Quit changing the subject, welfare has absolutely nothing to do with Social Security, they’re two vastly different things. I’ve got a couple of questions for you, fascist fuck:
1. If an illegal deposits money in a bank, should he get it back?
2. If an illegal pays Social Security taxes, why should you get his Social Security benefits, you fucking freeloader?
Roger Rabbitspews:
However, if an illegal doesn’t get his own Social Security number, and works under your Social Security number, then yes you should get the benefits he paid for — because he stole your identity, and that’s the same thing as depositing his money to your bank account.
Not me! I’m not abrasive at all, I’m just telling it like it is. I don’t do anything for entertainment, I’m dead serious! I do it to kick these rightwing sewer rats back into the gutter they crawled out of, and that’s no joke. As for my political leanings, I’m best described as a “patriotic American.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/18/06@ 10:30 pm
You are best described as a moonbat. Are you going to answer #123, which you have been running from, or should I make that moonbat coward?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Buuut, on the other hand, if an illegal does get a Social Security number and pays SS taxes, then using his taxes to pay for your benefits is the same thing as YOU stealing HIS identity and Social Security number.
My Left Footspews:
KKKlake, how about that beer, buddy. I’m buying. Two rounds if you have a designated driver with you. And today’s word of the day:
a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
“Are you going to answer #123” Commentby americafirst— 9/18/06@ 10:37 pm
Here are your options, fascist fuck:
1) Read 126, 127, and 129, OR
2) Call the Department of the Blind and ask them to send you a reader.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another option for you, fascist fuck, is to ask Goldy to have his blog put on Talking Books. A donation from you might help make it possible.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let’s be real clear here: Welfare is a gift from the taxpayers to needy recipients, whereas Social Security is an earned benefit based on the worker’s financial contributions into the system.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s why Bush’s attempt to divert $1 trillion-plus of Social Security revenues to his Wall Street buddies is the same thing as Bush trying to withdraw money from my bank account.
Roger Rabbitspews:
For morally challenged blockheads like fascist fuck, that’s called “stealing.”
126, at least you’re not a coward, scratch #128, but you’re still ducking my question on welfare. Be brave and answer yes or no.
Your answers:1.If the money came from working illegally it should be confiscated as criminal proceeds;
2. Because the criminal was working illegally and a criminal shouldn’t be permitted to keep the proceeds of his crime.
Jim Kingspews:
Richard- I have, for months, been tracking all legislative races and the caucus committees for a group of lobbyists.
This was a software glitch. The electronic filing software is supposed to keep things on track by automatically verifying that line x here matches line b there- yet we get a few reports each reporting period that glitch.
Right now, the Senate D committees are royally glitched, and have been for three weeks.
In neither case is there a compliance problem. As for the late reporting- I get more concerned that senir members of the Legislature- of both parties- don’t view deadlines as anything more than advisory, and believe that they can file a years worth of reports in the summer of the election year- having not bothered to file for twelve to eighteen months, while all along raising and spending money.
Or can be a few days late on the report due one week before the election.
The bottom line- anyone who went two reporting periods back would have discovered the anomalies, and known that there was more to the story. darryly was WRONG at the time he reported- the King County GOP exempt account has NOT been in the red.
His whole post was about fiscal irresponsibility- and there was no fiscal irresponsibility. If he decides to do a big deal about glitches, he may want to examine the state Senate D’s- and others- before grandstanding…
My Left Footspews:
Roger Rabbit:
Thank you. You have given me the label I have been searching for. Patriotic American!
The truth shall set you free. Amen.
Oops, time for the Patriotic American Prayer:
Lord Jesus,
Protect me from your fanatical followers.
Carl Grossman
Patriotic American, Democrat and Proud
Comment by My Left Foot— 9/18/06@ 10:39 pm
Mr. Carl Grossman I might take you up on the Beer and a few days ago I meet a chap who also claims to be a Socialist also. Funny what people will brand themselves these days? Sweet Dreams and tuck that funny wabbit in for the night.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Jewish and Proud
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/18/06@ 10:39 pm
You’re forgetting something. You,or someone in your family, will be Jewish, proud and dead if we keep allowing millions of Moslems into the country. Not only have you learned nothing from 9-11, you’ve learned nothing from the Holocaust.
My Left Footspews:
I see that proudofherfatass and puddy have decided to leave the Mrs thing alone. Excellent decision on their part.
Let this be a lesson to you RightWingNuts. We will not be trifled with. I am way to resourceful and motivated. My wife is precious to me. The most valuable person in my life. I will die defending her. I will die loving her. When claims were made, I assumed correctly, the party making the threats was bluffing. I had to be sure. The smartest person I know, Teresa, came up with the solution to prove my deduction correct…………….. Call the WSBA. Brilliant. Simple. Direct. Brilliant.
Screw you “carl”. Your wife may be precious to you but she is still the moron that willingly married you, you child threatening internet terrorist… now go tuck your little wabbit in for the night.. is that what “teresa, suddenly her middle name” calls your little man? How cute.
Jim Kingspews:
Racists like Roger Rabbit and americafirst have bbeen trying to keep America “white” for centuries. This invidious racism infects both political parties. They have always been wrong.
Expecting every peace-loving Muslim to condemn every act of terror is as futile as it was to expect every Irish-American to condemn every terrorist act by the IRA. It is only the racist amon us who hold to blood-guilt and condemn whole groups for the actions of a few- and of a few they could not control.
Many held all Italians guilty because of La Cosa Nostra- now they condemn Sikhs for what Arabs do (gee, they both wear turbans…). Racism is racism, on the right or on the left.
Hang in against the hatred, Carl. You may be on the left, and me on the right, but I’ll stand with you on this hateful stuff.
My Left Footspews:
Amerika first @ 140
Earth to Amerika First. I am not willing to trade our founding fathers principles and my civil rights for a little “security”. I know the price to paid for freedom. It costs lives. It costs the lives of young men who gallantly give themselves so that we may live free. The men who died in WWII saved the world. Not our country, but the world. The men dying today are not dying to protect freedom. They are dying to advance the political beliefs of the Republican party.
If we allow the terrorists to change our life in any significant way, we have lost. We can be vigilent, we can be aware, but we must not be afraid. We must live free. We must not give in. You want to eliminate all the threats. It simply can not be done. Not without soldiers on the corners, closed borders, and Big Brother watching everything.
Are you willing to live that way? I am not. Live free or die!
Jim, I suggest you take another good long gander at “carls” diatribes… they are the single, most vile, hate filled on this blog. He may be under the delusion that he is a “moderate” but he is about as moderate as Atilla the Hun.
Thanks for the additional information. It is remarkable that someone filed these reports without actually looking at, say, the bank account balance as listed on line 18, and the actual balance in their bank account.
Jim King @ 137
“The bottom line- anyone who went two reporting periods back would have discovered the anomalies, and known that there was more to the story. darryly was WRONG at the time he reported- the King County GOP exempt account has NOT been in the red.”
Oh…please, Jim…you are blaming me for mistakes that the GOP made in filing their statements? Whoever filled out the forms had access to really useful information, like bank account balances. And you are blaming the computer as if the KCGOP isn’t capable of checking their own filings?
How…um…typically Wingnut to blame anyone and everyone else EXCEPT those who were responsible for filing the information accurately and on time! (So much for the “Party of personal responsibility.”)
No…if I made a mistake it was assuming that the Republicans acutally did their paperwork correctly and verified the numbers. Apparently, it took a posting on HorsesAss for the KCGOP to get their asses in gear and actually LOOK at the numbers they filed with the PDC. From my perspective: mission accomplished.
“His whole post was about fiscal irresponsibility- and there was no fiscal irresponsibility.”
Fiscal responsibility includes being competent to provide accurate reports and filing them on time. I mean, if they had a positive balance actually in their checking account but they filed paperwork showing that they had a negative account balance, then the term “FUCKING INCOMPETENCE” comes to mind.
“If he decides to do a big deal about glitches, he may want to examine the state Senate D’s- and others- before grandstanding…”
Umm…here is an idea for you Jim…start your own fucking blog and investigate whoever flips your trigger. And I’ll continue to write about whoever I want to write about.
Missy, you were out gunned (just a saying) right from the start. I know losing sucks, but you brought this on yourself. By the way, you do realize that you left a nice big footprint on the servers for the WSBA, right. Your search parameters and everything.
Now, you don’t know me. I never threatened you. You threatened me. I can see how you became confused. All that drug use and the depression.
You threatened my children you miserable pricklet and now you LIE about it you, pathetic coward.
If you pray to whomever it is you perchance to believe in, you better pray long and hard that NOTHING untoward happens to my kids, CARL GROSSMAN LIBERAL CHILD TERRORIST.
My Left Footspews:
Jim King @ 143:
They don’t really get to me. I was mostly concerned that proudofherlyingass would harass an innocent person or persons.
The hatred in this country being espoused by the extremists is frightening. We can replace Jew with Islamo-Fascist. The parallel is unmistakable. Next the interment camps are coming. Swear an oath or enter the gated area? This is America? This is not my America. And I hope this is not the majorities America.
How about grown “men” that threaten children CARL… are they frightening? You’re damned straight they are you child threatening internet terrorist.
You’re dangerous “carl”… I wonder if you’re on the known pedophile list yet…
“You thought you found the answer on that magic carpet ride last night,
But, when you wake up in the morning, the world still gets you uptight,
Well, there’s nothing that you ain’t tried
To fill the emptiness inside,
But, when you come back down, you still ain’t feeling right.”
“It seems like kicks just keep getting harder to find,
All your kicks ain’t bringing you peace of mind,
Before you find out it’s too late,
You’d better get straight,
But, not with kicks, you just need help now.”
“You think you’re gonna find yourself a little piece of paradise,
But, it ain’t happened yet, so now you’d better think twice,
Don’t you see, no matter what you do,
You’ll never run away from you
If you keep on running, you’ll have to pay the price.”
“Don’t it seem like, kicks just keep getting harder to find,
All your kicks ain’t bringing you peace of mind,
Before you find out it’s too late,
You’d better get straight,
But, not with kicks.”
“To help you face the world each day,
That road goes nowhere,
I’m gonna help you find yourself another way.”
Get help “carl”, you desperately need it… and if your kids have kids… I advise they KEEP them far away from you and in LA.
Richard Popespews:
A major portion of the King County GOP’s discrepancy probably results from two bank deposits being reported late.
There are two C3 contribution deposit reports for the King County GOP Exempt Account that were filed today on 09/18/2006.
One of them was for a deposit of $16,500.00 made on 06/13/2006. The other was for a deposit of $10,000.00 made on 06/28/2006. Both of these should have been filed with the C4 report for June 2006 due on 07/10/2006.
So if you eliminate $26,500.00 from the bank balance reported to the PDC by failing to timely report these contributions, it obviously throws the books off by quite a bit.
The PUBLIC is supposed to RELY on the reports filed with the PDC. You can’t blame Darryl for believing the reports were correct. On the other hand, you can blame the King County GOP Chair and Treasurer for submitting PDC reports with such totally idiotic bank balances. In Stefan’s words — an “OWN GOAL” situation.
If we allow the terrorists to change our life in any significant way, we have lost. We can be vigilent, we can be aware, but we must not be afraid. We must live free. We must not give in. You want to eliminate all the threats. It simply can not be done. Not without soldiers on the corners, closed borders, and Big Brother watching everything.
Are you willing to live that way? I am not. Live free or die!
Commentby My Left Foot—— 9/18/06@ 11:19 pm
You are being naive. We are at war, and we can’t continue to expect to live as we do in peacetime. We are going to have to make sacrifices in our privacy just as we did in WWII.
Libertarianism is fine for peacetime, but completely unrealistic during wartime.
Richard Popespews:
Jim King @ 137
What is so glitched about the Senate D’s? Their latest C4 report for Senate Demo Camp Comm filed on 09/11/2006 shows $500,995.48 cash on hand.
By contrast, the Senate Repub Camp Comm only has $75,361.69 of “Cash on Hand” as of 09/11/2006.
Racists like Roger Rabbit and americafirst have bbeen trying to keep America “white” for centuries. This invidious racism infects both political parties. They have always been wrong.
Commentby Jim King— 9/18/06@ 11:15 pm
Trying to deflect debate on the issues by slinging epithets such as racist is unbecoming of anybody calling himself a conservative. It’s a typical leftwing tactic.
Besides- most people here illegally or not Mexican, not even Hispanic- they came on visas and overstayed.
Commentby Jim King— 9/17/06@ 7:38 pm
Bullshit,you don’t know what you’re talking about. You have no idea how many illegal aliens are in the country or how many are Mexican or Hispanic.
Commentby americafirst— 9/17/06@ 9:11 pm
And you’re still full of shit, Jim King.
My Left Footspews:
I did not threaten your “children”. You don’t have children, remember? The fog of the drugs is clouding your memory. Not to mention the fact that I have no idea, nor do I give a rats ass as to where you live.
I told you if you produced the posting, and I mean told us all the date and time of the post, so that we all can see it, I would turn myself in. To threaten harm to a child is so abhorent and vile to me that you can not imagine.
So again, show us all the “evidence”. You keep throwing around this accusation with no basis in fact. You are very good at the copy/paste thing. Just make sure you copy and paste the date and time of the non-existent threat to your imaginary children.
If you decide to pull a Susan Smith because your imaginary “children” are in the way of you and your pimp-daddy (PuddyPuller?), please, I urge to get help. I am sure you have relatives who would care for your “children” while you get the lobotomy you so desperately need.
You take care now. It has been interesting to deal with you. I would hope we never meet. I am actually afraid you would lose it, go nuts and do something stupid. Not that doing something stupid is new to you.
I just read your latest post with the song lyrics of some sicko/whacko that you evidently like. If you choose to continue with the baseless accusations, which you are now attempting to morph into a charge of being a pedophile, I will take all necessary legal action to cause you to cease and desist. Teresa has just pulled up case law on libel. Do you understand, that as of this moment, I am no longer playing with you? If you make this charge again, baseless as it is, I will take every legal avenue available to stop and punish you. You are the terrorist here. Now, I suggest you think, good and hard, before you post anything defamatory or libelous.
Carl Grossman
Democrat, Patiotic American with an absolutely clean record.
Goodnight, sweetie pie.
Jim Kingspews:
Richard- go look at the ending balances on their two previous reports, and starting balances on this report- and the complete lack of a report with anything more than zeros for the C4 filed August 29th. Then tell me what amount of cash they’ve actually raised. You can compare filed C3s with their numbers, too.
You might notice their letters of August 30th explaining that there is a glitch.
And check for both the SDCC and the Roosevelt Fund.
As for you Daryl, and your snarky little update- you didn’t do your homework, you have no clue about the PDC electronic reporting system, and if you want to make hay about the King County GOP, look to the State Senate Dems.
Or look to multiple reports where the PDC electronic system glitches. Yes treasurers should be doublechecking what they enter and what the PDC system reports- and most don’t. They have this naive belief that the government system works as advertised.
Hopefully Goldie can find somebody competent to fill in for him in the future.
jsa on commercial drivespews:
pud @ wherever the hell you were writing from:
Just FYI, I’m doing a contract in Vancouver. They’re paying me well above Seattle rates for doing my job, and thanks to our clever accountants, I’m not donating much more of what I make to Revenue Canada than I would be to the IRS if I was down South. (I’ll have to look at my last tax return, but it’s within one or two percentage points). Most of my funds get sent back to the US, where my primary residence is. The rest pays for my commuter pad, grocery bills, and bar tab.
I know you probably never make it up here because in the Puddy brain, Canada is t3h 3v1l, but it’s just this place, you know? Some things are done really well up here, some things are done really badly. In spite of the evils of Canadian socialism, Vancouver is chock-a-block with millionaires, and even the odd billionaire.
Tax rates on salaries take a giant leap North (ahem) once you go above about US$50K/year. Becuase Canadians aren’t as dumb as they look, anyone at that level of compensation with two braincells forms a C corp and becomes an “independent contractor”. You then take your car, half your house, every restaurant meal and drink you touch and declare it a “business expense”. As an indie in the US, you know the rules on expensing. Well, we can do a LOT more violence to the tax code through expenses here, and taking part of our salary as “dividends” at the end of the year, and a few other dodges. Revenue Canada knows this and winks. It’s a lot like Italy this way. The taxes are really high, but nobody actually pays them.
Yes, you can work eight hours a day, be paid $30,000/year, spend three months of the year pulling unemployment, and the rest of it with your thumb up your butt. Nobody I work with does that. The fact that some people here do is so not my problem.
I’m here because I’m making money and having tons of fun. That’s all one can ask for in life.
Speaking of which, quit gloating about how much you make. Sometimes you seem all right, sometimes you seem small. Being as impressed with yourself as you seem to be is a mark in the “small” category. You make a little bit more than I do (not as much as you might think), you’re several years older than I am (or you started having kids in your teens). You’re another yuppie with a low six-figure income. A fair number of my coworkers make more than you do, and none of them step on their dicks in the process of doing so.
“A major portion of the King County GOP’s discrepancy probably results from two bank deposits being reported late. There are two C3 contribution deposit reports for the King County GOP Exempt Account that were filed today on 09/18/2006.
One of them was for a deposit of $16,500.00 made on 06/13/2006. The other was for a deposit of $10,000.00 made on 06/28/2006. Both of these should have been filed with the C4 report for June 2006 due on 07/10/2006.
Wow…excellent work. But aren’t they supposed to file the C3 forms no later than the Monday following the deposit? How could they overlook four June donations totaling $26,500 in a filing???? These contributions were, apparently, keeping them in the black. I am, frankly, puzzled that one of the donations for $10,000 in June from the King County Republican Central Committee to the King County Republican Central Committee. What’s up with that?
“The PUBLIC is supposed to RELY on the reports filed with the PDC. You can’t blame Darryl for believing the reports were correct. On the other hand, you can blame the King County GOP Chair and Treasurer for submitting PDC reports with such totally idiotic bank balances. In Stefan’s words – an “OWN GOAL” situation.”
Ummm…yeah…what Richard said!
Jim Kingspews:
To make it easy, Richard-
SDCC- Had reported having raised, as of June 30th, $161,831.99- that is the starting number for the July 1 thru August 22 period. Their C3s for that period total $81,150.00 That should total $242,981.99 as of August 22nd. But they report $0’s throughout the period.
But then they start the August 23rd thru September 11th period not at $242,981.99, but at $483,337.41. That is either an error, or there are $240,000 plus in contributions never reported on a C3.
Roosevelt Fund- Had reported having raised, as of June 30th, $288,921.51- that is the starting number for the July 1 thru August 22 period. Their C3s for that period total $105,500.00 That should total $394,421.51 as of August 22nd. But they report $0’s throughout the period.
But then they start the August 23rd thru September 11th period not at $394,421.51, but at $288,921.51. That is either an error, or there is $105,000 plus that has gone missing.
There are anomalies like those here and there throughout the campaign finance reports. Ten state House candidates, and the Harry Truman Fund, have discrepancies between the ending numbers as of August 22nd and the starting numbers as of August 23rd. Most are less than $250, but one is over $5,000 and another is over $36,000. The Harry Truman Fund discrepancy is just under $18,000.
The electronic reporting system is supposed to prevent these discrepencies- it obviously doesn’t. But what I see is gliches, not compliance problems.
If Darryl wants to be the bigshot blogger, he should learn to investigate before reporting. Even if we have a reporting error here, we do not have a party operating in the red. He was so intent on posting his “gotcha” he failed of due diligence.
His credibility rightfully takes a hit.
But if Darryl wants to make a big case out of it, there are more Democratic errors than Republican errors.
Jim Kingspews:
And Darryl- some more lessons to learn before you jump the gun again- first, Monday reporting doesn’t start until July 1st- until then, C3s are filed with the C4 on the tenth of the following month; second, parties can transfer non-exempt funds to the exempt account- which is what that $10,000 deposit was.
Easy to find in the reports, if you know what you are doing…
“As for you Daryl, and your snarky little update…”
Huh? Who? Me Snarky?
“you didn’t do your homework, you have no clue about the PDC electronic reporting system,”
Apparently, I understand enough to look up the forms and interpret them at face value. But, I admit that I don’t have experience with the computer program they are using, and I don’t have access to the original documents. What I do have access to is the forms that the KCGOP are responsible for filling out correctly.
In fact, Jim, if I had identified their mistake and documented that they had filled out their forms incorrectly several months in a row, it would have been a more interesting story—a story about incompetence as well as fiscal irresponsibility instead of the relatively mild observation that they were, apparently, broke.
“and if you want to make hay about the King County GOP, look to the State Senate Dems.”
If looking at the State Dems would help me “make hay” about the KCGOP, I would be happy to do so :-)
But, I think you really meant I should investigate the State Dems for irregularities. I’ll take you suggestion under advisement, but my suggestion to you is that if you really want that done, look into it yourself and post about it to your own blog.
“Hopefully Goldie can find somebody competent to fill in for him in the future.”
Oh…Jim….words like this strike such pain and anguish in the soul…. I may not be able to write for 5 or 10 minutes now.
Jim Kingspews:
america first- racism and bigotry is to be fought wherever it is found. YOU are a racist and a bigot, and I will call you on it every time I care to do so, just as I will the racist rodent. There is no greater threat to American than the ugliness of racism and bigotry, which is used to cover many sins.
I am not one to cry racism every time a minority does not get a preference they want, or the program they demand. But I will cry racism and bigotry every time someone is derided or hated for the color of their skin, for the religion they profess, or the country from which they, or their ancestors, come.
The glory of America is the rich stew of a culture we have become, from all of the many ingredients we have seen added to the pot. Except for the xenophobe, it makes for a great and wonderful community.
“first, Monday reporting doesn’t start until July 1st- until then, C3s are filed with the C4 on the tenth of the following month;”
Ahh…yes, I recall that now. Thanks for the reminder.
“second, parties can transfer non-exempt funds to the exempt account- which is what that $10,000 deposit was.”
But, then why report it THREE MONTHS LATE? I mean, that is a wholly internal transaction. Even incompetence shouldn’t be enough to mess that up!
“Easy to find in the reports, if you know what you are doing… “?
It is also much easier when…you know…they do it right the first time—and file it on time as well…
My Left Footspews:
Geez, Darryl, I was hoping you would be thicker skinned. :)
I have been here all night hoping you would put up something else. I liked learning that Republicans can’t fill out forms and then cross check with the back account. I mean, if my my account paperwork was to show a negative balance, I would just pull it up on the computer and DOUBLE CHECK. But when you are from the party on the right, you are right. Right?
Yeah…I may have missed the real opportunity: a story of incompetence rather than poverty. Either way, it’s fun getting to the bottom of it!
Jim Kingspews:
Darryl- you have access to every report I have accessed- they are all online. You apparently do NOT have the expertise to look up the forms nor the talent for interpreting them at face value- or you just are too lazy to do a little digging. Were youi not even curious enough to wonder how long the King County GOP had been in the red? Or to look and see to whom they owed the money? A hint, Darryl- if the balance is in the red, it has to be offset by reported loans or orders placed but not paid. And those will be on the face of the report.
If all of that doesn’t add up, then you need to dig.
There are no “original” reports for electronic filers- they enter the data in the databank, and the reports are generated by the PDC. As I’ve noted, smart treasurers are learning to then go check the report generated, and not trust the PDC electronic filing system to be accurate.
And I wasn’t suggestingyou go investigate the Senate Dems- I was suggesting that the problem is in the PDC electronic filing system and that i is affecting both parties- and should affect the confidence anyone puts into the accuracy of the reports.
I would hope you’d have the integrity to admit that the numbers I noted from the Senate Dems are cause to wonder- and might learn from me that jumping the gun to assume base motives, or worse, is not the way to go. There ARE those who are gaming the system, especially in the Supreme Court races, and I hope they hang. Most errors are just innocent errors.
But what of the whole premise of your posting- that the King County GOP is fiscally irresponsible and operating in the red? Your Pulitzer prize has sort of gone out the window, hasn’t it?
Why not demonstrate that you have the intestinal fortitude to admit you were wrong about that? Or are you just about the sensational headline, and when it doesn’t pan out, you just go create another sensational headline- true or not?
Jim Kingspews:
Darryl- and My Left Foot- the real story is the generally lackadaisical attitude about filing with the PDC. If you are late with the FEC there are automatic penalties. With our PDC- aw, who cares.
One would think the reason for requiring a report a week beforev the election is to get a report a week before the election- not the day before, or three days before.
For reports due last Tuesday, we had incumbent legislators report late- eight on the 13th, four on the 14th, five on the 15th, one on the 16th. One hasn’t filed his last two C4s. The previous report- due three weeks before the election- had even more incumbants reporting late- up to ten days late.
We had incumbant legislators who didn’t bother to report until this summer, although they had been fundraising for twelve to eighteen months.
These are complance problems- but they are also often just an attitude by a legislator from a safe district that it really doesn’t matter. They aren’t trying to hide anything- they (or their treasurer just don’t get around to it.
And PDC doesn’t jump them for it.
It is like the Senate D committees. It is glitches- there is a software problem. But Argo Strategies is too wrapped up in pre-election activity to focus on PDC reports. So three weeks later, we do not have accurate pre-election reports.
It is a bipartisan problem, but not of interest to most people.
Puddybud Mo Money Ray Naginspews:
I see that proudofherfatass and puddy have decided to leave the Mrs thing alone. Excellent decision on their part.
Carl, HowCan is wiping yours and her ASS all over the place. I have more important issues to throw into your faces. HowCan is doing well.
Peas out!
Aussie Robspews:
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 / 0h04
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- The U.S. government recorded record-high overall and corporate tax receipts on Sept. 15, which was a quarterly deadline for tax payments, the Treasury said Monday.
Total tax receipts were $85.8 billion on Friday, compared with the previous one-day record of $71 billion on Sept. 15 of last year, the Treasury said.
Within the overall figure, corporate tax receipts Friday were $71.8 billion, up from $63 billion in September of last year.
Treasury Undersecretary for Domestic Finance Randal Quarles said Friday’s numbers provided a “continuing demonstration of the strength of the U.S. economy.”
“In fact, Friday’s gross receipts were the largest in a single day in the nation’s history – 20% higher than receipts on the same quarterly tax payment date last year,” Quarles said in a statement.
-By Benton Ives-Halperin, Dow Jones Newswires; 202-862-9255;
Ever notice how the rethugs’s standard isn’t truth, justice or morality. It’s “The Dems did it too?”
No wonder the world is so fucked up. They let these republican assholes fuck their sisters and their inbred children grow up with no sense of right or wrong.
You know, when we lived back east, there was a severly injured woman found in Wisconsin with no ID and absolutely no memory of who she was. The doctors contacted a linguist at the university because her speech patterns were so distinctive. He was able to indentify those patterns as indicative of the Pittsburgh area. They broadcast her picture on the Pittsburgh airwaves and lo and behold she was recognized and identified.
I find that fascinating.
I’ve been reading a bit about linguistics.
While those of us who are educated would say something like “Why aren’t you going?” or Why isn’t he employed?” others would use “why ain’t” interchangeably for ‘why isn’t’ and ‘why aren’t’. But even “why ain’t” isn’t immune from further change. There are some mountain folk from the high hills in places like West Virginia that pronounce it “wi’ant”.
Isn’t that interesting?
Not long ago I was at a charity auction and found myself a sharing a table with the mayor of Federal Way. It turns out that in our conversation that evening, I supremely put my foot in my mouth. We were talking about the community in which I live and I was complaining that it had recently converted a 4 way stop intersection to one of those circle round-abouts. Little did I know that Federal Way had done that in 2 intersections over on Weyerhauser Way.
Speaking of Weyerhauser, do you suppose it’s tough for a liberal to work there? I mean really, their comrades in liberalism constantly protest their reason for being and Good God!, it’s a big business evile corporation to boot!
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
If you make this charge again, baseless as it is, I will take every legal avenue available to stop and punish you.
Carl Grossman [……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….There he goes again! Every day, Carl Grossmanstein, Democrat Jew, threatens to sue someone. And he uses Stein, Goodmanstein, Loeb, Leiderstein, and Lowenstein, ESQ. [All in the family!!] Sooooooooooo typical!]
”You apparently do NOT have the expertise to look up the forms nor the talent for interpreting them at face value- or you just are too lazy to do a little digging.”
Cute, Jim. But, umm…it was the King County GOP that filed amendments—apparently in response to this post. So…you’ll have to pardon me for not taking your criticism very seriously…
”Darryl- you have access to every report I have accessed- they are all online….
There are no “original” reports for electronic filers- they enter the data in the databank, and the reports are generated by the PDC.”
The “original forms” I referred to in a previous comment are things like deposit slips, bank account statements (you know, the thing that showed KC GOP in the black when they were filing a disclosure showing themselves in the red).
”If all of that doesn’t add up, then you need to dig.”
Actually, that is what I expect from the people responsible for filing an accurate public disclosure. Disclosures to the PDC are supposed to be accessed and accessible to the public. If the KCGOP is reporting that they are in the red when they are in the black, that is certainly fair game for criticism. In this case, they forgot to report some large contributions in June, so there is no chance I could have discovered that—even if I was inclined to play forensic accountant for a day.
”But what of the whole premise of your posting- that the King County GOP is fiscally irresponsible and operating in the red? Your Pulitzer prize has sort of gone out the window, hasn’t it?”
Hmmm…the KC GOP forgot to report $26,500 from four sources last June, and therefore they make a public disclosure of operating in the red. fiscal irresponsibility here, folks…just move along…
”Why not demonstrate that you have the intestinal fortitude to admit you were wrong about that? Or are you just about the sensational headline, and when it doesn’t pan out, you just go create another sensational headline- true or not? “
Umm…because no matter how you try to spin it, Jim, the KCGOP fucked up. They’ve now corrected their errors, and I’ve, in turn, updated the post. From my perspective the story panned out quite well. (I mean…I’ve never been able to get the King County Republicans to do anything for me in the past…)
Sorry, Jim, these problems—late filings, negative (reported), wildly inaccurate balances, and overlooked deposits—are all fair game for criticism. Your spin and prevarication doesn’t change any of the underlying facts.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Researchers in the US and Mexico have documented numerous reports worldwide of health hazards associated with eating turtle, including food poisoning with Salmonella. Sea turtles also pick up marine toxins, possibly from algae, which are not removed by washing or cooking and can kill up to a fifth of people affected [[…………..Dear Grossmans, When you come to visit, I would love to prepare my recipe “Sea Turtle Grossmanstein” that I know you would enjoy! Best regards, JCH Kennedy]
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
After shamelessly suing himself to pander to voters, Democrat state Treasurer Bob Casey Jr. now wants it both ways regarding the most recent appalling decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court….Casey is pleased the court ruled the legislators’ “unvouchered expenses” used to give themselves pay raises from 11 percent to 54 percent were unconstitutional….But Democrat Treasurer Casey didn’t allow the state Constitution to stop him from signing the pay-jackers’ “unvouchered” expenses checks. […..Democrat Carl, Someone new to sue!! Yourself!!]
Daddy Lovespews:
JCH @ 2
So 1% of a capital improvement fund is spent to fix a public building, and that’s your story? Ooooh, corruption! Not.
Daddy Lovespews:
Puddybud @ 52
All it “proves” is that Clinton was trying to restrain spending. Bush should try it some time.
Daddy Lovespews:
Yeah, here’s what Janet S won’t tell you about that “earmark reform” that House Demcorats did not support…
“The earmark rules changes will not fool the American people into ignoring the irresponsible failure by the House to address the worst House corruption scandals in decades,” said Democracy 21, a group that works to eliminate the influence of money in American politics.
“At the core of the House corruption scandals has been the use of political money and financial benefits and perks by lobbyists and other influence-seekers to buy access and influence with members of Congress,” said Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer.
“Congress has enacted no reforms to change the corrupt status quo when it comes to these problems.
“In failing to enact lobbying and ethics reforms, members of Congress have chosen to protect their own self-interest at the great expense of the interests of the American people.”
Wertheimer noted that Congress has not changed the rules dealing with campaign contributions, “vacation-type trips,” lavish parties, company plane rides and other payola offered to Members of Congress by influence-seekers.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was quoted as calling the earmark reform measure a “political gimmick to make it look as if something is happening.”
Daddy Lovespews:
RUFUS @ 71
“Will gas be under $2.00 by mid October? I thinks so.‘
Yeah, MTR was saying that last fall, and look how right HE was. You just keep clapping louder!!!
Daddy Lovespews:
jim King @ 75
Gee, you left out how our national debt rose only by about a trillion dollars in 9 years of the Clinton administraiotn, but has risen by TRIPLE THAT in five years under the Boy King.
You know, some people don’t hide under their beds shaking in fear of the big, bad terrorists like you guys do. Sure, some Muslim (and other religion) terrorists hate, say, entire countries or entire populations, but their capabilities to do anything about that hate are really quite modest. Not enough of a threat to give up every civil liberties the Founders DIED to guarantee us. Not enough of a htreat to make our president KING.
If we as a government were REALLY willing to cooperate with out allies, share intelligence, and do some freakin’ police work, we’d catch those who are plotting like they did in the UK (if they did). If we were REALLY willing to stand up to the “countries who harbor terrorists,” then we wouldn’t have a presdent who tells us he needs a permission slip to go into Pakistan after Osama bin laden. Ooops, I forgot, Osama bin Laden, the man who planned and ordered the attacks that killed 3000 AMericans in 2001, “is not a high priority.”
Daddy Lovespews:
Aussie Rob @ 171
Productivity continues to improve, and so does corporate profitability. But real wages are falling, and have been for a long time. Maybe there’s more money around, but fewer and fewer people are getting any of it.
Matthew Lundhspews:
If you think that the ammended C4s
Matthew Lundhspews:
were filed because of it being posted on Horses Ass, you are sorely mistaken.
It’s always “Do as I say, Not as I do”…
It explains all the crooked politicians out there too…as well as the greedy Fortune CEOs..
Detroit mayor house repairs cost $200K
DETROIT — Some $200,000 of a $22 million bond issue for capital improvements is being spent to fix the swimming pool and make other repairs at the mayor’s mansion.
The money will be used to repair damaged pool tiles, cracked pavement walkways, a front porch and outside lighting, and to replace dead plants at the Manoogian Mansion, The Detroit News reported Monday. Construction is expected to begin soon.
The repairs are necessary to prevent accidents, said Matt Allen, a spokesman for
“It is a public building and the city of Detroit owns that and we need to do repairs to that property,” Allen told WJBK-TV on Monday.
Voters approved the $22 million bond issue, which also helped fund improvements at several city parks, including installing a remote-control car race track, climbing wall and disc golf course. The bond costs $8.22 a year in taxes for a person with a home worth $100,000. [……Detroit: The Harare of The MidWest, and Democrat Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, The Robert Mugabe of Detroit. “Gatta gets da MoFo swimmin poooooooool ready for as Bar-BBBBBB————-QQQQQQQQQsssssss!”
Carl Grossman, I don’t think “Anonymous” likes you. BTW, Is Mrs. Grossman back from “shopping” with “Jerome” at the Embassy Suites??
“Everyone sit down! The terrorists have assured me that they will land the plane safely at JFK! We must chant ‘BUSH NO GOOD! BUSH NO GOOD!’” [Carl Grossman]
Now we know Mrs Grossman is a lawyer. A moonbat lawyer to boot!Puddy, You got to Mrs Grossman. Good job. You give her an assist and what does she do Attack you! “She can’t take on JCH.”
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS
“She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She c”She can’t take on JCH.” an’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” ……………………………..hehe, JCH
I wonder if JCH is an automated bot. Wouldn’t be that hard to write, actually.
This woman has never has an original thought. She threatens and runs. Beware. A real “twisted sister.”
Commentby My Left Foot [“We’re Not Going To Take It!!!” Dee Snyder, TWISTED SISTER]
Goldie, you revisionist history buff.
When Reagan cut $1 in his budget, FortWorthless Jim the Author Wright spent $2. Then Congress said make our day and reject the budget. If the moonbats have problems with facts, pop two Left Turds and call Goldie in the morning.
The republicans have never balanced a budget. They only claim to be in favor of balanced budgets when they are not in power. No set of lies can change this fact. The GOP has created the largest budget deficit in history. The GOP has created the largest government agency in history. The GOP’s fearless (yeah right) leader has NEVER vetoed a single budget bill.
Fiscal conservatives my ass!
Who is the only President to actually pay down the national debt?
Was it W?
Noooooooo. Not by a fucking long shot.
Was it Bush 41?
Nope, wrong again.
Did Mr. Fiscal Responsibility do it with his “tax cuts?” No!
Carter? Nixon? Johnson? Kennedy? Ike?
NO! NO! NO! NO! and NO!
It must’ve been President Clinton.
Yeah, that bastard! Getting a blow job by an ugly intern and not wanting to admit it to a grand jury.
Yeaaaahhhhh, that’s an impeachable offense.
Republicans are traitors.
You’re still the “King of the Jerk-Offs.”
Would you care to hear from a Black Republican Conservative on fiscal sanity?
Puddybud( Bre’r Rabbit )
Republians hate America.
That’s why they’re borrowing so much from China. As the old adage goes “The borrower is the slave of the lender.”
Why do Republicans want to make America slaves to the Red Chinese?
Why is Colin Powell coming out against the Commander-in-Chief?
Isn’t it about time for you America-hating conservatives to Swift Boat Powell?
Why do you hate America?
Is it because you failed flight school?
Is it because you’re really not retired living the dream life in Hawaii, but instead you’re some RNC hack getting paid two cents a post from your dingy, little, hole-in-the-wall-of-a-shack in Western PA?
Is that why you hate America?
Why are so many criminals in the Republican party, like Rep. Ney?
Goldy – How far up your ass is your head? I thought we settled this. Shit, even Roger Rabbit finally got it after I beat it through his thick fucking skull:
Deficits are caused by SPENDING. It’s caused by do-gooders with their big socialist programs. It’s caused by hopelessly fucked up bureaucracies run by people who don’t give a shit. It’s caused by career politicians buying votes with Producer money.
So get off this bullshit that tax RATE cuts cause federal revenue to go down. It just ain’t so…
Mark the Red Nekkid Asshole:
1. ‘Splain the record national debt.
1B. ‘Splain Clinton balancing the budget.
2. Pay your debt, welcher!
3. Have your wife, proudofherfatlyingass post the proof of her children being threatened. And the information regarding Teresa from the WSBA. Roflmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 JCH probably isn’t a bot. It’s too difficult to write software to simulate his level of stupidity.
No need to tell me how bankrupt the GOP is.
26 etc…Mark claims to be a civil engineer or something like that. Considering the command of arithmetic he’s shown on this board, I wouldn’t be particularly eager to stand underneath a bridge he designed.
Grossman The Kook 28
1) Spending more than you make.
1B) Newt
2) Since you can’t win debating me on the facts, you resort to baseless character assasination.
3) NFI WTF you’re talking about. Take another hit…
Mark the Red Nekkid Asshole:
You did not explain the deficit. Who spent more? The Repubican controlled Congress and present administration? Let me help you. Hell FUCKING YES!!!!
Newt? If the president is the leader, he gets the credit. I see to remember battles over the budget with the president demanding that it balanced.
Your president has run up record debt. Should we really trust the folks who made this mess to fix it? Let me help you again. HELL THE FUCK NO!!!
As for facts, mine are clear. Yours are, to be nice, fuzzy. Like your math.
MTR, stuck in his imaginary world where the GOP is honest and his chi square analysis actually works. Your inbred world is colapsing in on itself. Only the hardcore wingnuts still believe the imposter in chief’s idiotic ramblings. (Rufus, Puddy, amerikkk1st, janet, seaman recruit JCH, MWS and proudofherinbredASS are still praying to their pagan idols for help)
The deficits reductions of the 90s were 100% a result of Newt’s contract and GOP control of Congress. Clinton was just standing there with his dick in his hand watching. Clearly the current crop has lost sight of true conservatism.
The facts of course are on my side. Tax rate reductions increase federal revenue. They do NOT cause deficits no matter how many times you lie about it. Deficts are caused by spending. Period..
Mt Rainier – Dumass…. explain chi squared to me. And don’t just google it cause I’ll bust you on that. Just tell me in your own words.
Didn’t thinks so…
Moonbat Poll: Who is a bigger threat:
1) The president of Iran developing a nuke and calling for the death of the pope.
2) Dick Cheney
must read for the dwindling wingnut brigade.
Maybe, and whiney liberals want to tax the shit out of everything for unecessary bullshit not to mention illegitimate gov’t cheese recipients like the world famous Roger Rodent. Hypocritical? I think so. So, by that same token, try not to snicker all all you morons. Talk about calling the kettle black. Douche bags.
Would you care to hear from a Black Republican Conservative on fiscal sanity? Puddybud( Bre’r Rabbit ) Commentby headless lucy— 9/18/06@ 5:04 pm
I will never answer to anything you write EVER; you racist commie!
GBS How are you?
Here is some really bad news for Mark the Thieving Redneck….
Instead of taking 35% of your money, I now want 50%. Do you have more or less money left to spend on yourself?
The dems have promised to raise spending and increase taxes if the get control of Congress. Ask yourself – will you be better off after that?
Final question – is Left Foot capable of putting a thought together without swearing? Does this make him appear smarter?
“Al-Qaida in Iraq and its allies said Muslims would be victorious and addressed the pope as “the worshipper of the cross,” saying “you and the West are doomed as you can see from the defeat in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and elsewhere. … We will break up the cross, spill the liquor and impose the ‘jizya’ tax, then the only thing acceptable is a conversion (to Islam) or (being killed by) the sword.”
Islam forbids drinking alcohol and requires non-Muslims to pay the “jizya” tax, though those who convert are exempt. The tax, sometimes called a head tax, has not been imposed in Muslim nations in about 100 years, though Islamic militant groups have tried to force non-Muslims to pay it on a local level in some countries.”
Words from the enemy…. We should all convert now (BTW no more Drinking Liberally). Get those troops home now, we are gonna need them here to protect our own ass here.
Goldy will be first in line to convert, followed by Roger, GBS and Cluesless. I never heard a peep from any of you about the journalists being forced at gun point to “convert” to Islam, so you must not think it is a big thing.
The Pope needs to just shut up. Same with anyone who thinks Muslims are violent. That’s the only way to avoid being killed by the peace lovers.
“We will break up the cross, spill the liquor and impose the ‘jizya’ tax” [……….”Jizya Tax”? Like Democrats, the Muuuuuuuuuuuuslims want to tax, and tax, and tax. Gee, what a fucking surprise!]
“If we all convert to Islam, the terrorists have assured me they will land the plane safely at JFK.” [Carl Grossman]
Final question – is Left Foot capable of putting a thought together without swearing? Does this make him appear smarter?
Commentby Janet S [….Janet, if you were married to Mrs. Grossman, you would understand why Carl is a mess.]
1. ‘Splain the record national debt.
1B. ‘Splain Clinton balancing the budget.
2. Pay your debt, welcher!
3. Have your wife, proudofherfatlyingass post the proof of her children being threatened. And the information regarding Teresa from the WSBA. Roflmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Commentby My Left Foot— 9/18/06@ 5:19 pm
First let’s look at Wikipedia. Moonbats trust Wikipedia.
Clinton and a budget surplus
The Republican takeover of Congress in 1994 led to a push for a balanced budget, President Clinton and congress reduced the deficit. Major economic growth and spending controls such as welfare reform, favored by both the President and republican congress allowed for a balanced budget (when the Social Security surplus was counted as revenue) by early in Clinton’s second term – considerably earlier than what Clinton’s own projections for this had indicated and, afterwards, a surplus which actually allowed the retirement of some government debt.
Momentarily, the deficit issue faded from view. Despite the nominal surplus, the national debt grew each year of the Clinton presidency since the surplus is not applied against spending in this calculation. [1]
Out of office, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called for continued payments toward the debt with a view to paying it off entirely. Perot’s less effective 1996 presidential bid was in part evidence of the declining significance of the deficit, and hence the Balanced Budget Amendment, as an issue. In his final State of the Union President Clinton said the USA should continue to balance its books and pay off the debt entirely, however the technology downturn which began impacting the economy in mid-2000 combined with the cost to the country from the 9/11 attack as well as increased military spending required by the War on Terror have seen the debt grow to the largest in US history.
Explain the national debt & Clinton balancing the budget. This is too cotton picking easy.
Hmmm…? Let’s remember Margaret Medvinszky. Do you moonbats remember her? She was the last moonbat (took orders from Dick Gephardt) to vote for the 1993 tax increase. What happened? Clinton lost the Senate and the House! She lost her seat in Maryland. Then he pouted in 1995.
What happened in 1996 moonbats? Welfare reform and tax cuts. Clinton takes credit for being president during a boom. Did Clinton blink?,00.html
Now look at 1997:
“Credit for a balanced budget agreement, should one be reached, would be divided about equally between Clinton and Republican Congressional leaders, with Republicans enjoying a slight edge (39% vs. 33% for Clinton). If a budget deal had been achieved a year ago, the Republicans would have received much more of the credit. At that time, 47% of the public said GOP leaders would deserve the credit if an agreement was reached, vs. 31% for Clinton.”
Remember the Clinton Dole Budget Debates:
Look at FY 2000 where Clinton didn’t want to take care of Veterans Funding:
There is much more, so the revisionists here can’t refute the facts. Oh no facts hurt the librul mind!!!
“Is it because you’re really not retired living the dream life in Hawaii?”
Commentby GBS [………”808″ area code, E-3 GBS! Now report for mess cranking!!]
Ignorant Harlot @ — 9/18/06@ 6:18 pm,
decent, God-fearing folk would conclude that, yes indeed, they would be better off if Democrats gain control of Congress.
You see, decent God-fearing folk recognize shifting the costs of their government services onto the backs of their children for the greivous sin that it is. Decent, God-fearing folk, who respect the moral imperetives set forth in holy scripture long for an end to the Godless corruption of Republican lawmakers. Whose endless whoring, bribery, murder, and limitless evil prompts them to cut their own taxes today, heedless of the enormous costs they leave to be born by future generations of decent Americans.
Repent now, thou filthy harlot! Repent now, or face eternal Damnation for your sins! Place your hands upon holy scripture and pray for the evil spirit of Republican corruption to depart from you now!
Janet S @ 38
What do you propose that our nation does? Leave everything as the current mis-administration has it and let your grandchildren pay 85% federal taxes? The biggest apparent diference between Republicans and Democrats seems to be that Gopers are right brain dominant and Dem’s thouht processes are dominated by the Left hemisphere of the brain. Google it MTR as you have NO CLUE!
Remember I told moonbats the question from Little Daddy was too cotton picking easy:
Here is more 1996 pain for your head libruls:;full=1
The Clinton administration has shown itself hostile to even the modest corporate welfare cutbacks proposed by Congress. For the 35 corporate welfare programs examined in this study, the administration’s 1996 budget actually requested a slight increase in spending. Moreover, the president’s vetoes of the GOP budgets specifically targeted corporate welfare cuts as being too deep. The White House has resisted even small cutbacks in such areas as high-technology industry grants, agriculture price supports, and energy research programs. It also has rejected the shutdown of the Department of Commerce–the nerve center of the corporate welfare state. For all those reasons, the corporate safety net has been left substantially intact.
Read the rest moonbats. It’s enlightening
Google it MTR as you have NO CLUE! Commentby MtRainier— 9/18/06@ 6:56 pm
Mt Rainier: Still sucking those cum laden condoms?
More pain for the librul brain:
Now Commentary on the FY 1999 budget from the CigarMan!
Clinton’s 5th Unbalanced Budget Shows Why America Needs the BBCA
“I would present a five-year plan to balance the budget.”
(Bill Clinton, Larry King Live, June 4, 1992)
And this proves Clinton loved the military:
*Please Note: Archive articles do not include photos, charts or graphics. More information. February 25, 1999, Thursday
By ERIC SCHMITT (NYT); National Desk
Late Edition – Final, Section A, Page 1, Column 6, 931 words
DISPLAYING ABSTRACT – Senate, 91-8, approves sweeping military pay and pension increase bigger than Pres Clinton sought; bill authorizes 4.8 percent raise next year, allots bonuses of up to 10.3 percent and provides for slightly better pensions; Congressional Budget Office estimates plan would cost $55 billion over 10 years, $18 billion more than Clinton’s plan.
Didn’t the Washington state Democrats get socked with a big fine for the same thing? Late filing? Why are the GOPers getting special treatment? They should be $274,000 in the hole, not $24,000 in the hole!
Detroit spent 200K to repair the mayor’s residence, BFD! It’s city property, so why SHOULDN’T the city be responsible for maintaining it? BTW, how much taxpayer money did Laura spent on White House rugs and drapes when she and her hubby moved in?
“if you cut taxes, tax revenue will increase”
That’s what Mark the Lying Bet Welsher claims, but let’s do a reality check:
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
2004 – $1,146,664,000,000
2005 – $1,279,114,000,000 (estimate)
(data from official sources)
Yep, just as I suspected — Welsher is lying through his teeth!!! Note that 2005 revenues are still below 2000 revenues. It certainly appears that Bush’s tax cuts DECREASED revenues!!!
Mt Rainier – if I have this right, it was the Republicans who pushed through the Earmark legislation, in an effort to stop pork spending. And if I am also not mistaken, the Democrat leadership actively opposed it. At least the Republicans are policing themselves. The Democrats don’t believe in any restraint, and don’t care if they turn us into a European-like basket case of high govt spending, high taxes, high unemployment, and no growth economies.
The Democrat leadership told McDermott, Inslee, Baird and Larsen to vote against transparency of government, and to turn down the chance to shine the light of day on the secretive earmark process. Our Washington dem delelgation obeyed their masters rather than vote for a bipartisan effort to reform government.
Tell that to your grandchildren.
“Goldie, you revisionist history buff. …” Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/18/06@ 4:52 pm
If you try reading the thread, you fucking idiot, you might realize that Darryl (not Goldy) wrote it:
“The Poor King County GOP
by Darryl, 09/18/2006, 3:38 PM”
Janet @ 38
Can I put a thought together without swearing? Sure!
The question is can Janet put a thought together, period?
Hell NO! Cut paste, talking point talking head. Still asks her husband to approve her posts. Can’t Understan Normal Thinking!
Puddy, better keep a shorter leash on your horny sons. MTR just picked up both of them at 1st & Pike. Guess he wants to try dark chicken tonight.
“You infidels and despots, we will continue our jihad (holy war) and never stop until God avails us to chop your necks and raise the fluttering banner of monotheism, when God’s rule is established governing all people and nations,” said the statement by the Mujahedeen Shura Council, an umbrella organization of Sunni Arab extremist groups in Iraq.”
58 is from me too
Janet @ 40 says:
Goldy will be first in line to convert, followed by Roger, GBS and Cluesless. I never heard a peep from any of you about the journalists being forced at gun point to “convert†to Islam, so you must not think it is a big thing.
The Pope needs to just shut up. Same with anyone who thinks Muslims are violent. That’s the only way to avoid being killed by the peace lovers.
Comment by Janet S — 9/18/06 @ 6:30 pm
I am not sure this makes any sense. But Janet is not concerned about making sense, just seeing her posts. Journalists are being forced to convert to Islam? Here in the United States? That is an outrage. Where are our leaders? This practice needs to be stopped before Republicans are forced to convert too. What an outrage!
Janet, please try to stay relevant. Journalists understand the risks.
I just got a robo-call from Richard Pope. Hmm, I wonder where he got the money for that?
Janet @ 56, are you completely delusional or just 100% brainwashed? If you connect with reality you would realize that it has been YOUR party that has pushed us to fiscal and moral bankruptcy. You can’t always hide from FAC TS no matter hnw much koolaid you guzzle.
Tim Eyman? Mike?? RNC? ROFLMAO!!!!!
Bush no good! Bush no good! Bush no good!
mtrainier – what facts am I not admitting? The one that Nancy Pelosi worked to defeat transparency of govt spending? And forced 2/3 of the dem reps to follow her? The same one that was passed unanimously by the Senate?
Makes you wonder what the democrats in the House are hiding. Pelosi is a huge receiver of pork, so we know her motivation. What is Inslee’s excuse? I thought he was an independent thinker. Looks like he is just another lap dog of the corrupt democrat leadership.
Just out of curiosity, got any insight on why so many democrats voted against earmark reform? I can’t imagine why they don’t want us to know who their friends are, and who is getting all the taxpayer goodies. I know Cantwell isn’t happy these days that her little tricks with her campaign manager-turned lobbyist were exposed
Hell NO! Cut paste, talking point talking head. Still asks her husband to approve her posts. Can’t Understand Normal Thinking!
Comment by Anonymous— 9/18/06@ 7:25 pm
What a sanctimonious piece of shit you are you are afraid to post by your own name. Let see daddy called you squatting dog shit? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You have real fears that the boogie man will get you in your sleep? Don’t cry most Socialist Democrats have that problem, it came from the 60’s when LBJ started the draft. Roger the Rabbit is a by product from that era, must have been from watching Soylent Green movie to many times. That is why Roger likes Charlton Heston over Al Gore. Unlike Gore’s movie that movie was listed as a riveting science-fiction about ecological disaster. The question is can you the unknown person put a thought together?
Give anonymous a pass klake… cookie blocking from internet terrorists and predators defaults to ‘anonymous’ if you don’t specifically type a name each time.
Since there is at least pathetic cowardly old fart here that finds amusement in threatening the children of those with whom he disagrees I don’t blame anyone from using a cookie block. This pervert is dangerous, but luckily, if anything happens to our children, he was stupid enough to boast his name…. repeatedly.
Uh Kkklake @ 68
Might want to read post 61. I wrote 58, you sanctimonious, pompous, arrogant, inbred, cocksucking, motherfucking asshole. Pay ATTENTION.
Read thoroughly, Comprehend. You have proudofherfatlyingass disease.
What a fucking moron. My name is known. My REAL FUCKING NAME. CARL GROSSMAN.
Kiss my white Jewish ass you are the second dumbest, ignoranus (means stupid and an asshole) posting from the WingNut view.
proudofherdumbfatass is at it again in post 68.
post what you have.
Direct us to the threat of your “children”.
Such a sad woman. No life. Makes up kids, her family “business”. I suspect that is turning tricks in the backseat of cars parked on Aurora Ave.
You threatened me. You were called on your bluff, you folded. You are as useless as a used condom.
Dont you love it. As gas prices go down the approval ratings keep going up. Will gas be under $2.00 by mid October? I thinks so. Go Bush. hehehe
Kiss my white Jewish ass you are the second dumbest, ignoranus (means stupid and an asshole) posting from the WingNut view.
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/18/06@ 8:41 pm
I love you tooooooooooo left fooooooooooooot when are you joining the Army? You can’t be Jewish they have a back bone and use their real name not Left Foooooooooot.
Puddy, better keep a shorter leash on your horny sons. MTR just picked up both of them at 1st & Pike. Guess he wants to try dark chicken tonight. Commentby GWB the missing link— 9/18/06@ 7:26 pm
Dribble is that you masquerading as a fruitcake AGAIN?
So tell me Left Foot –
Do you think that legislation should be filled with pork at the last minute, and then passed before anyone has a chance to read it? Nancy Pelosi, the wanna-be Speaker of the House does not want you to know what is in there. That’s because a lot of it goes to her friends. And she has real power, so Inslee, McDermott, Baird and Larsen do whatever she wants.
Do you think the Pope should apologize to the violent fanatics because he made a historical reference to Muslims being violent? Or do you think he should die for his remarks?
Just trying to string a thought together here . . .
@11 through 16- GBS- Clinton never paid down the national debt.
Not once in his eight years did the national debt decline.
Here’s your numbers, from the Department of the Treasury- the National Debt at the end of each fiscal year:
09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43
09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86
09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06
Actually, Ike paid down the debt in both 1956 and 1957, Truman paid it down in 1947, 1948, and 1951, and it had steadily declined from July 1, 1919 through July 1, 1930.
But Clinton never paid down the debt. Clinton didn’t ever really balance the budget- you have to look at all accounts, and all budgets, to follow the shell games.
So, GBS- don’t ever try and win at a shell game- your eye isn’t sharp enough to follow the action…
If you had kids, which you don’t, one would have to feel sorry for them being raised by a trailer dwelling, alcoholic, drug addicted, whore whose big night is posting here at HA and trying to bolster what is left of her non-existent self-esteem by putting everyone else down. It makes her feel better for a while, but it wears off like the crack she smokes and soon she needs another hit. It is a never ending circle.
KLake his name is Carl, Carl Grossman. Retired. Of what, jury is out. Married to Teresa X. XXXXXXXX – barrister of Fortune 500 Company ABCDEFG; able to practice in four; what did I say; four states.
Remember Puddy self-employed. Puddy make good money in this “lousy” economy, for moonbats and leeches that is.
JSA in Vancouver, BC. Economy sucks right?
KKKlake at 72:
You need to back and read the post again. I gave my real name you moronic infidel.
I love you tooooooooooo left fooooooooooooot when are you joining the Army? You can’t be Jewish they have a back bone and use their real name not Left Foooooooooot.
Comment by klake — 9/18/06 @ 8:48 pm
Fuck you, kkklake!
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and wonder when Wingnuts will actually read before they post and expose their asses here?
HowCan: Just bury his ass! Please! Tell it all! I am interested.
Or you can send it to the puddybud address. I’d like to see the 10-4 on Teresa.
Wow Rabbit. You really dissected MWS’ argument. He was talking about Reagonomics and you pick on the title. Yes, speciousness is your forte!
Jim King: I went the obscure way, you went for the jugular. I was showing how the Clinton budgets were a result of Republican congressional control.
GBS misses that nuance. I also noticed this nuance. GBS no longer posts from home for a long time now. Maybe Mrs GBS got hold of dem cojones!
Notice how Carl wants to have sex with many on the right. Where I come from Carl, I wouldn’t touch you with Rabbit’s pecker after putting playtex yellow latex gloves.
CAIRO, Egypt (Sept. 18) – Al-Qaida in Iraq warned Pope Benedict XVI on Monday that its war against Christianity and the West will go on until Islam takes over the world, and Iran’s supreme leader called for more protests over the pontiff’s remarks on Islam.”
So tell me Left Foot –
Do you think that legislation should be filled with pork at the last minute, and then passed before anyone has a chance to read it? Nancy Pelosi, the wanna-be Speaker of the House does not want you to know what is in there. That’s because a lot of it goes to her friends. And she has real power, so Inslee, McDermott, Baird and Larsen do whatever she wants.
Do you think the Pope should apologize to the violent fanatics because he made a historical reference to Muslims being violent? Or do you think he should die for his remarks?
Just trying to string a thought together here . . .
Comment by Janet S — 9/18/06 @ 8:51 pm
“You threatened me.”
Commentby My Left Foot []……….You seem to get “threatened” often. I guess a lot of posters don’t like you, Carl.]
“I gave my real name you moronic infidel.”
Carl Grossman […………………”Infidel”????? I think Carl has gone over to the Muuuuuuuuuuslim side. Gee, what a fucking surprise. Maybe if we torture Carl, we might get some “intel”.]
Carl, Is your son a fag? Just “axing”………….
“She can’t take on JCH.”
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………“She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She c”She can’t take on JCH.” an’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” ……………………………..hehe, JCH
Carl, If the Muuuuuuuslims attacked you, would you push Mrs. Grossman in the way so they could “have at her” while you ran away?
CARL GROSSMAN [……………………………………………………….Another empty threat from “Infidel” Carl. Carl, come out from behind your wife’s shirt and tell us about YOU!!!!! Be half a man!!!]
Run away, Carl! Run away!!
As Mahmoud Ahmadinejad enjoys a nice dinner somewhere in New York the night before his speech at the UN, back home in Iran the head mullah, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, calls for worldwide protests and attacks against the United States.
Because of one completely misinterpreted paragraph in a papal speech asking for dialog with the Islamic world.
(Cue Twilight Zone theme.)
In Iran, supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei used the comments to call for protests against the United States. He argued that while the pope may have been deceived into making his remarks, the words give the West an “excuse for suppressing Muslims” by depicting them as terrorists.
“Those who benefit from the pope’s comments and drive their own arrogant policies should be targeted with attacks and protests,” he said, referring to the United States. [………………………………………………………………………………..What to stop Muuuuuuuslim terrorism? Nuke Iran. If the ragheads fuck with us, nuke another raghead country. It is that simple.]
Just trying to string a thought together here . . .
Comment by Janet S — 9/18/06 @ 8:51 pm
Comment by My Left Foot— 9/18/06@ 9:08 pm
Hey Squatting Dog Shit you appear to be a little hot under the collar your caps lock seems to be stuck. I have a real soft spot for the Jewish people and you do not measure up to their standards. They have no problem ID themselves for they are proud people and will defend themselves no matter who confronts them. You are like a Socialist Democrat and love to cut and run when the fighting gets rough. You don’t even qualify as a French lover boy and kiss the enemy on both cheeks. Life is tough Left Foooooooooooooooooot.
Left foot – You didn’t answer the question – why do you support a bunch of democrats that vote against pork reform? Why are all the repubs corrupt, but the dems pure? The republicans are the ones that decided to police themselves, something the democrats have never done when in power.
You owe me an apology – I have never called for the elimination of anyone. Why are you such a hateful human being? Either prove what you say, or publicly apologize here.
Now I have to defend myself against your slander, lest someone think you speak anything but lies. I have merely asked that moderate Islam take back control of their religion from the fanatics. If the Pope said something offensive, civilized people bring a reasoned case to him, explaining why they find it offensive. They don’t murder nuns and burn down churches.
Is your argument that we all need to submit to the fanatics, in order to save our lives? That the Jews should just move so that Iran doesn’t have to look at them anymore? That seems to be the point of your rantings. Otherwise, I have no idea what you point you are trying to make.
My name is right there. You want to know more. November 9 thru 14. The only cowards here are hiding behind fake names, advocating death for Jews, Blacks, Muslims and Mexicans. I wonder what cowardice feels like. I imagine that is when confronted in person, you freeze up. Shit your pants and begin cry, culminating in wishing you could just die. Tell us, cowards, is that what it is like?
But let’s get back to Goldie’s posting-
Goldie- the King County Democrats don’t seem to have an exempt account. And their non-exempt account has a whole $863.64 in the bank. They’ve only raised $65,700.07 this year. Of the $64,836.83 they’ve spent- well, Larry Phillips was the only “candidate” to get anything, but the county D’s chair has been paid well. And a chunk of that $65,700.07 was actually just passing through- like when the 34th District D’s ran $3,707.00 through the King County D books on August 31st.
So the King County D’s haven’t bothered with exempt money to cover operational expenses, so all of their non-exempt money- what little their is of it- is going to the organization and particularly its chair- not to candidates.
Now the King County GOP has established both exempt and non-exempt accounts, and have raised $74,365.86 in their non-exempt account and spent $68,558.81- leaving a balance of $5,807.05.
Unlike the King County D’s, the King County GOP has actually been putting money into candidates.
They have used their exempt account for organizational costs.
And Goldie- if you had done your research, you might have noticed that a software gliotch in the electronic reporting had screwed up the numbers for the King County GOP exempt account.
Just compare the ending numbers on the C4 for the period ending June 30, and the starting numbers on the C4 for the period beginning July 1. The corrected reports show that the King County GOP exempt account is in the black by $12,291.23…
And they’ve raised $143,434.15 in their exempt account. The King County D’s have raised NO exempt money.
So- will you rewrite the posting and admit you screwed up again?
So if I understand the lies of the right wingers, it goes something like this.
1) When Ronald Reagan was President deficits were good. When Bill Clinton was president, deficits were bad. And now that a republican is President again, deficits are good.
2) Bill Clinton balanced the budget but the right wants to give credit to Newt The Hoot. Okay, so what’s the excuse for not being able to do it in six years with a republican House, Senate, Supreme Court and White House? Oh, now that Bill Clinton is out of office, it’s probably his fault that Bush created the largest federal government in history.
You have to hand it to the GOP. They can lie through their teeth, look you in the eye and not miss a beat. I say again, America deserves to be wiped off the face of the planet if it’s stooooopid enough to believe the GOP liars.
the truth be known id rather go hunting with dick chaney than driving with ted kennedy.
Uhhh – Jim – Darryl wrote the post..
My hats off to Grossmans for having fun with the wingnuts – at the wingnut’s expense. Great job!!
Hey Klake, I posted in caps so you morons could read it. Just like first grade readers it is printed in upper case for your reading ease.
Now as for you having respect for the Jewish people. ROFLMAO. You respect no one, not even yourself. Cut and run. Lets meet kkklake. You pick the place. We can have a beer. I’ll buy. Micro-brew even. Can’t wait for you beg off that offer. Have a good evening. Here is a clue: go read the Ranger Creed. And know that I can recite it in my sleep. I believe it. I live it.
Janet @ 96:
You post a lot questions that are phrased so that you get the answers you want.
Left foot – You didn’t answer the question – why do you support a bunch of democrats that vote against pork reform? Why are all the repubs corrupt, but the dems pure? The republicans are the ones that decided to police themselves, something the democrats have never done when in power.
You owe me an apology – I have never called for the elimination of anyone. Why are you such a hateful human being? Either prove what you say, or publicly apologize here.
Now I have to defend myself against your slander, lest someone think you speak anything but lies. I have merely asked that moderate Islam take back control of their religion from the fanatics. If the Pope said something offensive, civilized people bring a reasoned case to him, explaining why they find it offensive. They don’t murder nuns and burn down churches.
Is your argument that we all need to submit to the fanatics, in order to save our lives? That the Jews should just move so that Iran doesn’t have to look at them anymore? That seems to be the point of your rantings. Otherwise, I have no idea what you point you are trying to make.
Comment by Janet S — 9/18/06 @ 9:46 pm
“the truth be known id rather go hunting with dick chaney than driving with ted kennedy.” Commentby the young rabbit— 9/18/06@ 9:57 pm
I’m sure the world won’t miss one young bunny — there’s lots more where you came from.
Oh man I hope so! My lawyer buddies need the work (and fat contingency fees — what do you call 40% of $750,000? sweet)!!!
Harassing innocent people is second nature to these nazi fucks. They’ve been doing it in Iraq for three years now.
1. My name is right there. You want to know more. November 9 thru 14. The only cowards here are hiding behind fake names, advocating death for Jews, Blacks, Muslims and Mexicans. I wonder what cowardice feels like. I imagine that is when confronted in person, you freeze up. Shit your pants and begin cry, culminating in wishing you could just die. Tell us, cowards, is that what it is like?
Comment by My Left Foot— 9/18/06@ 9:52 pm
Squatting Dog Shit did your mommy live with a hippie and when you were born gave you this wired name My Left Foot? Nawwwwwwwwwwwwww I bet they wouldn’t cal you that because the best part didn’t run down your mommy leg? But I have been wrong before; they were not HIPPIES were they? Cowards???????????? That is not a word a good Jewish Gentleman would use when communicating with their enemies would they Mr. Unknown. Tell me Squatting Dog Shit what is your real fears? You know only a Socialist Democrat would have many to talk about; you know those who cut and run when confronted about life treating subjects. That is why they enacted the political correctness thing and the KINDER and gentler way of expressing themselves. Wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings would they. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Squatting Dog Shit don’t forget that program they taught you in prison I’m ok and you are ok. You know the same plan that the French implements when dealing with their lovers, and their enemies to save their sorry asses.
Left Foot – I see no proof of your accusations towards me, or an apology. Just what ethic is it that you live by?
Par for the course.
“TAX RATE CUTS INCREASE FEDERAL REVENUE ! ! ! ! … So get off this bullshit that tax RATE cuts cause federal revenue to go down. It just ain’t so…” Commentby Mark The Redneck KENNEDY— 9/18/06@ 5:09 pm
Let’s test this empirically.
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
2004 – $1,146,664,000,000
2005 – $1,279,114,000,000 (estimate)
(data from official sources)
Whooops!!! Mark is lying through his teeth again!!! But what do you expect from a bet welsher.
BTW welsher, spending has nothing to do with revenues.
That’s a close one, but I’ll go with (2).
”Whoever insults the message of Muhammad is going to be subject to capital punishment.” [Carl Grossman] [………………………………………………………………………………………………..It’s time to start killing them by the millions. Enough of this shit.]
Harassing innocent people is second nature to these nazi fucks. They’ve been doing it in Iraq for three years now.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/18/06@ 10:07 pm
New math Roger or have you develop a new type of autism?
“The dems have promised to raise spending and increase taxes if the get control of Congress.” Commentby Janet S— 9/18/06@ 6:18 pm
How on earth could the Democrats possibly spend more than the GOP? Start another war? Try to top the GOP’s corruption and thievery? It’s impossible. If the Dems are elected, spending will go down — even after allowing for a couple billion dollars of investigation expenses and a couple billion more for the new federal prisons it will take to hold all the criminals in the GOP.
110 Hey, I’ve got a better idea, Jimmy…let’s go find Osama (might take some folks a little more competent than your heeeeeeeeero King George to do that, mind you), lock the two of you in a bunker somewhere…then throw away the key and forget about you both. As to which of you would “win”, who gives a shit?
Janet @ 96:
You post a lot of questions designed to get the answers you want. Here are my answers again.
Left foot – You didn’t answer the question – why do you support a bunch of democrats that vote against pork reform? Why are all the repubs corrupt, but the dems pure? The republicans are the ones that decided to police themselves, something the democrats have never done when in power.
What Pelosi supported made no difference. Republicans pork barrel too. I support the Democratic platform because I have conscience. I support my party when it is right, and speak up when it is wrong. Why do you support a party that is interested only in retaining power, that 60 percent of America is fed up with, that believes corruption is the way to do business.
You owe me an apology – I have never called for the elimination of anyone. Why are you such a hateful human being? Either prove what you say, or publicly apologize here.
You have advocated for the war. You have advocated violence. I am a military man. I spent the majority of my career in an elite unit. I am aware of the need for military power. I am also aware that this war was not fought to “save” America. So are you. You just won’t admit it. Why do you advocate the killing of innocents? Why do you support a war that has no end in sight? Why do you back a party that lied about WMD, the Saddam-Terrorist connection? Why, Janet, Why?
Now I have to defend myself against your slander, lest someone think you speak anything but lies. I have merely asked that moderate Islam take back control of their religion from the fanatics. If the Pope said something offensive, civilized people bring a reasoned case to him, explaining why they find it offensive. They don’t murder nuns and burn down churches.
Is your argument that we all need to submit to the fanatics, in order to save our lives? That the Jews should just move so that Iran doesn’t have to look at them anymore? That seems to be the point of your rantings. Otherwise, I have no idea what you point you are trying to make.
I will submit to no man. I will willingly lay down my life defending this country. I would lay down my life to protect your right to speak as you please. I will also stand and say what I believe to be right. My father taught me this. Even if there are 200 people in a room, who believe otherwise, a man will stand and speak his mind. He must only know that in his heart of hearts that he is right and he speaks only the truth.
I know that I can be very abrasive here, it is for entertainment purposes. I am trained in pysche, and I use it to irritate the extremists on the right. The truth be told, I am firmly planted in the middle of the road politically, with a slight lean left.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat
Jim King @ 98
Darryl was correct at the time he posted this topic at 3:38 p.m. today. The King County GOP has subsequently filed amended C4 returns for its Exempt account. It now looks like the Exempt account is in the black, instead of being hideously overdrawn for a protracted period of time.
Somehow I doubt this is merely a “software glitch”. Sounds more like a PDC reporting and compliance problem to me. A lot of their C4 reports were late earlier in the year. And it looks like a lot of monetary items (especially contributions) were omitted from the two recent C4 forms on 09/12/2006 and 08/28/2006 that Darryl has referenced — which have just now been amended.
Yes, the King County GOP raises a lot more money that the King County Democrats. But you overlook the Democrat district organizations, which are fully autonomous, and usually have healthy five figure incomes in any given election year. The GOP district organizations are mere appendages of the county organization, and pretty much subject to the county chair’s control — and rarely get more than a couple thousand in a given year. Add up the county organization and all the districts for each party, and you will probably find roughly equal amounts in any given year.
There is no reason for Darryl to correct the current article. You can probably bet that he will look at the amended returns, figure out what was missing, and write a follow-up piece in the next few days.
Moonbat poll; Which current issue is more important to write about today?
1. A HARDLINE cleric linked to Somalia’s powerful Islamist movement has called for Muslims to “hunt down” and kill Pope Benedict XVI for his controversial comments about Islam.
2. Gunmen killed an elderly Italian nun outside a children’s hospital in Mogadishu, Somalia Sunday, police said.
The attack raised immediate speculation it was tied to Pope Benedict XVI’s recent remarks about Islam, which drew strong criticism in Somalia from a radical Muslim cleric, the BBC reported.
3.How much money the King County GOP has in the bank.
And the answer is—
The Poor King County GOP
by Darryl, 09/18/2006, 3:38 PM
You sure know how to spot the really important issues, Darryl;Catholics are no more important than Jews, and you don’t give a shit if Moslem savages kill Jews.
BTW, are you going to write a post saying that the Nun-killer was really a Christian, just like you did with the Jew-killer Haq? Better make excuses for those nice Moslems.
The Associated Press reported tonight that health officials told California farmers to improve produce safety over a year ago, and this is the 20th case of spinach and lettuce poisoning.
But Republicans want a “free market” — a euphemism for unregulating, freebooting, laissez faire, piratical capitalism — coupled with immunity from tort lawsuits for peddling dangerous or defective products.
Do you really want to elect these guys, and entrust your family’s health and safety to their greed? Before you vote Republican, imagine your child on life support, or hooked up to a dialysis machine for the rest of her life.
You owe it to your children to vote Democratic.
Friends don’t let friends vote Republican! Here’s why.
I know that I can be very abrasive here, it is for entertainment purposes. I am trained in pysche, and I use it to irritate the extremists on the right. The truth be told, I am firmly planted in the middle of the road politically, with a slight lean left.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/18/06@ 10:17 pm
Correction Mr Lefty Foooot it is leaning really far to the left. No one in their right mind would claim to be a LIBERAL. The last question what is you real name? No one will hurt you in that room of 200 hundred people. Come come clean you are not Jewish and your real daddy was a real HIPPIE and smoke pot.
Vote for this, not this
101 Clueless,
Thank you. I wonder what this board will be like when they are to opposition?
SPECIAL NOTE TO KKKLAKE: MY N A M E I S C A R L G R O S S M A N. I am not hiding you ignorant, life sucking, parasitic piece of shit.
Special note to Janet: I apologize for generalizing and lumping you in with the warmongers of the RightWingNuts.
The fact they’re working illegally doesn’t excuse them from paying taxes, dickhead. And if they pay taxes, they should get the benefits they paid taxes for. This is so simple anybody but a wingnut can figure it out.
Commentby Roger Rabbit—— 9/17/06@ 9:33 pm
You fucking moron, illegal aliens pay sales tax too. Since they pay taxes for welfare, you think they should also get welfare, moonbat?
Commentby americafirst—— 9/17/06@ 9:41 pm
Don’t run away, moonbat, do you think illegal aliens should get welfare also?
Not me! I’m not abrasive at all, I’m just telling it like it is. I don’t do anything for entertainment, I’m dead serious! I do it to kick these rightwing sewer rats back into the gutter they crawled out of, and that’s no joke. As for my political leanings, I’m best described as a “patriotic American.”
Left Foot – thanks for the apology! Of course, you still are accusing me of commets for which you have no proof. But the fact that you started speaking like a real human being and not a crazed poster gives me hope that reason and logic will win out!
I apologize for suggesting you might submit to another’s will. If you are to be believed, which I have no reason not to, you have served honorably in the military, and deserve respect. That anyone be asked to submit to another is antithetical to American freedom.
May the Israelis live long in their homeland in the middle east, and may Jerusalem stay in their hands, and out of the hands of fanatics, for eternity.
Quit changing the subject, welfare has absolutely nothing to do with Social Security, they’re two vastly different things. I’ve got a couple of questions for you, fascist fuck:
1. If an illegal deposits money in a bank, should he get it back?
2. If an illegal pays Social Security taxes, why should you get his Social Security benefits, you fucking freeloader?
However, if an illegal doesn’t get his own Social Security number, and works under your Social Security number, then yes you should get the benefits he paid for — because he stole your identity, and that’s the same thing as depositing his money to your bank account.
Not me! I’m not abrasive at all, I’m just telling it like it is. I don’t do anything for entertainment, I’m dead serious! I do it to kick these rightwing sewer rats back into the gutter they crawled out of, and that’s no joke. As for my political leanings, I’m best described as a “patriotic American.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/18/06@ 10:30 pm
You are best described as a moonbat. Are you going to answer #123, which you have been running from, or should I make that moonbat coward?
Buuut, on the other hand, if an illegal does get a Social Security number and pays SS taxes, then using his taxes to pay for your benefits is the same thing as YOU stealing HIS identity and Social Security number.
KKKlake, how about that beer, buddy. I’m buying. Two rounds if you have a designated driver with you. And today’s word of the day:
a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
I would be ashamed to be anything else.
Conservative: stingy, miserly, reactionary, regressive, bigoted, prejudiced, biased, narrow-minded.
This is something to be proud of?
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Jewish and Proud
“Are you going to answer #123” Commentby americafirst— 9/18/06@ 10:37 pm
Here are your options, fascist fuck:
1) Read 126, 127, and 129, OR
2) Call the Department of the Blind and ask them to send you a reader.
Another option for you, fascist fuck, is to ask Goldy to have his blog put on Talking Books. A donation from you might help make it possible.
Let’s be real clear here: Welfare is a gift from the taxpayers to needy recipients, whereas Social Security is an earned benefit based on the worker’s financial contributions into the system.
That’s why Bush’s attempt to divert $1 trillion-plus of Social Security revenues to his Wall Street buddies is the same thing as Bush trying to withdraw money from my bank account.
For morally challenged blockheads like fascist fuck, that’s called “stealing.”
126, at least you’re not a coward, scratch #128, but you’re still ducking my question on welfare. Be brave and answer yes or no.
Your answers:1.If the money came from working illegally it should be confiscated as criminal proceeds;
2. Because the criminal was working illegally and a criminal shouldn’t be permitted to keep the proceeds of his crime.
Richard- I have, for months, been tracking all legislative races and the caucus committees for a group of lobbyists.
This was a software glitch. The electronic filing software is supposed to keep things on track by automatically verifying that line x here matches line b there- yet we get a few reports each reporting period that glitch.
Right now, the Senate D committees are royally glitched, and have been for three weeks.
In neither case is there a compliance problem. As for the late reporting- I get more concerned that senir members of the Legislature- of both parties- don’t view deadlines as anything more than advisory, and believe that they can file a years worth of reports in the summer of the election year- having not bothered to file for twelve to eighteen months, while all along raising and spending money.
Or can be a few days late on the report due one week before the election.
The bottom line- anyone who went two reporting periods back would have discovered the anomalies, and known that there was more to the story. darryly was WRONG at the time he reported- the King County GOP exempt account has NOT been in the red.
His whole post was about fiscal irresponsibility- and there was no fiscal irresponsibility. If he decides to do a big deal about glitches, he may want to examine the state Senate D’s- and others- before grandstanding…
Roger Rabbit:
Thank you. You have given me the label I have been searching for. Patriotic American!
The truth shall set you free. Amen.
Oops, time for the Patriotic American Prayer:
Lord Jesus,
Protect me from your fanatical followers.
Carl Grossman
Patriotic American, Democrat and Proud
I would be ashamed to be anything else.
Conservative: stingy, miserly, reactionary, regressive, bigoted, prejudiced, biased, narrow-minded.
This is something to be proud of?
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Jewish and Proud
Comment by My Left Foot— 9/18/06@ 10:39 pm
Mr. Carl Grossman I might take you up on the Beer and a few days ago I meet a chap who also claims to be a Socialist also. Funny what people will brand themselves these days? Sweet Dreams and tuck that funny wabbit in for the night.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Jewish and Proud
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/18/06@ 10:39 pm
You’re forgetting something. You,or someone in your family, will be Jewish, proud and dead if we keep allowing millions of Moslems into the country. Not only have you learned nothing from 9-11, you’ve learned nothing from the Holocaust.
I see that proudofherfatass and puddy have decided to leave the Mrs thing alone. Excellent decision on their part.
Let this be a lesson to you RightWingNuts. We will not be trifled with. I am way to resourceful and motivated. My wife is precious to me. The most valuable person in my life. I will die defending her. I will die loving her. When claims were made, I assumed correctly, the party making the threats was bluffing. I had to be sure. The smartest person I know, Teresa, came up with the solution to prove my deduction correct…………….. Call the WSBA. Brilliant. Simple. Direct. Brilliant.
Screw you “carl”. Your wife may be precious to you but she is still the moron that willingly married you, you child threatening internet terrorist… now go tuck your little wabbit in for the night.. is that what “teresa, suddenly her middle name” calls your little man? How cute.
Racists like Roger Rabbit and americafirst have bbeen trying to keep America “white” for centuries. This invidious racism infects both political parties. They have always been wrong.
Expecting every peace-loving Muslim to condemn every act of terror is as futile as it was to expect every Irish-American to condemn every terrorist act by the IRA. It is only the racist amon us who hold to blood-guilt and condemn whole groups for the actions of a few- and of a few they could not control.
Many held all Italians guilty because of La Cosa Nostra- now they condemn Sikhs for what Arabs do (gee, they both wear turbans…). Racism is racism, on the right or on the left.
Hang in against the hatred, Carl. You may be on the left, and me on the right, but I’ll stand with you on this hateful stuff.
Amerika first @ 140
Earth to Amerika First. I am not willing to trade our founding fathers principles and my civil rights for a little “security”. I know the price to paid for freedom. It costs lives. It costs the lives of young men who gallantly give themselves so that we may live free. The men who died in WWII saved the world. Not our country, but the world. The men dying today are not dying to protect freedom. They are dying to advance the political beliefs of the Republican party.
If we allow the terrorists to change our life in any significant way, we have lost. We can be vigilent, we can be aware, but we must not be afraid. We must live free. We must not give in. You want to eliminate all the threats. It simply can not be done. Not without soldiers on the corners, closed borders, and Big Brother watching everything.
Are you willing to live that way? I am not. Live free or die!
Jim, I suggest you take another good long gander at “carls” diatribes… they are the single, most vile, hate filled on this blog. He may be under the delusion that he is a “moderate” but he is about as moderate as Atilla the Hun.
Richard Pope,
Thanks for the additional information. It is remarkable that someone filed these reports without actually looking at, say, the bank account balance as listed on line 18, and the actual balance in their bank account.
Jim King @ 137
“The bottom line- anyone who went two reporting periods back would have discovered the anomalies, and known that there was more to the story. darryly was WRONG at the time he reported- the King County GOP exempt account has NOT been in the red.”
Oh…please, Jim…you are blaming me for mistakes that the GOP made in filing their statements? Whoever filled out the forms had access to really useful information, like bank account balances. And you are blaming the computer as if the KCGOP isn’t capable of checking their own filings?
How…um…typically Wingnut to blame anyone and everyone else EXCEPT those who were responsible for filing the information accurately and on time! (So much for the “Party of personal responsibility.”)
No…if I made a mistake it was assuming that the Republicans acutally did their paperwork correctly and verified the numbers. Apparently, it took a posting on HorsesAss for the KCGOP to get their asses in gear and actually LOOK at the numbers they filed with the PDC. From my perspective: mission accomplished.
“His whole post was about fiscal irresponsibility- and there was no fiscal irresponsibility.”
Fiscal responsibility includes being competent to provide accurate reports and filing them on time. I mean, if they had a positive balance actually in their checking account but they filed paperwork showing that they had a negative account balance, then the term “FUCKING INCOMPETENCE” comes to mind.
“If he decides to do a big deal about glitches, he may want to examine the state Senate D’s- and others- before grandstanding…”
Umm…here is an idea for you Jim…start your own fucking blog and investigate whoever flips your trigger. And I’ll continue to write about whoever I want to write about.
proudofyourfatfuckingthreateninglyingbluffingass @ 142:
Missy, you were out gunned (just a saying) right from the start. I know losing sucks, but you brought this on yourself. By the way, you do realize that you left a nice big footprint on the servers for the WSBA, right. Your search parameters and everything.
Now, you don’t know me. I never threatened you. You threatened me. I can see how you became confused. All that drug use and the depression.
Carl Grossman
Democrat, American Patriot
The left chose their side
defined THEIR enemies
one and all.
But, those d’RAT’s have a plan!
You threatened my children you miserable pricklet and now you LIE about it you, pathetic coward.
If you pray to whomever it is you perchance to believe in, you better pray long and hard that NOTHING untoward happens to my kids, CARL GROSSMAN LIBERAL CHILD TERRORIST.
Jim King @ 143:
They don’t really get to me. I was mostly concerned that proudofherlyingass would harass an innocent person or persons.
The hatred in this country being espoused by the extremists is frightening. We can replace Jew with Islamo-Fascist. The parallel is unmistakable. Next the interment camps are coming. Swear an oath or enter the gated area? This is America? This is not my America. And I hope this is not the majorities America.
How about grown “men” that threaten children CARL… are they frightening? You’re damned straight they are you child threatening internet terrorist.
You’re dangerous “carl”… I wonder if you’re on the known pedophile list yet…
“You thought you found the answer on that magic carpet ride last night,
But, when you wake up in the morning, the world still gets you uptight,
Well, there’s nothing that you ain’t tried
To fill the emptiness inside,
But, when you come back down, you still ain’t feeling right.”
“It seems like kicks just keep getting harder to find,
All your kicks ain’t bringing you peace of mind,
Before you find out it’s too late,
You’d better get straight,
But, not with kicks, you just need help now.”
“You think you’re gonna find yourself a little piece of paradise,
But, it ain’t happened yet, so now you’d better think twice,
Don’t you see, no matter what you do,
You’ll never run away from you
If you keep on running, you’ll have to pay the price.”
“Don’t it seem like, kicks just keep getting harder to find,
All your kicks ain’t bringing you peace of mind,
Before you find out it’s too late,
You’d better get straight,
But, not with kicks.”
“To help you face the world each day,
That road goes nowhere,
I’m gonna help you find yourself another way.”
Get help “carl”, you desperately need it… and if your kids have kids… I advise they KEEP them far away from you and in LA.
A major portion of the King County GOP’s discrepancy probably results from two bank deposits being reported late.
There are two C3 contribution deposit reports for the King County GOP Exempt Account that were filed today on 09/18/2006.
One of them was for a deposit of $16,500.00 made on 06/13/2006. The other was for a deposit of $10,000.00 made on 06/28/2006. Both of these should have been filed with the C4 report for June 2006 due on 07/10/2006.
So if you eliminate $26,500.00 from the bank balance reported to the PDC by failing to timely report these contributions, it obviously throws the books off by quite a bit.
The PUBLIC is supposed to RELY on the reports filed with the PDC. You can’t blame Darryl for believing the reports were correct. On the other hand, you can blame the King County GOP Chair and Treasurer for submitting PDC reports with such totally idiotic bank balances. In Stefan’s words — an “OWN GOAL” situation.
If we allow the terrorists to change our life in any significant way, we have lost. We can be vigilent, we can be aware, but we must not be afraid. We must live free. We must not give in. You want to eliminate all the threats. It simply can not be done. Not without soldiers on the corners, closed borders, and Big Brother watching everything.
Are you willing to live that way? I am not. Live free or die!
Commentby My Left Foot—— 9/18/06@ 11:19 pm
You are being naive. We are at war, and we can’t continue to expect to live as we do in peacetime. We are going to have to make sacrifices in our privacy just as we did in WWII.
Libertarianism is fine for peacetime, but completely unrealistic during wartime.
Jim King @ 137
What is so glitched about the Senate D’s? Their latest C4 report for Senate Demo Camp Comm filed on 09/11/2006 shows $500,995.48 cash on hand.
By contrast, the Senate Repub Camp Comm only has $75,361.69 of “Cash on Hand” as of 09/11/2006.
Racists like Roger Rabbit and americafirst have bbeen trying to keep America “white” for centuries. This invidious racism infects both political parties. They have always been wrong.
Commentby Jim King— 9/18/06@ 11:15 pm
Trying to deflect debate on the issues by slinging epithets such as racist is unbecoming of anybody calling himself a conservative. It’s a typical leftwing tactic.
Besides- most people here illegally or not Mexican, not even Hispanic- they came on visas and overstayed.
Commentby Jim King— 9/17/06@ 7:38 pm
Bullshit,you don’t know what you’re talking about. You have no idea how many illegal aliens are in the country or how many are Mexican or Hispanic.
Commentby americafirst— 9/17/06@ 9:11 pm
And you’re still full of shit, Jim King.
I did not threaten your “children”. You don’t have children, remember? The fog of the drugs is clouding your memory. Not to mention the fact that I have no idea, nor do I give a rats ass as to where you live.
I told you if you produced the posting, and I mean told us all the date and time of the post, so that we all can see it, I would turn myself in. To threaten harm to a child is so abhorent and vile to me that you can not imagine.
So again, show us all the “evidence”. You keep throwing around this accusation with no basis in fact. You are very good at the copy/paste thing. Just make sure you copy and paste the date and time of the non-existent threat to your imaginary children.
If you decide to pull a Susan Smith because your imaginary “children” are in the way of you and your pimp-daddy (PuddyPuller?), please, I urge to get help. I am sure you have relatives who would care for your “children” while you get the lobotomy you so desperately need.
You take care now. It has been interesting to deal with you. I would hope we never meet. I am actually afraid you would lose it, go nuts and do something stupid. Not that doing something stupid is new to you.
I just read your latest post with the song lyrics of some sicko/whacko that you evidently like. If you choose to continue with the baseless accusations, which you are now attempting to morph into a charge of being a pedophile, I will take all necessary legal action to cause you to cease and desist. Teresa has just pulled up case law on libel. Do you understand, that as of this moment, I am no longer playing with you? If you make this charge again, baseless as it is, I will take every legal avenue available to stop and punish you. You are the terrorist here. Now, I suggest you think, good and hard, before you post anything defamatory or libelous.
Carl Grossman
Democrat, Patiotic American with an absolutely clean record.
Goodnight, sweetie pie.
Richard- go look at the ending balances on their two previous reports, and starting balances on this report- and the complete lack of a report with anything more than zeros for the C4 filed August 29th. Then tell me what amount of cash they’ve actually raised. You can compare filed C3s with their numbers, too.
You might notice their letters of August 30th explaining that there is a glitch.
And check for both the SDCC and the Roosevelt Fund.
As for you Daryl, and your snarky little update- you didn’t do your homework, you have no clue about the PDC electronic reporting system, and if you want to make hay about the King County GOP, look to the State Senate Dems.
Or look to multiple reports where the PDC electronic system glitches. Yes treasurers should be doublechecking what they enter and what the PDC system reports- and most don’t. They have this naive belief that the government system works as advertised.
Hopefully Goldie can find somebody competent to fill in for him in the future.
pud @ wherever the hell you were writing from:
Just FYI, I’m doing a contract in Vancouver. They’re paying me well above Seattle rates for doing my job, and thanks to our clever accountants, I’m not donating much more of what I make to Revenue Canada than I would be to the IRS if I was down South. (I’ll have to look at my last tax return, but it’s within one or two percentage points). Most of my funds get sent back to the US, where my primary residence is. The rest pays for my commuter pad, grocery bills, and bar tab.
I know you probably never make it up here because in the Puddy brain, Canada is t3h 3v1l, but it’s just this place, you know? Some things are done really well up here, some things are done really badly. In spite of the evils of Canadian socialism, Vancouver is chock-a-block with millionaires, and even the odd billionaire.
Tax rates on salaries take a giant leap North (ahem) once you go above about US$50K/year. Becuase Canadians aren’t as dumb as they look, anyone at that level of compensation with two braincells forms a C corp and becomes an “independent contractor”. You then take your car, half your house, every restaurant meal and drink you touch and declare it a “business expense”. As an indie in the US, you know the rules on expensing. Well, we can do a LOT more violence to the tax code through expenses here, and taking part of our salary as “dividends” at the end of the year, and a few other dodges. Revenue Canada knows this and winks. It’s a lot like Italy this way. The taxes are really high, but nobody actually pays them.
Yes, you can work eight hours a day, be paid $30,000/year, spend three months of the year pulling unemployment, and the rest of it with your thumb up your butt. Nobody I work with does that. The fact that some people here do is so not my problem.
I’m here because I’m making money and having tons of fun. That’s all one can ask for in life.
Speaking of which, quit gloating about how much you make. Sometimes you seem all right, sometimes you seem small. Being as impressed with yourself as you seem to be is a mark in the “small” category. You make a little bit more than I do (not as much as you might think), you’re several years older than I am (or you started having kids in your teens). You’re another yuppie with a low six-figure income. A fair number of my coworkers make more than you do, and none of them step on their dicks in the process of doing so.
Richard Pope @ 152,
“A major portion of the King County GOP’s discrepancy probably results from two bank deposits being reported late. There are two C3 contribution deposit reports for the King County GOP Exempt Account that were filed today on 09/18/2006.
One of them was for a deposit of $16,500.00 made on 06/13/2006. The other was for a deposit of $10,000.00 made on 06/28/2006. Both of these should have been filed with the C4 report for June 2006 due on 07/10/2006.
Wow…excellent work. But aren’t they supposed to file the C3 forms no later than the Monday following the deposit? How could they overlook four June donations totaling $26,500 in a filing???? These contributions were, apparently, keeping them in the black. I am, frankly, puzzled that one of the donations for $10,000 in June from the King County Republican Central Committee to the King County Republican Central Committee. What’s up with that?
“The PUBLIC is supposed to RELY on the reports filed with the PDC. You can’t blame Darryl for believing the reports were correct. On the other hand, you can blame the King County GOP Chair and Treasurer for submitting PDC reports with such totally idiotic bank balances. In Stefan’s words – an “OWN GOAL” situation.”
Ummm…yeah…what Richard said!
To make it easy, Richard-
SDCC- Had reported having raised, as of June 30th, $161,831.99- that is the starting number for the July 1 thru August 22 period. Their C3s for that period total $81,150.00 That should total $242,981.99 as of August 22nd. But they report $0’s throughout the period.
But then they start the August 23rd thru September 11th period not at $242,981.99, but at $483,337.41. That is either an error, or there are $240,000 plus in contributions never reported on a C3.
Roosevelt Fund- Had reported having raised, as of June 30th, $288,921.51- that is the starting number for the July 1 thru August 22 period. Their C3s for that period total $105,500.00 That should total $394,421.51 as of August 22nd. But they report $0’s throughout the period.
But then they start the August 23rd thru September 11th period not at $394,421.51, but at $288,921.51. That is either an error, or there is $105,000 plus that has gone missing.
There are anomalies like those here and there throughout the campaign finance reports. Ten state House candidates, and the Harry Truman Fund, have discrepancies between the ending numbers as of August 22nd and the starting numbers as of August 23rd. Most are less than $250, but one is over $5,000 and another is over $36,000. The Harry Truman Fund discrepancy is just under $18,000.
The electronic reporting system is supposed to prevent these discrepencies- it obviously doesn’t. But what I see is gliches, not compliance problems.
If Darryl wants to be the bigshot blogger, he should learn to investigate before reporting. Even if we have a reporting error here, we do not have a party operating in the red. He was so intent on posting his “gotcha” he failed of due diligence.
His credibility rightfully takes a hit.
But if Darryl wants to make a big case out of it, there are more Democratic errors than Republican errors.
And Darryl- some more lessons to learn before you jump the gun again- first, Monday reporting doesn’t start until July 1st- until then, C3s are filed with the C4 on the tenth of the following month; second, parties can transfer non-exempt funds to the exempt account- which is what that $10,000 deposit was.
Easy to find in the reports, if you know what you are doing…
Jim @ 158
“As for you Daryl, and your snarky little update…”
Huh? Who? Me Snarky?
“you didn’t do your homework, you have no clue about the PDC electronic reporting system,”
Apparently, I understand enough to look up the forms and interpret them at face value. But, I admit that I don’t have experience with the computer program they are using, and I don’t have access to the original documents. What I do have access to is the forms that the KCGOP are responsible for filling out correctly.
In fact, Jim, if I had identified their mistake and documented that they had filled out their forms incorrectly several months in a row, it would have been a more interesting story—a story about incompetence as well as fiscal irresponsibility instead of the relatively mild observation that they were, apparently, broke.
“and if you want to make hay about the King County GOP, look to the State Senate Dems.”
If looking at the State Dems would help me “make hay” about the KCGOP, I would be happy to do so :-)
But, I think you really meant I should investigate the State Dems for irregularities. I’ll take you suggestion under advisement, but my suggestion to you is that if you really want that done, look into it yourself and post about it to your own blog.
“Hopefully Goldie can find somebody competent to fill in for him in the future.”
Oh…Jim….words like this strike such pain and anguish in the soul…. I may not be able to write for 5 or 10 minutes now.
america first- racism and bigotry is to be fought wherever it is found. YOU are a racist and a bigot, and I will call you on it every time I care to do so, just as I will the racist rodent. There is no greater threat to American than the ugliness of racism and bigotry, which is used to cover many sins.
I am not one to cry racism every time a minority does not get a preference they want, or the program they demand. But I will cry racism and bigotry every time someone is derided or hated for the color of their skin, for the religion they profess, or the country from which they, or their ancestors, come.
The glory of America is the rich stew of a culture we have become, from all of the many ingredients we have seen added to the pot. Except for the xenophobe, it makes for a great and wonderful community.
Jim King @ 162
“first, Monday reporting doesn’t start until July 1st- until then, C3s are filed with the C4 on the tenth of the following month;”
Ahh…yes, I recall that now. Thanks for the reminder.
“second, parties can transfer non-exempt funds to the exempt account- which is what that $10,000 deposit was.”
But, then why report it THREE MONTHS LATE? I mean, that is a wholly internal transaction. Even incompetence shouldn’t be enough to mess that up!
“Easy to find in the reports, if you know what you are doing… “?
It is also much easier when…you know…they do it right the first time—and file it on time as well…
Geez, Darryl, I was hoping you would be thicker skinned. :)
I have been here all night hoping you would put up something else. I liked learning that Republicans can’t fill out forms and then cross check with the back account. I mean, if my my account paperwork was to show a negative balance, I would just pull it up on the computer and DOUBLE CHECK. But when you are from the party on the right, you are right. Right?
My Left Foot @ 166
Yeah…I may have missed the real opportunity: a story of incompetence rather than poverty. Either way, it’s fun getting to the bottom of it!
Darryl- you have access to every report I have accessed- they are all online. You apparently do NOT have the expertise to look up the forms nor the talent for interpreting them at face value- or you just are too lazy to do a little digging. Were youi not even curious enough to wonder how long the King County GOP had been in the red? Or to look and see to whom they owed the money? A hint, Darryl- if the balance is in the red, it has to be offset by reported loans or orders placed but not paid. And those will be on the face of the report.
If all of that doesn’t add up, then you need to dig.
There are no “original” reports for electronic filers- they enter the data in the databank, and the reports are generated by the PDC. As I’ve noted, smart treasurers are learning to then go check the report generated, and not trust the PDC electronic filing system to be accurate.
And I wasn’t suggestingyou go investigate the Senate Dems- I was suggesting that the problem is in the PDC electronic filing system and that i is affecting both parties- and should affect the confidence anyone puts into the accuracy of the reports.
I would hope you’d have the integrity to admit that the numbers I noted from the Senate Dems are cause to wonder- and might learn from me that jumping the gun to assume base motives, or worse, is not the way to go. There ARE those who are gaming the system, especially in the Supreme Court races, and I hope they hang. Most errors are just innocent errors.
But what of the whole premise of your posting- that the King County GOP is fiscally irresponsible and operating in the red? Your Pulitzer prize has sort of gone out the window, hasn’t it?
Why not demonstrate that you have the intestinal fortitude to admit you were wrong about that? Or are you just about the sensational headline, and when it doesn’t pan out, you just go create another sensational headline- true or not?
Darryl- and My Left Foot- the real story is the generally lackadaisical attitude about filing with the PDC. If you are late with the FEC there are automatic penalties. With our PDC- aw, who cares.
One would think the reason for requiring a report a week beforev the election is to get a report a week before the election- not the day before, or three days before.
For reports due last Tuesday, we had incumbent legislators report late- eight on the 13th, four on the 14th, five on the 15th, one on the 16th. One hasn’t filed his last two C4s. The previous report- due three weeks before the election- had even more incumbants reporting late- up to ten days late.
We had incumbant legislators who didn’t bother to report until this summer, although they had been fundraising for twelve to eighteen months.
These are complance problems- but they are also often just an attitude by a legislator from a safe district that it really doesn’t matter. They aren’t trying to hide anything- they (or their treasurer just don’t get around to it.
And PDC doesn’t jump them for it.
It is like the Senate D committees. It is glitches- there is a software problem. But Argo Strategies is too wrapped up in pre-election activity to focus on PDC reports. So three weeks later, we do not have accurate pre-election reports.
It is a bipartisan problem, but not of interest to most people.
I see that proudofherfatass and puddy have decided to leave the Mrs thing alone. Excellent decision on their part.
Carl, HowCan is wiping yours and her ASS all over the place. I have more important issues to throw into your faces. HowCan is doing well.
Peas out!
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 / 0h04
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- The U.S. government recorded record-high overall and corporate tax receipts on Sept. 15, which was a quarterly deadline for tax payments, the Treasury said Monday.
Total tax receipts were $85.8 billion on Friday, compared with the previous one-day record of $71 billion on Sept. 15 of last year, the Treasury said.
Within the overall figure, corporate tax receipts Friday were $71.8 billion, up from $63 billion in September of last year.
Treasury Undersecretary for Domestic Finance Randal Quarles said Friday’s numbers provided a “continuing demonstration of the strength of the U.S. economy.”
“In fact, Friday’s gross receipts were the largest in a single day in the nation’s history – 20% higher than receipts on the same quarterly tax payment date last year,” Quarles said in a statement.
-By Benton Ives-Halperin, Dow Jones Newswires; 202-862-9255;
Ever notice how the rethugs’s standard isn’t truth, justice or morality. It’s “The Dems did it too?”
No wonder the world is so fucked up. They let these republican assholes fuck their sisters and their inbred children grow up with no sense of right or wrong.
You know, when we lived back east, there was a severly injured woman found in Wisconsin with no ID and absolutely no memory of who she was. The doctors contacted a linguist at the university because her speech patterns were so distinctive. He was able to indentify those patterns as indicative of the Pittsburgh area. They broadcast her picture on the Pittsburgh airwaves and lo and behold she was recognized and identified.
I find that fascinating.
I’ve been reading a bit about linguistics.
While those of us who are educated would say something like “Why aren’t you going?” or Why isn’t he employed?” others would use “why ain’t” interchangeably for ‘why isn’t’ and ‘why aren’t’. But even “why ain’t” isn’t immune from further change. There are some mountain folk from the high hills in places like West Virginia that pronounce it “wi’ant”.
Isn’t that interesting?
Not long ago I was at a charity auction and found myself a sharing a table with the mayor of Federal Way. It turns out that in our conversation that evening, I supremely put my foot in my mouth. We were talking about the community in which I live and I was complaining that it had recently converted a 4 way stop intersection to one of those circle round-abouts. Little did I know that Federal Way had done that in 2 intersections over on Weyerhauser Way.
Speaking of Weyerhauser, do you suppose it’s tough for a liberal to work there? I mean really, their comrades in liberalism constantly protest their reason for being and Good God!, it’s a big business evile corporation to boot!
If you make this charge again, baseless as it is, I will take every legal avenue available to stop and punish you.
Carl Grossman [……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….There he goes again! Every day, Carl Grossmanstein, Democrat Jew, threatens to sue someone. And he uses Stein, Goodmanstein, Loeb, Leiderstein, and Lowenstein, ESQ. [All in the family!!] Sooooooooooo typical!]
Jim King,
”You apparently do NOT have the expertise to look up the forms nor the talent for interpreting them at face value- or you just are too lazy to do a little digging.”
Cute, Jim. But, umm…it was the King County GOP that filed amendments—apparently in response to this post. So…you’ll have to pardon me for not taking your criticism very seriously…
”Darryl- you have access to every report I have accessed- they are all online….
There are no “original” reports for electronic filers- they enter the data in the databank, and the reports are generated by the PDC.”
The “original forms” I referred to in a previous comment are things like deposit slips, bank account statements (you know, the thing that showed KC GOP in the black when they were filing a disclosure showing themselves in the red).
”If all of that doesn’t add up, then you need to dig.”
Actually, that is what I expect from the people responsible for filing an accurate public disclosure. Disclosures to the PDC are supposed to be accessed and accessible to the public. If the KCGOP is reporting that they are in the red when they are in the black, that is certainly fair game for criticism. In this case, they forgot to report some large contributions in June, so there is no chance I could have discovered that—even if I was inclined to play forensic accountant for a day.
”But what of the whole premise of your posting- that the King County GOP is fiscally irresponsible and operating in the red? Your Pulitzer prize has sort of gone out the window, hasn’t it?”
Hmmm…the KC GOP forgot to report $26,500 from four sources last June, and therefore they make a public disclosure of operating in the red. fiscal irresponsibility here, folks…just move along…
”Why not demonstrate that you have the intestinal fortitude to admit you were wrong about that? Or are you just about the sensational headline, and when it doesn’t pan out, you just go create another sensational headline- true or not? “
Umm…because no matter how you try to spin it, Jim, the KCGOP fucked up. They’ve now corrected their errors, and I’ve, in turn, updated the post. From my perspective the story panned out quite well. (I mean…I’ve never been able to get the King County Republicans to do anything for me in the past…)
Sorry, Jim, these problems—late filings, negative (reported), wildly inaccurate balances, and overlooked deposits—are all fair game for criticism. Your spin and prevarication doesn’t change any of the underlying facts.
Researchers in the US and Mexico have documented numerous reports worldwide of health hazards associated with eating turtle, including food poisoning with Salmonella. Sea turtles also pick up marine toxins, possibly from algae, which are not removed by washing or cooking and can kill up to a fifth of people affected [[…………..Dear Grossmans, When you come to visit, I would love to prepare my recipe “Sea Turtle Grossmanstein” that I know you would enjoy! Best regards, JCH Kennedy]
After shamelessly suing himself to pander to voters, Democrat state Treasurer Bob Casey Jr. now wants it both ways regarding the most recent appalling decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court….Casey is pleased the court ruled the legislators’ “unvouchered expenses” used to give themselves pay raises from 11 percent to 54 percent were unconstitutional….But Democrat Treasurer Casey didn’t allow the state Constitution to stop him from signing the pay-jackers’ “unvouchered” expenses checks. […..Democrat Carl, Someone new to sue!! Yourself!!]
JCH @ 2
So 1% of a capital improvement fund is spent to fix a public building, and that’s your story? Ooooh, corruption! Not.
Puddybud @ 52
All it “proves” is that Clinton was trying to restrain spending. Bush should try it some time.
Yeah, here’s what Janet S won’t tell you about that “earmark reform” that House Demcorats did not support…
RUFUS @ 71
“Will gas be under $2.00 by mid October? I thinks so.‘
Yeah, MTR was saying that last fall, and look how right HE was. You just keep clapping louder!!!
jim King @ 75
Gee, you left out how our national debt rose only by about a trillion dollars in 9 years of the Clinton administraiotn, but has risen by TRIPLE THAT in five years under the Boy King.
09/18/2006 $8,490,332,110,380.67
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62
09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16
09/28/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06
Hey, my dad was a Republican who smoked pot.
You know, some people don’t hide under their beds shaking in fear of the big, bad terrorists like you guys do. Sure, some Muslim (and other religion) terrorists hate, say, entire countries or entire populations, but their capabilities to do anything about that hate are really quite modest. Not enough of a threat to give up every civil liberties the Founders DIED to guarantee us. Not enough of a htreat to make our president KING.
If we as a government were REALLY willing to cooperate with out allies, share intelligence, and do some freakin’ police work, we’d catch those who are plotting like they did in the UK (if they did). If we were REALLY willing to stand up to the “countries who harbor terrorists,” then we wouldn’t have a presdent who tells us he needs a permission slip to go into Pakistan after Osama bin laden. Ooops, I forgot, Osama bin Laden, the man who planned and ordered the attacks that killed 3000 AMericans in 2001, “is not a high priority.”
Aussie Rob @ 171
Productivity continues to improve, and so does corporate profitability. But real wages are falling, and have been for a long time. Maybe there’s more money around, but fewer and fewer people are getting any of it.
If you think that the ammended C4s
were filed because of it being posted on Horses Ass, you are sorely mistaken.
That’s “amended.” One “m”
And how do you know?
Daddy @ 190
Matt made it up. That is how he “knows”.