Here we go! Josh at Talking Points Memo finds this NRCC document showing expenditures of almost $2 million being used to fund production and placement or mailing of “issue ads.” (Of course, the term “issue ad” is a euphemism for “attack ad“).
The expenditures, being used against 20 Democratic congressional candidates, are nicely summarized by mcjoan at Daily Kos.
I’m not surprised to find that Darcy Burner is one of the 20 NRCC targets. Here is the entry for the Washington State 8th Congressional district race:
COLUMBUS, Ohio 43215Purpose of Expenditure: Mailing Service
This Committee OPPOSES The Following Candidate: DARCY BURNER FOR CONGRESS
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is Washington in District 08
Date Expended = 09/15/2006
Person Completing Form: CHRISTOPHER J. WARD
Date Signed = 09/15/2006
Amount Expended = $25586.91
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $41861.91
Let’s see…we had a visit by Bush and a visit by Karl Rove to raise money for Rep. Dave Reichert, the NRCC has Darcy Burner on their top twenty hit list, and they have targeted $42,000 for the race to date. Anybody dismissing Darcy Burner’s chances in this race is simply in denial. Darcy was leading in the last public poll, but the Republican attack ads will turn that around if left unanswered.
You know where this is going…. If you haven’t yet given (or even if you have), please consider a small donation to counter the NRCC’s attack. Even $5.00 will help.
Click here to tell the NRCC to shove it!
So what else is new? The GOP wrote the book on attack ads, push poling, corruption in politics, lying, homophobia, lyiing to start useless wars, etc., etc. Wake up America before our ‘freedoms’ are only ideas in history books. CITH
I saw something interesting yesterday. I have been noticing latly a number of Tran and Arron Dixon for US Senate signs up in my niegborhood in Kent lately. This is odd, Kent is not the area that these to people would have many supporters. Then yesterday I saw why. I watch a person putting up some signs. First they put up a Mike? McGavick sign, then a Tran sign, then an Arron Dixon sign. Republicians, support hard left causes from now tell election day.
You mean the same people are puttin up McGavick, Tran, and Dixon signs? Hmmmmmm I wonder….
I have an idea. Maybe since Reichert has has Bush, and Rove come fundraise for him, maybe he should get the Green River Killer to speak at a fundraiser too. The only problems is the fact that the Green River Killer has not anywhere near enough damage, and killed enough people to qualify for a Reichert fundraiser. Maybe Reichert can get Saddam, or Bin Laden too! That’s it. Hold a fundraiser and invite Saddam, Bin Laden, and maybe Idi Amin too! He is doing quite well in Saudi Arabia from what I understand. I think he may be available….
You know why they are running attack ads right? Imagine if they tried to run on issues….. Since the Republicans are pretty much wrong on every issue, and vote against the future of our country, and to weaken it at every opportunity it would be hard for them to defend their positions.
All they can do is lie about, and trash their opponents who want “All” Americans to prosper, and not just the top 1% or 2%. I will definitely be doorknocking, and calling for Darcy. I am also fundraising for Darcy, Goldmark, and other Democrats in Washington. Check out my actblue page.
Rather than sitting around complaining about Republican sleazebags, I am doing something MYSELF to change our country’s course. The fist thing is to raise enough money to help people like Darcy Burner, and Peter Goldmark get elected, and start getting rid of the rot in the Bush Administration, one indictment at a time!
If you think Republican Rule is a good thing, don’t click on the link below….
If you wonder why we have a bunch of coffins coming back from Iraq EVERY DAY, maybe this article will explain it.
The only thing Republicans are good at is getting people killed from their incompetence, greed, and dishonesty.
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 9/17/06@ 8:40 am
If you think Republican Rule is a good thing, don’t click on the link below
A bit of good news, it isn’t just the Washington Post that has this story. My local paper, the Tacoma News Tribune (not exactly known as a bastion of liberalism) actually covered this today in section 1, with the first few paragraphs on the front page! (Below the fold, but it’s a start.)
And if you read the story, you’ll find that even the folks in charge of this mess are starting to have doubts about how the whole thing has been run.
Remember when the inbred right wing turds were telling us they weren’t worried about Darcy? Guess that was lie number 23,839,384,993 for them.
You all claim Goldie does not censor posts. BULLSHIT!
Me & Janeane (& Atrios & Matt) by Goldy, 09/13/2006, 2:46 PM
My Post #65 was erased. So don’t give me any lefty crap about Goldie not censoring.
I love how moonbat trump up polls but never show call demographics. The King 5 poll was way skewed with Seattle donk and we blew that apart. Abc and CBS polls tend to sway donk and we blew those apart..
Oh Darryl, where are the poll demographics you and Goldie love to trumpet on ASSWipes? Why didn’t you post them on Hominid? Will they demonstrate the natural tendency for donk to call donk to skew the poll numbers? If Darcy only leads by three after the skewed polling calls and all of this Hominid and HorsesAss attacking since Darcy came out of the closet, I think Dave has a good chance of retaining his seat.
Puddy @ 8:
What was the gist of your post?
I find it hard to believe that Goldy deleted it. I have said some very rude, vile and inflamatory things. So has your pal out in the Pacific Ocean.
Wow that was quick:
The latest Bush bounce is over. Today, 41% of American adults approve of the way that President Bush is performing his job and 57% disapprove. That’s exactly where the numbers were before the President’s 9/11 speech.
Some WingNut posted that bounce the other day. I went to Rassmussen and pulled the narative and posted it here. The WingNut went silent. Rassmussen does know what they are doing. I be PuddyBuddy is gonna challenge the demographics of the poll anyway.
Let me get this straight, you are in favor of the Dems attacking reichert (falsely)
but your not in favor of the R’s attacking burner and you haven’t even seen if the ads are true or not? Wow, and you wonder why the states First Responder community is overwhelmingly supporting Reichert and not burner.
Puddy @ 8: What was the gist of your post? I find it hard to believe that Goldy deleted it. I have said some very rude, vile and inflamatory things. So has your pal out in the Pacific Ocean. Commentby My Left Foot— 9/17/06@ 10:29 am
I referred to your “wife” not playing the dozens on JCH. Goldie erased it.
I be PuddyBuddy is gonna challenge the demographics of the poll anyway. Commentby My Left Foot— 9/17/06@ 10:39 am
No TwoLittleLeftFeets, I don’t discount Rasmussen because they poll all demographics evenly across the region. Unlike these northwest donk polls that focus their resources in moonbatland AKA Seattle.
While we are waiting for FactsEscapedHisPosition to provide 10 questions I have 10 for Darcy. I would love to hear Darcy tell us how would she:
1) Combat terrorism – Are we going to talk nice to them. Isn’t that what Nick Berg tried to do and he literally lost his head over it. Tell us Darcy how you protect your child from terrorism?
2) Solve Inner City Crime – Still waiting for over 40 years how donk are solving crime in my home town of Philly. Goldie dodges my requests for his actual birthplace because he from lily white ‘burbs.
3) Port Security – Remember scanning at foreign ports does not guarantee the ship cargo getting modified at sea. Daddy Love never answered the attack on his position by MWS because the Chucky Schumer face time can’t answer this problem. Overseas scanning does not prevent cargo container nuclear attacks.
4) Tracking Terrorist Cells in the US – Darcy, how will Nancy and your potential “rubberstamp” of her SF Whack-job politics (if you win) assist the FBI in tracking down terrorist cells if we can’t listen to their conversations in the US?
5) How do you feel about the ACLU taking terrorist nut cases as pro-bono work?
6) How do you feel about the ACLU supporting NAMBLA – Carl Grossman’s favorite viewing site?
7) How do you feel about being on the wrong side of politics as history writes this story?
8) Do you support the Pope call islamofacists what they are? Do you see how islamofascists prove they are whom they are?
9) How do you propose to mediate the Hamas-Hezbollah/Israeli conflict. Goldie has no ideas. How about you?
10) Do you think pork-laden earmarks such as the over $1Billion delivered by Robert KKK 3 Sheets Byrd are legitimate? Do you support your party and it’s largesse?
When FactsEscapedHisPosition delivers the other nine questions I’ll enjoy americafirst destroying his position.
More questions for Darcy:
Hudson Institute polled this week…
75% of Americans believe the U.N. is no longer “effective” and “needs to be held more accountable.”
71% believe the U.N. “needs to be considerably reformed.”
67% believe “there are too many undemocratic nations in the U.N. that do not care about promoting democracy and freedom.”
Only 37% believe the U.N. is “effective in PREVENTING wars and military conflicts.”
Only 32% believe the UN is “effective in ENDING wars and military conflicts.”
So Darcy:
Do you support Kofi Annan who seems to suppor the Arabs more than Israel?
Do you take the French and Italian position that foreign flagged naval vessels are NOT to be inspected for potential Hezbollah rocketry?
Do you think Israel has a right to exist? If yes, then why does your party support every moonbat cause celebre who says the opposite?
Do you think Fidel Castro is a great human rights person like Jimmy Carter, Danny Glover and other moonbats?
“GOP loyalty dictated who would rebuild Iraq”
“After the fall of Saddam Hussein’s government in April 2003, the opportunity to participate in the U.S.-led effort to reconstruct Iraq attracted professionals, Arabic-speaking academics, development specialists and war-zone adventurers. But they had to get past Jim O’Beirne’s Pentagon office before going to Baghdad.
To pass muster with O’Beirne, a political appointee, applicants didn’t need to be experts in the Middle East or in postconflict reconstruction. They did need, however, to be a member of the Republican Party….”
So now we understand. It wasn’t just incompetence. It was planned incompetence!!!!!
Darcy: Do you support the use of race by white moonbat libruls when they are in heated political battles against blacks?
Michael Steele’s Opponent Fires Staffer for Racial Comments
Rep. Benjamin Cardin has fired a campaign staffer who posted racially charged comments against his opponent on the Internet, the congressman’s campaign said Saturday.
The staffer’s blog includes references to Oreo cookies. Cardin’s opponent, Republican Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, who is black, has said people threw Oreos at him during a 2002 debate as a slight directed at his race and political views.
In a statement, Cardin, who is white, also condemned comments written by the female staffer on her blog that he considered derogatory to Jews.
“I am deeply offended and disgusted by the blog’s racial and anti- Semitic overtones,” the 10-term congressman said. “The staff person responsible was promptly dismissed and will have nothing to do with my campaign.”
Melissa Sellers, a Steele spokeswoman, criticized the blog.
“It is deeply disturbing to learn that a staff member of 10-term Congressman Ben Cardin would keep a blog chronicling racial prejudices toward Lt. Gov. Steele and others,” Sellers said. “This is the kind of attitude and gutter politics that Marylanders are sick of and why they are ready for change.”
The woman was “a junior staffer” who worked for the campaign for about a month, said Cardin spokesman Oren Shur. He declined to identify her or elaborate on her duties.
Shur said the woman was fired Friday “as soon as we learned of this.”
A blog posting Aug. 25 refers to a stack of Oreo cookies “looming in the back of one of the campaign pantries” and how staffers have to “surreptitiously glance around” before eating them.
“The subterfuge would be unnecessary, and snack time would be far less amusing, had an angry citizen not thrown the aforementioned delicious snack food at one of our opponents to comment on his lack of racial loyalty,” the blog entry reads.
The blog also contains an entry describing Cardin’s friends as “large men with strong, loud voices and Jewish noses.”
Do you think market forces set the price of oil and gas (plus the OPEC ministers) or did Halliburton drive up the price of oil?
Do you agree with the whack-job loony lefty positions postulated by Head ASSWipe Goldie and his band of NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats?
Why do you take money from avoved racists here on HorsesAssWipes?
Do you agree with Goldie and his nary a peep attitude from his ASSWipe buddies calling conservative blacks field niggas?
Why do you associate with Goldie and his negative racist attitudes?
Do you support your party’s support and coddling of fascist leader Hugo Chavez of Venezuela?
Do you support him kissing Raul and Fidel’s asses when he visits Cuba?
How do you portend to fight against mullahs who issue fatwas against US interests?
Do you agree with the 11% of moonbats who think the US government is the single greatest threat to WORLD peace?
Where is the standard moonbat response to attack the messenger instead of the message?
Don’t tell me moonbats are watching football?
So what else is new? The GOP wrote the book on attack ads, push poling, corruption in politics, lying, homophobia, lyiing to start useless wars, etc., etc. Wake up America before our ‘freedoms’ are only ideas in history books. CITH Commentby MtRainier— 9/17/06@ 4:15 am
Mt Rainier: MWS asked you last week if that cum laden condom was tasty. You never answered him. I guessed you liked it otherwise you would have refuted him. Another lib bites the dust.
Now that the missile defense shield looks promising, do you break ranks and support a missle defense shield or are you a Pelosi rubberstamp and are against it?
Do you agree with Carl Grossman’s political assessment of democrats vote early and vote often? Do you agree that donk should vote absentee in the north and snow-bird to their winter hangouts and vote again.
I posted on ASSWipes how the NY Daily News determined over 40,000 people voted twice in the 2004 election where 68 percent were Democrats, 12 percent were Republicans, and 16 percent were independent. Do you support overwhelmingly high numbers of donk voter fraud?
Do you support the use of attack ads?
Did you know the first attack ads were from donk agains conservatives?
From Ike to “Willie” Horton
The first political advertisements for a television audience appeared in 1952 as part of General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Republican presidential campaign against Democrat Adlai Stevenson. Eisenhower (often called “Ike”) filmed 40 TV spots in a New York City studio during a single day. For each ad, he simply faced the camera and read from scripted cue cards. Tourists visiting New York were then recruited to be filmed asking Ike questions. The questions and Ike’s answers were edited together along with an announcer’s voice over. Eisenhower won by a landslide. He probably would have beaten Stevenson even without the TV spots. But after 1952, American political campaigning would never be the same.
In the 1956 election rematch between Eisenhower and Stevenson, TV campaigning took a negative turn when the Democrats used the first TV attack ads against Ike’s running mate, Vice President Richard M. Nixon. Playing on voters’ fears about the health of Eisenhower, who had recently suffered a heart attack, the Democrats produced a TV spot in which an announcer asked, “Nervous about Nixon? President Nixon?” From this time on, both major political parties have increasingly resorted to negative TV spots to attack each other.
The most famous TV attack ad took place during the 1964 contest between the incumbent Democratic president, Lyndon Johnson, and Republican Senator Barry Goldwater. Goldwater had the habit of making provocative “shoot-from-the-hip” remarks like the one in which he said that the United States could lob nuclear missiles into the men’s room of the communist leaders in Moscow. Building on Goldwater’s well-known hawkish views, Democratic campaign strategists developed a devastating attack ad, which did not even name the Republican candidate.
The TV spot began with the camera on a little girl alone in a field counting, “One, two, three. . . ,” as she picks petals off a daisy. The little girl looks up startled as the camera moves to her face and eye until the screen goes black. A man’s voice is then heard counting, “Ten, nine, eight. . .,” until a nuclear bomb is shown exploding. As the bomb blossoms into its mushroom shape, President Johnson speaks: “These are the stakes–to make a world in which all of God’s children can live, or to go into the dark. We must either love each other, or we must die.”
The obvious implication was that if Goldwater were to become president, he would start a nuclear war. Known as “Daisy,” this spot was aired one time by the Democratic Party (although it appeared a number of other times on news programs). Outraged, the Republicans threatened to sue for libel.
Now we see the California donk candidate’s staff hacked into Gov Schwartzenegger’s private server to deliver his words about hispanics, do you support donk dirty tricks?
“The campaign of California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Democratic rival acknowledged Tuesday that it downloaded — and leaked to the media — a recording of a private meeting in which the governor described a Hispanic legislator as having a “very hot” personality.”
“Schwarzenegger spokesman Adam Mendelsohn said someone would have had to snoop to find the audio file. The file that was leaked to the Los Angeles Times was in a private area of the governor’s server not accessible to the public without manipulation of information,” he said.”
On the campaign trail, how do you deal with people driven insane by right-wing propaganda like Puddybud?
Drink a little too much coffee this morning, pal?
PuddyBuddy @ 14
I have no idea what playing the “dozens” entails. If you have noticed, and even if you haven’t, we have not responded to any of the personal crap posted by you or anyone else, so it was not taken down on my account or complaint, there was none. I guess I something to google now.
It is interesting to me how y’all attack here, but when the response is equal, y’all get bent out of shape. Y’all accuse everyone of lying and making things up, without offering any proof or offering any proof of what you claim to be true about you. Double standard?
I haven’t had breakfast yet. I decided to visit ASSWipes today and was shocked, shocked at the garbage being spewed here by the libruls. So I decided to Ask Darcy!
Double standard? Commentby My Left Foot— 9/17/06@ 12:53 pm
Carl: We followed in your sides standards. I am a field nigga remember? I was told the house niggas would put me in my place. Blog 9/06/05 -9/16/05 on ASSWipes and see what your friends called PacMan and me! Where was Goldie?
So I asked Darcy does she support that librul moonbatspeak?
Ahh yes Cluelessness came out of his cave. Did your wife let you come and play in the ASSWipes shitbox?
I asked real questions for Darcy. Let her leave her handlers and answer them or will she be a Pelosi rubberstamp for Marin County Whack-Job politics? Remember where John Walker Lindh came from Cluelessness? Marin County. I guess you support white Taliban moonbats killing our good military men! Your commentary speaks volumes! How about the latest American Taliban. He’s one of yours!!!!!!
The dozens is an African American oral tradition in which two acquaintances go head to head in a contest of often good-natured, ribald “trash-talk”. They take turns insulting; “burning”, “cracking”, “heating”, “ranking”, “sparking”, “janking”, “snapping”, “checking”, or “riding” — on one another, their adversary’s mother, or other family member until one of them has no comeback. Similar traditions exist in other western cultures.
In the United States, this practice is called playing the dozens, doin’ the dozens, running the dozens, or sometimes dirty dozens. The dozens is a contest of personal power—of wit, verbal ability, and mental agility, but especially of mental toughness and self-control. If one lashes out in anger, that person automatically loses the contest. Each putdown, or snap, ups the ante. Defeat can be humiliating, but a skilled contender, winner or loser, may gain respect. The dozens is one of the contributing elements in the development of hip hop, especially the practice of freestyle battling. The opponent is often considered being served.
Now I understand. You, MWS, proudofherfatass and the our Pacific island friend lost this contest with Mrs Left Foot the other night. That is why you were all upset. You want to argue with someone who’s skill is the turning of phrase, and, twisting words into tiny little knives, designed to inflict maximum damage. We could poll the readership and see who they think won if you like.
I am sure Goldy did not eliminate this post on purpose, I remember it. I would be willing to bet that he was deleting the spam postings and yours was zapped in error.
You really should calm down and, as Darryl suggested, back off the coffee or switch to decaf.
Carl: You mean you live moonbat and don’t mingle with my people? This is a telling statement: “I have no idea what playing the “dozens” entails.”
So Carl you and Teresa must live on Moonbat Hill, um Capitol Hill. Or maybe you live near the horse fucker from Seattle who died earlier this year. Maybe you live near the Freemount District? Or do you live near “Queen” Anne hill?
If you lived near MLK and Rainier you’d know what playing the dozens is! You don’t know my people and if you did you would hold them off at arms length.
Goodbye Carl: You proved to me that you are a big moonbat, who doesn’t have real minority friends!
Where did you come from Puddybud? PA?
Where they produce wingnuts like Santorum? No wonder!!!
What a mindless prick you are!!!
Pud’s post was about viagra, the calouses on his tonsils and his son’s new boyfriend.
I was writing while Left Footster was “Googleing” the Dozens”! My post above is appropriate for his answer.
What he missed in my post #65 was I was supporting his wife Teresa by giving her an Internet URL for use against JCH! But, alas, it was lost on Carl because He be too dense!
Dribble: Good to see you spawn from the useless protoplasm you are. I see you are still posting as before. Remember I spotted you as one of those low IQ types. You father wasn’t packing a full load and you were spawned as useless protoplasm.
Keep up the attack on my sons. One starts UW soon in pre-law. Yours’ meets Rosy Palm and her five cousins everyday!
Sorry to disappoint Dribble, but my tonsils were removed long ago.
Where did you come from Puddybud? PA? Where they produce wingnuts like Santorum? No wonder!!! What a mindless prick you are!!! Commentby For the Clueless— 9/17/06@ 1:09 pm
I am glad to see you critique Goldie and his birthplace. Remember I came from the inner city. I know what donk programs do against my people. Goldie was from librul lily white lands around Philly after the first white flight!
BTW Santorum has almost made up his 20 point deficit to Casey. Yes, Casey; what an “intelligent” opponent that Tim Russert single-handedly destroyed!
One more thing Dribble: The only reason they put a black guy in Viagra, Cialis or Levitra commercials is to stop potential racial bias suits against them.
We’re black people. We don’t need Viagra. Viagra was invented by white folk for white folk. Why else would it be a “purple” pill? If a black man invented it the color would be different!!!
You guys were worried your wives would cross the tracks and see what real men are packing after your limpness rules the day. We have natural God-given abilities that don’t rust with age like you white folk. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Even Pelletizer can’t compete as a “rabbit”!
You are referencing threads that are a year old. I don’t go back to check threads from yesterday. They are dead threads. This posting is a place to exchange ideas and thoughts. However it seems that most people, on both sides, prefer to get off subject, launch into (silly) personal attacks based on what amounts to nothing of substance. I am guilty of it. I started out here to be like John Barelli and, from your side, Richard Pope. When I saw the language of MWS, MTR and the total whack job JCH (I refer to him to make the point only) I decided to fight fire with fire.
We have learned that the Republicans favorite tactic is to throw shit and see if some will stick. I just threw some back. It was never personal, I never got upset.
Goldie’s blog is a living document. He continually refers to Stefan’s losing in the Governor’s race everytime he can. So do most moonbats! Why is it a crime for me to remind peeps like you how moonbats think? Moonbats remind MTR of his $100 bet and refer Mark to the link!
Do you remember the Goldie excitement over the potential Merry Fitzmas attack of Karl Rove in May? Didn’t it reference his Merry Fitzmas attack last October. Uhhhhnnnnnnnt. Wrong again Carl!
You didn’t throw shit at me. Even if you tried, I’m wearing my Telfon today! Do you get it?
Don’t be upset that I didn’t known what “dozens” is. My wife needed no help in playing. Again, the evidence was clear…..she kicked their asses. Poor defenseless woman. roflmao.
By the way, “brother”, how is it you can even read, let alone converse with, the “protoplasm” out in the Pacific. Surely you have nothing in common with him? Unless of course you are not Black (which I believe to be the case), or in the alternative, you are a self-hating Black man. No man, Black or otherwise, would allow someone to spew the shit that our supposed Pacific island dweller is continually regurgitating, without challenging him openly and continuously. I can only surmise that you agree.
And don’t tell me how you took him to the woodshed over it. That is bullshit and you know it.
When I first got up this morning I found that this thread had about eight posts, six of which were spam for something or another.
Now I come back, the six posts are gone and instead one of our right wing whack job nut case trolls has spewed all over it.
I never thought I’d say this, but I liked the spam better.
I can see you now. In your mom’s basement, bra strapped over your head (ala Weird Science), in your tighty whiteys, computer in front of you, your body wrapped in aluminum foil (the ‘hoods version of teflon) and just knowing any minute Karl Rove will call asking you head the Shit throwing department for the WA State WingFuck party. He will see your words of wit (laced with an anger that you can’t disguise. Anger being the chief weapon of the WingFuck party as you so capably demonstrate here on a daily basis.
If you don’t like living in the hood. MOVE! And don’t tell me how the “man” keeps holding you down. The only thing holding you down is the 40 of Olde English in your hand and the doobie about to burn your lips.
PuddyBuddy has proven once again how thin his skin really is. He has also proved my original nickname for him to be correct too. PussyPud.
Either that or his mom came and made him get off the computer and got him started with his chores.
See meet the wingnuts post #47 Karl.
Man when Goldy delete’s a post it must be a whopper because batshit crazy, dick sucking Puddybutt’s standard posts are already out of this universe sick. Can you imagine one so bad Goldy deleted it? Maybe it was all those convicts pulling a train on Mrs. Puddybutt that drove this inbred moron over the top.
Another hundred bucks for Darcy…
Puddybud @ 16
I heard Darcy on the radio the other day, and she actually TAKES QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS THEM. Sort of exactly the opposite of Dave Reichert. She’s pretty smart, and holds her ground when some wingnut is pressing her. If you want answers, I suggest that you find her on the radio (Goldy will probably have her on agan) and call in, or go to an event she’s appearing at and ask them. Or submit them though her Web site
Unlike Dave Reichert, Darcy listens to her (soon-to-be) constituents and responds to them.
Puddybud @ 17
I know that you believe that polls showing the American people’s attitudes should be our guide. In that case, I am sure that you now share the American people’s strong beliefs that:
– the war in Iraq is not worth fighting (56%)
– the Bush Administration does not have a clear plan for handling the situation in Iraq (61%)
– the war in Iraq is separate from the war on terrorism (53%)
– things in this country are heading off on the wrong track (63%)
– and, of course, if the election for U.S. House of Representatives were held today, you would vote for the Democratic candidate in your congressional district (53%)
Puddybud @ 22
I liek this one:
“fascist leader Hugo Chavez of Venezuela”
I don’t get you. You seem to think, for example, that recognizing that the people of Venezuela have the right to elect the leader they prefer, and perhaps that complaining about the Bush administration’s efforts to engineer a coup in Venezuela is perhaps less then complete support for “democracy” is “coddling.” And how is Chavez “fascist?” I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
Wow do I have material here.
When I first got up this morning I found that this thread had about eight posts, six of which were spam for something or another. Now I come back, the six posts are gone and instead one of our right wing whack job nut case trolls has spewed all over it. I never thought I’d say this, but I liked the spam better. Commentby Yer Killin Me— 9/17/06@ 2:07 pm
Whack-job librul answer the questions or put foot into mouth to STFU!
By the way, “brother”, how is it you can even read, let alone converse with, the “protoplasm” out in the Pacific. Surely you have nothing in common with him? Unless of course you are not Black (which I believe to be the case), or in the alternative, you are a self-hating Black man. No man, Black or otherwise, would allow someone to spew the shit that our supposed Pacific island dweller is continually regurgitating, without challenging him openly and continuously. I can only surmise that you agree. And don’t tell me how you took him to the woodshed over it. That is bullshit and you know it. Commentby My Left Foot— 9/17/06@ 2:01 pm
You doubting my heritage Carl? I have already stated my position on John Herman. Why do I need to post it again. Look it up on Google! Good bye!
Left Turdball is back: “Man when Goldy delete’s a post it must be a whopper because batshit crazy, dick sucking Puddybutt’s standard posts are already out of this universe sick. Can you imagine one so bad Goldy deleted it? Maybe it was all those convicts pulling a train on Mrs. Puddybutt that drove this inbred moron over the top. Commentby PuddyButtSuxDick— 9/17/06@ 3:17 pm
Only Left Turdball used pull a train. Remember his call on the Bush Twins? He was the only one to use batshit crazy. A moonbat can not change his spots. I was looking for the Rush Limbaugh pees in a cup! Just like TreeFrogKillaFraud when I outed him!
I don’t get you. You seem to think, for example, that recognizing that the people of Venezuela have the right to elect the leader they prefer, and perhaps that complaining about the Bush administration’s efforts to engineer a coup in Venezuela is perhaps less then complete support for “democracy” is “coddling.” And how is Chavez “fascist?” I don’t think that word means what you think it means. Commentby Daddy Love— 9/17/06@ 5:18 pm
So you overlook the Bay of Pigs – pig?
Puddybud @ 16
I heard Darcy on the radio the other day, and she actually TAKES QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS THEM. Sort of exactly the opposite of Dave Reichert. She’s pretty smart, and holds her ground when some wingnut is pressing her. If you want answers, I suggest that you find her on the radio (Goldy will probably have her on agan) and call in, or go to an event she’s appearing at and ask them. Or submit them though her Web site
Unlike Dave Reichert, Darcy listens to her (soon-to-be) constituents and responds to them. Commentby Daddy Love— 9/17/06@ 5:13 pm
Then undeniably, Darcy will answer my questions above!
Lay off the coke, the 80s are over. It will probably help with the paranoid delusions
You see moonbats, I have not seen any answers to these questions above. I realize it must scare you a wing-nut is asking direct cogent questions to moonbats today!
Puddy, Lay off the coke, the 80s are over. It will probably help with the paranoid delusions Commentby JDB— 9/17/06@ 9:43 pm
As you can see JDB has accused me of using drugs five times recently. Since he claims to know all the signs
1) He’s a user
2) He’s a pusher
3) He’s an enabler
4) He’s an idiot
5) He’s a moonbat
6) He’s stupid
7) All of the above
7 – he exudes all of the above!
Good night moonbats: The wife is calling and I don’t miss appointments!
Puddybutt how can your wife be calling you when she’s here with me?
LeftIsStupid@67: The Seattle Police picked up your mother, your two sisters and your daughter for soliciting police officers. Momma called and said you declined to bail them out! Why are you mean to working women in your family supporting your cocaine habits?
Will Darcy answer the questions above? Does she have what it takes to think independently? Does she have a clue when not being led by Rahm Emanuel? Has Nancy Pelosi placed her nanobots into Darcy yet? Does Darcy support the democratic plank?
I bet Goldilocks told her not to answer anything from righties on this blog.
Pud @ 62
“undeniably, Darcy will answer my questions above”
I imagine sh would, given her record. Go and ask her. That’s what I was recommending. Why do I ot think you’re ever going to? I think you’d just rather bitch about it.
Pud @ 61
“So you overlook the Bay of Pigs – pig?”
Now you’ve gone from confusing proponcements to utter nonsense. The Bay of Pigs has nothing to do wih:
– Venezuela
– Hugo Chavez
– fascists
– “liberals” coddling Chavez
You’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep.
As you can see JDB has accused me of using drugs five times recently.
I accused you of using drugs once. The fact that you read it five times just backs up my thoughts. Lay off the coke.