That’s what Susan Hutchison has been running… the most dishonest local campaign ever. And to a large extent, the local media has been somewhat complicit.
Hutchison is a Republican, and Dow Constantine is a Democrat. That is obvious and indisputable. And yet when Hutchison denies her party identity she large goes unchallenged — this is a nonpartisan race, we’re told, so what does it matter? Meanwhile, when Constantine proudly claims his party identity, he’s abused by the likes of the Seattle Times editorial board.
The ironic thing is, despite all the grandstanding about this being a nonpartisan race, should Hutchison win, the Times and everybody else will trumpet this as a huge victory for Republicans and an even bigger defeat Democrats.
Like I said… the most dishonest campaign ever.
YES on R-71
NO on I-1033
Dow Constantine for King County Executive
Send in you ballot today!
Well Mallahan continually cites his wonderful business experience, yet the BBB reportedly gives T Mobile an F in customer satisfaction, and this is not even reported by the Seattle Times.
And, he managed like 40 people.
In a candidate they opposed, his claims would be called lies and deceptions.
The voters were stupid to think that by making a race “non-partisan” it would actually have an effect. It was just a ploy by the republicans to try and hide but they’ve never been any good at doing that
I think is says something good about Seattle politics when the most dishonest thing ever is that a candidate in a non-partisan race decides to run as a non-partisan, doesn’t it? I mean, what would the most dishonest race ever in Philly or Chicago look like?
– TT
PS Dow is going to win easily. No need to get all of our knickers in a bunch over Suzie.
If you have to “hide” your political affiliations, that should make you think about what you represent and why. Susan should be able to WIN as a “Republican” if the people really want what that represents. If the people don’t, and you have to hide or pretend to be something else to win, you’re kind of full of shit.
The most dishonest campaign ever
only her hairdresser knows for sure.
Worst. Goldstein. Ever.
Everybody knows that Seattle is insane about recycling, but this is insane. Or it’s final proof that you-know-who is running on recycled fumes.
As King County executive, Hutch will push for more roadbuilding and as much free infrastructure as she can get taxpayers to pay for.
For who?
Why, developers of course.
Hope Dino sues you back to the Stone Age for taking away his honorific.
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re 10:Madmen is a TV series about the advertising business in the 1960’s.
I haven’t seen Stan Frieberg in it yet.
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Haven’t heard Stan on When Radio Was since … when radio was. Is Stan still the man, or is he, like, dead?
Has Dow the Superstud harassed anybody today? A day without being molested by the Dweeb is a day without sunshine.
Goldy, you really think people don’t know Susan’s politics? After all those I’m for Dow commercials full of paid sychophants? You don’t think people know Susan is pro-life with those She’s against a woman’s right to choose? Mrs Puddy is right… where does being pro-life have to do with King County policies? Those specious arguments were useless a few weeks ago and are still useless now.
Thanks Darryl, that Ekim crap is getting tiresome. Another HA leftist broken record.
Caught a bit of Big Eddie Schultz’s show a while back.
Very pessimistic about the elections in NJ and VA and blames the weak-kneed Dems for not getting a health care bill with robust Public Option on Obama’s desk and signed by like a month ago or way earlier.
Can’t say I disagree with him all that much.
Republicans are still very unpopular but the natives are getting jumpy.
Wake up Dems… 11/2010 is not that far away.
“where does being pro-life have to do with King County policies”
Where does Hutchison stand on the continued funding of King County’s nine family planning clinics?
re 17: “Mrs Puddy is right… where does being pro-life have to do with King County policies?”
King county funds several family planning clinics and Hutch has promised to cut all ‘unnecessary’ spending.
If you don’t see the connection, ask the imaginary Mrs. Puddy.
@4 “I think is says something good about Seattle politics when the most dishonest thing ever is that a candidate in a non-partisan race decides to run as a non-partisan, doesn’t it?”
Once again a troll exhibits the profundity of his stupidity. This is not a nonpartisan race, nor is Suzie Cute a nonpartisan candidate. This is a knockdown, dragout, bareknuckle brawl between a Republican fanatic and a Democratic mediocrity which the Democrat will handily win. Which should suggest to Republicans like you that your ideology and campaign methodology need serious retooling.
@6 “If you have to “hide” your political affiliations, that should make you think about what you represent and why.”
Precisely. That’s what I tried to say, but you said it better.
@10 I hope he does, too. I love to see Republicans spending money on lawyers!
@15 That’s what Wikipedia is for. Of course, it’s easier to find if you spell it correctly.
@16 My connections in the county administration building aren’t good enough to arrange a private session with Dow for you, but if you’ll go to Green Lake Park and drop your pants, I can get a rabbit to kick your bare bottom as many times as you like. Frankly, I think my buddies here in the park will line up for the opportunity.
@17 “Mrs Puddy is right… where does being pro-life have to do with King County policies?”
In the policies of the county health department, idiot. This has been explained how many times in this blog? Did you sleep through the entire autumn, Rip?
Mrs Puddy isn’t imaginary fool. Some HA Libtardos have personally met her. So how is rosy palm and her cousins treating you headless 24×7?
Roger, most of your drivel is worthless and mindless.
How is Susan gonna kill King County health department finding? The council will override her in a heartbeat. Since abortions are legal she would have no precedent.
Specious argument at best!
What a bunch of libfooltards.
Roger Rabbit is confident in Komrade Konstantine’s ability & desire to push forth baby killing agenda’s.
rew 27: “So how is rosy palm and her cousins treating you?….”
When that situation arises, as it inevitably will, I know that I will be expertly taken care of by a person who knows me and loves me.
Can you say the same?
re 28: So, are you saying that we might as well vote for Hutch because her plans and intentions would be illegal anyway?
David Doud’s attacks on Rob Holland make Doud’s campaign almost the sleaziest, most dishonest campaign, close behind Hutchison’s.
Not coincidentally, I think Doud and Hutchison share some campaign consultants.
“The most dishonest campaign ever”
2nd only to McGinn, in this campaign year
& we can aonly hope a political neophyte like Holland gets beat — talk about an idiot who let himself be a token for the McGinn-ites!
That the rw can not understand Susie’s possible effect on those clinics, not to mention the fact that she wouldn’t stop with this win, but would attempt to go onto bigger/better things, just shows how ignorant and/or dishonest they are. Of course this is so typical of the rw.
Oh and Puddy, spewing forth silly names, like “libtard” [SAME exact talking points rw’ers use on twitter!] does not mean you’re having a debate; but it is true that if you just insult and name call you can often divert attention from your not knowing any facts….makes it so easy, doesn’t it, when all you have to do is name call and say no?
All your silly words, from “elitists” to “libtards” [make up your minds] mean only that you are too ignorant to argue w/facts. Must be WHY only 19% of America will ADMIT they are Republican…..don’t blame them.
Besides, liberals still have you beat with “nutjobs”, which is, at least, descriptive to a large degree these days..of Republicans; Especially since they began pushing moderate/SANE Republicans out of the party altogether.