Once again, isn’t it ironic that it is Darcy Burner, not Dave Reichert, who is playing the bigger role in our national health care debate? According to The Hill:
The head of a not-for-profit organization affiliated with House Democratic liberals plans to raise $1 million next year to give liberals an edge in public policy battles with the conservative Blue Dog Coalition.
Darcy Burner, the executive director of ProgressiveCongress.org, a nonprofit education and advocacy organization, has played a behind-the-scenes role in the healthcare debate, applying constant pressure on Democratic leaders to keep the public option on the negotiating table.[…] The renamed group, which includes an educational wing organized under section 501(c)3 of the tax code and a 501(c)4 advocacy wing, has served as an important bridge between House liberals and outside groups such as MoveOn.org, US Action, People For the American Way and the AFL-CIO. It has also worked with influential liberal blogs such as Daily Kos and OpenLeft to provide updates of internal Democratic deliberations and keep up a drumbeat of demand for the public option.
But, you know, don’t expect any coverage of Darcy’s efforts in the Seattle Times, because otherwise they wouldn’t be able to dismiss her as inexperienced should choose to run for office again.
The ST may not be around by then.
But isn’t the public option part of the vote and certainly approval the dems will have this year….so if they can govern as they intend…why would Darcy have to work on getting a Mill to help them do it…
This looks like Public Option is Dead
at least for this year. And with elections happening next year…nothing will happen…
Well, let’s all hope that you are wrong — because you have the heart and sould of a gaboon viper.
Are you that Naive Dutch?
The public option has already passed the house and is now up in the senate for a vote (Reid just included it in the bill).
Now comes the insurance company ad blitz and the republicans will march in lock step with the insurance companies…the advocacy group will spend to counter the pushback from greedy insurance companies and compliant republicans.
America needs to move forward – one group continuously stands in the way. It’s time for MoveOn to Move Over! The group turned 11 this year, and has repeatedly been the source that drives American politics into the gutter. Stop embarrassing our nation, and move on. http://www.friendsoftheuschamber.com/moveover/
Yeah right, dana.
Speaking of embarrassing our nation, and embarrassing capitalism, and embarrassing commerce … you can’t be better at it than the fucking US Chamber of
HorrorsCommerce.Wishful thinking on your part, dutchless: Reid announced today there will be a public option in the bill he brings to the Senate floor.
No one is safe. Even people with insurance, who think they’re covered, can be bankrupted by medical bills. Anyone who thinks otherwise should read this MSNBC article about the real-life stories of 3 families:
“[H]aving health insurance is no guarantee …, noted Len Nichols, a health economist at the nonpartisan New America Foundation. … ‘Basically, no one’s coverage is secure,’ said Nichols. ‘A large number of people have not had a disaster in the health care system, so they don’t know how bad it is. It could happen to any of us at any time.'”
@5 You let the U.S. Chamber of Commerce do your thinking for you? I pity you.
the house vote means little and so does the Senate “inclusion”, it’s what will be the final bill after all the negotiations between house and Senate versions are done…even you should know this.
Just because Harry says he’ll bring it up, doesn’t mean it will pass. Well, it should based on the majority the dems have…but will it.
And if all is more or less finalized, why would Darcy have to collect money…once the bill is voted on and signed on, any push back by the republicans and the industry would be way to late (see 4)…..unless of course…the Dems will get nothing through re public option.
It’s what is signed at the end that counts…not what Harry says he would do…
@10 Uh, dude, you don’t know what you’re talking about. The bottleneck is the Senate, not the House, and Reid’s job is to count votes and bring a bill to the Senate floor that has enough votes. If he says there’ll be a public option, that means there’s 60 votes for a bill with public option. He’s not guessing like you. He knows what votes he has.
I don’t see why anyone should feel threatened by the public option, except maybe price-gouging insurance companies. If it’s set up to be self-supporting, with no taxpayer subsidies, and no one is required to join it, why would anyone (except maybe price-gouging insurance companies) be against it? That doesn’t make any sense.
@10: If the public option is in both the house and senate bills – then it will be in the final negotiated bill…even a fifth grader would know that – it is the areas of disagreement that are negotiated….geez, dutch how naive and unaware of simple civics are you?
Actually, Roger, they don’t need 60 votes for the HCR bill itself. Those votes are needed in order to invoke cloture.
So Ben Nelson, Blanche Lincoln, and a few other dumb Dems can still vote (stupidly) against the bill, as long as they let it come to the proverbial “upperdown” vote by opposing the filibuster.
Also, with the public option placed in the base bill, it’ll take the Republicans 60 votes to strip it out. Snowball’s chance in hell for that.
12: wishful thinking. Even if the same item is in both bills in spirit, but not in exact meaning and wording it will have to be negotiated. And that’s where the proof is in the pudding.
However, what started this was: If you are all so sure that it will happen, why is Darcy compelled to collect money to fight against republican and insurance influence. It if is such a done deal (as you claim), what purpose does Darcy’s announcement have…
@10 “Uh, dude, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
So, what’s new about that?
Unfortunately, what’s under consideration in the Senate, that Durbin is so damned scared of that he’s running around saying “The DEVIL (and the “progressives”) made me do it!”….is the “public option option”.
Just in case the GOPers can’t cajole enough blue dogs to join them in a filibuster, you’d better believe Timmy already has an “opt-out” initiative all ready to roll…as do his clones in every other state.
@16 I think Eyman would get his ass kicked on that one, as badly as he did on his wide-open gambling initiative.
To tell you the truth, I now think the odds favor I-1033 going down to defeat. Sheesh, even the Seattle Times editorial board is against it. Even Susie Hutchison is against it (or, at least, says she is, which is what counts).
In one form or another, we will get a public option and it will be the foot in door to destroying the private health insurers, who have had over 60 years to prove their worth, but have failed to.
That’s the way it is in the free market — sink or swim.
as joseph p kennedy. father of jfk, said of the jews “they ruin everything they touch”.
So let’s see turn control of the most personal aspect of ones life over to the ones responsible for
* War
* Wall Street and Banking Bailouts
* Patriot Act
* Warrantless Wiretaps
* Military Commissions Act
* Etc
* Etc
Is there anyone with a fucking brain out there?
Perhaps Darcy can take her considerable expertise and solve the illegal problem in SF!
re21: Those young Honduran criminals not only need our liberal protection from prosecution, but free health insurance too!
They wouldn’t be here in the first place if the heirs of Sam WalMart would quit hiring them for cheap.
There’s the liberal solution: Throw conniving corporate employers in jail for hiring the illegals — for enticing them across the border with stories of milk and honey flowing in the streets.
They only come here to be happy and productive sales associates and fast-food purveyors, to clean our houses and cook our seafood dinners on the pier.
Their smiling faces and cheerful broken English is a thing I think many of us have came to know and love.
So Darcy Burner is foghting for the unconstitutional anti-liberty Public Option. Rep Dave Reichert is fighting for the anti-liberty Cap and Tax. Sounds like no real difference between the two.
errr ahhhh
cap and trade comes under insterstate cmmerce,
the public option is no less constitutional than the fed gv’t offering FDIC or student loans. Ya think them is unconstitutional as well?
BTW, while we are dovening on the US Constitution, tell me under what provisions of the document the US can regulate intrastate sales of marijauna, determine wh can and cannot broadcast, decide n immigration into a state, impose limits on abortions, limit travel to Cuba, subsidize mortgages, limit my right t have or make atomic bombs, yadda yadda.
Let’s start with Nancy Pelosi and her husband. They only hire illegals for their multi-million $$$ vineyards and send the grapes to non-union processing plants. Need to see the articles again. Contact ylb arschloch if Google fails you. Puddy has entered the info more than once on HA Libtardos. Go on ask him. Grow some cojones.
Yep Puddy agrees. Start with Nancy. Make her the Poster Child!
re 26: No. I think we’ll start with YOUR guys because they have far more clout than a California grape grower.
The Republican idea of justice is to throw Martha Stewart in jail for two years for some piddling little offense and let Scooter Libby, a convited felon and traitor off the hook.
hey , another “accidental death”, this time one of madoff’s partners. jeez, there have been quite of few “accidental deaths this year.
re 28: Pop Quiz!! What do yhe Yardbirds, Rolling Stones, and Bernie Madofff’s business partners all have in common?
to 25′
First i never said that it was cap and tax was unconstitutional I just said it was anti-liberty.
second I do think that many of what you point should not be regulated by the federal goverment. I think that pot should fall to the states unless it is being imported from another country. I believe that immigration is federal because the international borders are under the federal Goverment according to the constitution. I Also since our constitution says that no will be denied Life, Liberty or Property I feel that limiting acts of Infantcide is very nessary for thr federal goverment.
What a moron headless lucy is. Who is the power in the House? Nancy Pelosi. Start with the power in the house. Make an example of the power.
They took big time Democratics for a financial ride…