A Moore Information survey released last week shows challenger Dino Rossi leading incumbent Christine Gregoire 48% to 42% in the 2008 gubernatorial contest, prompting the pollsters to speculate about the Washington state GOP’s rising prospects:
The fact that Rossi leads in this match-up is interesting and encouraging for Republicans in and of itself…
Encouraging news indeed… especially for those Republicans living in that alternate universe where contests are decided a year after the election, and solely on the basis of surveys conducted by Republican pollsters.
I mean honestly, could you get any more deluded?
Rossi, of course, led in the polls throughout 2005. And 2006. And 2007. According to Rasmussen, Rossi even led Gregoire by a substantial 52% to 46% margin as late as September of 2008. And yet on election day, he lost 53% to 46%, and by nearly 200,000 votes.
And that’s the only poll that counts.
Yet local Republicans continue to attempt to spin opinion surveys and East Coast gubernatorial races into evidence of some sort of imminent GOP revival, all the while refusing to address the real cause of their party’s recent string of electoral failures: its own failed and out of touch policies. Is it any wonder that merely branding Susan Hutchison a “Republican” was enough to torpedo her chances when the WSRP proudly endorses the likes of I-1033, an initiative rejected by business and labor groups alike, and which was crushed in King County by a 69% to 31% margin?
It’s not all that hard to capitalize on anti-incumbent sentiment in a hypothetical survey conducted years or even months out from an election. But once voters are asked to make a choice with actual consequences, they tend to vote for the candidates who best share their values. And that’s a metric on which Republicans shouldn’t feel encouraged at all.
Guess Rasmussen was once again way off the mark. Rasmussen only corrects close to the election….if you graph their corrections – they are further off than all the other pollsters in the republican direction until real close to the election.
It’s the economy, stupid. If, and it’s a big if, the economy comes back at all, if employment starts to pick up by 2011/12, the Republicans might just as well set up shop in Antarctica. They might also want to examine the wisdom of a strategy that lets loose the wingnut flying monkies from Hell everytime Obama blinks. As easy as they are to ignore, it is becoming rather shreiky.
I saw this on Sunday. It seems the polling figures are from the Moore group, which was … wait for it… Rossi’s polsters during his campaign.
I think they are pushing this story in the hopes of drumming up some business from Republicans who think they have a shot in 2010. Perhaps nobody’s hired them yet, which is why they are polling on a race that’s already been decided?
I don’t think much of the poll. Aside from not knowing their methodology, and since young people are trending Democratic but don’t have home phones, polls like this one have to be taken with a very large dose of salt.
Besides, they seem to have taken the poll not long after the Boeing announcement to send a 787 line to Charleston, which is bound to result in some blowback on the Governor. But it doesn’t seem like it’s hurt her that much, all things considered (even if you believe this poll).
Besides, the only thing worse than Gregoire as governor is — anybody else.
“its own failed and out of touch policies”
You mean they have policies? What are their policies? Besides voting “no”?
Say, Roger, speaking of delusional Goopers, did you catch your friend “Maggie”, the ugly Republican woman whose man fucks goats, being outed as a sockpuppet last week by Darryl? Funny stuff.
This wing nuttery of “purification” of conservative principles is enough of a reason why the GOP will NOT win back either body of congress in 2010.
Hell, these idiots are running Rubio against Crist for the Florida US Senate seat. A seat, that until recently, I wrote off to the GOP.
Now the Tea Baggers are putting that seat in play.
Crist supported Obama’s Simulus Package. A death knell to wing nuttia extremeists.
The lesson for the history books is that when a political party becomes so narrow minded and single focused in its principles, the tent shrinks to a point where the party cannot govern on a national level.
No matter how badly senior wing nut officials, like Mr. C-hucklehead and these pinheads like to post polls to the contrary.
God bless ’em though. They are patriots, just not in the way they see themselves as patriots.
No, more like the John McCain type of Patriot who picks a dip shit loser like Palin to be his VP type of patriot.
Stupid, but useful.
Steve @ 5:
Awwwww man, I missed the outing!!
Who was “Maggie”?
The link’s not working very well. Here’s the post
So what?
We are stuck with Gregoire and her ever escalating smoke-and-mirrors Budget…and the inevitable outcome, a massive deficit.
The Democrats created this mess in Washington.
The buck stops with Gregoire.
I am a bit concerned about an anti-incumbent mood that seems to have once again developed in the national electorate. The sad and unfortunate irony is that voters are pissed at Congress, and hence Democratic leadership, for failing to get much done, but the reason little has gotten done is Republican obstructionism. Hopefully, the electorate will recognize who needs to get spanked (yet again) by next year’s election.
Yes sheep, let Goldy divert your attention the the Republicans, who are running nothing in this region. Let him draw your attention away from the poor job the people he told you to vote for are doing.
Uh, Troll, please identify for me a Republican-governed state that has escaped the Bush Recession. I have time to wait, so no need to rush your answer.
Recent polling indicates Dewey Defeats Truman.
The Moore analysis states:
“The fact that Dewey leads in this match-up is interesting and encouraging for Republicans in and of itself, but an even bigger story lies in the makeup of his support today, compared to sixty-one years ago.“
Got the proof yet dumbass??
Got proof??
Proud leftist, you have the votes. No one wants to pull the trigger.
@15: Actually, no. Since Leiberfool is now in the republican camp there are not 60 votes for ending cloture. Plus, the republicans have put all kinds of holds on things.
Bottom line – republicans still obstruct progress, change and good policy and propose….nothing worthwhile (see the republican “health care” bill – a total joke that solved none of the important health care problems such as containing costs, covering the uninsured or coverage for pre-existing conditions).
Stamn is too stupid to be Puddy.
Yeah, Puddy’s stupid but he definitely not that stupid.
I’m watching Palin’s interview on Oprah. She looks and sounds like a little girl running for 9th grade class secretary. I sure hope the GOPers run her against Obama in ’12! I want to see Obama blow past LBJ’s numbers against AuH20.
“Pick Flick!”