According to a new poll, a majority of Republicans believe that ACORN stole the 2008 election, and that Barack Obama was not the legitimate winner.
The poll asked this question: “Do you think that Barack Obama legitimately won the Presidential election last year, or do you think that ACORN stole it for him?” The overall top-line is legitimately won 62%, ACORN stole it 26%.
Among Republicans, however, only 27% say Obama actually won the race, with 52% — an outright majority — saying that ACORN stole it, and 21% are undecided. Among McCain voters, the breakdown is 31%-49%-20%. By comparison, independents weigh in at 72%-18%-10%, and Democrats are 86%-9%-4%.
Think about that. To believe that Obama was not the legitimate winner, you’d have to believe that ACORN somehow managed to stuff over 9.5 million ballots nationwide. Really… could Republicans be more deluded?
On the bright side, as long as Republicans truly believe that the only reason they lose elections is because Democrats steal them — rather than the fact that the majority of Americans reject the Republican position on a majority of issues — they’ll never recover from their current state of moral and electoral collapse.
No Darwin
No Global warming
Gays = bad
Raygun defeated Gorbachev
ACORN commited voter fraud
Iraq planned 9/11
US courts can not try terorists
The USA has unlimited oil
Sarah Palin is brilliant
I would bet dollars to donuts that the thought of ACORN stealing the election hadn’t occured to many of these people until asked about it–it sounds to me like propaganda push polling for the midterms disquised as a poll, given that ACORN will likely be trying to get the vote out in heavily Democratic districts.
Only 27% of Republican believe that Obama actually won the election. Ample evidence that 73% of Republicans are batshit fucking crazy.
tpN @ 2,
Nope…it is not a push poll, in the sense that push polls don’t entail real data collection and results dissemination.
In fact, the question was included in a poll by a perfectly respectable pollster, Public Policy Polling.
ACORN is a corrupt organization, but I don’t think the Reps lost in ’08 because of ACORN’s actions. Nope, the Reps lost on their own accord because they were stupid and corrupt. Usually they’re only corrupt, but last year’s crop was both.
I suspect that if a similar poll was conducted in Washington State about the 2004 and 2008 Gubernatorial elections most republicans would say King County Elections “stole” both for Gregiore. I haven’t heard anything similar for this year’s races but I’m sure there are wingnuts who believe King County Elections “stole” the race for King County Executive, R71, and I-1033.
What do you expect from people who also believe Obama is a Kenyan Muslim?
There must be two reasonable explanations for this stunning result.
First, some fraction of the 52% of Republicans probably really believe in some “vast left wing conspiracy” that keeps them from winning elections. These individuals are truly out of touch with reality.
Second, some of the 52% know damn well that Obama won handily. Yet, they are also pissed off at ACORN because Glenn Beck tells them they should be. So, given a random opportunity to smear ACORN, they take it. These individuals are simply dishonest.
Together—with loons and the liars—you have the majority of self-identified Republicans.
“On the bright side”
There is no bright side. The survival of our democracy depends on the consent of the governed, and election losers conceding to the will of the majority. But this consensus is rapidly breaking down. We are heading toward a precipice that could destroy our nation and embroil our people in a self-destructive conflagration.
To make sure ACORN doesn’t steal any more elections, it’s time to have U.S. elections run by United Nations monitors.
My oh my! This crowd has gone so loony bin it just numbs you.
Let them “go Whig”. I’ve got to believe the majority of people in this country doesn’t want anything to do with that kind of insanity – any more at least.
A return to that kind of nutso thinking will sink this country for good as a backwater for the remainder of my lifetime and a good part of my kids’ lifetime as well. Which of course is all good and fine for most right wingers.
It wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened to a country but why does it have to be my country?
This is the reason I am leaving the US. It is for the foreseeable future a hopeless situation in which a very significant number of people are completely deluded.
Even if the Democrats had a spine, it is difficult to the point of impossibility to govern in such an anarchistic society. It’s paranoia, religiously inspired fantasy (Look at the tons of money cheesy movies on apocalyptic themes are generating for the fanatics that write them) and a degeneration of rationality.
We seem to be constantly wondering (or used to) about how the German people could be so deluded that they overlooked concentration camps but accept people saying that every antisocial action they commit is sanctioned by the creator of the universe.
We have a mindset that says that the Christian right is just a bunch of little old ladies that are perhaps too involved with their local Sunday school. The average person I have talked with believes that religious extremists are harmless.
The country I am going to is 90+% Roman Catholic, but the church there is far less invasive and politically active than here in the US. This is not to even mention the nutcase evangelicals and Mormons that have found complete tolerance for their oppressive theology here in the US under the presumption that freedom of religion means they can do anything they want as long as they label it the will of God.
This madness is not going to stop, these people firmly believe that they have a divine mandate for their extremism. You can’t trump fanatical conviction.
The depth of ACORN’s corruption knows no bounds.
It’s too weird. This morning on NPR I heard that people started waiting in line at 6 AM in the morning to get a book signed by Sarah Palin in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Started waiting at 6 AM for an appearance at 6 PM!
In Michigan of all places where the right wing policies have caused the most devastation.
So many people in this country are so drowned in delusion that they desperately seek someone who speaks to them and validates their fantasies – they pine for demagogues like Sarah Palin. I hope these folks stay a permanent minority. I’ve been watching them for years. They’re not going to wake up from their madness anytime soon.
SJ @ 1
Don’t forget:
S O R O S !!!!
The important thing is ACORN is widely viewed as corrupt…and Obama used to do legal work for them in his Kommunity Organizing Days.
Let’s see, ACORN willfind it’s way into the TOP25 List of Camapign Issues.
That’s the important thing.
The election is over.
The key is how do Conservative’s use the ACORN corruption to work against OBAMA??
You are exactly the hateful nutcase extremist that proclaims everybody else a hellbound atheist and perpetrates your antisocial agenda under the guise of religion. You are as evil as any Nazi ever was, and you are cheering on the zealots that intend to turn this country into a theocracy.
I think most of the people here recognize your monomania, and you know that, but you come here to spew your hate out of a psychopathic compulsion. You can do nothing else.
Mr. Cynical,
Do you believe ACORN stole the election for Obama in 2008?
@12 “We seem to be constantly wondering (or used to) about how the German people could be so deluded that they overlooked concentration camps but accept people saying that every antisocial action they commit is sanctioned by the creator of the universe.”
We’re already pretty nearly there. Considering the horrendous atrocity our nation has committed in Iraq, and which continues under a new administration lacking the power or the resolve to stop it, and the fact that most of our own population is either complacent about it or believes it to be a legitimate retaliation for a terrorist act which not a single soul in that country had anything to do with, is only a baby step or two away from another Holocaust.
@14: The people who lined up at Palin’s signing are from Grand Rapids, home of the uber fascist Dick DeVos (of Amway) who is notably father in law of Eric Prince of Blackwater, now rebranded as Xe.
These are batshit crazy people — that Palin et al refer to as “Ril’ Merkins'”.
Hey, and idiot (Klynical) says:
Here are the important things:
Fixing the health care mess and fixing the budget at the same time (600 billion in saving over 10 years)
Fixing the economic mess of Bush – creating jobs and clean energy independence
Fixing the Guantanamo mess, remembering what our justice system is supposed to be about
Those are importan things. ACORN is a false issue that wingnut republicans care about….really, what is wrong with getting people to vote…oh, yeah – informed voters will throw out republican scumbags who have no ideas about how to run the country.
@ 5 “ACORN is a corrupt organization.” You have drunk the FAUX news Kool-aid.
The video of the “pimp and prostitute” was heavily edited; the ACORN staffer reported the pair to the police.
Each election cycle when ACORN is registering voters it always flags suspect registrations that are turned in by a handful of ACORN workers who have forged registrations.
Frankly, it would not surprise me if GOP operatives sign up to work with ACORN and then forge registrations in order to make ACORN look bad. Sounds like a Rovian kind of plan.
This is all myth making by the GOP and FAUX because ACORN focuses on registering poor people.
cnr vomits:
False issue you say.
We’ll see.
It is just one issue…of many, that Barry O will have to answer for.
He got a free ride in 2008.
2012 will not be a free ride.
He has blown his entire Political Capital Wad as evidenced by Rasmussen which showed his Strong Approval over Strong Disapproval at +32 post-Inauguration.,
It is now -14 for 2 days in a row.
cnr is a naive KLOWN. If Obama was popular, ACORN wouldn’t matter much. But he is not popular…so it will.
Dontcha get it??
Complete, total, twenty-four carat idiocy.
The party of the past.
Not you Steve…sorry.
@ 1 my ancestors
Yep, nother damned fuck faced, hook nosed, commi, nazi kike! Bet he was born in Kenya too!
The collapse of the GOP could not have come at worse time for their party.
Keep in mind this collapse didn’t occur in ’08 or 06′.
It’s roots began in 2004 when Bush won re-election by the narrowest margin of any incumbent president in the history of America.
More importantly, in the early part of this decade Tom DeLay illegally redistricted the congressional districts in Texas to effectively eliminate 7 Democrats from congress.
After next years census, the House, which will still be controlled by Democrats will redistrict Texas, and America, to ensure Democrat Party dominance on the national level for decades to come.
Couple that with disillusioned Tea Baggers, 9/12 kooks, and right wing extremist talking heads and you have a divided conservative base that independents and moderates will avoid like the plague.
This time next year, health care will be passed, the economy will be growing, unemployment will be getting lower, and Republicans will only be seen as obstructionists to Americas prosperity by 50%+1 of the electorate. And that is all we need.
2012 we will be out of Iraq, Afghanistan will on it’s way to becoming an Afghan problem, the economy will be fully recovered and unemployment will be less than 7.5%.
We may see some moderate gains for the Republicans in the house and a seat or two in the senate. But, only for the GOP’ers who come far to the left of today’s extremists, but, Obama will win in a landslide victory – more than 400 electoral votes.
Then, in 2013 with the GOP fully fractured with infighting that makes today’s stuff look like a love fest, we Liberals will be well on our way towards REAL energy independence and a Supreme Court make up that will be left leaning. The Federal courts will be packed with ultra-liberal activist judges and Republicans will go the way of the 8-track cassette.
It’s great being a Liberal. Large and in CHARGE!
Anti science, anti evolution, anti fact.
YOUR President had the lowest approval rating in the history of approval ratings. You lost many more seats in the House and Senate, after losing many the previous 2 years. So what in your fictional mind does that mean? People love Republicans and Obama isn’t popular.
Just anti reality and crazy like all wingnuts. Obama is VERY popular and would get re-elected in a heard beat. The polls you keep pointing to are due to the CURRENT economic downtown (your nutball President created) and as the market (now back up to 10,200) and jobs (will take another 2 years) rebound…2012 will be an easy sweep against Palin or whatever anti science anti reality anti fact based nutballs the Republicans come up with.
Not ONE Republican candidate for 2008 raised their hand to say evolution was true. That means they believe millions and millions of pages of research by hundreds of institutions over a century in thousands of studies are all wrong, and “magic” is the answer. And you pretend your party ISN’T the party of CRAZY people. LOL
KEEP IT UP….more Palin, Beck and the rest of the anti-intelligence angry white man mobs. You WILL win a very very solid 20% of the country with that…but you’ve lost almost all of the “independents” by being the anti evolution anti reality crowd. And noisy angry 20% won’t win you a national election. It will get you a few thousand people and your crazy rallies of “Real Americans”(tm) from your “Real America”(tm).
I always loved Palin mocking anyone is a ‘city’ (over 500K or so) and claiming only rural small town folks are “Real Americans”(tm). Hey lady, you just insulted the MAJORITY of the electorate which doesn’t live in small rural towns. The 20% of the population you kissed ass to won’t win you an election. Go ahead and piss off New York, LA, Chicago, Denver, Seattle, etc. There aren’t enough ‘other’ votes to get you in office.
Hey Mr. Cynical,
Do you believe ACORN stole the election for Obama in 2008?
If you want to see some bona fide election fraud, catch Murder, Spies & Voting Lies (the Clint Curtis story) on Free Speech TV. It’s made with Brad Friedman from Illegal voter machine manipulation, bribery, corruption, murder…the 2000 and 2004 elections had it all.
Do you think media coverage in the U.S. is biased?
Many people feel that the media can lead people in different ideological directions. We are Smith College students in a Senior Political Psychology Seminar and we want to invite you to take our survey. We are investigating the relationship between media coverage and political information. If you take our confidential survey you can choose to be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift certificate to If you are interested follow this link to
Oh this is too funny. Obama got a free ride? Where were you during the election?
Oh that is right. You were riding my ass all the time. Hershey highway all the way.
Considering the last Republican President had a 22% approval rating…even Fox News polling isn’t too bad for Obama. Even is new LOW is OVER TWICE the approval the last Republican President had. So even with this HUGE scary drop twice as many people like what Obama is doing compared to the last Republican. So a Republican 2012 contender is going to have to run HARD against the Bush legacy.
President Obama’s approval rating has hit a new low of 46 percent, according to a FOX News poll released Thursday. An equal number — 46 percent — disapprove of the job he’s doing.
Overall, a 57 percent majority says President Obama is providing the kind of leadership they expected, while 17 percent say he is a stronger leader than expected and 23 percent say he’s a weaker leader.
For President Obama, 54 percent of voters have a favorable opinion and 42 percent unfavorable.
Hey Mr. Cynical,
Why are you ‘fraid to answer?
Do you believe ACORN stole the election for Obama in 2008?
#32 Anti reality Republicans.
A “free ride”? Did you watch the media? He was HAMMERED as a socialist, non-American, secret Muslim. Granted mostly by Fox News and most of the other fake anti-fact anti-reality wingnuts sources. It was one of the roughest ugliest races in history. Free ride? LOL
Free ride, so that means THIS time you’re going to LIE even MORE than your last election? What this time? I KNOW! Obama will be accused by Fox/Fake News as robot alien who wants to drink blood from white Christian babies. You already pulled out all of the made up wacky crazy in the last election (birthers, secret Muslim, secret commie, etc) and that’s a free ride…so what MORE crazy made up shit are you going to push from Fake News this time?
Free ride…ROTFLMAO
@13 Your cynicism goes even deeper.
Sarah Palin speaks in tongues. Forked tongues, that is.
I’m not spending money till I feel safe about my job. How about the state and national government work on keeping jobs here, not sent over seas?
How about the state and national government work on encouraging companies stop firing people to improve their stock price?
How about the state and national government work on encouraging companies to build things in the states again?
@38 I hope it’s occurring to Gregoire and Democratic legislators that sales tax revenues are unreliable, and government finance requires a more dependable revenue source, such as a state income tax.
Meanwhile, as I have no debts to pay off, I’m investing all of my income — and not buying a fucking thing — so I’m paying no taxes! Man, I love this system, even though it robs low-income folks blind! Of course, I don’t want that, but I have no say in what our state tax system is, and I’d be a damned fool not to take advantage of it. This is a no-brainer: Buy consumer goods, pay 9.5% tax; buy stocks, pay no tax.
If you wait for my consumer spending to stimulate the economy, you’re gonna wait a hell of a long time.
The depth of Mr. Cynical’s corruption knows no bounds.
Took a visitor on the public tour at Boeing this morning. The tour guide said Boeing was opening the S. Carolina assembly line “because taxes are real high here in Washington”.
I didn’t even argue with him. How can you explain to someone in 45 seconds or so that Boeing and it’s customers pay no sales tax on aerospace parts or airplanes, and it’s B&O rate is the lowest category in the state. Boeing pays next to nothing in real estate taxes, incomparison with the benefits it’s received from King and Snohomish Counties, the cities of Seattle, Auburn, Renton, and Everett, and the State of Washington. It got it’s land at bargain rates due to government subsidies (Everett) or imminent domain (Renton, as part of the wartime powers). The State of Washington is even continuing to pay for pre-employment training for Boeing workers, so Boeing doesn’t have to pay their wages or put them through initial training while new hires learn their jobs.
And on top of that, Forbes continues to rate Washington State as being among the best business environments in the nation.
It’s hard to remedy years of lies and stupidity when you’ve only got less than a minute to do so.
I think the Republicans tried to create the ACORN controversey at the last minute in 2008 when they realized that there was no way they were going to win the election. They wanted to find some excuse – any excuse – they could argue about for the next four years, without admitting that their own corruption and inneptitude in governing put America in the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression.
There is no credible evidence ACORN could, or did, alter the election results in 2008.
There is, however, significant evidence that the Republican Secty of State of Ohio illegally altered the 2004 election in favor of Bush, by illegally removing Democratic voters from the registration lists, by re-allocating polling booths away from Democratic precincts to Republican precincts (causing f+ hour delays in voting in Democratic precincts, and no lines at all in Republican precincts, etc.). The results in Ohio were close enough that Kerry might well have been the real winner of it’s electoral votes, which would have swung the election in his favor.
Gee, if a little over 20% voters identify themselves as being Republican, and a little over 50% think ACORN stole the election, what does that mean – that a littel over 10% of the electorate believes that ACORN stole the election?
I bet you could find 10% of the people believe that Nostradamus predicted the JFK assasination, also.
These days, I try really hard to put my money directly into the hands of the person that made the product or service that I need. Barring that, I try to shop at co-op owned places like Ace Hardware or CHS (AKA Cenex)- it’s amazing what you can buy at your local feed store.
Sorry, no stock dividend for you!
A muslim, a socialist, and a Kenyan walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, “What’ll it be Mr. President?”
With the $2.6 BILLION Budget gap, perhaps Boeing was just being Progressive (forward think to use the Leftist terminology) and realizes Taxes are going to skyrocket.
They just are getting ahead of game.
Also rhp–
Look at Unemployment Benefits and Rates as well as Workers Comp. Pension Benefits and costs. Boeing is self-insured but pays into 2nd Injury Fund and Supplemental Pension.
It’s not quite as rosey as you would like to think and the B&O Tax is charged on the chain of Subcontractors & Suppliers all the way up to Boeing. Lots of double-, triple and quadruple–dipping.
A lot of this certainly had to do with the Unions last unadvisable strike in the face of a Recession…but taxes are not as rosey as Gregoire et al want us to believe.
A goat walks into the Bozeman bar. The bartender looks up and says, “What’ll it be, Mrs. Klynical?”
Why won’t you say if you think Acorn stole the election for Obama?
Could it be because you know that the idea is indefensible, but you are so corrupt you don’t care and will propagate it anyhow?
@52, Aaron, you do realize that you’re attempting to carry out an intelligent conversation with an anal cyst, right?
@53: You’re insulting anal cysts. Rush Limbaugh found one useful in avoiding military service during Viet Nam.
Klynical’s oozes goatorum:
ylb arschloch farts
Proof? Still waiting on your Miniter commentary fool!
I’m delighted that the far left is so complacent, and hope they stay that way. As things stand with polling numbers, Obamas’ economic recovery in which job losses are mounting rather than jobs being created, the federal takeover of banking, industry and health care…Wow, is there a way in which the holy one hasn’t offended moderate swing voters?
So please, please stay cocky and continue to believe the polls bought by far left interest groups. It’ll make 2010 a sweep rather than a change of direction.
Both the Cyniklown and Mr. PuddyBuddy are constitutionally incapable of any thing other than mindless, scattershot, incomprehensible attacks.
Looks like rujax is projecting again!