Anybody who has followed the dramatic collapse of the newspaper industry knows that publishers have blamed much of their woes on Craigslist for stealing away the lucrative classified advertising revenues on which the dailies had grown fat for decades. And so it strikes me as more than a bit ironic to learn that when the Seattle Times has a job for hire, they wisely choose to spend their advertising dollars where else, but Craigslist:
Executive Assistant for Top Media Co! (Seattle, WA)
Reply to:
Date: 2009-05-11, 2:55PM PDTDo you enjoy the challenge of working in a fast-paced, ever-changing, results-driven environment? Can you juggle ten projects effortlessly while exhibiting professional savvy and poise? Are you the go-to person who is in charge of making it all happen?
Then The Seattle Times Company, the region’s largest and most trusted print and online destination for news, information and advertising, seeks you as our new Executive Assistant.
Yup, we’re the region’s most trusted destination for “news, information and advertising”… except, you know, classified advertising. For that, even we go to Craigslist because, we may be fifth-generation inbreds, but hey, we’re not stupid.
It sounds like a demanding job. Amongst the many prerequisites you must have well-honed “email etiquette” skills, the “ability to exercise discretion,” and be a “technical guru who is proficient on PC systems such as Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint.”
Huh. If proficiency in Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint is all that’s needed to qualify one as a “technical guru” at the Times, I think that explains a lot as to why they’re now advertising on Craigslist rather than the other way around.
Oh… and one word of caution:
We offer a dynamic, drug-free work environment…
Really? I guess Nicole Brodeur must work from home.
Heh….being able to read Nicole’s column over my morning coffee is one thing I don’t particularly mind about having Fairview Fanny back in the house.
Then I put the thing down and go online to read Joel’s latest…
Looking for quote from the Seattle Times where they blame their woes on Craigslist. Can’t find it. Can someone find that quote for me please?
I couldn’t find any Seattle Times quotes blaming Craigslist either. It is kind of ironic…even if you are making up the “blame Craigslist” thing.
Goldy & Pelosi…bird’s of a feather.
Goldy & Biden…bird’s of a feather.
Why not just make stuff up if it suits your agenda??
Hey! I can do all that — even the ‘savvy’. I have, however, been accused of having just slightly less ‘poise’ than such a responsible position might require.
re 3: So,are you saying that Craig’s List has not hurt the ST or that it has, but they have not complained about it — but Goldy and Nancy Pelosi are lying about the stoic ST staff — who have NOT complained a whit.
Don’t you realize when you are making an ass of yourself — or is that Nancy Pelosi’s fault, as well?
It actually reads “publishers have blamed much of their woes”….
A slug can search and find that information.
Pull your heads out of your asses, you two morons. Not simultaneously though, it could cause a sonic disturbance.
ArtFart @1,
No offense meant to Nicole Brodeur. I just find her a little trippy from time to time.
Results 1 – 10 of about 772,000 for Classified newspaper ads and Craigs List competition
So I guess the conservative newspaper troubles in Clark County are NOT based on Craigslist? As usual, the inbred, moronic right wing ass-lickers want to have their cake and eat it too.
You want to claim the Times is failing because of alleged “liberal media bias.” You claim Craigslist has no part to play in the decline of the newspaper industry (proving you’re stupid dick suckers) and then you right wing turds want to claim that the dying newspapers in Clark County are NOT dying because of their right wing bias.
Sure – okay – no wonder your GOP got completely rejected on Nov 4!
Now that the credit card companies have fleeced Americans for everything they’re worth the folks back in DC have decided it’s time to ‘get tough on the credit card companies’. As usual, congress chimes in about a decade too late.
10 Except….remember they’re allowing the better part of the year for the new rules to take effect, to allow the banks to come up with some other cockamamie crooked scam to rip us all off.
Nicole comes to her spaciness naturally. She grew up in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
[believe me, I know from Cherry Hill]
Ummm, whether or not the Seattle Times actually said in print (searchable) that Craigslist is largely responsible for their advertising downfall, I have had STimes staff say those words in my presence. Whether or not they ever complained in print has no bearing on the truth of the statement.
I’ve always thought Nicole a stoner. Funny that you validate my assumptions.
@3 Speaking of making shit up, now the goatfuckers claim torture is Pelosi’s fault because they allegedly told her they were torturing people.
@7 Hell, why not offend her? We offend almost everyone else. Besides, it’s all in good clean fun.
Would the Seattle Times hire me as a male stripper? But just for the men…cause girls are gross.
WOW PRESIDENT OBAMA just made FlipFlop McSame’s kid into his bitch. Yes, that’s right, McSame’s kid just graduated from the Naval Academy which means PRESIDENT OBAMA is McSame’s kid’s COMMANDER AND CHIEF! Fucking too funny. LOL!
Remember when the racists in Texas were talking about leaving the US? Turns out the ass-sucking, right-wing, inbred Governor of Texas took $11 million in government money to rebuild the Texas Governor’s mansion. Hypocrite much?
Hopefully the kid did better than McCain did.
John Kerry: takes the fight to the enemy, doesn’t crash anything or get taken prisoner: commie traitor.
John McCain: Crashes a couple of planes, gets caught by the VC shortly after arriving in country: war hero!
Kerry committed the ultimate sin in the eyes of the righties: he questioned why we were fighting a war.
Hmmm … if Goldy can get an ad from a California gubernatorial candidate (Tom Campbell), why can’t Fairview Fanny get an ad from their own HR department? Maybe their advertising department needs an overhaul.
@20 What do you expect from a bunch of war lovers?*
* Note, wingnuts only love war from a distance. In fact, they do everything possible to keep as much distance between themselves and real wars as they can. See, e.g., Five Deferments Cheney and Mission Accomplished Bush.
Mmm got get me some buttlovin, think Sen. Kerry is available?
@25: Most of the time he is, except on Sunday mornings when in church being denied the Holy Sacrement.
Obama’s lettin’ them terrorists out in the streets now. Good God almighty, hide the womens and childrens. We shoulda knowd this’d happen….him hangin’ out with the ACORN and ol’ what’s his name. What was that terrorist feller’s name anyway? You know, Barack Hussein’s best friend? Bill sumpin’, right?
Doggone Mooslums. Ol’ Palin never woulda allowed this ta happen, by golly.
If conservatives decided to *not* post on this liberal blog, what would happen?
My guess: there would be only about 5 posts per topic.
People, either debate *ideas* or be the partisan sheeple that are the pawns of both parties.
This is a hoot!