Editor & Publisher summarizes today’s editorials slamming President Bush for commuting convicted felon Scooter Libby’s sentence.
Here are a couple of poignant ones:
From the [New York] Times’ Tuesday editorial: “Mr. Bush’s assertion that he respected the verdict but considered the sentence excessive only underscored the way this president is tough on crime when it’s committed by common folk …
“Within minutes of the Libby announcement, the same Republican commentators who fulminated when Paris Hilton got a few days knocked off her time in a county lockup were parroting Mr. Bush’s contention that a fine, probation and reputation damage were ‘harsh punishment’ enough for Mr. Libby.
“Presidents have the power to grant clemency and pardons. But in this case, Mr. Bush did not sound like a leader making tough decisions about justice. He sounded like a man worried about what a former loyalist might say when actually staring into a prison cell.”
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: “President Bush’s commutation of a pal’s prison sentence counts as a most shocking act of disrespect for the U.S. justice system. It’s the latest sign of the huge repairs to American concepts of the rule of law that await the next president.”
San Jose Mercury News: “Other presidents have doled out pardons and the like, usually on the way out of office. It’s never pretty. But few have placed themselves above the law as Bush, Cheney and friends repeatedly have done by trampling civil liberties and denying due process. Chalk up another point for freedom. Scooter’s, at least.”
Read the rest of ’em here.
(Story and photo via AmericaBlog.)
Blah Blah Blah
Liberals with short term memory loss
Irregularities Surface In Libby Reprieve
“Clemency petitions are normally reviewed by the Justice Department, which investigates the case and seeks input from the federal prosecutor who brought the case before issuing a recommendation to the president. A government official said that Bush did not consult with the Justice Department before rendering his decision.”
And, of course, Bush can (and will) grant Libby a full pardon later, just before leaving office. That is, IF Bush leaves office. Maybe the coup d’etat has already happened.
While the rest of the nation’s newspapers comment on Bush’s disrespect for the rule of law, Frank Blethen’s paper editorializes about diapers and honking car horns:
Speaking of the fishwrapper, its letters column has several pieces on Sunday’s story about state employee pay raises. There are the predictable screeds from the knee-jerkers who know nothing about the realities of state employment, plus a couple of letters from state employees spelling out those realities (which include the fact that the large pay raises emphasized in Sunday’s story were not across the board but only in a few job classifications especially far behind the market, such as nurses in state institutions).
What it boils down to is this. The state has to compete for workers in the labor market like everyone else, and because state employees usually are last in line when the Legislature hands out spending, the state has major recruitment and retention problems. It’s expensive to constantly recruit and train new hires to replace those who take entry-level state jobs and then quit for better paying jobs after getting a couple years of work experience under their belt. It’s even more expensive to pay for the mistakes made by poorly trained, overworked, underpaid, and inexperienced workers. The low pay of state workers is not a good deal for the taxpayers in the long run, because it not only ultimately costs them more, but also results in poorer service (or no service at all).
From bridges that sink or collapse, to multimillion-dollar graving dock screwups, to kids who die in daycare or at the hands of abusers, our citizens are paying a steep price for a state government that has dysfunctional agencies because they can’t attract and keep competent help.
But that seems to suit the CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES just fine, who find their voice through Republican legislators who introduce bills requiring all state workers to work for minimum wage — and would eliminate the minimum wage if they could. Some of these farmer-legislators treat their Mexican field laborers (yes, they knowingly employ illegals, so they can pay them less) better than they treat state employees. Don’t even bother asking who I’d rather have setting state salaries — unions and managements negotiating in collective bargaining, or troglodyte wannabe slave-owners whose heads are firmly stuck in the 17th century.
Do the right wing traitors like Janet S teach their kids it’s okay to lie, cheat and steal? I guess so. How else can you explain the way Publicans live their lives.
Couple of facts Janet S – not that you ever let facts impact your thinking…
Scooter was prosecuted by a Publican and his conviction was upheld by a Publican court.
It seems that you think Publicans are above the law.
Roger Rabbit has posted 100% of the comments on this page! If you don’t like it, kiss my cute cottontail! For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG. Tapes and CDS of rabbit porn also available for an extra charge. For $39.95, I’ll sell you a tape of rabbit heavy breathing sounds.
Great photo. It can’t be overstated how inconvenient it was for the Bush Administration to have the Paris Hilton thing so close to this…
@5 Janet Balogh was prosecuted by a Publican prosecutor, too. She got a $200 fine and 10 hours on the litter detail. I wonder if Bush will commute her sentence, too? Probably not. She’s too small a fish. You have to commit treason to get clemency from this preznit! I never thought I’d say this, but I liked it better when Clinton was doling out pardons to thieves; all they did was take our money.
God I love watching you crybabies whine when you don’t get your way. The hypocrisy is even more delicious when it comes from folks who routinely let real criminals such as rapists out of prison early so they can prey on innocent citizens.
On a more serious note, you lefties all know the whole Plame affair was nothing more than a setup designed to get at Rove and Cheney. You’re such phonies. You didn’t get your way and now you’re throwing a tantrum just like the little babies you are. I’m enjoying every moment of this.
@9 Why should Republicans have a monopoly on hypocrisy?
The bright side of all this is that it puts more nails in the coffin lid of the moribund Bush administration. The whole country is now marking time just waiting for the neocons to … leave. The Republicans are down to their “base” — the last, unrepentent, unreformed 21% of the populace — and having trouble hanging onto even that! If you take a look at the latest issue of Business Week, you’ll see a cover story that says America’s CEOs — who have supported the GOP since Creation — are flocking to Hillary Clinton.
Suck on it, rightys! Your evil corrupt party is doomed, and so are you.
Silly Rabbit. Maybe the most delicious of all is the front page of the P-I today complete with red-highlighted Bush quotes. You lefties control the media, control education, control political speech and you’re still nothing but a bunch of crybabies. Oh I almost forgot, you won’t be happy until you’ve turned the nation into a socialist state. Silly me.
I see Mr. Cruchon is also trying to peddle the “Clinton did it too!” defense. To top it off, his response when we demonstrate how absurd that defense really is in this case is to call us a bunch of cry babies.
Admit it, Cruchon. You Republicans simply can’t afford to have Scooter Libby tell the whole truth about this sordid affair. Why else would George Bush take such a logically incoherent action as commuting Scooter Libby’s sentence?
You know things are bad for GOPers when Bush Pioneers flock to Hillary Clinton. http://tinyurl.com/ysneqe
@ 12
Ah, yes. The old “socialist state” bullshit. And the intellectual gymnastics continue. You’re bucking for a gold medal, sport.
Your guy lied us into the war in Iraq. That’s the simple, unvarnished truth.
Also in Businss Week: Safeway’s CEO says America’s health care system is busted and government needs to fix it. http://tinyurl.com/25dve9
Another market failure! The key to health care reform, of course, is to take the 25% of our health care dollars that go to insurance companies who do nothing except deny claims and use it to cover the uninsured and reduce premiums.
If we simply got the insurance industry’s fingers out of the pie by having government take over premium collection and payment processing, you could cover all of the 17% of Americans who don’t have health insurance and have enough money left over to cut premiums by 8%.
And what Don Joe exactly was so “sordid” about the Valerie Plame affair?
As things stand now, 9/11 rescue workers sickened by the toxic fumes the Bushies said didn’t exist have to go to Cuba to get medical care from Castro because their own country won’t take care of them.
And then inevitably the “your guy lied us into Iraq” crap. He couldn’t have “lied us into Iraq” without a lot of help from Hillary and others from your side. Way to stay on topic.
When you look at things like that — when you see how our country is being run — and you ask whether it’s possible this neocon regime was actually elected by U.S. voters the answer is obvious. In fact, it hits you over the head. This administration was caged into office, not elected. In other countries, people call it a “coup.”
Caging lists and black boxes, not voters, put Chimpface where he can sign reprieves for traitors who give the names of NOC agents to our enemies.
The Bush Crime Family are liars, thieves and cheats. They have no respect for the Constitution, the Rule of Law and the American People. They care only about enriching themselves and their cronies.
If you cannot understand that you are stupid beyond belief. What more eveidence could you possibly need?
What kind of American ARE you anyway? Fucking explain yourself! What IS it about these rat-bastards that’s inspires such loyalty? What have YOU gotten from them? Do they pay YOU?
The wingnut crusade against voting fraud sure collapsed fast when one of their own Tim Eyman-hugging fruitcakes got caught registering her dog to vote! I wonder how many canine votes Rossi got in ’04? Probably all of ’em.
Another bad day for rightys — Roger Rabbit is NOT dead!!! Although RR was temporarily discombobulated by Goldy’s server problems, the king of rabbits is baaaaack today, skewering wingnuts in his inimitable style.
12, 13 Clinton never pardoned traitors who blew the cover of NOC agents and destroyed 25 years of CIA efforts to keep track of enemy WMDs.
Your heads are exploding. And oh what a surprise, there are chanting leftist protestors outside the White House today.
I remember when kids were taught in school that traitors are bad people. Click here for picture of Benedict Arnold. http://tinyurl.com/yvwm3h
Give it up, Cruchon. You’re out of touch and out of step. Polls show 70% of the public is against you. You should put yourself out of your misery.*
* Just kidding! Humor ripped off from Ann Coulter Jokes, LLC.
You know, the real question that needs to be answered is: Is The United States of America a nation under the rule of law, or under the rule of men?
If you answered “rule of men,” then George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney are your icons. You have also lost the right to squawk when the Democrats take complete control of the government in ’08 and do the exact same things Bush is going now. (I hope they have the sense to reverse the abuses Bush/Cheney have heaped upon our fair country rather than continue them, but if we end up with a Democratic deciderer, you won’t be able to gripe about it.)
If you answered “rule of law,” there is an alternative to the cult of Bush.
@17 “And what Don Joe exactly was so “sordid” about the Valerie Plame affair?”
1) Giving a NOC agent’s name to our enemies.
2) Blowing up an undercover CIA operation that took 25 years to build.
3) Exposing an unknown number of foreigners working for your government to possible capture and execution.
4) Wrecking the CIA’s intelligence operations involving the world’s most dangerous weapons.
5) All in the name of crass political retaliation for exposing the lies of the neocon warmongers.
Fuck you, Bill. You’re a fucking traitor for supporting the Busheviks. Go to fucking North Korea where you belong.
Mr Cruchon,
I’m perfectly content to wait for the 2008 elections to see how well your philosophy sells to the American public. Are you?
Is there any purpose behind your rants other than to be a vandal? I thought not.
You are here for gratuitous flaming, to insult inhabitants of a liberal blog, to shriek from the safety of a keyboard, and your comments are receiving the credibility your appraoch deserves.
Have nice year watching your right-wing buddies implode.
Did I spell that out plainly enough for you to understand, Bill? You’re scum. All your neocon friends are scum. You’re an anti-American piece of shit. Got any questions about your standing at this blog?
@31 Now, now, chadt … this is an open blog. All are welcome to post here. Even jihadists like Mark Griswold and other enemies of the state. There is no censorship, no banning on HA. All we do here is dismantle their bullshit.
re 9: Actually, Willie Horton was released from jail by a Republican governor.
But you guys never let facts get in the way of a good smear, do you.
If what Valerie Plame did was not classified or important, how would you like it if she wrote a tell-all book about what she did?
The press is responsible for not exposing Bush as the incompetent nincompoop that he is back in 2000.
Mark Griswold, you will recall, is the erstwhile GOP legislative candidate who took an 85% to 15% drubbing from Frank Chopp in the 43rd District, who posted this piece of jihad on Sucky Politics:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
(“FullContactPolitics” was exposed as Griswold by Democratic ace investigator Richard Pope.)
Bill Cruchon says:
“Your heads are exploding.”
Actually, Cruchon, I couldn’t be more pleased with what Bush has done. His action provides compelling evidence, not that any more was needed, that Republicans don’t give a damn about the rule of law. Accountability, according to Bushites, is for people other than them. This message is getting through to Americans in the middle–independents and moderates. They are the people who decide elections, not fringefucks like you. That the outer rightwing periphery of the American electorate, where you reside, is pleased with Bush’s action bodes well for the next election. I am particularly pleased that Republican presidential candidates like Giuliani and Thompson are supporting Bush’s move. We now have proof that they prefer pandering to fringefucks and placating the rabid right rather than upholding the rule of law.
@ 30
Add to that list the underlying motivation of obscuring the fact that the famous 16 words were a lie, and one is hard-pressed to find a more fitting word than “sordid”. Does Mr. Cruchon simply not know how to use a dictionary?
That seems plausible, because is best retort to the facts is to whinge about our supposedly exploding heads.
Gads, but these wingnuts are pathetic. Not a single coherent argument from the bunch. The closest I’ve seen anyone conjure up so far is an opinion piece from a blogger who admitted to not knowing all the facts.
Hey rightys, I have to do some chores, but I’ll be baaaack later to lacerate you scumbags some more with my razor-sharp claws. In the meantime, go hang yourselves!*
* Just kidding! Another Ann Coulter-style joke.
I only post here once in a while to see how long it takes for one of you to say “fuck you”. Babies.
the whole Plame affair was nothing more than a setup designed to get at Rove and Cheney.
I’m enjoying every moment of this.
“the whole Plame affair was nothing more than a setup designed to get at Rove and Cheney.”
Of course I believe that. What have you lefties been trying to do for the past 6-years? The delicious part is you know damn well it’s true but you aren’t honest enough with yourself to admit it. How typical of the left.
There should be no suprise in this scenerio, Clinton used this power hundreds of times with the same vigor to let all his buds loose.
A big Yawn……
And why, YOS LIB BRO, with all the victories you’ve achieved, are you and your liberal buddies so angry?
America’s CEOs — who have supported the GOP since Creation — are flocking to Hillary Clinton.
Mr. Cruchon.
OK. Fuck you. Now, take your bullshit back to the other sycophants who can’t conjure up a coherent argument based on all the facts.
Then Edwards must be your kind of candidate. A trial lawyer who loves $400 haircuts and lives in a 28,000 square foot mansion. In case you haven’t noticed, Bush’s Texas ranch is more environmentally friendly than any of the homes of the Dem candidates…including possible candidate AlGore.
are you and your liberal buddies so angry?
@ 48
Wow, this from the same clown who accused me of having strayed off-topic.
Sport, you still have made absolutely no effort to provide a coherent explanation for this commutation of Libby’s sentence. Why, for example, did Bush go from “excessive” to zero with respect to Libby’s jail time?
A trial lawyer who loves $400 haircuts and lives in a 28,000 square foot mansion.
Yep, now watch for Bill to thump his chest, declare victory and head off into the sunset. It’s what he does when the facts gets in his way.
Not only are the righty-tighties scared of Edwards, the Democratic establishment is scared of him too. That gives me two different reasons to support him.
Personally I’d rather go with Edwards than any lying, theiving, traitorous, Constitution-shredding, religion-hijacking, sycophantic follower of
BushCheney, and I really, truly, deeply, don’t give a damn what he drives, where he lives or who cuts his hair.And just what have “my crowd” done to this country? Cut taxes to unleash a roaring economy in spite of the dot-com bust and 911? Nominated decent Supreme Court Justices so that we might have a chance of outlawing the wholesale murder that is abortion?
And before you predictably bring it up, you might recall that we wouldn’t be in Iraq without the complicity of “your crowd”.
Oh and by the way enjoy your 4th Of July tomorrow. You can take a bicycle ride wearing your liberal mandated helmet. Chow down on a tofu burger. And enjoy the fireworks you can’t shoot off these days thanks to liberals.
54 & 55
Yet, still no answer to the many questions surrounding Bush’s commutation of Libby’s sentence.
Bill @ 40
Allow me to make your day:
You don’t have clue about the mood of the country. You wingnuts are on the way out and out hard. There are estimates that it may take 5 cycles, 20 years, before your voice is anywhere near relevant.
The blue wave is picking up steam and Rove and Bush continue to fuel the engine. We thank you.
Don’t expect any. To paraphrase a famous philosopher, he didn’t come here for a good argument, he came here for an argument.
Why is Mr. Cruchon trying to peddle all of the bullshit above about “cutting taxes” and the supposed economic boom (all of which are quite debatable)? Because he can’t answer the questions on topic. Josh Marshall sums it up quite nicely:
“Sordid” indeed.
You’re being too kind. Not about feeding the troll — he gets off on that. You’re being too kind to the conservatives. Twenty years is probably too short a time for the American people to forget what the Bush/Cheney crime family has done to this country.
Bill the Brainless @ 55
Now liberals took away your fireworks? Offer of proof please.
Bill look up hyperbole and loquacious. Then look in a mirror. Perfect match.
Fuck you, AGAIN. Now will you just go away?
They aren’t debatable to the people who see the American dollar weakening in an economy built on importing manufactured goods made somewhere else.
They aren’t debatable to the people who are watching their jobs go to China and Malaysia and Singapore and India.
They aren’t debatable to the people who are being bankrupted by the sorry mess we call health care in this country.
They aren’t debatable to those who are finding that their food is unsafe and their air is becoming darker by the day, thanks to the necessity to increase profits at all costs.
They aren’t debatable to those who watch the rich get richer while they struggle to take care of their families.
Personally, I don’t think they’re debatable at all.
loquacious — I think the word you’re looking for is more akin to logorrheic.
I was being generous, because that tactic of trying to convince people that they’re better off than they think they are worked so well for Republicans last November. I’m more than happy to let them try that shtick again.
Unfortunately. Preznit
BushCheney has officially proclaimed that we now live in a Banana Republic.63
I love that word. Thank you. Much better fit.
Somewhere around 43, Bill Cruchon says:
“the whole Plame affair was nothing more than a setup designed to get at Rove and Cheney.”
Depending on your definition of “get”, I’ll say that’s true.
Do I think outing Valerie Wilson was a deliberate effort from someone in the Bush Administration to say “You fuck with us, we fuck with you back?” Yes.
Do I think that was illegal? Yes.
Do I think the person who gave that order was Libby? No.
Getting high-level people in any criminal conspiracy is hard. They’re not the ones whacking people or standing on the street with eight balls of coke.
So you find someone you can reach. You sit him down, and impress the fact on him that he’s going to rot in jail.
You then say in the same breath “But, we know it wasn’t you. You were just a cog doing what you were asked. If you help us, we can go easy, and life won’t be so bad.”
And so on, and so on. You work up the chain until you get the guy you really want.
It works for two-bit drug dealers, and Administration officials. Frankly, Administration officials are smarter and a lot better protected.
If the Bush administration were morally and legally on the up and up, none of this would be an issue. They’re not, and no quantity of the ends justifying the means will make this so.
Bush broke the prosecutor’s indictment chain by commuting Libby’s sentence.
That’s pretty much par for the course with mob-controlled cities, banana republics, and so forth.
so let\’s recap… it\’s 75 and sunny in Seattle and you morons are sitting in your circle jerk squirting all over each other… a PERFECT image of liberalism.
Prosecutor investigates alleged crime.
Alleged crime is impossible to investigate because players lie to investigators, lie to grand jury, and thus obstruct justice.
Lying and obstruction is a crime.
Libby convicted of one count of obstruction, two counts of perjury and one count of lying to the FBI.
Isn’t that your mama calling?
I’m telecommuting by the pool today to get an early start on the holiday. I’m not sure what Mr. I’m Going To Make Fun Of People Who Post On A Liberal Blog By Posting On A Liberal Blog is doing.
@ 61:
The Bush/Cheney administration will be remembered in infamy similar to McCarthyism. Which, by the way, soured the mood of the American populace and paved the way for a 40 year run of the Democrats controlling congress.
This, is much worse than McCarthyism:
3,600 (and counting) American soldiers lives.
25,000 (and counting) wounded.
Walter Reed.
Our nation’s military being stretched to the breaking point.
bin Laden remaining free.
Terrorism getting worse not better.
Gasoline soaring above $3 per gallon.
$10 Trillion dollars of debt.
Social Security under funded.
Crimes committed in the Republican controlled congress.
Criminal conspiracy in the White House.
A total disregard for the Rule of Law.
Trashing of our civil liberties.
Disregard for the Constitution.
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Anti-American punks can rail on this blog all day long and it wont’ change the facts that America will not elect another Republican president in 2008.
America will not give the Republicans the majority in the Senate. In fact, the Democrat’s majority will increase by at least 6 seats.
America will not give the Republicans control of the House of Representatives.
The only glimmer of hope for the Republicans to have even the slightest peep of a voice in government will be from the judicial branch.
With an Al Gore / Barack Obama ticket we are guaranteed a victory in 2008 & 2012. By 2016 the “minority” vote will be so overwhelmingly Democratic that an Obama / “anybody” ticket will run for 8 more years.
Couple that with the fact that the under 25 crowd is registering Democrat at a far greater pace than Republicans, the future of the Republican Party looks similar to the Whigs.
Those are just the facts you right-wing whiners. My advice to you: Stop blogging here. Enjoy your last 18 months in power, bask in its glory. For your time in power is short-lived. If you are over 40, you will most likely not live to see a Republican Majority ever again. :)
Sucks to be a conservative and on the wrong side of history — again.
4,000 petitions for commutation have been rejected by President Bush. He has commuted not a single [other] sentence thus far in his administration. Justice Department guidelines indicate that petitions for commutation are “generally not considered” before a convict begins his sentence, and that they are “generally not considered” while a case is being appealed. After all, if the case is reversed on appeal, what is the sense of commutation, and how does it serve justice to commute before the final judgment is rendered? The procedure is also to confer with Justice Department attorneys and to gather input from the federal prosecutor before proceeding.
Bush ignored guidelines and dispensed with all precedent to commute the sentence of a convicted perjurer and obstructor whose appeals are pending and whose sentence had not begun. As such, in my judgment, he has become party to the obstruction of justice, if indeed he was ever anything else in the Plame case.
The obstruction of justice inherent in the extraordinary, unprecedented Libby commutation, as well as the obstruction of justice inherent in the Justice Department pursuit of bogus political prosecutions across the country are sufficient grounds to begin impeachment hearings in the House Judiciary Committee.
Ooooooo….poor widdle Bill…poor widdle XMAN…wahhhhhhh,waaaahhhhhhh….
Contempt for the people.
Contempt for the “rule of law” that they fell all over themselves touting before Clinton was acquitted.
Contempt for other who have been justly accused, fairly tried, and who served their sentences.
Contempt for their own followers.
Loyal only to cronies with damaging information on hand who have their own silence to trade.
These guys are the very definition of “corrupt.”
Wingnuts: Shouldn’t Scooter Libby serve as much time as Paris Hilton?
Do I think the person who gave that order was Libby? No.
And neither did the jury. The reason they took so long in reaching their verdicts is because they were wondering why Cheney wasn’t indicted too. Several of the jurors who spoke with the press after the trial made it clear that they believed Libby was working on the VP’s orders.
Prosecutor investigates alleged crime.
Alleged crime is impossible to investigate because players lie to investigators, lie to grand jury, and thus obstruct justice.
Lying and obstruction is a crime.
Libby convicted of one count of obstruction, two counts of perjury and one count of lying to the FBI.
I disagree with the last line. It doesn’t end there. The next obvious questions are: why would Libby lie? Why would the VP order these lies? What were they covering up?
If they didn’t do anything wrong and there was no crime, why coverup? You don’t cover up good behavior.
Roger Rabbit says at #33,
“Did I spell that out plainly enough for you to understand, Bill? You’re scum. All your neocon friends are scum. You’re an anti-American piece of shit. Got any questions about your standing at this blog?”
You left out the obvious. I couldn’t care less what a bunch of anonymous liberal shriekers think of me. I just like to pull your chains once in a while. You’re such a bunch of blowtops that you make it easy.
@ 79
I just like to pull your chains once in a while.
One more obvious point: you do this rather than strive to present coherent arguments, because you’re simply incapable of presenting coherent arguments.
Thank you for demonstrating, time and time again, the cognitive ineptitude of the average wingnut.
@ 79
Just goes to show you the priorities of a conservative: Bill Clinton lies to a grand jury about an extramarital affair and conservatives argue we were in the midst of a “constitutional crisis.”
George W. Bush creates a real constitutional crisis, takes away our civil liberties, lays America’s reputation, military and financial health to ruin and the best thing conservatives can think to do is “pull the chain of liberals?!?!?!”
Bill, the clue train is getting ready to depart, it’s headed for Honesty Town, USA, you should get on board the Patriot Express instead of the al Qeada train wreck you and the rest of your conservative ilk are on.
And my favorite post of this entire thread: Roger Rabbit at #31,
“1) Giving a NOC agent’s name to our enemies.
2) Blowing up an undercover CIA operation that took 25 years to build.
3) Exposing an unknown number of foreigners working for your government to possible capture and execution.
4) Wrecking the CIA’s intelligence operations involving the world’s most dangerous weapons.
5) All in the name of crass political retaliation for exposing the lies of the neocon warmongers.”
I’d like to see any of you back these claims with facts.
It’s more than amusing to see lefties suddenly concerned about the CIA’a intelligence gathering ability. What about all that mouth foaming about wiretapping?
And of course Roger couldn’t resist a lovely “fuck you”. Gosh, I never expected that!
Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
Gotta love it:
I’d like to see any of you back these claims with facts.
The facts we cite aren’t facts. Only the facts that wingnuts want to cite are legitimate facts.
Note how it doesn’t matter, in the least, that the facts we cite are conclusions reached during the course of a trial in a court of law presided over by a Republican judge (who, of course, must be a RINO).
Deja Vu.
@24 You Silly Fuzzball,
She wrote the word VOID on the ballot.
The Dog was registered but never voted.
Besides you lefties should love this since “Dog is my Co-pilot” is commonly seen bumper sticker in King County
It’s more than amusing to see lefties suddenly concerned about the CIA’a intelligence gathering ability. What about all that mouth foaming about wiretapping?
Ain’t too many processing channels in that skull of yours, are there son?
We have an intelligence community. Their job is to gather information on America’s adversaries overseas. We do this knowing that our adversaries, and even some of our putative allies have spies they use on us. I see their job as being rather the same as police officers. Very few people LIKE police officers. I don’t. At the same time, I understand what society would be like if there weren’t police officers. You have a series of possible scenarios, all of which are worse than the current situation. So we have them, and we set up a set of rules for what they can and cannot do.
One of those rules is that the police cannot come tearing through my house or tap my phone just because they feel like it. They get a warrant, or establish probable cause that a crime is being committed.
Likewise, there are a series of rules that set how our foreign intelligence-gathering capability may be used inside the US. Those rules are based on the idea of establishing probable cause and/or getting a warrant. Just like the police do. It’s not hard.
Another way to look at our foreign intelligence is as an extension of the military. That is what the NSA is. For similar reasons to what I outlined above, we have a military to protect the country against foreign threats.
No citizen of a democracy should ever have to fear being on the receiving end of State military power. 3rd-world dictatorships do that. As a matter of principle, we must not. As an extension of that thought, no citizen should be on the receiving end of our military intelligence-gathering apparatus.
If you cannot philosophically grasp this point, I would say your rights to enjoy the benefits of a free society should be revoked. Go live in China or Burma, and let us all know how that works out for you.
The sad thing about all of this is the lack of patriotism. Libby is not a conservative or a liberal issue , he is an issue of the rule of law. Plain and simple.
More to the point, this is not a trivial matter of whether a made guy can fix traffic tickets or get building permits. This is about a violation by the POTUS himself of the system we all need to trust if we are to be able to govern ourselves.
What happens if Hillary is elected and she is as bad as the Wingnuts think? Will this act as a precedent so she can order in effect a coup? Would that be OK because she is a liberal?
What happens if Giuliani is Pres? The same issues apply.
Politically I believe impeaching Bush would be a horrible mistake. Legally, he is now guilty of the highest crimes possible for a President .. he, along with Nixon, Lincoln, and few if any others has taken it into his own hands to undermine our law.
While I enjoy reading refutations of right-wing talking points as much as the next moonbat, I have to be concerned that Bill is a self-described troll who just comes over here to kick the hornet’s nest. Like I said, he’s not interested in a good argument, he’s just interested in an argument. Any facts you might express will just be met with gainsaying, chest-thumping, and then running to his troll buddies to tell them how he fixed them no-good, filthy-mouthed, long-haired, Commie moonbats over at Horses Ass.
re 85: So, for you, a cheezy political stunt is as good as substantial investigation, as long as it supports your pre-determined conviction.
You are an idiot! And a traitor.
Have you wingnuts not noticed that people laugh at you now when you try to claim the moral highground?
Bill Cruchon thinks he’s coming off like WFB, Jr. — but it’s actually like Ted Baxter.
Your head is so far up your ass, you need a glass belly-button.
I know, you thought it was a monacle!
You were doin’ good until you got to the last paragraph:
Politically I believe impeaching Bush would be a horrible mistake. Legally, he is now guilty of the highest crimes possible for a President .. he, along with Nixon, Lincoln, and few if any others has taken it into his own hands to undermine our law.
The fact that Bush has decidered that he is the Unitary Executive and is not responsible to the Congress, the courts, or anybody else except Dick Cheney is precisely why impeachment is now a necessity. If we do not impeach him, Cheney, Rice, Gonzales, and anyone else who has perpetuated these crimes against the Constitution, not only will justice be denied to everyone who has been touched by this “administration,” there will be nothing stopping future Presidents — conservative, liberal, Republican, Democratic, or other — from acting the way the voices in their head tell them to, Congress, people and the law be damned.
“Very few people LIKE police officers. I don’t.” Where did that mis-statement of fact come from, your deluded liberal brain?
Kind of says it all about how you liberals view the world doesn’t it? How twisted does one have to become to view law enforcement officers as the enemy? Yes there are bad cops but I think it’s safe to say they are by far the minority.
By the way, my father in law is a retired cop and my brother in law is a cop. Thank god for them and all the others that put their lives on the line to keep us safe every day.
I like police officers just fine, except the crooked ones.
You’re taking me wildly out of context Bill. I don’t think cops are bad guys. I think they are necessary, and if you read the rest of my sentence, At the same time, I understand what society would be like if there weren’t police officers. You have a series of possible scenarios, all of which are worse than the current situation.
Now, do you have something you’d like to share with the class, or do you just want to say “OMG! LIBURLZ ARE TEH SUPID!!1111”
Uh. Libby is innocent because Plame wasn’t covert!
After the appeal is over, Dubya will pardon him. No need to pay any fine or serve any probation.
Headless Lucy compliments me by saying, “Your head is so far up your ass, you need a glass belly-button.”
Part of the enjoyment of occasionally commenting here is the ease at which one is able to demonstrate how lefties will insult those who disagree with them almost on command. I guess that’s why lefties are considered,(by other lefties), to be oh, so, creative, and “edgy”.
Then you’ll turn right around and act offended by some Ann Coulter comment. It’s damned amusing watching you phonies.
As a former liberal who knows what makes you people tick, it’s not difficult to see through the lot of you.
jsa at #94 whines, “you are taking me wildly out of context, Bill”
What about your statement, “Very few people LIKE police officers. I don’t.” was “out of context”?
I guess I failed to include your grudging admission that “at the same time, I understand what society would be like if there weren’t police officers”
And perhaps you could take the time to explain why you don’t like police officers. I’d love to know.
Kung Fo Monkey paraphrases Salon’s Glenn Greenwald
” The Libby prosecution clearly was the dirty work of the leftist anti-war movement in this country, just as Cohen describes. After all, the reason Patrick Fitzgerald was appointed to investigate this matter was because a left-wing government agency (known as the “Central Intelligence Agency”) filed a criminal referral with the Justice Department, as the MoveOn-sympathizer CIA officials were apparently unhappy about the public unmasking of one of their covert agents.
In response, Bush’s left-wing anti-war Attorney General, John Ashcroft, judged the matter serious enough to recuse himself, leading Bush’s left-wing anti-war Deputy Attorney General, James Comey, to conclude that a Special Prosecutor was needed. In turn, Comey appointed Fitzgerald, the left-wing anti-war Republican Prosecutor and Bush appointee, who secured a conviction of Libby, in response to which left-wing anti-war Bush appointee Judge Reggie Walton imposed Libby’s sentence.”
Bill Cruchon says:
I’d like to see any of you back these claims with facts.
It’s more than amusing to see lefties suddenly concerned about the CIA’a intelligence gathering ability. What about all that mouth foaming about wiretapping?
And of course Roger couldn’t resist a lovely “fuck you”. Gosh, I never expected that!”
The CIA and the DOJ provided all the facts needed to convict Benedict Libby.
So in the spirit of Roger Rabbit: FUCK YOU, TRAITOR
If your conservative ilk loves cops so much why did the gut Bill Clintons 100,000 cop program that lowered crime every year of his presidency.
In case you haven’t noticed with you head jammed so far up your ass the number of crimes, like terrorism has been on the rise year after year in the Bush administration.
It’s like you ass holes who “say” you support the troops, but you never fund them like Democrats do.
Grow up, pussy.
Sure Bill,
I inherently, basically mistrust state power that comes from a gun. I don’t like it.
Now, at the same time, that gun is what finally makes all society possible.
First, you follow laws because we need these laws, they make society more pleasant to live in, we can’t tolerate a lawless society, and all that high-minded philosophy. I could go on and on repeating Locke and Voltaire, but why bother?
If high-minded philosophy isn’t your style (frequently the case with criminals), you’ll follow the law because if you don’t, we’ll shoot you (or incarcerate you, or otherwise limit your freedom).
There’s state power 101 for you, and that works for any state whether it’s a democracy or a totalitarian dictatorship.
What separates the democracies from the dictatorships is how that power is applied, and what limits are placed on it. I know if I’m in the United States, the odds that a cop is going to kick my head in unprovoked is really really low. It happens, but it’s rare. Most cops are decent guys. I am a law-abiding citizen. I have no reason to fear the police, nor should I.
If an agent of the state oversteps his bounds for any reason, I know there is recourse through the legal system.
Now, once you start dismantling those checks and balances, in the name of public safely, law and order, defending from terrorism, or whatever the excuse of the week is, I get pissed off. I don’t get pissed off for myself. I get pissed off because when those protections go away, what makes the US exceptional goes away as well. It’s more important than you may think.
Spend some time hanging out in the 3rd world. Police in China are really nice. Extremely polite guys. The crime rate is low, the population is largely unarmed. They don’t have much to be afraid of, so they don’t have that edge you see with cops here. It really sucks if you get on their bad side. People fall down the stairs in police buildings a lot if you catch my drift.
I like Philippine and Indonesian police a lot as well. They’re a little quick with the ticket book, but some sweet talk and about $5-10 will make them put it away. If you’re in the part of society that doesn’t think $5-10 is that much money, you know, guys like us, it’s just a regular cost of getting along. It really fucks up your life if that’s real money to you, like it is to 85% of the population of those countries. Are you a top 10%er here Bill? Not that it matters, I’m just asking.
So my point is, you need state power. You need taxes too. You’re not obliged to like or embrace either of them.
Bill Cruchon: Enough of your little homilies delivered from the boogered and hag-haired end of your long, lying wingnut nose.
Your are a pedant without a clue (or was that “pederast”?).
I heard that you tried to expose yourself to an eight year old boy and when you moved to your new neighborhood, the law forced you to go to all your neighbors and tell them what you are.
Anyway, that’s what some say.
Your opinions have all the weight of geese farts in the wind. You have failed to say a single word of substance throughout this thread. Rather, you simply insult those who would disagree with your lunatic rantings. Then, you chastise liberals for insulting you. You lack insight into your own behavior, my friend. Now, let me join those who insult you and make profane comments about you: Your idiocy and blindness to the ways of the world are such that reality could be fucking you in your unlubed ass and you wouldn’t feel a thing. Crawl away, Cruchon. You add nothing; you are but a waste of air.
“If your conservative ilk loves cops so much why did the(sic) gut Bill Clintons 100,000 cop program that lowered crime every year of his presidency.” Um, maybe because conservatives believe that police should be funded at the local and state level, not by the federal government.
Let’s see… the last 2 posters have called me “fuck you,
traitor” “ass hole” and “pussy” And then the last guy says “grow up”.
It doesn’t get any more illustrative, does it?
Mr. Cruchon,
In the on-topic issues, there are a number of questions I’ve asked you and which you’ve failed to answer. While you whinge about liberals saying, “fuck you,” the fact that you’ve not answered those questions, indeed the fact that you’ve failed to present even the pretense of a cogent argument on the topic at hand, has not gone unnoticed.
Summer vacation is boring, isn’t it Bill?
From the “can you stoop any lower than this” department: From “Headless Lucy” at #102,
“I heard that you tried to expose yourself to an eight year old boy and when you moved to your new neighborhood, the law forced you to go to all your neighbors and tell them what you are.”
You know, I’ve written letters to the editor for years. They require that you give your name, address, and phone number for verification. I’ve gotten some nasty letters over the years. It goes with the territory. I respect Goldy because he puts himself out there and doesn’t hide under some silly handle. We rarely agree, but I’d buy the guy a beer anytime.
But I’m not like you pathetic commentators here who hide in anonymity and sit behind your keyboards and hurl insults that you would not have the guts to say to someone’s face.
jsa @ 101
I laud your effort to educate Cruchon. Your essay on basic political philosophy is quite well done. Unfortunately, the real problem with the fringefuck mind is that such mind is closed to reason, fact, and light. Cruchon is immune to education. Nonetheless, like Sysyphus, I suppose that there is honor in the effort to accomplish the impossible. Kudos for your effort.
Why is anyone bothering to respond to this useless flamer? All it does is feed his ego. Is everybody so desperate for entertainment that they’ll piss into the cruchon windstorm just to keep him posting?
Don Joe, seems to me like I asked YOU the first question way back at #18. I don’t remember any kind of comprehensible answer from you other than “fuck you”. Did I miss something?
As long as people like Bill hate their perceptions of liberals more than they love this country, educating them is going to be like mud wrestling with a pig. It doesn’t do you any good and you get the distinct impressionin that the pig enjoys it.
Nonetheless, in and among the trolling and the idiocy there’s just enough decent political analysis around here to make the site worth following.
Apparently you didn’t read my comments @ 30 and 60.
Beats the hell outta me.
Proud leftist at #103 says, “Rather, you simply insult those who would disagree with your lunatic rantings”
Just what specific “lunatic rantings” are you referring to?
I think I’ve been pretty tame in my comments. But no matter how you frame your disagreements the left will resort to ad hominem attacks and name calling as I have illustrated. I admit I’ve called you crybabies. Only because you are.
I’m just making fun of how this whole Libby thing has caused you lefties to come totally unhinged. You’ve got to calm down. Bush didn’t pardon Libby, he just figured he didn’t need to do the prison sentence. I don’t think that’s unreasonable. It appears the left thinks this is the end of the world. It’s very, very amusing to watch.
@ 114
Sport, you haven’t actually framed any form of argument whatsoever. Try framing one. Make it be coherent and logical. Base it on known facts, and not the rhetorical equivalent of saying that the sky is green and the grass is blue. Do that, and see what kind of response you get.
Until then, well, fuck you.
re 107: You’d be surprised what I have the guts to say to your face.
Where do you want to meet?
Cruchon @ 114
As I told you earlier, I couldn’t be more pleased with Bush’s commutation of Libby’s sentence. Indeed, I’m looking to buy someone a beer to celebrate. The whole tawdry affair just demonstrates why a thorough house-cleaning is necessary. So, “unhinged” is hardly a word that would describe my reaction to Bush’s action. Everyone knew it was coming. It was clever to commute the sentence rather than pardon Libby, however. Now, he can continue to plead his right against self-incrimination to every interrogator who might want to find out what he knows. A pardon would have provided no cover. Keep defending the indefensible, Bill. We appreciate the converts you produce.
#116 My address is public, Lucy. Unlike yours.
#115, “Sport, you haven’t actually framed any form of argument whatsoever. Try framing one.”
I never intended to “frame an argument”, it was rather to make an observation that the left goes positively insane when it doesn’t get it’s way. Do the responses I’ve gotten, including the truly nasty pedophile comment from “headless lucy” do anything but buttress my point?
When did the left become the home of such an uptight bunch of whiners?
This just in:
/me wonders who will be providing testimony.
Keith Olbermann reported that Patrick Fitzgerald is to be called as a witness.
Jeez, what a surprise. What was that I was saying about the left going insane when it doesn’t get its way?
Beats me. I take it you weren’t listening either.
It will be interesting to hear him tell what he knows.
you get the distinct impressionin that the pig enjoys it.
The first line in your first comment at #10 is:
Then you write:
And you thought that a good way to demonstrate that was to come in here calling people crybabies? Dang, no wonder you idiots couldn’t figure out Iraq.
That’s another thing I love about you lefties, Lee. No matter what everything comes down to Iraq. You can count on it.
Imagine if I prefaced every response to your arguments with, “what about the fact that you people kill unborn babies”. Fair is fair, ain’t it?
Say Bill, are you the same Bill Cruchon who elicited this in the PI? I don’t remember you letter but I got a kick out of the response.
Let conservatives fix the mess liberals made
I really got a good laugh at the Friday letter from Bill Cruchon Jr. He blames liberals for Seattleites “sneering at decency.” What a dim view he takes of our beautiful city. I have lived here for many years and I find the people I’ve met here not only decent, but downright lovely.
Cruchon has a point, though. Maybe we should let conservatives do the same wonderful job here they’ve done with our foreign policy. Or maybe they could cure all our ills with the same deft handling they used to solve our health care woes, including the stellar job they did with veterans’ hospitals.
Then they could turn our schools into the religious brainwashing tools they tried in Kansas.
How about scarlet letters for everyone conservatives don’t like. Oops! That was tried already with mixed results.
I know, take $27 million from the mouths of starving children and build another creationist “museum” where dinosaurs roam with Adam and Eve. That wouldn’t make Seattle another one of their laughingstocks. Pro-life anyone?
Conservatives run Seattle? Sure, just don’t tell the pollsters you didn’t expect what you got.
Vincent Ambrose
Yes, Vincent that was my letter. It was in response to the P-I’s handwringing about the homeless taking over Steinbrueck Park to the point where decent citizens can’t enjoy it.
I was pointing out that the situation is to be expected in a city run by liberals and that they ought to admit their failures once in a while. Of course they never do.
The letters in response invariably turned the discussion to the Bush Administration, and Iraq. What a big surprise.
Sorry, I meant Harry. Too much multi-tasking. My bad.
Crutch — Stop running everything through that wingnut filter in your head and experience the world as it is.
In your current condition you are impervious to dialogue. The only person you can talk to is someone who agrees with all your weathered pronunciamentos. You sound like a hackneyed John Bircher pamphlet from the 50’s.
Hence, Limbaugh’s “dittohead” putdown that people like you take as a compliment.
Oh yes Lucy, that wonderful word you lefties love,”dialogue”. Translation; if you agree with the leftist view of the world then we have had “dialogue”.
If you’ve read my posts on this thread you might discover that I never intended to have “dialogue”. I was merely observing the way you on the left go ballistic when things don’t go your way. I was observing your behavior and commenting on it. And as a special bonus I got to watch you blow your stacks.
That’s another thing I love about you lefties, Lee. No matter what everything comes down to Iraq. You can count on it.
Well, yeah, and that’s because Iraq is the reason I’m on the “left” in the first place, because real conservatives who understand why Iraq is a mess (like Ron Paul) are being shouted down by the crazies.
“Well, yeah, and that’s because Iraq is the reason I’m on the “left” in the first place, because real conservatives who understand why Iraq is a mess (like Ron Paul) are being shouted down by the crazies.
What about the fact that you people kill unborn innocent babies?
#43, YOS LIB BRO says:
I’m enjoying every moment of this.
Yeah that’s right wingnuts. I will never forget attending a function last November, and as a cheer from the crowd went up, Senator Murray asked me “What is going on”. I replied, “We took the Senate”. I will never forget that moment. Claire had been called the winner of Missouri, and I knew they the slimy dirtbags in the GOP could not thwart investigations anymore. Congress could finally do it’s job, and all the cons would be able to do is complain from that point on.
How has being crybabies worked for the Cons lately?
I can’t wait till we take another 10 or 12 seats in the Senate next year. By the time all the investigations have moved along another year, and more is known about the cloud of darkness the Bush, Cheney criminal enterprise has stunk our government up with, it will be a landslide in the Senate.
Imagine how much one would have to hate America to think Republicons deserve to be re-elected.
The damage of 6 years of Republicon Rule may last decades.
You cons keep electin’ em, and we will keep building the jails to house them in…..
What about the fact that you people kill unborn innocent babies?
I only kill the guilty ones. Evil little bastards.
What about the fact that you people kill unborn innocent babies?
Oh, please, do you really want me to humiliate you on this one? Being pro-choice is not about “killing unborn babies,” it’s about recognizing that unwanted pregnancies are a part of human reality. We need to deal with this problem with reason and a respect for human rights. And it’s very easy to reach the right conclusion – that the government has no right to make this moral choice for women who are carrying a fetus. This conclusion should be self-evident by the mere fact that making it illegal doesn’t actually prevent abortions. Abortions still happen, but become much more unsafe when doctors aren’t able to perform them in a proper health setting.
#82, I’d like to see any of you back these claims with facts.
It’s more than amusing to see lefties suddenly concerned about the CIA’a intelligence gathering ability. What about all that mouth foaming about wiretapping?
If it is ok for Cheney to order Scooter, Rove, and Armitidge to leak her identity to the press to try to intimidate Joe Wilson, would it be ok for me to tell our enemies all the names of all our undercover CIA agents?
Would it be treason for me to leak their names? Why would it not be treason for the others?
What you wingnuts are defending is TREASON. All the GOP talking points since the beginning of time does not change this fact. T-R-E-A-S-O-N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As far as wiretapping goes, which Democrat has seen a list of all the people Bush spied on? Yeah, I thought so.
Hitler had more respect for the Jews, than today’s Republicons have for the laws that made our country great.
Lee, don’t confuse Bill with an actual position including supporting premises, he’s just here to provoke people.
Bill, you got to me, I figured out that you are a jerk. See, I’m calling you a name. Good job, jerk!
re 133: “Oh yes Lucy, that wonderful word you lefties love,”dialogue”. Translation; if you agree with the leftist view of the world then we have had “dialogue”.”
Crutch, you illustrate my point perfectly by “translating” what I said through your wingnut 50’s Bircher-pamphlet mind filter.
It’s right there before your eyes. Even you can see it.
Therefore, no discussion (translation: “dialogue”) with you until you change that crusty old filter.
Crutch: Still having fun? Not so much, now, huh?
You can’t get the last word here, Crutch, because no one gets banned on this blog (translation: uSP).
Mr. Cruchton,
Yes, and that’s my point. We’ve derided you precisely because you’ve never intended to bring something coherent to the table. This is like going to the desert, kicking a rattle snake, and then blaming the rattle snake for biting you. That you express surprise over the resultant derision is, well, at least consistent with the level of intellectual rigor you’ve demonstrated so far.
A prime example is the rest of your sentence:
Yup. People who want our country to be ruled by laws and not men fall within the purview of your definition of “insane”. At that point, nothing more really needs to be said.
Another TJ @137
I presume you give the little bastards due process before you execute them, don’t you? Anything less than that would hardly be liberal.
I presume you give the little bastards due process before you execute them, don’t you? Anything less than that would hardly be liberal.
Absolutely. I ask them straight: “Do you accept the Invisible Gnomes as your personal saviors?” If they say yes, they’re clearly innocent. If they don’t, well, it’s not my fault they chose evil.
Oh, by the way, Darryl, that picture you posted above of Ann Coulter is really starting to freak me out. I didn’t think she had another outfit besides that threadbare black cocktail dress. And she busts out the new wardrobe for Larry King, of all people. Wiggy.
Indeed. We can’t help those who choose evil, whether in the womb or elsewhere. But, by God, we can root ’em out once they do choose evil, unless, of course, they are Great Americans with young children at home who have suffered from a stained reputation and might have some knowledge about our own sins. Then, clemency seems appropriate. I’m sure all patriotic Americans agree with that.
Democrats don’t foam at the mouth about wiretapping.
Democrats foam at the mouth about illegal, unconstitutional wiretapping without warrants in violation of FISA.
Courtesy of the CIA, we know that Valerie Plame was a covert operative who traveled in her covert identity to pursue her assignments tracking and uncovering weapons of mass destruction. Revealing her CIA role was a reckless and damaging act, whether or not those who revealed it ever took the time to discover her covert status. The Vice-President, who by all accounts ordered and orchestrated these leaks, as a high goverment official SHOULD spent five fucking minutes looking into the status and assignments of a CIA officer before smearing her all over the front pages, but of course he did not because the plot to discredit Joe Wilson was more important than US intelligence on WMD or the lives of her contacts.
Libby’s role in misleading and stonewalling investigators and covering up for his bosses was clear and indisputable, resulting in well-deserved convictions for perjury, lying, and obstruction. Bush’s unprecedented commutation of a sentence that had not yet begun, while appeals are still proceeding, shows an aristocratic arrogance (jail is for the little people), an ugly partisan stripe (jail is for Democrats), and a corrupt rot at the top (freedom buys Libby’s silence).
If Bush had any honor, he would resign. Since he does not, we know what we have to do.
re 136: What about the fact that your side denies medical treatment to the mother’s of unborn children.
Then you dun a woman for aborting a foetus that is damaged because of Republican refusal to allow medical care to the mother.
How sicvk is that?