The DNC has just wrapped up their convention. The actual news: Both President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have accepted their Party’s nomination.
(I note that, despite some “excellent”, “well-intentioned” and “perfectly sound” advice from the our friends to the right, it wasn’t Hillary Clinton accepting the VP nomination…)
But the conventions were so much more than nomination machines. They provided Americans with a well-packaged set of arguments for why their candidates should be elected.
I listened to some of the content from both conventions, and man, what a difference! First, the Republicans sounded angrier. During the previous decade they peddled fear during their conventions. This decade they seemed to be peddling some bizarre moralistic hate. But the biggest difference is that the Republicans were selling us yesterday—a world without concerns for the environment, a world lacking equality for most non-Caucasian-hetersexual-male humans, a world lacking humanity and compassion. To me, it comes off as social and economic Darwinism—petty, selfish, greedy, primative thinking.
In contrast, the DNC was filled with thoughts of a better America—a future based on the future instead of clinging to a distant (and largely illusory) past. It was hopeful; it was optimistic; it was long term; it was about creating a better world together. It was a vision that embodies and embraces the single most distinctive trait of Homo sapiens: Our hyper-social nature that has empowered us to take collective action on huge scales to benefit whole societies. America is a shining example of this uniquely human trait.
Of course another huge difference between the two conventions was the use and abuse of Truth. Sure…some factual mistakes were made by speakers at both conventions. But there are elements at the very foundations of Romney’s argument to be President that are based on fabrications, distortions, or taking words out of context. As you can tell, I’m not buying hate, but peddling hate using lies, distortions, and out-of-context sound bites isn’t a winning strategy. Politically, you are what you eat, and too many people are smart enough to walk when being fed a constant diet of bullshit.
There were a number of inspiring speeches at the DNC. I’ll just cover the four biggies (and without suggestion that there were no other top-notch speeches at the convention):
- I though President Obama had a solid speech, despite sounding rather horse and, maybe, a little tired. His arguments were coherent, convincing and, at times, inspiring. But, speaking as someone who sat in Mile High stadium as Sen. Obama delivered his first acceptance speech, it wasn’t his best address ever. Let’s give it a B+. It did the job quite nicely.
- Michelle Obama gave a solid performance. I am constantly impressed by her ability to “play” First Lady, given the high power Type-A professional position she gave up to become FLOTUS. She is a most impressive human being.
- Joe Biden was incredible. This speech was on par with the one he gave to the NAACP this year. Wingnuts have a strong tendency to underestimate Joe Biden. And, empirically, it hasn’t served them well.
- Clearly, the top prize goes to Bill Clinton, who can serve it up like no other. Yes, my wingnut friends, Clinton definitely blows Reagan away in oratorical prowess. I challenge anyone to find a speech by Reagan that even came close to this one. Bill was on fire.
Ultimately, the DNC seemed like a celebration of the future. I liked the vision.
The bottom-line dimwit is that Obama hasn’t kept the promises he made 4 years ago and needs to be held accountable. Spin all the bullshit you want about touching moments & speeches, no one cares about that. Just results. Obama has not delivered. Romney is all over this and will be with over $100 million in the key battleground states.
“Tonight President Obama laid out the choice in this election, making the case for more of the same policies that haven’t worked for the past four years. He offered more promises, but he hasn’t kept the promises he made four years ago,” Rhoades said. “Americans will hold President Obama accountable for his record. They know they’re not better off and that it’s time to change direction.”
Romney, said Rhodes, “will restore America’s promise and deliver a better future for our country.”
Obama & Democrats celebrating suppressing Military Voters. What a bunch of unpatriotic fucks you people are. You will pay for this.
All Obama can do after a horrible 4 years where he divided the Country is call himself “tested”.
Tested. That kind of tested is not needed.
It’s like when Obama gave himself an “I” on the economy.
The “I” stands for INCOMPETENT
He is right about that.
In 2008, Obama said going after MMJ was a “poor use of resources” and promised his DOJ would leave patients and their providers alone.
Instead, according to ASA, he and Holder have raided dispensaries at a rate great than the Bush administration..
Obama flat out lied. While Biden is a known longtime drug warrior. They’re just as bad for MMJ and recreational pot users as Republicans…why should I celebrate anything about them?
Oh I get it now. The US has more people locked up than any other country, most of them victims of a War on Drugs that has been pushed relentlessly by both major parties.
We’re now #1..Obama and Biden must have been celebrating their participation in accomplishing such a wonderful milestone..
The angry people got an early jump on this thread.
Well, I guess this is, then.
Despite boilerplate language about the job losses four years ago and his plans to create jobs, Obama did not specifically address the millions of Americans still struggling to find a job or a job that meets their needs.
Seems to me I recall some criticism of Romney for not mentioning Afghanistan.
I guess the smallest labor participation rate in 30 years is something that Barack Obama didn’t want to talk about last night.
QE3, here we come.
Geez, our Dumbfuck “I’m a Christian and you’re not!” Klown seems to be very, very angry this morning. Damn, he were cussing like a sailor all day yesterday and here he starts out the same way again today. He must be having a bad week.
Let the Games begin:
CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Senior Romney-Ryan campaign officials tell Fox News the campaign will launch an enormous media offensive on Friday, the day after President Obama accepts the Democratic Party’s nomination for a second term. The push will include ad buys in several states that will cost tens of millions of dollars.
Read more:
The title of that article is:
Romney campaign to ‘carpet bomb’ airwaves after Obama nomination speech
Now that we’ve seen former Rep. Giffords in public again, how long until the demands for ‘civility’ in campaigning begin from the soon-to-be swamped Democrat machine?
Romney campaign press release about Obama speech:
Yup. Obama’s speech, and the whole convention, made the election about a choice between two candidates, rather than a referendum on Obama alone.
Thanks, Romney campaign for echoing that. What’s that obnoxious phrase bob always uses? ‘Own goal’? Yup, that’s the one.
“Obama did not specifically address the millions of Americans still struggling to find a job or a job that meets their needs.”
Like any other problem facing this nation, a tax cut for the very wealthy while slashing the social safety nets for the poor and struggling middle class is the answer. It’s the answer to everything. Got a problem? Cut taxes for the rich.
Of course, we all know how much the Randians care about the “inferior masses”.
Oh, god, more ‘CARPET BOMBING!!!!’ this time from cereal.
Seems they’ve abandoned Pennsylvania and Michigan. Now Wisconsin, too?
How many paths does that leave Mittens? One? Two?
Greed versus CITIZENSHIP. Stark choice.
@ 13
Yes, Lib Despair, he’s going to ignore a state in which the dKos graph has him down 1.0 and the RCP summary has him down 1.4.
You hit the nail on the head. He’s going to totally ignore Wisconsin and instead spend ad money in New Hampshire, where he’s down 3.5.
He’ll go for New Hampshire, which has 40% of WI’s electoral votes.
He’s turning his back on WI because he’s not spending money there this weekend.
I find it endlessly comic that the Republicans and other fascists around here are bleating about incompetence.
Incompetence is only a viable criticism of Obama if you engage in Bush Amnesia Disorder (BAD).
Destroying a massive surplus, starting 2 wars that were paid for on a credit card, massive wealth transfer upward, and imploded economy, a Depression, actually, on ongoing domestic war on anyone who wanted to vote against them…
The only way Romney gets elected is if the American people have a VERY short memory regarding incompetence.
We clearly see one of the symptoms of Obama Derangement Syndrome is insomnia..
Yeah, that’s me. You keep telling yourself that.
You’re growing more shrill all the time. What happened to “I make you think, you make me think”?
Must not be happy times in the bunker at Washington State Wingnut Central.
More Greg Sargent:
Open ridicule. LOVE it!
Mittens/Munster must be…NEW…at foreign policy.
@ 18
What happened to “I make you think, you make me think”?
Good question. I might have given up when you started shilling about Romney abandoning a traditionally blue state in which he’s got momentum and is currently down by a point.
Ew, ouch! Testy, testy, there Cereal – I think the stress over there in the bunker, and emerging perception of Romney’s defeat, is getting to you.
It seems that Bob got up on the wrong side of the bed too. An angry Klown and an angry Bob. And yet all of us commie-fascist-jihadists are in a great mood today. What’s up with that?
Perhaps it would lift your spirits if you were to share with us five reasons why a Romney presidency would be good for America.
Your line of the day:
The drop in unemployment was caused because 368,000 people stopped looking for work and therefore were no longer counted in the survey.
That’s mostly for Rujax, who otherwise will be cheering the drop in the unemployment rate.
Oh. Did anyone notice that there were downward revisions of the job creation numbers in both July (a substantial one) and June?
I watched Squawk Box this morning. There’s a strong sentiment there that Obama is hanging his hopes on one number: 7.9.
He want’s an unemployment rate below 8.0 going into the weekend before the election.
How very sad.
What do you guys think will be a more potent weapon in places like Ohio, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Florida – appealing to those grumpy working class white guys everybody is chasing?
‘CARPET BOMBING!!!!!’ millions of dollars worth of relentless TV ads of Mittens/Munster’s grinning visages…
…or Bill Clinton?
“Ew, ouch! Testy, testy, there Cereal”
I’ve also noticed how Bob has become increasingly shrill over these past two weeks. And just look at the Klown. Our Good Christian is spewing hate and cussing like a sailor in every post now. What’s up with that? One might even conclude that he’s finally dropped his phony “I’m a good Christian and you’re not” act.
You’re absolutely right – emerging from the Bush Depression has been a long hard slog, and it isn’t over, and hasn’t been helped by the Boehner/Cantor/Ryan/McConnell saboteurs…
Throw ’em OUT!
This is news?
Yup, you can tell that the future is looking brighter and brighter as our resident trolls sink into bilious ire, lashing out with ever more desperation….
Come on guys, come join us!
Let’s build A More Perfect UNION!
@ 24
I got your potent Wisconsin weapon right here:
News: State of Wisconsin
Dept. of Revenue reports budget surplus
Wisconsin collected $126.6 million more than previously expected this year, which may lead to the largest amount of money transferred to the state’s rainy day fund, according to a press release by the Department of Revenue.
Elect Republicans, see businesses do better and more money flow into the state’s coffers.
Patrick said the reasons why the actual collections were larger than what the department had originally projected in May 2012 were wage growth and business profits being stronger than anticipated.
13. Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles) spews:
You quote some idiot at DailyKos who’s job it is to try and shape public opinion. I guarantee you all those states will get hit with MILLIONS of ads.
@ 24 @ 29
Missed this the first time. It’s how you know the WI revenue data is a killer for them:
Democrats did not put out any statements, and a number of them were not available for comment.
Maybe they were all at the DNC. I hear WI Dems go out of state a lot.
“The drop in unemployment was caused because 368,000 people stopped looking for work and therefore were no longer counted in the survey.”
Yeah, the Bush Great Recession has been very difficult for the middle class and the poor. I’m surprised that you’d notice their plight, you being a Galtian Lord and all that, and they being the inferior masses. But something must be done about this, right, Bob? I know! Let’s cut taxes for the rich and slash social safety nets for the middle class and the poor!
@ 30
Actually, I found the news item at (MS)NBC.
Romney’s not spending the money in WI, MI, or PA this weekend. Seems to be true.
What’s nonsensical is the insinuation by Lib Despair and his ilk that it’s because Romney is pulling out of those states. Especially with the revenue news @ 29 and the bad employment data released today, Romney and Ryan will be in WI, big-time. Obama will spend much time and many millions playing defense there.
August 2012 – Jobs +96,000
August 2008 – Jobs -274,000
Four years ago, as the full effects of Republican economic thought and policy were reaching fruition, the BUSH DEPRESSION was on the way to taking the country to monthly lob losses of 800,000 plus.
Yes, we are better off than we were four years ago.
No question.
@ 32
Yes, Steve something must be done about it.
Hey Lib Sci-
You haven’t commented on Gabby’s rousing Pledge of Allegiance (which I know you hate), especially the part where she proudly & loudly proclaimed
I’ll bet that made all you hardcore atheists cringe, huh?
Come on Lib Sci, didn’t you just love those words?!
But curiously not this week, when everyone is paying attention to politics, coming off the conventions.
Why is that?
@ 34
January 2012 – 243,000 jobs
August 2012 – 96,000 jobs, or more than 50,000 fewer than required merely to match natural population growth.
Yes, we are worse off than we were.
No question.
I find them quaint.
I found Gabby inspiring, though – didn’t you?
So now you’re down to banging on “GOD!!!!111!” We all know you’re losing – come join us!
@ 37
But curiously not this week, when everyone is paying attention to politics, coming off the conventions.
Why is that?
Well, I don’t know. Perhaps they simply cannot be everywhere at once. Perhaps in WI they knew the revenue numbers would be there, and the local GOP pols can use that to their own advantage rather than having the news drowned out by ‘Local Boy Paul Ryan back campaigning in Milwaukee’ headlines.
Perhaps WI is close enough that they are working to improve their lot in states that are more worrisome.
I don’t know, but it’s one weekend, there are several weekends left, and Romney’s got, what, a quarter of a billion dollars banked?
Finally, ROMNEY’s not spending money in WI this weekend. You sure Rove isn’t, either?
“August 2012 – Jobs +96,000
August 2008 – Jobs -274,000”
Oh my! You dared to go there. You do know, don’t you, that you have opened youself up to accusations of having an acute case of Bush Derangement Syndrome?
You’ve become a parody of yourself, Cereal. Time to hang it up, you’ve jumped the shark better than the Fonz. Congrats!
BTW you suck at math. Perhaps you could be one of the 2 million people Obama wants to retrain at community college.
No, no, Steve – I’m being the antidote for Bush Amnesia Disorder!
Here is Bloomberg’s take on the Unemployment numbers.
The stock market is up because this means the Fed needs to dish out more dollars and provide more stimulus. Eventually we will see massive inflation. Another kicking the can down the road to feel good today venture.
When you get into the details of these numbers, Obama would be a fool to try and spin them as good news. It doesn’t match the feeling on the ground. Do you really think the millions & millions who have stopped looking for work will be as excited about these numbers as Barry Soetoro?
Hopefully Lib Sci will come to his senses and listen to that wonderful woman, Gabby Giffords, and her enthusiasm for these 4 words-
That’s UNDER GOD, Lib Sci.
“August 2008 – Jobs -274,000”
And those were good numbers during the Bush Admin’s “End of Days”.
The hate-filled Klown and his worn and tired, “I’m a good Christian and you’re not!” act, broadcast as usual from the ol’ goat barn, no doubt.
God, I love it when a Klown head explodes. Keep sharing, asswipe.
@ 42
You misunderstand. The ‘four years ago’ question is one that both sides will try to turn to their advantage. Doctor Steve is sure betting the ranch on his version of events.
All of which is fine.
The point I am trying to make, and have been trying to make in other threads, is that the economy is sliding, it’s not sliding because of GWB43, and it’s not really sliding because of Republican intransigence or Democrat incompetence at this point. It’s sliding because people want direction, need direction, about where things are going financially. They will get that direction, to some extent, when the election outcome is known. Until then, the economy is sliding, the numbers are looking worse (we’re below natural population increase in job growth for the past four months now, if I recall correctly), and there are two more months of bad numbers and four debates (incl. VP) in which they will be discussed and some specific questions will be asked that will make for difficult answers.
In so many different areas this election is now a tie, and the dollars work to Romney’s advantage, while the economic numbers work to Obama’s DISadvantage.
Gee Steve, these Unemployment numbers are actually horrible for Obama
Check out this Wall Street Journal article
wowza! You’ve got issues.
And, no, ‘god’ still does not exist. But I’ll try to love you anyway, just because it’s the right thing to do.
You seem very angry – have you considered therapy?
LMAO! Which is why Walker said employment could be better so “we’ll have to wait until after the election”..
So much for his policies standing on their own..
Oh my! That brings back memories,
The Klown act.
So, I have an admission:
I thought that there would be a big disturbance by the Occupy people or some other protesting group in Charlotte this week.
Maybe I missed it but I think it didn’t happen so I was wrong.
I also think Occupy is pretty much now a non-entity. The 1%/99% thing will live on but too much of the tent city thing is offputting to people actually out either working or trying to find a job.
Are you saying Gabby Giffords is a liar? Do you think Gabby is fantasizing God? What is it Lib Sci??
@ 51
What, YLB, no comment about how he hasn’t created 250,000 jobs yet? (BTW he’s only been in office around 20 months.)
Back to those terrible unemployment numbers.
This is from the Wall Street Journal article..which takes the Democrat machine spin right out
Less than expected and is a sign of a SLACK recovery. How is that great news?
I trust Krugman far, FAR more than Cereal…
I find Cereals FUD growing more tiresome and shrill by the day – and we have two months to put up with it.
Will he still be here Nov 7?
Clint Eastwood speaks:
“I had three points I wanted to make,” Eastwood said. “That not everybody in Hollywood is on the left, that Obama has broken a lot of the promises he made when he took office, and that the people should feel free to get rid of any politician who’s not doing a good job. But I didn’t make up my mind exactly what I was going to say until I said it.”
“I may have irritated a lot of the lefties, but I was aiming for people in the middle.”
Liberal Scientist,
“Come on guys, come join us!
That’s the big point, dipshit, not the tent city.
@ 57
I trust Krugman far more than me, as well.
Just not with my money.
“We have both kinds, Country AND Western.”
You don’t actually read the stories you link to obviously.
The “voter supression” story is actually about how few military over seas have requested absentee ballots. See the Democratic lead Congress,
Made it easier,
There’s conspiracy theory and then there’s plain old stupid. You are monumentally stupid.
“Doctor Steve is sure betting the ranch on his version of events.”
Hardly. History didn’t begin in 2009. You have a record to run on, Bob. It’s just that it’s a really fucked up record and you don’t want to talk about it. You delude yourself into believing it never happened, leaving you without a single lesson learned from your gross mistakes. You’re doubling down on what your party did before which brought this nation to ruin. So of course you don’t want to talk about it. So you call it Bush Derangement Syndrome. Project much?
20 months? Then Wisconsin should have at least 50k more jobs..
I don’t believe that’s the case.
Mr. NOT Cynical,
Please stick with one name in a comment thread, unless you make it obvious that you are switching up names. I’ve taken the liberty of doing that for you here. Thanks.
I have no idea what’s in Gabby Gifford’s heart, but it seems good and courageous. Does she believe in ‘god’? I have no idea.
In the midst of all this rather hate-filled Bibul thumping you’re doing this morning, I’ll repeat myself…
I see no evidence for a divine, personal, transcendent being that you might call ‘god’. I find yours and others’ need for such a being quaint. However, if this god-belief or religion leads you to do good, to love, to create peace and a better world, then great, I’m right there with you.
On the other hand, if this god-belief is just another form of nasty, hate-filled tribalism, as it seems to be with you, than you are just another Neanterthal (with apologies to red-heads everywhere) wielding a clumsy cudgel that has nothing to do with your Jesus’ words of love and peace.
And that sucks for you.
I love that!
AND…it took place in “Bob’s Country Bunker”!!
How apropos!
65 – oops.. That should at least 100k jobs..
Definitely not the case..
Counting on that to distract from the message right Bob?
Really afraid of that message huh Bob?
So UNLIKE that of Social Darwinism..
@ 65
I don’t think so, either. However, job growth has been OK in WI. Unemployment is 7.3%. And,
“The number of people unemployed in Wisconsin peaked in June 2009 at 287,166. There are now 62,968 fewer people unemployed in the state.”
If you look at the graph, 2009 and 2010 are the same, so the decline was since Walker was elected. 63K fewer unemployed in the state probably means 50+K new jobs so you and I probably are both incorrect.
Here’s the bottom line, YLB: In 2014 he’s up for re-election. The jobs will continue to grow, revenues will continue to grow, anger over the collective bargaining thing will have subsided, and the benefits of the lower costs of employing teachers and other unionized employees will have further accrued to the municipalities.
Given all that, what is your argument for deposing him? That he didn’t make his 250K number?
Hell, by that measure we should bounce Obama because he didn’t close Gitmo.
The WI economy is clearly significantly better and Walker has a valid claim to being part of the reason. An important part.
Sorry, dude.
@ 68
AND…it took place in “Bob’s Country Bunker”!!
How apropos!
God bless John Belushi, Freddie Mercury, and John Wayne.
“BTW he’s only been in office around 20 months.”
A testament to what a fucked up condition your party left this nation in. And yet somehow you conclude that doing it all over again, repeating the same mistakes you made before, would be a good thing. Gawd, you’re stupid.
@ 73
I’m pretty sure that the difference between Walker’s plea for re-election in 2014 and Obama’s plea this year will be that Walker’s won’t sound like one big “Yabut”.
“unless you make it obvious that you are switching up names”
We know who he is, Darryl. He’s a dumbfuck Klown, so he’ll never be able to hide teh stupid no matter how many screen names he uses in a thread.
But which god? You really need to be more clear. The god that looks like a cross between Santa Claus and Charlton Heston? The great sky god? Zeus? Odin? Allah? The God that looks like Morgan Freeman? The God that looks like Whoopi Goldberg? The giant flying spaghetti monster? The God you get to be if you are really good in the Mormon Church? Buddha? Shiva? The god that lets good loving people die of disease but so called faithful spit venom and hate without consequence? The mysterious God that is unknowable? Coyote? The Earth Mother?
Could you please provide a birth certificate for the particular god so we will know which one is the one she meant?
“Is it just me”
@ 75
What Doctor Steve said.
Are the Media Going Soft on the Democrats?
“The Obama recession is in full swing, ladies and gentlemen. Stocks are dying, which is a precursor of things to come.” (Rush Limbaugh, November 6, 2008)
Sounds like a bummer.
Bush was still in office and wingnuts, led by their Fearless Leader, were already calling the Bush Recession the Obama Recession.
And the Dow, S&P and NASDAQ are all at new highs.
You forgot Alanis Morissette.
Really? Really? That’s what you want to argue about?
It is just you, I’ll echo that. But so what? What if he is a Muslim? Why does that matter?
Does one have to be a Christianist to be President, in your world?
It’s just you.
Maybe this has something to do with why most people have no money to spend:
Just a thought.
LOL! Nice way to dodge that Walker is way behind schedule on promised job results and he practically blames Obama for it.
At the end of 48 mos? If Obama is re-elected he will MOST DEFINITELY BLAME Obama for falling short of the mark..
All your mythmaking about “uncertainty” and Dems being bad for business is a lot of horseshit.. For what it’s worth job growth when Dems control the White House is somewhat better than the other guys.
If demand is there, then business steps up and claims what profits are to be had.
Demand isn’t there Bob. When demand isn’t there, that’s when government has to prime the pump. And what better way to pump prime than to build out crumbling infrastructure that the civil engineers have been handing out failing grades on for as long as I can remember.
Basic common sense that is totally lost on right wingers these days. Sigh…
Unemployment peaked just about everywhere at just about the same time.;ind=false
Seems Rhett Orric has shut his trap.
Thank God.
@ 85
“And what better way to pump prime than to build out crumbling infrastructure that the civil engineers have been handing out failing grades on for as long as I can remember.”
Except that wasn’t what was done when the ARRA was passed. Money was handed out to states to paper over their problems for another year, which did no one any good. Money was put into ‘shovel-ready’ projects that weren’t, as Obama himself has admitted, and the money sat and frequently wasn’t spent as intended. Money was handed out to citizens in the form of small amounts, which were frequently not noticed or were banked. Money was doled out preferentially to Obama supporters. Money was put into housing while prices were still falling, enticing people to buy homes that would soon have them underwater, worsening the crisis.
The government doesn’t HAVE to prime the pump. Especially if the government spends way too much to achieve far too little.
If new government money goes into infrastructure it has to go through the permitting process, planning, etc. We’ve seen that ‘shovel-ready’ is not.
@ 85
LOL! Nice way to dodge that Walker is way behind schedule on promised job results and he practically blames Obama for it.
Right. I ‘dodged’ it by bringing it up @ 55. I was so scared about having to talk about it that I decided to bring it up.
Strange little world in which your mind resides, YLB. I suppose sexual ambiguity can do that to a person.
Specter and the ladies from Maine would not accept another dime past 800 billion. The whole thing had to be larded up with tax cuts which while appreciated in many households couldn’t hold a candle to good paying jobs at the prevailing wage.
Bob. Ever hear of Florida? Crist pretty much said last night when the Florida’s economy cratered police, fire, teachers were still needed and the dollars they make are all spent into the economy.
And recessions are supposed to temporary things. So a bet of sorts was made – the best bet that could be made under the circumstances.
Politics is the art of the possible Bob. With morons like McConnell doing everything they can to obstruct proven solutions to economic problems – well we see the results..
I’ve come to not blame McConnell not that much. He’s fighting for his party’s survival.. Their ideas and policies are abysmal failures so he and his friends like DeMint are just playing spoiler until the eventual demographic shifts just plow them under. They’ve got something of a longshot at extending their influence for another generation or so. So why not go for it? Nice bunch there.
Yawwn… 55 is because I forced the issue..
You smarmy little bastard. When you don’t have much to argue, you resort to attacks of a sexual nature..
When have I ever done that to you Bob?
@ 90
And recessions are supposed to temporary things.
It was. Ended more than three years ago, YLB. We started growing, remember? And then we stopped growing. This year, averaged, we’re not even keeping up with population growth, jobswise:
– Since the start of the year, job growth has averaged 139,000 per month vs. an average monthly gain of 153,000 in 2011.
And what’s covering it up? More people are joining the YLB workforce:
– While the unemployment rate dropped to 8.1% from 8.3% in July, it was due to a big drop in the labor force participation rate (the share of Americans with a job or looking for one). If fewer Americans hadn’t given up looking for work, the unemployment rate would have risen.
– Reuters notes that the participation rate is now at its lowest level since September 1981.
– If the labor force participation rate was the same as when Obama took office in January 2009, the unemployment rate would be 11.2%.
– If the participation rate had just stayed the same as last month, the unemployment rate would be 8.4%.
Looks like you’ve got lots of company, YLB.
It’s really time to stop BlamingBush for the current economic woes, YLB. That recession was steep, yes, but that recession is over. It’s time to stand on your record, or not.
Which is your problem as we head into Fall.
It’s very difficult to successfully blame the current slide on something that happened four years ago, when there was an ongoing recovery subsequent to those events.
You’ll find out how difficult very soon.
Wow, this thread was posted at 11:34 PM last night, and at 9:43 AM this morning it already has nearly 100 comments. The first three from Gator, and Cereal is busy this morning, too. These guys gotta be paid trolls on a mission to drown this thread in the bathtub.
I’m late to the party because I’m watching stocks this morning. The stock market is flat because of the lousy jobs report, but steel and coal stocks (both of which I own) are soaring this AM because China is stimulating its economy with a huge infrastructure program.
Oh no! The commies are gonna give CPR to their economy by building infrastructure! That means Obama can’t. The GOP Congress would never approve it, because it’s now clear that building infrastructure is a communist plot to take over the world.
@ 91
Cry me a river, little one. I endure daily onslaughts that frequently are around 10 to 1. I’m called racist, goat-fucker, asshole, among other things in a similar vein. Oh, and smarmy bastard just now, and dipshit earlier in the thread.
Your manhood is questioned and what do you do? Get your panties in a twist.
I have no idea why I once honestly and innocently thought you were a girl, YLB. Maybe man up, grow a thicker skin, and I’ll stop referring to you in female terms.
@ 94
The commies are gonna give CPR to their economy by building infrastructure!
CAT and FCX, two of my holdings, jumped nicely.
All that foreign-earned income. Just sitting over there in foreign accounts, not doing anyone in America any good, unless they own stock in these companies. Income already taxed once.
Such a pity.
Whatever shall we do to liberate that capital so that it can be put to use domestically, RR?
And what did Mitch McConnell do to help fix that Bob?
I understand the idiots in the House had some ideas..
We reviewed those and found they were piss poor at helping to create jobs (to put it kindly) and they even killed people.
Bush is at fault for the Depression that started on his watch and is busting the safety net rolls. He is at fault for the policies of war and vote/contribution buying through a new unfunded entitlement. He is at fault for a tax cut that mainly benefited the morons who are fueling a booming business in Super Pacs right now.
I blame the Republicans of the 2009 Congress for a much too small stimulus that has failed to adequately jump start economic growth..
I blame the Republicans of the 2009 and 2011 Congress’ for playing “block that kick” against Obama and the Democrats at the expense of people suffering the worst recession since the 1930’s
@ 97
And what did Mitch McConnell do to help fix that Bob?
Um, McConnell isn’t running the Senate. Reid is. One of yours. McConnell has occasionally been able to force votes. A lot of bills are on Reid’s desk, unaddressed.
Again, you’re placing a lot of blame on people who ran things four years ago. That doesn’t explain the slide since 2011 Q4.
Nice try but you just spent a whole comment reinforcing the irrelevance of your argument.
Remarkably revealing.
@92 “It’s really time to stop BlamingBush for the current economic woes”
You seem to misunderstand the economic situation and to misinterpret what we’ve been posting about it.
The economy’s current woes are rooted in the economic policies of the last 30 years. Plenty of actors had their fingers in it, but the main culprits are Alan Greenspan, greedy bankers, and the conservative ideology that led to repeal of Glass-Steagal, deregulation of the financial industry, and so on. If you’re at all concerned about deficits and public debt, we can also throw in the wild borrow-and-spend behavior of Republicans starting with Reagan. All this shit came to a head under Bush, but he doesn’t deserve all the blame, although he certainly isn’t innocent. Some Democrats who went along with these destructive Republican policies also deserve to share in the blame, but that doesn’t mean the cure is more of the same reckless and irresponsible Republican policies.
@92 “It’s very difficult to successfully blame the current slide on something that happened four years ago …”
True. As noted above, in fixing blame, you’ve got to consider the last 30 years, not just the last 4 years.
racist?? Stop acting racist then.. Steve made the case and it looks solid to me.
Goat-fucker.. I’ve never called you that to my recollection.
asshole.. The sexual attacks are the mark of an asshole in my book. My current handle points to such a right wing idiot .
I find sexual attacks smarmy.. It’s what right wingers have been doing here in these threads for years. When you guys got nothing, all of a sudden you’re painting your opponents with female anatomy and gay baiting them.
It betrays an awful lot of insecurity and dysfunction on your part.
Now you’re making me laugh! Think about it and come up with something Bob. Is that so beyond you? LMAO!! No I don’t expect you to respond and the LEAST I expect is “honesty”..
That is really funny!
Bob I’ve been commenting here since Dec 2004. I don’t plan on stopping. No matter what assholes like Max or anyone else throws at me.
Do your worst! It’s what we expect from the right wing.
@ 97
Suppose you were forced to argue Obama’s suitability for re-election, in terms that do NOT include mention of how bad things were when Obama assumed the presidency.
IOW you were forced to defend his record without talking about his predecessor.
Could you do it?
Um, McConnell isn’t running the Senate.
oh Bob. Ever hear of the filibuster? What is it with you today?
@ 102
You play the victim nicely, YLB. I’ll give you that. I notice you haven’t recently brought up the past comments by others who have treated you poorly. Did that grow old or did you just (rightly) figure I’d call you on it yet again?
“permitting process, planning, etc.”
Those are jobs that you have just described, Bob, most of them in the private sector – architects and engineers. In the public sector it’s jobs in city, county, L&I and DOH planning and plan review departments. We could call it “pencil ready”, if you don’t mind, but they’re still very real jobs that lead to even more jobs when plans are approved and construction begins and major equipment and materials orders to manufacturers are being placed by contractors who are hiring labor because they have work to do.
“Shovel Ready.” It’s a process, not an event. Do yee how it works now?
WordPress is rejecting my response to @92. I’ve already broken it into three segments, and the first two posted, but I’m getting “Forbidden” and “denied access” message in response to something in the last part of my comment. The only thing I can do in this situation is try to isolate the problem word or phrase by breaking the comment into multiple pieces. I’m going to try that.
@ 104
Why, yes, I have heard of that.
I’ve seen lots of votes not reach 60 to advance a bill.
I haven’t seen much use of the filibuster insofar as economic issues are concerned.
There’s a difference, you know.
@92 ” … when there was an ongoing recovery subsequent to those events.”
The key word here is recovery. The economy has been recovering ever since Obama took the reins. Unemployment bottomed in the summer of 2009, a few months after Obama took office, then turned around and has been improving ever since. That was partly due to Obama’s stimulus measures. The bank and auto bailouts also helped.
@ 107
Hurry, RR!!
I don’t know what I’ll do if I don’t get to ready your comment.
The issue being debated in this fall’s political campaign is not that the economy is getting worse but how fast it’s getting better. The Republican argument is, “not fast enough.” Many job seekers would agree. But the question is whether anything can be done to speed up hiring.
In a heartbeat:
Didn’t you watch Clinton’s speech??
The Republicans have held the American people hostage these last 4 years. As I alluded to earlier they couldn’t have much of a prayer otherwise.
I can only hope enough people wake up and see that by November.
@110 I’m going as fast as I can, asshole.
Republicans are for austerity. This policy doesn’t expand an economy, it shrinks it, so how they plan to speed up hiring by firing government workers and cutting programs like unemployment benefits, food stamps, and Medicaid is a mystery, as all of these measures will subtract from the amount of money consumers can spend. Maybe Republicans think this will be more than offset by increased sales of fancy handbags and rare art to billionaires if they’re given more tax cuts, but this is doubtful because rich consumers reach a saturation point when they’ve already got shoes, gowns, tuxedos, diamond rings, expensive watches, and sketches and paintings coming out of their ears.
It’s easy to pit Republican economic policies against Democratic policies. All you have to do is look at the historical record. Republicans get us into depressions and Democrats fish us out of them. Republicans destroy jobs and Democrats create them. Stock markets go up under Democrats and not so much under Republicans. When you study the historical record, it’s obvious that Republicans are wealth destroyers, not wealth creators.
So why would anyone vote for them? The GOP’s economic record is so bad I suspect even the Koch brothers secretly pull the lever for Democratic candidates. They won’t talk about it, but those guys didn’t get to be billionaires by being stupid about money. And if you vote Republican, you’re being stupid.
@ 106
Up close and personal, Doctor Steve.
My wife and I just completed a short-plat, converting two 10-acre parcels into four 5-acre parcels. No change in use, the area was already zoned for 5-acre rural use.
It took us four years. One document we had to notarize and submit a total of three times, because the County couldn’t make up its mind as to what it wanted. We asked them to pre-approve the language before the second submission, which they did, and then subsequently rejected after it was filed following signing/notary.
Up close and personal.
test Gucci Rolex
The problem appears to be one of the two brand name words in #117. I’m going to try posting the whole comment in one piece without those words and see what happens.
Before I do, Cereal, I’ll save you the trouble of reading the whole comment and give you the executive summary here:
You’re an idiot and don’t know what you’re talking about.
There is a huge amount of pent-up money in Aerospace, waiting to be spent.
Airbus and Boeing are both using incredible engineering and parts production resources around the worl for the Boeing 787-8 and the 747-8F and 747-8I. Add to this the combined ramp-up of the Airbus A320-NEO, and the Boeing 737-MAX, and Boeing 787-9 coming onto the production lines in 2014, mean a huge pull on trained workers, parts, and logistics across the world.
So now is the time for second-tier suppliers (i.e., those who sell to Boeing and Airbus) to be increasing factory space and hiring and training workers, is it not? Except most of them are still sitting on the sidelines, trying to make-do with the facilities, tooling, and workers they already have. Why?
Because aerospace firms know that they have to maintain a mix of military and civilian work, while capable of performing both. So if there is a recession or high fuel prices hitting the commercial market, the military market can keep the company in business. If military budgets are being cut, the civilian market is the protection the firm needs.
But with a huge cut in military and social spending pending if the Democrats and Republicans don’t work out a budget, and the prospect of a new rescession if both occur at the same time, aerospace firms are afraid to spend big bucks on expansion. So everyone is sitting on cash, waiting for the end of the election in the hopes that whoever wins, the budget issues are more likely to be resolved without the partisonship of an election year intruding.
Of course, if Tea Party Republicans would be less intransigent, then a compromise could be reached and the unemployment numbers would drop immediately. Which, of course, is exactly why they won’t do anything – at least not until after the election.
LMAO!! It’s not about me Bob.. It’s about right wingers and how poorly they represent themselves and by extension what they believe in.
Just reading these threads – who in their right mind would want to have anything to do with such people?
@92 “It’s really time to stop BlamingBush for the current economic woes”
You seem to misunderstand the economic situation and to misinterpret what we’ve been posting about it.
The economy’s current woes are rooted in the economic policies of the last 30 years. Plenty of actors had their fingers in it, but the main culprits are Alan Greenspan, greedy bankers, and the conservative ideology that led to repeal of Glass-Steagal, deregulation of the financial industry, and so on. If you’re at all concerned about deficits and public debt, we can also throw in the wild borrow-and-spend behavior of Republicans starting with Reagan. All this shit came to a head under Bush, but he doesn’t deserve all the blame, although he certainly isn’t innocent. Some Democrats who went along with these destructive Republican policies also deserve to share in the blame, but that doesn’t mean the cure is more of the same reckless and irresponsible Republican policies.
“It’s very difficult to successfully blame the current slide on something that happened four years ago …”
True. As noted above, in fixing blame, you’ve got to consider the last 30 years, not just the last 4 years.
” … when there was an ongoing recovery subsequent to those events.”
The key word here is recovery. The economy has been recovering ever since Obama took the reins from Shrub. Unemployment bottomed in the summer of 2009, a few months after Obama took office, then turned around and has been improving ever since. That was partly due to Obama’s stimulus measures. The bank and auto bailouts also helped.
The issue being debated in this fall’s political campaign is not that the economy is getting worse but how fast it’s getting better. The Republican argument is, “not fast enough.” Many job seekers would agree. But the question is whether anything can be done to speed up hiring.
Republicans are for austerity. This policy doesn’t expand an economy, it shrinks it, so how they plan to speed up hiring by firing government workers and cutting programs like unemployment benefits, food stamps, and Medicaid is a mystery, as all of these measures will subtract from the amount of money consumers can spend. Maybe Republicans think this will be more than offset by increased sales of G*** handbags and rare art to billionaires if they’re given more tax cuts, but this is doubtful because rich consumers reach a saturation point when they’ve already got shoes, gowns, tuxedos, diamond rings, R*** watches, and sketches and paintings coming out of their ears.
It’s easy to pit Republican economic policies against Democratic policies. All you have to do is look at the historical record. Republicans get us into depressions and Democrats fish us out of them. Republicans destroy jobs and Democrats create them. Stock markets go up under Democrats and not so much under Republicans. When you study the historical record, it’s obvious that Republicans are wealth destroyers, not wealth creators.
So why would anyone vote for them? The GOP’s economic record is so bad I suspect even the Koch brothers secretly pull the lever for Democratic candidates. They won’t talk about it, but those guys didn’t get to be billionaires by being stupid about money. And if you vote Republican, you’re being stupid.
Yep, it was one of those words. It appears WordPress thinks G*** and R*** are swear words.
@116 So because you got jerked around on a short plat application, you hate all government and all government workers?
If it took four years, maybe that’s because you didn’t know what you were doing. Land use and zoning are arcane, intricate, and highly procedural. Either you should’ve hired a consultant or not asked to use your property for testing homebuilt nuclear weapons.
@ 120
Of course, if Tea Party Republicans would be less intransigent, then a compromise could be reached
Um, couldn’t the Democrats also be less intransigent?
Why is it always the fault of the GOP if they don’t want to give you what you want? Ever consider that your demands might be too high?
“It’s really time to stop BlamingBush for the current economic woes”
Actually, it past time that a single Republican accept the tiniest bit, even just an iota of responsibility for the mess we’re in. Instead, we got this,
“The Obama recession is in full swing, ladies and gentlemen. Stocks are dying, which is a precursor of things to come.” (Rush Limbaugh, November 6, 2008)
That’s all we’ve heard since it began. You simply have no right to ask anybody to stop blaming Bush until your side gets real and accepts some responsibility.
I’m sure I would stop blaming you if you would stop blaming me. After all, there is enough blame to go around, a lot of reasons why Democrats should apologize to this nation and hang their heads in shame along with Republicans. But until I meet a Republican who is still in touch with reality, why should I bother? Read Limbaugh’s statement. Read the Klown’s comments. Why should I bother, Bob?
@ 124
No, my point is that municipalities tend to move slowly and, whether private sector or public sector, money allocated now doesn’t actually get spent for a rather long time unless there’s already a fully approved and permitted project.
There are very few fully approved and permitted projects. So deciding we’re going to spend $500B, a trillion, whatever, for ‘civil infrastructure’ means that money we allocate now gets spent in late 2013 or 2014, and doesn’t help the current situation, which is what everyone wants to address.
@125 Here is more information on Tulsi and the 65 point swing. You have to admit she was a big hit in North Carolina this week.Did you like her blue dress?
Those words appear in a lot of rip-off spam offers. Like v**g*a..
@125 “Um, couldn’t the Democrats also be less intransigent?”
Give us a fucking break. Obama offered them $10 of spending cuts for every $1 of tax increases, and your guys blew off that deal.
Personally, I think next time Obama should stick a loaded gun to Boehner’s and McConnell’s heads,* offer them 50-50, and give them 10 seconds to make up their minds.
* Just kidding! That’s a Ted Nugent joke.
You know, I think if Obama made an offer to those Republican bastards to eliminate estate, capital gains, and corporate taxes; eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Chips; eliminate TANF, food stamps, and unemployment benefits; to summarily execute half of the federal workforce; and begin bombing Iran immediately, they still wouldn’t take it. The only thing they care about is getting the black guy out of the White House.
@129 Seems plausible. Maybe I should have used a more acceptable phrase, like “Tim Eyman watches.” Except who the hell wants those, you can’t even give them away in Brooklyn, which would undermine the point I was trying to make.
@116 “Up close and personal.”
Last week I talked to the City of Olympia and they agreed to allow a project to bypass plan review and instead we’ll just obtain an over-the-counter permit. Then I talked to DOH and they were fine with my not submitting any plans to them at all. Nothing is compromised. They know what they’re doing, I know what I’m doing. We managed to save a private sector owner a lot of time and money, and saved the taxpayer money as well. And now even more private sector jobs are being created.
You see, Bob, some folk’s “up close and personal” style gets them nowhere, it can even hurt them. For others, it gets things done in everybody’s best interests.
@ 131
And that deluded thought is my cue that this is becoming a waste of time.
It’s also why no one cares what RR thinks.
Have a good day, all.
@134 There’s nothing delusional about it. And that’s the problem.
@ 133
Glad to see that type of action is occurring somewhere, Steve.
Island County seems to be slow-walking stuff, OTOH. There’s an increasingly broad sentiment that it’s being done intentionally by County staff who are anti-growth, even though the money is needed desperately by the County and its citizens. If a project doesn’t pass, money doesn’t get spent on development and construction, people don’t get paid, taxes don’t flow, and the County can’t do anything about the 30% cuts it has endured, but no matter. To enough people on the County staff there isn’t a reason to permit growth, so they do what they can to obstruct it.
Our attorney went to the County and basically told the person who rejected the notarized document that she was practicing law without a license. He didn’t bill us for his time to do that. He’s a real estate attorney on the island and knows how to draft an easement document. He shouldn’t have had to do it three times.
Glad things are moving in Olympia. Elsewhere, not so much.
@134 “It’s also why no one cares what RR thinks.”
We’ve already addressed this. Recently. I put it up to an HA vote, and you not only lost, nobody voted for you not even yourself, whereas I received numerous endorsements.
You’re right in one respect, though. You don’t care what I think, and you’re “no one.”
@136 You seem to believe anything and anyone can be bought. Island County is a uniquely picturesque place where its existing character is the main draw of residents, and in a place like that you have to expect a lot of development restrictions.
A vote? With buttons and stickers and “I Like Ike” and shit?
I’m devastated, RR. Simply devastated.
I’ll leave you to play with yourself.
@136 “Our attorney went to the County and basically told the person who rejected the notarized document that she was practicing law without a license.”
Your attorney is an ass.
“He didn’t bill us for his time to do that.”
Because the Rules of Professional Conduct prohibit attorneys from charging clients when they don’t do any work.
@ 138
I seem to believe that permissible uses based on existing zoning are permissible, asswipe. Retired attorney, my ass.
@139 Please don’t commit suicide over it. We need trolls like you. We wouldn’t have anything to do without you clowns to kick around.
@141 How do you know it’s a permissible use? Is that your personal opinion? If it’s a permissible use, why can’t you get county approval? Even without seeing it, it seems pretty obvious your application is behing held up because you’re asking for something the county doesn’t want to approve.
“No, my point is that municipalities tend to move slowly and, whether private sector or public sector, money allocated now doesn’t actually get spent for a rather long time unless there’s already a fully approved and permitted project.”
You are obviously entrenched, so I’m not going to bother explaining the process to you again.
“There are very few fully approved and permitted projects. So deciding we’re going to spend $500B, a trillion, whatever, for ‘civil infrastructure’ means that money we allocate now gets spent in late 2013 or 2014, and doesn’t help the current situation, which is what everyone wants to address.”
My professional opinion? You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, Bob. But that has never stopped you before, now has it?
Do you know what the design fees would be for a $200 million construction project and how many jobs that represents? I do, but I won’t bother to tell you because you don’t want to know.
That goes back to my other question. Why bother? You’re not interested in dialog. You’re certainly not interested in learning anything. Why bother?
After sub-dividing the lots, it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if Serial Conservative didn’t try to enforce developement restrictions on those around them, to maintain the rural nature and view and thereby improve his property values. After all, what’s he going to do if the guy next door with the small store turns it into a Wal-Mart?
I have some friends who are pretty far to the right, and you will hear them ranting and railing about restrictions against what they can do on their ten-acre lot. Actually, the restrictions are pretty benign, they got really upset when the County prohibiting them from shooting on the property because a school was built next door. But you should have heard them go absolutely apoplexic when somebody started cutting down trees and putting in a develoopment on the next ridge over, spoiling their view!
What’s Luca Brasi when we need him?
I’m going to go count my shekels for a while. The overall stock market is flat today, but I’m making money anyway, simply by sitting here on my fat rabbit ass arguing with an idiot about Island County land use practices. God, I love capitalism! It’s so much better for me personally than working or producing anything. Being a capitalist leech like me beats being a worker every day of the week.
@146 I dunno. People like that always let you down when you need them. Society has changed and not for the better. Even thieves have no honor anymore.
@149 Did he really say that? Or is someone making this up? I can’t believe he’s that stupid. Not even Romney can be that stupid. It’s impossible to be that stupid. No one is that stupid. This is joke somebody made up, right?
By the way, some news here which should probably go under the “Ann Rand Lives” file:
O’Leary, the CEO of Ryan Air, a low-cost airline in Europe which has advocated pay toilets and stand-up seating on it’s aircraft, called it’s customers “idiots” and “stupid”.
Airline CEO Calls Customers “Idiots”
Actually, it’s a pretty good article – it points out that the model whereby companies are allowed to get away with just about anything as long as they disclose it in the fine print simply isn’t valid.
By the way, O’Leary is famous for offering very low fairs, but getting the money back (and more) by adding additional charges for just about anything. He advocated pay toilets and stand-up seating on airplanes. Ryan Air once refused to divert to a closer airport when a passenger suffered a heart attack, and charged his wife for the sandwhich they offered “to make him feel better”. When volcanic ash required the grounding of airplanes, some Ryan Air flights landed at closed airports far from the city, late at night – and although the sent vans to pick up the aircrew, no accomodations were made for ground transportation for the passengers. In the most recent controversy, a woman was charged about $360 for printing out the boarding passes at the airport because she didn’t have time to do before then.
Wow! It appears he’s actually that stupid.
I think we’re going to see this clip in Democratic ads.
One question which professers like to pose: What if you have a Good Friday sale with products at incredibly low prices, but at limited quantities. The problem is, there are a dozen land mines between the front door and the table holding the products. Can the store avoid responsibility for the inevitable deaths and maiming, as long as it puts up a warning notice on the door which says that it is not responsible for any injuries customers might incur while shopping at the store? What if it specifically mentions land mines?
This is one of the reasons I’m voting for democrats.
There is this often repeated meme by Conservatives that they much more compassionate than liberals, They way they justify that assertion is to point to the studies showing that conservatives give more of their money to charity than liberals do. That liberal states give less to charity.
The problem with that is only a conservative can equate money to compassion.
Conservatives give some money at church that might use it to feed the homeless but also might use that to deny gay couples the right to marry. Conservatives are pro-death penalty, pro-war, anti-gay, anti-universal healthcare, anti-Medicare, anti-Medicaid, anti-Social Security and pro Social Darwinism and then they think they more compassionate than a liberal who wants an end to war and poverty.
A liberal equates actions to compassion.
There for, I’m voting for democrats. I know they are not perfect, not by a long shot, but they more likely to support programs and values that are in the new testament than what the republicans want to do.
When will conservatives, by their policy choices, stop putting greed ahead of everything else?
“Elsewhere, not so much.”
Um, I do projects all over this state, and in all western states. I’ve never had a problem. You just have to know what you’re doing, Bob.
Here’s a tip, as I suspect I know what your problem was at Island County. Check your condescending attitude at the door the next time you deal with a planning department and treat people with respect. You might be surprised at how much that alone will grease the skids.
If you are comparing @151 and Ryan Air with @153 and land mines, I think the difference is the death.
Our culture will put up with a lot of gouging, because we believe in “Fierce Individualism”, and part of that is “buyer beware”. Fierce Individuals read the small print, and think that everyone else is just stupid. Also people can make up for lost money, in theory, and learn from their mistakes.
But if you kill people, you cannot make up the life. Death doesn’t have a do over.
Sadly, Romney said that.
I see a TV ad coming: “…so how does Romney explain not mentioning the sacrifices of the soldiers in Afghanistan?” (cut to Romney) “You talk about things you think are *important*”.
Question: Is romney mentioning the sacrifices of the soldiers worse than the democrats not saying “God” enough for the republicans?
@151 It’s a basic truth that a business, to survive, has to make its expenses and a profit over the long haul. (This doesn’t preclude temporary losses during periods of market weakness or spikes in fuel or other input costs.)
Many businesses “tease” prospective customers by offering lowball prices and then tacking on hidden or extra charges to make their costs and a profit. Airlines charging for checked baggage when fuel costs go up is a good example.
Consumers aren’t innocent. They want something for nothing. They want goods and services for below cost. They don’t care if the company makes a profit or survives. And they fall for lowballing and fine-print selling tactics.
At times, it almost seems a lot of businesses deserve their customers, and vice versa.
@153 That depends on where the store is located, who planted the mines, and what local customs and practices are. If you’re a vendor selling AK-47s from a stall in a Kandahar flea market, the
land mines probably won’t be an issue you need to worry about.
“Romney says he doesn’t plan to watch Obama’s speech” — NBC headline
“Rommel, you magnificent bastard, I read your book!” — Gen. Patton
I’m late to the party. :-(
Re the conventions:
1) Only those on the tip of the wingnut wing could fail to recognize how much better in all respects the Dem convention was to the other.
2) Not only in prime time, the Dems speakers to the convention show that the Dem bench is strong and very, very deep.
3) Dem superstars have the candle power to make every and any Republican invisible. (pun intended)
4) The race for 2016 begins on November 7th. What the Big Dawg pulled off on Wednesday and what he’s planning to do over the months ahead put him in position to “demand” Obama endorse Hillary early if she decides to run. Frankly, given what Sec Clinton has accomplished as SOS I think she’d be a damn good president and I highly suspect Obama does too.
At :56 of this video George Romney’s wife speaks gratefully of the assistance, such as the government relief program, that was available to them when they were young and down and out.
Mitt would deny to Americans today what once allowed his own father to get ahead in life. No wonder now why it is that I recall George Romney as being a far better man than his ungrateful son, who was born on third base in part because his father once cashed gub’mint relief checks.
# 157: There’s a reason why Romney is limiting any reference to Iraq, Afganistan, or veterans during his campaign.
First of all, it reminds people that while a fierce defender of U.S. involvement in Vietnam, he himself spent the critical war years on a ministerial deferment as a Mormon missionary in the wilds of France.
Secondly, and perhaps more importantly in terms of time, was that during his 2008 campaign he was a fierce defender of the war in Iraq. But when reportes asked him how come none of his five children served, he said that they were serving their country in another way – by helping with his campaign. That answer went over like a led balloon, and doomed his campaign while still in the 2008 primaries.
He hopes to avoid the issue entirely this time around.
“[W]hen you compare Romney’s speech with Obama’s and the GOP convention vs. the Dem convention, it’s easy to conclude that Obama and the Democrats won the past two weeks.”
On the news radio this morning while I was commuting in from work, I heard comments about the President’s speach, as well as Romney’s response. They noted that Romney’s response was sent a few minutes before the President began spaking.
Like I’ve said before, it doesn’t matter what Democrats say or do. Republicans have their script and talking points, which they will regurgitate whenever they feel like it, regardless of the context or actual facts which prove otherwise.
@163 rhp6033 nailed it.
The story of Mitt Rmoney’s entire life is running away from and hiding his record.
At this juncture Slick Willard’s record is seeing the light of day, and like all slime it dries up and blows away in the light of the sun.
As a veteran who knows many others and far too many veteran families who made the ultimate sacrifice, you can be damn sure that all of them are going to be shown that hideous reply.
After all, what else are smart phones and tablets for?
A seven point convention “bump” in approval rating for President Obama, now at 52%.
Next President Can’t Speed Up Job Creation
“No matter who ends up occupying the White House in January, many of the forces that have kept unemployment high and jobs growth slow will be beyond his control. …
“While both sides disagree on the causes, there’s no disputing that this is the worst economic recovery in 50 years. …
“The budget impasse in the U.S. is due largely to [the] huge, and rising, cost of providing health care and retirement income to an aging population. The dearth of private retirement savings will bring a slowdown in consumer spending as baby boomers continue to tighten their belts. Those trends are irreversible.
“With wage growth stagnant, growth in spending remains weak for consumers in every age group. The boom in borrowing during the 2000s helped offset sluggish wage growth. The resulting housing bust destroyed trillions of dollars in household wealth. …
“[S]tate and local governments are still shedding workers. The Obama administration’s massive federal stimulus program … criticized by Republicans … helped blunt those layoffs. As those funds have dried up, local governments have been hit with lower sales and property tax receipts ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I posted about this last week. Citing hedge fund manager Joe Dalio’s recent “white paper” about deleveraging, I said it doesn’t matter who wins the election, because the economy’s restructuring will take years. The U.S., Dalio said, spent 60 years leveraging up and it’ll take at least 15 to 20 years to deleverage. We’re about 5 years into that process, so the next president — whoever it is — won’t preside over prosperity. That’s just an inescapable fact of life.
@167 It’s still too early to see the full “convention bump” in the polls, but Nate Silver and RealClearPolitics both have Obama coming up. The electoral maps haven’t changed. The same states
are still tossups. I think the main observation at this point is Romney didn’t get the breakout he needs.
# 154: Note also that there is a difference between “charity” and “charitable deductions”, as allowed by the I.R.S. Some people work in soup kitches and homeless shelters, others contribute to churches which support those in need in a variety of ways. And, of course, the opposite is true as well: some donations to a church simply end up buying the pastor a new jet, a huge sanctuary, and impressive salaries to the staff and a marketing/educational/ center. Other charitiable donations are ostensibly for good purposes, but huge amounts of the donations are spent on treating the donars as if they were living royalty with catered parties & champaign, entertainment stars performing at private gatherings, etc.
Both parties have people who are capable of fitting within any of these descriptions. I’ve lived in the southeast, southern California, and Washington State, and I’ve seem my fair share of charitiable giving which fits each of these categories. I’ve also seen volunteers go out of their way to rescue people without any consideration of their personal risk or the status of the victim.
My point is: the tax return data is totally incapable of measuring any of this with the detail needed to form a conclusion. So for Republicans to say they give more money to charity than Democrats do, it’s based on meaningles data. They should at least be specific to measure giving to churches – at least then we would know what they were talking about.
@168 Roger,
I respectfully disagree. Not going in to all the details, see Paul Krugman.
When the world is willing to pay you to hold their money and you’ve lots of stuff needing to be fixed and built one should fiscally stimulate the economy. Granted, if Gekko/Galt get in with a Republican congress, no chance. And unless we begin to make the point that the Republican house needs to be thrown over too we won’t take it back and we’re back where we started.
But household deleveraging does not require stagnant demand and stagnant job growth. See Dr. K. :-)
@169 The odds-makers never sleep. Check out the trend today.
@171 I’m not arguing for the status quo. I agree with the infrastructure idea. That’s exactly what China did today. (But they don’t know anything because they’re communists running a centrally planned economy, so their 8% growth rate doesn’t mean anything.) In the bigger picture, though, it’s awfully hard to make a case that consumer spending — the main driver of the U.S. economy — will come back.
Maybe that makes government spending even more important. The problem is, where does the money come from? The obvious answer is, we should get it by letting the historically low tax rates on the very rich expire, because they won’t spend that money on consumption and the economy doesn’t need more investment capital, and taxing them more is both fair and preferable to paying for infrastructure buildup with more borrowing.
I think it’s pointless to talk about the GOP House majority being overthrown in this cycle. I don’t see that happening. The next two years will be the low point for Democrats in congressional power, because they have twice as many Senate seats up for re-election in this cycle (23 vs. 11). Beginning in 2014, the Democrats can begin rebuilding their position in Congress, and if they hold the White House in 2016, the stage could be set for a new era of Democratic government and resurgence of liberal (i.e., workable) economic ideas. But that’s at least 4 1/2 years away, and possibly longer.
Short term, I think the best thing for the economy is to re-regulate the financial industry to restore sanity to lending practices, and figure out ways to get the equity-skimmers out of the system. We need banks lending money to people building up businesses, not banks lending money to people who strip existing companies of equity and assets and then toss the plants, workers, and product lines onto the refuse pile.
By 2009, over 40% of all U.S. profits were accruing to the financial industry, and those people weren’t producing anything. They were monetizing questionable debt and arbitraging volatility in commodity prices and interest rates, driving up the costs of legitimate borrowing and consumer products ranging from corn to tinfoil. In the end, this tore down the economy, rather than rewarding hard work or expanding the American Dream to more people. We’ve got to remove these skimmers and scammers from their positions of economic power. They’re a cancer.
All of these things will be easier to accomplish with a Democratic president and Democratic congresses. But we have to be realistic about the changes that have taken place in the economy. Credit-driven consumer spending can no longer prop up growth, and that fundamentally changes things.
Ultimately, the economy will grow and create jobs again when new technologies inaugurate the next great economic revolution a la the industrial revolution, information revolution, etc.
Damn this one is so easy…
November 1989, Two years later, your pals the East Germans issued a decree and the wall was opened, allowing people to travel freely into West Berlin. In some cases, families that had been separated for decades were finally reunited. The wall came down altogether by the end of 1990. You libtards should leave your cozy King County environment and see where the wall was! A truly moving experience like visiting Auschwitz. Butt then again, libtards don’t want to understand history… their god is Government. And that vote was 2/3’s approval. More YES (NO votes for GOD) votes for GOVERNMENT.
You libtards make it so easy!
Obummer speech was an oh bummer
NBC -5% FROM 2008 – Well most Real Americans know they are in the leftist tank!
CBS -31% FROM 2008
ABC -50% FROM 2008
See ya!
@174 Are you ignorant enough to believe that Reagan’s words tore down that wall? Damn, you don’t know much about internal Soviet history. The USSR would have fallen without Reagan. For that matter, it would have collapsed without Gorbachev; he tried to save it, but it wouldn’t be saved. The Soviet Empire crumbled because it was a flawed model from the start, and although it took 75 years for its inherent weaknesses to gnaw out the foundation from under it, its demise always was inevitable. That fact wasn’t readily apparent to Western observers because the Comrades worked so hard to hide it.
@175 So NBC polls show Obama gaining and puddy’s rationalization is the numbers don’t mean anything because NBC is “in the leftist tank.” I’m gonna laugh at you the morning of Nov. 7.
With all the libtard attacks on Clint Eastwood this past week Clint has something to say to the libtards…
Apparently Obummer hasn’t made his day! And for those libtards calling Clint SENILE… he’s still making and directing movies! Puddy will be “eastwooding” at the Puddyhovel when people come over!
Even though Obama has previously been busted for lying about his mother’s fight with Insurance Companies while on her deathbed, Obama continues to imply it. Unbelievable meltdown by the Liar in Chief. Even the New York Times reported on the bullshit lies over a year ago.
Yet he persists in trying to make us believe it’s so.
Since Puddy was airborne while Obummer was dropping his latest oh bummer of a TOTUS… where were the ObummerCare or Porkulus references? MIA. Butt those were his “signatory” achievements!!!
YOU R SENILE, SENILE Wabbit. Reread what was postulated by Da Perfessa SENILE Wabbit. It was speech comparisons ya moron!
Man you are stoooooooooopid and senile! U lose!
NBC is in the leftist tank.
And Obama’s HOPE Poster guy only gets probation. What a joke. The guy files a civil suit against AP and destroys documents during discovery. What kind of a message does that send to others who file lawsuits?? Go ahead and destroy key documents and if you get caught, you only get probation?? What a joke. Obama must have had his storm troopers helping this pathetic jerk.
@180, you forgot a small set of achievements Puddles.
Bin Laden is DEAD and GM is ALIVE.
Granted, he would have been better off had he had an old man debating an imaginary man in a chair so that whatever he said was bumped out of prime time and we spent the next week talking about the performance art.
Dude, are you really that dense? really?
Wow, only Fox News carried the DUMMOCRAPTIC convention benediction. The party of the Godless has deep tentacles in the slobbering libtard msm of the Godless.
No wonder PMSNBC cut the feed. The slobbering libtard msm is just blatant in the actions nowadays!
Yes. In fact, more dense. Way, WAY more dense.
On a lighter note … must read at the GOS
The Onion Gives Up
Seems the numbas are now in..
From 10:30-11:30 p.m., the NFL Giunts/Cowpokes averaged 23,123,000 viewers.
Clinton’s bloviating, averaged about 22,769,000 viewers.
I guess the NFL “still” has it.
Slick Willard on not mentioning the troops
@187 Poor Puddles
By DYLAN BYERS |9/6/12 3:13 PM EDT
You keep reaching they way you are you’re going to end up giving all of us a reach-around.
“Look, aides acknowledge this wasn’t his most poetic speech, not on par with his previous convention speeches and maybe not even the best convention speech of the week.” – UpChuck Todd!
“acknowledged that his vision of hope and change had been battered a bit by the vagaries of politics. But he didn’t necessarily lay out a roadmap for how he planned to achieve [energy or education] goals or how he would work with Congress more effectively in a second term.” poor Nancy Cordes of CBS This Morning
“Was it small, though, for a convention speech, which is usually kind of about bigger, more visionary things to sort of level such an attack like that?” – Norah O’Donnell NBC News asking Robert
FibbsGibbs.Yet, look at the slobbering HA libtard accolades above! Truly deluded leftist individuals populate this site.
@190 Puddles,
If Obama and the Dems blew it so badly, why is Team Gekko/Galt pulling ads off and out of:
– Michigan
– Pennsylvania
– Wisconsin
– Ohio ????
Granted Rmoney & co. are the dimmest bulbs in a national campaign in generations, but even Grandpa Walnuts in 2008 didn’t quit Michigan until October and never took ads down in Pennsylvania. Puddles, it ain’t over ’til it’s over, but dude, it’s over.
Bin Laden, killed using the preset Bush infrastructure. GM, rescue set in place when Bush signed TARP. $14 Billion. Now GM is doing so well estimates are after the UNION thug bailout, to the Real American taxpayer GM owes $27 billion received from the auto bailout and Ally Bank, the company’s lending arm, owes $14.7 billion of the bailout it received.
Wow Cubscout… glad to see you aren’t a scout leader. Yes GM is on life support again. They stopped Volt production for 5 weeks. A real nightmare. And of course Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism forgot to fact check again. He’s kinda stupid that way!
Yes they are!
Got link?
I’ve been an Eastwood fan ever since Rawhide first aired. I saw Fistful of Dollars when it first came out, and every Eastwood movie since. Next to Connery’s Bond, Clint’s Man with no Name is about as iconic a 1960’s film character as you’ll ever find. To follow that with Dirty Harry, a truly iconic role of the 70’s and 80’s? To me, that’s really something. Eh, it’s not like he didn’t have some turkeys, the Beguiled comes to mind. And his early directorial efforts were rather clumsy and contrived. However, as with his music, he eventually became a pretty damned good director.
I still admire the man’s work, and I could care less what his political views might be, no different than with John Wayne, Mickey Mantle, Dr. Jonas Salk or anybody else I’ve admired for their achievements in any particular arena.
Clint could have been badass to the bone at that convention. He wasn’t. He could have just said with that mean glint in his eye as he looked at the camera, “Go ahead, Obama, make my day”, and turned and left. Mission fucking accomplished! Badass motherfucking Clint Eastwood hath spoken! But he didn’t.
It saddens me to see Clint have to explain what he was trying to do at that convention. I hope his new film is a good one as I’d hate to see Eastwood have two turkeys in a row at this stage of his career.
And PBS “estimated” it had 4 million viewers. WA Post Later the article writer on her blog wrote…
So this touted beating probably NEVER happened!
Thanks for playing Cubscout!
@193 yeah, but you’re on your own big guy.
@195 Poor Puddles
wants to give me a reach-around.
That article you linked to “Posted at 02:03 PM ET, 09/06/2012”
And what time was the article I referred to @189? “9/6/12 3:13 PM EDT”
And that article did not quote PBS, it is “the final Nielsen ratings”
Being a Washingtonian one would think you could tell the difference between Apples & Oranges.
– Michigan
– Pennsylvania
– Wisconsin
– Ohio ????
From TPM,
Ohio Secretary Of State Backs Down On Early Voting
Updated: September 7, 2012, 3:33 PM
After being summoned to court by a federal judge, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted on Friday backed away from his order that would have banned counties from planning for early voting.
Oh, god, puddle is back.
Even with Cereal around, the collective IQ just dropped dramatically around here.
Cubscout… dreaming about some “reach around” PBS doesn’t participate in Neilsen ratings.
That’s what the lady was discussing, IT WAS AN ESTIMATE… Yet your post claims
Keep thinking in the box Cubscout.
Oh my…
I see Puddy’s reported for work making posts on behalf of the Republican Party again. He must be behind his quota, he’s posting talking points from the list his managers give him as fast as he can.
Not that I ready Puddy’s posts any more anyway. His tortured twistings of the English language, combined with his made-up words, make them pretty much indecipherable. Since the content is invariably empty of meaning anyway, I’m not going to waste my time trying to decypher him anymore.
Besides, he’s never condemned his hero Glenn Beck, who said that the teenage victims of a a white supremecist shooter were the equivilent of Hitler Youth (because a Union supported this camp), implying that they deserved their faith. Since silence implies approval, we can presume that Puddy thinks this is okay. My earlier and repeated calls for him to repudiate Genn Beck’s comments were met with silence and evasion. So he’s not worthy of my time in reading his comments any more.
@201 Piddling,
Can’t figure out how to turn your Google on?
Here numbnutz –
BTW, TPM sources its reporting.
# 198: A wise move, on his part. The judge would have ripped him a new seam.
But I do miss the possibility of seeing him drug into court in an orange jumpsuite every morning, and having the judge ask if he is willing to purge himeself of contempt, and remind him that the civil fines for non-compliance run into the tens of thousands each day, and that the judge can order that they be paid personally by the Defendant, without reimbursement or compensation in any way from his Republican handlers.
The Obama Regime has really screwed up by trying to spin those Employment Numbers before they were vetted. Obama should have shut up and explained precisely what he would do to improve the numbers. Instead, spin…now Obama will get beaten with his own words.
Just got this wonderful e-mail from Romney..
Right back at you Barry Soetoro..with $100 Million of punishing power.
Mitt sez in defense about his not even mentioning our troops, “you talk about the things that you think are important”.
This is amazing. Another example of how righties don’t think like normal people.
In other words, it doesn’t matter how many facts we show them, it will just bounce off.
Bad news is bad news, whether it arrives first from TPM or Fox. Hey, if I was trying to be nasty about it, I would have used Daily Kos.
Sadly, I can’t use Fox yet because it takes time for those guys to come up with some spin, but don’t you worry, they’ll be along soon enough.
191. MikeBoyScout spews:
Puddy, this was a DailyKos rumor that on it’s face isn’t believable except to a real dumbass ie BoyScoutMike.
The lefties will be mighty shocked when they see it’s not true. Team Romney has already said it makes no sense to have even a dime left after the election.
Here’s the story on Rove pulling out of Michigan and Pennsylvania, from AP via HuffPo.
Suck on that Rhett.
BTW, ‘rhett’, why did you fold on the ‘god’ ranting? You right wingnuts fold so easily…just like piddle.
@209 Ding Dong,
You see MI, PA, WI on that list?
And how much did Slick Willard spend in Ohio last week?
The lefty’s are getting all excited over nothing. This immediate ad campaign is targeted at 8 key swing states. The lunatics have morphed this into a rumor that Romney has given up on these other states. Fools.
This was in US News a few hours ago.
So when “pundits speculate” somehow it gets traction in the blogosphere.
Pretty funny how the loons jumped on this like wishful thinking.
And this one particular ad campaign is only $4.5 million. Romney has $100 million more than Obama on hand and all the Republican PACs have even more of an advantage over the Dems.
How in the world could any thinking person conclude Romney is not contesting these important states, especially Wisconsin and Ohio?? They truly are nuts Puddy.
Gee, a story in Huffpo where it credited 2 AP writers with “contributing”. Huffpo wrote the article dummy. Contribution means they gave some tidbit. But Huffpo slanted the article.
Watch what happens fools. Romney is in the position to force Obama to spend money where he doesn’t want to.
Do you really think Romney will not run future ads in Wisconsin & Ohio?? Come on.
The leftist media and blogosphere rumors about these important states being abandoned has already been debunked. As usual, it’s not true. Jumping to hopeful conclusions based on 1 Ad buy. Sheesh.
You fools must be wearing yourselves out look for a little “silver lining” in the shitpot you’ve created.
“Left out of the ad buy are Wisconsin and Michigan”
There are no ad buys in Michigan and Wisconsin, Klown. Maybe someday. Probably not.
“wishful thinking”
Yeah, like you and that anonymous campaign dork. They don’t even bother to mention Pennsylvania as a swing state anymore. Did you notice that? That’s gotta really suck for you. I’ll listen if you want to talk about it. But you might want to get yourself a box of Kleenex first.
Damn, it just gets worse for you with each passing day, doesn’t it?
# 209: The Romney Campaign, and the significant independent expenditures (Crossroads America, et al) have been confirmed from several sources as having withdrawn their ads form Pennsylvania and Ohio. This could have several meanings: (a) after several months of heavy advertising in those states, they have seen no significant results; (b) those are “safe states” for Romney, based on information which is not publically available; or (c) there is no way Romney can win those states, so there’s no use throwing good money after bad.
Personally, I doubt the money is going to go away – they’ve probably identified other target states where they think they still have a chance of affecting the outcome. But I doubt scenario # 2 or # 3 is true – it goes against every polling we’ve seen. It’s probably # 1 (advertising has had no effect, so they will spend their money elsewhere).
But their decision not to push those two states with heavy advertising pretty much leaves those states as probable Obama pick-ups. If Romney loses those states, his road to the White House relies on winning every other state which is still in play. In short, he’s gambling on filling an inside straght. This must have been a very hard decision for the Romney campaign – a desperation campaign.
@214 Two desperate wingnuts. It’d be three counting you, but you’re just a Klown.
Too funny. It’s like the WaPo has it’s own wingnut welfare program. Damned liberal rag!
So now you’ve lost Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. WTF are you gonna do now, Klown? Pray to Diebold for a miracle? Maybe you can hang out at the polls and scream at little old black ladies, “You can’t vote!!”
@216 “it goes against every polling we’ve seen”
Yeah, but perhaps not against the polling that they’ve seen. They recieve a constant flow of internal polling data and what they see coming in late this week might be trending hard in the wrong direction.
The conventions are over, and polls will be released (probably starting Monday) seeking to determine if the Obama campaign is leaving the convention with a measurable bounce.
So for the next four weeks, both sides will go on a flurry of speaking tours, final groundwork organization (GOTV), and both sides will spend all their money – somewhere – for television and radio advertising. But for the most part, they will be preaching to the choir, which has it’s merits in making sure the “base” is excited and goes to the polls. Otherwise, it’s spending a lot of money going after the really small percentage of independents who reside in states not already “locked in” by either part.
Romney’s only hope is a major gaffe by either Ogama or Biden during one of the television debates. That’s the only event between now and the election which has any hope of moving the numbers.
Just wondering, do Pennsylvania and Ohio have exclusive electronic voting? Why spend money on states where you can change the outcome to fit what ever scenario you program?
Over 4,600 angry petitioners are demanding the resignation of an Arizona Republican judge appointed by that state’s wacko Republican governor after the judge chewed out a sexual assault victim who was groped by an off-duty cop.
“Prosecutors said Evans walked up behind the victim in a Flagstaff bar, put his hand up her skirt and groped her last summer. The former Arizona Department of Public Safety officer had been facing a maximum sentence of up to 2 ½ years in prison, but received two years of probation, community service and treatment. He was fired after his conviction.”
The judge reportedly told the victim, “Bad things can happen in bars. If you wouldn’t have been there that night, none of this would have happened to you.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans keep getting stupider and stupider. Maybe if they get stupid enough there won’t be any more Republican governors and judges someday.
Alas, no. The stupider and nastier they get, the more they demean women and minorities, the more they pound the Bibul, the more they make the world a more hellish place – the more idiots like puddle and Max and cynical and bob will be willing to vote for them.
They’re losing this one:
Now if enough people in battleground states get disgusted enough from the shrill noise from the tv and the hate talk radio courtesy of right wing billionaires – we’ll win this thing.
The jobs report was dismal only by Democratic Party standards. By Republican Party standards, it would have been pretty darned good. You see, the Bush administration averaged a paltry 63,500 new jobs a month over eight years.
What a pathetic jobs record for Republicans to defend. Little wonder they whine “Bush Derangement Syndrome” whenever there is examination of the last Republican administration’s performance.
As disappointed as Democrats and Real Americans are that we didn’t do better, today’s disappointing report was still 50% higher than what the last Republican administration averaged over two terms in office. Eight years of disappointment, and not just in job creation, but across the board.
Absolutely right, Steve.
Remember upthread, earlier today, cereal was stamping his feet and demanding that we defend Obama without reference to anthing prior to 1/2009? Of course that’s what they demand. They must have Bush Amnesia Syndrome to have a hope of winning.
Just breathtaking chutzpah.
Pentagon Calls SEAL’s Book ‘Inaccurate’
“The head of U.S. special operations has contacted members of the covert Navy SEAL team that killed Osama bin Laden … and military officials have concluded the author’s account was not accurate, CNN has learned.”
The Pentagon also expressed concern the book’s discussion of an attempted rescue of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who is still a captive, could endanger Bergdahl.
“Just breathtaking chutzpah.”
From Gekko/Galt on down to the lowest level Klown.
@ 225
Remember upthread, earlier today, cereal was stamping his feet and demanding that we defend Obama without reference to anthing prior to 1/2009? Of course that’s what they demand. They must have Bush Amnesia Syndrome to have a hope of winning.
Um, since when are demands issued with question marks?
I asked whether, if a case for Obama’s re-election were required to be made without starting with mention of the GWB43 years, whether one could do so, I asked it in question form, I believe I asked it politely, and I’m pretty sure I asked it of YLB.
Wow, the fools are working overtime to spin Romney backing out of certain states based on vivid imaginations of Democrat Pundits.
Why would Romney ever telegraph what he was doing fools?? He wouldn’t.
And for those of you who consider Romney done in Ohio, here are 4 of the recent Ohio polls.
Gravis Marketing 9/2 – 9/2 1381 RV 2.9 44 47 Romney +3
Columbus Dispatch* 8/15 – 8/25 1758 LV 2.1 45 45 Tie
Purple Strategies 8/13 – 8/14 600 LV 4.0 44 46 Romney +2
Rasmussen Reports 8/13 – 8/13 500 LV 4.5 45 45 Tie
And you honestly want people to believe Romney is out of Ohio because he doesn’t include Ohio in this first of many blitz’s??
I’m laughin’ my ass off.
All it is is Democrat propaganda trying to chill things in these states with unfounded rumors. It’s a good try when you have about half the money your opponent has..but it won’t work. In fact, it’s the oldest trick and only option Obama has. Make shit up and spread it around.
But hey, keep repeating the lie. You might sway a few votes. The lie will be over when Romney launches in these states.
@ 225 @ 103
Perhaps not politely. But I did ask it as a hypothetical, in question form, and it clearly was not a demand.
Guess your kids learn pretty quickly there’s a price to be paid for asking you for anything. How ‘demanding’ of them.
Breitbart Documentary on the ugly underbelly of the Occupy Movement is going to be released the end of this month. Since Obama supported these fools, it won’t help. Between this and the Movie 2016, there is a lot of exposing going on.
Read about it-
It would seem appropriate if nobody bothered to interview this woman again.
After all, she has nothing to say. I’ve tried to like her, or at least ignore her, but she just isn’t coming off too well. She always seems to be trying too hard, and failing, to conceal an extremely condescending attitude toward the Randian “inferior masses”.
YLB will always be a victim, because he is a weak man and a tool.
I have never seen another person who’s pussy aches as much as YLB’s does.
poster child for midol he should be.
“I believe I asked it politely, and I’m pretty sure I asked it of YLB.”
You’re not so bad that way, Bob. We do have some trolls here who like to bark orders at us, but I don’t recall you being one of them.
@ 233
I have never seen another person who’s pussy aches as much as YLB’s does.
poster child for midol he should be.
YLB should stop asking me why I thought/think of him as female or refer to him in female terminology. This is why – so do a lot of other people.
the OWS movement is a sham – nothing but a bunch of losers, freeloaders, and scam artists – not to mention a whole box full of tools.
gotta love that talking head Thom Hartmanns tag line, “go occupy something”..what a fucking douchebag loser that joke is. someone should occupy his house, then he can talk shit. yet another tool on the radio…
Now I just heard a report that Romney and the SuperPACs have dropped their ad buys in Florida and Romney’s team is closing campaign offices across the state and laying off staff.
@ 234
Why, thank you. Good sir.
There are a few people here I interact with strictly to piss off. There are a few people who teach me things now and then, which is why I’m here. Hell, I pay to piss off my staff during the day, and I need to get my money’s worth. Can’t do that if I’m doing it here.
Funny thing is, since I have been here, you are about the 8th person(including me at one time) to think he was a chick.
Heh. Just kidding. But I’d bet the Klown shit his pants.
LMAO!!! Bob should stop lying.. Too much to ask I know.. Think whatever you like Bob.. Good entertainment..
As for that other moron.. Well such is brain damage..
@ 241
Tell ya what, YLB. Quit calling me a liar every time I say something that you either disagree with or turns out to be factually incorrect (unless done so intentionally, a stated inaccuracy is not a lie), and I’ll address you as if you possess XY chromosomes.
LOL!!! And this is how a right winger treats “chicks”..
the only marks i leave are on her uterus…I keep denting that son of a bitch…
Rape fantasies.. Nice crowd you like to hang with Bob..
@ 243
Apparently you’re jealous because you don’t possess the length to reach the uterus.
Explains a lot, actually.
Wisconsin job losses highest in nation for last 12 months, federal report says
Wisconsin saw the largest percentage decrease in employment in the nation during the 12 months ending in March, a new report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics said.
During that time period, while 27 states and the District of Columbia saw significant job increases, only Wisconsin saw “statistically significant” job losses, the report said.
From March 2011 to March 2012, the state lost 23,900 jobs, for the country’s largest percentage decrease, at 0.9 percent.
Wisconsin also had the third-worst employment losses for March compared to the previous month, with 4,500 fewer jobs than it had in February, the report said. Only Ohio and New Jersey were worse, with 9,500 and 8,600 fewer jobs, respectively.
If you’re unwilling to fact check yourself before making claims about what others here have done,
Then I’m going to call you a liar..
244 – Yea sure Bob. Anything you say..
Thanks for playing..
Ekim @ 245:
See @ 71.
Employment declined and yet tax revenues and wages went up.
Might that mean that things have been gonzo, then, since March?
If we’re in September, do we really care what happened in March?
You know, Obama’s job numbers would be a lot better if he didn’t have to count the dismal job numbers coming out of states like Wisconsin.
Walker has been cooking the employment numbers in order to make himself look better. Therefore I can’t trust the numbers he is producing. Maybe that doesn’t bother you though.
A republican cooking the books?!
Say it ain’t so!!
Another one for the ‘been tellin’ ya’ file.
@253 If the price of oil doubles and the fuel efficiency of your car doubles, your fuel cost will still be the same. But wait! Republicans are against CAFE! They think the market should decide whether carmakers design more fuel-efficient vehicles! (Actually, I think they just want to keep driving their gas guzzlers.)
Romney and Balanced Budgets
This comes from an investment site, not a political blog. Shorter: If you’re counting on Romney to balance the budget, fuggedaboutit! Ain’t gonna happen. Not even close.
“Romney’s plan calls for tax cuts and spending cuts, though I think pretty much everyone realizes most of the major tax cuts are politically impossible and spending cuts are also unlikely.
“The real question, as Ryan’s plan makes explicit, is whether government can slow government spending increases. They believe they can, though there’s no way to be certain.
“Assuming Paul Ryan’s plan is perfectly implemented, and no terrorist or military events in the next 30 years occur, which increase our costs, and no more financial crises occur, then the national budget should be balanced by the time a lot of the people reading this will be dead.
“That’s right, a lot of the readers of this article will not be alive. This is kind of silly, and is way too long away for us to be optimistic. Bad things happen. And plans don’t work the way we originally think they will.
“Long-term policy changes are important, but only when accompanied by short-term reforms. It’s possible we could go through seven or eight presidents between now and when Ryan plans on balancing the budget. It’s not going to happen. Not even close.
“So the long-term fundamentals when it comes to national debt are still horrible, and anyone who thinks our national debt problems are less severe with a Romney win really need to have a more realistic view of political struggles.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just think. As recently as Bill Clinton, we had surpluses and were paying off the national debt. Amazing how one stupid Republican president can change everything in a few short years. Which brings me to this: Can we afford another Republican president, even for a few short years?
More like: the price of gas doubles, the price of your commute doubles, your credit’s shot and your fucking broke so you can’t get that new high efficiency car, so you double up on your commute to work or take the bus, gas tax revenue goes though the floor, highways get beat up because we can’t afford the upkeep, speed limits get lowered because of the beat up freeways, lower speeds means better MPG which drive gas tax revenue even lower, bridges over the Nisqually and Skagit rivers on I-5 fall into the rivers.
Game fucking over.
@256 From Harvard Kennedy School of Government, June 26, 2012:
“Cambridge, Mass. — Oil production capacity is surging … at such a fast pace that global oil output capacity is likely to grow by nearly 20 percent by 2020, which could prompt a plunge or even a collapse in oil prices, according to a new study by a researcher at the Harvard Kennedy School.
“The findings … are based on an original field-by-field analysis of the world’s major oil formations and exploration projects.
“Contrary to some predictions that world oil production has peaked or will soon do so, Maugeri projects that output should grow from the current 93 million barrels per day to 110 million barrels per day by 2020 ….
“His study attributes the expected growth in oil output largely to a combination of high oil prices and new technologies … that are opening up vast new areas and allowing extraction of ‘unconventional’ oil such as tight oil, oil shale, tar sands and ultra-heavy oil.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The oil market has fundamentally changed since the 1970s. Then, most of the global supply came from old, low-cost, supergiant fields like Saudi Arabia’s Ghawar. Today, oil comes from a variety of sources, with extraction costs ranging from Ghawar’s $2.50/bbl to upwards of $40 for tar sands, deep sea and arctic oil, etc. This means when oil prices fall below a certain level (probably around $60 – $70), the higher cost wells are shut down and supply shrinks. When prices rise, the high-cost oil comes back on the market again. This means we live in a world of variable supply. Of course, demand is variable, too, so the main determinant of gas prices is likely to be how well the world’s economies is doing. In boom times, you’ll pay more for gas, but you’ll likely have more income to pay for it. In recessions, when demand shrinks, the higher cost oil will go off the market and prices will fall with demand. Thus, pump prices are more likely to fluctuate than inexorably trend higher.
Been saying ylbuttspigot has Koro disease! Stunted at birth.
Oh noes… GAO said what? Obummer did what?
Butt butt butt HA libtards sez it’s not true!
@257 Libtards told us on HA oil is a zero sum game Roger SENILE Wabbit!
Remember that July jobs report HA libtards was touting all over the HA blog? Well remember that 163,000 new jobs reported in July? Pffffffffft! The Labor Department revised down those new job gains by 22,000. So now it’s 141,000 not even enough to keep up. Wow and now it’s 96,000 in August.
Great job Obummer. Puddy bets most of those job gains were in states with Republican guvnurs! All those lies from the DUMMOCRAPT convention came home to roost the next day.
The DNC celebrated the workforce percentage of Americans dropping to its lowest level in 31 years. 1981, when Reagan took over from Carter.
Well we always said Obummer is Carter II!!
Was driving down the highway with my libtard brother in law. He loves watching PMSNBC. Puddy had Sean Hannity on. Bro-in-law heard the special vote for God and Jerusalem in the DUMMOCRAPTIC plank. He asked what was that he was listening to. He was dumbfounded and shocked that happened at the DUMMOCRAPTIC convention. The no votes were way louder than the yes votes. He heard all three votes. He looked at me as Puddy drove and said what just happened there? Puddy told him Obummer was upset the Republicans were ridiculing the DUMMOCRAPTS as the party of government, not God. Puddy told him Republicans were ridiculing DUMMOCRAPTS as not supporting Israel as an ally. He claimed he never knew of this vote. Well he does take care of his 89 year-old dad some days. He like most libtards listen to left wrong propaganda and reads from left wrong puke sites. Puddy told him to expand his listening horizons and he can watch the clip on YouTube.
His face was…
@260 Take your fucking meds, you deranged imbecile.
@261 “Puddy bets most of those job gains were in states with Republican guvnurs!”
You mean this guy?
@263 Oh c’mon, putz, you’re from Seattle so you know how stadium votes work. You keep voting until the stadium wins.
“So now it’s 141,000 not even enough to keep up. Wow and now it’s 96,000 in August.”
You obviously didn’t pay attention to my earlier post. The Bush administration averaged a pitiful 63,500 jobs per month over eight years. Pathetic, huh? Link above @224.
141,000 jobs is 77,500 more than what Bush averaged, in fact, over twice the Bush average. And 96,000 jobs is 32,500 more than Bush averaged, which is over 50% higher than the Bush average. Now 96,000 is still a low number for Democrats, it surely disappoints. But they have such high expectations. It’s that “hope” thingy. But it is still far better than what America could ever hope for from Republicans. That is the math. That is the record.
Perhaps you can now understand one of the reasons why I consider the previous administration to be an abject failure. Unfortunately for Republicans, that’s the record that they have to run on, and it is one of falling far short of President Obama’s remarkable acheivements. I see no reason to reward Republicans for their dismal record, especially when they propose to simply do more of the same of what previously led this nation to near ruin. And this is what is really remarkable. They show no evidence whatsoever of a single lesson learned from their many failures. Just imagine, Puddy! All of those failures and not a single damned lesson learned. Amazing, isn’t it?
You may not have heard, Puddy, but we’re into math this week, so it’s probably not a good time to throw out numbers.
May 15th, 2012? That’s the best you can do on Sept 8th 2012?
Arithmetic? You mean post #205 Roger SENILE Wabbit? OR
Well what did Citigroup say? They are friends of the DUMMOCRAPT…
Then when you look at the EMRATIO from the Labor Department… it’s what arithmetic SENILE Wabbit? Around 58.5 right now.
CIVPART from the Labor Department… it’s what arithmetic SENILE Wabbit? Around 63.5 right now.
Since it’s arithmetic SENILE Wabbit? Since Obummer has tripled the US DEBT… now the debt is at a level linked to slower economic growth.
So the gross U.S. Debt is NOW 107% of GDP. What a arithmetic metric!!! No meds needed just arithmetic FACTS!
Argumentum reductum for a SENILE libtard… wait it’s for all libtards.