Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: The Stranger Hour with Josh Feit and Erica C. Barnett
The Stranger’s Josh Feit and Erica C. Barnett join us for the hour for our regular look back at the week’s news, and a peek ahead toward what’s coming up. Josh will give his take on the start of the new legislative session, while Erica grades the new Seattle City Council. But first, strategist, blogger, pundit James Boyce calls in with his analysis on today’s results from Nevada and New Hampshire.
8PM: Free the elephants?
Local comedian and Seattle P-I columnist Cathy Sorbo is back, and she’s brought her fellow Elephanistas with her, fight to free the Woodland Park Zoo elephants. Really.
9PM: More liberal propaganda.
Should smoking be banned when kids are in the car? Is Bush’s economic stimulus package a classic example of small government, free market conservatism? Is the US a torturer?
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Duncan who?
Isn’t that a cake?
How are parents smoking in the car any worse than waterboarding? It’s probably worse. So the question “should it be banned?” is a stupid question. Of course it should. Should waterboarding be banned?
Rudy who?
Should smoking be banned when kids are in the car? Is Bush’s economic stimulus package a classic example of small government, free market conservatism? Is the US a torturer?
Yes. No. Yes.
This has been another edition…..
I will go on record right here right now.
I WILL NOT vote for fucking John McCain for preznit. Amnesty, supressing free speech, gang of 14, global warming, gitmo, class warfare opposition to tax cuts, waterboarding… it goes on and on. This fucking asshole is unAmerican and unfit to be anywhere near the white house.
If he’s GOP nominiee, I will leave the selection blank. I’ll work on re-electing Dino for the 4th fucking time. The only thing I can hang onto is the fact that The Worst President of the 20th Century made President Reagan possible. I’ll write off the next 4 years and hope the republic can survive an unprecedented attack of marxism. After a few million people have died, and the “misery index” reaches unprecedented heights, maybe the country will come to its fucking senses.
Either that, or the “American Experiment” is OVER.
Here’s my two cents. My father smoked while I was in the car. Made me sick. Never considered trying it myself. THat bit of second hand smoke was less harmful than doing it myself.
Crosses my line for government intervention.
k, your father was a child abuser.
Careful throwing that term about. It’s like calling every wrong a Holocaust. Simply not true. There are degrees of wrong, or evil.
And I do believe waterboarding should be banned
I’m curious what everyone here would choose, being forced to drive around with your smoking parent for about 18 years, or being waterboarded?
Yeah, I would take the waterboarding, too.
When I see a parent smoking in their car with a child inside, I know I am witnessing an act of child abuse.
Troll, you are being a silly fool. I agree smoking in a car with a child is wrong, but there are degrees of wrong. To put it in Catholic terms, there are venal and mortal sins. Recognize the difference.
Yeah, I’m the bad guy for caring about an innocent child’s health.
No you are a nosey weirdo. Anyone who equates smoking in a car occupied by a child with child abuse is a nut.
5 – Who the fuck cares what you think? Just pay your fucking gambling debt and GTFO.,.
Bravo to Cathy Sorbo and her fellow elephanista for looking out for the good of the Woodland Park Zoo elephants. I’m horrified to learn what’s going on at the zoo. I hope these poor creatures will be able to leave their tiny, boring 1-acre yard and go to the wonderful 2700 acre Elephant Sanctuary.
Smoking in a car with a child in it is child abuse. I have nothing but contempt for adults who abuse their children. Something tells me either Jane’s parents used to abuse her in that manner, or she abused her children.
Eugenics_Project(YLB)@14: And people take you seriously?
bwaaaa waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa
Eugenics_Project(YLB)@14: You don’t even know American history.
bwaaaa waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa
A classic case of projection. yikes. Get help.
Troll: While a parent smoking in a car is disgusting I don’t know if I can classify it as child abuse.
And it’s like a donKey to talk about degrees of wrong.
WOW! I always felt deep down there was a dark side to the zoo – how could there not be – incarcerating living beings?
WOW! I always felt deep down there was a dark side to the zoo – how could there not be – incarcerating living beings?
@20 Shit Puddy as a supporter of George W. Bush’s use of torture and the killing of civilians INCLUDING children your opinion ain’t worth shit.
Great show! Thank you David Goldstein to have my favorite comedian Cathy Sorbo and her guest to enlighten us about the plight of elephants at Woodland Park Zoo. It is so arrogant to have these majestic animals in jail so to speak when they could roam freely at this sanctuary in Tennessee.
I am glad you are helping them sound the alarm to help these beautiful elephants be set free.
Claudine E.
You don’t even know American history.
You don’t know you’re bat shit insane.
” … today’s results from Nevada and New Hampshire.”
Don’t you mean “Nevada and South Carolina”?
“Should smoking be banned when kids are in the car?”
“Is Bush’s economic stimulus package a classic example of small government, free market conservatism?”
No, it’s just more class warfare against workers and the unemployed.
“Is the US a torturer?”
Yes. Just listening to that idiot is pure torture!
Economic stimulus? What economic stimulus? There ain’t gonna be no economic stimulus. That’s because Bush wants to give another $50 billion of tax breaks to business — and not a fucking penny of food stamps or unemployment benefits to those hurt by his economic policies.
I read in the papers that we might get an $800 tax rebate ($1,600 for couples), although it’s more likely to be $500 ($1,000 for couples). They want people to go out and buy stuff with it to stimulate the economy. I ain’t gonna buy nothin’ with it. That isn’t even enough to make up for inflation over the last year. That’s where my tax rebate will go: To inflation. And because it’ll be financed by more borrowing it will, of course, cause even more inflation and therefore I’ll need another tax rebate for THAT inflation — before I go out and buy any stuff.
@1 I thought Duncan was the round thing with the hole in it that you dip in your coffee.
I wish I could help you. Of course there was not enough tea in china to help you poor saps when I was in office. heehhe
@5 Who cares what an un-American piece of shit like you thinks is “un-American”? Pay your fucking gambling debt! Is this you?
Come on folks, not all sins are equivalent. Commanding Auchwitz is not the same as selling cigaretes. Both are wrong, but they are not the same. I am a bleeding heart liberal, but there are limits.
Speaking of which, it’s been over 6 years now since 9/11, and why isn’t that guy caught yet? I mean how fucking hard can it be to catch a 6’6″ dude with a long beard and a towel around his head who carries a kidney machine wherever he goes? Don’t you get the feeling they want him to get away? Because he’s worth a lot more to the Pukes in Pakistan than dead? Don’t you think that, in this era of laser guided bombs, they could blow his ass away in the outhouse if they really wanted to?
Which sorta reminds me of Three O’Clock Charlie, the VC who lobbed a mortar round over a U.S. hilltop firebase in Nam at 3 p.m. every day, which always exploded harmlessly on the far side of the hill. The base commander threatended to court-martial anyone who shot Charlie.
Charlie was a slacker and probably got shot by his own commander. He was definitely a fucking short-timer.
@32 That raises an interesting point: Who has killed more innocent people, Osama or George?
@9 Actually, I don’t much care what they do to real terrorists — if they can catch any. What annoys me is what they do to innocent people. The Busheviks are too fucking incompetent to torture a real terrorists. Mostly they just arrest and torture the innocent because it’s easier.
@32 Well K count up the casualties. Cigarette smoking killed 435,000 Americans last year. And millions more around the world. And that’s just a single year. You can decide how this death count is comparable to the Holocaust.
Lung cancer kills more women than breast cancer. 97% of lung cancer is caused by smoking. Compared to tobacco, crack, heroin and all other illegal drugs combined don’t kill enough people to even move the scale. Yet the illegal drug dealer is a scumbag while the local grocery store that sells tobacco is considered a respectable business.
@10 I suppose it would depend on what my parent is smoking.
Not all second-hand smoke is equal.
With this administration we’ll probably learn twenty years down the road that Cheney is Bin Laden’s mistress.
@16 I have nothing but contempt for Republicans, for reasons I’m sure you’ll understand, but if not, see #37.
I suspect Roger and I agree that Bin Laden has not been caught because it is not in Bush’s interest. If he is still out there, Bush can still use him. If he’s not, what’s next for Bush
@24 Yeah, what did the elephants ever do? And why would anyone except animal haters want to throw a cute furry bunny with pink ears into the Bunny Meadows concentration camp?
@30 Someone pleeeeeeease euthanize that fucking dog (aka Doofus the Dunce)!
@43 Bingo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
@38- Come on now. If you insist smoking in the car with your kid is equivalent with killing millions of innocent, then you are responsible for right wingnuts taking control of the US government because too many people speed.
Again, all wrongs are not equivalent.
Been fun. Enough for tonight.
Ah it is great fun listening to idiot moonbat wackos argue with the like of troll(insane moonbat idiot liberals) who are the future of the democrat Party. hehehehe
@49 I’ll show you what’s even more fun!
“The oil companies, the drug companies, the health insurance companies, the predatory student loan companies have had seven years of a president who stands up for them. It’s time we had a president who stands up for all of you.” – Hilary Clinton, January 8 2008 New Hampshire primary victory speech.
Who gives to Hilary?
Agribusiness $526,725
Communications/Electronics $4,358,597
Construction $1,294,220
Defense $125,583
Energy & Natural Resources $574,658
Finance, Insurance & Real Estate $12,275,878
Health $2,642,547
Lawyers & Lobbyists $10,164,698
Transportation $399,232
Misc Business $7,865,353
Labor $84,100
Ideological/Single-Issue $644,373
Other $7,583,119
She’s a big time liar, backed by all the people headless lucy and Pelletizer lover to scream and shout about.
She’s a big time liar
You mean like the Chimpanzee you voted for twice who said we had no business doing things like “nation-building” in Kosovo? What was his numbers from big business contributors like?
Then she must be right up your alley. If it’s a choice between her and Huck Norris or McCain who you wingnuts blamed for 2006 – you should vote for her.
Paranoid and insane as usual.
Cathy Sorbo doesn’t have a clue about what she is talking about. Perhaps all zoo elephants worldwide should be sent back to India or Africa where poachers can shoot them. The grandkids can always go to a museum to find out what elephants looked like. And there would be a really good supply of ivory.
Given the choice between some of the presidential candidates, maybe the Woodland Park Zoo elephants should run for public office. Of course they would have to be Republicans.
Hay Goldie! The word on the blogs and street is that Luke Burbank is Bryan Stybleheads little brother , The only thing I could make of this is there rattings match .
one more thing, were is Chris tonight ??
Idiot@52: One thing known in God’s universe, you are American History clueless.
How many knee pads did you destroy while in middle and high school?
Idiot@52: What was his numbers from big business contributors like?
Why don’t you look them up? Too stupid?
I am not voting for Hillary based on her war support. But you have got to be insane to go after her for her corporate support.
GWB, your hero, is so owned by Texas oil he should have a derrick on top of his head. You people are so shamelessly hypocritical. You claim the democrats will create a police state, then the Republicans create one.
Jesus H, if the gubmint tattoos a number on your forearm, the only thing you would be concerned about is that they put an “R” in it, not a “D”.
Take a deep breath and review the facts.
Hubris filled Pelletizer – poster of much flatulence and headless lucy – avoved racist and capitalism hater have posted over and over all the “CEOs” and others who “supported” GWB. I see you are a believer too.
So I post the REAL facts about Hilary and you say tit for tat? Huh? These facts overload your mind?
Oh and the police state. Remember the Fairness Doctrine? Remember the 1900 Progressive Movement Hilary wants to go back to? Are you an American History Moron like Eugenics_Project(YLB)?
Remember the 1900 Progressive Movement Hilary wants to go back to?
@33 & 46…RR…
And your collective alternative plan to snatch ObL is???
Here’s a thought…I’ll have the staff sergeant fix it up for you to be specially deputized to catch him. The staff sergeant is Airborne qualified, so he can call a bud or two and have you qualifed at Ft. Benning’s jump school in nothing flat.
Then you can get equipped with plenty of weapons and ordnance – you pick, sky’s the limit, just no handbag guns – MRE’s for as long as you need, GPS and night vision gear, maps of Eastern Pakistan, name and number of the one friendly area tribal leader, and a drop on ObL’s cell phone luds over the past year.
Then you can either rappel out of a Blackhawk or drop from a Chinook anywhere you wish as you start your hunt.
Beyond that, you’re on your own.
Before you leave, though, please advise as to next of kin and where you’d like your remains, what little of them there will be, sent.
Oh…if you encounter him, don’t forget to read him his Miranda rights first or else all of left-wing America will hate your for violating his Constitutional rights. And make sure you take a copy of his indictment and a warrant for his arrest so you won’t get all caught up like Bill Clinton’s gang did afraid to take a shot at him because it might be perceived as “illegal.”
You can start this minute by shouting, “Hooah!” at the top of your lungs 10-times.
Or do you have a better plan?
The Piper
Throw you in a camp? Why? Then I’d have to feed you. I’d rather throw you in a stew pot:
1 large rabbit
3 garlic cloves
1 onion
8 ounces bacon, in one piece
bouquet garni
10 sprigs parsley
10 sprigs thyme
1 bay leaf
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup red wine
1 cup small onion
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon butter
12 new potatoes
fresh herbs (chervil)
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
Not the one? See other Old Fashion Rabbit Stew Recipes
“…the round thing with the hole in it…”
That would be your head.
The Piper
@16 troll
Smokiong in a car with kis is abusive … but
where do you draw the line?
What about Rock music?
What about bad diet?
and cheap perfume? and garlic breath!
Should we equip our cops with smell-o-meters to ferret out the deodorant users?
The too, what DO we do about child abuse in the name of God? Is female circumcision abusive or what? How about teaching your kids that there is a devil and the devil will get them if they masturbate?
If I rive up to a rock-mobile-baster-boosting Mettalica out of its Megawatt speaker system, can I claim abose on my child’s aprt and do a citizens’ arrest?