Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: The Stranger Hour with Megan and Jonathan
The Stranger’s Megan Seling and Jonathan Zwickel join me to say goodbye to the Crocodile Cafe, which closed this week after 17 years of featuring some of Seattle’s biggest bands.
Liberal propaganda.
More liberal propaganda.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
You should have put the stranger hour at 8pm. Two hours of liberal shouting gets
I’m sure this has been mentioned before, but Goldy, do you really have to post the schedule for your show at 6:56pm? 5pm won’t work? It makes my radio scheduling so much simpler.
Maybe you should talk about how the Christian Taliban considers our soldiers “government-paid missionaries.”
People dumbly blame developers for the closing of The Croc, but the number one reason popular, but unprofitable restaurants and clubs close is due to employee skimming (theft).
Goldy you keep talking about Roger’s best Nazi fiends that he supported in jailed today, well maybe they might get offended. They may pay you a visit like that radio chap in Denver.
bs @4
Prove it, troll.
…or are you expecting that we just accept your word for it?
I didn’t say that’s why The Croc went out of business. I said that in most cases, when a busy restaurant, bar, or club goes out of business, it’s because of employee theft. There are other reason they fail, but that’s the number one reason. They are an easy target because they are cash-intensive and have high turnover. And for every $1000 that’s stolen, the business had to make another $16,000 in sales to make up for it.
All I know about The Crocodile Cafe is that it was a popular and busy club, and they were losing money. I’m sure the very polite employees of The Croc never skimmed.
What does everyone here think about the ban (aka phaseout) mandated by congress of incandescent bulbs? A discussion point for the show, Goldy?
8 – I believe the mandate is for more efficiency. If manufacturers can raise the efficiency of incandescents by 25 percent or more, they can stay.
I don’t like the mercury content of flourescents, so I would prefer this unless a new generation of even more efficient light sources like LEDs become economically viable.
3 Yeah…what better way to convince someone of God’s love for them than to shoot at them?
Here’s my problem when people talk about issues like the phaseout of incandescent bulbs. In the big picture, what does it really do? Nothing. I’d like to see a host talk about it, but I would then like to see them juxtapose the ban with the earth’s population doubling every hundred or two years. Our problem, as a society, is we are working on all the problems but the biggest and most important one, overpopulation. Without controlling that, whatever we do just doesn’t matter in the long run.
Since liberals live in figurative darkness, it’s no wonder they’d be in favor of a phaseout of lightbulbs. Then more lights can go out besides the ones in their heads.
What’s next? Declaring war on Santa?
Oh…wait…they’ve already done that! It’s not just nativity scenes they find bitterly offensive and akin to Chinese-made lead-laced toys (how many libs, though, are old Maoist hands thinking all things Chinese are the bee’s knees?), but also Jolly Old St. Nick, who’s about as un-religious as a doorknob.
Still, he must be stamped out, declared secularly excommunicate and anathema and forever driven from all squares public.
Maybe libs are simply pissed because he wears a red suit? Would he be more acceptable if it was blue? Or do so many of you simply get your holly jollies by making everyone’s lives as grim as your own?
Still…On Christmas Eve Eve, the Ol’ Piper, who loves Christmas above all holidays and keeps it in his heart all the year round and who believes in the power of forgiveness and redemption, wishes all you HA Happy Hooligans the Merriest of Christmases!
Seriouisly…I do.
The Piper
Goldy: Maybe you should end the year an hour speaking about steroids in sports. Do a follow-up on If I see it on the schedule I’d actually listen…
Wait a minute… did I just write I’d listen to the voice of Gilbert Gottfried? Yes I did.
Remember when Puddy said someone here will blog Tiger Woods is on steroids? Well looks like some people are speculating on it in the AOL Sports thread here:
Why can’t they leave a good Blasian brother alone?
Maybe in the next hour you should discuss why some of your lefty posters should be on mind steroids to improve their knowledge and posting facts!
re 8 – yes, please do talk about the ecofucker
re 8, continued – talk about his fat dancing farce
re 8, addendum and his
Oh, and make mention of the fact that we’ve noticed more and more scientists have grown balls and are falling out of the concensus… safety in numbers, no longer in fear of losing their funding and finally realizing their reputation which lies in the truth, is more valuable than parroting what FatAl, the science D student, wants to hear.
html correction to 16
re 8, addendum – and his operatic apocalyptic drone
The wingnuts are getting stirred up the the Inhofe bullshit that’s being totally debunked already.
and here.
The consensus is shattered!
I call right wing bullshit. LMAO!!!
1.No schedule is needed to inform us there will be liberal talk.
2. Did not hear the show so perhaps should not comment. But. Why do you only blame the buyer for putting a business out of business? why not blame the seller, too? The seller is the one demanding to sell at the highest price possible.
Leftardsassholes, War Is For AdultsGood luck lefties…..with the invention of the internet your lies and bullshit are recorded for posterity for all of time.
“….this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything…” -Harry Reid 4/20/2007
“….the surge certainly hasn’t hurt. It’s helped. I recognize that.” -Harry Reid 12/21/2007
What a difference 8 months mankes ‘eh?
Labels: Leftard playbook, Unhinged Moonbats
Wingnut @ 22
Great. The surge has worked according to you. Mission accomplished. We got a flourishing democracy going on out there (yeah right). Can the troops come home so we can start paying off the two trillion this war going to cost when all is said and done?
I’d rather have them here than putting me and my kids and my grandkids in the poor house over there.
Thanks for your piss poor html skills too.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me
John Murtha
Senate Armed Forces chairman Carl Levin
Senator Jack Reed
Senator Bob Casey
Rep. Brian Baird
Rep. Jerry McNerney
Rep. Tim Mahoney (D – Fla.)
Michael O’Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack of the Left-leaning Brookings Institution
Dick Durbin
Even your buds at the say it’s working. And if the gays say it you know democrats have to lock step behind them.
Goldy: You were sooooooooooooo pushing for the donk to control Congress. Maybe you should dedicate an hour to …
NANCY PELOSI and her best hours in Congress…
“But by Wednesday afternoon, her party was facing two of its biggest defeats. To keep the alternative minimum tax from hitting 20 million Americans next year, Democrats had to abandon their pledge not to pass any legislation that increased the deficit.
Then Pelosi, whose party took control of Congress pledging to change course in Iraq, watched the House approve $70 billion in war funding, part of a budget deal that avoided a government shutdown. Members of her own party denounced it as a capitulation to the White House.” – [Why didn’t they write middle class Americans? Cuz it would make Nancy look even worse]
Fair use claws and copyleft to the URL owner:;tsp=1
You all remember the AMT? That’s the tax where Pelletizer (TM) “said” was a rich people give-away.
25 – Time for a wow statement:
Wow, Puddybud is making a bandwagon argument! Hop aboard!
We got a flourishing democracy yet? Are all the refugees streaming back into Iraq? Can the troops come home now? Can PTSD-afflicted vets not have to wait 9 months for treatment before they kill themselves? Can the empty trucks running across that country with armed escorts stop running up the country’s debt?
The surge has worked? Great. Now let’s clean up the mess created by the corrupt crowd Puddybud carries water for.
26 – Huh. Yeah when an unhinged chimpanzee and his sith lord with the help of a couple of corrupt wingnut-controlled Congress’ go on a looting spree,
it kind of puts a damper on the folks who have to clean up the mess.
Nice party you apologize for there, PFool.
YLB says:
Wingnut @ 22
Great. The surge has worked according to you. Mission accomplished. We got a flourishing democracy going on out there (yeah right). Can the troops come home so we can start paying off the two trillion this war going to cost when all is said and done?
I’d rather have them here than putting me and my kids and my grandkids in the poor house over there.
YLB (shit for brains) what army did you lead into a battle and what nation did you bring into the twenty first century? In the long run would you get a better return on your money by saving a nation or region from further genocide, or pour the money down a rat hole supporting a bunch of secular liberals that cause the decline of the Democrat Party? You are why this country is facing a new disaster in the near future. More beggars with their hands out begging for money they are not willing to earn or support those who are in real need. YLB is the main reason the Democrats are singing the Blues. John Edwards is the one trying to lead the course along with Obama, but they need a real good Blues Song. The part I really like is your cut and run plan before the job is complete. Now your friend Osama bin Laden really like it and thanks you for your support. Roger how is that prayer rug working still praying five times a day?
29 – Klake the Flake, how deep are you into your Christmas cheer? Knowing you, very deep.
The violence is down in Iraq after it has been ethnically cleansed. When the two million refugees are home and an oil deal is cut where the revenues are shared equitably among all the parties AND they don’t start killing each other after your chimp declares “mission accomplished” and bring some troops home just in time for Nov 2008 then maybe you can crow.
We’re a long ways away from that.
Klake the flake:
This country is over 9 trillion in debt. That 30 grand for you and every man, woman and child in this country.
Here’s the record of the crowd you cheerlead for:
Now $9,136,418,062,457.29
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62
09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16
09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86
We can’t afford your fantasies of “Victory”.
@27: Stupid is as stupid does equals
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me
It’s your side I quoted so they joined Murtha’s bandwagon or maybe Murtha joined Brian Baird’s? Where is a Republican in this group? I realized long ago, your idiot gene was inherited from a long line of your relatives so it’s in every one your DNA chromosomes.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me
More star wars analogies. Yes you live in La La land.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me AKA
So have you traced you idiot gene in all your chromosomes yet?
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me AKA
provided his first factoid in #31. Good for you…
Goldy: You did have Dennis Kucinich on. The next time you have on the show be sure to allow your callers, the supporters of your show talk to the guest?
I would like to thank YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me AKA
While looking for his shut up comment (which I remember him saying), I found many of these other HorsesASSHole tidbits.
Thanks Goober.
Goldy: Why not talk tonight how Bill Clinton needs to come to the aid and defense of his wife.;emc=rss
Frank Rich is a liberal water carrier and donk congressional voter for the New Yawk Times.
Goldy: Why not discuss in an hour format why when liberals get into political hot water against their black opponents they whip out the race card?
Remember Puddy was first here when I posted the McCall in the NY Governor primary race posts on this station.
You liberals are such hypocrites when it comes to the race card!
Puttybutt seems to have diarrhea of the keyboard this morning. Probably ingested too much fruitcake …
@31 That’s quite a record — nearly doubled the national debt in 6 short years.
Republican = borrow & spend
Goldy your friends seem to be losing the media war and their ratings are in the dumps. What can you change in your spell to draw new listeners to your radio station? Maybe drop the secular liberalism of the socialist people’s party? Figure out how to get the blue collar worker to listen along with the Catholics that haven’t abounded their Church and God. Maybe not support policies that counter the success of our troops fighting a global war. What is your plan to return the Democrat Party back to the real Democrats and expel the secular liberals from the party? How do you plan to clean up the way King County keeps it voting records? When do you plan to purge the illegal voters on the voting records?
“In a validation of what the broadcast networks have been saying since September, New York-based Magna Global said that ratings for the demographic season to date were only down 4 percent using the live-plus-seven figures available from Nielsen Media Research. Magna Global looked at ratings from Sept. 24-Dec. 2, with some estimates factored in.
That’s quite a change from the live ratings, in which the five broadcast networks are down 12 percent, or even live-plus-same-day, down 9 percent compared with last year. Fox is up 13 percent year-over-year, but the other networks are down; ABC is off 2 percent, followed by NBC (5 percent), CBS (10 percent) and the CW network (21 percent). ABC, like last season, is in the lead with a 4.0 rating, with CBS and NBC tied for second place at 3.5, and Fox is fourth with a 3.4.”
Graph of U.S. national debt since 1791:
Two facts to notice here:
1) The debt was never above $1 trillion until Reagan’s first year in office.
2) We’ve had Republican administrations in 70% of the years since then.
What does that tell you? GOP = big spenders
Roger Rabbit says:
@31 That’s quite a record — nearly doubled the national debt in 6 short years.
Republican = borrow & spend
Roger Rabbit; Seattle’s greatest rug cleaner, Quran reader, and bin Laden supporter.
Secular Liberal Democrats = Pork Barrel
Roger Rabbit says:
Graph of U.S. national debt since 1791: how/5323527
Two facts to notice here:
1) The debt was never above $1 trillion until Reagan’s first year in office.
2) We’ve had Republican administrations in 70% of the years since then.
Roger you forget there was only two Democrat Presidents since President Lyndon B. Johnson. That was Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton that served only twelve years total, not a good sample. The peanut famer was the biggest loser of all Presidents ever elected, and he could not compete with the black hairy wart on President Clinton ass. You also forget the value of the dollar since LBJ and today’s value. Yes the Socialist Democrats are stuffing the bills with Pork except our states leaders Murray and what is her name (Now you can build your own light rail). That lame statement you made is what the Secular Liberals plan to use to win an election, including stuffing the ballot box. Oh! I forgot that new math taught in our schools in the Seattle School District will validate your statements. Roger you are late for your Prayers.
Pelletizer (TM) the difference between my “diarrhea” and your DIARRHEA are the real facts I deliver. Also I write more than a single line in my posts. You leave a continuance Pellet in many of your stuff.
@ 12 – Hey Piper, Happy Hanukkah – you smelly Republican.
Probably ingested too much fruitcake …
Talk about Republicans eating each other. PuddyInsanity practices cannibalism on his own pathetic self.
Fits with his pathological narcissism.
I don’t care what politicians say. They say whatever they must to get through they day. And they’re probably not saying what you’re crowing about because you’re a proven liar.
Show me the proof, idiot.
And you’re talking about links? Where the fuck are they?
They probably don’t exist because you love to make shit up.
See 30 for my position on the “surge”.
Oh my bad, PStupid.
You’re all worked up over my exposing your worthless bandwagon argument.
If you want to prove the “surge” worked you have to:
1) start with what the surge was supposed to accomplish.
2) determine if those goals have been met.
I say no because there’s little to no political progress in Iraq. All you do is crow over what Dems are supposedly supporting the surge and you provide only one link to a blog which is worthless.
It starts with Murtha saying the surge is “working”. Any explanation why? Then it practically slams the guy for being against the surge and then it tries to be “fair” mentioning THERE’S LITTLE TO NO POLITICAL PROGRESS.
The Politico is a beltway website funded by right wingers pretending to be “centrist”.
Yo moron@50:
I would like to thank YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me AKA
I provided two links, but as always you are too stupid to count past one.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me AKA
You exposed nothing except the fact only one brain cell is left and you are still an idiot.
Those people are not my party or my persuasion.
And … pathological narcissism? You can’t be mixing me up with Pelletizer (TM). He likes himself and loves seeing his multitudinous single line posts on this blog. He is your pathological narcissist. Good try.
Pelletizer (TM)@40: The fruitcakes are on your side of the “Rainbow” Coalition. You and others drink their white sticky kool-aid each and everyday.