Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: The Stranger Hour election recap
What better way to recap a strange election than with Josh and Erica from The Stranger? (It’s always nice to get a fast-talking Jew on the show for a change of pace, huh?) Is light rail dead? Is the GOP reviving? Are the Democrats a bunch of spineless cowards? Tune in and find out.
8PM: Funny thing happened on the way to the studio…
I’ve lived in Seattle for 15 years now, and from the looks of this week’s election I still can’t make heads or tails of the place, so who better to explain things to me than local comedian Joe Vespaziani, who joins me in studio for the hour. Joe is a regular at local comedy clubs; you can hear him on his recently released CD, “Ribbed.”
FCC chair Kevin Martin gave only five days notice in announcing last night’s public hearing in Seattle, apparently hoping to suppress attendance. It didn’t work. Jonathan Lawson and Amanda Ballantyne of Reclaim the Media deserve much of the credit for publicizing the meeting and turning out such a passionate and boisterous audience. They join me in the studio to discuss the politics of media consolidation and what’s at stake.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Excellent lineup tonight Goldy.
We know that democrats can’t be trusted. We’re going to have to shove this up their asses again. Moonbat greed, lies, and incompetence will propel Dino to victory by 58 to 42.
Think I’m wrong? Call a special session and do it.
Didn’t think so…
We know that democrats can’t be trusted. We’re going to have to shove this up their asses again. Moonbat greed, lies, and incompetence will propel Dino to victory by 58 to 42.
http://seattletimes.nwsource.c om/html/politics/2004005783_pr opertyfolo10m.html
Think I’m wrong? Call a special session and do it.
Didn’t think so…
re 3: NO, Mark! Dino can’t have the pretty ring!
I think heeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeellll have the reeeeeeeeeeeeeennnggg!!!! heh, heh, heh……
The man’s a loon!
Why is it when the Gov and Dems in the legislature decide to respect and honor the expressed will of the people, who aren’t as stupid as three members of the Washignton Supreme Court contend, they become, in your book, “spineless cowards?”
What would you have them do? Poke a stick in the collective eye of the people and get high on the notion of larger and larger property tax increases? Is that what you would do? To what end? Just to prove you can do it, show ’em all who’s boss?
Keep it up…that kind of attitude will result in more Tuesdays just like the one you experienced this past week.
The Piper
#7 Piper Scott says:
I know you asked Goldy, let me take a shot if you don’t mind.
They are spineless cowards because bush lied, people died. Bush is a moron half the time. Hitler the other half of the time. Bush trampled all over the constitution. Bush tortures people. Bush vetoed the kyoto treaty. Bush ruined the economy. Everyone hate the US because of Bush. The islamic threat is only because of Bush. Little kids are dying because bush won’t pay for their health care. Bush took us to war for the oil.
“The people” did not propose what Tim Eyeman and his obstructionist millionnaire pimps dreamed up. They were sold a deceptive bill of goods — misinformed as to the true results of the proposition — and they voted in favor of a chimera.
The Supreme Court struck it down for the reasons I’ve enumerated. Nobody will vote for Rossi. He looks and acts like a cartoon of a used car salesman.
Except now, he’s flop-sweat desperate. And don’t think those votes you Republicans stole via the Sequoia machines in Snohomish county will remain unreported.
The stink from that scandal has yet to be unleashed on you bastrds.
Throw in a few more gay, anti-gay Republican legislators, and I see Iron Chef Gregoire beating the flop-sweaty fast-food fry-cook Rossi.
Dino Rossi? Who’s he? Was he on the Soprano’s?
Marvin the Martian: And speaking of your concern for the suffering of women in Islamist countries, how come we never hear you expressing concern for the way women are treated in China and Latin America?
I think it’s because you don’t really care about women being mistreated, you just want to score points against Islam and keep beating the drums of war.
That’s your game. I know it.
Prove me wrong.
There you go again, tarring all Italians with mob association…
Once a bigot, always a bigot…
The Piper
#12 harry poon says:
If I saw someone physically abusing you I would step up and stop them. Did that prove you wrong?
Marvin is probably more concerned about the mistreatment of women in your household since almost by definition, to live in your household is to be subject to never ending mistreatment…and ethnic prejudice and bigotry.
The Piper
Early on in my postings at HA, I would catalogue the various sins and rewards and accolades accorded to Karl Rove. Drove the little boogers bats!
The Happy Hooligans quickly resort to hiding behind cliches rather than address issues or concede the paucity of their pre-school thinking. Once they deviate from the script, the whole shebang falls off the tracks.
The Piper
Then explain why the Gov and legislative Dems are so eager to enact pretty much the terms of I-747? Because the Supreme Court opinion – again, decided by only three membes of the Supreme Court – was seen as both a political and a PR disaster!
The people knew exactly what they were voting on, and now the Gov and the Dems go against their epressed wishes at their distinct peril…
Gary Locke had a similar dilemma with I-695, and he did pretty much the same thing that Gov and the Dems are doing now…Like, you expected anything different???
Am I going to fast for you? Are the words small enough for your limited vocabulary and comprehension? What is it about politics 101 that constantly seems to escape you?
The Piper
You WingNutz™ are just a bunch of Smigels writhing around with your bald, misshappen heads and skinny, naked drug-ravaged bodies trying to promote your Soprano’s-style candidate, Dino Rossi.
Jonathan Lawson and Amanda Ballantyne of Reclaim the Media deserve much of the credit for publicizing the meeting and turning out such a passionate and boisterous audience.
How hard can it be. They probably rounded up a bunch of horse fucking commies from Freemont.
Fraudoire is already running scared. She is acting like a republican by imposing the 1% limit on property tax. She should be easy pickings for Dino. She was against raising taxes and then for it and now against it again. I wonder if she is any realation to Kerry?
I 747 is an ill conceived bullshit proposal that would hurt the public by underfunding necessary civic services. But all you see is the frosting on the cake — your precious little propaganda victory — the people be damned.
You small, disgusting, little men.
Republican’s make heroes out of the most unlikely people: Dino Rossi — ex-Space-Needle janitor and real-estate agent.
I hope his college degree is more real than Jane Hague’s. I’d love to ask her a question prefaced with the phrase: “Jane, as a college graduate ….”
#16 Piper Scott says:
That’s why the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Playbook says using facts confuses and confounds liberals.
Lee insisted bush or his cronies outed the spy, he refused to acknowledge the name richard armitage. Then he even blabbered on something about they did at the same time or would have except this or that. It was hard to keep up with the ever changing story. Next time I’ll check Rosie’s blog
I’ll have to search the archives for the festivities. Thanks for the heads up.
“Are the Democrats a bunch of spineless cowards”
Unfortunately, yes, but they have nothing to worry about; the Republicans have fucked up their franchise so bad even Ted Bundy could get elected — if he ran as a Democrat.
Richard Pope can’t get elected as a Democrat, though. He couldn’t get elected as a Republican, either. Maybe he should give up politics and become an investigative journalist. He might make more money.
Lawyer Arrested At Rally Sues Bush, GOP
“Associated Press
“TOPEKA – A lawyer arrested last year after holding an anti-war sign at a political rally where President Bush spoke has filed a lawsuit, claiming Bush violated his constitutional rights.
“Dennis Hawver, an Ozawkie attorney …, filed the federal lawsuit Monday against Bush and the Kansas Republican Party. The lawsuit alleges that Hawver’s arrest Nov. 5, 2006, at the Kansas Expocentre rally was a ‘politically motivated violation of my civil and constitutional rights, especially regarding my First Amendment right of political expression.’ …
“Hawver said he was arrested after holding up a sign stating ‘Stop War’ when Bush was speaking. He said a Kansas Republican Party representative instructed two men to arrest and remove him.
“Christian Morgan, Kansas GOP executive director, said Wednesday that he recalls seeing Hawver being removed but that the party wasn’t involved … the Secret Service handled security, but … said it was not involved in Hawver’s arrest.
“In his lawsuit, Hawver claimed that after he was taken outside, two men forced him to the ground and a third struck him the face. He said they told Topeka police to handcuff him and take him to jail, where he was held for 18 hours before being released on $2,500 bond.
“‘We have certain rights in this country,’ Hawver told the Topeka Capital-Journal on Tuesday.’
“In his lawsuit, Hawver alleged the president ‘unlawfully and by and through … federal employee[s] … and the Kansas Republican Party, utilized local law enforcement personnel to arrest and jail me in order to stifle and chill any political dissent in George W. Bush’s presence.’
“Hawver is seeking $75,000 in actual damages plus appropriate punitive damages and costs and asked for a jury trial. He said the Topeka Police Department and Shawnee County Sheriff’s Office may be added as defendants, depending on responses to demand letters he filed with the city and county on Monday. He’s seeking $55,000 from the sheriff’s office and $20,001 from the police department.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s a great story, and it’ll be an even better story if Bush has to pay up. Which he should, because holding up a sign with a political message at a political rally is a constitutional right in this country. That’s a public office you hold there, Mr. President, and that was a public facility you were speaking at when your thugs hauled Mr. Hawver off to the pokey.
But, for now, I’m going to kick back and back for our troll friends to post their usual comments about “commies” and “left wingers,” knowing they’ll never click on the link and read the news story. Then, after they’ve set themselves up for the kill, I’ll move in with the last paragraph of the story, which contains — as Paul Harvey would say — the REST OF THE STORY:
“Hawver was a candidate for the GOP gubernatorial nomination last year, finishing sixth in a seven-way race. He made unsuccessful bids for Congress as a Libertarian in 2000 and 2004 and for governor in 2002.”
Yup, left winger, my ass! When you see conservative lawyers suing Republicans for violating their constitutional rights, well, all I can say is, I’d pay mone to watch THIS show unfold in court!
kick back and wait for our troll friends
All generalities, not a specific instance or example, and typical of your addle-headed thinking.
Tell me again why the Gov and legislative Dems are falling all over themselves to enact I-747? Because they can count noses, and they know the noses of the people want the 1% property tax increase limit.
And I’ll bet local government officials watching this will let things go unfunded rather than increase taxes more than 1%, because they want to be re-elected, too.
You haven’t got a flying fig idea of what the people want. You dismiss them by deriding jobs such as janitor or real estate sales (something against honest work?), you mock ethnic heritages with all the skill of an Imperial Kleagle, and you show no respect for the people’s expressed will as voiced at the ballot box…and this applies to measures such as I-747 as well as nearly the entire slate of this past Tuesday’s pretty clear mandates.
You are bucking the tide of both history and the future. In short: you lose!
In too many more ways than one, looks like Iowa has its own version of Richard Pope.
The Piper
OK…so why are the Dems “spineless cowards?” What would you have them do? Keeping increases taxes to 1% ought to be right up your fixed-income alley.
The Piper
harry poon says:
I 747 is an ill conceived bullshit proposal that would hurt the public by underfunding necessary civic services. But all you see is the frosting on the cake — your precious little propaganda victory — the people be damned.
You small, disgusting, little men.
hahahahaha Oh, that was a good squeal…. Ah too funny ..hehehehehehehhe
Hey Harry, how do you feel about those disgusting little dems rushing in to support it. hahahahaha Fraudiore the queen is on her way out. hahahahha
We have been living with the cap for 5 years, don’t you think our goverment has gotten used to it by now?
BTW why didn’t the Queen take care of this before? She had the chance, but she waited until the court threw it out.
If they do cap it in the leg. watch for the “bait & switch”. It won’t be the same as what the “people” voted
What Your Defense Dollars Bought Dep’t …
“Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced
“When the U.S. Navy deploys a battle fleet … [a]t least a dozen warships provide a physical guard while the technical wizardry of the world’s only military superpower offers an invisible shield to detect and deter any intruders.
“That is the theory. Or, rather, was the theory. American military chiefs have been left dumbstruck by an undetected Chinese submarine popping up … close to the … U.S.S. Kitty Hawk – a 1,000ft supercarrier …. By the time it surfaced the … submarine … [had] sailed within … range for launching torpedoes or missiles at the carrier.
“According to senior Nato officials the incident caused consternation in the U.S. Navy. The Americans had no idea China’s … submarine fleet … posed such a threat. One Nato figure said the effect was ‘as big a shock as the Russians launching Sputnik’ ….”
“The incident … is a major embarrassment for the Pentagon. The … Chinese vessel slipped past at least a dozen other American warships which were supposed to protect the carrier from … submarines. And the rest of the costly defensive screen … was also apparently unable to detect it.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Hmmm … maybe that story ties in with THIS one?
“By Michael E. Salla, M.A., Ph.D.
“The Bush administration has covered up … Pentagon war games analysis that suggests an attack on Iran’s nuclear or military facilities will lead directly to the annihilation of the Navy’s Fifth Fleet now stationed in the Persian Gulf.
“Lt. General Paul Van Riper led a hypothetical Persian Gulf state in the … wargames that resulted in the destruction of the Fifth Fleet.
“His experience and conclusions regarding the vulnerability of the Fifth Fleet to an assymetrical military conflict with Iran have been ignored. Neoconservatives within the Bush administration are currently aggressively promoting a range of military actions against Iran that will culminate in it attacking the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet with sophisticated cruise anti-ship missiles. …
“Iran has sufficient quantities of cruise missiles to destroy much or all of the Fifth Fleet which is within range of Iran’s mobile missile launchers strategically located along its mountainous terrain overlooking the Persian Gulf. … The most sophisticated of Iran’s cruise missiles are the ‘Sunburn’ and ‘Yakhonts’. These are missiles against which U.S. military experts conclude modern warships have no effective defense.
“By deliberately provoking an Iranian retaliation to U.S. military actions, the neoconservatives will knowingly sacrifice much or all of the Fifth Fleet. This will culminate in a new Pearl Harbor that will create the right political environment for total war against Iran, and expanded military actions in the Persian Gulf region.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://www.informationclearing.....e18687.htm
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Thanks and acknowledgement to “john seebeth,” who originally posted this link at comment #18 in the “War Games” thread below.
Most Americans blithely assume that we would win a war against Iran, just as they assumed Iraq would be a cakewalk for the U.S. military. After all, we’re the world’s only superpower, and nobody can challenge us, least of all a dead dictator, right?
Now go back and re-read that story about how a Chinese diesel-electric sub moseyed right up to the Kitty Hawk and could have blown our carrier’s keel away if its captain wanted to. Now think about the hills overlooking the Persian Gulf bristling with Iranian cruise missiles that nobody has technology to defend against.
Only damn fools who have never read any history think there’s such a thing as a slam-dunk war. The truth is military conflicts are crapshoots whose outcomes often turn on random accidental events.
Do you folks understand a thing about how government is funded or what it does?
Or are headlines, talking points and bumper stickers the primary source of your opinions?
@31 Piper (and all the rest of you WingNuts (TM) who have been sleeping under a log), it has to do with the gutless cave-ins to Bush thuggery by our majority, but nevertheless useless, Democratic representatives in Congress. Especially the leaders of abject surrender to the White House, Pelosi and Reid.
Why would state gov’t have passed a law prior to the court opinion? The initiative was in effect?
RR @ 35
Couldn’t said it better myself.
It Ain’t Over Even After It’s Over
For all you WingNuts (TM) who smugly believe the GOP’s theft of the 2004 election in Ohio has quietly gone away … you’re wrong. The controversy, and lawsuits, are very much alive. Obviously the election won’t be set aside at this point, but the historical record will be put straight, and better yet, maybe the instigators and perpetrators will end up doing jail time and/or paying big-money judgments.
Because the WSSC is a liberal court, and the gov was aware it was being challenged. The Leg should have been pro-active and made it Law, instead of discussing Dogs in Bars.
The 2008 Demo nomination might not be a slam-dunk. The Boston Globe reports the polls are tightening in Iowa and New Hampshire, with Clinton losing momentum, and Obama and Edwards both moving up in the latest polls.
K says:
Do you folks understand a thing about how government is funded or what it does?
Or are headlines, talking points and bumper stickers the primary source of your opinions?
Everyone knows the government is given too much for too little. IT was evident in the last election, wasn’t it? It will be the biggest issue in our State in 08. Fraudiore already lied once about taxes. This is why the people will re-elect Rossi in 08.
Oooh were scared… geessh. These sore looser never give it up do they. hehehehe
Silly Rabbit, Trix aren’t for you!
The issue in the thread was “spineless cowards” in re the Gov and legislative Dems swiftly seeking to enact I-747 into law. There was no mention of Dubya or any of that other stuff.
Harry Reid’s and Nancy Pelosi’s incompetence aside, why is what the Gov and the Dems are doing qualify them for such an epithet?
Try thinking outside the box rather than grabbing another fistfull of cliches from your rabbit skin grab bag.
Really…you should be able to do better than your reflexive rhetoric.
The Piper
If there is to be a dem as prez in 08, i hope edwards or obama are the choice. Hillary scares the shit out of me.
@2 “We know that democrats can’t be trusted.”
We know YOU can’t be trusted! Your $100 gambling debt to Goldy is more than 2 years past due! Pay up, you lying welsher!
Those two lily-livered panty waists? HRC has more manhood in one breast than the Bupkis Bros. have in both their bodie combined.
The Clinton machine will eventually crush, dismember, and totally emasculate those two walking Pez dispensers.
The Piper
Low Turnout — Or Disenfranchisement?
Tomorrow’s letters to the editor columns of both Seattle dailies contain a wealth of citizen insights on this week’s election, starting with this one by Michael Reinholz of Seattle:
“For the second time in two years, my absentee ballot for King County was rejected because my signature looked different from the one on file. …
“Do you think it is just a coincidence that I happen to live in the most progressive district of the most liberal city in Washington state? I wonder if more conservative parts of the state are having their absentee ballots rejected as aggressively as people in King County. …
“It is apparent to me that King County is systematically trying to disenfranchise some of our most vulnerable voters. This includes housebound elderly, who might be suffering from arthritis, which makes duplicating their signature difficult. This also attacks someone who might have a debilitating medical problem such as Parkinson’s.”
Quoted under fair use; for entire letter and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Do you think it possible the GOP campaign of bullying and intimidation has KCRE officials so cowed they’re disenfranchising legitimate voters — especially the elderly with shaking hands? It would appear so. Shame on them for not standing up to these thugs.
Talk about a Prexy with his still intact!
George H.W. Bush, at age 83, PARACHUTED onto the grounds of his presidential library today to celebrate its re-opening. Now manly is that!
The Piper
I didn’t find this one online, but it’s in Sunday’s Times. William Osmer of Bellevue wrote,
“What gives Tim Eyman and the … supporters of Initiative 96o the idea that the minority (one-third plus 1) ought to be able to tell the majority (50 percent plus 1) what to do? … here’s an idea: Maybe I’ll launch an initiative that would require a two-thirds vote to approve Eyman’s asinine initiatives.”
Read that letter closely, Rog…Sounds like a more conservative voter complaining that he might have been targeted by…LIBERALS in LIBERAL Seattle.
Curious…when will you be blaming your constipation and inability to pick up babes in bars on the GOP? How about your complete failure to make any major league sports team or contend for an Olympic medal? Karl Rove plots, were they?
I hear the Second Silesian War was started by Dick Cheney’s great-great-great-great granduncle’s prom date.
But I suppose in your case, paranoia is better than no noia at all.
The Piper
@3 The last time you predicted a 58-42 victory margin, you lost $100. Don’t you think it’s time to pay that bet? Pay up, you fucking liar/welsher/freeloader.
Hey Redneck! Got a question for ya good buddy.* If the guvmint is responsible for the safety of the American people by spending tax money on the military, why shouldn’t the guvmint be responsible for the health of the American people by spending tax money on health care? What’s the difference? I don’t see one.
Conservatives think it’s okay to have a socialist military to kill people, but it’s not okay to have a socialist health care system to save lives.
Oh yeah, one more thing, David S. Broder’s column in tomorrow’s Seattle Times says over 2 million people have JOINED UNIONS in the last 4 years. Eat shit, rightys — America’s workers are MAD AS HELL and aren’t going to take your cheap-labor crap anymore!!
#36 Roger Rabbit says:
Have you ever considered that the democrats are smarter than you and know what is best for the country?
Didn’t think so.
@51 “Read that letter closely, Rog…Sounds like a more conservative voter complaining that he might have been targeted by…LIBERALS in LIBERAL Seattle.”
As usual, you completely miss the point, Crackpiper. NO ONE should have their ballot thrown out because of a shaky signature caused by age or medical problems, regardless of who they vote for!
Oh, and … for a conservative voter to be “targeted” by “liberals in liberal Seattle,” they would have to know he was a conservative voter, wouldn’t they? But how would KCRE officials know that? They can’t, because we have a thing in this country called a SECRET BALLOT.
Another Crackpiper Crackpot Theory goes down in flames.
@56 “Have you ever considered that the democrats are smarter than you and know what is best for the country?”
You don’t think so, so why should I?
@56 (continued) I can tell you what ISN’T best for the country: EVERYTHING done by the corrupt, dishonest, incompetent Bush administration. You can’t name one single solitary thing that Bush and Cheney have done right — because there isn’t one.
Given the most corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent administration in our country’s history, WHY should Pelosi and Reid pander to them? That’s not what voters elected the Democratic majority to do. The public clearly is fed up with the Bush regime, and want a Democratic Congress to stop the GOP bullshit. You want to know why Congress’ approval rating is even lower than Bush’s? Because they’re not doing the job voters elected them to do, that’s why. And the voters most definitely did NOT elect this Congress to rubberstamp the criminal Bushevik regime.
@42 “Everyone knows the government is given too much for too little.”
I have the same problem with the for-profit private sector — especially when it comes to health care.
@44 I said nothing about the governor or legislature. I am an ardent admirer of the governor and legislature.
@45 Why would the most Republican-like Democratic candidate scare a Republican? She cares me, too, but not for the same reason she scares you.
@47 “The Clinton machine will eventually crush, dismember, and totally emasculate those two walking Pez dispensers.”
Where did a dolt like you get an insight like this? Surely this bit of wisdom could not have originated in your infertile brain.
@49 “George H.W. Bush, at age 83, PARACHUTED onto the grounds of his presidential library today to celebrate its re-opening.”
He has a better health insurance plan than the rest of us.
49/65 Kinda makes his twit of a son look pretty lame by comparison, doesn’t it?
34 You mean Kelsey Grammer didn’t emerge from the conning tower and holler “I looove this job”?
27 The Kansas GOP may be the wrong target. The larger issue concerns whether the lawful mission of the Secret Service includes assaulting United States citizens who pose no physical threat to the president.
The mission of the Secret Service can be found here:
That mission doesn’t include giving the benefit of the doubt to idiots and morons who, in the Service’s considered professional judgment and experience, might pose even the slightest threat to one under their protection.
It is their job to apply maximum force on any even remotely possible present threat, and they do so not only for the current administration, but also for past and future administrations.
Don’t try and make the role of the Secret Service a partisan matter; Agents would have done the same to an anti-Clinton or anti-Obama protester because there’s zero tolerance not only for a risk of harm, but also for the appearance of a risk.
Unless, of course, you would like a panel discussion of the issue among the ghosts of JFK, Lincoln, and Garfield.
The Secret Service acts on EVERY possible threat, and those who engage in them do so at their own risk.
The Piper
#60 Roger Rabbit says:
Why should the democrats do what is best for the country instead of doing what the extreme-left fringe of society wants?
Good question.
#61 Roger Rabbit says:
As an ex government employee, you’re on the public health dime aren’t you. I didn’t know you were spending money out of your own pocket.
Maybe if you pay a little more you would get better care. Think of it as paying higher taxes, you’ll dig it.
I’m not able to listen to the show live, living over here in Spokane, but I like to download the podcasts. About how long does it take KIRO to turn them around and get them on the website, on average?
Paul Krugman, in an op/ed article in today’s Seattle PI, debunks three of the main WingNut™ arguments against single-payer government administered healthcare.
You can count on righty WingNut™ extremists (like Marvin and Piper) to be bringing them up constatly over the next year — in effect — arguing against their own and everyone elses’ best interests.
Bottom line: England, Canada, France, and Germany have state-run healthcare and they get as good or better healthcare than Americans get at half the cost per person.
What’s the Difference? In the U.S., administrative costs are 6 times greater. So, who gets the money? Bush’s cronies.
#73 harry poon says:
When did the cost of healthcare start to skyrocket? (hint- during world war 2 when companies used health insurance as incentives because of government imposed limits on salaries)
What medical procedures drop in price? (hint- boob jobs, liposuction, laser eye, etc. Procedures not covered by insurance where doctors have to “compete” for patients)
What country do many canadians, english, etc. run to for surgery? (hint- the country without socialist healthcare)
What’s best in my interest is for the government to get out of healthcare. Make ALL doctors compete, both by l;owering prices and better service.
Marv — Non of those procedures is for a life-threatening condition.
Most people don’t have dental insurance, yet I do not see the cost of any dental procedures going down.
The problem with your reasoning is that you are starting out with an all-purpose conclusion (a free market and competition will always lead to the best and cheapest result. This, Marvin, is an article of faith. It is not a demonstrable fact. When you find a scrap of evidence that supports your a-piori conclusion It’s: “Mission Accomplished” in your mind.
What about Halliburton’s ‘no bid’ contracts? The reason the current administration states for no competition bids is that it would be too expensive and unweildy to let the market work in that circumstance.
Doesn’t that contradict what you believe?
#75 harry poon says:
What dental procedures are not covered by insurance?
Still don’t understand the no bid contracts do you. Do a little research and explain to me why clinton used halliburton in bosnia/kosova without a “bidding” process. I’m sure you don’t know that halliburtons profits doubled in 1998-2000.
Hint, look up Harvard University professor, Steven Kelman, who was administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Clinton administration for some information on halliburton and no bid contracts.
Of course, you made no mention of URS Corp. Why not? Google Diane Feinstein and URS corp to further your education about no bid contracts.
re 76: The question, Marvin, is not waht Clinton did with regard to Halliburton, but what the Bush administration did.
You ham-handedly attempted to make the point that free market solutions in the sphere of healthcare brought some cheaper medical procedures for boob jobs and fat people. You then stated that government needs to stay out of the free market because the free market always brings the best and cheapest solution.
BUT, when I pointed out that the Bush administration handed no-bid contracts to Halliburton on the specious grounds that non-competion was the best way to go, you avoided dealing with your administrations contradictory verbiage and behavior by blabbering about Clinton.
What a dope and a chump you are.
Do you even know what a chump is?