Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: The Stranger Hour
Erica C. Barnett and Josh Feit from The Stranger join Goldy to talk politics, Erica’s new iPhone, and maybe some sex.
8PM: Drinking Liberally
Justin Krebs, founder of Drinking Liberally, will join Goldy to talk about the liberal grassroots, drinking and being liberal. [Update: Nicholas Beaudrot, Seattle Chapter co-founder is there, too.]
9PM: Perfection, Ann Coulter style
Goldy discusses wacky topics like disenfranchising women and perfecting Jews.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give Goldy a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
wow, another slow news day ? Why not talk about Burner Reichert (and your crush on her…if you have to include sex in your first hour), talk about Sanchez and his views, talk about Sims and his change of heart on the transit issues, talk about Gore and global warming (it’s Norway, remember)…but Iphone and Sex, where to drink in solitude and Ann “she’s not mainstream” Coulter…oh boy, how low have you sunk
I wrote the post, and added in the smart-ass comments about the iPhone and sex, based on a brief few moments of opening dialog. If you actually listened to the show you would know that they are actually talking serious local politics.
Sheesh, you angry Wingnuts can’t even take a fucking joke!
Update: they’ll be talking about Dino Rossi in a few…
I thought Jesus H. Christ was already the perfect Jew.
But, then again, Kinky Friedman has noted that:
“They ain’t makin’ Jews like Jesus anymore.
They don’t turn the other cheek when you knock down their front door.”
Kinky Friedman rules the universe!
Hey you jews, get perfect already.
Like, Ann Coulter is offering herself as your role model of perfection – – A perfect pile of shit.
I mean, if you do not (get perfect), you may end up going to, like, hell.
If Coulter is not there, like, hell may not be such a bad place to be.
But then again, maybe Coulter has nothing to do with anything, except for … a perfect pile of shit.
“and maybe some sex”
Now there’s an interesting topic! You’ll lose all the Republican listeners, though. They’re not interested in sex, much less capable of it. They all came from test tubes.
Republicans are only interested in other people’s sex. Mainly, they’re interested in making sure other people don’t have get they don’t have.
Garbled; let’s try that again.
Republicans are only interested in other people’s sex. Mainly, they’re interested in making sure other people don’t get what they don’t have.
Damn, it’s hard to type with furry paws. You with fingers, you have no fucking idea …
Well, of course the Nazi Queen is anti-Semitic. She would lose all credibility with her natural constituency if she didn’t engage in Jew-baiting now and then, and occasionally drop dark hints about “concentration camps” and “executing” people.
@1 Darcy is sexy! To see Darcy give a rabbit a thrill, click here:
@10 Somehow, I wouldn’t get the same rush from being picked up by Reichert, even if that superficial twit could ever bring himself to touch a domesticated companion animal such as myself.
@11 He just ain’t sexy.
I don’t know what makes some people sexy, and others not. Some have it, some don’t. Maybe it has something to do with gender. Age could be a factor, too. But I think mainly there’s just something fundamentally unattractive about being a dumb, vacuous, lackey to fascist pigfuckers.
@2 Darryl — you thought these guys have a sense of humor? Where did you ever get that idea?
@5 “I mean, if you do not (get perfect), you may end up going to, like, hell.”
Actually, I think people like her have something more temporal in mind.
Republicans are only interested in other people’s sex. Mainly, they’re interested in making sure other people don’t get what they don’t have.
Actually, Republicans are intent on ensuring that they’re the only ones allowed to have sex.
HA ain’t giving an “Open Thread” so I will ask it here:
Can one of the lawyer folks answer a quick question?
Young relative caught up in credit card fraud using another relative’s ID. Youngster says they consulted a “Criminal Attny” who supposedly said that ‘even if the youngster agrees w/bank to pay “restitution” kid was still going to jail and restitution would be awarded via the court judgment’.
But, if the identity ‘thefted’ victim hasn’t signed any charging papers with the authorities, does that “still going to jail” ring true and a supposed “Criminal Attny” would say something like that? Thanks, if anyone can help!
Personally I’m skeptical here, but relative (up helping with my Moldy Oldie house/mold issues) is going down tomorrow to attempt to deal with the restitution/issues. A little advice upfront would be helpful. Aren’t Rabbits nocturnal, anyways?
BTW, we’re planning to consult my attorney next week re: all the house issues (once contractors can open walls to see/photograph the damages) plus relative’s issues. Just trying to get a quick tip before tomorrow.
@17 FNF, the answer to your question is not clearcut. Theft is not just a crime against the victim, but also an offense against society, and the decision about whether the youngster ultimately is prosecuted lies with the prosecutor, not with the complaining witness. Although a desire for leniency on the part of the victim often influences prosecutorial decision, there is no guarantee the PAO won’t decide to prosecute anyway. Part of what they’re after here is to get the youthful offender into “the system” — so they know where he is, what he’s up to, and have some leverage over his future behavior.
If this is a first offense, he has an excellent odds of avoiding jail time and even getting the incident expunged from his record via deferred prosecution so it won’t impair future employment (or Army enlistment) prospects; but my guess is that, given the prominence that identity theft crimes are getting, the PAO probably is not going to give him a free pass on the victim’s say-so.
My money is on a deferred prosecution plea-bargain offer.
Here is a must-read (excerpted below): http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....tts14.html
“A brief history of rope, a long history of hatred
“This will be a history of rope.
“It strikes me that such a history is desperately needed just now. It seems the travesty in Jena, La., has spawned a ghastly trend. …
“A noose is left for a black workman at a construction site in the Chicago area. In Queens, a woman brandishes a noose to threaten her black neighbors. A noose is left on the door of a black professor at Columbia University. And that’s just last week. …
“The superintendent of schools in Jena famously dismissed the original incident as a ‘prank.’ It was an astonishing response, speaking volumes about the blithe historical ignorance of people who have found it convenient not to peer too closely at the atrocities of the past … maybe what we need here is the opposite of ignorance. … Maybe what we need is a history of rope.
“A history of rope would have to include, in 1904, Luther Holbert and his wife, who had their fingers chopped off and handed out as souvenirs. Holbert was beaten so badly one of his eyes came out. It hung by a thread. A large corkscrew was used to bore into the couple’s flesh. It tore out big chunks of them each time it was withdrawn. A rope was used to tie them to the tree.
“A history of rope would have to include, in 1917, Rufus Moncrief, who was beaten senseless by a mob. They used a saw to cut off his arms …. The mob hanged Moncrief. Then, for good measure, they hanged his dog. …
“A history of rope would have to include, in 1918, Mary Turner, burned alive in Valdosta, Ga. A man used a hog-splitting knife to slash her swollen stomach. The baby she had carried nearly to term tumbled out and managed two cries before the man crushed its head beneath his heel. …
“A history of rope would … range widely across the geography of this nation and the years of the past two centuries. A history of rope would travel from Cairo, Ill., in 1909 to Fort Lauderdale in 1935 to Urbana, Ohio, in 1897 to Wrightsville, Ga., in 1903, to Leitchfield, Ky., in 1913 to Newbern, Tenn., in 1902. And beyond.
“You might say the country has changed since then …. The problem is, it’s changing again.
“It feels as if in recent years we the people have traveled backward from even the pretense of believing our loftiest ideals. It has become fashionable to decry … ‘political correctness,’ deride ‘diversity,’ sneer at the ‘protected classes.’ Code words sanding down hatred’s rough edge. ‘States’ rights’ for the new millennium. And now, out come the nooses. Just a prank, the man says.
“Mary Turner would argue otherwise. I find it useful to remember her …. To remember her is to understand that there is no prank here. A history of rope would drown your conscience in blood.”
Satterberg Faces Conflict of Interest Issue
“Until recently, King County Interim Prosecutor Dan Satterberg served as a legal resource for a board that was helping the Seattle Archdiocese revise its policy for handling reports of sex abuse by priests. Satterberg … said his role was to make sure any policy complied with state law and that the archdiocese notified prosecutors and police immediately when an accusation came in.
“It’s a role that an attorney for many victims in the church’s sex-abuse scandal says gives at least the appearance of a conflict of interest … Seattle attorney Timothy Kosnoff said … [in] 2002 … he sent a letter to the King County Prosecutor’s Office asking it to look into the cases of 49 priests identified by the archdiocese as having been accused of abusing minors, dating back to 1950. The prosecutor’s office declined. Satterberg, who was chief of staff at the time, wrote in a letter to Kosnoff that the office had no evidence that church officials had violated a mandatory reporting law, so there was no legal basis to go after church records. That makes Kosnoff wonder if Satterberg’s role as a legal resource to the archdiocese’s board played a part in that decision. …
“John Shuster, a spokesman for the Seattle chapter of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, agrees with Kosnoff’s position. ‘I just don’t like the idea that a government official who’s supposed to be totally impartial would be a resource to the institution that covered up for so many pedophiles and didn’t report as much to the police as they should have over the years,’ Shuster said.”
@ 19, Hey Thanks RR!
Gives me something to tell relative. I feel just ill about the whole mess. Kid wasn’t raised that way, just feels so ‘entitled’ and now what a difficult position for all concerned.
@22 A good ass-kicking might straighten him out. Then again, it might not.
Speaking of disenfranchising women – I seem to remember Madeline Halfbright telling foreign dignitaries her role model was Xena, Warrior Princess.
“I’ve never been to New Zealand before. But one of my role models, Xena, the warrior princess, comes from there.”
Now that’s disenfranchising Lucy Lawless.
Don Joe – I do have a sense of humor. My mind is not liberal so I can remember these things.
Hey Darryl: Again, can you tell us your definition of Sub-Saharan?
Pelletmaker@20: Your entry didn’t cover one salient point regarding rope and nooses:
These acts are occurring in blue city and state lands. Now why is that…? I thought progressives are “open minded, “caring”, “watching out for their neighbor”.
Being the followers they are I expect a noosed rope to appear in FUWA!
My mind is not liberal so I can remember these things.
Yeah your mind is that of an addict – to right wing bullshit.
Reminds me of the old public service commercial – this is a mind on drugs…
Halfbright! Wrong again. You must be referring to Condi – that sycophant hasn’t got anywhere near what Allbright has.
I give her a little credit for keeping Darth Cheney at bay with the brain-dead preznit.
Think of it PWhackjob – Condi is keeping this country from bombing Iran and her people is talking to the Iranians. How does THAT float your neo-con whackjob wingnut boat?
Huh, what?
Did a Clueless One have diarrhea of the fingers in #27?
YLB – The Clueless One – Did Halfbright say that or not? If she didn’t I recant my statement above. If she did why don’t you SFTU and KMA?
When you look in the mirror every morning …that is a mind on drugs… You meds need modification. See to it tomorrow morning.
Wait a minute you’ll be LYAO like you normally do.
See to it tomorrow morning.
Remember – always remember – I don’t and NEVER WILL take orders from the likes of you.
I was talking about your slur on Allbright MORON – NOT about anything she said! Save it for Condi who’ll say and do anything to protect her dear preznit from the hoi polloi he’s supposed to
reamserve.It’s the sad story about addicts that they deny it to the end. And you’ll be denying it staight through the reckoning on Nov 2008.
These acts are occurring in blue city and state lands.
Another logical fallacy which is typical of your brain dead commentary here.
There’s progressive dems in the reddest of states and there’s skinhead racist morons in the REDDEST of states as well.
A few morons does not a state make except in the braindead mind of puddybud – this is a mind on right wing bullshit.
And if I wasn’t LMAO at your twisted bullshit I’d be crying. So I choose to be happy that your mentality is on the fringe – at least here in this state.
Puddybud @ 25
“Hey Darryl: Again, can you tell us your definition of Sub-Saharan?”
Awww…Puddy, I missed all your psychotic babbling in the later parts of the Gore thread (sorry—I typically skip over your tripe). It looks like my comment that Darfur is not in sub-Saharan Africa made your little wee-wee stand at attention. How long did that last? 10, maybe 12 hours? I hope you didn’t have to call a physician.
As usual, you found yourself able to look up shit, but unable to actually understand it. Darfur is on the edge of the Sahara Desert in a biogeographical region called the Sahel. The Sahel is a grassland that, depending on climate (it changes every few of decades) ranges from rich grasslands to desert. I consider sub-Saharan Africa to begin in the tropical regions at the southern margins of the Sahel (and I suspect most geographers would agree, although the definition of sub-Saharan is, admittedly, discipline-specific).
Right now, many parts of Darfur are, essentially, part of the Sahara Desert. In particular, the places where aid workers go (remember the topic was in reference to Piper Scott comment about aid workers getting “butchered” in sub-Saharan Africa) are huge refugee camps in the desert along the borders of Chad and Sudan in both countries. Here is a good (if somewhat dated) NPR story on the issues involved.
BTW: when Piper Scott was discussing humanitarian workers being “slaughtered in sub-Saharan Africa,” I imagined he was most likely referring to Rwanda (unambiguously in sub-Saharan Africa) in the mid-1990s where humanitarian workers were sometimes intentionally targeted and hundreds were killed.
I hope that clears it up for you and that you get that little fella under control!
I’m not giving legal advice, so bear that in mind.
Unlike civil law cases, criminal matters aren’t private in nature, hence it’s always “The People of the State of Washington v. Jones.” While a victim’s POV can carry a lot of wait, that isn’t always the determining factor.
Depending upon the jurisdiction in which the events you recounted occured, your young relative may still face criminal charges.
The Piper
Terrorist @ 24,
I do have a sense of humor.
In order to demonstrate an actual sense of humor, you have to say something funny. You know, like, “Democrats read banned books in the privacy of their own homes, while Republicans form censorship committees and read them as a group.” (I know, it’s an old joke. But I had to keep the sex reference in there to keep it on topic.)
My mind is not liberal so I can remember these things.
Quite correct: you remember trivial and inconsequential details, but completely forget very important concepts and principles as they might apply to specific circumstances.
By the way, you still haven’t offered any thoughts on
@ 19. RR, can’t tell you how much your comments last night HELPED! Merciful gesture to a good & honest person I really care about. It has been truly the Devil’s Dilemma the past 2-3 weeks, worrying that by clearing one’s name and reputation (for stuff she never even knew about until the creditors started hounding, kid made sure the bills weren’t sent to her address) – would land one’s OWN kid in jail, potential guilt forever. After reading what you wrote, she finally understood that the kid’s activities and the authorities are the ones making the choices, leaving no options. I’ve been sweating that she was softening, considering cashing in her few retirement assets in an attempt to make it all go away. But you made it clear THAT wasn’t going to happen. She headed down to southern WA this morning much calmer, hauling your comments, to get things sorted out and let the kid know how it’s time to step up to the plate. Again, my THANKS, we’re novices at this type of crap!
@ 33. Piper, thanks too for your input! I think it relieved a lot of pressure for her to come to grips with the fact that Moms can only do so much and clean up only so many messes. It’s the kid’s responsibility, time to grow up! We’ll just see what happens, help kid locate a good attorney (that kid can also pay for Mom’s now decided) or get a public defender, and hope for leniency by the courts!
Rabbit at 19- that’s the first intelligent thing you’ve said on any of these strings, and you also happen to be largely correct. Did you spend the weekend at Landmark or something?
If this is a first offense for the kid, he or she may not avoid the criminal charge, but it’s extraordinarily unlikely any jail time would be involved, and I suspect a deferred sentence (if adult) or deferred “disposition” (if a juvie would be likely as well. These would allow for the kid to get it off his or her record.
@ 36. Thanks too TDOG! Makes me feel a little less bleak, as well. Pretty positive this is the first offense. Young adult that’s plenty old enough to know better! Will pass the word to ‘Mom’, sure to cheer her up some!
Good luck relying on “legal advice” from Roger Rodent, not sure he is qualified as any other than a “crackhouse lawyer.”
Sounds like your friend is getting good advice from you, too, and she’s doing what’s in the best interests of the kid. Cashing in her retirement assets to cover his misdeeds is enabling him, and she’ll only throw good money after bad because he won’t be held accountable for his actions.
Sometimes the hardest thing a parent can do is see their kid running pall mall toward a brick wall despite best efforts to warn the kid and prevent the behavior. But if the kid is bound an determined, then you have to step aside and let the kid hit the wall…then go help the kid pick up the pieces and stand with him even as he goes through his own private hell.
Good parents of all political persuasions have had to do that at one time or another.
The Piper
Read for a quick rundown on the murder of aid workers not only in Africa but around the world. It’s no small issue, and the people from both public (UN) and private organizations face tremendous risks when they go in to feed and provide medical care to refuges.
The Piper
First off Perfesser Darryl, I’ve been to Africa. I understand the arab/black african conflict. Your pontification about your “knowledge” of this conflict is a real hoot.
You think my penis gets erect over your pixel pukings? Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa. Remember Perfesser Darryl, the devil is in the details which I already posted and you skipped. Too bad as I won’t repeat it. Being of “academia” you should already know it.
But you gave yourself away when you pixel-shitted: “I consider sub-Saharan Africa to begin” WTF? I posted the cultural exposition of academia. But as always you reject facts. Rejected again!
I know about the Sahel. Tell me about the other regions oh wise perfesser.
Oh ASSIE Voice, maybe you should discuss why the NY Times decided not to print the Medal of Honor article like the other newspapers did.
Piper: Discussing facts with Perfesser Darryl is a worthless exercise.
Hey Darryl – how did I figger out you were dj?
If I am sooooooooooooooooooo stooooooooooooooopid as you claim I am, how do I eventually figger out these doppelgangers among those with mental disorders?
Did someone psycho-babble?
@ 39 Piper ~ “only throw good money after bad”
Oddly enough, those were my exact words! My exact sentiments, as well. Kid knows what buttons to push, plays them like a card shark, but perhaps/hopefully this time those ‘buttons’ are falling on deaf ears. That loss of trust was so devastating it was painful to watch unfold. Like I told her these ‘little messes’ just keep escalating and there comes a time that the routine has to stop, NOW is that time. I agree, honest people come from both persuasions! We don’t have to have the same politics to require decent behavior from family – we weren’t raised that way!
Now we have proof the left has infiltrated the MSM.
David Shuster of NBC News asked on the Morning Joe Report:
“My only disappointment in this column is that Paul Krugman doesn’t refer to the “wingnuts.” He just calls them the “right-wingers.””
Now it’s one thing for Pelletmaker or YLB – The Clueless One to call us wingnuts. But when a NBC News reporter says that well…
I rest m case on the librul MSM.
Yes, the MSM is sooooooooooooooooo balanced!