Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: The Stranger Hour with ECB
The Stranger’s Erica C. Barnett joins me for the hour for a round-up of the week in state and local politics, including bike plans, nightlife licenses, city council races and more.
9PM: What’s up with Will?
Fellow HA blogger Will Kelley-Kamp joins me for the hour for a no holds barred discussion of local and national current events.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
“Will Kelley-Kamp”??? OK. It all makes sense now. Any guy that takes a hyphen name is a hopeless pathetic pussy.
Girls – Here’s a secret. You may think it’s cute. OK, go ahead….make a political statement with your name. But the vast majority of men fucking hate it. At work, I make sure I don’t help hyphen-name bitch women. I refuse to do business with hyphen name bitch women. I NEVER vote for a hyphen-name bitch. MOST men do the same.
And limpdicks like Will… we laugh at you behind your back.
Just letting you know how the world really works…
If that’s how you think the world works, you wingnuts clearly threw away the manual when you opened the package, then. That explains a lot.
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick…….
@1 “Mark the Redneck-Goldstein says: Any guy that takes a hyphen name is a hopeless pathetic pussy.”
MTR usually is completely FOS but might be onto something this time. Pay your gambling debt, welsher.
Times when you don’t hyphenate your name…..
Wang- Holder
Yep all those folks were part of the Fem – Nazi movement and will be great Socialist Democrats. They can reverse their last names and vote twice in Washington.
Your search – Will Kelley-Kamp – did not match any documents.
Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
Try different keywords.
Try more general keywords.
Try fewer keywords.
Goldy your friend is a nobody maybe he should change his name to something else.
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Goldy is Erica a crime victim or knows some of your friends who been murdered with an ax that you don’t want to talk about?
Webb was killed with an ax
Suspect charged with murder
Goldy don’t forget about you sweet friend Mike Web and how his friend axed him to death. Question will this be considered a hate crime or not? Will you support the Death Penitently? After all it is a crime committed against a gay defenseless person.
Scott Brian White told radio talk-show host Mike Webb he was going out for a cigarette in the early morning hours of April 14.
Instead, he told police, he reached under the bed the two shared, grabbed a double-edged ax he had stored there earlier and bludgeoned to death the man who had given him shelter.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
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Yep I did that last week, but no response, had to turn it off because it keep the cat awake.
Started to say something, but remembered
“Don’t Feed the Trolls”
Komrade Darryl Hyphen-Name didn’t like my post in previous thread so here goes again…
Why the fuck is everybody so bent out of shape about this thing with Vick and the dogs?
The fucking dogs are his property. He can do whatever the fuck he wants with them.
Why the outrage?
Goldy’s new rules for posting.
There’s legal language nearby. Here’s the plain English: no libel, slander, no lying, no fabricating, no swearing at all, no words that teenagers use a lot that some people think aren’t swearing but we do, no insulting groups or individuals, no ethnic slurs and/or epithets, no religious bigotry, no threats of any kind, no bathroom humor, no comparing anyone to Hitler, Stalin or Pol Pot. We expect heated, robust debate, but comments should be polite and civil. We consider this to be public space so behave and write accordingly.
Yes, what is not allowable is subjective. absolutely reserve the right to remove posts we think break any of the rules or the spirit of the rules and we reserve the right to ban individuals from commenting. We will use language filtering programs to block certain words and we will use human editing too.
Comments should be limited to the topic of the original posting. This is not the place for private conversations, no matter how innocent.
We require everyone who comments to register and provide a real e-mail address. No exceptions. And posting comments is not the same thing as complaining to of a problem – legally, there’s a big difference.
Mark the Redneck,
“Why the fuck is everybody so bent out of shape about this thing with Vick and the dogs?”
What “thing” with “Vick and the dog” are you talking about?
Klake @ 10,
Nope…you’re mistaken. It seems you have copied the commenting policy for CBS News, not for HorsesAss.
The comment policy for HorsesAss can be found here.
Darryl Dum-Shit…
Some football player guy killed a few dogs and there’s a big uproar.
Jus’ tryin to understand why.
Mark the Redneck,
“Some football player guy killed a few dogs and there’s a big uproar.’
Who give a shit. This isn’t a sports blog. Dumb fuck!
MTR PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE keep proving your mom and dad were brother and sister with your twisted posts. PLEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEE. I sent copies of this to 11 different progressive organizations tonight and you can bet you’re helping us more than you’ll ever know. So please you inbred piece of shit…keep it up. With Publicans like you out there, the Dems have a lock in 08.
9, 13:
It’s illegal, moron. And celebrities doing something illegal is always news. And pay your gambling debt, you cheapskate loser!
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick…….
Saw an apropos bumper sticker at Ballard Seafood Fest:
Democrats treat dogs like people.
Republicans treat people like dogs.
Studies show that one’s attitudes toward treatment of animals tends to reflect one’s attitudes toward treatment of humans.
I’m just sayin’.
RightEqualsStupid says:
MTR PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE keep proving your mom and dad were brother and sister with your twisted posts. PLEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEE. I sent copies of this to 11 different progressive organizations tonight and you can bet you’re helping us more than you’ll ever know. So please you inbred piece of shit…keep it up. With Publicans like you out there, the Dems have a lock in 08.
Its spelled REpublicans you hopelessly illiterate fuck!!!!
Will and Goldy …
are you guys doign animitation of the Ron and Don show?
Well Will, good tyo see you here. Lets see your only claim to being something is err ahh that you post on a blog called ……………
Fuck you Goldy. Yes, I DO post on your damn blog but REALLY that is not why I am interesting.
BTW, you ouight to knoew I am toting a gun!
A .. err ahh gun? One of those things that goes bang and KILS people?? Will, this is supposed to be lioberal talk radio. How can I respect you anymore.
I know, lets have a liberals for guns meeting at DL. Y’all come armed and after a few brewskis lest see what we can do!
Ya know I am not a gun virgin! I was trained to shoot by the Quaker Rifle Squad.
Lets take a call.
Caller …
You libs should all be shot!
and so it goes.
@4 How did you miss this one?
@9 We don’t mind Republicans fighting each other, but cruelty to dogs won’t be tolerated, because dogs enjoy higher esteem in society than Republicans.
@19 No, it’s spelled Pukes, as in “you make people puke.”
Consumer safety is not a priority for Republicans, but eliminating federal regulation of dangerous products is.
@4 Thanks for filling us all in on your full name.
flakey klake crap-head
Mark the Redneck bet-welsher.
That has a ring to it also.
If MTR wasn’t such a cum-drunk coward, and would show his face at DL, I’d slap a PETA bumper sticker on his 1969 Ford Pickup – right on top of the KKK sign and next to the CONfederate flag. Publican asshole that he is.
You spelled “Publican” wrong.
Hating tax-collectors is one thing. Bartenders, I think not.
I like “McDermott the lawsuit-welsher better. Pay your million dollar and growing debts welsher!
RightEqualsStupid says:
If MTR wasn’t such a cum-drunk coward, and would show his face at DL, I’d slap a PETA bumper sticker on his 1969 Ford Pickup – right on top of the KKK sign and next to the CONfederate flag. Publican asshole that he is.
Are you determined to go through life an illiterate moron? Its REpublican asshole!!!!!!
Are you determined to go through life an illiterate moron? Its REpublican asshole!!!!!!
I agree with you that MTR is a Republican asshole, but if you’re going to accuse someone of illiteracy, you really should be able to spell “it’s” properly. Just sayin’…
Bartenders are fine with me. Tax collectors, hmmmm, well I only ever knew one IRS employee personally and he was an OK guy. Right-wing traitor Publicans, not so much.