Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: Is America’s health care system sick?
As a 44-year-old man with catastrophic insurance, I’d say yes. Jonathan Cohn of The New Republic joins me to talk about his new book “SICK: The Untold Story of America’s Health Care Crisis — and the People Who Pay the Price.” Cohn will be speaking and signing books this Thursday, May 17, 7:30PM at Seattle’s Town Hall.
8PM: Are you willing to pay for parks?
King County Councilman Larry Phillips joins me to talk about the upcoming Parks Levies and to take your calls on whatever other issues are on your mind.
9PM: Are there smarter ways to fight terrorism?
Congressman Adam Smith calls in at the top of the hour to talk about the Iraq War debate and discuss some of his ideas for smarter ways to fight terrorism.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
I’m assuming smith’s “better way” is to surrender.
Worked well for the french didn’t it…
For those of you who slept through the 80s or are still in denial… here’s where peace comes from:
Destroying your enemy’s ability to make war.
President Reagan gave us a textbook example. Too bad you moonbats and your politicians are too fucking stoopid to understand it.
I don’t need to hear about the “health care crisis”. It doesn’t exist.
However, I do know that some fucking loser will make the case that The Producers should pay for his lifetime of bad choices.
You losers can go fuck yoursselves. If you want what I’ve got, do what I do. If you lack the intellligence, industry, or moral character to do that…. tough shit.
@1 You were born too late, Redneck. You would have soared as an aide-de-camp to Marshal Joffre.
But there is, in fact, an important difference between France in 1914-1918, and Iraq in 2003-2008.
Relatively speaking, France was worth fighting for.
Actually, humanity probably would have been better off if the Allies had surrendered and let Germany have France, and saved 20 million human lives. At least, I’m pretty sure Redneck thinks so.
Let’s just suppose Joffre had been sacked in 1915, as he should have been, and the British had pulled out instead of losing 50,000 men in one day at the Somme, and the French had surrendered — what would have happened?
France would belong to Germany, and Germans would be paying French taxes instead of the French paying them.
What’s so bad about that?
@2 For those of who who slept through the nineteen-teens, here’s where pointless slaughter comes from: Beating your head against a stone wall.
Hey Redneck, why don’t you tell us what your plan is to win the war. I’m sure the Pentagon would love to know! Post it here, and I’ll pass it on to the Joint Chiefs. If it works, I’ll even recommend you for a meritorous service medal.
Bush’s plan for victory in Iraq is to send grunts out into the villages to walk around until they get shot at.
Nixon’s plan for victory in Vietnam was to send grunts out into the jungles to walk around until they got shot at.
Brezhnev’s plan for victory in Afghanistan was to send grunts out into the mountains to walk around until they got shot at.
See a pattern here?
I can’t wait to see Redneck’s tactical plan for Iraq.
Here’s Bush’s tactical plan for Iraq:
Apparently his idea is that after they kill enough of our soldiers, they’ll give up.
@3 Does your kid have health coverage, Redneck? Somehow I get the feeling the child of an asshole who doesn’t pay his child support probably doesn’t have health benefits, either. Your kid made bad choices, Redneck. Should’ve chosen a different dad.
@4 I didn’t listen to Goldy’s show tonight. I was too busy talking on the air and posting comments at the same time (to prove to XmasIdiot that Goldy is Roger Rabbit).
So wingnuts were calling into the show? Looks like Goldy’s audience is expanding, and he’s getting noticed. I’ll bet his audience share is shooting straight up! Goldy is on his way; and someday we’ll all be able to say we knew him before he was famous.
If wingnuts are calling in to Goldy’s show, it means he’s becoming a threat to their fable-making.
Hey Redneck! Saddam is dead, and Iraq has no WMDs, so … WHAT IS THE MISSION IN IRAQ? Do you know? Does Bush? Does anyone? Is there one?
Speaking of health care, I can hardly wait to see Michael Moore’s new documentary “Sicko.” I’ll bet he does something really neat like juxtaposing screen shots of HMO execs’ $30 million private jets with scenes of poor Americans getting arrested for traveling to Cuba to see a doctor because they can’t get health care in the U.S.! Maybe he’ll even show Jeb Bush sitting on the board of a healthcare company that paid a $900,000,000.00 fine for ripping off Medicare! Castro treats Americans better than Republicans treat Americans. That’s why I like his health care system better than yours, Redneck.
Nearly 50,000,000 Americans don’t have healthcare, and Redneck says there’s no healthcare crisis.
Keep pumping my gas into your SUV, Redneck. At least I won’t be one of them. Thanks for your business, and pay your fucking gambling debt welsher!
If I found a lamp on a beach and a genie came out and said he’d give me three wishes, here’s what I would wish for:
1. Redneck’s job would be downsized to India.
2. Redneck would grow a big fat ugly wart on his ass that hurts like hell.
3. Redneck would crawl to Michael Moore begging for a seat on the next flight to Cuba.
I understand the Busheviks have launched an investigation of Moore for taking poor sick people to Cuba for medical care without Condi’s permission. This is gonna be fun.
Moore undoubtedly is hoping they arrest him and drag him away in handcuffs for getting Castro to give poor Americans free medical care at Cuba’s expense.
Moore may get lucky; there’s a good chance the Bushiks are that stupid. So far, they’ve been that stupid about everything else.
The capitalist system doesn’t work unless a certain number of unemployed workers, poor widows, and kids have to writhe in agony on the bathroom floor and then die in a pool of vomit because they can’t afford medical care.
If the capitalists couldn’t make examples of these unfortunates, the incentive system would break down, and they wouldn’t be able to get anyone to work for $2.13 an hour. The boss gets the tips.
Why should anyone work for $2.13 an hour and no tips if they can get free medical care from a commie who hates their boss?
See what I mean? The incentive to work would go ker-boom and the CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES would be shit-out-of-luck. So, it’s very important to the Republican Grand Design to keep denying medical care to 17% of the U.S. population; and to grow that number, if at all possible.
2 Mark the Redneck ………
errrr ahhhh Reagan destroyed our enemies ability to attack???
Was that because he gave weapons to the contras or to the taliban?
What did he do to hurt the Soviet Union? Hmmm… Reagan did overturn Carter’s initiatives for energy independence. Is that what you mean?
Roger ..
why be down on Mark? I have it on good authority that she is the twelve year old illegitimate daughter of the Archbishop of the Seattle Diocese and Jean Enersen. That is an awful burden!
Take me, for example. I don’t work. Why should I, when I can live like a Republican? I sleep all day and the money rolls in without me having to do a fucking thing to earn it. Not only that, I pay only 1/3 the taxes workers pay, and when I die, I can give my diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, CDs, real estate, gems, precious metals, and collectibles to my offspring TAX FREE! Sure beats working for $2.13 an hour for some Republican asshole.
By the time I wake up tomorrow morning, I will have made another $5,000 on my oil stocks! Keep pumping my gas into your SUV, Redneck! With Nigeria’s oil fields shut down by revolt against a dictator who stole an election, and Iraq’s oil workers set to go on strike tomorrow because they’re not willing to hand over their nation’s oil resources to American corporations, gas should be $4.25 by Friday! Next week, I’ll make $7,000 a day while I’m sleeping! Sure beats working. I don’t know why anyone bothers to work under our capitalist system that taxes wages three times as much as it taxes stock market speculation. Pay your gambling debt, welsher! If you can afford my gas, you have no excuse for stiffing Goldy.
Memorize these numbers, Redneck: $44, $55, $58. That’s what I paid for my three blocks of NOV shares. Why don’t you check the share price of NOV tomorrow and get back to us with the current quote. Then eat your fucking heart out, Redneck.
Remember when I told Mr. Cynical to buy NOV at $58? There’s a 99.9% chance he didn’t listen to me, and isn’t posting anymore because he had to get a job collecting shopping carts in the Wal-Mart parking lot for $2.13 an hour — with no health benefits or stock options. He should’ve listened to The Rabbit.
Oh, and one more thing Redneck: I paid $1 a share (adjusted for splits) for my SBUX shares.
Don’t forget to top off your tank tomorrow, Redneck! Doesn’t matter which gas station you go to. I sell to them all. NOV is the only company in the world you can buy their proprietary drilling equipment from.
MTR is a legend in his own mind.
“Romney Slams Mormon Church’s Past Practice
“Republican Presidential Hopeful Finds Polygamy ‘Troubling’
“WASHINGTON (May 13) – Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney says he is troubled by the Mormon church’s past practice of polygamy, but that he can overcome voter concern about his religion.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The trick is to not be a Mormon. Guiliani and Gingrich aren’t Mormons, so polygamny doesn’t bother them. They’ve each been married three times.
What is wrong with polygamy? Saladin, Mohamed, Confuscious, King David, … all these guys had many wives. What is wrong?
Weird idea: nunnery and the priesthood arr fine but polygamy and gay marriage are not?
Gee, MTR (Jeff) doesn’t live so very far from Greenlake that a platoon of rabbits couldn’t show up at his door some night to collect a gambling debt. . . . . . .
@36 Post an address and it’ll get taken care of. If that asshole can afford Green Lake real estate, he can afford to pay a $100 debt. Goldy should charge him $1 per comment until the fucking freeloader is PIF.
Couple of points that the right wing friends of Osama don’t want you to remember….
1) 9.11 happened on Bush’s watch
2) The Bush family and the bin Laden family have close ties
3) The Bush regime tried to surrender control of our ports to – now wait for it – arabs
4) The Bush regime had Osama three times and let him go – including one time in August BEFORE Sept 11
5) The Bush regime never retaliated for the Cole incident – even though they had the chance.
6) The Bush regime flew the bin Laden family out of the U.S. after 9/11 when all other aviation was grounded.
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority. I am truly not that concerned about him.” – George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
GOP motto: “Accountability is not an option.”
Roger Rabbit says: 6) The Bush regime flew the bin Laden family out of the U.S. after 9/11 when all other aviation was grounded.
Wrong PelletHead. At least Gloomy Gus Still Stupid realized he was wrong, now you take up the mantra? Read Richard Clarke’s book. Read his testimony of capital hill. Had nothing to do with Bush.
Keep drinking the left-wing Kool-Aid!
1) 9.11 happened on Bush’s watch – 9.11 was planned for at least 18 months on another watch
2) The Bush family and the bin Laden family have close ties – So you are saying Mohammad Bin Laden who had many sons couldn’t have beget a bad sheep. We all know you are the bad sheep of your family
3) The Bush regime tried to surrender control of our ports to – now wait for it – arabs – Yeah we listed to another previous president on that one.
“While Senator Hillary Clinton, Democrat of New York, was attacking the Bush administration over the Dubai ports deal, her husband Bill was advising United Arab Emirates officials on how best to smooth over the controversy and push the deal through.
The role played by the former Democratic president in coaching the state-owned Dubai Ports World on how best to navigate the political waters that his wife was helping to roil in Washington was first reported by the Financial Times on Thursday.”
4) The Bush regime had Osama three times and let him go – including one time in August BEFORE Sept 11 Hmmm…? I can find the references on this one anywhere. I think you pulled that from your ass. I do know Lt Col. Robert Buzz Patterson writing in his book Clinton had bin Laden in his sights in 1996 and let him go. Then tells an audience in NYS in 2002 it was true. Golly if Clinton did his job to protect America 9.11 may never happened.
5) The Bush regime never retaliated for the Cole incident – even though they had the chance. – How do you retaliate when the perps are dead? Lob some tomahawk cruise missiles at a Sudan factory or Afghan camp?
Hey Puffybutt – when Osama comes and kills you – I hope you remember it was your pal Bush who let him go. And as for the number of times Osama was in Bush’s aim and he passed, it’s well documented in the REAL media – but since your only source is Faux news you won’t see it and frankly, you don’t want to know the truth.
Spin and lie all you want – you can’t change the facts. 9.11 (WHENEVER it was planned – was ACCOMPLISHED on BUSH’s watch. When the terrorists tried to get the WTC under President Clinton they failed. Under their pal Bush, they won – figure it out while I go fuck your ugly wife.
Great reminder of what happens when you let a cowardly AWOL coke sniffer steal the White House.
3 “I don’t need to hear about the “health care crisis”. It doesn’t exist.”
Hmmm…it would appear that the likes of Bill Frist and Fred Thompson disagree with you, Mark.
@42 Well let’s see, puddinghead. For several days after 9/11, all flights were grounded except for military and government missions. The terrorist attacks caught many members of the bin Laden family in L.A., from where they flew to Orlando, then to D.C., then to Boston, before heading overseas. The bin Laden flights were cleared by the FBI and FAA. The president’s father was a business partner of the bin Laden family. Given the tight control this administration exercises over everything, right down to the hiring of individual attorneys in federal prosecutor offices far removed from Washington, you want us to believe Bush had nothing to do with the bin Ladens being squirreled out of the country by air when everyone else was grounded.
Yeah … and the moon is made of green cheese.
“1) 9.11 happened on Bush’s watch – 9.11 was planned for at least 18 months on another watch”
At least half of which was on Bush’s watch — the 9 months when Bush spent 42% of his time on vacation in Texas.
“2) The Bush family and the bin Laden family have close ties – So you are saying Mohammad Bin Laden who had many sons couldn’t have beget a bad sheep. We all know you are the bad sheep of your family”
Everyone family has bad sheep, but Bush the Elder seems to have more than his share — George the crackhead and Neil the S & L crook, for example.
“3) The Bush regime tried to surrender control of our ports to – now wait for it – arabs – Yeah we listed to another previous president on that one.”
While Senator Hillary Clinton, Democrat of New York, was attacking the Bush administration over the Dubai ports deal, her husband Bill was advising United Arab Emirates officials on how best to smooth over the controversy and push the deal through.
The role played by the former Democratic president in coaching the state-owned Dubai Ports World on how best to navigate the political waters that his wife was helping to roil in Washington was first reported by the Financial Times on Thursday.”
So what? B. Clinton is a private citizen. What he did is legal. Lots of former GOP politicians do what he did — namely, make big bucks working as a consultant/lobbyist for corporate interests. You don’t expect him to take a job at Wal-Mart for $5.15 an hour (and no bennies), do you? Whatsamatter, are you jealous? How come you didn’t mention Elder Bush’s sucking up to Middle East interests to make a buck?
“4) The Bush regime had Osama three times and let him go – including one time in August BEFORE Sept 11 Hmmm…? I can find the references on this one anywhere. I think you pulled that from your ass. I do know Lt Col. Robert Buzz Patterson writing in his book Clinton had bin Laden in his sights in 1996 and let him go. Then tells an audience in NYS in 2002 it was true. Golly if Clinton did his job to protect America 9.11 may never happened.”
Ha ha ha. Our book versus your book … let it go at that. Anybody with a name like “Buzz” is full of shit.
“5) The Bush regime never retaliated for the Cole incident – even though they had the chance. – How do you retaliate when the perps are dead? Lob some tomahawk cruise missiles at a Sudan factory or Afghan camp?”
The perps weren’t dead. Yemen convicted 6 of them in 2004, and allowed them to escape in 2006. They’re still out there, my friend. And Condi Rice told the 9/11 Commission that Bush, not Clinton, made the decision not to respond militarily to the Cole bombing. If he had, 9/11 might not have happened, because bin Laden was trying to provoke an American attack and told associates that if the Cole failed to do so, he would launch something bigger.
“Spin and lie all you want – you can’t change the facts. 9.11 (WHENEVER it was planned – was ACCOMPLISHED on BUSH’s watch. When the terrorists tried to get the WTC under President Clinton they failed. Under their pal Bush, they won – figure it out while I go fuck your ugly wife. ”
Never mind… your to stupid to respond too.
Hey RR, this is an example of what the Libs have to offer as their best and brightest for the future of your party.
@48 Be grateful for the little things in life, e.g., the fact YOUR wife is faithful because she’s too ugly to fuck.
Let’s be real clear about WHY the twin towers were flattened despite all the warnings:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations …
to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in
international affairs: in his first nine months
he reversed Clinton’s policy
toward China …
in the Middle East, by withdrawing [from] negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians;
toward Korea, by abandoning the … accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program …
by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But … Kerrick … received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. … They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’
“The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. …”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
Once again, I had to split up a comment to get it through Goldy’s filter. This time, it didn’t like semicolons. I don’t know why it does that. Seems very capricious.
I had to remove several semicolons from that comment to get it through.
Go figure.
I suspect a wingnut hacker is fucking with this web site.
I think Redneck is a paid political right wing stooge…
Another righties bites the dust and Gonzalez gate continues to be a thorn in thr Publican side. Sucks to be a Bush-lover these days.
PelletHead: If Lt Col Robert “Buzz” Patterson is such a loser, why was he allowed to carry the nuclear football while he was Clinton’s military attache? Figure that one out while you crap your three word Pellets on this blog.
I’d give you the book but the little pink eyes and that paramecium sized brain would get to point where Clinton lost the nuclear codes, lost the chance to kill Bin Laden, and lost the chance to strike Saddam when he was telling the press he was and your head would explode with facts.
Buy the book PelletHead, you just may learn something about why 9.11 happened.
Now to the other PelletHead lie:
Richard Clarke in his book told the world he ordered the Bin Ladin family out. He even told Congress where they were living while they were in America.
“So I said, ‘Fine, let it happen,'” Clarke told the magazine.
Once the flight ban was lifted, two jumbo jets transported the Saudis out of the country. The Boston Globe reported at the time that two flights bound for Saudi Arabia with members of the bin Laden clan on board left Logan on Sept. 18 and 19.”
“This is contradicted by major Bush critic and former terrorism czar Richard Clarke, who recently told Hill Magazine that he was responsible for allowing the Saudis to leave with the help of the FBI. The 9/11 Commission also stated that “each of the flights we have studied was investigated by the FBI and dealt with in a professional manner prior to its departure.”
I see PelletHead has been watching Michael Mooron.
“Moore exaggerates Bush’s vacation time, inferring that he took off 42 percent of his first eight months in office. Moore counts weekends at Camp David and working vacations at the Texas ranch where Bush met with Tony Blair, Vincente Fox, and others. The actual figure of real vacation time comes out to about 15 percent.”
Every president goes to Camp David for weekends in Spring and summer time PelletHead.
I see PelletHead has been watching Michael Mooron.
Carlyle group publicly disowned Osama. Michael forgot to mention that in his “movie”.