I love to talk policy, and that can get kinda wonky, but tonight on “The David Goldstein Show” I’ve got a couple of issues guaranteed to a raise few hackles… including a few of my own. So tune in to the fireworks from 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO, and give me and my guests a call.
7PM: Is the WA State Legislature the proper place to debate presidential impeachment? State Sen. Eric Oemig (D-Kirkland) thinks so, and he joins me for the hour to talk about why he introduced SJM 8016, “Requesting an impeachment investigation into actions by President Bush and Vice President Cheney.” Is Sen. Oemig’s Joint Memorial a goofy waste of the Senate’s time, or a bold effort to hold the White House accountable?
8PM: Is it time to elect our Elections Director? It was my coverage of the contested 2004 gubernatorial election that first made HA a must-read blog — an election whose problems I believe were grossly exaggerated by Republicans and the mainstream media. Now with the much anticipated Gregoire-Rossi rematch coming into focus, former state Rep. Toby Nixon is rekindling the controversy by filing an initiative that would make the King County Elections Director and elected officer. Oy. I like Toby — for a Republican — which should make disagreeing with him all the more fun.
9PM: Did you watch the Oscars? I didn’t. (Because I was, um, on the air talking about politics and stuff.) So give me a call and fill me in on what happened.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
I noticed that pbj hasn’t commented since he blasted Judge Bridges with a bunch of lies last week. Is it possible that scum has shame?
And the Winner of the Best Science Fiction Picture of the year is (of course) Al Gore………..
And I’m sure he took a private jet burning yet again 20,000 gallons of someone elses Jet Fuel to get to this event……
Way to go Al! Jimmie’s Rooooooooting for ya! Run Al Run Jimmie will even be senden a special Box of Peanut Clustered Chocolates for your wasteline.
You’ll be needing some energy for the trample to 2008…
GS says @2, …. conceding all actual issues and just making uninformed objections to the obvious facts.
@2 Al Gore has an Oscar — and YOU don’t have a pot to piss in!! Suck on it, wingnut ignoramus.
Conservatives are so mean. So what if the only people that listen to Al are hard core moonbats or public school children who have no choice. Give him his moment in the sun. Oh gota go… we have another gig in an empty arena.
#2 What is more sad? The Republicons total disregard for reality, or their need to lie to defend ALL their positions?
And to think if the supreme court didn’t stop the recount, and Al Gore was the president since 2000, how much better off the world would be these days….. How many million / billion people wouldn’t hate America, and want to see us pay for our arrogance.
Imagine, a president with a brain, and who can complete a whole sentence without stuttering, or babbling like an idiot.
I have an idea for the GOP. Why don’t they dig up Reagan and run his corpse for president. With a little makeup it may work. It wouldn’t matter to the average Republicon voter the fact that he is dead. Anyone retarded enough to vote for a president just for the -R after their name belongs in a nuthouse anyway.
A Republicon. Someone that will fight with every ounce of strength to keep their $20 tax “cut”, but when $10,000,000,000 (BILLION) go unaccounted for in Iraq, tons of $100 bills, that is just fine with them. The more money we waste in Iraq making people hate America the better!
The Dixie Chicks says:
Conservatives are so mean. So what if the only people that listen to Al are hard core moonbats or public school children who have no choice. Give him his moment in the sun. Oh gota go… we have another gig in an empty arena.
It is sad. When many of their fans want to attack people that tell them the truth, they may sell a few less cd’s to the Gomer Pyles.
I’m not ready to make nice to Republicon traitors either. The ones that don’t belong in prison, belong in nuthouses. If all the Republicons left America and formed their own Fascist NAZI state, in Bush’s image, our country would be better off anyway. Since they hate our constitution so much, they probably don’t belong here anyway.
As far as what they said in France, if you are not embarrassed by having a president as stupid as Bush, you definitely are not an American.
I like this Toby Nixon guy more and more all the time.
Now if he’d come out against VBM.
Re: 7. Facts escape me says:
As far as what they said in France, if you are not embarrassed by having a president as stupid as Bush, you definitely are not an American.
That would all be nice except that they said it in England, not France.
As for your typical moonbat comment bashing Bush, do you have an MBA from Yale?
I don’t see what the Republicon party has to offer anyone like Toby….. Permanent minority, and trying to convince voters you are not a “bad” Republicon does not sound all that appealing to me….
Hell yes! Even if there’s no chance of removal from office because of Republican traitors in the Senate, nevertheless it is important to make a statement for posterity that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, presidents violate it at their peril, and the man (or woman) in the White House is an employee.
“Is the WA State Legislature the proper place to debate presidential
“Is it time to elect our Elections Director?”
Hell no! Our elections should be run by a professional, not a demagogue. There is no reason to change the existing system; Dean Logan, despite his flaws, is infinitely preferable to a Katherine Harris* or a Ken Blackwell.**
* Repudiated by voters in 2006.
** Also repudiated by voters in 2006.
“Did you watch the Oscars? I didn’t. So give me a call and fill me in on what happened.”
1. Al Gore’s documentary won TWO OSCARS!!!
2. Al Gore didn’t announce he’ll run for president.
3. Al Gore didn’t announce he won’t run for president.
4. A couple other things happened, too, but I forget what they were.
Just saw this notice, sorry I missed the show.
Errata: elected county auditor, not elections director. The auditor would then choose the people to run the elections. Just like every where else, finally bringing King County in line with the norm. I believe some of those high level positions would need to be approved by the council.
I wish I had tuned in. I’d like to know what you disagree with. Just like the “100% vote by mail” boosters like to point out, having an elected auditor is a matter of when, not if. The council and the executive have already decided.
Toby Nixon’s group just wants to move up the time line.
Which is not a bad idea. As members of the CEOC have pointed out, considering the problems we’re having replacing the last auditor (nee director), having an election may be the only way the position gets filled.
@6 “What is more sad? The Republicons total disregard for reality, or their need to lie to defend ALL their positions?”
Neither. What is most sad is their mothers didn’t abort them when they had the chance.
@11 Well that’s a messed up post! This computer just came back from the shop and it’s still fucked up.
Murtha and Pelosi Strike…out again.
Murtha Stumbles on Iraq Funding Curbs
“Is the WA State Legislature the proper place to debate presidential impeachment?”
Hell yes! Even if there’s no chance of removal from office because of Republican traitors in the Senate, nevertheless it is important to make a statement for posterity that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, presidents violate it at their peril, and the man (or woman) in the White House is an employee.
“Is it time to elect our Elections Director?”
Hell no! Our elections should be run by a professional, not a demagogue. There is no reason to change the existing system; Dean Logan, despite his flaws, is infinitely preferable to a Katherine Harris* or a Ken Blackwell.**
* Repudiated by voters in 2006.
** Also repudiated by voters in 2006.
“Did you watch the Oscars? I didn’t. So give me a call and fill me in on what happened.”
1. Al Gore’s documentary won TWO OSCARS!!!
2. Al Gore didn’t announce he’ll run for president.
3. Al Gore didn’t announce he won’t run for president.
4. A couple other things happened, too, but I forget what they were.
02/25/2007 at 9:43 pm
Wow this is gonna really tweak the inbred right wing turds. An Inconvenient Truth won TWO Oscars! HE HE!
@12 We already elect the guy who hires the elections director, so what would electing the guy who hires the elections director change? You’d just be adding another position to the payroll.
The Democrat Crime Wave Continues.
Former ACLU Chapter President Arrested for Child Pornography
@17 That’s nothing! Wait until the water comes rushing in through their doors and windows. Then we liberals will all sing in unison (all together now):
@7 “I’m not ready to make nice to Republicon traitors either.”
Why should we? They want to put us in concentration camps and kill us. They’ve said so many times. Shouldn’t we believe them?
Liberals must arm!
@9 So far as I can tell, there is absolutely no difference between Bush’s MBA from Yale and a degree you buy online for $10.
Re: 17, not really. It belongs right up there with those great Oscar winners like “Broke Back Mountain” and “It’s Hard out there to be a Pimp”
Re: 22. You may be right except that the one from Yale lets you go on to be President of the United States and the $10 one could get you aressted like alot of democrats are these days.
Democrat Crime Wave.
Democrat Norman’s guilty, guilty, guilty
Former Brooklyn boss convicted
for 3rd time on corruption
Maybe the state legislature ought to ban Salvia which is causing hallucinations and killing young people, instead of stupid impeachment proclamations that are not going anywhere or cords on blinds which should be tied up or wrapped around cleats. What is so hard about child-proofing a home or a day care center?
Rob at #9: Looks like the facts are still escaping you. Harvard is not Yale. I don’t think I’m nitpicking here.
” … despite having been rejected from the University of Texas Law School, Bush matriculated at the less selective Harvard Business School, whose wizened administrators were capable of setting aside their egregiously discriminatory affirmative action program to mine the alumni gold buried deep within His C-strewn Yale transcript.” http://www.whitehouse.org/admi.....eorgew.asp
Re: 26, my mistake. It looks like he got his MBA from the dreaded Harvard Business School instead of Yale.
Like everything Liberal that is a nice FAKE website you linked to though.
For those of you who read this site that do not live in an alternative universe like headless lucy, this is the real white house website.
Re: 16. Al Gore wins two Oscars-George W Bush wins two terms as President of the United States. George to Al…You go girl!
@24 “You may be right except that the one from Yale lets you go on to be President of the United States”
Only a fool like you thinks Bush is president because of his Yale degree, and not because of his pedigree.
The Bush administration is a reminder of what government was like before we got rid of hereditary monarchy.
@25 How long have you been in favor of strangling toddlers with sash cords in licensed day cares, Mac?
Well, let’s see. What legislative initiatives have Washington GOPers promoted in the last year?
1. Releasing sex predators onto the streets.
2. Strangling babies in day cares.
Waytago nutwings!
Mac, I guarantee you that if enough state legislatures send impeachment resolutions to Congress, it’s not “going nowhere.” And yes, it’s important to send a message to this and future presidents that there are consequences for violating the Constitution.
It’s no coincidence that all four of the Republican presidents since Nixon have been implicated in impeachable offenses.
@29 “George W Bush wins two terms as President of the United States”
Bush didn’t win shit. The Republicans cheated both times. Al Gore and John Kerry were the duly elected presidents.
27, 28 Where did lucy represent that was the official web site? One glance would tell even a fool like you that it’s a satirical, critical, unofficial web site.
As for whether it’s a “fake” web site, everything one it is more genuine than ANY of the pap emanating from the “official” web site. Kinda like the difference between getting your news from the National Lampoon or Herr Goebbels — I’ll go with Lampoon every time.
27, 28 Where did lucy represent that was the official web site? One glance would tell even a fool like you that it’s a satirical, critical, unofficial web site.
As for whether it’s a “fake” web site, everything on it is more genuine than ANY of the pap emanating from the “official” web site. Kinda like the difference between getting your news from the National Lampoon or Herr Goebbels — I’ll go with Lampoon every time.
Hey hotshot! Didja notice how I subtly equated the Wingnut Liar Central with the Nazis? That wasn’t accidental. How d’ya like that kick in the balls, ya fucking fascist.
6 “And to think if the supreme court didn’t stop the recount, and Al Gore was the president since 2000, how much better off the world would be these days….. How many million / billion people wouldn’t hate America, and want to see us pay for our arrogance.”
Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of human being who would still be alive.
Hey Libtard United Moonbat!s: I guess this puts the old dagger into the ASSWipes Bill O’Reilly argument since he BELIEVES in global warming! He believes in gun control! He believes in gay adoption as a last resort! He believes in civil unions! Waaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
I guess we can stop the O’Reilly bashing now huh, since he believes in four of your positions!
Nope, I know your idealogues need Bill as your foil! Even when inconvenient truths are right in front of your faces!
Hey Artfart: Where is your voice to the approximate 43 million who would be alive if donkoinfanticide was not the statue of the land since 1973?
Damn Furball: Roger Rabbit says:
@29 “George W Bush wins two terms as President of the United States”
Bush didn’t win shit. The Republicans cheated both times. Al Gore and John Kerry were the duly elected presidents.
02/25/2007 at 11:42 pm
You still on your Moonbat!s of Cuyahoga County, Ohio and the Electronic Voting Machines of Florida kick? Some things NEVER CHANGE! More inconvenient truths ignored by Pellethead!
I’ve never been in favor of strangling babies in Day care, I am in favor of tying up cords, wrapping cords around cleats, securing light furniture to cleats on walls, installing child-proof locks on all cabinets and drawers, plugging all electrical holes, eliminating all plastic bags, and etc……… My house was child-proofed months ago for my grandson and I nag my daughter endlessing over plastic bags left hanging around. I bought a bigger TV stand last month so that it is better balanced, do you know how many kids die each year from pulling TV’s and other big furniture on top of themselves? I have three child gates installed in my house to block him from getting to dangerous areas………….
SmgMac@44: Good for you! That was subtle too!
Pellethead: The article I placed last week here on ASSWipes about the inconvenient truth regarding the Florida Electronic voting machines working perfectly mentioned Al Gore lost Tennessee in 2000. Another inconvenient truth lost on Furball! I’ve asked this of Furball many times but that tiny single cell organism he calls a brain can’t answer: What did Tennessee know about Al Gore to inconveniently “kick him in the balls”, Furball?
Puffybutt – your wife took a break from sucking my dick last night to say hi!
rob says:
Re: 22. You may be right except that the one from Yale lets you go on to be President of the United States and the $10 one could get you aressted like alot of democrats are these days.
Democrat Crime Wave.
Democrat Norman’s guilty, guilty, guilty
I don’t know what your are smoking, but you have to put things in perspective.
A couple democrats will get in trouble = bad
The occupants of the White House conspired to out a out a undercover CIA operative, thus destroying a front company looking for WMD’s, along with dozens of other crimes. = devastating
Our country is being run by lying, corrupt, sleazy traitors, and you are jumping up and down like a little pissant crying dimmocrats did something wrong, dimmocrats did something wrong.
Go to Iraq, and count the graves….
Go to Walter Reed, and count the mouse droppings…..
Gore won Florida. Kerry won Ohio.
Jebbie kicked 90,000 legitimate minority voters off the rolls in Florida before 2000. That is a Republicon governor’s job. Making sure legitimate voters can’t vote.
We all know the effort Blackwell went to to keep people off the rolls in Ohio, and out of the polling places in strongly democtatic areas.
Much less the issues people convicted for recounting the votes, and verifying.
There are only 2 places for Republicons. Prisons, and nuthouses.
re 41: Yeah! That’s a hell of a defeat!
Even O’Reilly’s coming around.
On another note: If the British are leaving Iraq because of their glorious success, then why are we sending in 20,000 more troops? If the British were real allies, wouldn’t they send those troops to Baghdad instead of Britain?
Everyone’s bolting Iraq because they know that Bush is going to engineer another “event” in the U.S, declare marshall law here , and attack Iran.
What a mess.
re 43: It’s a documented fact that Republican women have more abortions and illegitimate children because they are kept in ignotance and don’t know how to use birth control.
The up side is that Democratic men are siring the little Republican bastards, thereby ensuring a modicum of intelligence in the suceed ing generation of Republicans.
Let’s be realistic: Who do you think would have a better chance with a chick? Bill Clinton or a former male cheerleader?
re 43: It’s a documented fact that Republican women have more abortions and illegitimate children because they are kept in ignorance and don’t know how to use birth control.
The up side is that Democratic men are siring the little Republican bastards, thereby ensuring a modicum of intelligence in the suceed ing generation of Republicans.
Let’s be realistic: Who do you think would have a better chance with a chick? Bill Clinton or a former male cheerleader?
Puddybud says:
Hey Artfart: Where is your voice to the approximate 43 million who would be alive if donkoinfanticide was not the statue of the land since 1973?
Just what we need. Another 43,000,000 (or whatever) unwanted children in America. Don’t we have enough problems already?
Tell you what. Why don’t you hypocrites that want to force at gunpoint women to keep babies their fathers sired each adopt 20, or 30 of the unwanted children we have today.
Tell you what. I have a solution. Lets make all unmarried girls and boys in America promise not to have sex…… That works right?
Let’s just eliminate sex education, and have all girls and boys promise not to fool around until after they are married!!!
Only someone as stupid as Bush, and his blind retarded sheep followers would support something this stupid. Oops. It looks like they do….
It must suck being a republicon these days. All that reality that needs ignored…. Can’t open your mouth and voice your opinions anywhere, because a chorus of reality based people will call you a fool. Your party has been reduced to crying like babies, which is the ONLY thing they are good at.
Wahhhhh raise taxes, wahhhhhh!!!!
Just don’t read this: Congress’s auditor:
“a federal debt burden that ultimately spirals out of control.”
I watched O’Riley last night say Rush is an entertainer, and should not be used as a source for information.
Give them billionaires some more tax breaks, and borrow more from the Chinese to fund insane wars against non threatening nations!!!
We can keep it up, spending more on the military than the rest of the world combined!!! Yes we can keep it up.
Why help people to find peace, when we can kill people, and perpetuate war.
What a media victory when they named it the Department of Defense, when all we do is Offense.
Meanwhile our infrastructure is completely wide open.
Puffybutt is the best argumen I can think of to support aborion. If his mother had done the right thing and aborted him, America would have one less cowardly, inbred, chickenhawk to deal with.
Gentry @8, I thought I did say on Goldy’s show last night that I don’t like universal Vote By Mail. I really liked the way the King Conservation District ran its recent election — you come in person, you show ID, they give you a paper ballot and a pen, you mark the ballot, and you put the ballot in a box. What a concept! My biggest concerns with VBM are that you don’t know that the person registered to vote is the one who marked the ballot, and you also don’t know that they had the opportunity to mark it in secret as guaranteed by our state constitution — and there’s no good way to fix either of those problems. People like the convenience of VBM, there’s no denying that, but it’s really an impending train wreck.
I’m OK with optical-scan ballots, by the way, but we need mandatory random audits (manual counts) of a statistically-significant number of ballots and races to verify the accuracy of the machines and their programming as actually used for counting. The “logic and accuracy test” that we currently depend on is worthless.
Roger Rabbit wrote:
Neither. What is most sad is their mothers didn’t abort them when they had the chance.
This statement is reprehensible.
I don’t know what you consider yourself to be, but know that you’re not in my party. I will never abide by hate speech or eliminationist rhetoric.
Your poor choices are spoiling the commons. Seeing your posts following mine sickens me. I’ll be very reluctant to post on Horse’s Ass in the future. So congratulations.
Why Goldy permits this kind of behavior is beyond me.
The Departed should NOT have won for best picture (but it did). Not the best Scorcese film and not a great screenplay (too many holes/too long/too much blood spatter). The Queen or Little Miss Sunshine would have been better choices from an overall quality standpoint.
Ellen was okay. Not great, not awful but her “in the crowd” schtick got old.
Too many film interludes and so the program was about 45 minutes longer than scheduled.
No really great speeches.
Worst: Celine Dion singing (nothing new there)
Funny: Clint Eastwood tranlating Italian for Ennio Morricone (he didn’t get it all right)
Very Funny: Will Farrell, Jack Black and John C. Reilly singing about funny guys never getting credit for their work.
Almost Whoops moment: when one of Jennifer Hudson’s breasts almost escaped from her dress during her singing number
Fashion: not much cleavage this year (Jennifer Hudson not withstanding), no major faux pas but it’s a sad day when Jennifer Lopez (!?) looks matronly (I’m thinking something’s in the oven). Kristen Dunst had probably the worst dress; demure collar on top and feathers on the bottom. Great dressing; Helen Mirren, Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchet, Jada Pinkett Smith, Gwenyth Paltrow.
Biggest surprise (but I predicted it): Alan Arkin winning instead of Eddie Murphy
zappini…roger IS goldy…that’s why goldy “lets” it happen.
it’s as simple as that………
goldy spends most of his time posting on his own blog to make it look like it is more than it is. he’s doing that rather than actually accomplishing anything..it’s sad but it is what it is.
he is his own worst enemy.
Zappini: Most of what Mr. Stuuuuuuuupid and Furball write is reprehensible. Shit, what Blackhead wrote on September 9-15 2005 was reprehensible. Blackhead/Harry Poon/Colonel Biff/Headlice Loocie all the same person.
As long as you say it against a righty Voice of Chalk Scratching let’s it slide. Say something against a lefty and watch it disappear!
If we taught abstinence or safe sex in schools instead of just do it less babies would be made. But it’s not ipolitically correct to teach this.
Prove to me the majority of babies are from neo-cons! You can’t. I already gave the donkoinfanticide demographics on ASSWipes. ALL THE WAY BACK TO 1973. This was brought up before and it was flushed before. Search ASSWipes libtards and you’ll see the VAST MAJORITY are from libtardland!
Mr Stupid: At least my father was packing a full load. What happened in your case? Residual drippings?
My momma was conservative. I bet your momma was believed in donkoinfanticide.
Nuff said!
Mr Stuuuuuupid watch for #62 (the one still in the filter) cuz I have my answer for you!
#49 Factless: I’ll call Clueless on you. I want libtard MSM proof, not these leftwing libtard websites!
Another post eaten!
Factlesswithworthlesspositions: Amazing. He fell in the trap of using O’Reilly. So did loocie. Unfortunately for you libtards, those have been O’Reilly positions for years!
Puffybutt how many times have you been arrested for possession of child porn? 20 or 23?