My Philadelphia Eagles are in New Orleans battling the Saints, so tune in to hear a very distracted and anxious Goldy tonight on “The David Goldstein Show” from 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO. Subject to change, here are the topics for tonight’s show:
7PM: Who wants to tax a millionaire? No doubt I’ll be a little distracted watching the second half of the Eagles-Saints game, so I’ll just fall back on an old standby, and rant and rave about why we need an income tax in Washington state. State Senator Rosa Franklin has introduced an income tax bill, so at least one state legislator is willing to talk about real tax restructuring. Anybody else?
8PM: Can the Republican Part save our nation? That’s what I suggested yesterday both on HA and Huffington Post, arguing that only overwhelming opposition from his own party can force President Bush from leading us into a broader conflict in the Middle East. Yet co-blogger Will argues that the same kind of bipartisanship I’m urging nationally should be avoided at all costs in the state legislature. Will we join me hash this one out.
9PM: Has the US committed war crimes in Iraq? That’s the question a panel of experts will explore next week in Tacoma, holding a war crimes tribunal of sorts. Organizer Lietta Ruger joins me to discuss the event.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
This state needs a progressive state income tax, but it will never be approved due to all of the other taxes currently imposed on people & businesses. There is a definite mistrust among the voters to the idea of a income tax. The current legislature is busy as little bees drafting new bills for new taxes, creating new methods for accounting for money, and other devious sleight of hand maneuvers with our tax dollars. If it is possible to wring more blood out of the turnips (taxpayers) our legislators will find a way!
Goldy, you’ve been in Seattle how long? 16 years? Put the Eagles behind you. They don’t love you anymore. It’s time to let go and move on. The Seahawks are your team now.
@1 All of the income tax proposals that have been floated are revenue-neutral and would replace more regressive taxes dollar-for-dollar. Talk about tax increases is misleading and a red herring; the issue is whether the legislature should SHIFT tax burden from those paying too much (low income households and small business) to those paying less than their fair share (high income households).
The war crimes question really is twofold:
1) Do any of the official policies of the U.S. government constitute war crimes?
2) Have soldiers committed atrocities?
As to the first question, the answer depends on to what extent the kidnapping, torture, and murder of Iraqi noncombatants that occurred at Abu Ghraib were authorized, sanctioned, or permitted by U.S. government authorities. The International Red Cross reported that 90% of the people tortured at Abu Ghraib by American soldiers, civilian government employees, or contractors were innocents. Torturing or killing innocent civilians is a war crime, and if it was officially authorized or sanctioned, then it is a war crime committed by our government.
Atrocities happen in every war. Military commanders have primary responsibility for training, controlling, and disciplining their troops. In a number of cases, the U.S. military has prosecuted soldiers who committed atrocities in Iraq. If the Haditha atrocity, for example, was the act of a squad of Marines acting without authorization or contrary to orders and/or the Rules of Engagement and/or military law, and they are brought to justice by U.S. military authorities, then the U.S. government and military is innocent of this atrocity and only the individual soldiers are culpable.
my god…you are such a shameless commie it is truly sad.
You would assume that the income tax replaces all others, but the bills don’t say that. There are some very serious NEW taxes in pending bills. One affects only Seattle…. a sales tax to fund the viaduct tunnel and 520. Others affect us all, like the one that adds 2 bucks to every auto insurance policy per car.
A fair question is whether individual citizens who support warmongering politicians and/or policies are war criminals. The legal answer probably is no, but when framed in moral terms, I think the answer to that would have to be yes. In other words, the German people who supported Hitler were culpable for his crimes; and the Republicans who supported Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the neocons are culpable for the death and destruction this war has inflicted on the Iraqi people.
Certainly, there are times when a nation is justified in defending itself, and doing so is necessary. However, Iraq had not threatened or attacked the U.S., nor was Saddam’s regime even a potential threat against the American people. This war possibly can be justified on the grounds that it removed a brutal and oppressive dictator from power, and freed his people to choose some other brutal and oppressive dictator to rule them, who is likely to be a mullah who adheres to a strict interpretation and harsh enforcement of the Quran. But in gauging the moral justification for this action, we must weigh against these benefits the cost in human lives and suffering, and property damage. That cost is tremendous. We tend to think of cost of war in terms of the dead, but in fact the higher cost may be the living who have endured the indescribable physical agony and permanent infirmity of the horrifying bullet, shrapnel, and burn injuries that modern weapons and methods of warfare inflict. And there is no question that, for all the military casualties on both sides, the injuries and deaths have been overwhelmingly born by noncombatants, a high proportion of whom are women and children.
War is inherently evil, period, therefore is justified only as a last resort and it is incumbent upon those waging it to comply with international treaties and the Rules of War. By either of these measures, the Bush administration’s military adventure in Iraq fails the skunk test.
“borne” not “born”
re 5: Christmas Ghost: Even though you are a pinheaded conservative twit with a truly faulty moral compass and a greed so all encompassing that your head is stuffed like a sausage with the blabberings of cant mongers of the right — I still love you!! In an impersonal Christian sort of way.
@6 sgmmac says: You would assume that the income tax replaces all others, but the bills don’t say that. 01/13/2007 at 7:50 pm
I’m not assuming anything. Unlike you, I’ve taken the time to read the Gates Commission report, study the Sims proposal, and understand what’s being proposed. Let me clear up a couple things for you.
No one is proposing to replace all other state taxes with an income tax. Although a number of options have been discussed, the most widely discussed proposal would eliminate the B & O tax and reduce or eliminate the state portion of the sales tax (6.5%). Local sales taxes would not be affected, and none of the income tax proposals would eliminate state or local property taxes, or miscellaneous state excise taxes. We’ve frequently heard the phrase “revenue neutral” in these discussions. What this means is that the income tax would be designed to collect the same amount of revenue as is currently collected under the taxes it would replace. It doesn’t mean that tax rates or revenues could never go up, but it does mean there would not be a net increase in tax collections upon implementation.
re 5: Are commies filled with shame better than those without it? Is a card carrying commie or ACLU member more commited and dangerous than a canny one who carries no card?
These seem to be issues to which you have given much thought. And … I love you for it. You are a good person underneath your sour smallminded sweaty paranoia. Really! You are!!
“It’s not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely.”
Leo F. Buscaglia
@6 “sgmmac says: There are some very serious NEW taxes in pending bills. One affects only Seattle…. a sales tax to fund the viaduct tunnel and 520. 01/13/2007 at 7:50 pm”
This has nothing to do with the income tax issue. A regional transportation funding package has been under discussion for a long time, but we don’t know yet what will get put on the ballot for voter approval (or rejection). The governor and legislature have made it clear that state government will only pay for viaduct replacement, and if Seattle wants a tunnel, it has to come up with the extra money from other sources. These sources could include federal money, tolls, local taxes, a special assessment against downtown property owners, selling development rights to the space over the tunnel, or a combination of these. Even if there is no tunnel, there is likely to be a local transportation tax package put before voters, because local transportation needs are not limited to AWV or 520. There has been much discussion on this board of who should pay how much for what projects and no useful purpose is served by rehashing those discussions here.
Love Quiz
Adapted from Dr. Buscaglia’s book Born for Love
(1992, SLACK Incorporated)
When you take the Love Quiz below, you will receive a customized affirmation statement, showing you your loving strengths and pointing out ways in which you can show even more love toward others. You can print out your statement for frequent reference… and re-take the quiz any time. Remember, this is one quiz you can never fail!
Asking yourself questions and answering them honestly is a good path to self-knowledge. In keeping with this idea, I’d like to propose a few end-of-the-day questions for each of us…
Is anyone a little happier because I came along today?
Yes No
Did I leave any concrete evidence of my kindness, any sign of my love?
Yes No
Did I try to think of someone I know in a more positive light?
Yes No
Did I help someone to feel joy, to laugh, or at least, to smile?
Yes No
Have I attempted to remove a little of the rust that is corroding my relationships?
Yes No
Have I gone through the day without fretting over what I don’t have and celebrating the things I do have?
Yes No
Have I forgiven others for being less than perfect?
Yes No
Have I forgiven myself?
Yes No
Have I learned something new about life, living or love?
Yes No
This reminds me of a Roy Rogers and Dale Evans song:
“Oh! Let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin.
Smilers never lose
And frowners never win.
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin.
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in!!”
Are you listening Christmas Ghost? I hope so!
@6 sgmmac says: Others affect us all, like the one that adds 2 bucks to every auto insurance policy per car. 01/13/2007 at 7:50 pm
I don’t know anything about this, and a quickie internet search turned up nothing, but Jeb Bush pushed a car insurance tax in Florida, so it appears Republicans like this tax.
@9 Let us hope, for your sake, that your love remains unrequited — no telling what godawful fucking disease you might catch from her! Crabs, at a minimum.
@11 Let us not forget that neocons are ex-Trotskyites who decided to quit being commies and become fascists because it pays better.
@12 Why do we have so many dead people posting here? What is it about this blog that attracts the departed?
A “Republican” is a freeloader who never met a tax he liked or a public handout he didn’t like.
Roger Roger Roger!!!! How does a soul so lost and filled with bitterness and bile as the shipwrecked spirit of Christmas Ghost survive in a world so harsh unless we burst the curtain of life and death itself and reach out to this tortured soul and tell her: “I forgive you for being a conservative. But this kid next to me who got blown up in Baghdad for the madman you voted for doesn’t.”
Bummer, Goldy.
The Eagles played well…with honor.
Man…that gay QB is a TOUGH S.O.B.
@20 She didn’t survive; that’s why she’s a ghost. And why would you want to forgive that ghoul? Send her back to her trailer park.
Glad Philly lost! I hope it ruins a few days of your arrogant life Goldy.
I wasn’t talking about reports or proposals, I was talking about Bills that have been introduced into the legislature and are currently working their way through committees…
There is one for a constitutional amendment for a state income tax, one for the car insurance – the funds would go to drunk driving enforcement, and a special sales tax for Seattle (King County for the viaduct/520.
I would oppose ANY sales tax increase for a tunnel, but are you saying you’re against paying 2 bucks a year for drunk driving enforcement? That seems like a puny price to pay if it helps get drunks off the road.
Given how many people drive without insurance, though, I would rather see a $2 surcharge on license tabs. It’s harder to avoid paying for tabs than insurance. An insurance tax hits the law abiding drivers who don’t cause the problems. How many DUI drivers don’t even have insurance, and won’t pay this tax? Yeah, I think I’d rather see DUI enforcement come out of higher tabs, instead of an insurance premium tax.
So how come Republicans like Jeb Bush like this insurance tax so much?
I’ve stated my position on the tunnel many times here. The people who want a tunnel and/or will benefit from a tunnel should pay for it themselves, and leave the rest of us alone. There’s no justification for raising taxes on people who won’t use it, don’t want it, and won’t see their property values go up because of it. I’m against giving a $1.4 billion gift to downtown property owners at the expense of low income and moderate income taxpayers.
wow! This thread is already up to 29 posts! That’s more than the sucky little jihad blog gets even when they come out in favor of terrorist attacks on airliners as a GOP campaign strategy.
Goldy was listening to the game and wasn’t concentrating on his show; thus, it got off to a slow start. If you want to be on the radio, you gotta get professional when your shift starts. I almost turned the channel waiting for you to get through your commentary . . . sloppy!
And Roger, I just looked at Franklins bill and she is using the Federal internal revenue code as her model. What do you think? I think too many deductions and loopholes. That’s what I think.
She keeps a personal deduction which for single people is $5000 if I remember correctly. Single people bear the brunt of taxation. It costs us more to live because we shoulder the burden of paying for everything ourselves. What about that?
So how come Republicans like Jeb Bush like this insurance tax so much?
01/13/2007 at 10:33 pm
I dont know. Why do democrat talk show hosts like insurance fraud?
Yeah, I think I’d rather see DUI enforcement come out of higher tabs, instead of an insurance premium tax.
Yeah, we need more DUI enforcement. Of course I am above the law. Hell I can get away with murder if I want to. Wait I have. burp
We Republicans are actually responsible for civil rights legislation because Robert Byrd was in the KKK 30 years before anyone posting here was born!!
Now that is a fact!! You can’t deny it. Any more than you can deny that W is a military deserter a drunk and a crack addict and his wife ran over a guy when she was drunk and killed him.
That’s why I voted for him. Because all Republicans are like that…
Love and Peace,
SB 5022 – 2007-08
Authorizing a county to impose taxes for certain viaduct or bridge projects.
Now that is a fact!! You can’t deny it. Any more than you can deny that W is a military deserter
Hey I wrote a story on this. It put me into early retirement. You just cant get away with lies like we used to in the liberal MSM. Damn talk radio.
By the way does anyone know where to get a 1970ish typewriter?
two thirds of the bucks are for state DUI enforcement and the other third is for counties and they are calling it a surcharge – not a tax……
I am surprised that insurance isn’t mandatory in this state.
I don’t like drunk drivers and don’t drink! The two bucks – I can easily afford. With 1.9 billion excess, you would think they could adequately fund the state patrol. There comes a time when the nickel and diming gets to be too much! Why should only vehicle owners with car insurance pay for drunk drivers who more than likely don’t have any damned insurance????????
You know, Smeg, my reading of that bill seems to cover the viaduct and SR520. The gov did say the state would pay for a rebuil and for 520 because they are state highways. It is the extra cost of a tunnel that we in Seattle will have to pick up.
That’s consistent with what I understand the situation to be.
Am I wrong, Roger?
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 — After years of rock-solid party discipline and fealty to President Bush, Congressional Republicans have suddenly fractured in their new role as members of the minority, with some prominently deserting the White House on Iraq and others bolting from their leadership on popular domestic issues.
“We have got a lot of free agents,” said Senator John Thune, Republican of South Dakota, referring to the Republican backlash over the president’s proposal for a troop increase in Iraq.
@30 I didn’t get married until my 30s, so I have paid taxes as both a single and married taxpayer.
Between 1969 and 2003, about half of all married couples paid a “marriage penalty,” i.e., they owed more than if they would have as singles. The more equal their incomes were, the worse the tax penalty was. However, there was a separate (and costly) penalty for single mothers with modest incomes for getting married: They probably would lose their Earned Income Credit.
So, although there’s a widespread perception among singles that they’re getting screwed, many married couples paid higher taxes than singles. The 2003 tax cuts eliminated the marriage penalty for couples in the 15% bracket, but the marriage penalty still exists in the higher tax brackets.
I think the biggest financial problem singles face is trying to afford housing on one income. There is a very direct relationship between housing prices and local incomes. One reason Seattle’s housing is so expensive is because this city is a regional medical, legal, banking, commercial, and transportation center; and consequently, has a large number of households with two professional incomes. Two doctors married to each other likely are making $500,000 a year; an airline pilot and secretary may have a combined income over $200,000; even a truck driver and teacher may have a six figure income. Two-income buyers dominate the housing market, and singles have to earn twice the average income just to be on equal footing with average couples.
Although two people generally have twice the expenses of one person, the crucial exception to that is housing, which is most people’s largest expense. A $250,000 condo costs $250,000 regardless of whether you live in it alone or with a spouse, and the property taxes will be the same, and utility bills only slightly more. If getting married doubles the household’s income, while housing expense stays the same, that frees up a lot of cash for saving and investment.
I would never counsel anyone to get married for financial reasons, but if you do, I urge you to invest that extra cash flow instead of spending it. You’re a fool if you don’t take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to accumulate capital to earn income for you after your earning years are over. Put as much of it in tax-sheltered retirement accounts as you can, because it grows MUCH faster and to a MUCH large amount if it’s compounding without having to pay taxes on the capital gains, interest, and dividends until you spend it at the end of your life, and additionally, you’ll almost certainly pay a lower tax rate at the ass end (when you take it out) than at the front (when you put it in) because your income will be less in old age and you’ll be in a lower tax bracket.
Another thing you should do is prepay your mortgage. I’m not saying pay the whole thing off, although obviously you should if you can. My point is, even small prepayments in the early years of a mortgage save you a shitload of interest over the life of the loan. Here is a link to a mortgage amortization calculator you can download to your computer for free.
Let’s say you have a $200,000 30-year fixed at 6.25% with the first payment due in January 2007. According to the HSH calculator, the p & i (principal & interest) is $1231 per month. Paying $25 extra every month will save you over $16,000 of interest charges which, invested in CDs earning 5%, will increase your income by $66 a month for the rest of your life starting 30 years from now. If you pay $100 extra every month, you will save $52,475 which, invested at 5%, would increase your retirement income by $218.65 a month for life. This is free money that you didn’t have to work for, and all you did was use it to pay off debt instead of wasting it. Every family budget has a lot of waste in it, and by far the easiest money to “make” is the money you “find” by “mining” your current budget for unnecessary expenses. Most people get it backwards; they look at how much they make and translate that into how much they can spend, whereas if you want to be prosperous later in life, you should invest the difference between what you make and what you must spend. Believe me, there’s a lot of fat in most people’s spending if you get serious about it, and the hell of it is you don’t really end up with anything to show for what you wasted as you cruised through life.
You will never make enough working for wages to be comfortable, and no job lasts forever (or even for life, anymore). Want to be comfortable AND financially independent? Want to be in a position to not have to suck up to a boss — to not need a job at all? The way you get there is by accumulating capital. You do it by saving money you don’t have to spend in tax-sheltered accounts where it merrily compounds itself over and over during your working years … and then one day you’ll wake up an old rabbit like me, and look at your various sources of income (pension, Social Security, and INVESTMENTS) … and you’ll say to yourself: “Fuck it! I’m done working. FUCK WORK! I’m a fucking capitalist now, and I don’t have to work anymore.” Of course, another important thing to do as you go along is avoid debt, and pay off necessary debts. The money you don’t send to a bank is FREE MONEY. You’ve already worked for it and paid taxes on it; keeping that money for yourself instead of giving it to a lender is the easiest money you’ll ever make!
Trust me on this stuff … forget the lottery, this is how it’s done. Being married and having a two-income household does make it much easier. But don’t get married for money. Except if you have an opportunity to marry a LOT of money, then you should consider it! Being married can be a bitch, but it still beats kissing a boss’s ass every day.
@32 How do you like the idea of rich bastards running everything and getting away with DUIs, securities law violations, fraud and corruption, and everything else under the sun? It sucks to be subjects of the Kennedy and Bush dynasties, doesn’t it? That’s why we should have public financing of campaigns and abolish private political spending (although the latter may be constitutionally problematic). I’m sick and tired of high political offices being monopolized by lazy, stupid, dishonest, hereditary aristocrats who need a hobby to keep them out of jail.
However, one thing I will say for Ted Kennedy that I can’t say for his fellow drunk W. Bush, is that Teddy at least tries to help the little guy, while Dubya is out to fuck us peasants as much as he can. Ted Kennedy’s little finger is worth more to the average American than 1,000 George W. Bushes.
@34 The state funding for SR-99 is sufficient to replace the viaduct. Anything else is on the local dime. If the people who want a tunnel can figure out a way to get it without invading my pocketbook, then I won’t get in the way. Of course, it won’t work that way; the objective of the people who will benefit from it is the make someone else pay for it. The old story of “we get the profits, you get the expense.” Fuck that! I’m a “no” vote on a tunnel.
@34 What they’ll probably do is try to bundle it with the rest of the transportation package and force us to vote up or down on the whole thing, effectively holding essential projects hostage for the tunnel.
@35 Say whatever you want, wingnut, but everyone in America knows Bush is a shirker who went AWOL from the National Guard during wartime and your lying about it won’t change that. How did you like that little referendum we had recently on the character, intelligence, and accomplishments of our nation’s Republican leaders? Nov. 7, 2006, was just the beginning, baby — merely a downpayment by the voters on our future. You assholes are going to be totally out of power for the next 20 years! How do you like the idea of a Legislature that’s less than 10% Republican, and Democratic supermajorities in both houses of Congress? Just keep doing what you turds are doing, and it’ll happen! I can hardly wait.
@37 Insurance IS mandatory in this state. That doesn’t stop 30% of our drivers from driving without it. Enforcement is a joke. Laws on the books say they’re supposed to lose their license, but nobody does. A few years ago, I got hit by a driver who was speeding, had no license or insurance, and was driving a vehicle she didn’t own, whose owner didn’t have any insurance either. I had to sue my own insurance company to get my medical bills paid under my uninsured motorist coverage. Do you think the state did anything to either the driver or the owner of the uninsured vehicle? Hell no. You can’t take away a driver’s license from someone who doesn’t have one, can you? They’ll get another car, keep driving it, have more accidents, and maybe after five or six more citations for driving without a license or insurance they might actually get jail time — for a day or two.
Roger, here’s the 5022 that Smeg is citing.
So, what’s your take on it?
skagit says: Am I wrong, Roger? 01/13/2007 at 11:46 pm
Skagit: You can’t think or reason for yourself?
Rugrat@21: Jeff Garcia is engaged to Carmella DeCesare, Playboy’s 2004 Playmate of the year. And Terrell Owens is married to whom?
Now Rugrat if you could find someone as beautiful as that, you’d get some respect ’round here!
Once again Rugrat speaks from his ASS!
I don’t worry too much about being “saved” by the Republican Party. They can’t even save themselves. Here’s the deal: the Republican Party is toast. The president and the greedy, corrupt, toadying, lying, cruel, spineless, scheming Congressional bastards who have been in power since 2000 and 1994 respectively have both disillusioned and disgusted the American people to the exent that they will be at least another generation out of power.
But don’t weep for these sadistic weaklings. They brought it on themselves.
It is not true that “some Republicans actually have a conscience.” It is, rather, that they have read the writing on the wall, and that writing says that Americans are sick of divisive, ultimately useless Republican “culture war” issues getting in the way of doing the nation’s business in Congress, so they’re trying to hop on the train of popular Democratic legislation to save their disappearing careers. Good luck, boys.
So when the Democrats pick up MORE Senate seats in 2008, Hole Joe “my nose is up Bush’s ass” Lieberman will lose his char and I will be ever so happy.
And when Bush is replaced by a Democratic president, we will finally leave Iraq.
The only thing that keeps Lieberman (sic) from joining the Republicans is the fact that after 2008 the GOP will be losing a bunch more seats. We have 2 years of investigations, and shining the spotlight on the crimes, and atrocities of the last few years of Republican rule.
The Democrats have the megaphone now, and control the legislation. All they have to do is keep their hand out of the cookie jar, and work for legislation that actually moves America forward, and helps average Americans.
After watching the Democrats for 2 years, and hearing the weeeepublikans cry like babies, put up their straw men, throw out red herrings, and flat out lie to their retarded, blind, greedy base, there won’t be enough people stupid enough to vote for them.
A message to all you Republican Senators running for re-election in ’08. Switch to the Democrats now, or start handing out favors to lobbyists, so you can get a job once you are voted out of congress……
The days of the Republican Party are over. Read the writing on the wall. Once the America People broke through the GOP controlled MSM and started asking questions, they did not like what they learned.
Imagine, the press spent more time on Monica than they spent on the lies told before the Iraq invasion. And you think the press has a “liberal bias” right? Keep smoking that good stuff.
Just look at talk radio, where Rush, and Hannity lie repeatedly to their inbred cracker retarded audience, and when they are caught lying, they just pretend it was the truth, and never mention it again.
The tide is turning big time. The only question remaining is what is larger than a tsunami….
Oh by the way, anyone know why Bush unveiled his “surge” insanity in the middle of the 1st 100 hours of the Democrats taking care of business?
Any guesses?
When is the 100 hours up? Because 100 hours is a little over 4 days and they have only burned up 23:34. Oh wait, they took a time out for the Football game. Great job on keeping your word. 100 hours for dems must actually mean 4 months
Here is the link for the clock.
Hi Fireman. I used to be a fireman (volunteer) too. As far as the 100 hours of helping Americans, and not the super rich, and large corporations, they only count time when congress is in session.
The Minority Leader Boehner (a sleazebag) asked Speaker Pelosi if she could allow some members to watch the game, that is true. It was not her idea, and she did grant his request. Little did she know that allowing a Republican to do what he asked was a trap….. Maybe the next time Boehner asks for a favor she should tell him to go f*ck himself.
I feel sorry for the Democrats though. It will be a huge amount of work trying to fix the damage all those years of GOP control has done to our nation. God what a job it will be. 5 trillion in debt, and if you raise taxes on the billionares that were let off the hook by Bush, the Republican retards will scream tax raiser, tax raiser, waaaaaaaahhhhh!!! An insane war started by a pack of lies, and used for political gain until it got so bad even the most retarded Republican blind bastards began to understand something is just not right there…..
Let me put this in perspective. Travel anywhere in the world, and ask 20 people where ever you land what they think of the United States. I bet the answer is far different than it would have been if Al Gore was our president in 2000, or John Kerry was our president in 2004. The words United States makes most people on this planet want to puke thanks to REPUBLICANS. And all you freaks want to do is make sure Mr. Gates gets to keep more of his money and pay less in taxes, and go kill a bunch of people somewhere because an election is coming….
Maybe Bush wanted to watch the Democrats scramble finding excuses for their voter base. You know the “Sheehans” and crew.
Amazing, I am curious to know what the salary rate per hour is for those first 23 hours. And how many days did it take to complete 23 hours of actual work?
Daddy Love@50:
From ABC News: “To test what types of people give more, “20/20″ went to two very different parts of the country, with contrasting populations: Sioux Falls, S.D. and San Francisco, Calif. The Salvation Army set up buckets at the busiest locations in each city — Macy’s in San Francisco and Wal-Mart in Sioux Falls. Which bucket collected more money?
Sioux Falls is rural and religious; half of the population goes to church every week. People in San Francisco make much more money, are predominantly liberal, and just 14 percent of people in San Francisco attend church every week. Liberals are said to care more about helping the poor; so did people in San Francisco give more?
It turns out that this idea that liberals give more…is a myth. Of the top 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last presidential election.”
And who has a conscience? Surely not libtards!
Can you then tell me why all the immigrants (illegal or legal) want to LIVE in America?
As far as Bill Gates goes, he GIVES to many WORLDWIDE organizaitons. I am sure those same people REFUSE those gifts because he lives in AMERICA.
Your obvious hatred of those more fortunate is a typical liberal trait. You should try viewing your glass half full, it helps.
DevoidOfFactsForHisPositions@55 puked: “Let me put this in perspective. Travel anywhere in the world, and ask 20 people where ever you land what they think of the United States. I bet the answer is far different than it would have been if Al Gore was our president in 2000, or John Kerry was our president in 2004. The words United States makes most people on this planet want to puke thanks to REPUBLICANS. And all you freaks want to do is make sure Mr. Gates gets to keep more of his money and pay less in taxes, and go kill a bunch of people somewhere because an election is coming….”
Dumb-one: Please tell us with your overseas travel experience. Please tell us how many people you’ve talked to. You read the Gaurdian and Le MOnde – Libtard European mags!
re 35: Nobody denied the truth of Rather’s accusations, they merely questioned the authenticity of his documents.
Come on you motherfucking hypocritical Democrat assholes. Tell us all why the Del Monte workers don’t deserve a minimum wage like the rest of the nation. Your leader Nancy Pelosi made sure that Del Monte, one of her sugar daddy’s gets to avoid the minimum wage law.
Where is the Liberal outrage???
You are nothing but a bunch of fucking robots who will eat any shit your Democrat politicians feed you just like good obedient Nazis.
And before you fuckers start up, I voted for those god damn Democrats and I am pissed. So calling right wing and all tha fucking shit is bullshit. If you say you are going to give everyone a minumu, wage, then by god motherfucker you had better fucking do so.
What a bunch of fucking lying hypocrites!
Censoring comments again you fucker Goldstein?
Too late…
William Jefferson already has been caught in the cookie jar from his freezer.
Too late…
William Jefferson already has been caught in the cookie jar from his freezer.
The del Monte workers are in Samoa. Dems. are closing that wage loophole. What are you GOOPERS doing about the Rep. sanctioned slavery and enforced prostitution and enforced abortions in the Marianas.
Glass Houses.
My windows are more transparent then yours.
@ 61
Pelosi is from San Fran. You see, my boss is her Nephew. Yes Honest. His view is this:
We needed someone to take care of our office yardwork (1 1/2 acres). I called around, and most wanted $10/hr or more. His comment (when he got back from Cali) was, “can’t you find a mexican who will do the WHOLE yard for $10”. I told him that most mexican people here (centralia area) were hardworking folks, but they valued themselves a bit higher than their San Fran brothers.
He bitched and moaned, and I went out an bought a lawnmower. The retired neighbor mows it (with his rider) when boss isnt around, and we pay him $40 bucks, but the Boss gets to spend 4 hours pushing it when he is here.
So you see, Ms Pelosi has a wonderful work ethic. As far as I can see, she comes by it honestly. She believes in Slave Labor.
# 64
I read nowhere that a “loophole” is being closed. It was passed, and without full debate.
I am curious though. If Del Monte is using slave labor in Samoa, doesn’t that make it more profitable in the USA?
Way to go Dem’s….Push your hundred hours, and make slaves…
Closing a wage loophole by denying them minimum wage. That is some kind of spin you got their you lying sack of shit.
Stop trying to fucking deflect by asking about Republicans. They fucking don’t matter – I didn’t vote for them motherfucker. Democrats control congress or haven’t you heard motherfucker?
It was Pelosi who made sure that her cheap labor liberals were appeased. Fucking SLAVES working for Del Monte. You motherfuckers are nothing but a bunch of god damned hypocritical lying shits!
They fucking don’t matter
Can’t a single on of you motherfuckers address Pelosi blocking minimum wage for Del Monte workers? Mother fuckers I voted for the fucking Democrats.
Republicans don’t control congress. This is ALL DEMOCRATS showing their true fucking colors. This is DEMOCRAT legislation you lying fuckers!
# 64
from the link:
During the House debate yesterday on stem-cell research, Mr. McHenry raised a parliamentary inquiry as to whether an amendment could be offered that would exempt American Samoa from stem-cell research, “just as it was for the minimum-wage bill.”
A clearly perturbed Rep. Barney Frank, the Massachusetts Democrat who was presiding, cut off Mr. McHenry and shouted, “No, it would not be.”
“So, the chair is saying I may not offer an amendment exempting American Samoa?” Mr. McHenry pressed.
“The gentleman is making a speech and will sustain,” Mr. Frank shouted as he slammed his large wooden gavel against the rostrum.
Some Republicans who voted in favor of the minimum-wage bill were particularly irritated to learn yesterday — after their vote — that the legislation did not include American Samoa.
“I was troubled to learn of this exemption,” said Rep. Mark Steven Kirk, Illinois Republican. “My intention was to raise the minimum wage for everyone. We shouldn’t permit any special favors or exemptions that are not widely discussed in Congress. This is the problem with rushing legislation through without full debate.”
A spokeswoman for Mrs. Pelosi said Wednesday that the speaker has not been lobbied in any way by StarKist or Del Monte.
So who is the “chicken of the Sea” that was lobbied. I doubt that many Dem’s lay awake at night troubled by the economy of samoa, and it workers good wages.
You are a fucking hypocrite. I want ALL to have a minimum wage not just those who don’t inconvenience the sugar daddy of the speaker.
Both fucking parties are the same. Democrats are the same fucked up bunch as the Republicans except they are better at hiding their crimes.
And all we get from simpleton obedient Nazis like “Lib Bro” is simpleton juvenile shit that has less intellectual value that a used tampon.
Yo Lib @ 69
“The bill also extends for the first time the federal minimum wage to the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands.
However, it exempts American Samoa, another Pacific island territory that would become the only U.S. territory not subject to federal minimum-wage laws.”
From the same link I posted above, maybe you should click and read a bit, before you start your spinning.
Since Samoa is the ONLY US Territory still in slave labor status, I guess those people can thank the Democrats for their slavery
pissed_off: @ 61 & everywhere else
The following is cribbed from DailyKos in a diary by “DDay”:
And the following is cribbed from a “dengre” diary @DKos:
Congressman Faleomavaega is a “non-voting” member of congress who represents Samoa. Your comments are based on false information—-produced by the former associates of Jack Abramoff & catapulted as propaganda by a few GOoPerz, especially Texans, in the House.
To make clear: American Samoa has federal wage standards (since 1938), but they are not the same as USA laws and are adjusted for their local economy.
This is ALL DEMOCRATS showing their true fucking colors.
simpleton obedient Nazis
Translation, it is a slave shop for cheap labor goods. All that gobbly gook is a fancy way of saying that Samoa is singled out to be a sweat shop shielded from min wage laws so cheap labor US companies can make more cheap shit for Wal-Mart.
Other countries no longer have “Industry Committtees” setting the wages. But Samoa does. You are trying to make shit smell like roses, but shit is shit and it still stinks no matter how much perfume you throw in the air.
The same minimum wage that applies in the mainland should also apply to Samoa. Your lying distractions about Industry committees and other bullshit don’t change the fact that Democrats left out a big Democrat contributor as political payola.
And why the fuck haven’t Democrats introduced legislation to change this situation? They are the same as Republicans.
Federal Wage Standards is a fucking line to fool stupid dumbfucks. Yeah in the 1950’s there were federal guarantees for blacks too – to go to the back of the bus, to use the black only fountains, to be “federal standard” second class citizens.
More fucking lies from Democrats or Republican light!
Yo @ 78
You don’t reply to any post, you just Scream, and Scream, and only you can hear yourself, and your thoughts. Must be nice living in your “loud world”.
WHL, and you call Daily Kos a source?
Slave families in Samoa getting screwed is entertainment? You are one mean spirited motherfucker.
Democrat= Republican who doesn’t get caught.
So Samoa has been an American territory since 1900 and it STILL doesn’t have the same Federal Minimum Wage as the rest of America?
That isn’t “phasing it in” this is called a loophole for slavery. And bitching about what happened under Republicans doesn’t cut it. Democrats said they would do better. They haven’t. They are cheap labor liberals as much as any cheap labor Republican.
The problem is you fuckers can only see left or right. Everything that comes out of a Democrat’s ass is gold no matter what.
No fucking brains, no individuality. Might as well be right wingers instead of left wingers for all that matters. Same atrophy of the cranium.
I cribbed the quotes from DailyKos because it was more simple than going to the Federal Register & to Rep. Faleomavaega’s statement in the Congressional Record. And, DKos is one of the most highly rated websites on the internet—-number fucking one or something like that.
It’s unfortunate that you are such a jackass. Keep drinking the kewlade, fool, while your masters are gavelled down by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Gayville). Go watch the YouTube videos of your Texas & Illinois dipshits trying to run a bogus point of order scam on Barney (the congressman, not Bu$h xliii’s dog); it’s a hit with the liberals & labeled the “smackdown” on hundreds of sites & blogs. Yeah, the McHenry “slamdunk;” fuck off wingnut.
What a fucking brainwashed moron you are “Lib Bro”. You care absolutely NOTHING about the average worker. You couldn’t give a shit if workers in Samoa don’t get a living wage. Speaks volumes about your lack of character. You are lower than toejam.
So because Republicans screw workers, that is the reasoning for Democrats screwing workers? Oy yeah, that make so much sense.
Yo @ 85
Your tirade is true, the Dem’s just passed the Min Wage law, and EXCLUDED the people of Samoa. The Dems did this. The corruption has begun.
Let me see, just cause you say Daily Kos is Number #1, doesn’t make it reliable source.
Fact is, the Dem’s pushed this through without full debate. The people of Samoa can thank the Dem’s for this. There is no spin to this, only the truth. Where is the outrage from you people. You are the protectors of the little people, not the corporate giants like Del Monte.
Aren’t you a bit pissed off? Or is it just ok, because Pelosi is the goddess, and the goddess knows what is good for all people (except people from samoa).
@61 “Come on you motherfucking hypocritical Democrat assholes. Tell us all why the Del Monte workers don’t deserve a minimum wage like the rest of the nation.”
Okay … grease up your ass and bend over, because you asked for it.
Here’s the situation. Del Monte, whose HQ is in Pelosi’s district, owns Starkist, which operates a tuna-processing plant in SAMOA, where the federal minimum wage does not, and never has, applied.
But the lying wingnut spin machine took this factoid and twisted it into an assertion that Pelosi got Del Monte an exemption for workers in Pelosi’s California district. Every single one of the three elements of this allegation — that (a) Pelosi took action (b) to get Del Monte an exemption, (c) in California — is FALSE. Pelosi didn’t even know the Samoan plant existed, for chrissakes.
As we delve into this, we find out that REPUBLICANS are behind the exemption! And not just any Republican, but none other than Jack Abramoff and Tom DeLay, the masters of illegal favors-for-cash, one of whom is in jail and the other on his way to jail. Why is this no surprise.
But thanks for bringing this SAMOAN situation to our attention, CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES, because now that Democrats are aware of it, they’re going to fix it:
“Del Monte Foods Democrats pledge to extend minimum wage
” … House Democrats say a just-passed minimum wage bill will be changed to cover all U.S. territories — including American Samoa — before it reaches President Bush’s
desk. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told reporters she has instructed the House Education and Labor Committee to help get the bill changed to ‘make sure that all of the territories have to comply with the U.S. law on minimum wage.’
“Her remark Friday followed accusations from Republicans a day earlier that American Samoa, which is not now covered by the $5.15 an hour federal minimum wage, was not included in the law raising the federal pay floor to $7.25 an hour
because StarKist has a large cannery in the island chain. StarKist is owned by Del Monte Foods Co., which has its headquarters in San Francisco, Pelosi’s district. …
“The bill … passed Wednesday by the House as part of the Democrats’ 100-hour agenda … included … the Northern Mariana Islands, which had been shielded in the past from the wage law with the help of former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, and GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff, now serving a prison sentence. …”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info, see
Now bend over. Or, for an appointment, call 1-800-SUCK-ROG!
@70 So who DID you vote for? Mussolini?
Dem’s pushed this through without full debate
61, 70, et al., sound like Kevin Carns having a bad caffeine day. Is that you, Kevin? Does your mommy know you’re chewing your fingernails again?
p.s., Thank you for your concern about Samoan workers; we’re on the case. How do you plan to spin this when Bush vetoes the minimum wage bill?
Oh, Kevin, one more thing — Pelosi and her fellow Democrats inherited this situation from you guys. How come the GOPers didn’t fix Samoa’s minimum wage during the 4 years they controlled both houses of Congress?
What’s up psycho? Posting under 3 or 4 aliases today? Must be cold in that cave, there, hunh? Huddled up close to the transister radio listening to HateInc Broadcasting.
You drama queens are a fucking drag. (all puns intended)
Yup. That goddamned Pelosi back there in 1938 (2 years before she was born), taking bribes from DelMonte to rig the minimum wage laws in American Samoa before the pineapple people even bought the tuna company. Oh well, it makes for good imaginary theater if you’re a sociopathic, developmentally disabled, Halperidol medicated fucktard. Keep those hallucinations coming, tinkerbell.
Your bullshit can’t even make sense in an Oxycontin Limpball’s fantasy. But your insanity is entertaining, in a scary sort of “who put these creatures on this planet” with the rest of us screenplay.
Maybe you should grab a black or blue crayon & scribble a note on some oatmeal paper to the Member from Samoa, the Honorable Mr. Faleomavaega, & explain to him how his Territory is a sweatshop for Wal-Mart. Then he might be able to contact some professionals & get you back into the state hospital & get your meds adjusted.
GOP controlled House = no action to raise Samoa’s minimum wage 1994 – 2006
Democrat controlled House = takes action to raise Samoa’s minimum wage within 1 week
Why don’t you CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES tell us again how you’re for the working man …
90 “Fact is, the Dem’s pushed this through without full debate.”
Oh, Kevin, and another thing – don’t forget to bitch about Democrats remedying the situation. Once again, thank you for bringing it to our attention.
@85 Don’t forget to mention that “pissed off” is a fraud, too. A rather inept one, I must say, compared to most wingnuts who pose as Democrats, ex-Democrats, or non-Republicans. None of them are very good at it, but in pissed-off’s case, the trail is a mile wide. It leads from the pig pen straight to the outhouse, and smells exactly like what it is — a lying wingnut pretending to be something other than a lying wingnut.
Give it up, pissed off! You’ve been weighed, you’ve been measured, and you’ve been found wanting. Come back after you’ve had some instruction and practice, and are better prepared to tilt against professionals.
Kiroking says:
Maybe Bush wanted to watch the Democrats scramble finding excuses for their voter base. You know the “Sheehans” and crew.
Amazing, I am curious to know what the salary rate per hour is for those first 23 hours. And how many days did it take to complete 23 hours of actual work?
What was it Chuck Hagel (-R) said on meet the press this morning? Something like “They have got every single thing wrong on Iraq so far” or something….
You are absolutely right about Democrats finding excuses for their voter base. Far too many Democrats believed Bush when he told them about WMD’s that he knew weren’t there, an imaginary nuclear weapons program that they knew did not exist, known Al Queda ties that were non-existant, and that he would only use force as a last resort after already telling the British when to expect the bombing to begin.
You are right, the Democrats need to apologize to their base.
They should have never believed a word Bush said, and for that they are guilty. More than half of them it appeared did understand Bush was lying, including my congressman Mc Dermott.
Apology definitely needed. How could anyone believe anything Bush says? Especially someone in Congress.
Now who are you going to apologize to for supporting lying corrupt traitors that care nothing for our nation’s future?
Name one thing Bush, and his cabal of liars got right in Iraq….. (crickets chirping)
As far as salaries for congresspeople, remember the Republicans taking every Monday, and Friday off. How quickly your forget. Remember how loudly the Republicans screamed a month ago when Pelosi said they were not going to be able to go home to their families on Thursdays? I do….
If Republicans had memories, there would be no Republicans. Rush, and Faux New would have ZERO listeners, and viewers. Good thing the average Republican is too busy complaining about all those straw men, and red herrings to remember the millions of lies the sleazebags they support have told them. Bet you forgot this one.
“Any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap,” Mr. Bush said in Buffalo, “a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so.”
At one time freedom for slaves never existed and people made the exact same argument “does not and never has”. DEMOCRATS are in charge in congress. Why the fuck haven’t they changed that? You are arguing that since they have always gotten screwed, leaving them screwed now that Democrats are in charge isn’t any big deal.
I don’t give a shit about any wingnuts. You can say wingnut wingnut wingnut until your head explodes. It won;’t change the fact that DEMOCRATS – not WINGNUTS are in charge in congress. Stop avoiding the fucking issue!
And to try to argue that Pelosi is so fucking ignorant that she didn’t even know that there was a Samoan plant is the biggest pile of crap you have tried to push so far. She is smart enough to become speaker of the house, but “hot damn Vern” she didn’t know there was a plant in Samoa.
And your point is? Again deflecting. You want to argue that Republicans don’t give a shit about the working poor – save your breath. You are preaching to the choir.
They had better put it in there. I have family over there and I will KNOW. It is too bad the fuckers had to be dragged kicking and screaming to do it!
Oh FUCK YOU!! Anyone who dares to disagree is automatically a wing nut. FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!
If that fucker does then you assholes had better override his veto. Don’t give me fucking excuses!
All you fuckers want to sit back in your goddamn blogs in your comfy fucking homes on the mainland. The left fucks call the right fucks dumb and the right fucks call the left fucks traitors.
Democrats always say they care about the working poor. Until you have been to a sweatshop or an “industry” work site, you mother fuckers don’t have a god damn clue what grinding poverty really is.
So yeah, I will be watching to see that the Democrats follow through. You can be sure of that.
Kiroking says:
Can you then tell me why all the immigrants (illegal or legal) want to LIVE in America?
As far as Bill Gates goes, he GIVES to many WORLDWIDE organizaitons. I am sure those same people REFUSE those gifts because he lives in AMERICA.
Your obvious hatred of those more fortunate is a typical liberal trait. You should try viewing your glass half full, it helps.
I have nothing but respect for Mr. and Mrs. Gates. In fact I am involved with the Gates Foundation. I also do not hate anyone because they have more than I do. I only hate people that support the real enemies of my home the United States. Al Queda, and the Republican Party.
Remember, Bin Laden could never have done as much to hurt America as Bush, and the corrupt GOP have done.
Remember the surplus……
By the way, how many in your face, we are going to be attacked, code red, 10 out of 10 terror warnings did Bush, and his underlings completely ignore right before 9-11? At least 50 from the FAA.
Remember this one?
“The meeting, according to Tenet and Black, went nowhere. “Tenet and Black felt they were not getting through to Rice. She was polite, but they felt the brush-off. President Bush had said he didn’t want to swat at flies,” the Post story reported. “Rice seemed focused on other administration priorities, especially the ballistic missile defense system that Bush had campaigned on. She was in a different place.”
“Tenet left the meeting feeling frustrated,” continued the Post story. “Though Rice had given them a fair hearing, no immediate action meant great risk. Black felt the decision to just keep planning was a sustained policy failure. Rice and the Bush team had been in hibernation too long. Afterward, Tenet looked back on the meeting with Rice as a tremendous lost opportunity to prevent or disrupt the Sept. 11 attacks. Black later said, ‘The only thing we didn’t do was pull the trigger to the gun we were holding to her head.'”
Why do you people still defend these lying traitors?
Pull that Kool-Aid enema out of yer asses, and come into the light.
If anyone in your family dies from Parkinsons, Diabetes, or any other diseases embrionic stem cell research may cure, make sure you put on their gravestones “May have lived if not for Republicans”
No go pray to your real god. The Prince of Darkness.
Puddybud says:
DevoidOfFactsForHisPositions@5 5 puked: “Let me put this in perspective. Travel anywhere in the world, and ask 20 people where ever you land what they think of the United States. I bet the answer is far different than it would have been if Al Gore was our president in 2000, or John Kerry was our president in 2004. The words United States makes most people on this planet want to puke thanks to REPUBLICANS. And all you freaks want to do is make sure Mr. Gates gets to keep more of his money and pay less in taxes, and go kill a bunch of people somewhere because an election is coming….”
Dumb-one: Please tell us with your overseas travel experience. Please tell us how many people you’ve talked to. You read the Gaurdian and Le MOnde – Libtard European mags!
I actually do travel internationally, and I gotta tell you it is very different where I go in South America. The people I normally come in contact with are growing increasingly more hostile to the U.S. believe me. I wanted to talk to a couple Russians about Putin, and you would not believe the look I got from them mentioning anything about politics.
Remember we couldn’t even put the American Flag on the bus our World Cup Soccer Team was traveling on because of fear they would be attacked in Europe.
Anyone that thinks Bush has made us safer should not be let out of an institution, for they are far too deluded to care for themselves….
AP via Fox Sports:
FRANKFURT, Germany – The official team bus to be used by the United States during the World Cup will not bear a flag for security reasons.
The 32 official buses were presented Thursday in Frankfurt and the other 31 buses have large national flags of the their teams painted on rear sides.
German and U.S. security officials came to the conclusion to leave the flag off the U.S. team bus, an official of the German organizing committee said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the topic.
Welcome to Bushworld….
kiroking @ 90
“Fact is, the Dem’s pushed this through without full debate.”
You Tube videos are soooooooo reality based. The minimum wage bill had full debate. But then Rep. McHenry tried to take a HateRadio fantasy about stem cells (not min wage) & retrofit it to a bogus “Pelosi-designed” scam (false min wage, as described by the Rabbit). Some rethuglican shitbird managing the floor for the minority would not yield HIS debate time to the dimwit McHenry, who then attempted to run a point of order scam with Mr. Franks. It is hilarious. And contrary to the Sun Yung Moon Times of DC, Barney Boy is cracking up laughing telling the “Gentleman” & the other “Gentleman” to sustain.
It is one of the funniest C-Span moments in history as the Gentleman from Massachusetts gavels down McHenry, who is then supported by some R-Moron IL, to whom Mr. Franks explains that he is using the House Rules as passed by the rethuglicans, who are out of debate time (on stem cells) & the min wage bill has already passed, hours ago . . . and a point of order doesn’t end with a question mark & parliamentary procedure is . . . jesus wingnutz are dumb.
Yaddda, yaddda, it is just goddamned hilarious to watch the GOoPerz take it up the ass while Barney can hardly speak from laughing so hard. And then when the fucktard asks Barney how he can find out if the law exempts American Samoa, Mr. Franks tells him to READ THE BILL. What a concept, read the fucking bill instead of listening to Michael or Rush or G. Gordon or Ollie or . . . ?
Better not read this either pud.
Pew research.
Good for you.
You should probably take a freakin’ chill pill though.
TheTruth says:
All they have to do is keep their hand out of the cookie jar, and work for legislation that actually moves America forward, and helps average Americans.
Too late…
William Jefferson already has been caught in the cookie jar from his freezer.
I wonder how many Republicans would turn down $100,000 in cash? Isn’t it funny how the Bush controlled FBI only offerd a bribe to a Democrat when the whole country knows how corrupt the GOP is from top to bottom.
By they way, why has Jefferson not been indicted?
I think I know why. The courts are so full of cases of indicted corrupt Republicans probably… Maybe entrapment….
What is even more funny is the fact that Bush, and the GOP slime machine was using every single resource of the government to try to find corrupt Democrats, and have not come up with squat.
Democrats must be clean….
In 1932, the Washington Supreme Court declared that income is defined as a class of property, with respect to the purposes of taxation, and Article IV of the WA Constitution states all taxes shall be uniform upon the same class of property.
Any income tax in Washington state would have to meet the uniformity restrictions, or possibly require amending the Constitution in order to implement.
Besides, the WA Supreme Court would first have to agree with other Supreme Courts in other states where it has been determined that income is not ‘property’ until it is converted in an ‘asset’. If our court took this step, then an initiative of the people or an act of the legislature could implement a graduated income tax or one with a high exemption. Unless the Supreme Court makes such a ruling, legislation not consistent with the 1932 ruling will face a strong legal challenge, and likely be overturned by the Court.
Bottom line: a better chance for a flat rate income tax, much less so for a graduated tax.
For you newbies to the state, don’t forget in 1973, a comprehensive tax-reform package, supported by both the executive and legislative branches (capped sales tax and B&O rates, and featured a graduated income tax.) Voters defeated the measure 77% NO, 23% YES.
Pissed_off says says:
All you fuckers want to sit back in your goddamn blogs in your comfy fucking homes on the mainland. The left fucks call the right fucks dumb and the right fucks call the left fucks traitors.
Democrats always say they care about the working poor. Until you have been to a sweatshop or an “industry” work site, you mother fuckers don’t have a god damn clue what grinding poverty really is.
So yeah, I will be watching to see that the Democrats follow through. You can be sure of that.
Please let us know what the Republican controlled government has done to help the people suffering from grinding poverty. Oh yes I forgot. Send all the good jobs overseas, and give incentives to companies to do it.
I may check out your ‘war crimes in Iraq’ program. The real US war crimes are the collusions of our government and the military-industrial complex. It’s costing America billions in dollars and in too many innocent lives.
You know what the worst thing about being a wingnut is?
No Facts Support Any Of Your Positions…..
It has been 6 months, and not a single wingnut has been able to answer only the fist question Republicans can never answer.
#1 “Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.”
(Crickets have been chirping for 6 months now)
No Facts Support Any Of Your Positions Cons.
So because the Republicans are shitheads means that excuses Democrats for being shitheads? Logic does NOT support your position!
Ya know, with the lame arguementation of the phonies Unionfirewimp and PissedOn you gotta wonder if they are just sockpuppets for DarrellSucksButtPutty.
Gawd I hope so! What would we do for entertainment wtihout them?
Ya know, idiots who follow their leaders without question are no better than Nazis. Are there ANY Democrats who actually question what goes on with THEIR politicians or are you all a bunch of mindless robots?
I voted for the fuckers, but I AM going to question them every step of the way. Republican or Democrat doesn’t matter. Power corrupts. Any critical thinker knows that.
@104 “Any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap,” Mr. Bush said in Buffalo, “a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so.”
And today we read in the news that the White House has been surfing our bank accounts. Official shill Tony Snow says the government has looked at only a “few hundred” bank accounts. Let’s see a show of hands of how many of you believe him. … I thought so.
@105 Sorry, pissed off — game’s over. You’re out of timeouts, there’s no time left on the scorebaord, you don’t get overtime or a mulligan. Game, set, match. Checkmate. I won’t reply on this topic anymore; next topic, please.
@106 See #105.
@108 “you mother fuckers don’t have a god damn clue what grinding poverty really is”
You obviously can afford a computer and internet connection, so you obviously don’t, either.
@110 “Please tell us with your overseas travel experience.”
Last time I traveled overseas to work for Uncle Sam the local residents shot at me.
The only mindless robots I see are shills like DarrellSucksButtPutty Unionfirewimp and Pissed_On.
After twelve years of monumental, if not treasonous corruption by the Rethuglican Congress, it’s going to take more than 100 hours to set things right. There are still non-progressive elements in the Democratic Majority. . .DINOS who afre more Corporatists than truly progressive.
A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted, “Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am.” The woman replied, “You are in a hot air balloon approximately 30 feet above the ground. You are between 40 and 41
degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude.”
“You must be a republican,” said the balloonist. “I am,” replied the woman. “How did you know?” “Well,” answered the balloonist, “everything you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I am still lost. Frankly, you’ve not been much help so far.”
The woman below responded. “You must be a democrat.” “I am,” replied the balloonist, “but how did you know?” “Well,” said the woman, “you don’t know where you are or where you are going. You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise which you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it’s my fault.”
@129 The more things change, the more they stay the same. Nixon then; Dubya today. Same bullshit, different day.
@111 Wal, y’know, the House Rules ARE a bit arcane and COULD be a bit hard to understand for people who have difficulty spelling big words like “an” and “to.”
What on God’s green Earth ever prompted some humans to imagine they’re smarter than rabbits?
Shame on you.
What a callous, presumptive response to make. He/she could be using a computer and internet connection at a public library, using a computer at college, or borrowing a friend’s.
Wow you are in rare form today. No on second thought you are in standard form. Stupid is as stupid does!
Still stinging from sitting at the kids table at family reunions?
@115 Just two points:
(a) The composition of the Washington Supreme Court has changed since 1932.
(b) The Composition of the Washington electorate has chagned since 1970.
damn it’s hard to type with paws
@119 Personally I think they’re all named Kevin.
Pat’s_A_Riot!@135 Aw, the shill got their feelings hurt. Welcome to HA!
TrolltardDarrellSuckkksButtPutty@138 Say hello to Unionfirewimp he may be a neighbor. . . .
@123 “Pissed_off says: Ya know, idiots who follow their leaders without question are no better than Nazis. 01/14/2007 at 1:33 pm”
That’s what we’ve been saying all along. The rest of your post falls apart when you try to apply this description to Democrats. Say, aren’t the Democrats the party who are famous for infighting? Come to think of it, they are. Not at all like the GOP goose-steppers who take their orders from the top. Democrats have this notion that party leaders should bow to the rank-and-file, not the other way around. Democrats also are notorious for independent thinking; in fact, didn’t some of you goose-steppers bleat that we should be rounded up, put in concentration camps, and “executed” because we don’t think what we’re told to think, say what we’re told to say, or follow Der Fuhrer’s orders? Yeah, I think that’s you guys who want to reinstate Auschwitz and blind obedience. We pass. In fact — FUCK YOU! If you want to argue about it, show up at my burrow at 7 PM, and bring a gun so I can claim self-defense.
@137 People in grinding poverty attend college, or have friends who own computers? (snicker)
re 70: So, it’s gone from not paying minimum wage to slavery. You are not serious. Get outta here.
Well, thank you for stating the obvious (even if you did get my post number wrong).
Two points:
a) Despite changes to the WA Supreme Court since 1932, Article IV in the Constitution hasn’t changed. And discussing what the present court will do now with respect to the same is pure supposition.
b) You better believe the electorate has changed since 1970! And I’ll bet you bunny-marbles to easter eggs that the current crop of Washingtonians are even LESS inclined to vote for an income tax.
Rabbit @ 133.
“Read the bill.” I spewed coffee watching the YouTube & Barney Franks is laughing so hard he can barely get the words out & the rethugs look like a little enclave of hayseeds at a carnival trying to find the pea under the walnut shells . . . .
[Later, in print, Sun Yung Moon’s mooners show their asses with a line that claims Franks is angry.]
It really is tooooo funny. “Read the bill.”
Here’s the source, but not hyperlinked so “youse wid” dial-up can do a work-around. Have fun!
P.S. – In the interest of truth-in-advertising, people who promote themselves as “patriots” usually aren’t.
@147 You’re not a lawyer, are you? I can tell. You don’t know much about Washington politics, either. Once the public understands who is making out like bandits under our current Rube Goldberg tax system (the top 20% of households) and who is getting screwed (the bottom 50%), passing an income tax will not only become feasible, but inevitable.
And what about that Republican slavery in the Marianas. All sanctioned and defended by Tom Delay and his buddy, Jack Abramoff.
“Made in America” — my eye.
Why did it take until now for GOOPERS to blather about the WORKERS IN SAMOA who are not getting minimum wage. You make it sound like that is going on in SF. That is a lie of ommission.
Not surprising.
Where were you when the Samoan workers needed some representation? Nowhere.
When you’ve got a little partisan point to make , you are all over it. Don’t expect any donations of $$$$$ from del Monte in ’08!
@148 ? … I didn’t post 133.
I think I’ll check out Goldy’s new thread (looks like he picked up one of my comments about the Black Rock project), and check back on this thread later.
No snicker-doodles regarding Public Library computer usage?
You reveal your true elitism: an attorney who thinks he’s smarter than most everyone else (and appropriates a bully-pulpit blog where this dynamic will likely play out) – also a lawyer who revels in grandstanding (sheer number of posts) and bragging about his intelligence – while being dismissively insulting to people of possible lesser means. A typical wealthy liberal: you love humanity and hate people who disagree with you – poor, rich, inbetween.
I could understand all of this if the URL in the title bar read
But it doesn’t; you just behave as if it does.
Take away any Union Jobs jobs or try to keep the middle class down lately?
damn cheap labor liberals.
All of you are crazy for trying to impose American minimum wages on third world terrorities whose economies can’t support it.
What the hell will you do when the businesses leave the Northern Mariana’s and American Samoa and tens of thousands of people are jobless and hungry?
These islands are under severe pressure from the textile industries of China and Vietnam whose workers make close to nothing. The majority of the prostitutes in the Mariana’s are EX-textile workers who lost their jobs last year when 12 textile plants closed. The fish canneries in American Samoa are under pressure from canneries in Thailand and other countries whose workers make less than 1 dollar an hour. The fish canneries supply over 75% of the jobs in Samoa. Over 80% of the jobs in the Mariana’s is in the textile industry. What would you like these people to do?
It is sheer arrogance and stupidy for Americans to impose their wage standards on people in other countries who can ill afford it.
You’re not compassionate, are you? I can tell. I’m not an attorney. I just play one on tv. Never claimed to be one. God knows I certainly wouldn’t want you representing me in any way. We have too many litigation-driven lawyers as it is. But that’s another tale.
As for knowing something about the politics of this state, as a native in my 50’s, I dare say I likely know a bit more than you. Where were you born, bright eyes? How long have you been a resident of the Evergreen State?
Despite the large influx of new citizens in WA in the past 20+ years, the voters in this state still will NOT vote for a referendum changing the constitution in order to allow a graduated income tax. I’ll concede that we may have reached a point where a flat-tax is possible. Our Sales tax burden and B&O taxes hang like a millstone around the necks – and in the memories – of long-term residents. However Rube Goldbergish our tax system is – and it is! – it’s OUR Ruby system. Besides we’ve known how messed up our tax system is for decades – we get reminders everytime we shop, try to improve a business a little. I just don’t see how a light bulb will suddenly go off in the collective voter mind to demand AND GET a more progressive system. Besides, Margarita Prentice will be too busy securing an east-side sports palace for the Sonics to concentrate on much of anything else.
P.S. Attack my use of ‘patriot’ all you like; right-wing wingnuts do it all the time, why not the left-wing nutbars, too?
The tax you need to be worried about currently is your property taxes. They are getting ready to quadruple in the next year or so if the legislature has it’s way with us.
A Republican has introduced a bill to reinstate I-747 which limited the growth in property taxes to 1 percent. The Democrats have introduced a bill that only limits the state portion of your property taxes to 1%. The AP story on this says that the state’s portion is usually around 25%.
My property taxes last year broke out this way:
Last year the State’s share of my taxes was 22.1%
North Thurston School District took 33.6%
The City Of Lacey took 22.3%
Thurston County took 12.1%
Timberland Library took 3.7%
Medic One took 3.2%
The Port of Olympia took 1.8%
Fire District #03 took 1.1%
and PUD #1 took .01%
I believe the state constitution allows up to 6% – so controlling only 22% of our property taxes with a 1% lid will NOT bring predictability or stability to anyone’s property taxes.
We WILL see property-tax spikes like we have never seen before if this bill is passed…..and the statement by Rep Dawn Morrell is totally disingenuous and this bill doesn’t do anything to help those of us who are on budgets, furthermore it doesn’t accomplish what she says she is trying to fix.
Yeah puddybutthead-
Rock Hudson was “straight” too.
Like you…member of the rethuglican “velvet mafia.”
Sucked you a little kenny mehlman lately?
@154 I’m not insulting people of lesser means, only people of lesser intelligence, meaning wingnuts. Why shouldn’t I insult you knuckledraggers? You never say much besides “ookle ookle” and you can’t tie your own shoelaces. And some of you have a strange fetish for barnyard animals; God help me and my kind if they take a shine toward park fauna. On second thought … if you want a good time, call 1-800-LICK-ROG.
@155 No. You?
@156 I don’t think that one will get much traction. I tink all the black ice around here this weekend has gone to your head.
@158 There’s much truth in your analysis, but I think the dynamic is gradually changing. The only reason the public tolerates our existing tax system is because they think they can beat it. If Congress ever closes the internet loophole, support for the status quo will collapse, exactly as support for the Monorail collapsed after people who voted for it couldn’t dodge the tax they thought they’d be able to wriggle out of.
@159 How do you get quadrupling out of 6%? I trust you understand that property taxes don’t go up simply because property values or assessments go up — it sounds like you do. If your property appreciated at a lower rate than average, you may actually see a cut in your property taxes.
My property taxes have gone up because the assessed value has gone up – the only reason they haven’t gone up more is because of the 1% cap on growth. The tax ratio for my county and city actually went down per unit last year, because of the cap. Despite that, our city’s revenue went up over 26% last year, because they are developing like crazy down here.
See a stand of trees this week – next week you will see little cookie cutter houses on top of each other………….
@ 162,
No, but it looks like the Democratics in Congress are…
So what you are saying sgmmac is that your home value went way up, your roads have improved immensely, decreasing fire/police response time, and how dare they make you actually pay for the services you get? Or would you prefer that your house value remains the same and get zero gains on your property purchase?
Out of curiosity, if you compare those tax increases with the real buying power of the amount of money those taxes represented when you purchased the house is there still an increase and is it proportional to the increase in value you would realize when you sell your house some day?
My house went way up, as did everyone’s…….. The roads are absolute crap, I have no idea about the fire/police response time, because I’ve never used those services. I could care less if my home value goes up or down, I pay the same mortgage payment, except it actually has been going up every year due to rising property taxes and home insurance.
As for the taxes on the value, when you sell your house – there is a whole new set of taxes to be paid!
Paying taxes on the value of the house that I may sell someday is like paying taxes on income that I may get someday……… I am like some of my old aged peers, I survive on my retirement and my VA disability and unlike many, I actually do get COLA’s on both. Many retirees like Roger don’t even get that – they get the same amount of money year after year and see their costs steadily go up year after year. That’s how people keep getting taxed out of their homes.
If you look closely at the breakdown of my taxes above, you will see a tax for a fire district – that was before I bought my home and before my home was annexed into the city of Lacey. Lacey residents don’t pay that tax, because the city pays it for us out of our city taxes, but I will pay both until that bond is retired in another 20 or so years…..
So they should let your house burn down if it catches on fire so you can save a cpl bucks? Ignore your calls if you dial 911? Oh, and your neighbors should pay more for the increased risk of fire since they are gonna be ignoring fires at your house? How abysmally typical.
Your arguement only makes sense if you are proposing an occupation tax to replace property taxes. In other words a regressive tax where everyone pays the same regardless of income or real value. Are you willing to pay more taxes to cover the Bill Gates’s of the world getting a cut?
@165 “See a stand of trees this week – next week you will see little cookie cutter houses on top of each other…………. ”
Hmmm … aren’t turning into an environmentalist, are you mac? Don’t spike the trees … loggers are blue collar guys like us, so we like them.
@166 You link to a story about Congress freezing NASA’s budget because of the deficit, possibly delaying a “return to the moon.”
Then you turn that into “Take away Union Jobs [and] keep the middle class down.”
Amazing, simply amazing.
@166 Now I KNOW you’re full of shit.
What these wingnuts do is pose as a Democrat or “union fireman” or working-class guy to get us off balance, hoping we’ll throw an interception. “Union fireman’s” pose is as transparent as glass. He’s pure wingnut, through and through. They’re easy to spot; they can’t help themselves, and the wingnuttiness always shines through their feeble attempts at camouflage.
@167 Actually, I sympathize with Mac. I believe Mac is who she says she is — a retired Army sergeant, in which case she’s making ends meet on a modest fixed income. (I don’t know if she get pension COLAs; I don’t.) Rising property taxes are a threat to anyone on a limited fixed income, and have the potential to force retirees out of their homes. Yes, there’s a property tax exemption for low income seniors, but most seniors have too much income to qualify for it — but not enough income to comfortably afford eternally rising property taxes. And you don’t necessarily get direct benefits back for your taxes, which may be going for services somebody else gets somewhere else in the county. Unless you want to degrade or lose services (read: police, fire, 911, medic one, municipal utilities), taxpayers have to ante up at least enough to cover inflation. But the logic behind property taxes makes perfect sense: If our money comes to them, public officials will spend it. They will never, ever ask whether that’s our food, medicine, or rent money — much less even consider limiting their spending to what’s necessary and refunding what they don’t need to property owners who might need it for basic sustenance. It’s this mentality that gave Tim Eyman his employment and prominence — without crass, indifferent, spendthrift county and city officials, Eyman would be a nobody. I offer you Greg Nickels as Exhibit A. So I support the concept of a property tax cap for the same reason Mac does — so politicians can’t spend me out of my retirement home.
should read “the logic behind property tax caps makes perfect sense”
Don’t think for an instant that Nickels wouldn’t build his tunnel on the backs of homeowners if he could, whether they can afford it or not.
Why does my house have to burn down? Why do you assume that the city can’t provide basic services with the millions they NOW receive? They have over 20% more money this year than last year and since they are busy putting up statues – they should have excess funds.
I retired here because I like the trees! I am tired of seeing them clear-cut, but I wouldn’t say I am an environmentalist. The military retirement and VA checks both get the same COLA raises as social security. This year it is 3.3% The senior cap on property taxes is 25,000, I think I read. I’m not a senior yet, still 53 for a another month or so.
Roger, I am sure you are right about your mayor, there is that new sales tax law working it’s way through the legislature for the tunnel and the 520.
That sheerest folly. It is ridiculous to limit tax increases to less than the rate of inflation when the costs of the goods and services those taxes pay for rise at a faster rate.
Also, areas experiencing greater than average population growth typically raise taxes because there is a lag between the need for increased outlays and the receipt of increased revenue.
regarding NASA:
The Democrats are dealing with the huge mess of unpaassed and unconsidered bills left over from the lazy corrupt Republican Conrgess. While they sort that out, cut them some freakin’ slack.
Daddy Love,
Where have you been? There is a Democratic law introduced that would limit the state’s portion to 1% and let everyone tap away at your proerpty taxes up to the limit in the state constitituion, which I think is 6%. It may or may not be sheer folly. Most cities can get by with the 1%, the ones that do get hurt are the ones who are rural and don’t have any growth. My city is on a building frenzy and their income went up over 20% last year.
Daddy Love says: regarding NASA: The Democrats are dealing with the huge mess of unpaassed and unconsidered bills left over from the lazy corrupt Republican Conrgess. While they sort that out, cut them some freakin’ slack. 01/15/2007 at 6:13 am
Why? Probably the Moonbat! Libtards told the Republican Congress they would filibuster certain bills, so they left them for the libtards to react to.