Tonight’s lineup on “The David Goldstein Show” Newsradio 710-KIRO, from 7PM to 10PM:
7PM: What can we expect from the new Democratic majority in Congress? Ken Vogel joins me to answer that question and others. Ken is a former political reporter for the Tacoma News Tribune, and is currently and investigative reporter for a new Capitol Hill paper, the Capitol Leader.
8PM: Unfazed by Tasers? UCLA campus police repeatedly Tasered at student in the school library this week for being uncooperative and talking back? Is this appropriate use of force, or just another example of our nation’s newly relaxed attituded towards torture?
9PM: Is it time to reinstate the draft? The Democrats just took control of Congress, and now Rep. Charles Rangel, one of their most senior House members, has come out in favor of reinstating the draft. Is this the best way to keep Americans out of senseless wars, or the best reason to prepare to move to Canada?
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
If you want to know what it’s like to live in a city without a functioning government, little infrastructure investment, and no social services … read this Time magazine article about why 20,000 people a year are leaving Miami to live somewhere else.
The draft is a tough one. Nobody likes involuntary service, but how do you fairly distribute the burden of war-fighting across all strata of society? Of course, that didn’t happen during Vietnam because of student deferments. If we bring back the draft, it should be done by lottery, with NO deferments … NOBODY gets out of it except for bona fide hardship cases.
I find it interesting that it is the Democrats wanting to bring back the draft. I question their sincerity, but rather believe that it is a cynical dissent to the Iraq war.
From all reports of those who are in the military, they don’t want conscripts. They want to serve next to someone who wants to be there. If we aren’t having problems getting people to join, why institute a draft?
It is sad that the Dems want to play politics with one of the fundamental responsibilities of the federal govt – military defense of the country.
But by all means, go for it. The country will realize the game, and by 2008 will see the mistake they made.
We can start by drafting Jenna & not-Jenna & then their uncle Neal.
Those of us that have actually served realize that posers like JanetS have zero clues about reality. It doesn`t matter how someone came to be in the armed forces but what they do once they are there that is important.
If we are going to have wars then it is up to ALL parts of society to bear the burden.
And I would listen to the stream of the show but I ain`t signing up for no bullcrap from KIRO.
Screw `em
Use a fake email. That’s what I’d do.
Wars ought to be fought by the people that benefit (potentially) from the outcome.
Rich men’s wars ought to be fought by the rich, and not by the poor, or even middle classes. There is nothing worse then someone who starts a conflict, and then expects everyone else to cover.
That is why the draft is no better then the current de-facto draft of economic conscription.
here’s another incident
Well, one thing’s sure, Goldy’s been getting a run of good little Nazi’s. . .
Bull Connor would’ve loved tazers. . .you don’t have to feed ’em and house’em. . . . .
re 2: Roger. If it hadn’t been for the draft, I never would have learned how to achieve A’s in college. The fear of the draft and the college deferment really helped me out. Then they started the draft lottery and I drew a really high number. It was great. I graduated and spent two years goofing off with no fear of being drafted and killed.
There’s a lot of grey areas here. It’s interesting, though, that conservatives in this day DON’T want a draft and many Liberals do.
Black lawmakers to have unprecedented clout in Congress
By James Rosen, November 19, 2006
WASHINGTON — “Beyond sweeping Democrats back into power, the Nov. 7 elections yielded historic political power for African-Americans.”
I believe this Democratic Congress will be a real slugfest…beating each other up.
The Blue Dog Democrats in the House will not put up with a bunch of Left-Wing Kooks. They will also try and set the bar high…which most of the Dem Krazy’s cannot possibly meet.
John Murtha—House Majority Leader. Crook saved by Tip O’Neill
Alcee Hastings—Crook…One of only 6 Federal Judges ever impeached for massive cases of Bribery & Perjury. Now in-line as Chair of House Intelligence Committee.
This is beautiful!!!
It’s actually more fun to be the Minority Party.
I thought Nancy Pelosi planned on “cleaning up the House!!”
And of course, our own Jim McDimwit.
Every single Democratic Party leader will face the same “litmus test” on Ethics they scrutinized their enemies with. Good luck…you’ll need it.
Well it’s time once again to show that Roger Rabbit is not a rubberstamp for Goldy! I’ve gotta say this, Goldy — your personal attitude toward military service are NOT admirable. Take my word for it, the Army isn’t fun, but somebody’s gotta do it. When my time came, I asked myself, “If not me, then who?” So I enlisted … and served 13 months with a combat unit in Vietnam. Because defending our country is a duty and sometimes a necessity.
Yes, absolutely, we should demand that our leaders fight only necessary wars — and hold them accountable when they violate the fiduciary duty they have with respect to the lives of our nation’s youth. But that’s a different issue. My point is, I didn’t say, “Let someone else do it.” I accepted it as an obligation of citizenship and did it myself.
Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead:
Barron’s Trader column noted that “For anyone but short sellers, there was much to be thankful for.” The Dow made it 6 sessions in a row, closing up 1.9% at 12,343 — another weekly record. The Industrials are up 15% this year. S&P500 broke thru 1400, up 12% for the year. But the big winner this week were the small caps as the Russell 2000 “pushed to an all-time high midweek before finishing up 19, or 2.5%, at 788, putting its year-to-date gain at 17%.”
I Graduated in June of 1967. The Draft hit a high water mark that month. The week I received my diploma, was one of the highest KIA totals of the war. I had absolutely no interest in getting drafted for cannon-fodder in what I considered an illegal war.
I bent my energies into getting into an active reserve Navy unit: The infamous 2X4 (two-by-four) program authored by that Military genius Robert MacNamara.
There was a waiting period of about five months, and in the interim I received my notice to report for a physical. I called my draft board, board #5 covering the central area and Rainier valley, to explain that I was a red blooded young American who wanted to serve, but just wanted to go in to the Navy. I was gaming the system, of course, but was absolutely floored when they explained to me that they were well pleased with my ‘attitude’ and that they would work along with me to delay any attempt to draft me, and even go so far as to give me access to one of their attorneys on retainer to do so. . . .
Along with this information was some coded language indicating that they had more than enough inventory of
ill educated, criminal, and minority members to meet their needs.
Needless to say I have, since that time, had grave reservations about the so-called Universal Draft.
I don’t feel like trying to call in to the show tonight, so I’ll post my comment about the draft here.
Last week, I read a news story that said last year the armed forces granted somewhere between 6,000 and 10,000 “moral waivers.” And I read another news story that said a soldier who participated in the rape/murder of an Iraqi girl was sentenced to 90 years in prison.
Does everyone see the connection between these two news stories? Our military should not be taking MORAL DEFECTIVES under any circumstances! But that’s exactly what they’re doing RIGHT NOW to fill the ranks … in addition to raising age limits and accepting physically marginal people.
What this tells me is that the Pentagon can’t fulfill its manpower requirements with a voluntary system. IF we’re going to “stay the course” in Iraq then we OUGHT to send enough troops to accomplish the mission but Bush and Rumsfeld tried to fight this war with one-third of the force level our generals recommended. And the result speaks for itself. But even with only 1/3 of the necessary troops, they STILL can’t fill the ranks with voluntary enlistments except by taking criminals and moral defectives. Now if those are the kind of people we’re going to turn loose against the Iraqi civilian population, then we have to expect atrocities.
The ugly fact is, to fight a big war you have to mobilize the nation, and if you need more men than are willing to serve, then you have to conscript the folks who want to “let someone else do it.”
Is Florida Ready for Democracy?
“Florida needs to demonstrate that it is a functioning democracy by getting to the bottom of the problem in the District 13 Congressional Race in Sarasota County. Republican Vern Buchanan now leads Christine Jennings by only 369 votes. But voter complaints and anomalous statistics raise the question: did the voters decide this election, or did software or hardware errors tip the result in favor of a candidate who would otherwise have lost?
The numbers reported the day after the election showed a glaring problem: over 18,000 voters cast ballots, but (supposedly) did not vote in the Congressional race. Overall, that is a 14% undervote rate, which is implausibly high for this race (the undervote rate in the U.S. Senate race was a little over 1%).”
Goldy, I agree with Mark 100%. Military service is not something to joke about. At 5’9″ and 175 lbs., you’re big enough to serve. Don’t worry about your problem with authority, the drill instructors are experts at straightening that out. The good thing about it is they don’t require you to like it; you only have to follow your orders, whatever they are. War not designed for your enjoyment, but trust me, you have reservoirs of courage and endurance beyond what you can imagine. I commend you for your honesty, but I gotta agree with Mark, your attitude needs improvement.
should read “At 5’9” and 175 lbs. … “
Short of enacting a draft, one thing we should do right now is cut off taxpayer funding to companies that use our money to pay “private security contractors” over $100,000 a year to do what we pay our soldiers $15,000 a year to do! That’s a fucking INSULT to our troops.
Even worse, our soldiers are ordered to provide security for these mercenaries. For that kind of money they should provide their own damn security.
The Romans became lethally de-militarized and relied more and more on barbarian auxillaries and mercenaries. This gave us the spectacle of the Praetorian Guard, and Later the Valorian Guard, auctioning off the Empire. Can anyone carefully delineate to me how we are not approximating this condition today?
I haven’t seen and read enough about the UCLA Taser situation to comment and I do not condone brutality on the part of the police, but one thing that seems clear is that there is a disturbing lack of respect by the public for those whose job it is to keep the peace. IIRC, this had something to do with showing ID(?). What IF the police had just ignored the guy and he’d gone on to burn down a building or r*pe some woman? Then the accusations would be flying about how the police had yet again failed the public.
When the police ask or tell you to do something — especially something reasonable — do it. No lip. No “I’ve got my rights” or “I’m a taxpayer” backtalk. Do you really think the average overworked/underpaid cop is playing puppetmaster for the fun of it? They just want to do their job, protect the public and go home.
Take a look at the situation a while back between the Seattle Police, the DJ and his daughter at Key Arena. Had the girl simply heeded the police directives to quit walking in traffic, NONE of what followed would have happened. The female officer wouldn’t have been injured when the father pushed her to the ground and the father wouldn’t have been manhandled by the other police when they came to her aid.
Re 18: You are, of course, correct, Roger. I didn’t want to serve then and found a way to avoid it — and I don’t want my 18 year old serving in this misbegotten debacle either.
I think the best scenerio is universal conscription and universal opposition to it — and may the best class win.
26 We absolutely should oppose our government when its decision to go to war is unnecessary, unjustified, ill-advised, and/or wrong.
But when we’ve gotta fight a Hitler, we should fight like hell with everything we’ve got!
Where do we draw the line against legitimate and illegitimate conflicts? The economics motives for war are ignoble, but often the greed, corruption, and rapacity of our opponents cannot be answered with sweet reason alone, but must be answered by force of arms. But does this excuse creating false cassae bellae? What we know of the sinking of the Maine lends some credibility to the theories of illegitimacy for Pearl Harbor and the destruction of the Trade Center Towers.
Our current situation in Iraq, however, is clearly an elective conflict, triggered by our greed, and not a legitimate threat to our security.
So tell me, Surreal Mark, why didn’t the cops just wrestle the guy to the ground and handcuff him? Oh wait — they DID!!! He was tased AFTER he was on the ground and handcuffed. If you want to live in a country where police have license to treat citizens this way merely for giving them lip, then go live in that kind of country. As for me — I don’t want to live in a fucking police state, nossiree, no thanks! And I promise all the politicians out there that I will vote AGAINST any elected official who either authorizes or supports or fails to correct/punish this kind of police behavior.
29 A Nonny Mouse says: Where do we draw the line against legitimate and illegitimate conflicts? — 11/19/2006 at 10:13 pm
I think you’ll find that liberals and conservatives have different definitions of “legitimate conflicts.” In their eyes, the only “bad” war is one you lose.
Generally history punishes the losers of conflicts without reference to the opinions of so called conservatives or liberals. . . . . .
We are not baby sitters, have no use for the illiterates, criminals, bed wetter’s, liberals, AND THOSE WHO DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE ART OF WAR. Well Roger that about account for all your friends, maybe left out one or two but close enough for government work. The only parties I would draft is nurses, doctors, and lawyers for they all do not support the causes when ask.
Oh, Klake, come off it. One of my relatives served in the Army, and used to award a “Vegetable of the Week Award” to one of his barracks mates. Amazingly, there was competition to receive this award. . . .
BunnyBoy @ 30
Not sure which incident you’re talking about. If it is UCLA, I said in my first sentence that I haven’t seen or read enough to comment specifically.
If it is Seattle, we’ve got something to talk about…
@3 Janet S
On the draft:
First, it is just Rangel proposing it, not all Democrats, so quit trying to generalize it.
Second, what he is proposing is more of a universal service commitment that would include not only military service, but also community service. That might not be such a bad idea. I’ve never understood why military service is considered more important than other forms of service.
Third, the current “all-volunteer” Army is as false as the concept of a “free market.” To be free in either case, there must be no coersion, and there is certainly an element of economic coersion in the military. For many young people in low economic situations, joining the service looks like a good economic option.
I’m certainly not saying that people don’t join the military for patriotic reasons, I’m just saying economic pressure currently plays a significant role.
And speaking of vegetable, Klake, you turnip, please close your html tags when you are done with them . . . .
Actually, Janet, we don’t want to bring back the draft, and if you’d actually speak with some Democrats (yes, I know that Ms. Coulter recommends against doing that) you would know that already.
This is called “discussion of issues”. We perceive a problem. In this case, it is the appearance that it is primarily the poor and minorities that are bearing the greatest burden of combat, while the people that are reaping the rewards of that combat are at no risk whatsoever.
So, what to do about that? Well, it seems that reducing and hopefully ending the conflict will help. Some among us believe that this will also solve the problem.
Others do not. Some among us believe that unless there is some method put in place to ensure that the folks benefiting from the combat have at least some risk of actually being in combat, that we will have simply postponed the problem, and it will resurface again.
So, what to do? One of the many solutions being discussed is a truly fair draft. Personally, I’m against it, and while I don’t have a better solution to the problem, I think that the cure would be worse than the disease.
Others disagree, and so we discuss the question.
Of course, far-right neo-cons, trying to find any issue that they can lie, distort or trump up to manage to mislead the American public into letting them back into power don’t see it that way. Some Democrats have discussed the possibility of a draft?
It’s a lie, and you know it’s a lie. But that won’t stop you from trumpeting it from the radio stations, publishing it in your newsletters and shouting it from the rooftops.
After all, you folks have been lying so long, it’s become second nature. Too bad most Americans have caught on.
Good luck as the minority party. Remember, honest conservatives will always be welcome as Democrats. Our discussions may get a bit rowdy, but at the end of the day we all realize that we all really care about our country and the people that live in it.
Oh, and on the subject of a draft. Who was the last President to use a draft? Nixon, wasn’t it? And what party was he from? (I think Faux News labled him a Democrat.)
Nonny @ 32
Details are also conveniently forgotten when it doesn’t suit the purposes of a particular protest group — for example, the Kennedy & Johnson roles in Vietnam or Truman in Korea.
Perhaps a more accurate protest sign should be: “Out Of Iraq; Don’t Screw Up Like the Dems did Before”
re 39: We’re well aware of everything. Fuck you, and go to bed, Junior. It’s past your bedtime.
“A Nonny Mouse says:
Where do we draw the line against legitimate and illegitimate conflicts? The economics motives for war are ignoble, but often the greed, corruption, and rapacity of our opponents cannot be answered with sweet reason alone, but must be answered by force of arms.”
Who is my opponent?
peewee @ 40: “I didn’t want to serve then and found a way to avoid it.
Coward. Yet another Lefty basking in the freedoms historically paid for with American lives.
32 A Nonny Mouse says: Generally history punishes the losers of conflicts without reference to the opinions of so called conservatives or liberals. . . . . . 11/19/2006 at 10:21 pm
I was thinking more in terms of the front end.
Is it time to reinstate the draft? The Democrats just took control of Congress, and now Rep. Charles Rangel, one of their most senior House members, has come out in favor of reinstating the draft. Is this the best way to keep Americans out of senseless wars, or the best reason to prepare to move to Canada?
Actually reinstating the draft is the only way to get democrats to serve.
33 klake, if they put me in a foxhole with you, I’d be tempted to go it alone, if you know what I mean.
RFK @ 44
How can you tell the Democrats at a party? They’re the ones that drink all the free liquor and swing from the chandeliers, but quickly hustle out the door when it is time to clean up.
39 How did Truman screw up? North Korea invaded South Korea and overran most of the country before our troops arrived. We not only pushed them back, but captured most of North Korea. Then the Chinese came in, and after years of hard fighting, all parties accepted a truce at more or less the original starting line that preserved South Korea’s independence. Although it wasn’t a “victory” in the sense of achieving the unconditional surrender of the enemy, Truman’s war regained the pre-war status quo; and if anyone gave away potentially larger objectives, it was Eisenhower and the Republican voters who elected him.
LBJ committed the U.S. to an unwinnable war. However, it has been argued that fighting in Vietnam “kept the dominoes from falling.” That may be debatable, but after Vietnam the communist bloc did not launch any more wars of “national liberation.” But let’s say Vietnam was a “screwup.” Most people in this country think it was, so that’s fair. What you seem to be arguing for is that Bush should “screw up” like Johnson did by persisting with a lost cause. How is that a recommendation for Bush or the Republicans? If Vietnam is your definition of a “screw up,” then I don’t see how Bush’s “stay the course” policy is anything other than a repetition of Johnson’s mistake and, therefore, a “screw up.” In that case, the protestser with the “Out of Iraq” sign is right, and the Republicans are wrong.
It’s the only way to get the kids of the rich Republicans to serve. Well, that is the one’s that daddy and mommy can’t get them a waiver or some cushy National Guard position
TRM @ 46
You mean like “W”.
Yet another Lefty basking in the freedoms historically paid for with American lives.
44 RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy says: Actually reinstating the draft is the only way to get democrats to serve. — 11/19/2006 at 11:13 pm
Would you like to see the list of Democrats who served and Republicans who didn’t serve — again? It’s a long list, especially on the Republican side.
Here ya go DUFUS … this is for YOU:
Who served in the military?
Prominent Democrats
Richard Gephardt – Served 1965-71
David Bonior – Served 1968-72
Tom Daschle – Served 1969-72
Al Gore – Served 1969-71
Bob Kerrey – Medal of Honor, Vietnam
Daniel Inouye – Medal of Honor, World War 2
John Kerry – 2 Vietnam tours; Silver Star & 3 Purple Hearts
Max Cleland – Silver Star & Purple Heart, Vietnam
Howell Heflin – Silver Star
Ted Kennedy – Served 1951-1953.
Tom Harkin – Served 1962-67, Reserves 1968-74.
Leonard Boswell – 2 Vietnam tours, 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 2 Bronze Stars, Soldier’s Medal
“Pete” Peterson – POW, Silver Star, Purple Heart, Legion of Merit
Gray Davis – served in Vietnam.
Chuck Robb – served in Vietnam
George McGovern -World War 2 hero who led squadron that bombed Hitler’s oil refineries; flew dozens of missions, awarded Distinguished Flying Cross & Silver Star
Prominent Republicans
Dennis Hastert – avoided draft
Dick Armey – avoided draft
Tom Delay – avoided draft
Trent Lott – avoided draft
George W. Bush – joined Nat’l Guard to avoid Vietnam, refused to take flight physical & failed to show up for required drills, falsely claimed he’s “been to war”
Dick Cheney – avoided draft by getting 5 deferments; said he “had other priorities”
John Ashcroft – avoided draft with deferments
Karl Rove – avoided draft
Newt Gingrich – avoided draft
Ronald Reagan – served in noncombat role, stationed in Hollywood (“hooyah!”)
Bob Dornan – avoided Korean War combat duty by enrolling in college acting classes
Phil Gramm – avoided draft by getting 4 student deferments
Don Nickles – did not serve
Richard Shelby – did not serve
Dan Quayle – avoided Vietnam service by using family influence to get into overstaffed journalism unit of Indiana National Guard; put “Vietnam veteran” bumper sticker on his briefcase until real Vietnam vets made him take it off
Elliott Abrams – did not serve
Vin Weber – did not serve
Richard Perle – did not serve
Rudy Guiliani – did not serve
George Will – did not serve
Chris Matthews – did not serve
Bill O’Reilly – did not serve
Paul Gigot – did not serve
Bill Bennett – did not serve
Pat Buchanan – did not serve
Rush Limbaugh – did not serve
Pat Robertson – used his daddy’s connections to get off the ship in Tokyo while his buddies went on to Korea
Bill Kristol – did not serve
Democrats = war heroes & veterans; GOPers = shirkers & cowards. Any questions?
46 Surreal Mark says: How can you tell the Democrats at a party? They’re the ones that drink all the free liquor and swing from the chandeliers, but quickly hustle out the door when it is time to clean up. 11/19/2006 at 11:26 pm
Nope, power-drunk Republicans were swinging from the chandeliers until the voters elected us to clean it up, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.
Case in point: “In 1987, Reagan vetoed a bill because it had `152 earmarks; in ’05, Bush signed one with 6,371.” — quoted from Newsweek, Nov. 20, 2006, p. 64.
YLB @ 50
You’re the one who thinks his stuff doesn’t stink. Show me one post where I’ve come out as a blind supporter of the current Administration or the NeoCons.
Mr. Cut ‘n’ Paste @ 52
All you’ve done is prove that carefully selecting your facts can twist the appearance of the information.
Where is Bush I on the list? What about McCain? Dole? Or… Clinton? Edwards?
I believe this Democratic Congress will be a real slugfest…beating each other up.
The Blue Dog Democrats in the House will not put up with a bunch of Left-Wing Kooks. They will also try and set the bar high…which most of the Dem Krazy’s cannot possibly meet.
John Murtha—House Majority Leader. Crook saved by Tip O’Neill
Alcee Hastings—Crook…One of only 6 Federal Judges ever impeached for massive cases of Bribery & Perjury. Now in-line as Chair of House Intelligence Committee.
This is beautiful!!!
It’s actually more fun to be the Minority Party.
I thought Nancy Pelosi planned on “cleaning up the House!!”
And of course, our own Jim McDimwit.
Every single Democratic Party leader will face the same “litmus test” on Ethics they scrutinized their enemies with. Good luck…you’ll need it.
re 57: What’s that funny smell? I think it’s sour grapes.
El Stupido Roger Rabbit @15 says: Well it’s time once again to show that Roger Rabbit is not a rubberstamp for Goldy! I’ve gotta say this, Goldy — your personal attitude toward military service are NOT admirable.
Pelletizer: This is only the second time you left the reservation by my recollection. Better watch out or tree frog will killarabbit soon. Do you think donk moonbats give a rats ass, horses ass or even a rabbit’s ass about you disagreeing with them? No libtard donk moonbat will want to enlist. They’ll meet fine upstanding neo-cons in the service and they will have to fight next to them. Can you see a ELF or PETA person on the front lines? Perish the thought!
I think it’s hilarous to see Charles Rangel who brought up the draft since 2004 election to put his words in action.
Nonny Mouse @17 said: “Along with this information was some coded language indicating that they had more than enough inventory of ill educated, criminal, and minority members to meet their needs.”
What you talking about Willis? Are you saying the moonbat donk controlled congress looked at people this way? Interesting enough when donk get controll of congress real personalities show their spots.
24: The guards you talk about will be the moonbat donk libtard draft. These PETA and ELF members will cut and run or give the high ground to the enemy. Wait and see.
Are you saying the moonbat donk controlled congress looked at people this way?
Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, is it? Reread what he wrote until you figure out your error.
First off, whomever gave us libtard — I love it. I see others are using it. I will too!
Roger Rabbit says: But when we’ve gotta fight a Hitler, we should fight like hell with everything we’ve got!
But you donk libtard moonmats said GWB was Hitler. Now you are changing your tune. I see Whackjobminedad as Hitler. Don’t libtards?
Pale Rider says: @3 Janet S On the draft: First, it is just Rangel proposing it, not all Democrats, so quit trying to generalize it.
Do you THINK for one second Rangel can propose this without the blessing of Pelosi and Hoyer? What train did you just fall off of?
First, donk blacks in congress must get approval to speak. Just ask massamistress Pelosi.
Second, did you miss Rangel’s asskissing episonde last week. I stayed quiet because it was covered by others.
Third, Rangel has been saying this for more than 2 years. Even Kerry when asked in 2004 said it was an interesting idea.
Grow up libtard. You side wants conscription.
John Barelli: Perform a lexisnexis search on Rangel and the draft. View all the articles where he’s mentioned it for war time activities. On Faceless Nation, he said for “national security”. You must be a libtard moonbat.
Oh… you got to pay for the service? Cheap donkinstein!
Ted Kennedy – Served 1951-1953. We covered his duty long ago!
Another TJ says: Are you saying the moonbat donk controlled congress looked at people this way? Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, is it? Reread what he wrote until you figure out your error.
There is no error except in your little weewee mind. Rainier Valley. Moonbat controlled. Vietnam war moonbat controlled. Congress moonbat controlled. Administration moonbat controlled.
Nuff said libtard!
Nuff said
Indeed it is. Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance.
Dismissed, with prejudice.
Hey Roger,
You conveniently forgot Colin Powell, George HW Bush, James Baker, Oliver North, and John McCain.
Lets not forgot to add to your list of Dems
Patty Murray, Maria Cantwell, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.
We could do this all day.
Our Government is run by civilians. Both parties have military heroes.
I know that if it were me, I would want to have the guy watching my six to be there because they wanted to be there and because we’re brothers, rather than a draftee…..
ATJ Dismissed with prejudice by you, a libtard, is a badge of honor! I’ll wear it proudly.
You think for one second libtards weren’t in control of everything during the VNW, you are smoking loco weed.
Pelletizer at 69: It’s your selective cut & paste skillz he’s complaining about. Why not show the full list? Becuz it blows a big hole (like the one in ATJ’s cranial orifice) through your small little argument.
Goldy: When are you and your NorthWest Division of Libtard Moonbats going to have your Orgasm for Peace?
The Psychotic Troll Brigade showed up again, with The Clown Prince of Sucky Clown Conservatives: Rancid Butt Putty. Welcome to Irrelevance, Pscho-Troll!
Darrell, You really should get your meds adjusted. It will help you deal with the reality of being such an irrelevant fool.
I don’t find it at all encouraging that the Democrats in the house got all “cautious” and voted down Pelosi’s nomination of Murtha after all the right-wing screech monkeys turned the volume back up on calling him a “leftist”.
59 Pelletizer: This is only the second time you left the reservation by my recollection.
I’m not responsible for your recollection or other mental limitations. Who gives a fuck what YOU remember?
Pudtard @ 59, 60 — Nice try at equating ELF and PETA with Democrats or liberals. You’re full of shit, as usual. I can play that game too. Want to see me? OK, here ya go … 100% of people who murder abortion doctors vote Republican.
64 Puddybud says: Do you THINK for one second Rangel can propose this without the blessing of Pelosi and Hoyer? What train did you just fall off of?
Yes. The Democratic Party doesn’t have the GOP’s top-down management structure. What rutabaga truck did you fall off of?
69 Right Stuff says: Both parties have military heroes.
Glad to see a wingnut finally admit it. You guys act like you own the military and always have. The vast majority of GIs who fought World War 2 voted Democrat. Or maybe I’m mistaken and Wendell Wilkie and Thomas Dewey won by landslides, lol!
71 Puddybud says: Why not show the full list?
Why the fuck should I? Like you, I’m a partisan propagandist. Do your own fucking cut and paste, I don’t work for your side.
Puddybud, exactly what is your point here? That a few Democrats think that conscription might be the best answer to the problem of the privileged rich sending the underprivileged poor off to die is to put some of the risk of combat onto those that are making the profit from it?
Yes, a few think that, including Rep Rangel. I am not among that group, but understand that we should discuss all options.
On the subject of the draft, there is something to be said for the idea that the children of those that are promoting and profiting by conflict should be at some risk of having to actually go fight in that conflict.
Unfortunately, it never seems to work out that way, and I’m philosophically opposed to involuntary servitude, so I think we’ll have to find another way.
By the way, Puddybud, you old hawk. Have you served? Or are you just another of those “chickenhawks” that are ready to let someone else fight and die for you to make a buck or fill up your Hummer at a slightly better price?
John Barelli: Glad you asked. I told this to GBS loong ago. I’m sure he has it saved. I joined ROTC at my east coast university. Goldy went there too. I guess he does have a brain cell or two.
I went ROTC. Even though the ROTC scholarship was approved, I was re-classified 4F because of those two birth defects and I broke my knee freshman year. One of those is eyesight. I have holes in my retinas.
So John Barelli, I saw you were Navy right?
John, do you remember when I posted the Heritage Foundation data?
Here is the follow-up after the gift that keeps on giving, JF Kerry!
Well you must be really dumb. Facts do hurt the librul mind, especially if you are a Moonbat!
Goldie: Why does the 2.0 break links apart?