Coming up tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: How much is a baby worth?
A Texas legislator has proposed offering women consider abortion $500 not to end their pregnancies, while at the same time college students will see the cost birth control triple as the federal government ends a subsidy to college health systems.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Democrats: Blacks, commie libs, “gubment” union hacks, and Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooslims!
I must have missed the Democrat bitching and whinning when Clinton fired all 93 Federal Attorneys. Commie libs, please repost!!
Hey, I thought the Dem libs told us that no Mooooooooooslim terrorists were in Iraq! Seems like a bunch of Iranian Moooooooooooooslims were taken prisoner and the Iranian Mooooooooooooooslims want them back! Gee, libs, what shall we do? hehe, JCH
Thanks for letting JCH post, Goldy. I’m glad to see that slimeball isn’t dead. Now we can toy with him like we used to! Could someone adjust the probes sticking in his brain to make him a little more coherent?
So … some big-hearted Texas legislator wants to give women $500 to have babies. When liberals ran things, we gave women $500 a month to have babies, and called it “welfare.”
And they criticized us for it.
Well, at least Republicans are consistent. They’re cheapskates when they pay wages, and they’re cheapskates when they pay welfare, too.
RR, Note the LSM’s different “take” on Clinton firing all the Fed attorneys, and their “take” now. Double standard much? BTW, how’s the “global warming” in WASH State? Al “Gulfstream V” Gore and John “29,000 sq ft” Edwards suggest you turn off your hot water heater and park your SUV. hehe, JCH
“Black Democrat women don’t be lying about “mutha fuckin” white boys rapin them!!” [Tawana Brawley during an interview with Democrat Al “MoFo” Sharpton]
Yikes! Is it a full moon and the trolls are tripping out?
A pistol was still smoking, a man lay on the floor
Mr. Oswald said he had an understanding with the law
He said he heard about a couple living in the USA
He said they traded in their baby for a Chevrolet
Let’s talk about the future, now we’ve put the past away
-Elvis Costello, 1978
Democrats and the rest of the country didn’t care when Bush fired all of the attorneys at the beginning of his term either. Nor did they care when Reagan did it, Carter did it, Nixon did it or LBJ did it, etc. etc. etc. Every new President replaces that old attorneys with new ones at the beginning of their term. The issue that drew attention was the unprecedented firing of 7 attorneys in one day without cause near the end of Bush’s terms.
That drew people’s attention. The reason that it is still an issue is the politicizing of Justice. I guess you won’t care when all the Republicans are being indicted for political reasons.
Well, at least Republicans are consistent. They’re cheapskates when they pay wages, and they’re cheapskates when they pay welfare, too.
You could have fooled me. I am still working for rocks of crack. When are we going to get a minimum wage?????? Hypocrites.
You know Goldy, one thing I am curious about….can you ask? WHAT is the cost of Birth Control pills these days?
Back in the ’70s I believe I was paying about $20-24 for 3 month supply. My medical insurance (I was a govt employee) paid the yearly female exam. Doctors wouldn’t prescribe without the yearly exam.
Seems like this ..ahem/gagging…so called “Generous” offer is probably more designed to appeal to some women looking for her next drug fix. $500 wouldn’t likely pay for baby’s first year of Pampers (even at Costco) these days.
Bush is to good hearted. He should fired all the Clinton holdovers when he got into office. If we didn’t have that democrat hack McKay in office we could have prevented the stealing of the 2004 governors election.
That drew people’s attention. The reason that it is still an issue is the politicizing of Justice. I guess you won’t care when all the Republicans are being indicted for political reasons.
Actually it about getting serious about voter fraud. It is a legitimate concern, well to the republicans it is. The dems don’t care because they are the ones committing all of it.
Dan Rather, I mentioned this to rob last night, but if you want to be taken
seriously, you need to know the difference between to, too, and two.
Get a grammar/usage book. “Elements of Style” by Strunk and White is very good.
Hey summer is right around the corner. You know what that means. Endless articles in the MS press about global warming. I love summer. heheheehe
Hey summer is right around the corner. You know what that means.
Sure, I know what that means, Dan Rather. Time to adjust your tin-foil hat.
Whoaaa. It’s not like Iam writing a term paper or anything. I have to give you libs credit. You have great grammar in your stupid posts.
Dan Rather, pretend you are writing a term paper. Otherwise, you look like an idiot.
“Actually it about getting serious about voter fraud. “
Still a sore loser, huh?
Try to get over it, Rufus. It’ll be a distinct improvement when you are just a loser.
I am with you. It seems that democrats like to raise the pay of everyone in government except us. Of course we are one of only a few branches in government which are overwhelmingly republican.
When republicans talk about voter fraud it is the real deal. It’s not the pretend, make believe Diebold or Florida 2000 BS. Hey Darryl, are you for a mandatory voter ID at the polls? Ahhh let me guess.. no. That is why we republicans are taken more seriously on this topic then you dems.
25, Average US Solder
Doesn’t seem like the Republicans have done more to increase your pay either. My Dad’s a WWII vet. We found last year that he was better off doing the nursing home via Medicaid (like some WELFARE person). Rather than the VA (under THIS Republican Administration) who was too cheap to provide adequate care and would have left him roaming the streets in his dementia in TripleDigit heat of Phoenix. If you think the Republicans actually give a rip about Veterans, just check out how they treat them at Walter Reed.
Roger Rabbit says:
I’m still waiting for klake to explain how sacrificing our soldiers’ life for an undefined mission in a foreign civil war that we’ve already lost is “supporting the troops.” Seems to me if he really supported the troops he would want to bring them home.
Roger the mission is already defined but you are not listing to the messenger. To begin with your friends the Democrats defined the war, they put no boundaries on where it’s to be fought, and by what means. The only hold out was Jimmy McDermott who was in Iraq for a very short period of time had proclaim it free of WMD’s. Jimmy didn’t present any evidence of such missing material or weapons, so Saddam lost. Roger no matter where the battle is committed your enemies will join the party just to make a point. Afghanistan is not the real or best battle field for this war, but Iraq, Libya, Syria or Iran was ripe for engagement and Iraq lost. Civil Wars are a real nightmare for you, and those who engage in them always vanquish, maybe flash backs from Viet Nam Roger? Do you remember the French civil war (Revolution) where the entire French elitist lost their heads? Power shift and a new government began, and yes we had one here in the United States. They did teach you that in History class in Seattle? Roger we already won the war in Iraq and we are in a different phase of the conflict to restore law and order in the country. What you are seeing is a power struggle between two or more religious groups and they are blowing up mosques and each other to make a point. Now the terrorist are also blowing up women and children to destabilize that country. Roger if we don’t win in Iraq these folks will follow us back home blow up your neighborhood just like New York on September 11, 2001. They would be free to commit any crime they wish, and you would be unable to stop them unless you return to their homes and destroy them and their families. Roger this is not Viet Nam and the rules of engagement are by far different. Viet Nam did not invade this country nor supported countries or terrorist to destroy our friends or citizens by blowing up innocent people to just make a point. NO ROGER you do not support our TROOPS by bringing them home before the job is finish, Remember Gulf War One when President Bush declared the war over and brought the troops home without cleaning up the mess? Now his son got saddled with that and a lot more after 911 because he didn’t finish the job. So Roger you really believe in repeating history by making the same mistakes?
Roger I post this statement in three different languages did that help you understand the messenger?
15) He did! Why don’t you pay attention to the acts of your own party rather than allowing your brain to atrophy by letting other people think for you.
Yeah, health care is expensive. Of course if you think the dems would do any better your dreaming. A soldier voting democrat is like a welfare hack voting republican.
Goldy what do you think?
The results are surprising considering that Gingrich has not even announced that he would run for the White House. The popular conservative said he won’t make a decision until the fall, although he has been raising money with his new organization, American Solutions for Winning the Future, possibly laying the groundwork for a presidential campaign.
NewsMax will provide the results of this poll to major media and share them with radio talk show hosts across the country.
Here are the poll questions and results:
1) What is your overall opinion of Newt Gingrich?
Favorable: 87 percent
Unfavorable: 10 percent
No Opinion: 3 percent
2) Is Newt Gingrich your candidate for president in 2008?
Yes: 68 percent
No: 32 percent
3) In the following field, who is your 2008 candidate?
John McCain: 2 percent
Condi Rice: 4 percent
Mike Huckabee: 2 percent
Mitt Romney: 6 percent
Rudy Giuliani: 12 percent
Tom Tancredo: 5 percent
Ron Paul: 2 percent
Newt Gingrich: 58 percent
Duncan Hunter: 1 percent Other: 10 percent
4) In a Republican primary of Newt vs. Rudy Giuliani and John McCain, who would you vote for?
Rudy Giuliani: 17 percent
John McCain: 5 percent
Newt Gingrich: 78 percent
5) If the 2008 President race was between Newt Gingrich and Hillary Clinton, who would you vote for?
Newt Gingrich: 95 percent
Hillary Clinton: 5 percent
16) He did investigate it, as did the FBI, King County’s DA, Washington’s Secretary of State and and Washington’s AG. The Washington State Republican’s spent over 2 million dollars to have it heard by a Republican Judge in a deeply Republican County. The Judge ruled that there was no evidence of voter fraud. The only fraud that is being perpetuated is the Republican talking point emenating from your brain that is rotting from lack of use.
What say you Goldy about thw two Presidents providing support for Dubai to get money for their libraries?
The past few years have seen a concerted international PR campaign to promote Dubai as a tolerant new Mecca of Middle East moderation and amazing economic growth.
And it’s working. Corporate giant Halliburton is moving its headquarters there; the famed Louvre is opening a branch in the emirate. Tourists are flocking to Dubai’s luxury hotels. But don’t be fooled. Dubai, which is one of the seven princedoms of the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), is anything but tolerant and progressive.
To put it bluntly: They don’t like Jews.
In fact, Dubai, like the rest of the U.A.E., is blatantly anti-Semitic. It bars all Israeli citizens from ever setting foot in the country. People from other nations whose passport have stamps indicating they’ve even visited Israel must notify Dubai immigration authorities of the stamp before entering.
Dubai is also actively involved in the Arab boycott of Israel: It bans all products made in Israel and even ones with parts made in Israel. But the emir of Dubai, Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, understands the value of using prominent Americans to legitimize his country and burnish its image in the American media.
That’s why former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton have been the objects of Dubai largesse. Their Dubai friends have given millions to each of their presidential libraries. And Bill Clinton has raked in more than $1 million for speeches he’s given in Dubai and the U.A.E.
Dubai’s PR machine went into high gear after 9/11 — in part to distract attention from the extensive use the terrorists made of the emirate. More than half of the hijackers traveled to the United States via Dubai. The 9/11 Commission noted that $234,500 of the $300,000 wired to the hijackers and plot leaders in America came via Dubai banks.
Democrats and the American people insist on a New Direction in Iraq. Today marks a significant step. The House of Representatives passed critical legislation to support our troops(yep by giving the most precious asset TIME to our enemies)take care of our veterans(yep like they take care of our roads)and end the war in Iraq.(yep a new retreat plan into French to save them from the Arabs)As Speaker Nancy Pelosi said yesterday, the choice was clear: support President Bush’s open-ended commitment in Iraq or support a new direction in Iraq. With Speaker Pelosi’s strong leadership, Democrats fought to answer the call of the American people and today we delivered.
Goldy tell me what the Democrats are going to do to end this internal conflict? Surrender to the French and have their troops take over the war like Viet Nam? How does Pelosi plan succeed by limiting our time line and now plays into the enemies plan winning this conflict? Now if the Iraqis need more time does that means she will still cut and run? By the way didn’t the Democrats say when they vote for the war they would not make it a political event of this conflict? Ah short memories and Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with 911 but Dick Cheney was the man that made it happen like Hollywood portrayed in their movies?
Why not talk about how much Democrap Pork was attached to the Iraq Funding bill. 2 Billion of pure BS spending. What a shame. Can’t get it through on it’s own, so steal it from our troops.
Gulp Gulp Gulp Gulp….
Even Joe (one of the only real democrats left, who I supported and donated to by the way, not one of the new demoncrap tax happy pork slurpin left, will join our side to say this congress is just pissin in the wind if they think anything they pass will ever become real.
No support to the troops you say……We’ll see
You’d all rather have everything paid for you at home, F up the health care system, than support the troops.
Well I am damn damn proud that the senate and the president, and Joe, and Piss on Pelosi and all of your BS jerks that have no F’n clue how to protect this country.
@8 “JCH says: RR, Note the LSM’s different “take” on Clinton firing all the Fed attorneys, and their “take” now. Double standard much?”
None whatsoever. Nobody squawked when Bush replaced all of Clinton’s US attorneys with Republicans. We’re not even squawking about these attorneys losing their jobs. What we’re squawking about is the White House procuring malicious prosecutions of Democrats who didn’t commit election fraud and covering up investigations into Republican corruption. Ask someone to push the fuel rods farther into your brain so that it can function on more than 2 watts.
“BTW, how’s the ‘global warming’ in WASH State?”
Our glaciers are melting and pretty soon all of our mountains will be bare rock. In addition, we’re expecting more than the usual amount of spring flooding, and less water (and power generation) in the summers.
“Al ‘Gulfstream V’ Gore”
Al Gore doesn’t own a Gulfstream V or any other jet, and never has. He took a few trips on corporate jets during his presidential campaign — so what? Every presidential candidate does.
“John ‘29,000 sq ft’ Edwards … hehe, JCH 03/24/2007 at 7:17 pm”
Living in your 290 square foot grass shack in Hilo, Hawaii, yes, I can see why you’d be jealous.
Flushing for world peace!
Most of these folks take a shit with their pants on and few even use toilet paper.
Let’s hope this isn’t a new trend for the Left Wingers because I bet they don’t even wash their own hands. Oh! I forgot they still suck their thumbs.
Folks you have to see the end that’s the best part they save the world from WAR.
Buy a bumper sticker FREE TIBET. Yep they are really free today because of that great campaign strategy.
Speaking of hypcrites, I’ve never seen JCH or any other troll complain about Republicans traveling by private jet. They only complain about private jets when Democrats travel on them.
The ratio of Republicans who own private jets to Democrats who own private jets is roughly 100:1.
Yes, there are a few billionaire Democrats (mostly in the entertainment industry), which must gall the shit out of JCH and his troll buddies.
Looks like JCH has completed his latest prison sentence and is back online.
Bet he’s got a sore asshole!
@12 I personally like the idea of indicting Republicans for being Republicans. Being a Republican should be illegal. It’s certainly a crime!
“Dan Rather says: Bush is to good hearted. He should fired all the Clinton holdovers when he got into office.”
He did.
“If we didn’t have that democrat hack McKay”
Sorry, he’s your hack. Bush appointed him.
“in office we could have prevented the stealing of the 2004 governors election.”
The only thing that got stolen in 2004 was your brain when they were handing out brains in the maternity ward where you hatched 3 years ago. P.S., happy 3rd birthday!
@3 JCH says: … hehe, JCH
@18 Dan Rather says: heheheehe
I think I see a pattern here.
When did McKay investigate:
Schemes by polling officers to violate their duty under state law to safeguard the integrity of the election process through purposefully allowing void ballots to be cast (“stuffed”) in the ballot box, or by intentionally rendering fraudulent vote tallies, can be prosecuted as civil rights violations under 18 U.S.C. 241/242 per U.S. v. Olinger. 759 F.2d 1293 (7th Cir. 1985) and its progeny. These two statutes prohibit, among many other things, intentional denigration by public officers acting under color of law of the «one-person-one-vote» principle of Equal Protection that is guaranteed in the 5th and 14th Amendments of the Constitution. Schemes to manipulate voting equipment and to stuff ballot boxes normally require physical access to voting equipment that can only be achieved through authority conferred by state law, thus satisfying the “state action” jurisdictional peg in these two statute in ballot manipulation schemes.
Wasn’t it quite obvious when missing ballots were found in the second recount that they would investigate this. It is Bush’s fault for appointing this guy in the first place. The fact that he fired him is quite obvious.
@25 You mean like when Bush declared “mission accomplished” and terminated your combat pay?
Fucking Newsmax? Only Klake Sucks Dick would cite fucking NewsMax. That’s the one source in the world that’s more suspect than Faux News Channel. Holy Christ – now we see how Publicans get elected. The people voting Publican think fucking NEWSMAX is a legitimate news source.
Newt the Hoot – now THAT’s funny. That cocksucker couldn’t get elected dishwasher but I’d jump for joy if the Publicans are stooooopid enough to run him. Man it would be a field day. Us running commercials about Newt the Hoot trying to divorce his wife while she was in the hospital for cancer. Man what a punk.
God I hate it when these potato-chip munching redneck slobs who haven’t gotten up from the sofa since 1986 pretend to be soldiers. Speaking as a real veteran, impersonating soldiers pisses me off.
@47 You mean the drop off box for absentee ballots that have the signature verified with both a Republican, Libertarian and Democrat observing?
Speaking of hypcrites, I’ve never seen JCH or any other troll complain about Republicans traveling by private jet. They only complain about private jets when Democrats travel on them.
03/24/2007 at 10:49 pm
Why should we complain about that. We view people flying in private jets as a good thing. If a dem flys in one they are a hypocrite. Same with a dem who is pro-minimum wage and employs political volunteers. Of course when is a dem not a hypocrite. Hehehe
@47 You mean the drop off box for absentee ballots that have the signature verified with both a Republican, Libertarian and Democrat observing?
03/24/2007 at 11:08 pm
No, actually the magical appearence of 500 ballots.
@27 You wanna see real election fraud, wingtard? I’ll show you real election fraud:
“Massacre of the Buffalo Soldiers
“by Greg Palast
“… A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters in the last presidential election, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts.
“Files from the secret vote-blocking campaign were obtained by BBC Television Newsnight, London. They were attached to emails accidentally sent by Republican operatives to a non-party website.
“One group of voters wrongly identified by the Republicans as registering to vote from false addresses: servicemen and women sent overseas.
“Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, ‘Do not forward’, to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women, some stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as ‘undeliverable.’
“The lists of soldiers of ‘undeliverable’ letters were transmitted from state headquarters … to the RNC in Washington. The party could then challenge the voters’ registration and … prevent their absentee ballots being counted.
“One target list was comprised exclusively of voters registered at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station. … [See this scrub sheet at;size=o ]
“Our team contacted the homes of several on the caging list, such as Randall Prausa, a serviceman, whose wife said he had been ordered overseas. …
“The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to GOP Florida campaign chairman Brett Doster and other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, ‘Caging.xls.’ Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses. A check of the demographics of the addresses on the ‘caging lists,’ as the GOP leaders called them indicated that most were in African-American majority zip codes. …
“The party has refused to say why it would mark soldiers as having ‘bad addresses’ subject to challenge when they had been assigned abroad. …
“Setting up such a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlaws mass challenges of voters where race is a factor in choosing the targeted group.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Scumbags. That’s what Republicans are — scumbags. Taking away the voting rights of soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Scumbags. Shame on them. Shame on the Republican National Committee. Shame on the Republican Party. Shame on every unpatriotic, soldier-hating coward who supports these scumbags.
FricknFrack @28: Please be advised that poster is not a real soldier. He’s a paid troll working in a GOP boiler room. A tin-plated phony through-and-through.
@31 All Republicans are welfare hacks. Republicans, by definition, do not support themselves. They live off the labor of others. The whole point of being a Republican is to do no work and produce absolutely nothing.
@32 “1) What is your overall opinion of Newt Gingrich?
Favorable: 87 percent
Unfavorable: 10 percent
No Opinion: 3 percent”
Where did you get this poll? Out of your drawers? Please, please, please run Newt Gingrich as the GOP nominee in ’08! yes! yes! yes!!
That poll must have been taken in the carnival booth where wingnuts line up and pay $5 to suck Ann Coulter’s cunt.
Fucking Newsmax? Only Klake Sucks Dick would cite fucking NewsMax. That’s the one source in the world that’s more suspect than Faux News Channel. Holy Christ – now we see how Publicans get elected. The people voting Publican think fucking NEWSMAX is a legitimate news source.
I know these republicans are hilarious. Not even in the same league as the MSM. Well, got to run. I have to flush this Quaran down the toilet before I type up these documents. Does anyone know where to buy a typewriter from the early 1970’s?
@36 A wingnut complaining about pork barrel spending is like Ted Bundy complaining about crime.
@47 They did investigate it, asshole. News flash: Your guy lost. Just like him, you’re a looooooser.
@49 Did you see the part of that “poll” where Newt beats Hillary 95% to 5%? Now you KNOW that “poll” was taken at a wingnut convention. Or maybe klake just made it up … but I won’t bother to check Newsmax to find out whether he made it up or they did. It’s not worth the bother.
Hey klake! I’ve got a proposition for you. We’ll run Hillary if you guys run Newt. Have we got a deal?
“Massacre of the Buffalo Soldiers
“by Greg Palast
Holy Diebold Bullcrap batman. These liberals come up with some doozies. Of course just like every accusation from the left of voter fraud they will never push anyone who matters to investigate it. The dems are the party of voter fraud.
@51 Yeah, I think he means that one.
Red Russian Army Choir & Leningrad Cowboys;search=
Folks it looks like the Russians are getting some class maybe they can visit Seattle.
@52 Would somebody PLEASE push the fuel rods farther into JCH’s head? He’s running on very low wattage.
@66 The Russians have no class and you have even less.
jch is the best reason I can think of for reopening mental asylums, and klake is the second-best reason, for Dufus a close third.
Roger you might like the song, check it out more your style.
You know what is funny. The Cons complain till they are blue in the face about the Dems rigging the vote, but the truth is the Cons whole game plan is election fraud. Look at Florida in 2000 with 92,000 legitimate minority voters kicked off the rolls, and no one ever prosecuted for this federal crime, and also all the crap in Ohio 2004.
Just think of how much better the world would have been with Democrats in the White House. We would be 5 trillion less in debt, and the whole world wouldn’t hate us, and Bin Laden would be in a cell someplace spilling his guts. Al Queda would be pretty much history, and we would be spreading peace and prosperity, instead of endless war.
Go ahead and complain about Dems stealing votes you pea brained traitors. Your party has it down to a science. I can’t wait till the Bush Gang is behind bars where they belong, and their supporters are in nuthouses where they belong.
In her first HillCast, Hillary talks about the Iraq Troop Protection and Reduction Act, her new plan to stop the president’s escalation plan and to start redeploying troops out of Iraq.
Now this is Hillary Plan to end the war or maybe or maybe NOT.
Look at Florida in 2000 with 92,000 legitimate minority voters kicked off the rolls, and no one ever prosecuted for this federal crime, and also all the crap in Ohio 2004.
Now this is what you call a sore loooooser. You dems will never get over the fact that your BS about the 2000 Florida election resulted in a 300,000 + margin in favor of Bush in 2004. Bush won by over 3.5 million votes in 2004 all of which is legitimate. In fact he probably won by more but we will take it.
Facts Support My Positions says:
Just think of how much better the world would have been with Democrats in the White House. We would be 5 trillion less in debt, and the whole world wouldn’t hate us, and Bin Laden would be in a cell someplace spilling his guts. Al Qaeda would be pretty much history, and we would be spreading peace and prosperity, instead of endless war.
Yep you had thirty plus years to make that happen, it started with LBJ and ended with Bill and they both chased skirts. You can’t get the Republicans to love you how do you expect to get Bin Laden to go along with the silly plan? Al Qaeda would serve your sorry ass up for breakfast and throw your bones to the dogs. How can you spread pease and prosperity when you are aways into everybody wallet?
Hay you savage ya ! Up and down Left and Right !!! In your face ! Dont get burned out this week , It would be more than just bad it would be plan wrong if they tried to put on the Syblehead ! His radio show is like an over sized Kidney Stone ! that is stuck and you have no warter.
Michael Caine says:
Democrats and the rest of the country didn’t care when Bush fired all of the attorneys at the beginning of his term either. Nor did they care when Reagan did it, Carter did it, Nixon did it or LBJ did it, etc. etc. etc. Every new President replaces that old attorneys with new ones at the beginning of their term. The issue that drew attention was the unprecedented firing of 7 attorneys in one day without cause near the end of Bush’s terms.
That drew people’s attention. The reason that it is still an issue is the politicizing of Justice. I guess you won’t care when all the Republicans are being indicted for political reasons.
03/24/2007 at 8:30 pm editorial/feature.html?id=1100 09784
Try Reading “Michael Caine”. You perform a disservice to the actor!
Hey Brian you want make another run at that rant. You are a little out ther on that left wing like Roger.
Brian says:
Hay you savage ya ! Up and down Left and Right !!! In your face ! Dont get burned out this week , It would be more than just bad it would be plan wrong if they tried to put on the Syblehead ! His radio show is like an over sized Kidney Stone ! that is stuck and you have no warter.
Styblehead’s Last Stand
Your self-sacrificing night-crawler has been on an indefinite (I believed eternal) hiatus from late-night KIRO-blather. Aside from one listen to trucker-talk and their syndicated talk/advertisement-netherworld, I’ve been giving the Seattle AA diaspora (KPTK) my primary attention.
But upon hearing that Styblehead Boast-to-Boast (AKA “DJ Not Found?”) had been brought back from the dead for one night only (*see below) to cover the impending snow storm, I decided to be the canary in the KIRO overnight coal-mine – at least one last time.
Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster I wasn’t actually stuck in a car during the supposed storm – exposed to a natural disaster far worse: The resurrected Styblehead. Had I been, authorities would have found me with a bad-case of rigor mortis – rescued only eventually by a carbon monoxide-induced sweet-death.
How bad was it? It was the following sandwich of badness:
FricknFrack, Seattle says:
25, Average US Solder
Doesn’t seem like the Republicans have done more to increase your pay either. My Dad’s a WWII vet. We found last year that he was better off doing the nursing home via Medicaid (like some WELFARE person). Rather than the VA (under THIS Republican Administration) who was too cheap to provide adequate care and would have left him roaming the streets in his dementia in TripleDigit heat of Phoenix. If you think the Republicans actually give a rip about Veterans, just check out how they treat them at Walter Reed.
FricknFrack: I’d suggest a quick Internet search before I deliver the increases over FY2001 good upon you. The Walter Reed Hospital thing is bad. They should have built the new hospital sooner and moved everyone into it.
Roger Rabbit says:
“John ‘29,000 sq ft’ Edwards … hehe, JCH 03/24/2007 at 7:17 pm”
Thisone has PelletHeat tongue tied. I wonder did Edwards buy all those carbon credits from himself like Gore did?
Funny how the right wing, inbred, bible-thumpin, Publican turds will spend $500 of taxpayer money to talk a girl out of an abortion, but then bitch up over the possibility of spending $5 to keep the kid alive once it’s born. You gotta love right wing logic.
It depends. Are we talking about Anna Nicole Smith’s or the ones collected by Angelina Jolie?