Professional curmudgeon Ken Schram asks:
So what do you get when you mix arrogance, alcohol and a really savvy lawyer who knows how to stall for time and manipulate the system?
The answer is…You get a Schrammie!
That’s right. Jane Hague may not have earned that BS degree in “Business and Economics,” but she certainly has earned a bobble-head achievement award.
It wasn’t just for being caught drunk driving—even combined with abusing the arresting officer. It wasn’t about falsely claiming she had a college degree—for years. It wasn’t about her inability to properly manage her campaign finances and contributions. It wasn’t about her penchant for blaming others. And, hell, I doubt Ken even knew that, at one time, Jane couldn’t even be bothered to license her dog.
Naaaa…it took more than that. (They don’t just hand out these Schrammies willie-nillie, you know!) It was for successfully delaying the pre-trial hearing until November 28th (after the election) that gave Hague the kind of distinction needed to earn a Schrammie:
So, for playing voters like pawns in some sleazy political chess game; for dragging out the legal process to the point where it doesn’t overtly interfere with political ambition and for being just plain smug about it all, take a bow, Jane, because this “Schrammie” is for you.
Please join me in congratulating Ms. Hague for her Schramalicious success story.
She’ll probably beat the DUI rap. The reason there’s so many highly paid DUI attorneys around is because they have a very high success rate at getting drunk drivers off, so they can go out on the roads and endanger us again.
I’m fed up with the system’s slap-on-the-wrist approach to drunk driving (all the tough talk in legislative halls and taxpayer-funded TV ads notwithstanding). Even the mandatory one-day jail sentence — which is a joke — isn’t enforced.
And don’t get me going on the subject of bad driving in general — Americans daily prove you don’t have to be drunk to drive like an ass. And nothing happens to these people. Cops do their best, but the licensing authorities and legal system look the other way. In our society, a driver’s license is a license to kill.
For example, my mother (sniffle) was murdered by a Republican speeding in an SUV on Greenlake Way.
Here’s my solution: Eliminate cars! What we need is more trolleys and light rail, and NO ROADS!!! Vote “no” on RTID/ST2!!! Too much concrete, not enough professionally operated transportation.
One thing we don’t have in this country, though, is a bunch of unlicensed, uninsured Iraqi refugees cutting in and out of traffic, tailgating, and driving drunk. And did you notice that Jane Hague’s lawyer is a white guy, not an Iraqi expatriate?
By bungling its invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration created the Middle East’s biggest refugee crisis in over 20 years, yet allowed only 535 Iraqis to immigrate to the U.S. last year.
Why? Because a flood of Iraqi refugees into the U.S. would be a visible reminder of the Bush administration’s failure in Iraq. No Iraqi immigrants, no bad press! Out of sight, out of mind.,00.html
So, if the drunk driver who kills you is a caucasian female Republican county council member instead of an Iraqi refugee, you can thank a Republican president, a Republican judge, and a Republican lawyer for that!
She’ll probably beat the DUI rap. The reason there’s so many highly paid DUI attorneys around is because they have a very high success rate at getting drunk drivers off, so they can go out on the roads and endanger us again.
And what is wrong with that? Burp.
If you think my driving endagers people (well it kills people), you should see me in the senate. hicup.
So, someone inform me….Is Schram part of the liberal media that is dragging this country into the gutter or is he part of the conservative movement that has dragged us to a place where the gutter is considered upward?
Just askin’?
Note for Wingnuts:
Comment 5 is sarcasm.
You know, MLF wears a shirt that says “My Dog Is Smarter Than Your President”. He needs a new one if Hague is reelected. It should read: “My Dog Is Smarter Than The Voters In Hague’s District”.
It is true I am smart. I can type. I can sit and roll over. And I can do something that makes Larry Craig jealous……I can lick my own dick. I would lick my balls but they were lost in a horrible accident that I don’t remember.
@5 Schram is one of those guys who is imbued with the journalistic impulse to stand on the yellow stripe in the middle of the highway and wait for something to hit him.
@7 Very impressive. But you’re still a dog, and dogs are good for nothing.
Dogs are Ma Nature’s most useless creation.
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Well then Roger, you must be in agreement with MTR, the dog torture advocate.
I haven’t seen any rabbits around Green Lake lately. Or road kill. Not on Green Lake. Not on Aurora. Not on N 50th St.
I’ll toast to that!!
“So, if the drunk driver who kills you is a caucasian female Republican county council member instead of an Iraqi refugee, you can thank a Republican president, a Republican judge, and a Republican lawyer for that!” is kind of a far fetched conclusion…Kind of like pulling a rabbit out of a hat!
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
@11 Pay your fucking gambling debt, welsher!
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
I just got a hit piece on Richard Pope from the King County Republicans.
Folks, they don’t send out hit pieces if they aren’t scared (for one thing, it raises name ID- you ignore people who have no shot of winning). There’s blood in the water here.
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Rabbit and Redneck…take it to an Open Thread. This is not one.
Bottom line: Our private, for-profit, health care system is another failure of the market system.
Apparently loser fucking darryl doesn’t want us talking about this. Typical stalinist librul…
Hey Darryl Dumshit… how’s the Edward poverty elimination program coming?
the hague thing is not a serious thread…. c’mon…
Mark the Redneck,
I don’t care what you talk about in Open Threads.
Dumb fuck!
@16 How so? If Bush would let some of the millions of Iraqi refugees he has created into the U.S., we’d have plenty of Iraqi drunk drivers and Iraqi lawyers.
@24 While we’re calling people “stalinists,” why don’t you show me a wingnut blog that doesn’t delete posts (or, for that matter, censor comments and ban posters) …
Mark the Redneck @ 25,
“the hague thing is not a serious thread…. c’mon…”
Look, dumbfuck, if you don’t like the rules, go start your own blog. The “Drinking Liberally” thread is an open thread. This one is NOT.
@24 (continued) You’re not being censored, asshole, you’re only being told to post your comments about health care in an open thread.
The minimal amount of topic discipline maintained in this blog hardly amounts to “stalinism.” Stalinism is when people threaten to kill you for saying something they don’t like. The only Stalinists in this country are the Republicans like Ann Coulter (who thinks liberals should be thrown into concentration camps and executed) and the self-righteous wingnut fuckups who think anyone who doesn’t cheer along their fucked-up recreational war should be put on trial for treason. Show me a “stalinist” and I’ll show you a narrow-minded, intolerant, ignorant Republican!
Of course the “Hague thing” is a serious thread — because Hague is emblematic of what Republicans pass off as “leadership.”
Let’s review:
Hague lied about her education credentials
Hague broke campaign contribution reporting laws
Hague drove under the influence
Hague tried to bully and threaten the cop who arrested her
Hague blamed someone else (her husband) for her arrest
If the GOP was a responsible political party run by responsible and mature people, they would repudiate Hague and try to remove her from the office she gained under their auspices, as the Democrats did in the case of rogue prosecutor Mark Nifong.
This thread is serious because Republicans are not serious. If they were serious, they’d have a talk with their candidate — they’d tell her to pull out of the race — and if she refused they would run a write-in candidate against her. But all we hear from them is — silence.
And because Republicans are not serious, and don’t take anything seriously, voters are going to repudiate the whole fucking Republican Party in 2008, and from now on!
The old-time Republicans must be turning over in their graves at the antics of this bunch.
Has anyone else noticed that the ascendance of Republicanism coincided with the trend in the mental health field to resist sticking crazy people in institutions? Insanity, my Republican friends, is not a family value.
This is all very pathetic. Is it too late for Hague to just step down and let some other hack from the Republican party take over?
I’ll continue to tune in, but as much as I like a good circus and a good farce, I can’t support anyone in this race. Hague is right out, of course, but I can’t buy what Pope is selling/pushing either. Sorry, Richard.
Have you read the voter information pamphlet that King County sent out? Richard Pope sounds like a very reasonable fellow. We should give him a chance. This is America, after all.
Hague had her chance and blew it. She is even, in her voter-pamphlet blurb, claiming support from groups that DO NOT support her (like the Firemen). She is a lying, deceptive, manipulating…… Well, she’s a Republican.
“I’ll continue to tune in, but as much as I like a good circus and a good farce, I can’t support anyone in this race.”
Yet, it is still going to come down to either Jane Hague or Richard Pope. Before you dismiss Pope out of hand, consider giving him a listen on The David Goldstein Show last 9 Sep 2007.
Darryl @37: I’m not dismissing him out of hand. I’ve been around for a few elections, I listened to the interview on TDGS. He can talk a decent line, he can do research to slam his opponents, fine. I can’t buy him as a Democrat. Most of what he talked about on the radio show was how despicable his opponent is.
I have trouble with the sudden conversion to Democrat status for this race, his campaign style, his strange quest to win any election for any office. It’s all very creepy to be honest, so maybe there’s something to that.
Even before Hague’s summer flameout and the bottom-scraping, I would have voted Democratic, but for now I’m planning to abstain until I see substance and I’m much less creeped out.
“I have trouble with the sudden conversion to Democrat status for this race”
I’m not sure this is a fair characterization. The fact that he can switch parties is because he is genuinely a centrist. But he has some pretty traditional Democratic values (like being is pro-choice).
In 1997, Richard ran against Norm Maleng as a Democrat, and he has run for County Executive, County Prosecutor, County Assesor, and Attorney General as a Republican after that—typically against entrenched incumbents where nobody else had the will to run.
His last couple of races (2005 for Port Commissioner and 2006 for King County Judge) have been non-partisan races.
My suggestion is you give him a chance. If he doesn’t live up to your expectations as a Democrat, he’ll disappoint others, and will almost certainly be replaced by a strong Democrat after his first term.
As I’ve mentioned before, I interacted with Richard on a number of occasions. He strikes me as a very bright and ethical person who has low tolerance for corruption.
Finally, if Hague is re-elected now, she will likely win a subsequent re-elections.
Agreed. The Popemeister is our very own Don Quixote, and he’s found himself one hell of a windmill to tilt at. He might just even hit this one. Do I give him that much of a chance? Hey, who knows. I wish him all the best. But this campaign is really more an object lesson to the KC Dems, who forgot one of the cardinal rules of electoral politics, and would be cakewalking to Hague’s seat had they not forgotten this and actually bothered to field a candidate:
Darryl @39: I’ll be tuned in to his blog and the information he posts/launders through HA, but so far I’m not on board. I’d like to hear less about Hague and more about his agenda, official and unofficial, and qualifications. A strong performance in a debate might also pique my interest.
Remember…Cervantes’ clearly portrayed Don Quixote as delusional, deranged, and dopey to the enth degree.
There is no Sancho Panza to keep Richard Pope from crawling into some barn after a political version of the illusive and never-appearing Dulcinea.
Really want to make a statement in the 6th? Write in the name of the guy Democrats sought to run as a write-in in the primary.
Otherwise, you’ll see Richard Pope embarrassing you again in the next election cycle.
Oh…Even as Ken-Who-Is-An-Employee-Of-The-Hated-By-HA-Regs-KVI-Radio Schram awarded Pope’s opponent a Schrammie, he didn’t endorse Pope.
Has anyone, BTW? Endorsed him? Aside from Goldy and of prominence? Show me the names!!!
Again…the incumbent’s self-inflicted wounds are her own fault. But that doesn’t make Pope the People’s Choice by comparison.
In the movie version of this sorry episode, the part of Richard Pope will be played by Rowan Atkinson a/k/a Mr. Bean.
The Piper
I see Piper ran from like a scalded cat from Roger in the previous thread, and now comes slinking in here.
Unlike Jimmy Carter, I don’t flee from attack-rabbits. I merely retired for the evening.
I’ve suggested Rowan Atkinson play the part of Richard Pope, who acts a lot like Mr. Bean anyway…Thoughts on who should play the part of Goldy?
The Piper
Yeah, sure. And about those bets? And any response to Roger?
You’re just another whining, chickenshit blowhard.
But, we already knew that, didn’t we hero?
…we, hero?….
Piper Scott,
“Unlike Jimmy Carter, I don’t flee from attack-rabbits.”
You mean “LIKE Jimmy Carter” you “don’t flee from attack-rabbits.” Carter was fishing in a boat at the time and took no actions to “flee.” His most aggressive action was to splash water at the rabbit.
The metaphore works perfectly for you: You are spending your time at HA trolling and every now and then try splashing water at the Rabbit.
Piper, I’ll give you credit for that one. Rowan Atkinson as the Popemeister……hilarious! Hmmm…..”Mr. Pope’s Vacation”…..I think I’d actually pay to see that!
But since I live in Nevada, I think that I have the advantage of being able to see this issue pretty objectively. And honestly, I don’t really think I’ve ever been in lock-step with most of the views posited upon here. Hell, ask Goldy about my views on the ‘direct-action’ anti-war protesters from a few months back. And I’ll admit it, the Popemeister is out there, abso-fricking-lutely. I’m just wishing him the best of luck, as any decent guy would do.
But I think my comparison of Pope to Quixote is pretty accurate. And whether you like it or not, Pope is taking advantage of the KC Dems’ inability to field a ‘proper’ candidate for a seat that, in hindsight, they should have gone after harder than a Roman guard after a warm bath. Hague’s continual embarrassments in the media (and yes, Schram’s snark was perhaps a bit unexpected, given his positions) have made Pope relevant in this race, but would’ve given a more legitimate challenger (with the financing that such entails) enough of a boost that Hague would be in far worse shape than she’s in now, actually behind in the polls instead of simply being an embarrassing boor of a career pol.
Whether Pope wins or loses is almost irrelevant. If Pope can get within 10 to 15 points of her with the ghost of a campaign he’s running, the KC Dems will be the real losers, because if Pope could get that close, what would a better candidate have done? As I stated before, this race is now an object lesson to the KC Dems that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SAFE SEAT!
Remember the NY Times editorial cartoon entitled, “Paws?” A parody of “Jaws,” it had a ferocious attack bunny about to gobble a terrified Carter.
It really served as a metaphor for his presidency.
The Piper
didn’t we hero? Sounds like making sandwiches to me……
Sopressata and Gorgonzola with the onions and peppers, please Chadt?
Jeezus, I’ve got Salumi-on-the-brain now. Thank God I’ll be able to get lunch there when the missus and I come up for vacation in a few weeks!
The bets…I’m willing to give odds, but here’s the deal: you losers will have to pay your losings to Hopelink. And I’m not willing to let ANYONE hold cash since the temptation would be too great. Besides, I trust you all too much.
Since I’ve been outed completely here, there’s no way I could hide, nor would I ever think of welching on a bet.
BTW…a suggestion…Over at Sound Politics, posters’ e-mail addresses are readily available to any who wish to run their mouse over the posters moniker. Why not here? I’ve never been a fan of the anonymous anything (I commend Carl for his forthrightness in this regard…).
If you’re going to put it out there, why not attach your name and address to it?
The Piper
Maybe that was the rabbit from ‘Monty Python & The Holy Grail’……
To this day I still admire Carter, but that was just too funny.
Piper Scott @ 49
“Remember the NY Times editorial cartoon entitled, “Paws?” A parody of “Jaws,” it had a ferocious attack bunny about to gobble a terrified Carter.
It really served as a metaphor for his presidency.”
Really? A fictional work of satire served as your metaphore for Carter’s Presidency?
Christ…typical Wingnut…adopting a fictional exaggeration meant as entertainment as reality.
Piper…this isn’t going to do much for your credibility in carrying out your “Quit Being Mean to Karl Rove” campaign. I’m just sayin’
You guys couldn’t quit being mean if your lives depended upon it! It’s in your nature!
Fictional works often serve as metaphors. In this case the fact that it was a carton makes it doubly so; Carter, as president, was a joke, and his presidency was a cartoon.
Uhm…who was it last who invaded Iran??? Answer: Jimmy Carter when he stupidly tried to rescue the hostages with ill-equipped, ill-trained, and ultimately sacrificed American service men.
Oh…the rabbit chasing Jimmy? Reminds me of Jimmy chasing Teddy Kennedy around the stage at the ’80 Demo convention. Teddy so loathed Carter he ran from him to avoid chasing his hand.
All in the family…
The Piper
Piper Scott @ 51
“And I’m not willing to let ANYONE hold cash since the temptation would be too great.”
Bullshit…if anything this is projection. There is no way in hell Goldy is going to steal yours money, asshole.
BUT…there is a serious past incident where one Mark the Redneck made a very public bet with Goldy for $100 and failed to pay up. In other words, it is you Wingnuts who don’t, apparently, have the integrity to make good on your bets.
So, you come to Goldy’s blog, consume his intellectual property, use his playground for your own amusement and then publicly question his integrity in holding money for a bet?
That’s just wrong. Go the fuck away, asshole…find someone else’s playground to drop your turds on.
Piper Scott @ 54
“You guys couldn’t quit being mean if your lives depended upon it!”
“It’s in your nature!”
You are free to believe that if you wish.
“Fictional works often serve as metaphors. In this case the fact that it was a carton makes it doubly so; Carter, as president, was a joke, and his presidency was a cartoon.”
Sure…and if you believe he was running from a rabbit, I can see how you come to that conclusion….
The rest of us evaluate such things using reality-based criteria.
Piper Scott @ 51,
“BTW…a suggestion…Over at Sound Politics, posters’ e-mail addresses are readily available to any who wish to run their mouse over the posters moniker. Why not here? I’ve never been a fan of the anonymous anything (I commend Carl for his forthrightness in this regard…).”
The uSP method is no more or less effective than what we have here at HA. Obviously there are many anonymous posters at uSP–people simply put in if they want to remain anonymous. Even when a real email address is used, that doesn’t always make an effective way of identifying someone.
Here, you can, if you wish, add a link to your own web page. That seems like a more flexible option to me. Finally, commenters are certainly free to identify themselves in the comment threads. Some chose to, some don’t…just like at uSP.
Pelletizer wrote: For example, my mother (sniffle) was murdered by a Republican speeding in an SUV on Greenlake Way.
Pelletmaker, I was told it was a hybrid that “did” jo mama and had a Free Tibet sticker on it.