I’m thankful the absolute idiots joining the reichwing to attack TSA workers, the government, and security measures have been exposed as the miniscule blowhards they are
Bluecollar Libertarianspews:
Thank whoever invented the dishwasher!
That would be Josephine Cochrane in 1886. I just saw a documentary on inventions whose origin dates surprise people, and the mechanical dishwasher was one of the ones they reviewed.
Zotz sez: The microchip in Klynical's ass was transmitting 6... 6... 6...spews:
That’s a beautiful table, Darryl.
The Dukespews:
Much to give thanks for here.
Mary Plantespews:
Love the flow blue china and cobalt glasses — beautiful.
I am thankful for having dinner with good friends for 30+ years. I am thankful that our three kids and their three chose to be there with their parents playing silly board games.
Happpy Thanksgiving.
It’s over
so did randy gordon win?
proud leftistspews:
I am thankful to have received electrical power back just in time to cook the turkey. And, forgive my partisanship, that Tom Delay got convicted.
4 Trillion dollars spent in 2 yrs could sure supply Homes, tables and groceries for everyone in this country, but it was P’d away on Banks, debasing the dollar, and leisure trips for Big O and his Chicago gang
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hope you took your Prilosec a 1/2 before dinner.
We had a great time yesterday.
After dinner with 20 friends, played board games like Apples-to-Apples.
The people who hosted had 3 early 70’s vintage pinball machines in their rec room.
It was awesome…time-warp.
All in great shape.
Then we went over to neighbors house for dinner….again.
Small portions and no dessert for me.
No alcohol.
Had a blast.
I am thankful for the earthly things God has blessed me and my family with…but above all else I am thankful for God and his Son and the Holy Spirit.
Here is something to think about for you intellectual know-it-all proud Atheists… 2 Peter 3:10-13 (New International Version)
10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.[a]
11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.[b] That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.
The Earth will ultimately be destroyed.
No one knows precisely when.
Then what??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Nice to see the Atheists are funding billboards and an anti-Christian holiday campaign…
Hopefully if they want to encourage “reason”, they will consider: 2 Peter 3:10-13 (New International Version)
10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.[a]
11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.[b] That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The impact of the Atheist message seems to strengthen the resolve of believers.
More people are coming to Christ than any other religion despite Islam claims.
A good friend of mine has a ministry smuggling Bibles into dangerous places. They have smuggled hundreds of thousands in various languages.
The demand is incredible.
@ 11, 12, 13
It’s all about religion isn’t it. Every aspect of your life. Every decision you make is based on what you think Jesus would do, or what you would want God to want.
No wonder you’re so full of hate and bullshit.
Liberal Scientistspews:
The Earth will ultimately be destroyed.
No one knows precisely when.
Then why the disdain for environmentalism and the denial of global warming from the religiously rightward? IF God gave us the earth, and we don’t know when it’s going to be destroyed, shouldn’t we do our best to take care of it in the meantime?
Hopefully if they want to encourage “reason”, they will consider:
2 Peter 3:10-13 (New International Version)
That simply makes no sense. One cannot respond to an appeal to reason with a reference to a magical mystery book.
The demand is incredible.
Yes, I suppose when chaos reigns, people become irrational. A variant of ‘disaster capitalism’ – the Republican plan to maximize suffering for the most people, make them powerless and despairing, and then they become more easily manipulated with appeals to fear and superstition.
Liberal Scientistspews:
The constant self-reference, in this case to Cynical’s religiosity, does grow tiresome. I grew up in a family in which one side (father’s) were all born-again Christians of the rather, um, assertive variety.
No conversation, nothing, ever escaped the prism of their religion – which of course profoundly limited what we had to say to each other. Similarly, I have a neighbor with whom EVERY conversation somehow turns to Israel and her being a Jew (this is someone who, during the Isreali invasion of Gaza, was sending me emails warning me that the Palestinians controlled the entirety of of the US media). Having such a profoundly limited set of vantage points seems to stunt the ability to interact in any meaningful way.
We see it here with both Pud and Cyn – discussions of anything, but even including the meaning of religion or sociologic implication of religion – devolve into them quoting “scripture” as if it had some objective meaning or relevance. It seems a form a blinders that they are not even aware of, and don’t comprehend that the meaning they project onto such things is not shared with everyone they are supposedly having a discussion with.
Liberal Scientistspews:
But it is nice you had a good Thanksgiving with your loved ones.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Do you really think that people who hold similar political beliefs as Cyn actually believe that Jesus would act in that manner? (Assuming of course a literal meaning for “Jesus” and also the rather sanitized version of his teachings of love and generosity and compassion.)
I’m asking in all earnestness – it’s something I’ve always been fascinated and confused by – the merger of “Christianity” and avarice, and “Christianity” and bloodthirsty imperialism, “Christianity” and social Darwinism and “prosperity gospel” and capitalism and the death penalty and greed is good and anti-environmentalism. (Taking of course “Christianity” to be emblematic of “love your neighbor” and compassion and concern for the poor and “turn the other cheek” etc – and fully understanding the simplicity in that assumption and its further implications (nod to SJ))
No surprise that poor people go to crap schools, though. No one gives a damn, do they?
@11, 12, 13 The KLOWN uses Christ and a day of thanksgiving to glorify himself while delivering a message of political hate. Little wonder that I have absolutely no respect for either him or his perverted view of Christianity.
@ 16
I grew up in a smaller town north if Seattle, after being transplanted from San Diego. In my grandmothers house there, there was no mention of religion, not even a whisper of attending services. It just wasn’t an issue. There were no religious symbols, no bible.
My grandmothers reasons for rejecting religion outright, as I found out much later after her death, were based in her own upbringing. Her own mothers absolute dedication to Christian Science. It was the entirety of their life when they were kids. Every aspect of every decision or event was founded in the bible.
My great-Grandmothers entire being was focused on her religion. My own mother tells me that what her grandmother was, was a nasty, narcissisic and extremely vindictive woman who would take her own fucked-up decision making processes and flip them over on her daughters and her grandchildren, holding them responsible and acting out accordingly.
One thing that apparently solidified in my grandmothers mind, the absolute horror and evil that religion always seems to represent, was when her older sister died in 1923 of spinal menengitis. Her mother prayed, and wished, and cried about her being punished by god for some imagined slight by having her daughter suffer so horribly. It was all about her. Her own daughters suffering never entered into it.
Meanwhile, my grandmother at the age of 8, was the one feeding and caring for her older sister as she died, which apparently took several months. My great grandmother prayed, and wished, and bemoaned her own fate but basically ignored her daughters, while her oldest daughter screamed, seizured and starved her way into a coma over a period of about half a year, and her middle daughter wiped the ass of, spoonfed and changed the sheets of her older sister as she died. She was the one caring for her sister, while her own mother refused to even look at her, choosing instead, to pray and whine about how SHE was the one being punished.
When one allows a religious belief system, founded in faith or wishing for magical solutions to control ones decision making processes, one is only ignoring the real solutions. One is actively rejecting ones own strengths and intelligence, substituting for it wishful thinking and inaction. It is the ultimate act of rejection of ones own intelligence. It is the ultimate acceptance of intellectual laziness. Actively deciding that as it is impossible to always find a solution to a specific problem, it is better to refuse to seek one out in all situations. Leaving it to God to take the blame.
That is not being homosapien, that is being homoplumbeus.
“the merger of “Christianity” and avarice”
I am a Christian but I do not share the KLOWN’s view of Christ and Christianity. It is the KLOWN’s message that is of hate, not Christ’s. He would speak for Jesus and Christians but believe me, he doesn’t. He only speaks for himself and like-minded KLOWNS.
headless lucyspews:
Although it is the day after Thanksgiving, I was thinking that today in the spirit of conciliation and acceptance of our fellows that the holiday season represents, I should try to think of something that we can all thank conservative America for.
I could not think of a thing until, while reading today’s Seattle Times, I came across a statistic in a column concerning health care in America. The statistic that I found was that 45,000 Americans per year die as a direct result of not having health care insurance.
That statistic made me realize that what I have to thank conservative America for this year is the unnecessary death of 250 Americans on both Thanksgiving and Christmas and 3,750 in between the two holidays.
So, thank you, conservative America, for this irrevocable gift, and I can only hope that you will share in its consequences in a very personal way this holiday season.
Daryl, you like censorship too much, you should have yourself looked at by a professional – how can you call yourself American?
“When one allows a religious belief system, founded in faith or wishing for magical solutions to control ones decision making processes, one is only ignoring the real solutions.”
Faith can move mountains. But it’s not a faith in magic. It’s a faith in a strong back and a shovel.
@ 24
When I need to move a mountain, I’ll put my faith in a D-9 Caterpillar. Shovels take too long, and backs wear out.
Besides, the Cat is more fun.
Humans are only good for so much. Thats why we’ve developed technology and science.
“When I need to move a mountain, I’ll put my faith in a D-9 Caterpillar. Shovels take too long, and backs wear out.”
That Carly Fiorina was denied the purchase of a U.S. Senate seat.
That Meg Whitman was denied the purchase of the Governorship of California.
That Edmund G. Brown Jr was granted the Governorship of California for the second time in my lifetime.
That the U.S. Senate will buffer some of the madness that will come from the House of Representatives over the next two years.
That Barack Obama’s veto pen stands ready.
That the West Coast of the United States, where I’ve lived all my life, in good part resisted the wave of Tea Party cult and Citizens United madness that engulfed the rest of this country.
The Earth will ultimately be destroyed.
No one knows precisely when.
Then what??
Scientist say about one billion years – the sun will become hotter and boil away the water that supports life on earth. You can read all about this in the wikipedia article on the sun.
Then?? That’s it for the planet supporting life I suppose. By that time, humanity will hopefully have escaped this small back water of the Milky Way Galaxy to seed life on other worlds or prove unequal to the task. That will probably be the case – right now we can’t raise taxes less than 5 points on people who can more than afford it.
Either way why let it bother you? Such pitiful anxieties.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Homo plumbeus – HA, that’s great. When I googled it I got this, which was pretty cool.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I suppose you’ve all heard by now about the 78-year-old Navy veteran who was arrested after telling a VA nurse — and, then, Secret Service agents — of his intention to shoot the president. When they searched his house, they found numerous guns. Every one of them loaded. What kind of nut leaves a dozen loaded guns laying around in a house his family is living in?
@ 30
A combat vet, with severe PTSD and likely a long period of self-medicating with alcohol.
Shits a poison. It directly attacks nerve cells of all types, and the damage it does is permanent. The damage it does is incredible.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Or has garden variety psychosis, or is progressively demented with delusional features.
Obviously very very clear that he is unhinged and is most in need of treatment, and to protect him from himself as well as those he might hurt.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Of course, to Pud and Cyn’s relentless quoting of their scripture, I would retort with a passage from the Holy Book of Armaments, which conveys the Holy Word of God ™ to us mere mortals as it concerns His laws regarding weaponry.
Think I’ll get back to the filth mining….gotta know ones place. anyone want to join up in an anarcho-syndicalist collective and help overthrow the self-perpetuating autocracy?
Liberal Scientistspews:
This is a fascinating demographic mapping tool that I found over at DailyKos.
Economic, health and education measures are very detailed and presented with a way cool interactive graphic – and surprise surprise, socialist hell-holes and tax freeloaders like Massachusetts and Rhode Island and New York are consistently at the top, and conservative god-fearing producer class paradises like Arkansas and Alabama and West Virginia are at the bottom.
Depressed, suicidal. Probably let down by the VA many times over the years. Suffering, and no good way to really express it to the people who had the ability and the fucking DUTY to help him.
Stepdad worked for the VA for 25 years. His job was as a filter, mostly working to get Veterans their promised benefits for higher education and job training and such.
As a Vietnam veteran, he had nothing nice whatsoever to say about Veterans Hospitals or the incompetent assholes that seemed to always be in charge of running them. He corresponded regularly with Patty Murray on the subject, and was consulted for his expertise on navigating the bureaucracy.
Black and Blue friday. Fresh credit cards in hand, standing in line for hours in the early morning after Thanksgiving. Not a single individual who is not morbidly obese in the bunch.
We’re fucking doomed.
Homo Plumbeus indeed.
That is disgusting.
It’s disgusting mostly because it’s the unvarnished truth.
We’ve completely left the universe of the O Henry Christmas and entered something closer to a George Romero Christmas. All that’s missing is: “brains!!!”.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
devolve into them quoting “scripture”
Once again Liberal Scientist proves his craziness… Ask the ylb dtatbaze king if Puddy whips out religion as a crutch or as a response to something useless from an atheist. Puddy whips out Religion on religious holidays and every Sunday when Goldy posts a verse.
Go on fool. Ask ylb! Go on fool. Prove your worth for a change!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Do you live south of I-90? If you do, then the UW says your schools are crap:
Amazing that good old fashion ingenuity of Seattle progressive leftists controlling the Seattle skuul system.
I’m thankful the absolute idiots joining the reichwing to attack TSA workers, the government, and security measures have been exposed as the miniscule blowhards they are
Thank whoever invented the dishwasher!
That would be Josephine Cochrane in 1886. I just saw a documentary on inventions whose origin dates surprise people, and the mechanical dishwasher was one of the ones they reviewed.
That’s a beautiful table, Darryl.
Much to give thanks for here.
Love the flow blue china and cobalt glasses — beautiful.
I am thankful for having dinner with good friends for 30+ years. I am thankful that our three kids and their three chose to be there with their parents playing silly board games.
Happpy Thanksgiving.
It’s over
so did randy gordon win?
I am thankful to have received electrical power back just in time to cook the turkey. And, forgive my partisanship, that Tom Delay got convicted.
4 Trillion dollars spent in 2 yrs could sure supply Homes, tables and groceries for everyone in this country, but it was P’d away on Banks, debasing the dollar, and leisure trips for Big O and his Chicago gang
Hope you took your Prilosec a 1/2 before dinner.
We had a great time yesterday.
After dinner with 20 friends, played board games like Apples-to-Apples.
The people who hosted had 3 early 70’s vintage pinball machines in their rec room.
It was awesome…time-warp.
All in great shape.
Then we went over to neighbors house for dinner….again.
Small portions and no dessert for me.
No alcohol.
Had a blast.
I am thankful for the earthly things God has blessed me and my family with…but above all else I am thankful for God and his Son and the Holy Spirit.
Here is something to think about for you intellectual know-it-all proud Atheists…
2 Peter 3:10-13 (New International Version)
The Earth will ultimately be destroyed.
No one knows precisely when.
Then what??
Nice to see the Atheists are funding billboards and an anti-Christian holiday campaign…
Hopefully if they want to encourage “reason”, they will consider:
2 Peter 3:10-13 (New International Version)
The impact of the Atheist message seems to strengthen the resolve of believers.
More people are coming to Christ than any other religion despite Islam claims.
A good friend of mine has a ministry smuggling Bibles into dangerous places. They have smuggled hundreds of thousands in various languages.
The demand is incredible.
@ 11, 12, 13
It’s all about religion isn’t it. Every aspect of your life. Every decision you make is based on what you think Jesus would do, or what you would want God to want.
No wonder you’re so full of hate and bullshit.
Then why the disdain for environmentalism and the denial of global warming from the religiously rightward? IF God gave us the earth, and we don’t know when it’s going to be destroyed, shouldn’t we do our best to take care of it in the meantime?
That simply makes no sense. One cannot respond to an appeal to reason with a reference to a magical mystery book.
Yes, I suppose when chaos reigns, people become irrational. A variant of ‘disaster capitalism’ – the Republican plan to maximize suffering for the most people, make them powerless and despairing, and then they become more easily manipulated with appeals to fear and superstition.
The constant self-reference, in this case to Cynical’s religiosity, does grow tiresome. I grew up in a family in which one side (father’s) were all born-again Christians of the rather, um, assertive variety.
No conversation, nothing, ever escaped the prism of their religion – which of course profoundly limited what we had to say to each other. Similarly, I have a neighbor with whom EVERY conversation somehow turns to Israel and her being a Jew (this is someone who, during the Isreali invasion of Gaza, was sending me emails warning me that the Palestinians controlled the entirety of of the US media). Having such a profoundly limited set of vantage points seems to stunt the ability to interact in any meaningful way.
We see it here with both Pud and Cyn – discussions of anything, but even including the meaning of religion or sociologic implication of religion – devolve into them quoting “scripture” as if it had some objective meaning or relevance. It seems a form a blinders that they are not even aware of, and don’t comprehend that the meaning they project onto such things is not shared with everyone they are supposedly having a discussion with.
But it is nice you had a good Thanksgiving with your loved ones.
Do you really think that people who hold similar political beliefs as Cyn actually believe that Jesus would act in that manner? (Assuming of course a literal meaning for “Jesus” and also the rather sanitized version of his teachings of love and generosity and compassion.)
I’m asking in all earnestness – it’s something I’ve always been fascinated and confused by – the merger of “Christianity” and avarice, and “Christianity” and bloodthirsty imperialism, “Christianity” and social Darwinism and “prosperity gospel” and capitalism and the death penalty and greed is good and anti-environmentalism. (Taking of course “Christianity” to be emblematic of “love your neighbor” and compassion and concern for the poor and “turn the other cheek” etc – and fully understanding the simplicity in that assumption and its further implications (nod to SJ))
Do you live south of I-90? If you do, then the UW says your schools are crap:
No surprise that poor people go to crap schools, though. No one gives a damn, do they?
@11, 12, 13 The KLOWN uses Christ and a day of thanksgiving to glorify himself while delivering a message of political hate. Little wonder that I have absolutely no respect for either him or his perverted view of Christianity.
@ 16
I grew up in a smaller town north if Seattle, after being transplanted from San Diego. In my grandmothers house there, there was no mention of religion, not even a whisper of attending services. It just wasn’t an issue. There were no religious symbols, no bible.
My grandmothers reasons for rejecting religion outright, as I found out much later after her death, were based in her own upbringing. Her own mothers absolute dedication to Christian Science. It was the entirety of their life when they were kids. Every aspect of every decision or event was founded in the bible.
My great-Grandmothers entire being was focused on her religion. My own mother tells me that what her grandmother was, was a nasty, narcissisic and extremely vindictive woman who would take her own fucked-up decision making processes and flip them over on her daughters and her grandchildren, holding them responsible and acting out accordingly.
One thing that apparently solidified in my grandmothers mind, the absolute horror and evil that religion always seems to represent, was when her older sister died in 1923 of spinal menengitis. Her mother prayed, and wished, and cried about her being punished by god for some imagined slight by having her daughter suffer so horribly. It was all about her. Her own daughters suffering never entered into it.
Meanwhile, my grandmother at the age of 8, was the one feeding and caring for her older sister as she died, which apparently took several months. My great grandmother prayed, and wished, and bemoaned her own fate but basically ignored her daughters, while her oldest daughter screamed, seizured and starved her way into a coma over a period of about half a year, and her middle daughter wiped the ass of, spoonfed and changed the sheets of her older sister as she died. She was the one caring for her sister, while her own mother refused to even look at her, choosing instead, to pray and whine about how SHE was the one being punished.
When one allows a religious belief system, founded in faith or wishing for magical solutions to control ones decision making processes, one is only ignoring the real solutions. One is actively rejecting ones own strengths and intelligence, substituting for it wishful thinking and inaction. It is the ultimate act of rejection of ones own intelligence. It is the ultimate acceptance of intellectual laziness. Actively deciding that as it is impossible to always find a solution to a specific problem, it is better to refuse to seek one out in all situations. Leaving it to God to take the blame.
That is not being homosapien, that is being homoplumbeus.
“the merger of “Christianity” and avarice”
I am a Christian but I do not share the KLOWN’s view of Christ and Christianity. It is the KLOWN’s message that is of hate, not Christ’s. He would speak for Jesus and Christians but believe me, he doesn’t. He only speaks for himself and like-minded KLOWNS.
Although it is the day after Thanksgiving, I was thinking that today in the spirit of conciliation and acceptance of our fellows that the holiday season represents, I should try to think of something that we can all thank conservative America for.
I could not think of a thing until, while reading today’s Seattle Times, I came across a statistic in a column concerning health care in America. The statistic that I found was that 45,000 Americans per year die as a direct result of not having health care insurance.
That statistic made me realize that what I have to thank conservative America for this year is the unnecessary death of 250 Americans on both Thanksgiving and Christmas and 3,750 in between the two holidays.
So, thank you, conservative America, for this irrevocable gift, and I can only hope that you will share in its consequences in a very personal way this holiday season.
Daryl, you like censorship too much, you should have yourself looked at by a professional – how can you call yourself American?
“When one allows a religious belief system, founded in faith or wishing for magical solutions to control ones decision making processes, one is only ignoring the real solutions.”
Faith can move mountains. But it’s not a faith in magic. It’s a faith in a strong back and a shovel.
@ 24
When I need to move a mountain, I’ll put my faith in a D-9 Caterpillar. Shovels take too long, and backs wear out.
Besides, the Cat is more fun.
Humans are only good for so much. Thats why we’ve developed technology and science.
“When I need to move a mountain, I’ll put my faith in a D-9 Caterpillar. Shovels take too long, and backs wear out.”
Same idea and, yeah, they are more fun.
Nice table.
Yesterday we gave thanks:
That Dino Lossi was a three time loser.
That Carly Fiorina was denied the purchase of a U.S. Senate seat.
That Meg Whitman was denied the purchase of the Governorship of California.
That Edmund G. Brown Jr was granted the Governorship of California for the second time in my lifetime.
That the U.S. Senate will buffer some of the madness that will come from the House of Representatives over the next two years.
That Barack Obama’s veto pen stands ready.
That the West Coast of the United States, where I’ve lived all my life, in good part resisted the wave of Tea Party cult and Citizens United madness that engulfed the rest of this country.
Yesterday, we gave thanks for where we live.
Scientist say about one billion years – the sun will become hotter and boil away the water that supports life on earth. You can read all about this in the wikipedia article on the sun.
Then?? That’s it for the planet supporting life I suppose. By that time, humanity will hopefully have escaped this small back water of the Milky Way Galaxy to seed life on other worlds or prove unequal to the task. That will probably be the case – right now we can’t raise taxes less than 5 points on people who can more than afford it.
Either way why let it bother you? Such pitiful anxieties.
Homo plumbeus – HA, that’s great. When I googled it I got this, which was pretty cool.
I suppose you’ve all heard by now about the 78-year-old Navy veteran who was arrested after telling a VA nurse — and, then, Secret Service agents — of his intention to shoot the president. When they searched his house, they found numerous guns. Every one of them loaded. What kind of nut leaves a dozen loaded guns laying around in a house his family is living in?
@ 30
A combat vet, with severe PTSD and likely a long period of self-medicating with alcohol.
Shits a poison. It directly attacks nerve cells of all types, and the damage it does is permanent. The damage it does is incredible.
Or has garden variety psychosis, or is progressively demented with delusional features.
Obviously very very clear that he is unhinged and is most in need of treatment, and to protect him from himself as well as those he might hurt.
Of course, to Pud and Cyn’s relentless quoting of their scripture, I would retort with a passage from the Holy Book of Armaments, which conveys the Holy Word of God ™ to us mere mortals as it concerns His laws regarding weaponry.
Trenchant commentary that remains relevant today.
Think I’ll get back to the filth mining….gotta know ones place. anyone want to join up in an anarcho-syndicalist collective and help overthrow the self-perpetuating autocracy?
This is a fascinating demographic mapping tool that I found over at DailyKos.
Economic, health and education measures are very detailed and presented with a way cool interactive graphic – and surprise surprise, socialist hell-holes and tax freeloaders like Massachusetts and Rhode Island and New York are consistently at the top, and conservative god-fearing producer class paradises like Arkansas and Alabama and West Virginia are at the bottom.
Another liberal MSM conspiracy.
@ 32
Better article on the guy.
Depressed, suicidal. Probably let down by the VA many times over the years. Suffering, and no good way to really express it to the people who had the ability and the fucking DUTY to help him.
Stepdad worked for the VA for 25 years. His job was as a filter, mostly working to get Veterans their promised benefits for higher education and job training and such.
As a Vietnam veteran, he had nothing nice whatsoever to say about Veterans Hospitals or the incompetent assholes that seemed to always be in charge of running them. He corresponded regularly with Patty Murray on the subject, and was consulted for his expertise on navigating the bureaucracy.
Heh, Americans.
Black and Blue friday. Fresh credit cards in hand, standing in line for hours in the early morning after Thanksgiving. Not a single individual who is not morbidly obese in the bunch.
We’re fucking doomed.
Homo Plumbeus indeed.
That is disgusting.
It’s disgusting mostly because it’s the unvarnished truth.
We’ve completely left the universe of the O Henry Christmas and entered something closer to a George Romero Christmas. All that’s missing is: “brains!!!”.
Once again Liberal Scientist proves his craziness… Ask the ylb dtatbaze king if Puddy whips out religion as a crutch or as a response to something useless from an atheist. Puddy whips out Religion on religious holidays and every Sunday when Goldy posts a verse.
Go on fool. Ask ylb! Go on fool. Prove your worth for a change!
Amazing that good old fashion ingenuity of Seattle progressive leftists controlling the Seattle skuul system.
Not my yob to stand up for you Puddybud.
I advise all liberal-leaning colleagues to ignore your orders. We believe in freedom not Toryism as you believe.
wow, what a shitty thanksgiving it must have been at ylb’s house.
what kind of loser infuses political crap into such a nice holiday…especially at the dinner table.
damn pathetic.
you really are fucked up..not to mention a fuck aup.