If you were a teev producer of a reality show, who would you pick?
1. Balloon family
2. Jon and/or Kate
3. Octomom
4. Couple that got into ona-mao’s state dinner without being invited or being on the guest list.
If the government can’t even do what clubs all over hollywood do and keep crashers out, do you want them running your healthcare?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “do you want them running your healthcare?”
Yes. Given a choice between V.A. and Medicare, or your friendly for-greed insurance company, I’ll choose government health care every time, both in terms of cost and quality. Got any more stupid questions?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “All of us here have much to be thankful for.”
Man, you aren’t a-kidding! Let me list a few:
1. Bush is gone.
2. Cheney is gone.
3. Gonzo is gone.
4. Rummy is gone.
5. Obama won.
6. Democrats and independents hold 60 Senate seats.
7. Democrats have a solid majority in the House.
8. Gregoire beat Rossi again.
9. Democrats hold both houses of the legislature.
10. Peter Goldmark won.
11. Susie Liar lost.
12. I-1033 lost.
13. R-71 won.
14. The economy has bottomed out and is growing again.
15. The stock market has gone up 60% this year.
16. The Bush Depression will not become a Great Depression.
17. HA is still here.
18. Mark the Welshing Redneck is no longer here.
19. Health care reform will pass.
20. David Letterman is still on teevee.
Yep, there’s much to feel thankful for — and feel free to add your own items to this list.
I have strong indications that, if detainees from Guantanamo were to be transferred to Fort Leavenworth, a number of Muslim countries would decline to continue to send their students to the Command and General Staff College. This would have a very negative outcome for our military officers, the school, and the health of our relationships with Muslim nations.
Imagine the words “muslim” being replace with “christian.”
Too bad this is way over the Dumb Bunny’s senile mind.
“President Washington responded by proclaiming November 26, 1789 the first official Thanksgiving, noting, “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly implore his protection and favor.”” PuddyEmphasis
And for the atheists on HA Libtardos Puddy agrees with George Washington, acknowledge the providence of Almighty God!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy entered the sum total of ylb arschloch’s personal manly income searching on HA Libtardos this year. Very revealing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
500-Point Dow Drop Tomorrow?
Dubai is going to default on its debt payments tomorrow. Don’t be surprised if shit hits the fan when the financial markets open.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
It’s very telling when the libtardo MSM is up in arms over the Catholic Church telling Patrick Kennedy he can’t get communion over his pro abortion stance. Butt where were these same libtardo MSM voices when Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm asked this of religious leaders?
Nary a peep! Silent as always! Biased as usual!
Marvin Stamnspews:
This is an excellent graph. It started out as the graph the oba-mao administration used to show us the unemployment rate with and without the stimulus.
Some asshole put the real unemployment on the chart. Well not exactly on the chart, in the margin. The chart only went up to 10% unemployment.
The guy that couldn’t figure out turbo-tax didn’t do any better with the us economy.
Now I see why correctnotright is so desperate for me to give him my economic plan.
“Regardless, the latest dust-up over the science of climate change appears unlikely to affect the dynamics of either a pending debate in the Senate or international climate negotiations in Copenhagen next month.”
Ya see correctnotright, the libtardo MSM is part of the coverup!
Was this “opinion” peer reviewed?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Thanks for reminding us that failed GOP policies have put millions of Americans out of work and caused the worst economic crisis since 1932, Marvie! Why would anyone vote for Republicans?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Go on, stupid, keep believing the Earth is flat.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Come on correctnotright ask Daddy Love for some help here…
“Reeling from claims that it has massaged data to show a 150 year warming trend where there isn’t one, NIWA’s chief climate scientist David Wratt, an IPCC vice-chair on the 2007 AR4 report, issued a news release stating adjustments had been made to compensate for changes in sensor locations over the years.”
So the equipment needs variation control. Is it P, PI, or PID? Notice this dude is part of IPCC correctnotright? Maybe he fits Puddy’s Peer Reviewed definition.
Marvin Stamnspews:
13. Roger Rabbit spews:
@11 Thanks for reminding us that failed GOP policies have put millions of Americans out of work
And the failed polices of oba-mao that put additional millions out of work.
Is that what you call Change?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Roger Dumb Bunny where has Puddy ever said the
Earth is flat
Orly Taitz is right
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm was born in Kenya
9/11 was an inside job… Wanna see that Roger comment on that?
CO2 hurts trees?
Stupid Dumb Bunny!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
A cowboy appeared before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.
‘Have you ever done anything of particular merit?’ St. Peter asked.
‘Well, I can think of one thing,’ the cowboy offered. ‘On a trip to the Black Hills out in South Dakota ,
I came upon a gang of bikers, who were threatening a young woman.
I directed them to leave her alone, but they wouldn’t listen.
So, I approached the largest and most heavily tattooed biker and smacked him in his face …
Kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring, and threw it on the ground.
I yelled, ‘Now, back off!! Or I’ll kick the crap out of all of you!’
St. Peter was impressed, ‘When did this happen?’
I gave thanks yesterday for our right wing trolls.
Never has such a bunch of imbecilic, feckless compulsive losers provided so much entertainment in so compact a medium as this comment board.
They just keep on losin’! and we keep on laughing!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
headless @ 20–
Thankful to bring some joy into your pathetic life!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
imbecilic, feckless compulsive loser
You are projecting ylb arschloch. You also left off lazy, unemployed idiot as you described yourself.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
headless/ylb et al–
In your pot-infested dream worlds, chew on this:
Generic Congressional Ballot
Republicans Post Seven-Point Lead on Generic Ballot
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Republican candidates have extended their lead over Democrats to seven points, their biggest lead since early September, in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 44% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 37% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent. Support for the Republican party held steady from last week, while support for Democrats dropped slightly. Republicans have held the lead for over four months now. Democrats currently have majority control of both the House and Senate. Voters not affiliated with either party continue to heavily favor Republicans, 44% to 20%.
The Atheist Progressive krowd has blown all their political capital. If their Socialist Health Care debate and vote drags out into 2010, it will be even worse.
Tax the Rich??
Folks without jobs can see that only eliminates more jobs.
You voted against R-71? You voted to TABOR us bro’?
FAIL! Just like almost everything the right wing fiends are ordered to support these days by their greedy masters.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Puddy–
How was that turkey yesterday?
I’m still waiting for your “secret recipe” e-mail.
Soaking the turkey in brine & spices was mighty fine.
I love making Thanksgiving Dinner.
Mrs. C handles the veggies…I do the rest, including the clean-up.
Because I am soooooo thankful to have a beautiful Christian wife. Being married all these years to me and 4 kids…that’s a lot!
God Bless You, Mrs. Puddy and your sons!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
24. my ancestors came from Europe spews;
Your record here speaks for itself fiend.
So does Gregoire’s smoke-and-mirrors, unsustainable Union-pleasing Budget fiasco.
Being lazy & unemployed for decades…have you no shame sir?
It’s one thing for someone hard-working to lose a job…but your ilk is in a seperate category called FREELOADER DELUXE!
FAIL! That was particularly sweet. Only thing that topped that was the defeat of Rossi in 2008. Such should be the fate of all mean-spirited bastards like that.
Marvin Stamnspews:
25. Mr. Cynical spews:
I do the rest, including the clean-up.
Because you’re not ylb, some lazy sit-around while others do your work?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Puddy–
You think Goldy and his Northwest Division of Lunatics Moonbats will “spank” Obam-Mao??
By Stephen Clark
– FOXNews.com
President Obama is days away from announcing a new Afghan strategy, but his immediate battle could come from liberals within his own party who are vowing to “spank” the president for committing tens of thousands of more troops to the eight-year conflict.
What is “spanking” Obam-Mao anyway??
Obam-Mao is their ‘messiah’.
You don’t “spank” the messiah.
Obam-mao’s delays have cost many American lives and allowed the Taliban to retrench and get ready. Now Obam-Mao is throwing more troops into the lions den.
Impeach Obam-Mao!
Marvin Stamnspews:
27. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
Pinot Noir
So besides letting your wite support you, you also let others buy your drink?
Damn, I think I need me some left-wingnut friends who will pay my bills.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You think Goldy and his Northwest Division of Lunatics Moonbats will “spank” Obam-Mao??
They are Obam-Mao’s USEFUL IDIOTS!
They get him elected to stop the War and cut the Deficit.
Obam-mao does 180 degrees the opposite.
But the KLOWNS still gloat over him.
Only explanation–
Kool-Aid and Pot-smoking!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
27. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
Pinot Noir
More like 2-buck Chuck!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Ylb probably went with that reporter from the Stranger and ripped it off!!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey ylb….whatever you do, don’t hook up with Erica Barnett to steal 2-buck chuck!
She went for the 8.99/bottle stuff dontchaknow.
“In his speech to the nation on Tuesday, President Barack Obama must persuade supporters who thought they’d voted for an anti-war president to back a plan expected to roughly double the number of troops in Afghanistan from when he took office.”
Well, the irony gets better when we have Roger Rabbit accusing those who want to begin pulling out – that would be 57 percent of Democrats according to Gallup and no doubt many on HA – of cutting and running.
Marvin Stamnspews:
pollster.com is reporting that support for free government healthcare is-
We had a great dinner last night. We run a simple table at our home. Keeps it light. Had a great time.
Sure does beat being a miserable, losing right winger with only more defeat to look forward to.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
I’ll email it to you later. Wife wants to go spend some money so you know what that means. Turkey came out very good, not great. The fried chicken was impressive.
As the fool in the above comment thinks he’s making points (EPIC FAIL AGAIN), we have another houseful of foreign students again this year. They loved the food. Some never had mangoes before. Wife makes them a special way. First time for them to experience an American Thanksgiving. We praise God we can do this for foreign university students. Becoming a tradition.
Marvin Stamnspews:
When left-wingers like david shuster start voicing their concerns, you know it’s bad.
One of the columns this morning (The column Shuster cited was written by Arianna Huffington in the Huffington Post) saying this is like another Katrina that building off our coast and the perception of the Obama Administration is either been asleep at the switch, or hasn’t done enough or hasn’t recognized the gravity of the problem. I think it gonna be a huge problem in 2010.
What does shuster know that ylb doesn’t?
Marvin Stamnspews:
39. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
We run a simple table at our home.
Why do you say “we” when your wife does all the work?
If you can’t help your wife, can’t you at least have the decency to give her credit for all her hard work?
40. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
we have another houseful of foreign students again this year.
A houseful?
We had a 21 year old japanese student with us during the summer. Great experience.
Thanks to her I was able to appreciate how great we have it in this country, how fortunate americans are. Why people risk their lives to get to america.
Our student was in shock when she went with us to the supermarket. She learned that “super” means there is an aisle dedicated to pet food. She learned that americans have problems choosing from among all the different varieties of apples. Choices people in other countries don’t get to enjoy.
We talked about this over dinner yesterday.
The talk at the ylb dinner table was about why he refuses to get a job.
Marvin Stamnspews:
43. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
41 – zzzZZZZZZZzzzzzz….. Keep on underestimating Obama fiends.
Those were the words of david shuster, left-wing msnbc personality.
I’m guessing he has his finger on the pulse of politics much more than you do.
For one thing, he has a job.
Marvin Stamnspews:
44. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
42 – zzzzzZZZZZZ….
You’re cornering the market in boredom
I would think you would appreciate me.
After all, writing “zzzzzzZZZZZ” gives you something to do all day long instead of working.
The troubles of the nation’s largest community organizing organization, ACORN, are being felt in the liberal Bay Area, where there is normally no shortage of supporters of the group’s efforts to provide free tax help and other services to low-income residents and people of color.
Bay Area agencies that had supported the group have cut off tens of thousands of dollars of funding.
Have the videos of a fake pimp/ho hurt acorn?
ACORN’s problems accelerated in September after widespread media coverage of the secretly recorded videos at the group’s offices in Southern California and elsewhere. Republicans and Democrats in Congress voted to cut federal funding for the organization.
Internal Revenue Service said ACORN no longer would be included in its list of organizations allowed to provide free tax preparation.
United Way of the Bay Area declared a moratorium on grants made to ACORN.
No doubt ylb will call an article by a liberal a bunch of right-wing garbage.
Anything that doesn’t fit into the pre-defined views of ylb is right-wing garbage.
The fake pimp get-up sure convinced you Stammo. I mean that Chinchilla coat of James’ really must have cemented the stereotypes of an inner city pimp in your right wing propaganda addled “mind”.
You must have scored one too many exploitation flicks Stamm-a-lang-a-ding-dong.
I'm Backspews:
God hates Heterosexuals…Goldy censors and shuts people out from expressing free speach. Heterosexuals area murderers, rapists and thieves, the downfall to society.
@ 56:
Goldy can legally censor free speech on his blog because he’s not a part of the government limiting your right to free speech which means your right to free speech was, in fact, not violated.
BTW, God does not hate anyone. Well, except homophobic Republicans.
By 59% to 36%, more Americans believe accused Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed should be tried in a military court, rather than in a civilian criminal court. Most Republicans and independents favor holding the trial in a military court, while the slight majority of Democrats disagree.
Funny that the first WTC bombers back in 1993 were arrested without invading any country, were tried and sentenced in “real american” courts.
The report calls out Glen Beck as the “fearmonger in chief”. I’m sure our local grown trolls feel a lot of affinity for these whacko cults.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 What would poor Marvie do without Acorn to use as a scapegoat for the endless and mind-boggling failures of Republican politicians and policies?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Gasoline Doesn’t Cost Enough
When I read bumper stickers on pickup trucks in places like Mount Vernon and Tri-Cities, I feel gasoline should cost $25 a gallon. That would also help Roger Rabbit live like a Republican, because I own oil stocks.
I'm Backspews:
@57, you see, that was my whole point, which was mis understood. Finally someone comes out and says that God doesn’t hate anyone…..for ever we are told that God hate fags, and no one said a word of condemnation. But finally, toss in that God hate Heterosexuals, and now we have the outsiders condemning it. See my point. Just trying to show that Heterosexuals through not being involved can also be bigots.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Whatamoron ylb arschloch farted
Funny that the first WTC bombers back in 1993 were arrested without invading any country, were tried and sentenced in “real american” courts.
FOOL, they were already in the US ya stupid moron, not overseas directing an overseas contingency operation (OCO).
Thanks for proving to everyone you are still the dumbest HA Libtardo brick, even on Black Friday!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Whatarerun ylb arschloch diarrhead
You mean like this fact from Mike Steele: “But I do respect the fact that it has a history of working in the community and helping the poor.”
You have nothing new in your “arsenal” so it’s retreaded repeated comments from the dumbest brick on HA Libtardos. No wonder no one comes to your “aid” fool!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
The fake pimp get-up sure convinced
ACORN fool!
ylb arschloch… the jobless fool owned again!
Daddy Lovespews:
How about private health indurance that’s run as well as Lehman Brothers?
Daddy Lovespews:
God is a metaphor for the self. We think we’re looking out and instead (as usual) we’re just conemplating our own navels, endlessly. It’s us mistaking our own superego for a separate being.
Of course that is not reason not to be humbly thankful for whatever good fortune has come our way. Life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short enough.
Daddy Lovespews:
26 Cyn
The governor does not write the budget; the legislature does. Or should we give Gary Locke all of the credit for the only thing Dino Rossi ever could point to prove he did even one day’s work?
@66 My life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short enough.
And with that, Daddy you’ve penned the perfect epitaph!
That fake pimp NEVER wore that phony outfit in ACORN offices.
I have more respect (not much more believe me) for your dumb ass coming from the inner city. But your white suburban wingnut peeps you suck up to?
Not so much.
Daddy Lovespews:
38 MS
How much longer until america has that england style of healthcare?
Probably forever, seeing that the health care bills going through Congress are not in any way similar to England’s National Health Service.
Of course, Republicans are stupid enough not to know this, or liars enough to claim it even though they DO know it, or both.
Daddy Lovespews:
36 p
Considering that Barack Obama ran on a platform of withdrawing from Iraq and increasing troop levels in Afghanistan, I’d say that if people are surprised they weren’t paying attention.
Daddy Lovespews:
68 b
If only I had said it. If it weren’t for straw men, you’d have no men at all.
@71 I’d say that if people are surprised they weren’t paying attention.
You’re squarely behind his adding +50K more troops since taking office if he adds 30K more, but tell that to the 57 percent of Democrats who want to begin removing troops. These numbers will only get worse in the months ahead. This country is tossing in numbers and resources far out of proportion to its size when compared to its NATO allies. Why are we making this sacrifice in young lives when allies refuse?
Your position is much closer to that of Republicans, who Obama will increasingly rely upon for war support.
He was arrested and extradited – no invasion, no bombing, no torture was necessary.
Miserable fiend.
Daddy Lovespews:
All of those Republicans expecting an easy coast to victory in the 2010 Congressional races based on the intellectual heft and wild popularity of the teabagger philosophers should look up from the Kool-Aid cup and think again. Reality is starting up with its liberal bias again.
Fundraising for Democratic campaign committees is surging, helping the party to extend a winning streak in competitive special elections and giving House Democrats a more than 3-to-1 advantage over Republicans in cash stockpiled for the battles ahead, campaign-finance reports show.
The Democratic National Committee, along with the fundraising arm for House Democrats, outraised Republican committees last month. Overall, all Democratic committees ended October with nearly $38.8 million cash on hand, compared with $21.3 million for Republicans.
…the House Democratic committee ended October with $14.5 million in the bank, compared with $4.2 million for House Republicans. [DCCC chair Chris] Van Hollen called the New York race [Owens v. Hoffman in NY-23] a “double loss” for Republicans. “They depleted a million of their already-smaller bank account … and they lost the race,” he said.
That’s what you always say when you have nothing to say.
You will NEVER respond to the feckless, embarrassing “leadership” of the “cow on the tracks”.
No wonder no one comes to your “aid”
Don’t need it moron. One day you say I get “little” aid. The next you say I get none. Your gibes are feckless either way.
And repetitive. Is that all you got in your “arsenal”? Heh. Too stoopid.
What a pathetic fool you are.
Daddy Lovespews:
73 D
Your position is much closer to that of Republicans
My position? And just how did you discern my position without my having told you?
If you’d like to know my “position” we never should have invaded either Afghanistan or Iraq, and given that we did invade Afghanistan despite the stupidity of the idea, we should have (a) actually catured or killed OBL and (b) followed thruogh with out promises to be different from teh USSR and stay and rebuild. Instead we undercommitted, started a second even stupider war, and basically left them twisting in the wind. Hooray for the liar and moron Bush.
So now Obama has to figure out what to do. As far as I can tell he is looking to try a multi-pronged, more expansive and expensive approach in the short term with concrete though limited goals, and if we aren’t progressing toward them we’ll get out because we will not support an open-ended commitment. More hints about my “position:” I think we should tell Karzai that if they don’t clean up their act we cut them off. It’s his problem not ours.
I also think that wars should be PAYGO just like domestic issues. Republicans like the war? They can damn well pay for it, then.
BTW, dude, I couldn’t understand a word of your forst coule of sentences. Try just simple subject-verb-object until you really have it down.
In addition to Youseff, Mahmud Abouhalima fled to Saudi Arabia and then to Egypt after the 93 bombing.
He was arrested and extradited, tried and sentenced to 240 years in prison.
No invasion, no torture, no military tribunal was necessary.
@77 BTW, dude, I couldn’t understand a word of your forst coule of sentences.
The passage is correct, “dude.” And from what can be “discerned” from your language above you’re behind his adding 30K + more troops – those are the number being discussed – if he has the plan you outline above. Is this correct or not, dude?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
FAIL AGAIN FOOL! Youseff escaped to Pakistan.
Whatamoron. Yousef & Mahmud were in America when they did the deed.
You can’t make anyone more stupid than this stupid idiot ylb arschloch. The act was done on American soil while Yousef & Mahmud were in America.
Dumber than a load of bricks is the dumbest brick on the HA Libtardo side ylb arschloch!
Matbe Mrs ylb Arschloch knew what she was marrying into after all. Maybe she is the brains of the arschloch family. Maybe she not only wears the pants, she is the “pack leader”.
Gee how many times have we seen this? Is this all you got in your “arsenal”?
Did it help your vote for I-1033?
Did it help your vote against R-71?
Did it help put Suzie Hutchison at the head of King County?
Did it help John McSame against Barack Obama?
Did it help “Sore Loser Pt2” Dino Rossi against Chris Gregoire?
Did it help win a Republican majority in the Congress, the governorships and the State Houses last Nov 2008 or Nov 2006?
Did it help the woman abuser Irons against Ron Sims?
Did it help your vote for I-912 and win your bet with GBS that took you a year to settle up ‘cuz you couldn’t handle losing a bet with a liberal?
Did it help Rossi and the feckless election contest over which you named called people who agreed with Goldy and Lawyer X’s interpretation of the case?
The ones I saw – he wasn’t wearing it. I wish he did – it would have been the same as a bozo the clown outfit in those offices. Obviously James had a bit more on the ball than your stupid ass could ever dream of having.
Daddy Lovespews:
80 D
So, dude, let’s break it down.
You’re suarely behind his adding +50K more troops since taking office if he adds 30K more
So I’m behind his adding troops if he adds more, but not behind adding troops if he doesn’t add more? Talk to me dude, what the fuck are you saying? Never mind, I think we’ve progressed here. I’ll start calling you “bro.” Or not.
“…but tell that to the 57 percent of Democrats who want to begin removing troops.”
What a cool claim! The only thing better that pulling a number out of your ass is citing a credible source for your assertions. But I know, work is so hard!
But here are some numbers, from the Intertubes:
“(11/20-22/09) Which of the following would you like to see President Obama do? Increase the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan by the roughly 40,000 the U.S. commanding general there has recommended.
– Increase the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan but by a smaller amount than the 40,000 the U.S. commanding general there has recommended.
– Keep the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan the same as now.
– Begin to reduce the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan.” Increase by 40,000 37%
Increase by Less Than 40,000 10%
Keep the Same Number 9% Reduce the Number 39%Unsure 5%
Hey, you pay your money and you take your choice. You cite numbers without a link to check. Why?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Now we find out that 2 people with no invitation, not on the guest list, managed to not only sneak into the state dinner but got to meet oba-mao and get their picture taken with him?
Doesn’t this again prove that government employees aren’t worth their inflated salary?
Try crashing into a beverly hills party.
Oba-mao should have used a couple $20 @ hour bouncers instead of the secret service.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Once again dumbass ylb arschloch, the 93 WTC bombers were on American soil when they plotted their act and tried to blow it up so they could be tried in a US Court. KSM and the other 4 were overseas. We extradited the 93 WTC bombers for personally committing terrorist acts on US Soil. What a stupid moron you are ylb arschloch!
You ylb arschloch, and a dump truck full of rocks are equivalent to a dump truck full of rocks. You add nothing to the dump truck full of rocks. You are as dumb as the rocks, even though you are a dumb brick! You are so dense no one comes to your aid.
Stupid, Very Stupid, and Exceptionally Stupid. All three in one unemployed package.
Sad so sad. A moronic atheist who can’t even approach the Creator of the Universe and pray for a small tidbit of intelligence. Sad so sad. A feckless unemployed moronic fool!
88 – Oh really? That’s why three of them escaped to other countries? So they could be caught and extradited?
One hasn’t been seen since.
All part of the plan of “global jihad”. A plan to get caught. I see.
TOO DUMBASS. TOO STUPID FOR WORDS. You’re the most mentally bankrupt right wing dumbass in existence.
Now you’re being intentionally dense, or we can only hope so. You were asked:
And from what can be “discerned” from your language above you’re behind his adding 30K + more troops – those are the number being discussed – if he has the plan you outline above. Is this correct or not, dude?
It’s a simple question: If Obama proposes a plan along the lines of what you understand his thinking to be @77 (“As far as I tell . .), will you support his troop increase?
I mean, you seem to be going out of your way to avoid an answer. Yes or no? Got it?
You also seem to be entirely missing one of the key points @57, viz, that far and away key support for the war is coming from Republicans, not Democrats. Your poll data doesn’t capture that – isn’t that obvious? – so I’m not sure why you used it.
There have been a number of polls and stories that have talked up this growing divide – where have you been? – and these are simply not hard to find, “bro”:
After 93 WTC Bombing:
Mastermind Ramzi Youseff escaped to Pakistan
Co-Conspirator Mahmud Abouhalima fled to Saudi Arabia and then to Egypt.
Both were tracked down and extradited to the U.S. for trial in a “real American” Court. Both were convicted and sentenced to lengthy prison sentences in maximum security prisons (very dreary places). Sentences that will last the remainder of their lives.
Marvin Stamnspews:
86. Daddy Love spews:
What a cool claim! The only thing better that pulling a number out of your ass is citing a credible source for your assertions. But I know, work is so hard!
This is an easy one. You should have googled before “submit comment.”
from democraticunderground-
Pelosi, Obama meet amid Afghan debate
By Mike Soraghan and Jared Allen – 11/24/09 05:25 PM ET
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who’s said there’s little support in Congress for adding troops in Afghanistan, met Tuesday with President Barack Obama, who is expected to ask for a significant buildup next week.
Obama is expected to ask for 34,000 more troops in an address to the nation Tuesday, according to news accounts.
That will not sit well with Pelosi’s fellow members of the liberal wing of House Democrats, and perhaps not Pelosi either.
“I don’t think there’s much support for sending more troops to Afghanistan in the country or in Congress,” Pelosi told reporters two months ago…
Those lefties sure don’t sound like they want to make more war.
Right, and this is all well known by now, or one would have thought. And when Daddy writes this:
@87 What a cool claim! The only thing better that pulling a number out of your ass is citing a credible source for your assertions. But I know, work is so hard!
one is tempted to ask for the link to HIS poll data. Why? Because he wrote:
You cite numbers without a link to check. Why?
Amazingly, the data @87 that he provides is identical to the first set of data from the Gallup poll provided @91 – meaning it’s virtually certain it’s from the same poll. But the second set of data in the Gallup poll – just a half page down – IS the breakdown by party that shows this:
“57 percent of Democrats who want to begin removing troops”
You know, the data he referred to as “pulling a number out of your ass.” So he saw the first set of data, but not the second just a half page down? He’s either dense or dishonest . . .
Once you cut through all Daddy’s tacking and blather above it’s apparent he doesn’t want to come out on HA and say that he supports sending more troops.
So that’s the noise. Those loose pennies rattling about in your empty skull.
No I’m not hearing things.
It’s just an auditory metaphor for your moronic scribblings here.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Trying to argue with ylb arschloch is talking to a brick wall.
ylb arschloch equates a fool in the US planning and personally performing a terrorist act and running overseas to a foreign fool never stepping onto American terra firma planning a terrorist act and having others personally perform the act. To him these are the same thing.
This is why Puddy is moving on. Can’t get facts through a brick wall.
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 96: “This is why Puddy is moving on.”
Are you leaving us, Puddy? Oh please, oh please, tell us that it is so. To shed a such a prolific wingnut babbler like you would so increase the quality of discourse on this blog. Hell, we might even get to have some serious discussions on the threads without your incessant nonsense.
Moron@98 see #96. There is a big difference fool. One is a domestically located terrorist, the other is an enemy combatant.
You are still a moron!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@100 Yeah, puddy, why don’t you just line them all against a wall and shoot them like the Nazis did and let God sort the innocent from the guilty, as you lack the intelligence to cope with a fair system of justice.
proud leftistspews:
Puddy hurls: “One is a domestically located terrorist, the other is an enemy combatant.”
Ah, yes, such distinctions are clear to everyone, written in stone, and otherwise indisputable. Oh, and these distinctions plainly are free of any partisan considerations. Puddy, did you ever take a philosophy class?
proud leftistspews:
Oh, I forgot to tell you, Puddy, that I think I have a bit better understanding of how our courts work than you do. Not a jury in the land will let this guy go, if that’s your fear. Of course, you have so many fears that even beginning to identify them would take a therapist’s lifetime. All you folks on the right have any more is fear. That’s what joins you, inspires you, makes your day.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Proud Leftist,
As Marvin wrote above, 59% of common United States Citizens want these “progressive peeps” tried in military courts. Why do you think Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s popularity among independents is swirling down the toilet? Because the independents also disagree with “you lawyers”.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Roger Dumb Bunny,
Puddy sees you forgot the recent post about the 8 german saboteurs who were tried in US Military courts by the “great progressive” FDR. Now why did Roger Dumb Bunny forget this post? Puddy Presciently Postulates Roger Dumb Bunny can’t process or accept historical facts he can’t rewrite to produce one of his “this is how it works” farts. Butt Roger Dumb Bunny you can always get remedial help from you moronic mind memory malady by asking ylb arschloch to display the FDR post Puddy Previously Produced.
@88 – Government employees are discovered to have made a mistake. To the idiot above, that somehow proves that all government employees are incompetent and overpaid.
Such stellar logic should put you in contention for Doug Feith’s (unofficial) title.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
All of us here have much to be thankful for.
If you were a teev producer of a reality show, who would you pick?
1. Balloon family
2. Jon and/or Kate
3. Octomom
4. Couple that got into ona-mao’s state dinner without being invited or being on the guest list.
If the government can’t even do what clubs all over hollywood do and keep crashers out, do you want them running your healthcare?
@3 “do you want them running your healthcare?”
Yes. Given a choice between V.A. and Medicare, or your friendly for-greed insurance company, I’ll choose government health care every time, both in terms of cost and quality. Got any more stupid questions?
@1 “All of us here have much to be thankful for.”
Man, you aren’t a-kidding! Let me list a few:
1. Bush is gone.
2. Cheney is gone.
3. Gonzo is gone.
4. Rummy is gone.
5. Obama won.
6. Democrats and independents hold 60 Senate seats.
7. Democrats have a solid majority in the House.
8. Gregoire beat Rossi again.
9. Democrats hold both houses of the legislature.
10. Peter Goldmark won.
11. Susie Liar lost.
12. I-1033 lost.
13. R-71 won.
14. The economy has bottomed out and is growing again.
15. The stock market has gone up 60% this year.
16. The Bush Depression will not become a Great Depression.
17. HA is still here.
18. Mark the Welshing Redneck is no longer here.
19. Health care reform will pass.
20. David Letterman is still on teevee.
Yep, there’s much to feel thankful for — and feel free to add your own items to this list.
Separation of church and state?
Democrat ike skelton (house armed services committee) asking for special treatment for muslims–
Imagine the words “muslim” being replace with “christian.”
Imagine the hate from the left.
Why would muslims be offended?
What’s so bad about greed?
Are you the judge of what is greed?
Enter your retirement income here, and then tell me if one of the 90+% under should judge if you have been greedy.
Here is how the founding fathers looked at Thanksgiving…
Too bad this is way over the Dumb Bunny’s senile mind.
“President Washington responded by proclaiming November 26, 1789 the first official Thanksgiving, noting, “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly implore his protection and favor.”” PuddyEmphasis
And for the atheists on HA Libtardos Puddy agrees with George Washington, acknowledge the providence of Almighty God!
Puddy entered the sum total of ylb arschloch’s personal manly income searching on HA Libtardos this year. Very revealing.
500-Point Dow Drop Tomorrow?
Dubai is going to default on its debt payments tomorrow. Don’t be surprised if shit hits the fan when the financial markets open.
It’s very telling when the libtardo MSM is up in arms over the Catholic Church telling Patrick Kennedy he can’t get communion over his pro abortion stance. Butt where were these same libtardo MSM voices when Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm asked this of religious leaders?
Nary a peep! Silent as always! Biased as usual!
This is an excellent graph. It started out as the graph the oba-mao administration used to show us the unemployment rate with and without the stimulus.
Some asshole put the real unemployment on the chart. Well not exactly on the chart, in the margin. The chart only went up to 10% unemployment.
The guy that couldn’t figure out turbo-tax didn’t do any better with the us economy.
Now I see why correctnotright is so desperate for me to give him my economic plan.
Hey correctnotright,
You are still MIA. What say you over this?
“Regardless, the latest dust-up over the science of climate change appears unlikely to affect the dynamics of either a pending debate in the Senate or international climate negotiations in Copenhagen next month.”
Ya see correctnotright, the libtardo MSM is part of the coverup!
Was this “opinion” peer reviewed?
@11 Thanks for reminding us that failed GOP policies have put millions of Americans out of work and caused the worst economic crisis since 1932, Marvie! Why would anyone vote for Republicans?
@12 Go on, stupid, keep believing the Earth is flat.
Come on correctnotright ask Daddy Love for some help here…
“Reeling from claims that it has massaged data to show a 150 year warming trend where there isn’t one, NIWA’s chief climate scientist David Wratt, an IPCC vice-chair on the 2007 AR4 report, issued a news release stating adjustments had been made to compensate for changes in sensor locations over the years.”
So the equipment needs variation control. Is it P, PI, or PID? Notice this dude is part of IPCC correctnotright? Maybe he fits Puddy’s Peer Reviewed definition.
And the failed polices of oba-mao that put additional millions out of work.
Is that what you call Change?
Roger Dumb Bunny where has Puddy ever said the
Earth is flat
Orly Taitz is right
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm was born in Kenya
9/11 was an inside job… Wanna see that Roger comment on that?
CO2 hurts trees?
Stupid Dumb Bunny!
[Deleted —see HA Comment Policy and this may help]
I gave thanks yesterday for our right wing trolls.
Never has such a bunch of imbecilic, feckless compulsive losers provided so much entertainment in so compact a medium as this comment board.
They just keep on losin’! and we keep on laughing!
headless @ 20–
Thankful to bring some joy into your pathetic life!
You are projecting ylb arschloch. You also left off lazy, unemployed idiot as you described yourself.
headless/ylb et al–
In your pot-infested dream worlds, chew on this:
Generic Congressional Ballot
Republicans Post Seven-Point Lead on Generic Ballot
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Atheist Progressive krowd has blown all their political capital. If their Socialist Health Care debate and vote drags out into 2010, it will be even worse.
Tax the Rich??
Folks without jobs can see that only eliminates more jobs.
LMAO @ the loser @ 22.
Your record here speaks for itself fiend:
You voted against R-71? You voted to TABOR us bro’?
FAIL! Just like almost everything the right wing fiends are ordered to support these days by their greedy masters.
Hey Puddy–
How was that turkey yesterday?
I’m still waiting for your “secret recipe” e-mail.
Soaking the turkey in brine & spices was mighty fine.
I love making Thanksgiving Dinner.
Mrs. C handles the veggies…I do the rest, including the clean-up.
Because I am soooooo thankful to have a beautiful Christian wife. Being married all these years to me and 4 kids…that’s a lot!
God Bless You, Mrs. Puddy and your sons!
24. my ancestors came from Europe spews;
So does Gregoire’s smoke-and-mirrors, unsustainable Union-pleasing Budget fiasco.
Being lazy & unemployed for decades…have you no shame sir?
It’s one thing for someone hard-working to lose a job…but your ilk is in a seperate category called FREELOADER DELUXE!
Haven’t touched mj in over 20 years. I didn’t get much of a buzz from the Pinot Noir I had yesterday.
We didn’t even bother to touch the Merlot.
26 – You were a big Suzie fan weren’t you KLOWN?
You send her money?
FAIL! That was particularly sweet. Only thing that topped that was the defeat of Rossi in 2008. Such should be the fate of all mean-spirited bastards like that.
Because you’re not ylb, some lazy sit-around while others do your work?
Hey Puddy–
You think Goldy and his Northwest Division of Lunatics Moonbats will “spank” Obam-Mao??
By Stephen Clark
– FOXNews.com
What is “spanking” Obam-Mao anyway??
Obam-Mao is their ‘messiah’.
You don’t “spank” the messiah.
Obam-mao’s delays have cost many American lives and allowed the Taliban to retrench and get ready. Now Obam-Mao is throwing more troops into the lions den.
Impeach Obam-Mao!
So besides letting your wite support you, you also let others buy your drink?
Damn, I think I need me some left-wingnut friends who will pay my bills.
You think Goldy and his Northwest Division of Lunatics Moonbats will “spank” Obam-Mao??
They are Obam-Mao’s USEFUL IDIOTS!
They get him elected to stop the War and cut the Deficit.
Obam-mao does 180 degrees the opposite.
But the KLOWNS still gloat over him.
Only explanation–
Kool-Aid and Pot-smoking!
27. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
More like 2-buck Chuck!
Ylb probably went with that reporter from the Stranger and ripped it off!!
Hey ylb….whatever you do, don’t hook up with Erica Barnett to steal 2-buck chuck!
She went for the 8.99/bottle stuff dontchaknow.
“In his speech to the nation on Tuesday, President Barack Obama must persuade supporters who thought they’d voted for an anti-war president to back a plan expected to roughly double the number of troops in Afghanistan from when he took office.”
Well, the irony gets better when we have Roger Rabbit accusing those who want to begin pulling out – that would be 57 percent of Democrats according to Gallup and no doubt many on HA – of cutting and running.
pollster.com is reporting that support for free government healthcare is-
disapprove 48%
approve 44%
Quite different than the partisan hacks on this blog say it is.
How much longer until america has that england style of healthcare?
Hundreds of patients died needlessly at NHS hospital due to appalling care
Government at it’s best.
LOL! More feckless pokes from the right.
We had a great dinner last night. We run a simple table at our home. Keeps it light. Had a great time.
Sure does beat being a miserable, losing right winger with only more defeat to look forward to.
I’ll email it to you later. Wife wants to go spend some money so you know what that means. Turkey came out very good, not great. The fried chicken was impressive.
As the fool in the above comment thinks he’s making points (EPIC FAIL AGAIN), we have another houseful of foreign students again this year. They loved the food. Some never had mangoes before. Wife makes them a special way. First time for them to experience an American Thanksgiving. We praise God we can do this for foreign university students. Becoming a tradition.
When left-wingers like david shuster start voicing their concerns, you know it’s bad.
The longer the health care drags on there’s this perception that jobs is not a main priority for the Obama Administration and I do think I mean I think you’re right. At a certain point somebody described it as a tsunami that is building.
One of the columns this morning (The column Shuster cited was written by Arianna Huffington in the Huffington Post) saying this is like another Katrina that building off our coast and the perception of the Obama Administration is either been asleep at the switch, or hasn’t done enough or hasn’t recognized the gravity of the problem. I think it gonna be a huge problem in 2010.
What does shuster know that ylb doesn’t?
Why do you say “we” when your wife does all the work?
If you can’t help your wife, can’t you at least have the decency to give her credit for all her hard work?
41 – zzzZZZZZZZzzzzzz….. Keep on underestimating Obama fiends.
It’s worked wonderfully for you so far.
42 – zzzzzZZZZZZ….
You’re cornering the market in boredom Stammo.
Yawwwnnn.. I’m packing it in this morning.
Right wing fiends – let your freak flags fly!
@43 It’s worked wonderfully for you so far.
All I can imagine is you’re reading this from right to left:
A houseful?
We had a 21 year old japanese student with us during the summer. Great experience.
Thanks to her I was able to appreciate how great we have it in this country, how fortunate americans are. Why people risk their lives to get to america.
Our student was in shock when she went with us to the supermarket. She learned that “super” means there is an aisle dedicated to pet food. She learned that americans have problems choosing from among all the different varieties of apples. Choices people in other countries don’t get to enjoy.
We talked about this over dinner yesterday.
The talk at the ylb dinner table was about why he refuses to get a job.
Those were the words of david shuster, left-wing msnbc personality.
I’m guessing he has his finger on the pulse of politics much more than you do.
For one thing, he has a job.
I would think you would appreciate me.
After all, writing “zzzzzzZZZZZ” gives you something to do all day long instead of working.
“This is a bailout that makes aig look cheap.”
Who said that?
Six people arrested in August outside a raucous town hall meeting in south St. Louis County have been charged with misdemeanor ordinance violations.
The paper reported one of them was a reporter.
The paper decided not to report the other 5 were union thugs beating up a black man.
Imagine if anti-free-government-healthcare supporters beat up a black supporter, it would be national news.
If oba-mao winning 53% of the votes is a mandate, what is 59% to 36%?
By 59% to 36%, more Americans believe accused Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed should be tried in a military court, rather than in a civilian criminal court. Most Republicans and independents favor holding the trial in a military court, while the slight majority of Democrats disagree.
If oba-mao winning 53% of the votes is a mandate, what is 59% to 36%?
Proof oba-mao is out of touch with americans.
On the bright side, just another reason for americans to want CHANGE in the next election.
From the ultra-liberal san fran chronicle–
Have the videos of a fake pimp/ho hurt acorn?
No doubt ylb will call an article by a liberal a bunch of right-wing garbage.
Anything that doesn’t fit into the pre-defined views of ylb is right-wing garbage.
You mean like this fact from Mike Steele:
“But I do respect the fact that it has a history of working in the community and helping the poor.”
Oh, a Republican head of the party praising ACORN doesn’t fit into YOUR pre-defined views.
Stammo PWNED yet again.
The fake pimp get-up sure convinced you Stammo. I mean that Chinchilla coat of James’ really must have cemented the stereotypes of an inner city pimp in your right wing propaganda addled “mind”.
You must have scored one too many exploitation flicks Stamm-a-lang-a-ding-dong.
God hates Heterosexuals…Goldy censors and shuts people out from expressing free speach. Heterosexuals area murderers, rapists and thieves, the downfall to society.
@ 56:
Goldy can legally censor free speech on his blog because he’s not a part of the government limiting your right to free speech which means your right to free speech was, in fact, not violated.
BTW, God does not hate anyone. Well, except homophobic Republicans.
Funny that the first WTC bombers back in 1993 were arrested without invading any country, were tried and sentenced in “real american” courts.
Why does the right wing hate America?
An excellent examination of the fringie right wing kooks that suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome:
The report calls out Glen Beck as the “fearmonger in chief”. I’m sure our local grown trolls feel a lot of affinity for these whacko cults.
@53 What would poor Marvie do without Acorn to use as a scapegoat for the endless and mind-boggling failures of Republican politicians and policies?
Gasoline Doesn’t Cost Enough
When I read bumper stickers on pickup trucks in places like Mount Vernon and Tri-Cities, I feel gasoline should cost $25 a gallon. That would also help Roger Rabbit live like a Republican, because I own oil stocks.
@57, you see, that was my whole point, which was mis understood. Finally someone comes out and says that God doesn’t hate anyone…..for ever we are told that God hate fags, and no one said a word of condemnation. But finally, toss in that God hate Heterosexuals, and now we have the outsiders condemning it. See my point. Just trying to show that Heterosexuals through not being involved can also be bigots.
Whatamoron ylb arschloch farted
FOOL, they were already in the US ya stupid moron, not overseas directing an overseas contingency operation (OCO).
Thanks for proving to everyone you are still the dumbest HA Libtardo brick, even on Black Friday!
Whatarerun ylb arschloch diarrhead
You have nothing new in your “arsenal” so it’s retreaded repeated comments from the dumbest brick on HA Libtardos. No wonder no one comes to your “aid” fool!
ACORN fool!
ylb arschloch… the jobless fool owned again!
How about private health indurance that’s run as well as Lehman Brothers?
God is a metaphor for the self. We think we’re looking out and instead (as usual) we’re just conemplating our own navels, endlessly. It’s us mistaking our own superego for a separate being.
Of course that is not reason not to be humbly thankful for whatever good fortune has come our way. Life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short enough.
26 Cyn
The governor does not write the budget; the legislature does. Or should we give Gary Locke all of the credit for the only thing Dino Rossi ever could point to prove he did even one day’s work?
@66 My life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short enough.
And with that, Daddy you’ve penned the perfect epitaph!
That fake pimp NEVER wore that phony outfit in ACORN offices.
I have more respect (not much more believe me) for your dumb ass coming from the inner city. But your white suburban wingnut peeps you suck up to?
Not so much.
38 MS
Probably forever, seeing that the health care bills going through Congress are not in any way similar to England’s National Health Service.
Of course, Republicans are stupid enough not to know this, or liars enough to claim it even though they DO know it, or both.
36 p
Considering that Barack Obama ran on a platform of withdrawing from Iraq and increasing troop levels in Afghanistan, I’d say that if people are surprised they weren’t paying attention.
68 b
If only I had said it. If it weren’t for straw men, you’d have no men at all.
@71 I’d say that if people are surprised they weren’t paying attention.
You’re squarely behind his adding +50K more troops since taking office if he adds 30K more, but tell that to the 57 percent of Democrats who want to begin removing troops. These numbers will only get worse in the months ahead. This country is tossing in numbers and resources far out of proportion to its size when compared to its NATO allies. Why are we making this sacrifice in young lives when allies refuse?
Your position is much closer to that of Republicans, who Obama will increasingly rely upon for war support.
FAIL AGAIN FOOL! Youseff escaped to Pakistan.
He was arrested and extradited – no invasion, no bombing, no torture was necessary.
Miserable fiend.
All of those Republicans expecting an easy coast to victory in the 2010 Congressional races based on the intellectual heft and wild popularity of the teabagger philosophers should look up from the Kool-Aid cup and think again. Reality is starting up with its liberal bias again.
In short, winning campaigns takes more than just batshit crazy ideas–it takes money, and Democrats have a lot more of it than Republicans:
That’s what you always say when you have nothing to say.
You will NEVER respond to the feckless, embarrassing “leadership” of the “cow on the tracks”.
Don’t need it moron. One day you say I get “little” aid. The next you say I get none. Your gibes are feckless either way.
And repetitive. Is that all you got in your “arsenal”? Heh. Too stoopid.
What a pathetic fool you are.
73 D
My position? And just how did you discern my position without my having told you?
If you’d like to know my “position” we never should have invaded either Afghanistan or Iraq, and given that we did invade Afghanistan despite the stupidity of the idea, we should have (a) actually catured or killed OBL and (b) followed thruogh with out promises to be different from teh USSR and stay and rebuild. Instead we undercommitted, started a second even stupider war, and basically left them twisting in the wind. Hooray for the liar and moron Bush.
So now Obama has to figure out what to do. As far as I can tell he is looking to try a multi-pronged, more expansive and expensive approach in the short term with concrete though limited goals, and if we aren’t progressing toward them we’ll get out because we will not support an open-ended commitment. More hints about my “position:” I think we should tell Karzai that if they don’t clean up their act we cut them off. It’s his problem not ours.
I also think that wars should be PAYGO just like domestic issues. Republicans like the war? They can damn well pay for it, then.
BTW, dude, I couldn’t understand a word of your forst coule of sentences. Try just simple subject-verb-object until you really have it down.
The only thing more repetitive than this inane drumbeat is the number of handle switches this lame troll uses to hide the dumb ass attacks.
Watch now – here it comes:
Fiend @ 62
In addition to Youseff, Mahmud Abouhalima fled to Saudi Arabia and then to Egypt after the 93 bombing.
He was arrested and extradited, tried and sentenced to 240 years in prison.
No invasion, no torture, no military tribunal was necessary.
@77 BTW, dude, I couldn’t understand a word of your forst coule of sentences.
The passage is correct, “dude.” And from what can be “discerned” from your language above you’re behind his adding 30K + more troops – those are the number being discussed – if he has the plan you outline above. Is this correct or not, dude?
Whatamoron. Yousef & Mahmud were in America when they did the deed.
You can’t make anyone more stupid than this stupid idiot ylb arschloch. The act was done on American soil while Yousef & Mahmud were in America.
Dumber than a load of bricks is the dumbest brick on the HA Libtardo side ylb arschloch!
Matbe Mrs ylb Arschloch knew what she was marrying into after all. Maybe she is the brains of the arschloch family. Maybe she not only wears the pants, she is the “pack leader”.
Was any of those fools ylb arschloch? Don’t strain the arschloch thinking about it.
Uh duh!!!
You’re so stupid. Two of that terrorist crew escaped to other countries and we got them back..
No invasion, no war, no corrupt military contracts were needed.
Really ylb arschloch. Did you watch all the tapes? Who told you this? Was it on Daily Kooks? We all know you were perving over Hannah butt!
You are the progressive porn guy with the dirty left eye!
Proof fool!
We all saw Hannah in her prostitute outfit. James was the hidden camera fool!
Proof fool!
Gee how many times have we seen this? Is this all you got in your “arsenal”?
Did it help your vote for I-1033?
Did it help your vote against R-71?
Did it help put Suzie Hutchison at the head of King County?
Did it help John McSame against Barack Obama?
Did it help “Sore Loser Pt2” Dino Rossi against Chris Gregoire?
Did it help win a Republican majority in the Congress, the governorships and the State Houses last Nov 2008 or Nov 2006?
Did it help the woman abuser Irons against Ron Sims?
Did it help your vote for I-912 and win your bet with GBS that took you a year to settle up ‘cuz you couldn’t handle losing a bet with a liberal?
Did it help Rossi and the feckless election contest over which you named called people who agreed with Goldy and Lawyer X’s interpretation of the case?
If it exists:
The ones I saw – he wasn’t wearing it. I wish he did – it would have been the same as a bozo the clown outfit in those offices. Obviously James had a bit more on the ball than your stupid ass could ever dream of having.
80 D
So, dude, let’s break it down.
So I’m behind his adding troops if he adds more, but not behind adding troops if he doesn’t add more? Talk to me dude, what the fuck are you saying? Never mind, I think we’ve progressed here. I’ll start calling you “bro.” Or not.
What a cool claim! The only thing better that pulling a number out of your ass is citing a credible source for your assertions. But I know, work is so hard!
But here are some numbers, from the Intertubes:
Now we find out that 2 people with no invitation, not on the guest list, managed to not only sneak into the state dinner but got to meet oba-mao and get their picture taken with him?
Doesn’t this again prove that government employees aren’t worth their inflated salary?
Try crashing into a beverly hills party.
Oba-mao should have used a couple $20 @ hour bouncers instead of the secret service.
Once again dumbass ylb arschloch, the 93 WTC bombers were on American soil when they plotted their act and tried to blow it up so they could be tried in a US Court. KSM and the other 4 were overseas. We extradited the 93 WTC bombers for personally committing terrorist acts on US Soil. What a stupid moron you are ylb arschloch!
You ylb arschloch, and a dump truck full of rocks are equivalent to a dump truck full of rocks. You add nothing to the dump truck full of rocks. You are as dumb as the rocks, even though you are a dumb brick! You are so dense no one comes to your aid.
Stupid, Very Stupid, and Exceptionally Stupid. All three in one unemployed package.
Sad so sad. A moronic atheist who can’t even approach the Creator of the Universe and pray for a small tidbit of intelligence. Sad so sad. A feckless unemployed moronic fool!
88 – Oh really? That’s why three of them escaped to other countries? So they could be caught and extradited?
One hasn’t been seen since.
All part of the plan of “global jihad”. A plan to get caught. I see.
TOO DUMBASS. TOO STUPID FOR WORDS. You’re the most mentally bankrupt right wing dumbass in existence.
Now you’re being intentionally dense, or we can only hope so. You were asked:
And from what can be “discerned” from your language above you’re behind his adding 30K + more troops – those are the number being discussed – if he has the plan you outline above. Is this correct or not, dude?
It’s a simple question: If Obama proposes a plan along the lines of what you understand his thinking to be @77 (“As far as I tell . .), will you support his troop increase?
I mean, you seem to be going out of your way to avoid an answer. Yes or no? Got it?
You also seem to be entirely missing one of the key points @57, viz, that far and away key support for the war is coming from Republicans, not Democrats. Your poll data doesn’t capture that – isn’t that obvious? – so I’m not sure why you used it.
There have been a number of polls and stories that have talked up this growing divide – where have you been? – and these are simply not hard to find, “bro”:
After 93 WTC Bombing:
Mastermind Ramzi Youseff escaped to Pakistan
Co-Conspirator Mahmud Abouhalima fled to Saudi Arabia and then to Egypt.
Both were tracked down and extradited to the U.S. for trial in a “real American” Court. Both were convicted and sentenced to lengthy prison sentences in maximum security prisons (very dreary places). Sentences that will last the remainder of their lives.
This is an easy one. You should have googled before “submit comment.”
from democraticunderground-
Pelosi, Obama meet amid Afghan debate
By Mike Soraghan and Jared Allen – 11/24/09 05:25 PM ET
Those lefties sure don’t sound like they want to make more war.
Right, and this is all well known by now, or one would have thought. And when Daddy writes this:
@87 What a cool claim! The only thing better that pulling a number out of your ass is citing a credible source for your assertions. But I know, work is so hard!
one is tempted to ask for the link to HIS poll data. Why? Because he wrote:
You cite numbers without a link to check. Why?
Amazingly, the data @87 that he provides is identical to the first set of data from the Gallup poll provided @91 – meaning it’s virtually certain it’s from the same poll. But the second set of data in the Gallup poll – just a half page down – IS the breakdown by party that shows this:
“57 percent of Democrats who want to begin removing troops”
You know, the data he referred to as “pulling a number out of your ass.” So he saw the first set of data, but not the second just a half page down? He’s either dense or dishonest . . .
Once you cut through all Daddy’s tacking and blather above it’s apparent he doesn’t want to come out on HA and say that he supports sending more troops.
Go Daddy!
So that’s the noise. Those loose pennies rattling about in your empty skull.
No I’m not hearing things.
It’s just an auditory metaphor for your moronic scribblings here.
Trying to argue with ylb arschloch is talking to a brick wall.
ylb arschloch equates a fool in the US planning and personally performing a terrorist act and running overseas to a foreign fool never stepping onto American terra firma planning a terrorist act and having others personally perform the act. To him these are the same thing.
This is why Puddy is moving on. Can’t get facts through a brick wall.
Puddy @ 96: “This is why Puddy is moving on.”
Are you leaving us, Puddy? Oh please, oh please, tell us that it is so. To shed a such a prolific wingnut babbler like you would so increase the quality of discourse on this blog. Hell, we might even get to have some serious discussions on the threads without your incessant nonsense.
You’re frightened to death of a terrorist being tried in our courts.
Why do you hate America and our justice system so much Stupes?
Proud Leftist,
This is from the fool who couldn’t understand what Professor Darryl clearly wrote and he’s telling Puddy what to do!
Bwaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Moron@98 see #96. There is a big difference fool. One is a domestically located terrorist, the other is an enemy combatant.
You are still a moron!
@100 Yeah, puddy, why don’t you just line them all against a wall and shoot them like the Nazis did and let God sort the innocent from the guilty, as you lack the intelligence to cope with a fair system of justice.
Puddy hurls: “One is a domestically located terrorist, the other is an enemy combatant.”
Ah, yes, such distinctions are clear to everyone, written in stone, and otherwise indisputable. Oh, and these distinctions plainly are free of any partisan considerations. Puddy, did you ever take a philosophy class?
Oh, I forgot to tell you, Puddy, that I think I have a bit better understanding of how our courts work than you do. Not a jury in the land will let this guy go, if that’s your fear. Of course, you have so many fears that even beginning to identify them would take a therapist’s lifetime. All you folks on the right have any more is fear. That’s what joins you, inspires you, makes your day.
Proud Leftist,
As Marvin wrote above, 59% of common United States Citizens want these “progressive peeps” tried in military courts. Why do you think Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s popularity among independents is swirling down the toilet? Because the independents also disagree with “you lawyers”.
Roger Dumb Bunny,
Puddy sees you forgot the recent post about the 8 german saboteurs who were tried in US Military courts by the “great progressive” FDR. Now why did Roger Dumb Bunny forget this post? Puddy Presciently Postulates Roger Dumb Bunny can’t process or accept historical facts he can’t rewrite to produce one of his “this is how it works” farts. Butt Roger Dumb Bunny you can always get remedial help from you moronic mind memory malady by asking ylb arschloch to display the FDR post Puddy Previously Produced.
@88 – Government employees are discovered to have made a mistake. To the idiot above, that somehow proves that all government employees are incompetent and overpaid.
Such stellar logic should put you in contention for Doug Feith’s (unofficial) title.