Here are a few slices of politics for your Thanksgiving feast. There are some real turkeys in here….
Thanksgiving on the right.
TPM: Top 5 Turkeys of Campaign 2012:
Best Thanksgiving day movies.
A conservative cultural warrior explains how to talk about same-sex marriage at Thanksgiving (via MoJo).
Flashback: Sarah Palin’s Thanksgiving Massacre!:
Mac and Cheese virgin Pat Robertson asks, Is Mac and Cheese a “Black Thing”?
Mark Fiore: A cartoonist gives thanks!
Megyn Kelly’s thanksgiving:
Obama pardons some turkeys.
New Lead In D.B. Cooper Case
No, not some flake claiming her uncle is D. B. Cooper — this is real honest-to-God forensic evidence, CSI stuff!
Before I get into that, I want to remind HA readers that today is the 40th anniversary of the Cooper hijacking.
Okay. Scientists examining a tie clip left on the plane by Cooper with electron microscopes found a fleck of titanium metal on the tie clip.
Here’s what else happened in 1971 besides the Cooper hijacking: Boeing canceled the SST a few weeks before the hijacking, and a lot of people were laid off, not only at Boeing, but at plants that made titanium.
The SST was about the only civilian airplane that used titanium at the time. But here’s the really interesting thing: The titanium found on Cooper’s tie clip was an aerospace alloy but pure titanium, which you wouldn’t find in a Boeing plant, so Cooper probably worked — and wore a tie — in a titanium smelting plant. How would titanium get on his tie clip, unless he wore a tie at work?
The purity of the titanium rules out Cooper being a Boeing employee. The tie clip rules in Cooper being a manager or engineer. In a raw titanium production facility. In 1971. Who disappeared. There’s not a hell of a lot of people who fit that description. And there’s no way in hell he could be anyone else, because the sky doesn’t rain drops of pure titanium on average Joes loitering on New Jersey street corners.
I told you this is happening behind the scenes.
So Sad. Heterosexuals run amuck.
Say it ain’t so Troll!
Looks like the Greg Halman story is getting sadder each day!
NASCAR fans spontaneously booing Michelle ObamAA+ and Dr. Jill Biden: BAD.
NBC (Barack ObamAA+’s favorite network) TV band people planning in advance and broadcasting it on Twitter to call Michele Bachmann a bitch: GOOD.
Yep, we see how liberals think. That’s a media fest in itself!
@7 you got it all wrong. NASCAR fans…..BAD. NBC TV….BAD, but poetic justice. And a difference between when a few individuals conspire to do something versus the general public in mass displaying low class and being disrespectful. Your accusation that every Liberal thinks the way you stated is just wrong. Like always Puffy you are a fool. But You should be proud of yourself, you learned how to make characters in Bold face.
How’s the Mac and Cheese?
@7 you are delusional and wrongly accusatory in the way you think and speak. Got Gun? Gonna murder the Family today?
@5 and they all look black too me. Say it isn’t so.
@10 not that white people aren’t racists and bigots, especially the homophobic kind, but they also classify themselves as heterosexuals.
@7 NBC apologizes. NASCAR sticks up for their fans. Pathetic. Where is NASCAR’s apology PuffyButt?
You are one deluded individual. You think all the NASCAR fans got together on Facebook or Twitter and said boo ObamAA+ and Biden? Booing someone is allowed. Remember Hilary Clinton said “I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.” So park that where the sun don’t shine gleeeman!
Cooking the turkey now!
Now who just brought that up gleeeeeman?
Good for NBC.
You just don’t understand gleeeeeman. Booing someone and calling a woman a BITCH are not equivalents!
@13 – where did I say that I THINK all the NASCAR fans got together on Facebook or Twitter, I said just the opposite, you moron. I said a few at NBC conspired, I didn’t say NASCAR fans conspired. I said that they in unison displayed low class (as they are classless people) and were disrespectful. You love to insinuate and accuse people of doing what they aren’t doing – classic smear campaign tactics by the right. Because you can’t win on an even playing field. Never have been able to and never will be able to. Nor did I say that they shouldn’t have been allowed to boo. I said it was classless and disrespectful period. How is the Mac and Cheese?
@15 – that witch has called people worse than a bitch. Like I said Poetic justice. You can’t have it both ways defending one and then allowing for the other. How’s the Mac and Cheese?
@15, now show me NASCAR’s apology. You expected one to apologize but not the other – that makes you a hypocrite.
@14 – I brought it up. What is your point?
@13 So now the puddymoron sees equivalency between debating issues and booing someone because she’s married to the president? He must be off his Ritalin again. Not that Ritalin can help soneone who’s off his rocker.
The rambling word salad of Sarah Palin while turkeys are being dispatched in the background is most hilarious.
A new Thanksgiving classic…
Is anyone more vacuous than Megyn Kelly?? Oh yeah that question is better asked of Michelle Bachmann… Megyn gets a pass on that one..
Remember the College Republicans who said Obama should be assassinated? Well, that kind of stupidity got on a plane and crossed the Atlantic:
“A Conservative party college student association in Britain will send a written apology to Barack Obama after its members burned an effigy of the U.S. president, it was announced Thursday. …
“A source said a number of the Conservative group’s committee members were Americans who support the Republican party. …
“Members of the association burned the effigy after its committee chose the U.S. president over the late Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, a student official told on Wednesday. …
“The incident took place on a beach in St. Andrews on Friday as part of a tradition by the society that has seen effigies of … former South African President Nelson Mandela hung among others. …
“A statement issued by the university on Thursday said: ‘We are satisfied that while the actions of the St Andrews Conservative Association in burning an effigy of President Obama were naïve and crassly insensitive, they were not intentionally racist.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You can bet it was racist, and you can also bet the only reason these asswipes backed off is because the university threatened them with sanctions and/or the British government threatened to revoke their visas.
Once again Roger DOPEY Rabbit forgets… Well he is an old useless rabbit.
Oh wait there’s more…
Oh my DOPEY Rabbit…
Reaching and projecting again? Where did I even say that?
Ohhh pooor gleeee man,
Now you see what you leftists do to Puddy each day. Witness the witless DOPEY Rabbit attack above about some dumb equivalency he dreamed up!
Recently, much has been made of the fact President Obama authorized a drone strike against a U.S. citizen operating as a high-level Al Qaida terrorist on foreign soil in the Middle East. Hell, that guy was a combatant on a battlefield, so of course our military fired back at him.
What’s much less justifiable is the fact that, under the Bush Administration, the U.S. military kidnapped and tortured U.S. soldiers and U.S. contractors on mere suspicion — or, one suspects, on nothing at all, and now they’re using “suspicion” as an excuse to cover up their blatantly lawless conduct.
But it’s catching up with them. High-level U.S. courts are ruling that high-level U.S. officials who authorized the kidnapping and torture of U.S. citizens serving in, or working for, U.S. armed foces in Iraq can sue those ex-officials.
At this point, we don’t know how many potential such cases there are; but even one jury verdict would be enough to financially break even a wealthy kidnapper/torturer.
@23 I forget nothing. Let’s start with this quote from your own stupid wingnut link:
“Why was no one ever arrested for threatening President Bush at protests”
Hate to tell you (and your wingnut sources), puddyclueless, but Bush’s goons arrested people for far less than that:
“Christine Nelson showed up at the Cedar Rapids rally with a Kerry-Edwards button pinned on her T-shirt; Alice McCabe clutched a small, paper sign stating ‘No More War.’ … Their reward: a pair of handcuffs and a strip search at the county jail.”
So. You shill for a gangster political party whose goons throw people in jail for wearing a Kerry t-shirt or opposing war, and you’re an apologist for people who publicly advocate assassinating the president. Were you born with the IQ of a cantalope (in which case we should feel sorry for you), or did somebody brain you with a brick when you were a kid?
What explains the NASCAR people’s total disrespect of the office that they justify and tolerate, is because she’s black and she’s a Democrat, and you know it.
Of course, those little twits from the College Republicans at the University of Texas can’t be prosecuted for advocating the assassination of President Obama, nor can the numbskull in the photo in the link @23 be prosecuted for his “Kill Bush” sign, because that’s free speech.
So here’s my suggestion: That guy should marry that U of T gal, because they have the same DNA and if they ever figure out how to make kids, we can keep the Neanderthal pure strain alive for another generation, for research purposes.
And an apologist for Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and all that represents, and for the senseless murder of gay children.
Or are you merely an amoral, soulless asshole?
Ahhh yes, to be in their heads on Thanksgiving.
P R I C E L E S S!
There goes the race baiting again gleeeeeman!
Wow Lib Headcase,
While the rest of the lib MSM moves on the head case head continues to explode!
To #1: It was also pointed out that while titanium is a widely used material in 2011, it was extremely rare in 1971. It sounds like this discovery might narrow the search down to a few hundred individuals.
I think we’re getting close to finally having some answers on this. This seems to be a pretty significant discovery.
I have to admit, I’d be a little bummed out to see this guy imprisoned (assuming he survived the jump, is still alive today and gets caught). There’s something about a non-violent crime of this magnitude that makes you root for the guy who pulled it off.
Wow got the DOPEY Rabbit all riled up.
Of course peeps were arrested after all those demonstrations. But as we can see lib hatred is much worse than conservative dislike!
To #7: Hardcore Nascar fans are idiots. So are late-night bandleaders.
Can’t everyone be wrong?
Happy Thanksgiving to all my new wacky liberal friends! :)
Puffy – do you think you could ever make a point without pitting liberal versus conservative argument? Like try to male a point on some type of grounds or circumstances.
Republicans suck. Lol.
@32 what are yoo Mitt Romney? That qoute isn’t even from me. WTF are you talking about?
@40 What do you expect from puddynut? Accuracy? Dream on …
Need A Hearty Horse Neigh?
Wherein Paul Begala, a card-carrying Democrat, calls Mitster “the zillionaire layoff artist with the square jaw and the Slinky spine,” and extols Newt’s virtues (from the Democrats’ point of view) as a potential GOP nominee:
Does gleeeeman forget what Roger DOPEY Rabbit claims the blog thought is? It’s not Republicans are great!
Everything on this leftist blog is a conservative argument dood!
Too funny that Gman is in the latino hater’s head…
No, not “maxie” the asshat. The other one..
Hijacking an airplane and then exacting a ransom upon threat of deadly force is hardly “non-violent”..
He should be apprehended and then prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
@35 No, putz, I wasn’t riled up; I crotch-kick you because it’s enjoyable.
Gman, you forget.. Puddybud is insane..
@47 Maybe he had to much Mac and Cheese today. But maybe not, he’s this way everyday.
@23 – Hey Puffy those Kill Bush signs were funny, thanks for sharing.
To #45: I don’t mean to excuse his actions. However, I disagree that anything he did was particularly violent. Obviously the threat of violence was there, but ultimately, he carried out his plan as “safely” and “peacefully” as possible.
The passengers and crew of that flight were never in any real danger. Given the lax security measures of the day, Cooper could have easily carried a firearm on the flight, but he didn’t. I think that was a conscious decision on his part. All he had was his phony bomb and a ransom note.
Furthermore, the flight attended that served as his hostage throughout the ordeal described him as “rather nice” and “thoughtful”, and even pointed out that he insisted she keep the change for the cocktail he paid for during the hijacking. Hardly the actions of a violent maniac.
Again, I in no way condone what he did. You’re absolutely correct in saying he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and locked away for the rest of his life.
I just kind of hope he isn’t.
Yeah baby, the most ethical administration ever?
YEP! Weally Weally Ethical!
But you keep missing and landing on your “bunny ears”.
@52 If you don’t feel anything, you have no balls.
Oh really? The HA DUMMOCRAPTS won’t like this…
@51 I like our crooks better than your crooks. One reason being they’re not as greedy — they don’t try to steal the whole fucking world.
@37 We’re delighted to have a new troll to kick around. The old ones are threadbare.
50 – I’m sorry.. I can’t find anything the least bit positive to say about this criminal.
Was the device in Cooper’s luggage a ruse?? Maybe so but what if it wasn’t?? Maybe he was willing to die rather than go to prison and take all those passengers and crew with him!
Ted Bundy was also sympathetic to his victims. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to get near them.
I totally hope he is caught and thrown in prison for the maximum stay as prescribed by law. If he dies in prison so be it. If he survives, fine. In any case, he has to answer for his criminal behavior.
Oh really? The HA DUMMOCRAPTS won’t like this either…
Mac and Cheese… Funny I seem to recall an obese right wing idiot I call Limpblows saying something about peanut butter at one time..
I understand aflatoxins can induce coma.. I always suspected the fool is a zombie..
Speaking of crooks, Herman Cain’s field operations guy drew a lifetime ban from the securities industry for selling securities without a license, and was the target of a federal corruption investigation.
Here’s another example of how Republicans do everything in their power to undermine democracy and impose their will on all of us in a dictatorial manner.
YOu know that 18% tax rate on billionaires? Well, that’s the tax rate on the income they pay taxes on. The effective tax rate on most of their income is zero. And Republicans fight tooth and claw to protect the God-given right of billionaires to pay no taxes:
“The rate at which the 400 U.S. taxpayers with the highest adjusted gross income actually paid federal income taxes — their so-called effective tax rate — fell to about 18 percent in 2008 from almost 30 percent in 1995, IRS data show. That’s the tip of the iceberg, since much of their wealth never converts into income on a tax return, McCaffery said.”
This factoid is brought to you by that radical leftwing propaganda rag, the Seattle Times:
Let’s recap why the deficit reduction negotiations collapsed. Here’s what Republicans offered to Democratic negotiators: Raise middle class taxes and cut middle class entitlements to give millionaires another tax cut.
Looks to me like Republicans aren’t serious about deficits or public debt, and that’s putting it mildly.
“It’s still desirable to defer the tax and wind up with an interest free loan from the government,” he said. “Chances are you don’t get audited and if it does get challenged the odds are good you’ll have a settlement for some fraction of the amount you saved. Who wouldn’t want that?”
Wow.. Rich right wingers sure have some interesting problems for their lawyers and bean counters to solve…
The Brit’s have been burning all sorts of people in effigy for hundreds of years, why’d they get all sensitive about it now?
65 – Amazing that right wingers in Britain can still be embarrassed by their own over the top behavior..
Hasn’t been the case in this country since way before 9/11..
Right wingers here have not one iota of shame.. And it isn’t going to change until a whole lot of folks die and those who are left just aren’t going to put up with it anymore.
That day is fast approaching.
Rep. Don Young of Alaska is one of the bigger Republican jackasses in Congress, and in this video clip, an academic he tries to push around in a congressional hearing pushes him right back.
Dang. Young’s a POS.
Now that I think, of it the Brits usually stick to people that are already dead.
What? Lefties think of conservative women as lyin ass bitches! Where would a righty think like that?
I wonder, could DNA evidence from the time before courts began using DNA evidence be trusted? Collection methods at the time were probably different. Also, unless the suspect is dead in the Cooper case, they don’t have much witness testimony left. The cockpit crew is either dead or retired(Captain, First Officer, and Flight Engineer), the flight attendants are at least retired by now. THe plane was scrapped awhile ago. Although it would be great to have closure in the case.
70 – Kathleen Parker is a halfway classy lady..
Michelle Bachman… Heh..
Folks just callin’ it as they see it…
It’s not a proper holiday in America without someone getting shot.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
@70 “Where would a righty think like that?”
What righty would know better? Conservative women usually are gold diggers and social climbers. They’re looking for the best deal they can get. And if something even better comes along, sayonara!
Puddy – here is your election fraud committed by Republicans.
The U.N. says it has received “numerous, consistent, and substantiaed reports” that Syrian thug dictator Hafez Assad’s security forces are torturing childen.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Righties don’t like the U.N. For decades, their slogan has been “U.S. out of U.N.!” OTOH, righties do seem to like rightwing thug dictators. Why do righties hate children?
@67 Like most POS wingnuts these days, Young was begging to be bitch slapped. Like Brinkley, I would have been very pleased to have obliged the motherfucker, just as I’m always pleased to oblige our stupid fucking trolls.
careful about using the term “bitch slap”, steve.
Anchorbaby-YLB’s pussy might start hurting and he will get all offended.
he might call you violent-n-stuff…probably start frothing a little bit too.
I guess that’s one way getting to the front of the line.
Police to review videotape in Wal-Mart pepper spray incident
November 25, 2011 | 10:05 am
Los Angeles police detectives hope to retrieve video surveillance evidence from a Porter Ranch Wal-Mart store by early Friday afternoon to begin trying to identify a woman who shot pepper spray at other shoppers to get a Black Friday competitive edge.
“We’re going to check the video surveillance and hope the cameras were pointed in the right direction,” said LAPD Sgt. R.J. Valle of the Devonshire station.
The woman apparently sought to purchase an Xbox video game console and used the spray to clear out other shoppers. About 20 customers, including children, were hurt in the Thursday night incident, which police officials called “shopping rage.” Shoppers complained of minor skin and eye irritation and sore throats.
Happy Black Friday everyone.
We are so fucked.
78 – zzzzZZZZzzzz.. My friends know my position on hurling anti-female epithets – let the right wing do it. Oh my have they done it in spades here. My friends of course are free to do what they want and the right wing dings like you usually are hypocrites when you taunt about “misogyny” or “sexism” on the left.
So how’d the racist joke telling session go around your family turkey feast yesterday? Get in any good ones against the people who harvested your yams or packed the bird/ham/prime rib??
awww….poor little anchorbaby-YLB is crying now.
I dont care who picks or packs my food, so long as they are legal and have good hygiene.
how was thanksgiving at el centro de la raza?
speaking of racist groups, Im sure you are a card carrying member.
remember now, you got called out for being racist two years ago…and the beat still goes on. Why do you hate black and white framers and roofers? we know you do, its been proven.
Im going out on the water today…going to pollute a little and cruise around. You know, burn up some diesel just for kicks.
– hell, if I see a dolphin or whale, I may even try and run them over, just for the fun of it.
now run along little girl.
Has to be a bunch of heterosexuals.
@78…. you sure you weren’t referring to PuffyButt?
@83 – loser.
83 – spoken like a true racist…
Keep it up racist.. Your kind has been with us always and always will be. Everything’s that bad about this country is due to people like you.
One day the world will change under your feet and you’ll have no choice but to adapt or act out violently. Such is the way with your kind.
Hilarious.. How could I forget???
If an abstinence policy doesn’t work in the South and I say so, all of a sudden an ignorant right wing freak calls me a racist…
LMAO!!! A right wing idiocy classic…
Heh.. Don’t drink now.. A lot of accidents happen on the water..
Have a ball racist!
NCLR is no more racist than any other ethnic organization like the German American Society.
That NCLR promotes racism is just another stupid right wing smear job.
That of course you’ve fallen for hook line and sinker..
Be careful on the water..
To #81: When people with racist or sexist tendencies find out I’m conservative, they always seem to think they’re free to share their views with me. It’s become a prejudice of its own – that as a white conservative man, you are likely racist and/or sexist.
Obviously, the idiots that cling to these small-minded stereotypes are the root of the problem. But the liberals that lump practically all conservatives in with this small (albeit very loud) group of bigots are exasperating the problem. Maybe that’s their intention, or maybe they truly believe all conservatives share these views.
It’s 2011, and yet here we are having the same old conversations. We have a black president. We could’ve had a female president just as easily. We have the most diversified Republican primary ever. But all of that is being overshadowed by a handful of confederate flag-flying idiots who think they’re superior to somebody else because of a chromosome or the pigmentation of their skin. These are people that should be ignored at all costs, and instead we’re giving them a megaphone. Every time we talk about those people or tie them to an entire political ideology, we give them a little more power.
It’s naive to think there will ever be a time that racism or sexism will completely disappear. But we can marginalize the people who share in these views if we refuse to give them a voice.
Some species are protected.. Thinking of breaking the law just because you’re called out for being an ignorant racist?
Of course you are – people like you think the law doesn’t apply to them.
I hope you’re caught. The consequences couldn’t happen to a nicer dumbass.
@91 – why is it that most people I meet that say bigoted stuff are Republicans. Not that Democrats can’t be bigots.
91 – The internet is catnip for bigots and louts. They’re more or less free to be themselves. And they come to forums like this one where there’s little to no regulation on their behavior.
So yes, because this is a liberal oriented forum and the regulation is lax, this has tended to draw the very worst of the right.
Some conservatives have comported themselves well here, yourself included.. I have little problem with you.
Don’t hate them at all.. Who’s hiring the undocumented framers and roofers??? Don’t hear many right wing dings complaining about them.
We? The ten voices crowded in your pin head?
Damn that one post was rich!
Nah, I dont drink on the water. You having flashbacks of your pops getting drunk and beating the shit out of you and your mom? dont put that projection on me, Im not your drunk-ass pops.
LMAO, its so easy to pull your puppet strings…I could tell you that im going to torpedo the first mexican-flagged ship I see, and you would believe it.
To #93: I think most bigots probably are Republicans. My issue is that it’s so frequently assumed that most Republicans are bigots.
LMAO!! And you’re not a Republican either…
And pleeeeezzzz.. C’mon you’re completely projecting about your dad.. You’re dumb as a stump.. And we know that shit isn’t good for the old noggin..
Hope you had a nice time breaking the law on the water.
Heh. And make up any fantasy you want to “pull my strings”.. It still leads to the same conclusion: you’re an ignorant racist.
All that needs to be said. Case closed.
To #94: From what I’ve seen on this site, you’re getting a lot of conservatives who are just looking to get a rise out of the liberals. I don’t think this is a fair representation of most conservatives, and certainly not of the conservatives I know.
The level of disrespect shown by some of the people on this site is unbelievable.
99 – It’s not for the the faint of heart, no…
Surprise Twins: Man Sues Fertility Clinic
Straight people do the strangest things.
If a man has kids against his will, is he responsible for child support?
Gosh, The Occupoopers sure know how to jam it to corporate America. With all there efforts to dissuade folks from shopping at the big retailers, it appears this will be the BEST BLACK FRIDAY EVER.
Congrats fleabaggers.
You morons always seem to have the opposite effect of your efforts.
No one is taking you fleabaggers seriously..except to do the opposite of what you are protesting apparently.
Take a bath.
Get a job.
Unless being paid by SEIU to protest something you are clueless about is a job!~
Too bad for the consumer:
More people should listen to those who are counseling consumers to STAY AWAY..
I’ve never once joined in on that insanity.
I’ve been asking “pro-lifers” that for a while now. They want to have it so if the man in who got a woman pregnant doesn’t want her to have an abortion she can’t get one (never mind the biological and logistical issues here). But, what if the man wants her to get an abortions and she doesn’t want one?
Looks like we might be back to where we were before Bush and Co. crashed daddy’s car and this time around people are spending cash, instead of just racking up credit card debit.
Thanks Obama!
Well shit, that link doesn’t seem to work.
Let’s try it again.
Weird I can’t seem to link to that graph. The link’s correct. I give up.
Why is a taxpayer-supported public university paying recruiters to lure unqualified foreign students? Here’s why:
“When Missouri State’s Springfield campus decided in 2007 to create an executive M.B.A. program for visiting Chinese students, the school realized it needed a recruiter steeped in that country’s language, culture and educational practices. The university hired the International Management Education Center in Hong Kong under a deal that paid recruiters $10,000 to $12,000 for each graduate student. The school kept the balance of student payments ranging from $15,000 to $22,000.”
@101 “If a man has kids against his will, is he responsible for child support?”
Texas law seems to say he wouldn’t be the legal father of the child if the girlfriend stole his sperm and used it for IVF without his knowledge or consent. Such issues as whether his signature was forged on the consent form and whether his sperm was used for this purpose without his knowledge or consent are questions of fact for a jury to decide.
@104 “But, what if the man wants her to get an abortions and she doesn’t want one?”
Legally, the man has no say in whether the woman gets an abortion, and her refusal doesn’t excuse him from paying child suport.
299 “The level of disrespect shown by some of the people on this site is unbelievable.”
We feel the people we’re disrespectful to have it coming.
I, for one, will never forgive the rightists who impugned my loyalty and patriotism simply because I questioned the wisdom of invading Iraq in 2003. Some things are unforgivable and that’s one of them. This isn’t just a difference of opinion anymore; when they personalized it in that fashion, they turned it into visceral enmity.
Back when I worked at The Evergreen State College, they did the same thing trying to recruit out of state students. Most of the kids that gave Evergreen a bad name were those out of state kids. Most Evergreen students are place bound locals. Just regular folks.
Shh… Nobody tell Ocho @102 that the OWS’ers were asking people to shop at small, local, businesses. The Republicans made their name protecting and promoting main street businesses and businessmen, btw.
Darn those OWS’ers acting like 1950’s Republicans!
To #109: I was actually referring to some of the more outrageous remarks I’ve seen from my fellow right-wingers.
Back when HA was getting started we had Republicans engaging in some really nasty attacks and then turning around and presenting themselves as the party of decorum. HA’s founder David Goldstein would try to draw them out and get them to attack (he didn’t have to try very hard) to show that they weren’t really very nice after all.
HA was also a gathering place where people people could feel free to drop the occasional F’ bomb and engage in a little backroom brawling.
So, according to the podcast I’m listening too right now one of Michele Bachmann’s top fund raisers was hip deep in the Tom Petters Ponzi scheme.
Look at all these peoples going crazy and being disrespectful to corporate America. And you know who shops at Wal-Mart don’t you. Dumpacrats that’s who!
LMAO!!! You’re making this way toooooo easy..
Well all I can say is I hope they don’t shoot back.. What a freaking loss to humanity it would be if they managed to ring your bell!
Keep it coming racist asshat!
Ah, yes, the golden years . . . I remember thinking one of the original trolls (prf or something like that?) couldn’t possibly be serious about the racist, rightist rant that he’d spewed. So, I shot back a little soft sarcasm. He exploded. I then realized that, indeed, these folks are not only out there, but they’ve learned how to get on the internet.
117 – prr, what a piece of crap he was..
Think I heard that comment somewhere before…
Karen Smith had a job on the New York state supreme court, but she’s retired now.
Hmm… Maybe after they’re cleaned them selves up some of those folks could try for that $850,000 contract that’s floating around to smear OWS’ers….
I haven’t said anything about this before, but I’ve been watching and wondering about it. You see, Tacoma’s had an occupy movement camped out in down town Tacoma for just as long as Seattle has, but in Tacoma’s case there hasn’t been a single problem and everyone’s getting along just fine.
Just one more thing that proves that people from Tacoma are far superior to people in Seattle.
The dedication to events put together by such patriots and groups like the Tea Party and others bring tears of joy to my eye just to know that true Constitutionalists and Conservatives are out there. Yet in the end the liberal, progressive, looter dogma is buried so deep there is nothing that will change it short of a civil war. No way to get rid of them short of violence
@83 “I dont care who picks or packs my food, so long as they are legal and have good hygiene.”
Given how agricultural economics works in the United States, it’s extremely likely you’ve been eating food picked and packed by illegals ever since you stopped sucking on your mama’s tit.
That’s actually me @221. I was trying quote him and have a little fun with him . But, it’s late and I bolloxed it up and I’m going to call it a day and head for bed instead. The quote’s taken from this little blog:
And that the farmer didn’t provide honey buckets or hand washing facilities.
“The Budget Control Act that Congress passed in August stipulated that if the supercommittee failed, government spending would be cut automatically by some $1.2 trillion, with the axe falling most heavily on the Pentagon. Add this ‘sequestration’ to the $350 billion of cuts already agreed on this summer, and the Defence Department is looking at losing up to $1 trillion, almost a fifth of the total, from its spending plans in the ten years from 2013. Leon Panetta, Barack Obama’s defence secretary, calls the consequences ‘devastating’. At the end of the ten years, he says, the United States would have the smallest ground force since 1940, the fewest ships since 1915 and the smallest air force in its history. Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, both Republicans, claim that America would face a ‘swift decline as the world’s leading military power’.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Huh?? The Pentagon budget grew 80% from 2001 to 2008; someone’s gonna tell me they can’t — with two wars winding down — find 20% to cut??
Nowadays, one cruise missile can do the work of a thousand B-29s; in the old days, they had to carpet-bomb a whole province to hit a factory or dam, but now we can take it out with a single bomb.
We have more aircraft carriers than the rest of the world’s nations combined; how many more do we need?
Want to know what a trillion dollars looks like? This one airplane will cost us taxpayers a trillion dollars:
In other words, you can get all of the needed Pentagon spending cuts by canceling this one project!
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns stock in Lockheed Martin, the prime contractor for the F-35, but he isn’t worried; Roger Rabbit feels confident that Republican militarists will keep those dirty fucking hippie peacenik Democrats from cutting this program.)
We’re buying trillion dollar airplanes and losing wars to people that are making bombs out of propane tanks and taking potshots at soldiers with Lee-Enfields.
Hmmm, now this is interesting …
“The day after the supercommittee … failed, … Newt Gingrich declined to agree that all military savings were unacceptable, and Ron Paul questioned their true magnitude. Neither Grover Norquist … nor the tea-party movement, sees a reason to exempt the Pentagon …. FreedomWorks, an advocacy group, … embraces a plan by Tom Coburn, a conservative senator from Oklahoma, for $1 trillion of defence cuts over the decade.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Given that defense spending bounded upward from $400 billion to $700 billion in just one decade, somebody tell me the generals and admirals can’t find $100 billion of annual spending cuts by slowing and downsizing procurements, retiring some of our active nuclear weapons and ICBMs, pulling our troops out of Europe (news flash: the Soviet Union doesn’t exist anymore!), and closing obsolete bases whose only function is to keep congressmen happy. Also, we have 10 times as many admirals and generals as we need to fill command slots; keep the best and get rid of the rest.
How many people ever get to be the best ever at something? The best ever home run hitter, the best ever base runner, the best ever chess player, the best ever watchmaker?
George Daniels was born poor in North London. When he was 5 or 6 years old, he pried open an old watch with a breadknife … and saw the universe inside.
Later on, he built a mechanical watch that lost less than a second of time per month, just to prove it could be done.
For most of his life, he built watches on speculation, not commission — 37 different designs in all. But this — this — was his piece de resistance:
“Mr Daniels became obsessed with the tick, tock of clocks (a sound that filled his various homes, together with silvery chimes), and how to get an impulse on both the tick and the tock that would not be affected by humidity, temperature, oil sludge or agitation. His solution, invented in 1976, was the co-axial escapement, an arrangement in which two wheels, placed one above the other, transmitted to the pallet a radial impulse that needed no lubrication and so (if wound) would never stop.”
Think of it: Needed no lubrication and so (if wound) would never stop. A perpetual motion machine that worked.
George Daniels, 1925 – 2011. The man was a genius, artist, and craftsman all rolled into one.
unfortunately, that is probably true…