“After a Thanksgiving phone call with troops, President Donald Trump shares that he is thankful for his family and for making a ‘tremendous difference in this country.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Typical statement from the narcissistic potentate. Me, me, me, me, me, me. He suffers from tunnel vision and can’t think of anything beyond himself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 This video is what Palin will be remembered for. It was a photo-op, and she almost spoiled it by smirking instead of holding a poker face.
He suffers from tunnel vision and can’t think of anything beyond himself.
Like that boofer troll..
Bird finally got in the oven at 1 pm. Whew! Dinner at 6 or so..
It’s gonna be good!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 And called up the troops on Thanksgiving Day to air his political grievances.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
If it really hurts your “feels” you can always sober up, move out of that filthy trailer, scrape the NRA sticker off your coal roller, and join the future.
@ 4
Typical statement from the narcissistic potentate. Me, me, me, me, me, me. He suffers from tunnel vision and can’t think of anything beyond himself.
It’s like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has never heard a Barack Obama speech.
That’s not a turkey dessert. It’s a black man’s genitalia on fire.
Apparently I’m standing in for gman today.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Are you seriously trying to argue that Obama is an infantile self-worshipper like Trump? Really? C’mon, doc, even for you that’s way out there.
Trump's weird little penisspews:
It’s a black man’s genitalia on fire.
Don’t know about anyone else. But I’m just not seeing it.
Maybe I’ll ask Jared next time we get together.
Bill and Hillary aren’t having such a happy Thanksgiving.
This is jaw-dropping. The Clinton Foundation’s 2017 annual report is finally online–WOW. Lots to unpack but digest this nugget:
2015 Total Contributions: $182.5M
2016 Total Contributions: $135.4M
2017 Total Contributions: $22.8M 😭
8:18 AM – Nov 21, 2018
Bill can’t even get a blow job these days.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@11 “Are you seriously trying to argue that Obama is an infantile self-worshipper like Trump? Really? ”
You bet he is because that is all he has. Obama never sucked up to dictators or responded, “meh” to a hit ordered by a Saudi royal.
Hmm, let’s see:
Nobel Peace Prize
Number of advisors convicted: 1 (Gen. Petraeus)
Indicted: None
Number of advisors convicted: 8
Indicted: 27 Individuals and 3 Corporations.
I could call Trump a litany of derogatory terms but the one term that applies is: unqualified.
Roger Rabbitspews:
For the record, here’s how Obama spent Thanksgiving:
“Former President Barack Obama paid an unannounced visit Tuesday to the Greater Chicago Food Depository, where he helped bag potatoes for Thanksgiving meals. … Obama arrived with bags of donated food and donned latex gloves to work side by side with volunteers at the nonprofit, which helps provide meals to more than 700 food pantries and shelters across Cook County, Illinois.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump wouldn’t be caught in a food bank helping the poors, but you might see him stuffing his face at the McDonald’s down the street.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There’s President Cool and President Fool, and they ain’t the same.
Trump's weird little penisspews:
I’m very, very thankful to be alive when America is bringing back millions of tremendous coal, steel and manufacturing jobs and rediscovering our moral center.
@9. You object to the self-referential presidency of Barack Obama but the cowardly actions of trump is fine? Hypocrite.
@ 18
I pointed out the self-referential nature of Obama’s oratory. You added the rest, asshole.
@ 15
For the record, here’s how Obama spent Thanksgiving:
Actually, that was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Although it made me wonder what Obama did on the last Tuesday before Thanksgiving he spent as president.
Hey, turns out he awarded a Medal of Freedom to Ellen Degeneres. Dancing with her when he ran for president did wonders for his cred in 2007, after all. Gotta return the favor.
Obama over his eight years in office awarded more Medals of Freedom than Trump ate Big Macs during the same period of time.
There are more people with Obama-granted Medals of Freedom than there are women who have slept with Bill Clinton.
The average citizen had a better chance of receiving a Medal of Freedom from Obama than (s)he did of winning free fries playing the Monopoly game at McDonalds.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@21 More bullshit word salad from you as you can’t possibly back up your claim about the number of Big Macs that Trump has eaten.
Even more outlandish is the claim, “The average citizen had a better chance of receiving a Medal of Freedom from Obama than (s)he did of winning free fries playing the Monopoly game at McDonalds.” An “average citizen” is not the recipient of such an honor as the Medal of Freedom, as the act of being awarded the honor in itself indicates that they are not “average” because the actions to be considered for such an honor are beyond average.
It sounds like you are jealous that you 1) won’t ever get the Medal of Freedom and 2) Bill Clinton has slept with more women than you.
Good news is Trump likes horse-fucking mysognistic bigots like you so you might have a real shot at getting a Trump Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Roger Rabbitspews:
40 members of the UW Marching Band were injured in a bus rollover accident on icy I-90 near George on their way to Pullman for the Apple Cup.
Trump's weird little penisspews:
My boss says he likes the McChicken sandwich more because it “pairs” better with Diet Coke.
Hillary Clinton, white nationalist.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal
10h10 hours ago
Deeply misguided and unfortunate comment from someone who must know better.
““I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame,” Mrs. Clinton said in the interview with The Guardian, which was conducted before the United States midterm elections this month.
“I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message — ‘we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support’ — because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic,” she said.”
If you think about it, the only thing that separates Hillary Clinton from the incels is gender.
I mean, she’s not getting any, they’re not getting any…
This @ 25 was very predictable.
Trump's weird little penisspews:
I’m an incel too!
This Thanksgiving, Glenn Greenwald offers a big Fuck You to the Goldys of the left.
…how do you justify to yourself that you’re still a good person even though you arm, prop up, empower and enable the world’s worst monsters, genocides, and tyrannies?
Simple: by pretending that you don’t do any of that, that such acts are contrary to your system of values, that you actually work to oppose rather than protect such atrocities, that you’re a warrior and crusader for democracy, freedom and human rights around the world.
That’s the lie that you have to tell yourself: so that you can look in the mirror without instantly feeling revulsion, so that you can show your face in decent society without suffering the scorn and ostracization that your actions merit, so that you can convince the population over which you have ruled that the bombs you drop and the weapons with which you flood the world are actually designed to help and protect people rather than slaughter and oppress them.
Nothing new here. No one’s calculus was changed. The difference is this time there’s a guy in the office y’all hate. So gin up some more faux outrage, ’cause there are three more days to the weekend.
Here’s a memory check for y’all:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration has offered Saudi Arabia more than $115 billion in weapons, other military equipment and training, the most of any U.S. administration in the 71-year U.S.-Saudi alliance, a report seen by Reuters has found.
The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.
Supreme Court’s future rides on Ginsburg’s health
“Given that she wants her vision of the law to prevail, it was a mistake to hang in there indefinitely,” said Daniel Epps, an associate professor of law at the Washington University School of Law. “If she stays for five more years from now, that’s 2023. Even if there’s a Democratic president elected in 2020, it’s quite possible that Republicans might control the Senate in 2023.”
Epps said that for now, the future of the court is riding on Ginsburg’s health.
“We shouldn’t be in this position where the future of certain policies turn on whether this old woman is healthy or not,” he said.
Shows just how twisted some of these Clinton haters are.
Do they have Black Friday sales on catheters and evacuation bags, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 “Here’s a memory check for y’all:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration has offered Saudi Arabia more than $115 billion in weapons, other military equipment and training, the most of any U.S. administration in the 71-year U.S.-Saudi alliance, a report seen by Reuters has found.”
And here’s a memory check for you: MBS wasn’t running S.A. or murdering journalists back then. Know why we call you a dumbfuck? Because you are one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Ginsburg should’ve quit during Obama’s tenure? Really? So Yertle could obstruct another appointment? Personally, I think the next time there’s a Democratic Senate and a Republican president, hell should freeze over before any of his appointments get confirmed. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
@ 36
Hillary Clinton’s more like AIDS than herpes.
’cause she absolutely murdered the Democrats’ chances to control the Supreme Court for the next generation.
Plus, she already caught herpes from Bill.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 As that where you log on when you’re in the mood for posting scripted bullshit? If so, you’re spending way too much time there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 You tell me. You’re the asshole expert.
@ 39
Ginsburg should have quit during Obama’s tenure? Really? So Yertle could obstruct another appointment?
Well, the timing might have been better had she done it sometime between Harry Reid’s deployment of the Nuclear Option and the Democrats’ loss of the Senate a year later.
Gawd, Thank Christ for Harry Reid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 Weaker than day old coffee.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 Just so long as you understand the simple majority rule is here to stay. It doesn’t flip back the next time a Democratic president has a 1-vote Senate majority.
Oh and one more thing: If Roe v. Wade can be overturned, then so can Heller, Citizens United, and every other SCOTUS decision. Nothing will be permanent anymore. I’m not saying flipflopping precedents with every party change in D.C. is a good thing; all I’m saying is that’s where this is heading.
@ 45
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you are far from the first to point out the permanence of Reid’s decision.
McConnell’s 2013 Warning To Reid About Senate ‘Nuclear Option’ Returns To Haunt Dems
In the video, McConnell is warning Reid and Democrats about using the “nuclear option” that was preserved on video and is now returning to haunt Democrats who hope to block Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court.
McConnell tells Reid and the Democrats simply, “You’ll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think.”
The video and quote started circulating on social media within an hour of Kennedy’s retirement announcement.
Thanks to Reid’s stupidity and Hillary Clinton’s incompetence, the GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.
Trump's weird little penisspews:
Chief Justice Roberts is totally out of control. He needs to shut his damn mouth before my boss shuts it for him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 Let’s clear up something right now: Reid took the action he did because Yertle abused the 60-vote rule. Every bit of this comes back to GOP obstructionism, which reached its culmination when Yertle sat on Merrick Garland’s nomination for a year. None of this Reid’s fault. All of it, every bit of it, is McConnell’s fault. Everyone but you understands that. It shouldn’t be necessary to spell it out, but you being a dumbfuck makes it necessary.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Schumer should lay down a rule right now: If we lose Roe, you lose Heller. If there’s going to be no legal abortions in this country, then there should be no legal guns in this country, either. If you want to shoot, you’ll have to join the National Guard.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
You are wasting your time trying to point that out to Dr. Dumbfuck, he is too simple-minded to get any of that.
Funny thing about supposedly conservative judges appointed to the SCOTUS by GOP Presidents, they sometimes turn out to be a bit more liberal that they were perceived when confirmed. Now that Trump has shot his mouth off about “Obama” vs. “Trump” judges, just watch Roberts start to “lean the other way”. How big of a deal was it for the CJOTSCOTUS to make a public comment about this issue? To put it in terms a Trumper can understand, it was Hhhuuuuugggggeeeeee.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@32 Everything you post here is a spew.
More Fake News and comments from you. No wonder you support Trump, you make shit up and talk about it like it is fact.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 I know well the futility of trying to get a dumbfuck to realize he’s a dumbfuck. That’s not my purpose. My intent is to print a scarlet letter on his forehead to warn others. This one is a “D” not an “A”.
I predict those two words will be on everyone’s lips long after the Clinton Foundation is forgotten. Especially in House hearings.
Awesome day today on the Stock Market!
Picked me up some awesomely cheap great buys…..Black Friday Stock Market!
How about you Bob? Any Bullish moves today?
@ 48
Miguel Estrada would not share your opinion, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. An abuse of the 60-vote rule by Democrats against GWB43’s judicial selection. Then there was Obama’s participation in an effort to filibuster Alito.
Beginning with Bork, the confirmation process have become ever more partisan.
Reid took the action he did because it prevented a need to compromise in some way. Now Democrats like Harris and Feinstein expect compromise from Trump.
They’re clowns for floating the concept, and you’re a born clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
And yes, next time you have the White House and 50 votes in the Senate, it will be your turn. Better hope RBG lasts that long.
Trump's weird little penisspews:
Robert Bork was the greatest, most loyal defender of Republican criminal conspiracies ever and should be celebrated as a hero of the republic!
My boss could really use some loyal foot soldiers like him right now.
Surprisingly, this woman was not referring to Harry Reid nuking the filibuster.
“One stupid mistake and we’re all getting punished for it,” said Kayla, who declined to give her last name.
Probably the worst thing any Republican could ever say about Robert Bork is that he never rented any Sasquatch porn.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Two years from now, Republicans will face a difficult Senate map and run the most unpopular president of our lifetimes.
It won’t take much to put Hillary Clinton on the Supreme Court.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 Sounds like maybe the first stupid mistake was somebody gratuitously mouthing off to these homeless people. And don’t forget that people who live in mansions commit attempted murders, too. But Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t one to pass up an opportunity to stereotype people as criminals based on their socioeconomic status. The only criminal in that encampment was the guy with the bat.
A Republican is someone who thinks poverty is a moral failing and feeding the homeless is a crime but bankers stealing billions is not.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 There’s a vacancy on the D.C. Court of Appeals right now. If he’s so great, why doesn’t Trump renominate him? He has 17 more years of legal experience than he did in 2001, and confirming him would be a breeze. Unlike Trump’s last judicial nominee, Estrada didn’t spend his teen years raping underage girls.
Oh, wait, he’s an immigrant. That disqualifies him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 “Beginning with Bork, the confirmation process have become ever more partisan.”
Correction, beginning with Bork the nomination process has become ever more partisan.
Did Reagan, Republicans, you, or anyone else really believe Democrats would allow the sleazebag who carried out Nixon’s “Saturday Night Massacre” on the Supreme Court?
See #56 for further explanation of the GOP’s position on Bork’s nomination, as explained by Trump’s anatomy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Justice Hillary Clinton. Has a nice ring to it. All it takes is 270 electoral votes and 1 or 2 Senate seats.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Climate change is a Chinese hoax. So is the falling stock market. But Doctor Dumbfuck’s IQ score of room temperature is the real thing.
Any political party that perpetually struggles and fails to distance itself from modren day Klansmen, American Nazis, and serial child molesters has no credibility with lifetime judicial appointments.
@ 63
Justice Hillary Clinton.
Sure, why not?
• Failed the DC Bar Exam – has never passed it
• House Judiciary Committee chief counsel’s opinion of her during the Watergate investigation:
“She was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”…
“If I had the power to fire her, I would have fired her.”
“Well, let me put it this way. I terminated her, along with some other staff members who were — we no longer needed, and advised her that I would not — could not recommend her for any further positions.”
• Subject of a draft indictment concerning her behavior during the Whitewater era.
• Married to a man who was disbarred before the US Supreme Court.
What’s not to like about a nominee with this unique skill set, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
@66 shouldn’t be your worries….the stock market should be your worries.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The “nice” latina who serves him his stewed prunes and Sanka should be his worry.
Also the “hot” tranny hooker he drunkenly brings back to his room each year at the med con in Reno.
Frantic Black Friday shoppers wrestle over kitchenware, topple TVs to score deals
This is what has become of American Society. Desperation. So desperate that they will fight over something they don’t even need, and will not use, but need to have because hey they got a great deal on it and yeah the neighbor has one too.
This is the start of the magical Holiday season (opps – I meant Christmas season fo Ya’ll special righteous snowflakes. RIP Puffy!). But rest assured, right after all that wrestling, them shoppers went home and said a few Hail Mary’s and Our Fathers and looked at the clock in anticipation of getting ready for services.
If only these people knew that in 20-30 years they’ll be swimming in shit.
Now I’m not sure about real intent of what happen here – and if this was really a Nazi salute Photo Op. But based on First Amendment rights they are excusing this?
But I know Little Penis, it’s not your Boss’ fault….it’s Mnuchin…with a name like that, he’s going to fuck something up. Who would have known that a Jew couldn’t handle money that well.
Not sure I get this….the stock market was doing so swell because technology stocks were doing Awesome (they weren’t overvalued on hype of The Great Hump). The great Hump deregulates and great infrastructure package (no, not really, just kidding, we just like to pretend they help the economy). But then the feds started raising rates and that was a problem, boo hoo hoo. But then the Dems win the House and yeah, we have divided government, yaaaaayyy. And now, poor tech stocks not doing as swell as everyone hyped them up to be.
This is fraud!
RIP in Puffy!
Hey Bob, next time you celebrate about all of the Hump’s great strides in the Judicial Branch I’ll think of this and how much a dumbfuck you are and how your children and grand children have such a great future ahead of them. But I don’t know – maybe you don’t have kids and could give a fuck, like me.
I think it’s about time we stop with the debate and fight of trying to do anything and just look at each other, smile, then give it each the middle finger, and then smile again, that would be more productive and efficient. Not to mention how much fun it would be! It could be the new greeting of this decade.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@63 “Justice Hillary Clinton. Has a nice ring to it.”
The only thing that is really nice about that sentence is how much it lives rent-free in Dr. Dumbfuck’s head.
But seriously, I think it is really time to move on from Hillary for anything. She represents a past era. While I would like to see a Democrat female POTUS, we can do better. Hillary as a justice on the SCOTUS makes no sense, mostly because of her age, not her gender.
For me, it is time to move on from the era of Clinton and Bush and all of their cronies. You can’t tell me out of 250 million people we can’t find someone other than the same clans of retreads to run for higher office?
Selective leaking?? Nooooooo! Fucking Repukes wouldn’t do that. Not those righteous mother fuckers!
@10. “It’s a black man’s genitalia on fire.”
Of course godwinha would see that.
Godwin, is this a reoccurring fantasy of setting black men’s genitalia on fire? You got some deep racial issues you need to address. I recommend getting help.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump is praising Munchkin to the heavens, a sure sign he should be reviewing his employment options.
@66 “What’s not to like about a nominee with this unique skill set, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?”
You hate the idea, and that’s good enough for me.
Btw, do you know what happens to rats who take the bait?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@75 “The only thing that is really nice about that sentence is how much it lives rent-free in Dr. Dumbfuck’s head.”
You got it. See #79. Snap! I caught me a dumbfuck.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I think it’s about time we stop with the debate and fight of trying to do anything and just look at each other, smile, then give it each the middle finger…
Wisest post I’ve seen here in months. Republicans are just simply beyond redemption. Feel free to mock, insult, and belittle them the way you might mock and laugh at a Stooges movie. But in very much the same way they are not even real anymore. Debating Teh Dumbfuck would be like Dan Quayle having a debate with Murphy Brown. Republicans merely portray a charachter now.
It’s all just performance art free theater from the nearest filthy trailer park.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Nick Ayers replaces Kelly then assume that Pence is the 2020 nominee and President Sundowner retires to Florida to await indictment and subsequent Presidential pardon.
And really, the only thing to stand in the way of this little conspiracy would be a series of Diet Coke fueled rage tweets from beyond the Orange Event Horizon.
“…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
This is for godwin, because, other than Hillary, this is all he seems to think about.
A turkey dessert.
That Palin clip is priceless. Shake Shake Shake.
Keith Olbermann Reacts to Palin’s Turkey Pardoning Video
It all comes back to WKRP
“After a Thanksgiving phone call with troops, President Donald Trump shares that he is thankful for his family and for making a ‘tremendous difference in this country.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Typical statement from the narcissistic potentate. Me, me, me, me, me, me. He suffers from tunnel vision and can’t think of anything beyond himself.
@3 This video is what Palin will be remembered for. It was a photo-op, and she almost spoiled it by smirking instead of holding a poker face.
Like that boofer troll..
Bird finally got in the oven at 1 pm. Whew! Dinner at 6 or so..
It’s gonna be good!
@6 And called up the troops on Thanksgiving Day to air his political grievances.
If it really hurts your “feels” you can always sober up, move out of that filthy trailer, scrape the NRA sticker off your coal roller, and join the future.
@ 4
Typical statement from the narcissistic potentate. Me, me, me, me, me, me. He suffers from tunnel vision and can’t think of anything beyond himself.
It’s like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has never heard a Barack Obama speech.
The self-referential presidency of Barack Obama
@ 2
That’s not a turkey dessert. It’s a black man’s genitalia on fire.
Apparently I’m standing in for gman today.
@10 Are you seriously trying to argue that Obama is an infantile self-worshipper like Trump? Really? C’mon, doc, even for you that’s way out there.
Don’t know about anyone else. But I’m just not seeing it.
Maybe I’ll ask Jared next time we get together.
Bill and Hillary aren’t having such a happy Thanksgiving.
This is jaw-dropping. The Clinton Foundation’s 2017 annual report is finally online–WOW. Lots to unpack but digest this nugget:
2015 Total Contributions: $182.5M
2016 Total Contributions: $135.4M
2017 Total Contributions: $22.8M 😭
8:18 AM – Nov 21, 2018
Bill can’t even get a blow job these days.
@11 “Are you seriously trying to argue that Obama is an infantile self-worshipper like Trump? Really? ”
You bet he is because that is all he has. Obama never sucked up to dictators or responded, “meh” to a hit ordered by a Saudi royal.
Hmm, let’s see:
Nobel Peace Prize
Number of advisors convicted: 1 (Gen. Petraeus)
Indicted: None
Number of advisors convicted: 8
Indicted: 27 Individuals and 3 Corporations.
I could call Trump a litany of derogatory terms but the one term that applies is: unqualified.
For the record, here’s how Obama spent Thanksgiving:
“Former President Barack Obama paid an unannounced visit Tuesday to the Greater Chicago Food Depository, where he helped bag potatoes for Thanksgiving meals. … Obama arrived with bags of donated food and donned latex gloves to work side by side with volunteers at the nonprofit, which helps provide meals to more than 700 food pantries and shelters across Cook County, Illinois.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump wouldn’t be caught in a food bank helping the poors, but you might see him stuffing his face at the McDonald’s down the street.
There’s President Cool and President Fool, and they ain’t the same.
I’m very, very thankful to be alive when America is bringing back millions of tremendous coal, steel and manufacturing jobs and rediscovering our moral center.
@9. You object to the self-referential presidency of Barack Obama but the cowardly actions of trump is fine? Hypocrite.
@ 18
I pointed out the self-referential nature of Obama’s oratory. You added the rest, asshole.
@ 15
For the record, here’s how Obama spent Thanksgiving:
Actually, that was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Although it made me wonder what Obama did on the last Tuesday before Thanksgiving he spent as president.
Hey, turns out he awarded a Medal of Freedom to Ellen Degeneres. Dancing with her when he ran for president did wonders for his cred in 2007, after all. Gotta return the favor.
Obama over his eight years in office awarded more Medals of Freedom than Trump ate Big Macs during the same period of time.
There are more people with Obama-granted Medals of Freedom than there are women who have slept with Bill Clinton.
The average citizen had a better chance of receiving a Medal of Freedom from Obama than (s)he did of winning free fries playing the Monopoly game at McDonalds.
@21 More bullshit word salad from you as you can’t possibly back up your claim about the number of Big Macs that Trump has eaten.
Even more outlandish is the claim, “The average citizen had a better chance of receiving a Medal of Freedom from Obama than (s)he did of winning free fries playing the Monopoly game at McDonalds.” An “average citizen” is not the recipient of such an honor as the Medal of Freedom, as the act of being awarded the honor in itself indicates that they are not “average” because the actions to be considered for such an honor are beyond average.
It sounds like you are jealous that you 1) won’t ever get the Medal of Freedom and 2) Bill Clinton has slept with more women than you.
Good news is Trump likes horse-fucking mysognistic bigots like you so you might have a real shot at getting a Trump Presidential Medal of Freedom.
40 members of the UW Marching Band were injured in a bus rollover accident on icy I-90 near George on their way to Pullman for the Apple Cup.
My boss says he likes the McChicken sandwich more because it “pairs” better with Diet Coke.
Hillary Clinton, white nationalist.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal
10h10 hours ago
Deeply misguided and unfortunate comment from someone who must know better.
““I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame,” Mrs. Clinton said in the interview with The Guardian, which was conducted before the United States midterm elections this month.
“I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message — ‘we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support’ — because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic,” she said.”
Gee, it sure was nice of The Guardian to withhold publication until well after the midterms, wasn’t it?
@ 25
Why should we allow the most liberal House Democrats push Hillary Clinton aside? Who would they choose to be President?
Goldy Retweeted
Civic Skunk Works
Why should we allow the most conservative House Democrats push Nancy Pelosi aside? Who would they choose to be Speaker of the House? https://civicskunk.works/dont-fall-for-the-trickle-down-opposition-to-nancy-pelosi-1150105f4759 …
If you think about it, the only thing that separates Hillary Clinton from the incels is gender.
I mean, she’s not getting any, they’re not getting any…
This @ 25 was very predictable.
I’m an incel too!
This Thanksgiving, Glenn Greenwald offers a big Fuck You to the Goldys of the left.
…how do you justify to yourself that you’re still a good person even though you arm, prop up, empower and enable the world’s worst monsters, genocides, and tyrannies?
Simple: by pretending that you don’t do any of that, that such acts are contrary to your system of values, that you actually work to oppose rather than protect such atrocities, that you’re a warrior and crusader for democracy, freedom and human rights around the world.
That’s the lie that you have to tell yourself: so that you can look in the mirror without instantly feeling revulsion, so that you can show your face in decent society without suffering the scorn and ostracization that your actions merit, so that you can convince the population over which you have ruled that the bombs you drop and the weapons with which you flood the world are actually designed to help and protect people rather than slaughter and oppress them.
Nothing new here. No one’s calculus was changed. The difference is this time there’s a guy in the office y’all hate. So gin up some more faux outrage, ’cause there are three more days to the weekend.
Here’s a memory check for y’all:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration has offered Saudi Arabia more than $115 billion in weapons, other military equipment and training, the most of any U.S. administration in the 71-year U.S.-Saudi alliance, a report seen by Reuters has found.
Democrats will control the House for two years.
The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.
Supreme Court’s future rides on Ginsburg’s health
“Given that she wants her vision of the law to prevail, it was a mistake to hang in there indefinitely,” said Daniel Epps, an associate professor of law at the Washington University School of Law. “If she stays for five more years from now, that’s 2023. Even if there’s a Democratic president elected in 2020, it’s quite possible that Republicans might control the Senate in 2023.”
Epps said that for now, the future of the court is riding on Ginsburg’s health.
“We shouldn’t be in this position where the future of certain policies turn on whether this old woman is healthy or not,” he said.
This old woman.
Hey, someone ask me again why I’m not all broken up about what happened on November 6th.
The reason things have been working out badly for regular white folks is…
@ 22
…you can’t possibly back up your claim about the number of Big Macs that Trump has eaten.
I posted a spew on HA. I didn’t post a whitepaper to the SSIS catalog.
@ 31
When I’m in the mood for scripted lesbianism I’ll log on to Pornhub.
Chief Justice Roberts had better watch his ass.
My boss will never back down!
I’m thankful for George Papadopoulos.
The finest, bravest coffee boy a criminal conspiracy ever had.
Getting kicked off Fox for Clinton-bashing takes work.
Shows just how twisted some of these Clinton haters are.
Do they have Black Friday sales on catheters and evacuation bags, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
@29 “Here’s a memory check for y’all:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration has offered Saudi Arabia more than $115 billion in weapons, other military equipment and training, the most of any U.S. administration in the 71-year U.S.-Saudi alliance, a report seen by Reuters has found.”
And here’s a memory check for you: MBS wasn’t running S.A. or murdering journalists back then. Know why we call you a dumbfuck? Because you are one.
@30 Ginsburg should’ve quit during Obama’s tenure? Really? So Yertle could obstruct another appointment? Personally, I think the next time there’s a Democratic Senate and a Republican president, hell should freeze over before any of his appointments get confirmed. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
@ 36
Hillary Clinton’s more like AIDS than herpes.
’cause she absolutely murdered the Democrats’ chances to control the Supreme Court for the next generation.
Plus, she already caught herpes from Bill.
@33 As that where you log on when you’re in the mood for posting scripted bullshit? If so, you’re spending way too much time there.
@37 You tell me. You’re the asshole expert.
@ 39
Ginsburg should have quit during Obama’s tenure? Really? So Yertle could obstruct another appointment?
Well, the timing might have been better had she done it sometime between Harry Reid’s deployment of the Nuclear Option and the Democrats’ loss of the Senate a year later.
Gawd, Thank Christ for Harry Reid.
@40 Weaker than day old coffee.
@43 Just so long as you understand the simple majority rule is here to stay. It doesn’t flip back the next time a Democratic president has a 1-vote Senate majority.
Oh and one more thing: If Roe v. Wade can be overturned, then so can Heller, Citizens United, and every other SCOTUS decision. Nothing will be permanent anymore. I’m not saying flipflopping precedents with every party change in D.C. is a good thing; all I’m saying is that’s where this is heading.
@ 45
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you are far from the first to point out the permanence of Reid’s decision.
McConnell’s 2013 Warning To Reid About Senate ‘Nuclear Option’ Returns To Haunt Dems
In the video, McConnell is warning Reid and Democrats about using the “nuclear option” that was preserved on video and is now returning to haunt Democrats who hope to block Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court.
McConnell tells Reid and the Democrats simply, “You’ll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think.”
The video and quote started circulating on social media within an hour of Kennedy’s retirement announcement.
Thanks to Reid’s stupidity and Hillary Clinton’s incompetence, the GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.
Chief Justice Roberts is totally out of control. He needs to shut his damn mouth before my boss shuts it for him.
@46 Let’s clear up something right now: Reid took the action he did because Yertle abused the 60-vote rule. Every bit of this comes back to GOP obstructionism, which reached its culmination when Yertle sat on Merrick Garland’s nomination for a year. None of this Reid’s fault. All of it, every bit of it, is McConnell’s fault. Everyone but you understands that. It shouldn’t be necessary to spell it out, but you being a dumbfuck makes it necessary.
Schumer should lay down a rule right now: If we lose Roe, you lose Heller. If there’s going to be no legal abortions in this country, then there should be no legal guns in this country, either. If you want to shoot, you’ll have to join the National Guard.
You are wasting your time trying to point that out to Dr. Dumbfuck, he is too simple-minded to get any of that.
Funny thing about supposedly conservative judges appointed to the SCOTUS by GOP Presidents, they sometimes turn out to be a bit more liberal that they were perceived when confirmed. Now that Trump has shot his mouth off about “Obama” vs. “Trump” judges, just watch Roberts start to “lean the other way”. How big of a deal was it for the CJOTSCOTUS to make a public comment about this issue? To put it in terms a Trumper can understand, it was Hhhuuuuugggggeeeeee.
@32 Everything you post here is a spew.
More Fake News and comments from you. No wonder you support Trump, you make shit up and talk about it like it is fact.
@50 I know well the futility of trying to get a dumbfuck to realize he’s a dumbfuck. That’s not my purpose. My intent is to print a scarlet letter on his forehead to warn others. This one is a “D” not an “A”.
Two words: Trump Foundation.
I predict those two words will be on everyone’s lips long after the Clinton Foundation is forgotten. Especially in House hearings.
Awesome day today on the Stock Market!
Picked me up some awesomely cheap great buys…..Black Friday Stock Market!
How about you Bob? Any Bullish moves today?
@ 48
Miguel Estrada would not share your opinion, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. An abuse of the 60-vote rule by Democrats against GWB43’s judicial selection. Then there was Obama’s participation in an effort to filibuster Alito.
Beginning with Bork, the confirmation process have become ever more partisan.
Reid took the action he did because it prevented a need to compromise in some way. Now Democrats like Harris and Feinstein expect compromise from Trump.
They’re clowns for floating the concept, and you’re a born clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
And yes, next time you have the White House and 50 votes in the Senate, it will be your turn. Better hope RBG lasts that long.
Robert Bork was the greatest, most loyal defender of Republican criminal conspiracies ever and should be celebrated as a hero of the republic!
My boss could really use some loyal foot soldiers like him right now.
Surprisingly, this woman was not referring to Harry Reid nuking the filibuster.
“One stupid mistake and we’re all getting punished for it,” said Kayla, who declined to give her last name.
Probably the worst thing any Republican could ever say about Robert Bork is that he never rented any Sasquatch porn.
Two years from now, Republicans will face a difficult Senate map and run the most unpopular president of our lifetimes.
It won’t take much to put Hillary Clinton on the Supreme Court.
@57 Sounds like maybe the first stupid mistake was somebody gratuitously mouthing off to these homeless people. And don’t forget that people who live in mansions commit attempted murders, too. But Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t one to pass up an opportunity to stereotype people as criminals based on their socioeconomic status. The only criminal in that encampment was the guy with the bat.
A Republican is someone who thinks poverty is a moral failing and feeding the homeless is a crime but bankers stealing billions is not.
@55 There’s a vacancy on the D.C. Court of Appeals right now. If he’s so great, why doesn’t Trump renominate him? He has 17 more years of legal experience than he did in 2001, and confirming him would be a breeze. Unlike Trump’s last judicial nominee, Estrada didn’t spend his teen years raping underage girls.
Oh, wait, he’s an immigrant. That disqualifies him.
@55 “Beginning with Bork, the confirmation process have become ever more partisan.”
Correction, beginning with Bork the nomination process has become ever more partisan.
Did Reagan, Republicans, you, or anyone else really believe Democrats would allow the sleazebag who carried out Nixon’s “Saturday Night Massacre” on the Supreme Court?
See #56 for further explanation of the GOP’s position on Bork’s nomination, as explained by Trump’s anatomy.
Justice Hillary Clinton. Has a nice ring to it. All it takes is 270 electoral votes and 1 or 2 Senate seats.
Climate change is a Chinese hoax. So is the falling stock market. But Doctor Dumbfuck’s IQ score of room temperature is the real thing.
Any political party that perpetually struggles and fails to distance itself from modren day Klansmen, American Nazis, and serial child molesters has no credibility with lifetime judicial appointments.
@ 63
Justice Hillary Clinton.
Sure, why not?
• Failed the DC Bar Exam – has never passed it
• House Judiciary Committee chief counsel’s opinion of her during the Watergate investigation:
“She was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”…
“If I had the power to fire her, I would have fired her.”
“Well, let me put it this way. I terminated her, along with some other staff members who were — we no longer needed, and advised her that I would not — could not recommend her for any further positions.”
• Subject of a draft indictment concerning her behavior during the Whitewater era.
• Married to a man who was disbarred before the US Supreme Court.
What’s not to like about a nominee with this unique skill set, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
@66 shouldn’t be your worries….the stock market should be your worries.
The “nice” latina who serves him his stewed prunes and Sanka should be his worry.
Also the “hot” tranny hooker he drunkenly brings back to his room each year at the med con in Reno.
Frantic Black Friday shoppers wrestle over kitchenware, topple TVs to score deals
This is what has become of American Society. Desperation. So desperate that they will fight over something they don’t even need, and will not use, but need to have because hey they got a great deal on it and yeah the neighbor has one too.
This is the start of the magical Holiday season (opps – I meant Christmas season fo Ya’ll special righteous snowflakes. RIP Puffy!). But rest assured, right after all that wrestling, them shoppers went home and said a few Hail Mary’s and Our Fathers and looked at the clock in anticipation of getting ready for services.
If only these people knew that in 20-30 years they’ll be swimming in shit.
Now I’m not sure about real intent of what happen here – and if this was really a Nazi salute Photo Op. But based on First Amendment rights they are excusing this?
Isn’t telling a teacher to go fuck themselves a First Amendment right?
I swear the fascists love to use the 1st Amendment when it suits them.
Swim in shit mother fuckers!
Hey, this is a “First” that we really don’t want to know about. Right Trump’s little penis.
But I know Little Penis, it’s not your Boss’ fault….it’s Mnuchin…with a name like that, he’s going to fuck something up. Who would have known that a Jew couldn’t handle money that well.
Not sure I get this….the stock market was doing so swell because technology stocks were doing Awesome (they weren’t overvalued on hype of The Great Hump). The great Hump deregulates and great infrastructure package (no, not really, just kidding, we just like to pretend they help the economy). But then the feds started raising rates and that was a problem, boo hoo hoo. But then the Dems win the House and yeah, we have divided government, yaaaaayyy. And now, poor tech stocks not doing as swell as everyone hyped them up to be.
This is fraud!
RIP in Puffy!
Hey Bob, next time you celebrate about all of the Hump’s great strides in the Judicial Branch I’ll think of this and how much a dumbfuck you are and how your children and grand children have such a great future ahead of them. But I don’t know – maybe you don’t have kids and could give a fuck, like me.
I think it’s about time we stop with the debate and fight of trying to do anything and just look at each other, smile, then give it each the middle finger, and then smile again, that would be more productive and efficient. Not to mention how much fun it would be! It could be the new greeting of this decade.
@63 “Justice Hillary Clinton. Has a nice ring to it.”
The only thing that is really nice about that sentence is how much it lives rent-free in Dr. Dumbfuck’s head.
But seriously, I think it is really time to move on from Hillary for anything. She represents a past era. While I would like to see a Democrat female POTUS, we can do better. Hillary as a justice on the SCOTUS makes no sense, mostly because of her age, not her gender.
For me, it is time to move on from the era of Clinton and Bush and all of their cronies. You can’t tell me out of 250 million people we can’t find someone other than the same clans of retreads to run for higher office?
Selective leaking?? Nooooooo! Fucking Repukes wouldn’t do that. Not those righteous mother fuckers!
@10. “It’s a black man’s genitalia on fire.”
Of course godwinha would see that.
Godwin, is this a reoccurring fantasy of setting black men’s genitalia on fire? You got some deep racial issues you need to address. I recommend getting help.
Trump is praising Munchkin to the heavens, a sure sign he should be reviewing his employment options.
@66 “What’s not to like about a nominee with this unique skill set, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?”
You hate the idea, and that’s good enough for me.
Btw, do you know what happens to rats who take the bait?
@75 “The only thing that is really nice about that sentence is how much it lives rent-free in Dr. Dumbfuck’s head.”
You got it. See #79. Snap! I caught me a dumbfuck.
Wisest post I’ve seen here in months. Republicans are just simply beyond redemption. Feel free to mock, insult, and belittle them the way you might mock and laugh at a Stooges movie. But in very much the same way they are not even real anymore. Debating Teh Dumbfuck would be like Dan Quayle having a debate with Murphy Brown. Republicans merely portray a charachter now.
It’s all just performance art free theater from the nearest filthy trailer park.
Nick Ayers replaces Kelly then assume that Pence is the 2020 nominee and President Sundowner retires to Florida to await indictment and subsequent Presidential pardon.
And really, the only thing to stand in the way of this little conspiracy would be a series of Diet Coke fueled rage tweets from beyond the Orange Event Horizon.