Will, I had some fun with some folks from the “Unity Church” working a rest stop yesterday. I asked the nice lady what she thought of the “Christians” choice of presidential candidates this fall.
One is pro choice, and thinks gays are human beings, but is a devout christian, and the other is as far as we know not a christian. She said “There will be a lot of people unhappy no matter what”.
Poooooor widdow kwistians.
I just love these “pro lifers” that don’t feel the need to adopt the 5,000,000 unwanted children we already have in America. They just want to force women, even rape victims, to have every baby, every time, regardless of their health concerns, situation, or plans for their lives.
Real christians need someone to hate. Right Rev. Faulwell, Dobson, Hagee, Parsley, Roberts??????
With greedy hypocrites like this speaking for their “fake religion of hate and intolerance” us real christians may feel like puking.
Based on the swill spewed here by so-called Christians like Puddydick and PU – I’d sooner go to Hell than hang out for eternity or even 15 minutes with Christians. Too bad the lions didn’t finish em off centuries ago in my opinion.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Since you believe your physical death on Earth is the end of the line for you, I can understand your anger, bitterness & resentment toward those who believe differently.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Never Trust An Employer
Back in the ’50s, America had a social contract between its employers and workers: If you worked hard, were loyal to the company, and did what you were told, the company would take care of you and your family.
That compact has been shredded beyond any recognition. Not by workers, but by faithless employers who have no honor and put short-term profits above so-called “human capital,” which has become as disposal as an empty TV dinner plastic tray.
“Dying of cancer, Thomas Amschwand did everything he was told to make sure his wife would collect on the life insurance policy he had through his employer. … “But … the … company where Amschwand worked, told Amschwand-Bellinger she would not receive any of the $426,000 in benefits …. Amschwand-Bellinger received a refund of the few thousand dollars in insurance premiums she and her husband dutifully had paid. The total … would not cover the costs of his funeral.
“The story has played out often under the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act. Designed to protect employee benefits, the law has been used by employers as a shield against suits. Federal appeals courts … have said companies that offer health, life and retirement benefits under ERISA cannot be sued ….
“The result, in the view of ERISA experts, … is perverse. ‘The beneficiary under the policy didn’t get the promised benefit,’ said Colleen Medill, an expert on ERISA at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. ‘To say we’re just going to return your premiums, that’s a total farce. That’s not what they paid the premiums for.’ …
“The court also recently turned down an appeal from Louis Gerard ‘Gerry’ Goeres, who sued Charles M. Schwab & Co. over hundreds of thousands of dollars in retirement plan benefits. For 16 months, Schwab mistakenly refused to acknowledge Goeres as the beneficiary …. By the time Schwab acknowledged its error, the value of the account had declined by more than $500,000. Goeres sued for the rest. Federal courts dismissed the suit. ‘Unfortunately, legal relief is not available,’ U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer said in ruling against Goeres. …
“Amschwand-Bellinger said the cases show the need for … ‘some sort of meaningful remedy for employees ….'”
(Quoted from Associated Press under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So you thought you had life insurance through your employer’s benefit plan, eh? Guess again! All you’re doing is loaning them the premium money at no interest, because that’s all your loved ones will get if you croak! Your HR department didn’t tell you that, you say? Well no, they usually don’t, because employers are lying sacks of shit! My advice is — don’t work for the bastards!! Don’t work at all!!! Why should you, when our system is designed to fuck workers and reward greedy capitalists? Do like Roger Rabbit did: Become a greedy capitalist, own stuff, push money in meaningless circles, produce nothing — and you’ll be handsomely rewarded and get a 2/3rds discount on your income taxes to boot!!! Fuck work. Fuck lying, greedy, employers! Let’s all go on strike until workers get a better deal. Let the capitalist class eat cake!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 “I’d sooner go to Hell than hang out for eternity or even 15 minutes with Christians.”
Not me! What makes you think they won’t be in Hell with you? I want to go to Heaven so I don’t have to hang out with them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Since you believe your physical death on Earth is the end of the line for you …”
Did he say that? No, I don’t believe so. In fact, BBG clearly expressed his belief in an afterlife. All he said was he doesn’t want to share the afterlife with you and your ilk. I don’t blame him.
Thank you for providing clear evidence of religious bigotry of the first rank.
19th Century No-Nothings have nothing on you.
“Minds” such as yours (I’m charitable in calling what passes for your “thought process” a “mind”) have given us all forms of religious persecution throughout the ages.
You two would feel right at home with Nero and Tomas de Torquemada, your ideological kinsmen.
Want to see sectarian hate? Go look in a mirror.
The Piper
Daddy Lovespews:
3 Cyn
Totally open to you attempting to prove the opposite. “The Bible says so” doesn’t count. Appeal to authority and all, you know.
Hey Pooper the last thing I am concerned about on this world is what you think.
As for CynCyn I never said I believed life ended with death on this earth. I am coming back as your grandchild and will be sucking on your daughter’s tit you old child raping coward!
Roger Rabbitspews:
We all know some employers literally work their employees to death unless we enact laws to stop them.
Here in Washingotn, new workplace regulations take effect today requiring employers to train outdoor workers on recognizing and responding to heat exhaustion and provide lots of water.
That’s because 3 outdor workers have died from heat stroke in the last 3 years in our state.
And how are employers reacting to this? According to the fishwrapper, “some farmers and other employers see the new rules as pesky bureaucratic hurdles that will take a toll on small-business owners.” (Quoted under fair use.)
That’s right, they’re against rules designed to save their employees’ lives.
Do you think our state’s workers would ever get workplace protections like this under a Governor Rossi? Hell no! He’s running on a platform of eliminating “pesky bureaucratic hurdles” to more business profits! The workers be damned! Well, I say NOBODY SHOULD WORK!!! Why would anyone in his right mind accept employment or do any work under conditions like this?!! I don’t work!!! I’m a greedy capitalist!!! Like Dino and his friends, I do nothing, produce nothing, and pay no taxes!!! Our system is rigged against workers. Going to a job is like going into a casino where the slot machines never pay a penny! Screw that. I want to be an unproductive loafer so I can live like a Republican, too!! Being shiftless sure beats working whatever shift your boss feels like putting you on, no matter how hot it is outside.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 How the hell did you get through law school without knowing the difference between “know” and “no”? Just wondering. It’s probably just as well that you’re not a lawyer anymore.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 The fact I’m still here is pretty good evidence that the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit and her Superiors don’t want me dead! The Spirit knows, there sure are plenty of opportunities in my neighborhood for rabbits to get killed! It’s nothing short of a Miracle that I’m still in one piece! That’s because They have given me important work to do here, and my work isn’t done yet, and won’t be done until every last Republican has been raptured out of here!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “I am coming back as your grandchild”
Not me! I’m coming back as a rabbit! Rabbits get to fuck 500 times a day! That beats sucking on a witch’s cold tit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Headline Of The Day
“Scientists warn U.S. unprepared if asteroid strikes”
(Quoted from the fishwrapper under fair use.)
If you don’t already know how to pray, you’d better learn sooner rather than later!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Factoid: Mass transit accounts for only 1% of U.S. transportion, and half of all mass transit commuters live in just 10 cities: Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington D.C.
(Source: Seattle Times)
My Goldy Itchesspews:
1 – How do you expect anyone to take anything you say seriously when you post rambling incoherant hate messages like that?
Reading through this thread (at least the thread that Will started with, not the other one started by Roger), I see a lot of intolerance based on ignorance, coming from both sides.
The Unity church, (if that’s who FSMP was talking with, as opposed to Unitarians), is a rather odd spin-off from Christian Science. They believe in the healing power of faith, but have managed get past the stumbling block of “either-or” with respect to medicine postulated by Mary Baker Eddy. On the other hand, like CS they are basically pacificists and quite tolerant.
To state that there will be a lot of angry and disappointed people after this year’s political smoke clears seems to be more pragmatic than anything else. Either you’re going to be pissed because your guy didn’t win, or you’re going to be pissed because he wins but doesn’t do what you thought he said he would.
Your spelling point is well taken – Know-Nothing, the modern poster rodent for which is you.
Lest the pot call the Kettle black…Your post @11? Can’t spell the state in which you live???
A typical post of yours – off topic, off kilter, off spelling, and just plain off.
The Piper
11 Roger, maybe that goes a bit to explain why Piper now makes his living pimping for the employers you speak of in #10.
Daddy Lovespews:
Here’s a religious tidbit. Religious Christians are going to be voting for Obama this fall.
On one nominee’s site, visitors can select from featured articles called, ‘When Faith Is Front and Center,’ ‘Reconciling Faith and Politics,’ and ‘Strengthening Families,'” writes Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. “In another section, they can scroll through the priority issues of ‘ethics,’ ‘faith,’ and ‘family’ and read excerpts from speeches, watch video clips, and peruse editorials devoted entirely to this senator’s religious conviction. If you attributed that content to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), guess again. The site belongs to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), whose party is vying for the ‘values void’ created by the GOP’s near-silence on its core issues.”
“Unlike Obama’s site, McCain’s homepage is dedicated to ‘energy security,’ ‘global competitiveness,’ and ‘Iraq.’ Nowhere is faith or family referenced. With the exception of a blurb on human dignity, found on the bottom half of his issues menu, McCain’s commitment to and record on social values are glaringly absent.”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
9. ByeByeGOP spews:
As for CynCyn I never said I believed life ended with death on this earth. I am coming back as your grandchild and will be sucking on your daughter’s tit you old child raping coward!
Your intellect is remarkable.
Keep cranking out the venom sicko.
I believe in giving folks like you the mike so others can decide if they really want to affiliate with you.
You sound like Rev. Jeremiah Wright!!
And you both are Obama guys.
If Barack Obama read the posts of BBGOP, he’d be quick to toss him under the bus just as he did Rev. Wright.
According to Senator Obama, there’s no room in America for haters like BBGOP.
His own candidate would disown him!
The Piper
Don Joespews:
Given a choice between the two, I’d say Rev. Wright is a bit more sane that our own BBG.
And both are orders of magnitude more sane than all of the HA wingnuts combined, which says less about the sanity of Rev. Wright and BBG than it says about the insanity of our resident wingnuts.
You’ve obviously never worked with a headhunter or you wouldn’t say such silly things.
For 25-years, I’ve been in the business of matching willing buyers and willing sellers in a free market environment.
Can’t tell you how many people I’ve helped transition from unemployment, underemployment, or plain lousy jobs to something bigger and better that was mutually beneficial and rewarding.
Exactly what has rodent done that’s comparable? Aside, that is, from demeaning every belief and opinion to which he does not subscribe and mocking those who work for a living creating wealth in the private sector.
And tell me again what his pedantic meanderings have to do with the theme of this thread? Or do the relevence rules apply to all save him?
He’s been ingesting too many azalea leaves and sniffing Pindone.
The Piper
Daddy Lovespews:
In a 1998 interview, Osama bin Laden listed as one of his many grievances against the U.S. that Americans “have stolen $36 trillion from Muslims” by purchasing oil from Persian Gulf countries at low prices. The real price of a barrel of oil should be $144, bin Laden demanded.
Ten years ago today, the price of a barrel of oil was just $11. Heading into this holiday weekend, the price of a barrel of oil rested at $144 — a thirteen-fold increase.
OBL just says what he wants and Bush, Cheney, and McCain give it to him.
If Rev. Wright is more sane than BBGOP, and if Barack Obama has completely disowned, disavowed, and plain dissed Rev. Wright, what then would he do with BBGOP who claims affinity with Barack Obama as a candidate?
The Piper
The only people who mention Rev. Wright anymore are the right wing morons – sorry Cyn – it is old news.
Hypocrisy is what gets most people upset with religious types who flaunt their piousness – but are OK with capital punishment (but not abortion), OK with torture (but not with gay civil unions) and OK with unnecessary wars that kill and displace miilions but whine about the lack of religion in schools.
I have no problem with people (like me) who keep their religion to themselves or don’t try to impose their religious beliefs on others. But idiots like the Discovery Institute pseudoscientists, who try to invent a scientific rational for their beliefs annoy the heck out of me – they are just plain disingenuous and have NO scientific credibility.
Cyn is voting for McCain (and I thought the “supposed” libertarians were for Barr) – How religious is McCain? Cheating on his wife and marrying for money doesn’t sound too religious to me. Does he even have an official religion (besides lobbyist worship)?
“some farmers and other employers see the new rules as pesky bureaucratic hurdles that will take a toll on small-business owners.”
Providing a water jug is a pesky bureaucratic hurdle?
Sara over at Orcinus has a good piece about Jesse Helms.
Daddy Lovespews:
Jesse Helms is no doubt burning in hell before a laughing, cheering crowd.
According to Senator Obama, there’s no room in America for haters like BBGOP.
His own candidate would disown him!
We all disowned him a ways back, but that doesn’t mean we like you.
@30 Mommy Love,
Take it easy, it’s not worth getting your panties in a bunch.
Daddy Lovespews:
32 M1
Aw, isn’t that cute how you’ve internalized conservatism’s misogyny and fear of feminization to the extent that you think it’s a really powerful barb to call someone a woman. No, that’s just you guys who are afraid of and insulted by that. It’s called projection (“a defense mechanism in which one attributes one’s own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts or/and emotions to others”).
Politically Incorrectspews:
Roger Rabbit said:
“We all know some employers literally work their employees to death unless we enact laws to stop them.”
To bad that wasn’t the case in your situation, Roger. Then we wouldn’t be subjected to your drivel.
Funny, we on the left have not much to do with and denounce the handful of left-wing haters that show up here, but I’ve yet to hear you denounce any of the right-wing haters on here.
Same with the few left wing people and groups that are spewing hate. We have nothing to do with them. Haven’t heard much from you about old Jesse Helms.
Marvin Stamnspews:
1. Facts Support My Positions spews:
Poooooor widdow kwistians.
Nothing like proving your lack of tolerance for others.
You’re lucky you are making fun of Christians, some of the other religions are not to be mocked and made fun of.
By the way… where are the “facts” about the number of rape victims that get abortions?
If rape was a concern, why do supporters of abortion want children to get abortions without permission of their parents?
But I don’t dump on the dead irrespective of party or belief. Nor do I see Jesse Helms as the devil incarnate just as, I’m sure, you didn’t see Paul Wellstone in a similar vein.
I regard John Edwards as a hate-monger and vitriolic panderer. How’s that sound?
The Piper
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. Roger Rabbit spews:
@7 How the hell did you get through law school without knowing the difference between “know” and “no”? Just wondering. It’s probably just as well that you’re not a lawyer anymore.
I guess if you could win an argument against Piper you would. Since you can’t, you have to resort to spelling nanny.
Once a proud public employee sucking at the teat of working taxpayers… now you have to play the role of 3rd grade teacher to make yourself feel good. Sad.
Marvin Stamnspews:
12. Roger Rabbit spews:
@8 The fact I’m still here is pretty good evidence that the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit and her Superiors don’t want me dead!
It’s the evidence that America has the best health care in the world.
With free/government healthcare, since you’re old and have so many health problems you would get pushed to the back of the line and well, you saw that person in MLK hospital in los angeles didn’t you. Government medicine at it’s best.
Marvin Stamnspews:
22. Piper Scott spews:
@21…Mr. C…
According to Senator Obama, there’s no room in America for haters like BBGOP.
Great point, I never thought about it. According to the words of Obama, byebyegoop is exactly the kind of person obama would not want in the democrat party.
Must suck to be byebyegoop when his own party he shills for doesn’t even want him.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
8. Daddy Love spews:
3 Cyn
Totally open to you attempting to prove the opposite. “The Bible says so” doesn’t count. Appeal to authority and all, you know.
#1–As hard as I have tried, I cannot come up with a way to understand how we can have Creation without a Creator.
#2–You summarily reject what the Bible “says”. I do not. You want to intellectualize Creation & whether or not we have a living God. I choose to study Scripture, pray and move forward by Faith.
#3–I only know what works for me DL. We are blessed with free choice to make decisions on faith or no faith…..most of us believe those choices have consequences. Years ago, I attended Bible Study Fellowship. One of the guys in our Group for 2 years had a PHd in Philosophy, IQ of 180+ and had studied virtually all religions in great depth. He was the quintessential questioner. That was good. It really helped all of us gain a deeper understanding of God’s word. After 2 full years, he dropped down on his knees & accepted Christ as his Savior. He told me it was the first real emotional experience of his life. 20 years later, at 75, he is still a strong believer. BTW…he & I disagree on a number of political issues and Biblical interpretations. So what???
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Frankly, I don’t think ByeByeGOP has any friends. He is a mighty bitter, tormented human being as evidenced by his repulsive posts. I have a lot of Liberal Democrat friends. None of them talk like that. ZERO.
Frankly, his venom rolls right off my back. I’m sure it turns off many of his LEFTIST brethren who should be ashamed of themselves for not calling this freak out.
The good news is ByeBye’s potty mouth/sicko mind will never convert anyone to the LEFT. You can take that to the bank!
Marvin Stamnspews:
0. Roger Rabbit spews:
We all know some employers literally work their employees to death unless we enact laws to stop them.
Unlike employees in the government sector that do very little work. (except firemen)
Here in Washingotn, new workplace…
Do as I say, not as I do. You bitch and moan about Piper misspelling a word. Then you turn around and do the same thing. How democrat of you.
Don Joespews:
Piper @ 26
Frankly, I haven’t the foggiest idea what Sen. Obama would do. His rejection of Rev. Wright’s ideas and statements didn’t have anything to do with sanity or insanity.
How were those bagpipes yesterday?
Marvin Stamnspews:
42. Mr. Cynical spews:
Frankly, I don’t think ByeByeGOP has any friends. He is a mighty bitter, tormented human being as evidenced by his repulsive posts.
It’s hard even for me to believe that byebyegoop is really like his online persona.
I believe byebyegoop is actually a gop troll. Some trolls like Puddy overwhelm with facts, Mark with his gambling prowess, and byebyegoop for making the left side look so damn childish.
I’m sure it turns off many of his LEFTIST brethren who should be ashamed of themselves for not calling this freak out.
I don’t agree. If they were offended, why wouldn’t they speak up? He makes their side look bad. They sit back and let byebyegoop say the stuff they would like to say but know better. Imagine if a troll used the same kind of language the outrage.
Christians are fucking idiots. It’s the year 2009 and these fucktards still believe in a magical friend in the sky.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 “Exactly what has rodent done that’s comparable?”
For starters, I’ve pointed out the unfairness and irrationality of the Republican tax code that rewards moneychangers and punishes workers, which is far more than you’ve done. There’s more, but let’s start with that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 “To bad that wasn’t the case in your situation, Roger. Then we wouldn’t be subjected to your drivel.”
It’s no accident that I’m still alive and pointing out your errors on HorsesAss.org. I’m merely a humble instrument of Divine Will with long pink ears and a cute fluffy cottontail! Want to see my cottontail up close and personal? For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG. All proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 “But I don’t dump on the dead irrespective of party or belief.”
Are you saying we can’t criticize Adolf Hitler, Idi Amin, or Pol Pot because they’re dead?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 It shouldn’t be necessary to play 3rd grade teacher to someone with a law degree in the first place.
Of course, wingnuts are notorious for their bad spelling. Know why? Because you learn to spell by reading a lot, and most wingnuts don’t read at all, which is painfully evident every time they open their stupid mouths.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 What free health care? I don’t get free health care. I pay about $15,000 a year for health care for Mrs. Rabbit and me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 “Unlike employees in the government sector that do very little work.”
You know nothing about government employment. You wouldn’t last 1 day in a government job.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 The fact you don’t believe in the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit doesn’t mean She couldn’t kick Jane Balogh’s dog’s ass if She felt like it. Why She doesn’t is a fucking mystery! It is only by Her grace and mercy that fucking dog is still breathing.
Calling John Edwards a hate monger and refusing to talk about Jesse Helm’s record of racism doesn’t do anything to renounce right wing haters.
Guess you answered my question though.
You know nothing about government employment. You wouldn’t last 1 day in a government job.
Riiiight… Roger the next government employee I see working hard will be the first one I’ve ever seen.
A few years ago I had to utilize the state unemployment services. Most of those folks seemed to do nothing but fill out forms and move papers from one box to another. You know hard work. They sure as hell weren’t busting their asses helping anyone out.
Actually, I piped a wedding at the Evergreen Arboretum in Everett’s Legion Park Thursday evening. Pretty nice venue for the event, so any of you thinking of getting hitched consider it.
According to Sen. Obama, his rejection of Rev. Wright had everything to do with un-American hate speech and bigoted intolerance, which would mean that Sen. Obama would find BBGOP anathema and beyond contempt.
Sucks to be him, in other words.
The Piper
All the fucking troll are out!
Somebody lift a rock?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
46. Herbalizer spews:
Christians are fucking idiots. It’s the year 2009 and these fucktards still believe in a magical friend in the sky.
Feel lots better now?
Your ignorance about Christianity is captured in your bottom-line that it’s about a magical friend in the sky.
Perhaps if you spent a few years in a Bible Study, you would think differently.
Ignorance is bliss Herb.
CynCyn, Marv The Perv and Pooper – you ALL better hope you aren’t right. If you think that giving people the mic in order to help others see where they’re coming from works, you’ve just doomed the republicans (oops sorry I guess I should say GOP) to years of sitting on the bench.
Do you three get together to target children for your evil deeds?
Jesse Helms was a hard-core racist. A lot of people were, back in the day, mostly because that was the way they were raised and they just plain didn’t know any better. A lot of us who were, learned not to be any more, at least not much.
Helms, on the other hand, persisted in wallowing proudly in his bigotry through the end of his career, and presumably until he drew his final breath. Many of his brethren changed their thinking and their ways, including George Wallace, Robert Byrd, my grandparents and even Strom Thurmond, to a degree. They faced up to their sins, and repented. Jesse didn’t.
He also opposed a lot of things that, from my view, would have made our country and our world better had they been done sooner, and some things that have yet to be accomplished. He also served as an inspiration to the delusional mob who’ve spent the last years doing their best to screw up the good deal we’ve had going for over two centuries called the United States of America.
My heart goes out to the man’s family in their time of loss, and I hope his soul finds peace in the hereafter, but I can’t help but wonder if humanity might have been better off without him.
@33 Mommy Love,
That was a little delusional, even for you. It’s not my fault your feminine side is dominant. Let me know next time you can actually feel justified using a urinal.
Marvin Stamnspews:
52. Roger Rabbit spews: @43 “Unlike employees in the government sector that do very little work.”
You know nothing about government employment. You wouldn’t last 1 day in a government job.
What about that little diatribe you went on a few months back. Talking about your idiot superiors and flunky underlings. How little you made. Work conditions. blah blah blah blah
Marvin Stamnspews:
51. Roger Rabbit spews:
@39 What free health care? I don’t get free health care. I pay about $15,000 a year for health care for Mrs. Rabbit and me.
Yup, you’re right.
That’s something else you complained about.
Don Joespews:
Piper @ 56
Sucks to be him, in other words.
I don’t know about that. Does he irrationally cling to a worn-out ideology that has failed every time we’ve implemented it? Does he retreat to that same ideology to categorically reject policy proposals? Does he adhere to the delusion that such an intellectual retreat constitutes a well-reasoned policy debate?
Hey Pooper when you piped a wedding does that mean you gave blow jobs to all the groomsmen? Did you where you cute little skirt? No wonder your wife begs me to come take care of business.
By the way – how do you right wing turds think you’ll sell the idea that FlipFlop McCain thinks about the common man when his whore of a wife SIN Dee McCain spends 800K a month on her credit cards?
Politically Incorrectspews:
Roger said:
“It’s no accident that I’m still alive and pointing out your errors on HorsesAss.org. I’m merely a humble instrument of Divine Will with long pink ears and a cute fluffy cottontail!”
There aren’t any errors on my part when it comes to you, Roger: you’re an arrogant fucking asshole who should be put to death in a painful fashion. Now, have a nice evening!
Will the right wing turds distance themselves from Politically Incorrect spewing hate at Roger? I guess that says they support that speech as good Christians! LOL!
Daddy Lovespews:
66 PI
Ah, yes, the murder of political opponents. Can the death camps be far behind?
Daddy Lovespews:
61 M1
oh Mark, you know I have you nailed. And besides that, you know now that your little stuff doesn’t bother me in the least. Have fun with your fears about your masculinity. I don’t share them. But do keep it up if you want to say it that bad. It must make you feel awfully manly.
Daddy Lovespews:
41 Cyn
#1–As hard as I have tried, I cannot come up with a way to understand how we can have Creation without a Creator.
Ah, I see, so you define yourself into a circular argument that you then win. Ok so far.
You summarily reject what the Bible “says”. I do not.
I don’t know, are you stupid? I originally did not assume so. What I said was (Mr. Strawman) NOT that I reject what the Bible says, just that an appeal to authority is not allowable as “proof.” Duh. Here’s the circular argument, in case you really are stupid: “The Bible says that there is a God, and the proof of that is that the Bible says so.” Hello!
You want to intellectualize Creation & whether or not we have a living God. I choose to study Scripture, pray and move forward by Faith.
“Choose” whatever the fuck you want to do. I asked if you wanted to try to prove something. You declined.
#3–I only know what works for me DL.
Whatever. Your fantasies and delusions do not interest me overmuch.
We are blessed with free choice to make decisions on faith or no faith…..most of us believe those choices have consequences. Years ago, I attended Bible Study Fellowship. One of the guys in our Group for 2 years had a PHd in Philosophy, IQ of 180+ and had studied virtually all religions in great depth. He was the quintessential questioner. That was good. It really helped all of us gain a deeper understanding of God’s word. After 2 full years, he dropped down on his knees & accepted Christ as his Savior. He told me it was the first real emotional experience of his life. 20 years later, at 75, he is still a strong believer. BTW…he & I disagree on a number of political issues and Biblical interpretations. So what???
I couldn’t agree more: so what? The plural of “anecdote” is not “data.” The fact, if it is one, that a presumably smart person could also delude himself about the Big Invisible guy In The Sky proves nothing about the existence of same.
You see, you believe that there’s an invisible man living in the sky, who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of specific things he doesn’t want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer and burn and scream until the end of time. But he loves you.
He loves you…but he needs money. Good one.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Good luck in your pursuit of the Truth.
Denial is your option.
I guess (no surprise) that the right wing traitors have a double standard here. They expect Dems to distance themselves from ugly talk against repubs….but feel no obligation to do the same when the shoe is on the other foot. Why am I not surprised?
Daddy Lovespews:
71 Cyn
I’m not the one in denial.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
If I’m in denial, what is the consequence?
If YOU are in denial, the consequence is death.
Will, I had some fun with some folks from the “Unity Church” working a rest stop yesterday. I asked the nice lady what she thought of the “Christians” choice of presidential candidates this fall.
One is pro choice, and thinks gays are human beings, but is a devout christian, and the other is as far as we know not a christian. She said “There will be a lot of people unhappy no matter what”.
Poooooor widdow kwistians.
I just love these “pro lifers” that don’t feel the need to adopt the 5,000,000 unwanted children we already have in America. They just want to force women, even rape victims, to have every baby, every time, regardless of their health concerns, situation, or plans for their lives.
Real christians need someone to hate. Right Rev. Faulwell, Dobson, Hagee, Parsley, Roberts??????
With greedy hypocrites like this speaking for their “fake religion of hate and intolerance” us real christians may feel like puking.
Based on the swill spewed here by so-called Christians like Puddydick and PU – I’d sooner go to Hell than hang out for eternity or even 15 minutes with Christians. Too bad the lions didn’t finish em off centuries ago in my opinion.
Since you believe your physical death on Earth is the end of the line for you, I can understand your anger, bitterness & resentment toward those who believe differently.
Never Trust An Employer
Back in the ’50s, America had a social contract between its employers and workers: If you worked hard, were loyal to the company, and did what you were told, the company would take care of you and your family.
That compact has been shredded beyond any recognition. Not by workers, but by faithless employers who have no honor and put short-term profits above so-called “human capital,” which has become as disposal as an empty TV dinner plastic tray.
“Dying of cancer, Thomas Amschwand did everything he was told to make sure his wife would collect on the life insurance policy he had through his employer. … “But … the … company where Amschwand worked, told Amschwand-Bellinger she would not receive any of the $426,000 in benefits …. Amschwand-Bellinger received a refund of the few thousand dollars in insurance premiums she and her husband dutifully had paid. The total … would not cover the costs of his funeral.
“The story has played out often under the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act. Designed to protect employee benefits, the law has been used by employers as a shield against suits. Federal appeals courts … have said companies that offer health, life and retirement benefits under ERISA cannot be sued ….
“The result, in the view of ERISA experts, … is perverse. ‘The beneficiary under the policy didn’t get the promised benefit,’ said Colleen Medill, an expert on ERISA at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. ‘To say we’re just going to return your premiums, that’s a total farce. That’s not what they paid the premiums for.’ …
“The court also recently turned down an appeal from Louis Gerard ‘Gerry’ Goeres, who sued Charles M. Schwab & Co. over hundreds of thousands of dollars in retirement plan benefits. For 16 months, Schwab mistakenly refused to acknowledge Goeres as the beneficiary …. By the time Schwab acknowledged its error, the value of the account had declined by more than $500,000. Goeres sued for the rest. Federal courts dismissed the suit. ‘Unfortunately, legal relief is not available,’ U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer said in ruling against Goeres. …
“Amschwand-Bellinger said the cases show the need for … ‘some sort of meaningful remedy for employees ….'”
(Quoted from Associated Press under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So you thought you had life insurance through your employer’s benefit plan, eh? Guess again! All you’re doing is loaning them the premium money at no interest, because that’s all your loved ones will get if you croak! Your HR department didn’t tell you that, you say? Well no, they usually don’t, because employers are lying sacks of shit! My advice is — don’t work for the bastards!! Don’t work at all!!! Why should you, when our system is designed to fuck workers and reward greedy capitalists? Do like Roger Rabbit did: Become a greedy capitalist, own stuff, push money in meaningless circles, produce nothing — and you’ll be handsomely rewarded and get a 2/3rds discount on your income taxes to boot!!! Fuck work. Fuck lying, greedy, employers! Let’s all go on strike until workers get a better deal. Let the capitalist class eat cake!!!
@2 “I’d sooner go to Hell than hang out for eternity or even 15 minutes with Christians.”
Not me! What makes you think they won’t be in Hell with you? I want to go to Heaven so I don’t have to hang out with them.
@3 “Since you believe your physical death on Earth is the end of the line for you …”
Did he say that? No, I don’t believe so. In fact, BBG clearly expressed his belief in an afterlife. All he said was he doesn’t want to share the afterlife with you and your ilk. I don’t blame him.
@1 & @2…Facts/Farts & BBGOP…
Thank you for providing clear evidence of religious bigotry of the first rank.
19th Century No-Nothings have nothing on you.
“Minds” such as yours (I’m charitable in calling what passes for your “thought process” a “mind”) have given us all forms of religious persecution throughout the ages.
You two would feel right at home with Nero and Tomas de Torquemada, your ideological kinsmen.
Want to see sectarian hate? Go look in a mirror.
The Piper
3 Cyn
Totally open to you attempting to prove the opposite. “The Bible says so” doesn’t count. Appeal to authority and all, you know.
Hey Pooper the last thing I am concerned about on this world is what you think.
As for CynCyn I never said I believed life ended with death on this earth. I am coming back as your grandchild and will be sucking on your daughter’s tit you old child raping coward!
We all know some employers literally work their employees to death unless we enact laws to stop them.
Here in Washingotn, new workplace regulations take effect today requiring employers to train outdoor workers on recognizing and responding to heat exhaustion and provide lots of water.
That’s because 3 outdor workers have died from heat stroke in the last 3 years in our state.
And how are employers reacting to this? According to the fishwrapper, “some farmers and other employers see the new rules as pesky bureaucratic hurdles that will take a toll on small-business owners.” (Quoted under fair use.)
That’s right, they’re against rules designed to save their employees’ lives.
Do you think our state’s workers would ever get workplace protections like this under a Governor Rossi? Hell no! He’s running on a platform of eliminating “pesky bureaucratic hurdles” to more business profits! The workers be damned! Well, I say NOBODY SHOULD WORK!!! Why would anyone in his right mind accept employment or do any work under conditions like this?!! I don’t work!!! I’m a greedy capitalist!!! Like Dino and his friends, I do nothing, produce nothing, and pay no taxes!!! Our system is rigged against workers. Going to a job is like going into a casino where the slot machines never pay a penny! Screw that. I want to be an unproductive loafer so I can live like a Republican, too!! Being shiftless sure beats working whatever shift your boss feels like putting you on, no matter how hot it is outside.
@7 How the hell did you get through law school without knowing the difference between “know” and “no”? Just wondering. It’s probably just as well that you’re not a lawyer anymore.
@8 The fact I’m still here is pretty good evidence that the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit and her Superiors don’t want me dead! The Spirit knows, there sure are plenty of opportunities in my neighborhood for rabbits to get killed! It’s nothing short of a Miracle that I’m still in one piece! That’s because They have given me important work to do here, and my work isn’t done yet, and won’t be done until every last Republican has been raptured out of here!!
@9 “I am coming back as your grandchild”
Not me! I’m coming back as a rabbit! Rabbits get to fuck 500 times a day! That beats sucking on a witch’s cold tit.
Headline Of The Day
“Scientists warn U.S. unprepared if asteroid strikes”
(Quoted from the fishwrapper under fair use.)
If you don’t already know how to pray, you’d better learn sooner rather than later!
Factoid: Mass transit accounts for only 1% of U.S. transportion, and half of all mass transit commuters live in just 10 cities: Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington D.C.
(Source: Seattle Times)
1 – How do you expect anyone to take anything you say seriously when you post rambling incoherant hate messages like that?
Reading through this thread (at least the thread that Will started with, not the other one started by Roger), I see a lot of intolerance based on ignorance, coming from both sides.
The Unity church, (if that’s who FSMP was talking with, as opposed to Unitarians), is a rather odd spin-off from Christian Science. They believe in the healing power of faith, but have managed get past the stumbling block of “either-or” with respect to medicine postulated by Mary Baker Eddy. On the other hand, like CS they are basically pacificists and quite tolerant.
To state that there will be a lot of angry and disappointed people after this year’s political smoke clears seems to be more pragmatic than anything else. Either you’re going to be pissed because your guy didn’t win, or you’re going to be pissed because he wins but doesn’t do what you thought he said he would.
Your spelling point is well taken – Know-Nothing, the modern poster rodent for which is you.
Lest the pot call the Kettle black…Your post @11? Can’t spell the state in which you live???
A typical post of yours – off topic, off kilter, off spelling, and just plain off.
The Piper
11 Roger, maybe that goes a bit to explain why Piper now makes his living pimping for the employers you speak of in #10.
Here’s a religious tidbit. Religious Christians are going to be voting for Obama this fall.
9. ByeByeGOP spews:
As for CynCyn I never said I believed life ended with death on this earth. I am coming back as your grandchild and will be sucking on your daughter’s tit you old child raping coward!
Your intellect is remarkable.
Keep cranking out the venom sicko.
I believe in giving folks like you the mike so others can decide if they really want to affiliate with you.
You sound like Rev. Jeremiah Wright!!
And you both are Obama guys.
@21…Mr. C…
If Barack Obama read the posts of BBGOP, he’d be quick to toss him under the bus just as he did Rev. Wright.
According to Senator Obama, there’s no room in America for haters like BBGOP.
His own candidate would disown him!
The Piper
Given a choice between the two, I’d say Rev. Wright is a bit more sane that our own BBG.
And both are orders of magnitude more sane than all of the HA wingnuts combined, which says less about the sanity of Rev. Wright and BBG than it says about the insanity of our resident wingnuts.
You’ve obviously never worked with a headhunter or you wouldn’t say such silly things.
For 25-years, I’ve been in the business of matching willing buyers and willing sellers in a free market environment.
Can’t tell you how many people I’ve helped transition from unemployment, underemployment, or plain lousy jobs to something bigger and better that was mutually beneficial and rewarding.
Exactly what has rodent done that’s comparable? Aside, that is, from demeaning every belief and opinion to which he does not subscribe and mocking those who work for a living creating wealth in the private sector.
And tell me again what his pedantic meanderings have to do with the theme of this thread? Or do the relevence rules apply to all save him?
He’s been ingesting too many azalea leaves and sniffing Pindone.
The Piper
In a 1998 interview, Osama bin Laden listed as one of his many grievances against the U.S. that Americans “have stolen $36 trillion from Muslims” by purchasing oil from Persian Gulf countries at low prices. The real price of a barrel of oil should be $144, bin Laden demanded.
Ten years ago today, the price of a barrel of oil was just $11. Heading into this holiday weekend, the price of a barrel of oil rested at $144 — a thirteen-fold increase.
OBL just says what he wants and Bush, Cheney, and McCain give it to him.
Vote for Barack Obama for some REAL change.
If Rev. Wright is more sane than BBGOP, and if Barack Obama has completely disowned, disavowed, and plain dissed Rev. Wright, what then would he do with BBGOP who claims affinity with Barack Obama as a candidate?
The Piper
The only people who mention Rev. Wright anymore are the right wing morons – sorry Cyn – it is old news.
Hypocrisy is what gets most people upset with religious types who flaunt their piousness – but are OK with capital punishment (but not abortion), OK with torture (but not with gay civil unions) and OK with unnecessary wars that kill and displace miilions but whine about the lack of religion in schools.
I have no problem with people (like me) who keep their religion to themselves or don’t try to impose their religious beliefs on others. But idiots like the Discovery Institute pseudoscientists, who try to invent a scientific rational for their beliefs annoy the heck out of me – they are just plain disingenuous and have NO scientific credibility.
Cyn is voting for McCain (and I thought the “supposed” libertarians were for Barr) – How religious is McCain? Cheating on his wife and marrying for money doesn’t sound too religious to me. Does he even have an official religion (besides lobbyist worship)?
I also love how McCain’s whole campaign staff is dominated by lobbyists:
Providing a water jug is a pesky bureaucratic hurdle?
Sara over at Orcinus has a good piece about Jesse Helms.
Jesse Helms is no doubt burning in hell before a laughing, cheering crowd.
We all disowned him a ways back, but that doesn’t mean we like you.
@30 Mommy Love,
Take it easy, it’s not worth getting your panties in a bunch.
32 M1
Aw, isn’t that cute how you’ve internalized conservatism’s misogyny and fear of feminization to the extent that you think it’s a really powerful barb to call someone a woman. No, that’s just you guys who are afraid of and insulted by that. It’s called projection (“a defense mechanism in which one attributes one’s own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts or/and emotions to others”).
Roger Rabbit said:
“We all know some employers literally work their employees to death unless we enact laws to stop them.”
To bad that wasn’t the case in your situation, Roger. Then we wouldn’t be subjected to your drivel.
Funny, we on the left have not much to do with and denounce the handful of left-wing haters that show up here, but I’ve yet to hear you denounce any of the right-wing haters on here.
Same with the few left wing people and groups that are spewing hate. We have nothing to do with them. Haven’t heard much from you about old Jesse Helms.
Nothing like proving your lack of tolerance for others.
You’re lucky you are making fun of Christians, some of the other religions are not to be mocked and made fun of.
By the way… where are the “facts” about the number of rape victims that get abortions?
If rape was a concern, why do supporters of abortion want children to get abortions without permission of their parents?
Then you ain’t been payin’ attention, Bub!
But I don’t dump on the dead irrespective of party or belief. Nor do I see Jesse Helms as the devil incarnate just as, I’m sure, you didn’t see Paul Wellstone in a similar vein.
I regard John Edwards as a hate-monger and vitriolic panderer. How’s that sound?
The Piper
I guess if you could win an argument against Piper you would. Since you can’t, you have to resort to spelling nanny.
Once a proud public employee sucking at the teat of working taxpayers… now you have to play the role of 3rd grade teacher to make yourself feel good. Sad.
It’s the evidence that America has the best health care in the world.
With free/government healthcare, since you’re old and have so many health problems you would get pushed to the back of the line and well, you saw that person in MLK hospital in los angeles didn’t you. Government medicine at it’s best.
Great point, I never thought about it. According to the words of Obama, byebyegoop is exactly the kind of person obama would not want in the democrat party.
Must suck to be byebyegoop when his own party he shills for doesn’t even want him.
8. Daddy Love spews:
3 Cyn
Totally open to you attempting to prove the opposite. “The Bible says so” doesn’t count. Appeal to authority and all, you know.
#1–As hard as I have tried, I cannot come up with a way to understand how we can have Creation without a Creator.
#2–You summarily reject what the Bible “says”. I do not. You want to intellectualize Creation & whether or not we have a living God. I choose to study Scripture, pray and move forward by Faith.
#3–I only know what works for me DL. We are blessed with free choice to make decisions on faith or no faith…..most of us believe those choices have consequences. Years ago, I attended Bible Study Fellowship. One of the guys in our Group for 2 years had a PHd in Philosophy, IQ of 180+ and had studied virtually all religions in great depth. He was the quintessential questioner. That was good. It really helped all of us gain a deeper understanding of God’s word. After 2 full years, he dropped down on his knees & accepted Christ as his Savior. He told me it was the first real emotional experience of his life. 20 years later, at 75, he is still a strong believer. BTW…he & I disagree on a number of political issues and Biblical interpretations. So what???
Frankly, I don’t think ByeByeGOP has any friends. He is a mighty bitter, tormented human being as evidenced by his repulsive posts. I have a lot of Liberal Democrat friends. None of them talk like that. ZERO.
Frankly, his venom rolls right off my back. I’m sure it turns off many of his LEFTIST brethren who should be ashamed of themselves for not calling this freak out.
The good news is ByeBye’s potty mouth/sicko mind will never convert anyone to the LEFT. You can take that to the bank!
Unlike employees in the government sector that do very little work. (except firemen)
Do as I say, not as I do. You bitch and moan about Piper misspelling a word. Then you turn around and do the same thing. How democrat of you.
Piper @ 26
Frankly, I haven’t the foggiest idea what Sen. Obama would do. His rejection of Rev. Wright’s ideas and statements didn’t have anything to do with sanity or insanity.
How were those bagpipes yesterday?
It’s hard even for me to believe that byebyegoop is really like his online persona.
I believe byebyegoop is actually a gop troll. Some trolls like Puddy overwhelm with facts, Mark with his gambling prowess, and byebyegoop for making the left side look so damn childish.
I don’t agree. If they were offended, why wouldn’t they speak up? He makes their side look bad. They sit back and let byebyegoop say the stuff they would like to say but know better. Imagine if a troll used the same kind of language the outrage.
Christians are fucking idiots. It’s the year 2009 and these fucktards still believe in a magical friend in the sky.
@24 “Exactly what has rodent done that’s comparable?”
For starters, I’ve pointed out the unfairness and irrationality of the Republican tax code that rewards moneychangers and punishes workers, which is far more than you’ve done. There’s more, but let’s start with that.
@34 “To bad that wasn’t the case in your situation, Roger. Then we wouldn’t be subjected to your drivel.”
It’s no accident that I’m still alive and pointing out your errors on HorsesAss.org. I’m merely a humble instrument of Divine Will with long pink ears and a cute fluffy cottontail! Want to see my cottontail up close and personal? For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG. All proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
@37 “But I don’t dump on the dead irrespective of party or belief.”
Are you saying we can’t criticize Adolf Hitler, Idi Amin, or Pol Pot because they’re dead?
@38 It shouldn’t be necessary to play 3rd grade teacher to someone with a law degree in the first place.
Of course, wingnuts are notorious for their bad spelling. Know why? Because you learn to spell by reading a lot, and most wingnuts don’t read at all, which is painfully evident every time they open their stupid mouths.
@39 What free health care? I don’t get free health care. I pay about $15,000 a year for health care for Mrs. Rabbit and me.
@43 “Unlike employees in the government sector that do very little work.”
You know nothing about government employment. You wouldn’t last 1 day in a government job.
@46 The fact you don’t believe in the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit doesn’t mean She couldn’t kick Jane Balogh’s dog’s ass if She felt like it. Why She doesn’t is a fucking mystery! It is only by Her grace and mercy that fucking dog is still breathing.
Calling John Edwards a hate monger and refusing to talk about Jesse Helm’s record of racism doesn’t do anything to renounce right wing haters.
Guess you answered my question though.
You know nothing about government employment. You wouldn’t last 1 day in a government job.
Riiiight… Roger the next government employee I see working hard will be the first one I’ve ever seen.
A few years ago I had to utilize the state unemployment services. Most of those folks seemed to do nothing but fill out forms and move papers from one box to another. You know hard work. They sure as hell weren’t busting their asses helping anyone out.
Actually, I piped a wedding at the Evergreen Arboretum in Everett’s Legion Park Thursday evening. Pretty nice venue for the event, so any of you thinking of getting hitched consider it.
According to Sen. Obama, his rejection of Rev. Wright had everything to do with un-American hate speech and bigoted intolerance, which would mean that Sen. Obama would find BBGOP anathema and beyond contempt.
Sucks to be him, in other words.
The Piper
All the fucking troll are out!
Somebody lift a rock?
46. Herbalizer spews:
Christians are fucking idiots. It’s the year 2009 and these fucktards still believe in a magical friend in the sky.
Feel lots better now?
Your ignorance about Christianity is captured in your bottom-line that it’s about a magical friend in the sky.
Perhaps if you spent a few years in a Bible Study, you would think differently.
Ignorance is bliss Herb.
CynCyn, Marv The Perv and Pooper – you ALL better hope you aren’t right. If you think that giving people the mic in order to help others see where they’re coming from works, you’ve just doomed the republicans (oops sorry I guess I should say GOP) to years of sitting on the bench.
Do you three get together to target children for your evil deeds?
Jesse Helms was a hard-core racist. A lot of people were, back in the day, mostly because that was the way they were raised and they just plain didn’t know any better. A lot of us who were, learned not to be any more, at least not much.
Helms, on the other hand, persisted in wallowing proudly in his bigotry through the end of his career, and presumably until he drew his final breath. Many of his brethren changed their thinking and their ways, including George Wallace, Robert Byrd, my grandparents and even Strom Thurmond, to a degree. They faced up to their sins, and repented. Jesse didn’t.
He also opposed a lot of things that, from my view, would have made our country and our world better had they been done sooner, and some things that have yet to be accomplished. He also served as an inspiration to the delusional mob who’ve spent the last years doing their best to screw up the good deal we’ve had going for over two centuries called the United States of America.
My heart goes out to the man’s family in their time of loss, and I hope his soul finds peace in the hereafter, but I can’t help but wonder if humanity might have been better off without him.
@33 Mommy Love,
That was a little delusional, even for you. It’s not my fault your feminine side is dominant. Let me know next time you can actually feel justified using a urinal.
What about that little diatribe you went on a few months back. Talking about your idiot superiors and flunky underlings. How little you made. Work conditions. blah blah blah blah
Yup, you’re right.
That’s something else you complained about.
Piper @ 56
Sucks to be him, in other words.
I don’t know about that. Does he irrationally cling to a worn-out ideology that has failed every time we’ve implemented it? Does he retreat to that same ideology to categorically reject policy proposals? Does he adhere to the delusion that such an intellectual retreat constitutes a well-reasoned policy debate?
Hey Pooper when you piped a wedding does that mean you gave blow jobs to all the groomsmen? Did you where you cute little skirt? No wonder your wife begs me to come take care of business.
By the way – how do you right wing turds think you’ll sell the idea that FlipFlop McCain thinks about the common man when his whore of a wife SIN Dee McCain spends 800K a month on her credit cards?
Roger said:
“It’s no accident that I’m still alive and pointing out your errors on HorsesAss.org. I’m merely a humble instrument of Divine Will with long pink ears and a cute fluffy cottontail!”
There aren’t any errors on my part when it comes to you, Roger: you’re an arrogant fucking asshole who should be put to death in a painful fashion. Now, have a nice evening!
Will the right wing turds distance themselves from Politically Incorrect spewing hate at Roger? I guess that says they support that speech as good Christians! LOL!
66 PI
Ah, yes, the murder of political opponents. Can the death camps be far behind?
61 M1
oh Mark, you know I have you nailed. And besides that, you know now that your little stuff doesn’t bother me in the least. Have fun with your fears about your masculinity. I don’t share them. But do keep it up if you want to say it that bad. It must make you feel awfully manly.
41 Cyn
Ah, I see, so you define yourself into a circular argument that you then win. Ok so far.
I don’t know, are you stupid? I originally did not assume so. What I said was (Mr. Strawman) NOT that I reject what the Bible says, just that an appeal to authority is not allowable as “proof.” Duh. Here’s the circular argument, in case you really are stupid: “The Bible says that there is a God, and the proof of that is that the Bible says so.” Hello!
“Choose” whatever the fuck you want to do. I asked if you wanted to try to prove something. You declined.
Whatever. Your fantasies and delusions do not interest me overmuch.
I couldn’t agree more: so what? The plural of “anecdote” is not “data.” The fact, if it is one, that a presumably smart person could also delude himself about the Big Invisible guy In The Sky proves nothing about the existence of same.
You see, you believe that there’s an invisible man living in the sky, who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of specific things he doesn’t want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer and burn and scream until the end of time. But he loves you.
He loves you…but he needs money. Good one.
Good luck in your pursuit of the Truth.
Denial is your option.
I guess (no surprise) that the right wing traitors have a double standard here. They expect Dems to distance themselves from ugly talk against repubs….but feel no obligation to do the same when the shoe is on the other foot. Why am I not surprised?
71 Cyn
I’m not the one in denial.
If I’m in denial, what is the consequence?
If YOU are in denial, the consequence is death.