Did that hard hitting geriatric journalist Larry King manage a follow up question like, oh, something like say:
“So Jesse, can we get a copy of just one of the no doubt numerous protestation letters you’ve written to your congresspersons, Senators and Presidents in the past 35 years concerning the “torture” of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of U.S. Servicemen and servicewomen during their military training?”
But that would require a brain, of which, Larry King and most of his ideologic bent, have none.
I’m sure we know the answer to the question though.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rasmussen poll is telling: Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Republican candidates still lead Democrats by a single point this week in the Generic Congressional Ballot.
For the second straight week, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 40% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 39% would choose the Democrat.
This is the third week in a row – and just the fourth time in more than five years of Rasmussen polling – that the GOP has held such a lead
Today’s Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +7, +2 over yesterday and an increase of 600% since May 2nd. Approval for our nation’s president is soaring.
@1: Dear Moron Rick – Once again you are clueless. Yes, we teach our military personel how to deal with illegal torture by others by briefly giving them some torture treatments under controlled and limited circumstances (like a taste of waterboarding). But they know they will not be harmed and there is no evil intent.
This does not in any way compare or excuse the use of torture (6 times a day for over a month, for instance).
Sorry, you pathetic torture apologists forget that:
1. Torture is illegal, waterboarding is torture (period).
2. We were lied to about the torture by the corrupt bush/Cheney gang (It was “legal”, WRONG!) (It was limited (a LIE!)) (it gave us important information we could not have gotten otherwise (another LIE!).
Jesse says it like it is.
Poor Klynical – your party has been pounded into the ground and incumbents win much more often than newcomers.
Here are the results of 5 polls showing the generic democratic leads by 4, 7, 8, 9 and 11 points respectively. counting the advantage of incumbency and the lack of quality republicans…you guys are continuing your losing streak.
But thanks for the laugh. As long as Republicans keep doing the same stupid, divisive, hypocritical things and think they are making progress, then they will stay the small rightwingnut minority party that can’t lead and has no new ideas.
Now you see itspews:
#1 – LOL! What? I’m missing the logic there? But then again the party that doesn’t believe in evolution, science and reason doesn’t really use logic does it. To these folks the earth is 6,000 years old, Noah’ Ark isn’t a parable but a real story, abstinence education works, and gays are destroying America. Doesn’t matter that reality is on the other side of every one of those arguments. They have opinions and those are equal to facts for that crowd.
Our service men and woman are TAUGHT to resist the illegal tactics that might be used on them by “evil” nations (ie. tortured in Vietnam). Some of us don’t want to become that kind of nation…a nation willing to do ANYTHING to protect itself. The ends justify the means? Not always. Sometimes a man has to do the right thing just because it’s the right thing.
Aren’t Republicans the ones always blaming liberals for being moral relativists? Don’t they always talk about the moral and good being ALWAYS moral and good, not just dependent on the whims of society and current trends? So torture is bad, regardless of why you THINK you need to do it this week. Who would Jesus torture?
Strange that the democrats are complaining about the information being released, aren’t the democrats in favor of openness and transparency or was that only a campaign slogan.
Strange the democrats are upset about the release but are not refuting the claims.
I’m not really sure what the purpose is of hard-line conservative Republicans clinging to dubious poll numbers, echo chamber right wing media, and bunkering themselves into increasingly narrow ideology.
But I’m even less sure what purpose is served in puncturing their delusions. These people are deeply flawed. They’ve slavishly adhered to dangerously corrupt and incompetent political leaders for decades. They’ve supported their failures and proclaimed them successes. Their political leaders, such as they are, are a real threat to this country. Given free reign they nearly destroyed us in only a few short years.
I’m quite content to watch them wallow in their delusional, self-congratulatory arrogance unchecked and unremarked upon. Let their psychosis develop and grow legs. Let them grow more certain of their alternate reality, the phony poll numbers, teabagging parties, and rants from the floor of the CME. As they do so, their leaders will continue to be marginalized and ignored while the ranks of their supporters thin. If we want their sickness to run its course and ultimately kill off their diseased ideology, we have to be strong enough to withhold treatment.
Wow if you even SAID THE WORD waterboarding under the Bush regime you were called a terrorist. Now all of a sudden, the righties want to talk about CIA memos. Amazing. Me? I am okay with getting it ALL out in the open. Because no matter what – we’ll know one thing for sure.
It was the BUSH REGIME that designed, drafted and executed the torture policy. It was on orders of the BUSH REGIME (no matter who knew what when) that were conveyed to the people who did the torture. It was the BUSH REGIME policy that violated international law and therefor, it’s the BUSH REGIME that is guilty of war crimes. I say put em in jail. Let God sort em out.
This attempt to deflect the torture issue by talking about who knew what when shows just how worried the righties are about this torture thing. By looking at the memos from the CIA, it’s clear that even THAT story doesn’t hold up. Pelosi wasn’t even in the majority when the Bush regime designed and approved the torture policy. She wasn’t allowed any input in the policy. At worst, she MAY or MAY NOT have been BRIEFED about it – that means Bush said, “We’re doing this – just wanted to let you know.” Not – “What do you think of this? Can we do it?”
The Bush/cheney regime broke the law, got the Justice department to break the law and try and excuse their torture, got the CIA to break the law and then tried to cover their butts by “informing” democrats that there were enhanced interrogation techniques and that they were “lawful”.
Yeah, right. This is more deflect, deny and pose. They tortured, they broke the law and they should go to jail. Period.
Be careful what you wish for. This will further bury the right wingers to a point where they can maybe think about getting elected dog catcher in 2525!
You get divorced, then remarried. But to your brother, all you ever talk about is your ex-wife. Always. You never mention your current wife to him. Day after day, month after month, you always bitch about your ex-wife to your brother, never talking about your new wife.
Question …
… Wait, I have an important international business call to take on my new Blackberry Bold.
Marvin Stamnspews:
13. ByeByeGOP spews:
Hey Troll – do you right wing traitors REALLY want to talk torture
Did you notice that he said he was told but didn’t say WHO told him.
I wonder why…
Roger Rabbitspews:
The simple fact is that over 100 people died in U.S. custody and over a quarter of those cases have been classified as homicides. No amount of lying will ever exonerate the Republican torture-killers from that simple fact.
So CYNCYN – if I tell you I ate a steak – how does telling you:
1) Stop me from eating the steak I already ate
2) Save the life of the cow that was butchered so I could eat the steak
3) Change the opinion of those who think eating meat is bad
Your logic (as usual) makes absolutely no sense because you are an inbred moron.
BUSH conceived, authorized and ordered the torture BUSH did that. Bush. Bush is a war criminal and should be treated as such. If you want to brand Pelosi a war criminal because BUSH told her he did it – fine. I don’t care. Pelosi isn’t my representative. As long as Bush goes down for his crimes, I couldn’t care less who goes with him – right or wrong. Now what?
So fake titted Ms. California is against gay marriage. I don’t personally care. What does bother me is that she’s a fucking hypocrite who lied about taking nude pictures, had to get a boob job in order to compete, failed to honor her contract with the contest. But then again, since those are matters of morals, integrity and honesty, why would Stammerin Marvin care – as a Publican he wouldn’t know shit about any of that.
ANOTHER GOP FAIL! LOL this is too rich. I predicted the right wingers would be at each others throats and I’m right. In Florida, the bat shit crazy wing of the GOP is mad at the plain old crazy wing of the GOP over Crist’s decision to run for US Senate with backing from Publican officials.
“basically gone from ‘I definitely was not told’ to ‘I was told but they used an auxiliary verb with a slightly more passive mood.”
How clintonesque.
Jesse is right, Bush/Cheney created our own version of the Hanoi Hilton in GITMO.
He’s also right that everyone, everyONE involved needs to be prosecuted for war crimes.
That includes those who administered the torture right on up the Bush. If that includes Pelosi or any other Democrat, so be it.
Jesse also correctly points out that Cheney is a coward – like most conservatives.
The irony here, that’s lost on conservatives, is back in the 90’s they really seemed to understand the principles of the Rule of Law when it came to President Clinton lying to a Grand Jury about an extramarital affair.
That justified an Impeachment hearing and an attempt to remove the sitting president. But they just can’t seem to adhere to that same philosophy when one of their own commits a war crime.
Obviously, conservatives are a rudderless ship of immorality. Or else they’d apply the same principles
In the words of my political advisory, Puddybud, EPIC FAIL
Marvin Stamnspews:
And it’s not as if the waterboarding incident is her first lie to the american people.
If you follow the link, the best part is the her first line…
“I come to this debate, Mr. Speaker, as one at the end of 10 years in office on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence…”
She lied, the american people believed her.
Marvin Stamnspews:
30. GBS spews:
I’m guessing from your use of the “faggot” word you are pleased as punch that Lt. Daniel Choi was kicked out of the military.
He is even begging the obama not to discharge him. So tell me again how the left supports the troops.
31. GBS spews:
First of all, you punk-ass, bitch, faggot, mother fucker, you completely and intentionally dodged my point.
05/01/2009 AT 1:02 PM http://horsesass.org/?p=15626=1#comment-915330
13 days & counting since you threatened me and you still aren’t here to back up your words. Coward is as coward does.
Marvin Stamnspews:
30. GBS spews:
The irony here, that’s lost on conservatives, is back in the 90’s they really seemed to understand the principles of the Rule of Law when it came to President Clinton lying to a Grand Jury about an extramarital affair.
That justified an Impeachment hearing and an attempt to remove the sitting president. But they just can’t seem to adhere to that same philosophy when one of their own commits a war crime.
Q: If bush lied, why are the democrats which control the federal government bringing him up on charges?
A: Because the democrats are just as guilty of lying.
Sheik al Marvin:
Like I said, if and when I go to LA I’ll cash the check my mouth wrote. You can bet on it. And, if you come to Seattle, it’ll be double medical coupon days for you.
You are a faggot. Lt. Choi is an American Hero who just happens to be gay and still should be serving as the American Warrior he is.
You are a coward like Cheney. You are a part of the American Taliban movement.
Please tell us what branch of the military did you serve in?
With only one in five Americans even being willing to ADMIT to being a Publican, they are just out of their minds trying to find ANYTHING they can throw at the wall to stick – but the GOP continues to be extremely unpopular and the Democrats continue to be VERY popular. Must really suck to be a right wing turd these days.
proud leftistspews:
I just peed all over the grave of the Republican Party. It was invigorating, cathartic even. I heartily recommend the experience to everyone.
Sheik al Marvin:
What part of
everyONE involved needs to be prosecuted for war crimes.
That includes those who administered the torture right on up the Bush. If that includes Pelosi or any other Democrat, so be it.
don’t you understand?
The reason why Pelosi didn’t bring up an investigation into the Bush regime is that they weren’t cooperating with congress’ request for documents. They pissed on the Constitution — again.
Plus, everyone knows the Republicans are loyal to their Fuhrer first, foremost, and only. There is no loyalty or patriotism to to America if you are a Republican.
You know like Todd Palin, Gov. Perry and most Republicans who want to secede from America.
Like yourself, you American hating taliban operative.
Marvin Stamnspews:
34. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin:
Like I said, if
The same excuse bibigoober uses.
You’re in good company.
Sheik al Marvin:
Why do you hate Jesse Ventura? Is it because he served our nation?
Yeah, that’s it. Anyone who serves America is your sworn enemy. We get it. Don’t you worry though, BOY, the War on Terror is coming to your doorstep.
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. GBS spews:
The reason why Pelosi didn’t bring up an investigation into the Bush regime is that they weren’t cooperating with congress’ request for documents. They pissed on the Constitution — again.
So now that the dems control the federal government they will be pressing charges?
I’m starting to believe it’s not that you’re chicken to come down, you’re just not smart enough to figure out how.
Boy Sheik al Marvin:
The same excuse bibigoober uses.
You’re in good company.
I know I am. I can Trust ByeByeGOP in a fight. You, you’re a backstabbing unpatriotic Taliban jihadist.
You are the enemy in our midst.
Boy Sheik al Marvin.
So now that the dems control the federal government they will be pressing charges?
Yes. In fact, it’s already started.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 “Now we have to find out why she didn’t speak up against it.”
Probably because the torturers stamped “Top Secret” on the file and told her they’d prosecute her if she talked.
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to wingnut logic, if a baby raper tells you he raped a baby and threatens to kill you if you call the police, that makes the rapist innocent and you guilty of the rape.
Boy Sheik al Marvin:
Thanks for admitting that I don’t fear you.
I’m starting to believe it’s not that you’re chicken to come down, you’re just not smart enough to figure out how.
I own two Porches, one of them is a ’93 RS America, in the low 300’s. If you can figure out to buy one, like me, you’ll realize I’m not so dumb.
BTW see if you’re smart enough to figure out what the “low 300’s” means.
Marvin Stamnspews:
39. GBS spews:
Why do you hate Jesse Ventura? Is it because he served our nation?
How pathetic is someone that has to make shit up to insult someone.
Prove I hate jesse. Here’s a search tip, on google put site:horsesass.org and it will only search this blog.
Since you refuse to back up your tough talk, at least try and back up your lies.
Do you know why clinton instituted the don’t ask don’t tell law? Because of psychos like you that routinely verbally & physically attacked “faggots.” Clinton had to protect the gays from people like you.
Do you know why clinton instituted the don’t ask don’t tell law? Because of psychos like you that routinely verbally & physically attacked “faggots.” Clinton had to protect the gays from people like you.
Pathetic is not knowing why President Clinton instituted the policy and making up wild ass reasons like this one.
President Clinton instituted the policy because biggots like you would deny equal rights to other individuals to serve our nation or marry.
Marvin Stamnspews:
45. GBS spews:
Thanks for admitting that I don’t fear you.
Okay. If you would rather be known for being too stupid to figure out how a make an airline reservation.
But you could always ask someone to make the reservation for you, so it still comes back to you being a coward.
If you can figure out to buy one, like me, you’ll realize I’m not so dumb.
You mean inherit $$$? Even someone as stupid as you could do that.
How insecure you must be to challenge someone to a fight that you will never show up to.
And then to top it off you brag about owing a car like that means something. To buy a car all it takes is money, not bravery.
You can’t buy bravery. If you could, you already would have made the trip down.
Marvin Stamnspews:
47. GBS spews:
President Clinton instituted the policy because biggots like you would deny equal rights to other individuals to serve our nation or marry.
I’m not the one throwing the “faggot” word around, that’s a word bigots use. Say, you use that word a lot don’t you??
I’m guessing that clinton also passed that defense of marriage act because bigots don’t want gays to get married?
It looks like the self-loathing Marvin is still upset that people on the left call him a goatfucking faggot.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
You wrote this…
I can Trust ByeByeGOP in a fight.
The same punk ass BITCH stillbentover moron who wouldn’t show up last year for a lunch “meeting” with you and Puddy on MLK in the Rainier Valley? The same punk ass BITCH who wouldn’t show up athe same day at DL?
You’d trust him? You said last year he was a punk who demonstrated cowardice not meeting Puddy. Are you drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution today?
@51 Weren’t you guys going to have lunch today? That reminds me, I wonder if Mr. Klynical ever apologized to our troops?
Marvin Stamnspews:
51. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
You’d trust him? You said last year he was a punk who demonstrated cowardice not meeting Puddy. Are you drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution today?
He probably thought it would insult me.
BOY Sheik al Marvin:
Looks like you got caught up in all your own stupid spin bullshit.
The reference about my Porsches (plural mind you) was to address you calling me dumb. Dumb people like you cannot afford luxry items like a Porsche. Let alone Porsches.
If I can figure out how to buy a car worth that much I can figure out how to buy an airline ticket, like when I took my family to Europe. Ask Puddybud.
Prove I hate jesse inherited money. Here’s a search tip, on google put site:horsesass.org and it will only search this blog.
Since you refuse to back up your tough talk, at least try and back up your lies.
When/if I travel to LA kicking your ass will be a side benefit and not the sole reason why I travel.
Faggot is an insult, being gay is not. Don’t confuse or conflate the two issues. BOY.
Boy! Don’t you have some chores to do around the house? I’m sure your mommy would like you to clean out your diaper pale.
I’d rather have ByeByeGOP on my side than that American Taliban BOY any day of the week.
As far as him not meeting up with you, that’s for you two to handle.
Did I, or did I not back you up on that issue, the shit talk that was going on about your wife, AND addressing the ‘nigger’ talk??
Did I or did I not take your side?
And if I did, how many others on this blog backed you up? Few to NONE.
Shit man, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re spoofing Marvin’s screen name just to get me to buy you lunch again.
OH, btw, you’re buying next time. But not with that POS Mr. Cycnical. Can’t break bread with that MF.
We’ll continue this later. I expect to see your answers to my questions.
It’s $$$ time so I gotta go.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
GBS asked Puddy some questions, here are dee answers
I’d rather have ByeByeGOP on my side than that American Taliban BOY any day of the week. Okay, that’s your call dude
As far as him not meeting up with you, that’s for you two to handle. He runs everytime like the chickenshit he is…
Did I, or did I not back you up on that issue, the shit talk that was going on about your wife, AND addressing the ‘nigger’ talk?? YES, you were the third of the 10 people who called out headlice.
Did I or did I not take your side? ABSOLUTELY and I commended you for it the two times we met for lunch
And if I did, how many others on this blog backed you up? Few to NONE. Nine HA swineflu weasels + you on headlice, only three and you on stillbentover’s OREO comments.
Shit man, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re spoofing Marvin’s screen name just to get me to buy you lunch again. Not hardly dude.
OH, btw, you’re buying next time. But not with that POS Mr. Cycnical. Can’t break bread with that MF. Yes, I know it’s my turn. Naturally you’ll try and break de PuddyBank
Marvin Stamnspews:
54. GBS spews:
The reference about my Porsches (plural mind you) was to address you calling me dumb. Dumb people like you cannot afford luxry items like a Porsche. Let alone Porsches.
So in your mind paris hilton is a rocket scientist?
And you know I can’t afford a “luxry items like a porche” because it makes you feel good about yourself to assume others are not at your level. Sounds like some self-worth issues you need to work on. But then, who else besides someone with self-worth issues would challenge someone to a fight they have no plans on showing up to.
If I can figure out how to buy a car worth that much I can figure out how to buy an airline ticket, like when I took my family to Europe. Ask Puddybud.
I kinda thought you could figure out how to get down here despite you a. So it’s true you are afraid of me.
Now you want to brag about going to europe? I’ve been there numerous times, you going doesn’t impress me at all.
When/if I travel to LA
*IF* I was 7 feet tall, I would be the starting center in the NBA.
re 33: The guilty parties of interest here are the ones who authorized the illegal torture, not the people they told about it to cover their own asses.
It has nothing to do with lying. If it did, people like you would have been drawn and quartered decades ago.
Where is all that ‘taking personal responsibility’ that you advocate for everyone except yourselves.?
When the oreo cunt Puffybutt failed to show up not once, not twice but three times to get his deserved ass kicking – I came to realize that his self-loathing, his turning his back on his own race, his cowardice is not really his fault.
All you had to do was come to the Port Orchard bowling alley Puffy and you ran and hid. You know where it is – it’s the place where you go give shipyard workers blowjobs – makes you feel like you’re helping the war effort.
After years of being fucked in the ass by his Aids-infested, fat, ugly wife, the oreo Puffybutt simply lost it. Too bad – he’s a sad, pathetic little coward who – still needs an asskicking, but who won’t come out from underneath his mom’s skirt long enough to get one.
58 BOY Sheik al Marvin spews:
So in your mind paris hilton is a rocket scientist?
She inherited her money dip shit I earned mine. That was your original point!!! God Damn it, Boy, you’re stooooooopid.
Boy, if you’re going to make an analogy be smart enough not to cross up your own arguement. Sheeeez.
And you know I can’t afford a “luxry items like a porche”
How the FUCK would I know what you can and cannot afford. Shit, it would seem to me that living rent free in mommy’s basement, having her pay for your meals, clothes, utilities you’d have some coin left over to get yourself something half way nice. Maybe a Kia?
Oh, I could give a SHIT that you cannot afford a Porsche. N-O-T my problem. Keep the whinning to yourself.
If you need some food, well, I’d be happy to arrrange for some food relief to be sent to your house, after you disconnect from the internet you obviously can’t afford.
it makes you feel good about yourself to assume others are not at your level.
I feel good about myself because I AM at this level. Where your standing is in this world has ZERO meaning to my self worth.
My greatest self worth comes from giving my family everything they need and then some. The fact that there’s enough left over to indulge myslef, again, has NOTHING, absolutely nothing to do with you. BOY!
*IF* I was 7 feet tall, I would be the starting center in the NBA tallest Tranny Diva in the world.
All right, Boy Sheik al Marvin. You bore me. You hate our troops. We now know that. All these pixels you could’ve said “Yeah, those troops didn’t deserve my shitty comments. They were just following Bush’s orders. I was wrong.”
But, NOOOOOOOOOOO, you had to continue bashing our troops unapologetically.
Please return the favor if you come to Seattle.
57. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
GBS asked Puddy some questions, here are dee answers
I’d rather have ByeByeGOP on my side than that American Taliban BOY any day of the week. Okay, that’s your call dude
As far as him not meeting up with you, that’s for you two to handle. He runs everytime like the chickenshit he is…
Didn’t “ax” you about this, but what-eeeeevvveeerrr!
Did I or did I not take your side? ABSOLUTELY and I commended you for it the two times we met for lunch
OK, then, why the freakin’ grief???
Shit man, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re spoofing Marvin’s screen name just to get me to buy you lunch again. Not hardly dude.
I know, just bustin’ balls.
Yes, I know it’s my turn. Naturally you’ll try and break de PuddyBank
True ‘dat. Although, it doesn’t have to be some place expensive, just good.
Puddybud, what’s up with this???
Puffybutt failed to show up not once, not twice but three times to get his deserved ass kicking –
3 no shows on your part??
Is that true?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Who giving you grief? You said you trust the scumbag stillbentover. You wanna be ASSociated with that human biomASS?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Puddy–
These KLOWNS are angry because Obama has turned his back on most of their Progressive BS and conspiracy theories….and the Dems are looking down the throat of 1994 all over again.
I love watching these KLOWNS, the same KLOWNS that ripped Bush for running the printing press to pay for stuff we couldn’t afford, now defending O-Blah-Blah who turned it up 4 times faster!
Too Damn Funny.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I’m in Washington…but my kids & grandkids have me runnin’.
Hope all is well with you & the Mrs.
You are a great American Puddy.
proud leftistspews:
Cynical @ 67: “These KLOWNS are angry because Obama has turned his back on most of their Progressive BS and conspiracy theories”
I couldn’t be more pleased with the job our president is doing. He’s governing like a thoughtful, openminded adult. That is such a sea-change from what we’d been enduring that I can’t tell you how happy I am every time I hear the words “President Obama.”
proud leftistspews:
Hey, man, don’t you think the “oreo” thing with Puddybud has gotten old? He’s wrong politically. That’s easy enough to point out without resorting to terms that have racial implications.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
stillbentover, there was noooooooooooo agreement for Port Orchard fool. Why else did GBS and Puddy show up at MLK at a Mexican Taco Truck? That was the location chosen by GBS. He wanted a ring side seat fool. Others were invited. You punked you stupid BITCH, and everyone except you knows this fool!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Cynical back at you. Trying to kill them stillbentovers (useless weeds) in my garden. Got some corn, greens, beans, peas this year. Trying to keep the varmints (HA swineflu weasels) from eating the seedlings.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
proud leftist – that’s all stillbentover has dude along with his sexual delusions. He can only go so far with your right or left hand. Maybe he bought one of those “fleshlights”.
GBS Is your “luxry porche” a 10×30? That would be “low 300rds”. oraminotsmartlikeyoo.
Hey bye bye gop, I would think a super super tough and mean badass like you would love a little torture. What gives badboy?
Jesse,will have to prove himself as a navy seal. He is as fake as his wrestling, he duped milions of people then and now, i despised him then and i despise hime now……
As far as gays in the military, go for it they live in this country too! heck Give em thier own brigades and they can be called the rainbow brigade,The gay movin on brigade, the licktolotipuss company, they love to march and carry banners, heck they can march down the street holding hands with thier partner. What a site. Just love living in America, this is change we can believe in.
Since don’t ask don’t tell has been working just fine mr oblahma has to fix something, as usual, something for the fogging so when the medical care issue comes up he will have Americans focused on something else.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
72. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Cynical back at you. Trying to kill them stillbentovers (useless weeds) in my garden. Got some corn, greens, beans, peas this year. Trying to keep the varmints (HA swineflu weasels) from eating the seedlings.
Gardening is a relaxing, enjoyable hobby. Nothin’ like fresh veggies at dinner time.
ByeByegoober is a real noxious (or rather OBnoxious) weed for sure.
Even a vulgar lunatic like proud leftist is startin’ to get annoyed…took him about 3 months which tells you where his heart is.
Anyway, I’m going to be back again this summer a few times. Will let you know when.
Keep up the fine work.
You are a great American Puddy!
So Puffybutt show me the post where I agreed to meet you and GBS. You can’t because you’re a lying cunt.
As an oreo – do you spend your days hiding from real black people? Do your pals know you suck cock and that your wife calls you bitch?
Do your kids know you’re a coward, a traitor and an ass licker who was afraid to come to a public place to meet me because you knew you’d get your oreo ass kicked?
Puffybutt was your daddy a an oreo too? Back in your grandaddy’s day they called em house negroes. I bet your grandaddy was a self-loathing white on the inside black on the outside bitch just like you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
63. GBS spews: And you know I can’t afford a “luxry items like a porche”
How the FUCK would I know what you can and cannot afford.
You crossed up your own argument. #54Dumb people like you cannot afford luxry items like a Porsche
Which is it. you talked out of both sides of your ass.
Shit, it would seem to me that living rent free in mommy’s basement, having her pay for your meals, clothes, utilities
If you need some food,
Damn. Which is it, free food or not. You can’t even keep your insults straight in the same message.
I feel good about myself because I AM at this level. Where your standing is in this world has ZERO meaning to my self worth.
Then why do you feel the need to brag about your putt-putt car.
You hate our troops. We now know that.
All these pixels you could’ve said “Yeah, those troops didn’t deserve my shitty comments. They were just following Bush’s orders. I was wrong.”
I’m not bush. He’s not my son. There is no obligation on my part to apologize for the actions of someone else. Hell, I’ve posted numerous times before I didn’t even vote for him.
But, NOOOOOOOOOOO, you had to continue bashing our troops unapologetically.
I’ve bashed you, not the troops. Remember, like you say about calling me a “faggot” is to insult me?
The words that offended you came out of the mouths of democrats. It wasn’t my bigotry that signed the don’t ask don’t tell policy. It wasn’t me that is kicking choi out of the military for being outted by rachel maddow.
Marvin Stamnspews:
70. proud leftist spews:
Hey, man, don’t you think the “oreo” thing with Puddybud has gotten old?
It’s not a matter of old, it’s a matter of class.
If a self-loathing coward like puffybutt acts like an oreo he’s an oreo. I actually never heard the term before a few months ago when I shared some of Puffybutt’s more idiotic posts with actual BLACK MEN. THEY called him an oreo. Who should know better?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The responses of your pals at the GayBars is of no value you racist PIG!
I see that today’s Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +8, one point higher than yesterday and 700% higher than May 2nd. It’s obvious that our president’s approval is soaring!
Hey just because I believe that blacks can only be Democrats and if they follow any other path that they ain’t really black just puffybutt oreos, does’nt make me racist. Now if you’ll exuse me I’m off to the Poofter Palace for an appletini.
Speaking of oreos i think your mack daddy is an oreo and you dont have a problem with that.
ust thought you might want to know lol
Broadway Joespews:
Once again nekulturny shows us that the only thing weaker than his opinions (pre-installed by his WotW handlers, natch) is his grammar and translation.
Did that hard hitting
geriatricjournalist Larry King manage a follow up question like, oh, something like say:But that would require a brain, of which, Larry King and most of his ideologic bent, have none.
I’m sure we know the answer to the question though.
Rasmussen poll is telling:
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Today’s Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +7, +2 over yesterday and an increase of 600% since May 2nd. Approval for our nation’s president is soaring.
@1: Dear Moron Rick – Once again you are clueless. Yes, we teach our military personel how to deal with illegal torture by others by briefly giving them some torture treatments under controlled and limited circumstances (like a taste of waterboarding). But they know they will not be harmed and there is no evil intent.
This does not in any way compare or excuse the use of torture (6 times a day for over a month, for instance).
Sorry, you pathetic torture apologists forget that:
1. Torture is illegal, waterboarding is torture (period).
2. We were lied to about the torture by the corrupt bush/Cheney gang (It was “legal”, WRONG!) (It was limited (a LIE!)) (it gave us important information we could not have gotten otherwise (another LIE!).
Jesse says it like it is.
Poor Klynical – your party has been pounded into the ground and incumbents win much more often than newcomers.
Here are the results of 5 polls showing the generic democratic leads by 4, 7, 8, 9 and 11 points respectively. counting the advantage of incumbency and the lack of quality republicans…you guys are continuing your losing streak.
Link: http://www.pollingreport.com/2010.htm
But thanks for the laugh. As long as Republicans keep doing the same stupid, divisive, hypocritical things and think they are making progress, then they will stay the small rightwingnut minority party that can’t lead and has no new ideas.
#1 – LOL! What? I’m missing the logic there? But then again the party that doesn’t believe in evolution, science and reason doesn’t really use logic does it. To these folks the earth is 6,000 years old, Noah’ Ark isn’t a parable but a real story, abstinence education works, and gays are destroying America. Doesn’t matter that reality is on the other side of every one of those arguments. They have opinions and those are equal to facts for that crowd.
Our service men and woman are TAUGHT to resist the illegal tactics that might be used on them by “evil” nations (ie. tortured in Vietnam). Some of us don’t want to become that kind of nation…a nation willing to do ANYTHING to protect itself. The ends justify the means? Not always. Sometimes a man has to do the right thing just because it’s the right thing.
Aren’t Republicans the ones always blaming liberals for being moral relativists? Don’t they always talk about the moral and good being ALWAYS moral and good, not just dependent on the whims of society and current trends? So torture is bad, regardless of why you THINK you need to do it this week. Who would Jesus torture?
Democrats: CIA is out to get us
democrats = victocrats
Democrats charged Tuesday that the CIA has released documents about congressional briefings on harsh interrogation techniques in order to deflect attention and blame away from itself.
Asked whether the CIA was seeking political cover by releasing the documents, Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said: “Sure it is.”
Strange that the democrats are complaining about the information being released, aren’t the democrats in favor of openness and transparency or was that only a campaign slogan.
Strange the democrats are upset about the release but are not refuting the claims.
I’m not really sure what the purpose is of hard-line conservative Republicans clinging to dubious poll numbers, echo chamber right wing media, and bunkering themselves into increasingly narrow ideology.
But I’m even less sure what purpose is served in puncturing their delusions. These people are deeply flawed. They’ve slavishly adhered to dangerously corrupt and incompetent political leaders for decades. They’ve supported their failures and proclaimed them successes. Their political leaders, such as they are, are a real threat to this country. Given free reign they nearly destroyed us in only a few short years.
I’m quite content to watch them wallow in their delusional, self-congratulatory arrogance unchecked and unremarked upon. Let their psychosis develop and grow legs. Let them grow more certain of their alternate reality, the phony poll numbers, teabagging parties, and rants from the floor of the CME. As they do so, their leaders will continue to be marginalized and ignored while the ranks of their supporters thin. If we want their sickness to run its course and ultimately kill off their diseased ideology, we have to be strong enough to withhold treatment.
Wow if you even SAID THE WORD waterboarding under the Bush regime you were called a terrorist. Now all of a sudden, the righties want to talk about CIA memos. Amazing. Me? I am okay with getting it ALL out in the open. Because no matter what – we’ll know one thing for sure.
It was the BUSH REGIME that designed, drafted and executed the torture policy. It was on orders of the BUSH REGIME (no matter who knew what when) that were conveyed to the people who did the torture. It was the BUSH REGIME policy that violated international law and therefor, it’s the BUSH REGIME that is guilty of war crimes. I say put em in jail. Let God sort em out.
This attempt to deflect the torture issue by talking about who knew what when shows just how worried the righties are about this torture thing. By looking at the memos from the CIA, it’s clear that even THAT story doesn’t hold up. Pelosi wasn’t even in the majority when the Bush regime designed and approved the torture policy. She wasn’t allowed any input in the policy. At worst, she MAY or MAY NOT have been BRIEFED about it – that means Bush said, “We’re doing this – just wanted to let you know.” Not – “What do you think of this? Can we do it?”
The Bush/cheney regime broke the law, got the Justice department to break the law and try and excuse their torture, got the CIA to break the law and then tried to cover their butts by “informing” democrats that there were enhanced interrogation techniques and that they were “lawful”.
Yeah, right. This is more deflect, deny and pose. They tortured, they broke the law and they should go to jail. Period.
Or doesn’t the law mean anything anymore?
Lame post. Again. Democrats run the country from top to bottom, and you are obsessed with the party that is NOT in power.
Hey Troll – do you right wing traitors REALLY want to talk torture? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30721458/
Be careful what you wish for. This will further bury the right wingers to a point where they can maybe think about getting elected dog catcher in 2525!
You get divorced, then remarried. But to your brother, all you ever talk about is your ex-wife. Always. You never mention your current wife to him. Day after day, month after month, you always bitch about your ex-wife to your brother, never talking about your new wife.
Question …
… Wait, I have an important international business call to take on my new Blackberry Bold.
Did you notice that he said he was told but didn’t say WHO told him.
I wonder why…
The simple fact is that over 100 people died in U.S. custody and over a quarter of those cases have been classified as homicides. No amount of lying will ever exonerate the Republican torture-killers from that simple fact.
Oh crap…
WASHINGTON (CNN) — A source close to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi now confirms that Pelosi was told in February 2003 by her intelligence aide, Michael Sheehy, that waterboarding was actually used on CIA detainee Abu Zubaydah.
At least now we know that pelosi knew about the waterboarding.
Now we have to find out why she didn’t speak up against it.
After miss kalifornia said she was against gay marriage, the media educated us that only religious wackos were against gay marriage.
They just didn’t mention obama by name…
The White House says it won’t stop gays and lesbians from being dismissed from the military while the Obama administration works to repeal a decade-old policy banning openly gay people from serving in uniform.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Tuesday that President Barack Obama does not plan to intervene in current cases against men and women who announce their homosexuality.
Has anyone noticed that obama waxes his chest?
WOW! WHATADICK Cheney gets a smackdown.
So CYNCYN – if I tell you I ate a steak – how does telling you:
1) Stop me from eating the steak I already ate
2) Save the life of the cow that was butchered so I could eat the steak
3) Change the opinion of those who think eating meat is bad
Your logic (as usual) makes absolutely no sense because you are an inbred moron.
BUSH conceived, authorized and ordered the torture BUSH did that. Bush. Bush is a war criminal and should be treated as such. If you want to brand Pelosi a war criminal because BUSH told her he did it – fine. I don’t care. Pelosi isn’t my representative. As long as Bush goes down for his crimes, I couldn’t care less who goes with him – right or wrong. Now what?
So fake titted Ms. California is against gay marriage. I don’t personally care. What does bother me is that she’s a fucking hypocrite who lied about taking nude pictures, had to get a boob job in order to compete, failed to honor her contract with the contest. But then again, since those are matters of morals, integrity and honesty, why would Stammerin Marvin care – as a Publican he wouldn’t know shit about any of that.
Obama is against gay marriage.
Biden is against gay marriage.
What he said
Newt The Hoot had a boob job!
ANOTHER GOP FAIL! LOL this is too rich. I predicted the right wingers would be at each others throats and I’m right. In Florida, the bat shit crazy wing of the GOP is mad at the plain old crazy wing of the GOP over Crist’s decision to run for US Senate with backing from Publican officials.
Seems like they want a boycott of their own senatorial re-election committee – I’m okay with that! STUCK ON STUPID! LOL!
While nothing will convince the cowards on the right, there is more damning evidence against the Bush regime and their torture. http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITI.....index.html
It doesn’t work. Not that the righties actually care about protecting America – they just enjoy pain – they’re all perverts.
It might be pointed out that down through history, for a society to resort to atrocities and torture tends to be a precursor to its impending decline.
You know things are looking bad for pelosi when jon stewart starts busting on her.
Waffle House
Nancy Pelosi denies knowledge of harsh interrogation techniques before slowly parsing her unequivocal denial of never being told
The best line…
“basically gone from ‘I definitely was not told’ to ‘I was told but they used an auxiliary verb with a slightly more passive mood.”
How clintonesque.
Jesse is right, Bush/Cheney created our own version of the Hanoi Hilton in GITMO.
He’s also right that everyone, everyONE involved needs to be prosecuted for war crimes.
That includes those who administered the torture right on up the Bush. If that includes Pelosi or any other Democrat, so be it.
Jesse also correctly points out that Cheney is a coward – like most conservatives.
The irony here, that’s lost on conservatives, is back in the 90’s they really seemed to understand the principles of the Rule of Law when it came to President Clinton lying to a Grand Jury about an extramarital affair.
That justified an Impeachment hearing and an attempt to remove the sitting president. But they just can’t seem to adhere to that same philosophy when one of their own commits a war crime.
Obviously, conservatives are a rudderless ship of immorality. Or else they’d apply the same principles
In the words of my political advisory, Puddybud, EPIC FAIL
And it’s not as if the waterboarding incident is her first lie to the american people.
As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I am keenly aware that the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is an issue of grave importance to all nations. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process.
Others have talked about this threat that is posed by Saddam Hussein. Yes, he has chemical weapons, he has biological weapons, he is trying to get nuclear weapons.”
If you follow the link, the best part is the her first line…
“I come to this debate, Mr. Speaker, as one at the end of 10 years in office on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence…”
She lied, the american people believed her.
I’m guessing from your use of the “faggot” word you are pleased as punch that Lt. Daniel Choi was kicked out of the military.
He is even begging the obama not to discharge him. So tell me again how the left supports the troops.
31. GBS spews:
First of all, you punk-ass, bitch, faggot, mother fucker, you completely and intentionally dodged my point.
05/01/2009 AT 1:02 PM
13 days & counting since you threatened me and you still aren’t here to back up your words. Coward is as coward does.
Q: If bush lied, why are the democrats which control the federal government bringing him up on charges?
A: Because the democrats are just as guilty of lying.
Sheik al Marvin:
Like I said, if and when I go to LA I’ll cash the check my mouth wrote. You can bet on it. And, if you come to Seattle, it’ll be double medical coupon days for you.
You are a faggot. Lt. Choi is an American Hero who just happens to be gay and still should be serving as the American Warrior he is.
You are a coward like Cheney. You are a part of the American Taliban movement.
Please tell us what branch of the military did you serve in?
With only one in five Americans even being willing to ADMIT to being a Publican, they are just out of their minds trying to find ANYTHING they can throw at the wall to stick – but the GOP continues to be extremely unpopular and the Democrats continue to be VERY popular. Must really suck to be a right wing turd these days.
I just peed all over the grave of the Republican Party. It was invigorating, cathartic even. I heartily recommend the experience to everyone.
Sheik al Marvin:
What part of
don’t you understand?
The reason why Pelosi didn’t bring up an investigation into the Bush regime is that they weren’t cooperating with congress’ request for documents. They pissed on the Constitution — again.
Plus, everyone knows the Republicans are loyal to their Fuhrer first, foremost, and only. There is no loyalty or patriotism to to America if you are a Republican.
You know like Todd Palin, Gov. Perry and most Republicans who want to secede from America.
Like yourself, you American hating taliban operative.
The same excuse bibigoober uses.
You’re in good company.
Sheik al Marvin:
Why do you hate Jesse Ventura? Is it because he served our nation?
Yeah, that’s it. Anyone who serves America is your sworn enemy. We get it. Don’t you worry though, BOY, the War on Terror is coming to your doorstep.
So now that the dems control the federal government they will be pressing charges?
I’m starting to believe it’s not that you’re chicken to come down, you’re just not smart enough to figure out how.
Boy Sheik al Marvin:
I know I am. I can Trust ByeByeGOP in a fight. You, you’re a backstabbing unpatriotic Taliban jihadist.
You are the enemy in our midst.
Boy Sheik al Marvin.
Yes. In fact, it’s already started.
@17 “Now we have to find out why she didn’t speak up against it.”
Probably because the torturers stamped “Top Secret” on the file and told her they’d prosecute her if she talked.
According to wingnut logic, if a baby raper tells you he raped a baby and threatens to kill you if you call the police, that makes the rapist innocent and you guilty of the rape.
Boy Sheik al Marvin:
Thanks for admitting that I don’t fear you.
I own two Porches, one of them is a ’93 RS America, in the low 300’s. If you can figure out to buy one, like me, you’ll realize I’m not so dumb.
BTW see if you’re smart enough to figure out what the “low 300’s” means.
How pathetic is someone that has to make shit up to insult someone.
Prove I hate jesse. Here’s a search tip, on google put site:horsesass.org and it will only search this blog.
Since you refuse to back up your tough talk, at least try and back up your lies.
Do you know why clinton instituted the don’t ask don’t tell law? Because of psychos like you that routinely verbally & physically attacked “faggots.” Clinton had to protect the gays from people like you.
Pathetic is not knowing why President Clinton instituted the policy and making up wild ass reasons like this one.
President Clinton instituted the policy because biggots like you would deny equal rights to other individuals to serve our nation or marry.
Okay. If you would rather be known for being too stupid to figure out how a make an airline reservation.
But you could always ask someone to make the reservation for you, so it still comes back to you being a coward.
You mean inherit $$$? Even someone as stupid as you could do that.
How insecure you must be to challenge someone to a fight that you will never show up to.
And then to top it off you brag about owing a car like that means something. To buy a car all it takes is money, not bravery.
You can’t buy bravery. If you could, you already would have made the trip down.
I’m not the one throwing the “faggot” word around, that’s a word bigots use. Say, you use that word a lot don’t you??
I’m guessing that clinton also passed that defense of marriage act because bigots don’t want gays to get married?
It looks like the self-loathing Marvin is still upset that people on the left call him a goatfucking faggot.
You wrote this…
The same punk ass BITCH stillbentover moron who wouldn’t show up last year for a lunch “meeting” with you and Puddy on MLK in the Rainier Valley? The same punk ass BITCH who wouldn’t show up athe same day at DL?
You’d trust him? You said last year he was a punk who demonstrated cowardice not meeting Puddy. Are you drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution today?
@51 Weren’t you guys going to have lunch today? That reminds me, I wonder if Mr. Klynical ever apologized to our troops?
He probably thought it would insult me.
BOY Sheik al Marvin:
Looks like you got caught up in all your own stupid spin bullshit.
The reference about my Porsches (plural mind you) was to address you calling me dumb. Dumb people like you cannot afford luxry items like a Porsche. Let alone Porsches.
If I can figure out how to buy a car worth that much I can figure out how to buy an airline ticket, like when I took my family to Europe. Ask Puddybud.
Prove I
hate jesseinherited money. Here’s a search tip, on google put site:horsesass.org and it will only search this blog.Since you refuse to back up your tough talk, at least try and back up your lies.
When/if I travel to LA kicking your ass will be a side benefit and not the sole reason why I travel.
Faggot is an insult, being gay is not. Don’t confuse or conflate the two issues. BOY.
Boy! Don’t you have some chores to do around the house? I’m sure your mommy would like you to clean out your diaper pale.
I’d rather have ByeByeGOP on my side than that American Taliban BOY any day of the week.
As far as him not meeting up with you, that’s for you two to handle.
Did I, or did I not back you up on that issue, the shit talk that was going on about your wife, AND addressing the ‘nigger’ talk??
Did I or did I not take your side?
And if I did, how many others on this blog backed you up? Few to NONE.
Shit man, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re spoofing Marvin’s screen name just to get me to buy you lunch again.
OH, btw, you’re buying next time. But not with that POS Mr. Cycnical. Can’t break bread with that MF.
We’ll continue this later. I expect to see your answers to my questions.
It’s $$$ time so I gotta go.
GBS asked Puddy some questions, here are dee answers
I’d rather have ByeByeGOP on my side than that American Taliban BOY any day of the week. Okay, that’s your call dude
As far as him not meeting up with you, that’s for you two to handle. He runs everytime like the chickenshit he is…
Did I, or did I not back you up on that issue, the shit talk that was going on about your wife, AND addressing the ‘nigger’ talk?? YES, you were the third of the 10 people who called out headlice.
Did I or did I not take your side? ABSOLUTELY and I commended you for it the two times we met for lunch
And if I did, how many others on this blog backed you up? Few to NONE. Nine HA swineflu weasels + you on headlice, only three and you on stillbentover’s OREO comments.
Shit man, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re spoofing Marvin’s screen name just to get me to buy you lunch again. Not hardly dude.
OH, btw, you’re buying next time. But not with that POS Mr. Cycnical. Can’t break bread with that MF. Yes, I know it’s my turn. Naturally you’ll try and break de PuddyBank
So in your mind paris hilton is a rocket scientist?
And you know I can’t afford a “luxry items like a porche” because it makes you feel good about yourself to assume others are not at your level. Sounds like some self-worth issues you need to work on. But then, who else besides someone with self-worth issues would challenge someone to a fight they have no plans on showing up to.
I kinda thought you could figure out how to get down here despite you a. So it’s true you are afraid of me.
Now you want to brag about going to europe? I’ve been there numerous times, you going doesn’t impress me at all.
*IF* I was 7 feet tall, I would be the starting center in the NBA.
Ventura is a fuckin loon.
re 33: The guilty parties of interest here are the ones who authorized the illegal torture, not the people they told about it to cover their own asses.
It has nothing to do with lying. If it did, people like you would have been drawn and quartered decades ago.
Where is all that ‘taking personal responsibility’ that you advocate for everyone except yourselves.?
re 59: Bet you wouldn’t say that to his face.
When the oreo cunt Puffybutt failed to show up not once, not twice but three times to get his deserved ass kicking – I came to realize that his self-loathing, his turning his back on his own race, his cowardice is not really his fault.
All you had to do was come to the Port Orchard bowling alley Puffy and you ran and hid. You know where it is – it’s the place where you go give shipyard workers blowjobs – makes you feel like you’re helping the war effort.
After years of being fucked in the ass by his Aids-infested, fat, ugly wife, the oreo Puffybutt simply lost it. Too bad – he’s a sad, pathetic little coward who – still needs an asskicking, but who won’t come out from underneath his mom’s skirt long enough to get one.
She inherited her money dip shit I earned mine. That was your original point!!! God Damn it, Boy, you’re stooooooopid.
Boy, if you’re going to make an analogy be smart enough not to cross up your own arguement. Sheeeez.
How the FUCK would I know what you can and cannot afford. Shit, it would seem to me that living rent free in mommy’s basement, having her pay for your meals, clothes, utilities you’d have some coin left over to get yourself something half way nice. Maybe a Kia?
Oh, I could give a SHIT that you cannot afford a Porsche. N-O-T my problem. Keep the whinning to yourself.
If you need some food, well, I’d be happy to arrrange for some food relief to be sent to your house, after you disconnect from the internet you obviously can’t afford.
I feel good about myself because I AM at this level. Where your standing is in this world has ZERO meaning to my self worth.
My greatest self worth comes from giving my family everything they need and then some. The fact that there’s enough left over to indulge myslef, again, has NOTHING, absolutely nothing to do with you. BOY!
All right, Boy Sheik al Marvin. You bore me. You hate our troops. We now know that. All these pixels you could’ve said “Yeah, those troops didn’t deserve my shitty comments. They were just following Bush’s orders. I was wrong.”
But, NOOOOOOOOOOO, you had to continue bashing our troops unapologetically.
Please return the favor if you come to Seattle.
Didn’t “ax” you about this, but what-eeeeevvveeerrr!
OK, then, why the freakin’ grief???
I know, just bustin’ balls.
True ‘dat. Although, it doesn’t have to be some place expensive, just good.
Puddybud, what’s up with this???
3 no shows on your part??
Is that true?
Who giving you grief? You said you trust the scumbag stillbentover. You wanna be ASSociated with that human biomASS?
Hey Puddy–
These KLOWNS are angry because Obama has turned his back on most of their Progressive BS and conspiracy theories….and the Dems are looking down the throat of 1994 all over again.
I love watching these KLOWNS, the same KLOWNS that ripped Bush for running the printing press to pay for stuff we couldn’t afford, now defending O-Blah-Blah who turned it up 4 times faster!
Too Damn Funny.
I’m in Washington…but my kids & grandkids have me runnin’.
Hope all is well with you & the Mrs.
You are a great American Puddy.
Cynical @ 67: “These KLOWNS are angry because Obama has turned his back on most of their Progressive BS and conspiracy theories”
I couldn’t be more pleased with the job our president is doing. He’s governing like a thoughtful, openminded adult. That is such a sea-change from what we’d been enduring that I can’t tell you how happy I am every time I hear the words “President Obama.”
Hey, man, don’t you think the “oreo” thing with Puddybud has gotten old? He’s wrong politically. That’s easy enough to point out without resorting to terms that have racial implications.
stillbentover, there was noooooooooooo agreement for Port Orchard fool. Why else did GBS and Puddy show up at MLK at a Mexican Taco Truck? That was the location chosen by GBS. He wanted a ring side seat fool. Others were invited. You punked you stupid BITCH, and everyone except you knows this fool!
Cynical back at you. Trying to kill them stillbentovers (useless weeds) in my garden. Got some corn, greens, beans, peas this year. Trying to keep the varmints (HA swineflu weasels) from eating the seedlings.
proud leftist – that’s all stillbentover has dude along with his sexual delusions. He can only go so far with your right or left hand. Maybe he bought one of those “fleshlights”.
GBS Is your “luxry porche” a 10×30? That would be “low 300rds”. oraminotsmartlikeyoo.
Hey bye bye gop, I would think a super super tough and mean badass like you would love a little torture. What gives badboy?
Jesse,will have to prove himself as a navy seal. He is as fake as his wrestling, he duped milions of people then and now, i despised him then and i despise hime now……
As far as gays in the military, go for it they live in this country too! heck Give em thier own brigades and they can be called the rainbow brigade,The gay movin on brigade, the licktolotipuss company, they love to march and carry banners, heck they can march down the street holding hands with thier partner. What a site. Just love living in America, this is change we can believe in.
Since don’t ask don’t tell has been working just fine mr oblahma has to fix something, as usual, something for the fogging so when the medical care issue comes up he will have Americans focused on something else.
72. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Gardening is a relaxing, enjoyable hobby. Nothin’ like fresh veggies at dinner time.
ByeByegoober is a real noxious (or rather OBnoxious) weed for sure.
Even a vulgar lunatic like proud leftist is startin’ to get annoyed…took him about 3 months which tells you where his heart is.
Anyway, I’m going to be back again this summer a few times. Will let you know when.
Keep up the fine work.
You are a great American Puddy!
So Puffybutt show me the post where I agreed to meet you and GBS. You can’t because you’re a lying cunt.
As an oreo – do you spend your days hiding from real black people? Do your pals know you suck cock and that your wife calls you bitch?
Do your kids know you’re a coward, a traitor and an ass licker who was afraid to come to a public place to meet me because you knew you’d get your oreo ass kicked?
Puffybutt was your daddy a an oreo too? Back in your grandaddy’s day they called em house negroes. I bet your grandaddy was a self-loathing white on the inside black on the outside bitch just like you.
You crossed up your own argument.
#54Dumb people like you cannot afford luxry items like a Porsche
Which is it. you talked out of both sides of your ass.
Damn. Which is it, free food or not. You can’t even keep your insults straight in the same message.
Then why do you feel the need to brag about your putt-putt car.
I’m not bush. He’s not my son. There is no obligation on my part to apologize for the actions of someone else. Hell, I’ve posted numerous times before I didn’t even vote for him.
I’ve bashed you, not the troops. Remember, like you say about calling me a “faggot” is to insult me?
The words that offended you came out of the mouths of democrats. It wasn’t my bigotry that signed the don’t ask don’t tell policy. It wasn’t me that is kicking choi out of the military for being outted by rachel maddow.
It’s not a matter of old, it’s a matter of class.
If a self-loathing coward like puffybutt acts like an oreo he’s an oreo. I actually never heard the term before a few months ago when I shared some of Puffybutt’s more idiotic posts with actual BLACK MEN. THEY called him an oreo. Who should know better?
The responses of your pals at the GayBars is of no value you racist PIG!
I see that today’s Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has the Presidential Approval Index at +8, one point higher than yesterday and 700% higher than May 2nd. It’s obvious that our president’s approval is soaring!
Hey just because I believe that blacks can only be Democrats and if they follow any other path that they ain’t really black just puffybutt oreos, does’nt make me racist. Now if you’ll exuse me I’m off to the Poofter Palace for an appletini.
Speaking of oreos i think your mack daddy is an oreo and you dont have a problem with that.
ust thought you might want to know lol
Once again nekulturny shows us that the only thing weaker than his opinions (pre-installed by his WotW handlers, natch) is his grammar and translation.
Yob tyovu mat, nekulturny.